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Other books in this series

Busam: Dermatopathology, 2e

Folpe and Inwards: Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology


Hsi: Hematopathology, 2e

Iacobuzio-Donahue and Montgomery: Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology, 2e


Marchevsky, Abdul-Karim, and Balzer: Intraoperative Consultation


Nucci and Oliva: Gynecologic Pathology


O’Malley, Pinder, and Mulligan: Breast Pathology, 2e


Prayson: Neuropathology, 2e

Procop and Pritt: Pathology of Infectious Diseases


Thompson: Head and Neck Pathology, 2e


Zhou and Magi-Galluzzi: Genitourinary Pathology, 2e

A Volume in the Series: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology

Eric D. Hsi, MD
Professor of Pathology
Department of Laboratory Medicine
Cleveland Clinic;
Professor of Pathology
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Cleveland, Ohio

Series Editor
John R. Goldblum, MD
Chairman of Pathology
Cleveland Clinic,
Professor of Pathology
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Cleveland, Ohio
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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Previous editions copyrighted 2012 and 2007.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Hsi, Eric D., editor.

Title: Hematopathology / [edited by] Eric D. Hsi.
Other titles: Hematopathology (Hsi) | Foundations in diagnostic pathology.
Description: Third edition. | Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier, [2018] | Series:
Foundations in diagnostic pathology | Includes bibliographical references
and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017034574 | ISBN 9780323479134 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Subjects: | MESH: Hematologic Diseases–pathology | Hematologic
Diseases–diagnosis | Lymphatic Diseases–pathology | Lymphatic
Classification: LCC RB145 | NLM WH 120 | DDC 616.07/561–dc23 LC record available

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To my teachers and mentors who inspired me,
our trainees who constantly challenge and question,
and my family who makes it all worthwhile.
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■ C O N T R I B U TO R S

John Anastasi, MD Judith A. Ferry, MD

Associate Professor Professor of Pathology
Department of Pathology Department of Pathology
University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine; Harvard Medical School;
Director Director of Hematopathology
Section of Hematopathology, Clinical Hematology Laboratory Department of Pathology
University of Chicago Medical Center Massachusetts General Hospital
Chicago, Illinois Boston, Massachusetts
Daniel A. Arber, MD William G. Finn, MD
Professor Department of Pathology Medical Director
University of Chicago Warde Medical Laboratory
Chicago, Illinois Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dong Chen, MD, PhD Juehua Gao, MD, PhD
Consultant Assistant Professor of Pathology
Division of Hematopathology Department of Pathology
Mayo Clinic; Northwestern University
Associate Professor Chicago, Illinois
Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Tracy I. George, MD
College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota
Department of Pathology
Kudakwashe Chikwava, MB, ChB University of New Mexico School of Medicine;
Assistant Professor Vice Chair of Clinical Affairs
Department of Pathology and Cell Biology Hematopathology Division Chief
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Department of Pathology
Sydney Kimmel Medical College–Thomas Jefferson University; University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center
Pediatric Pathologist Albuquerque, New Mexico
Department of Pathology
Robert Paul Hasserjian, MD
Nemours/Alfred L. duPont Hospital for Children
Associate Professor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Department of Pathology
John Kim Choi, MD, PhD Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Director of Hematopathology Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Pathology
Rong He, MD
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Memphis, Tennessee
Assistant Professor
James R. Cook, MD, PhD Division of Hematopathology
Department of Laboratory Medicine Mayo Clinic
Cleveland Clinic; Rochester, Minnesota
Associate Professor of Pathology
James D. Hoyer, MD
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Cleveland, Ohio
Yuri Fedoriw, MD Division of Hematopathology
Associate Professor, Director of Hematopathology Mayo Clinic
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Rochester, Michigan
University of North Carolina
Eric D. Hsi, MD
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Professor of Pathology
Falko Fend, MD Chair
Professor Department of Laboratory Medicine Cleveland Clinic;
Institute of Pathology Professor of Pathology
University Hospital Tübingen Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Tübingen, Germany Cleveland, Ohio

viii Contributors

Rebecca L. King, MD Jennifer L. Oliveira, MD

Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Consultant,
Division of Hematopathology Assistant Professor
Mayo Clinic Division of Hematopathology
Rochester, Minnesota Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota
Kandice Kottke-Marchant, MD, PhD
Medical Director Hemostasis and Thrombosis Dennis P. O’Malley, MD
Department of Laboratory Medicine Hematopathologist
Cleveland Clinic Foundation; Neogenomics
Professor of Pathology Aliso Viejo, California
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Jennifer Lee Picarsic, MD
Cleveland, Ohio
Assistant Professor
Paul J. Kurtin, MD Department of Pathology
Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine;
Division of Hematopathology Attending Pathologist
Mayo Clinic Division of Anatomic Pathology
Rochester, Minnesota Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Steven J. Kussick, MD, PhD
Director of Hematopathology and Flow Cytometry Leticia Quintanilla-Martinez, MD
PhenoPath Laboratories; Professor
Clinical Assistant Professor Institute of Pathology
Department of Laboratory Medicine University Hospital, Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen
University of Washington Tübingen, Germany
Seattle, Washington
Heesun J. Rogers, MD, PhD
Pei Lin, MD Staff Hematopathologist
Professor Department of Laboratory Medicine
Department of Hematopathology Cleveland Clinic Foundation
University of Texas–MD Anderson Cancer Center Cleveland, Ohio
Houston, Texas
Jonathan W. Said, MD
William R. Macon, MD Professor of Pathology
Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Department of Pathology
Division of Hematopathology David Geffen School of Medicine;
Mayo Clinic Vice Chair Research, Chief of Hematopathology
Rochester, Minnesota Department of Pathology
David Geffen School of Medicine and UCLA Medical Center
Sara A. Monaghan, MD
Los Angeles, California
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology Graham W. Slack, MD
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pathologist
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
British Columbia Cancer Agency;
Megan O. Nakashima, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Laboratory Medicine
University of British Columbia
Cleveland Clinic
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Cleveland, Ohio
Lauren Smith, MD
Phuong L. Nguyen, MD
Associate Professor of Pathology,
Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Section Head, Hematopathology,
Division of Hematopathology
Director, Hematopathology Fellowship,
Mayo Clinic
Director, Medical School Path of Excellence in Ethics
Rochester, Minnesota
University of Michigan
Robert S. Ohgami, MD, PhD Ann Arbor, Michigan
Assistant Professor,
Beenu Thakral, MD
Associate Program Director for Anatomic Pathology
Assistant Professor
Department of Pathology
Department of Hematopathology
Stanford University
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Stanford, California
Houston, Texas
Contributors ix

David S. Viswanatha, MD James M. Ziai, MD

Consultant, Research Pathologist
Professor Genentech, Inc.
Division of Hematopathology San Francisco, California
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota
Sa A. Wang, MD
Associate Professor
Department of Hematopathology
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas
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As any practicing pathologist knows, it is not possible for this rapidly evolving group of neoplastic and non-neoplastic
any single individual to master all of the skills and knowledge disorders. As always, the list of contributors is impressive and
required to perform all areas of surgical pathology at the includes a who’s who of hematopathologists, all of whom were
highest level. Providing a correct diagnosis is challenging extremely generous in providing their time and expertise to
enough, but the standard of care has now far surpassed simply this book. By design, there is uniformity in the organization
providing an accurate pathologic diagnosis. We are now asked of these chapters, each of which includes practical informa-
to provide an enormous amount of ancillary information, tion and numerous photographs that emphasize the essential
both diagnostic and prognostic, often on minute tissue frag- diagnostic points. Importantly, there is seamless integration
ments, a task that can be daunting even for the most skilled of ancillary diagnostic techniques including immunohisto-
and experienced pathologists. chemistry, cytogenetics, and molecular techniques, which are
Although general surgical pathology textbooks remain essential to the modern practice of hematopathology.
useful resources, they cannot possibly cover many of the The book is organized into four major sections: Non-
detailed aspects that pathologists need to know and include Neoplastic Disorders; Lymphomas; Leukemias, Chronic
in their diagnostic reports. For this reason, Foundations in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, and Myelodysplasia; and finally
Diagnostic Pathology was initiated. This series of books is Disorders of Histiocytes, Mast Cells, Plasma Cells, Spleen,
designed to cover the major areas of surgical pathology, with and Ancillary Techniques. This edition features 24 chapters
each volume focusing on one major topic. The goal of every written by leaders in the field, and each chapter cuts to the
book in this series, which is now in its third edition, is to heart of what practicing pathologists need to know.
provide the essential information that any pathologist—whether I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to Dr. Eric
general or subspecialized, in training or in practice—would Hsi and all of the authors who have contributed to this
find useful in the evaluation of virtually any type of specimen outstanding third edition of the Foundations in Diagnostic
encountered. Pathology series. I strongly believe this edition improves on
My colleague of many years at Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Eric what was already an exceptional volume in this series, and
Hsi, has edited this outstanding book on hematopathology I am confident you will enjoy this edition of the Foundations
that fulfills the goals and philosophy behind Foundations in in Diagnostic Pathology series.
Diagnostic Pathology. This third edition cuts to the essentials
of what all practicing pathologists want and need to know about John R. Goldblum, MD

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■ P R E FA C E

Since the first edition of this text in 2007, classifications have Importantly, it incorporates information and classifications
evolved to incorporate much more information that has an relevant to the long-awaited 2016 WHO update. As in previous
impact on the diagnosis and therapy of hematologic diseases. editions, I am indebted to the numerous expert contributors
I am honored to have been asked to embark on a third edition who have given of themselves to produce excellent and concise
of this book. New authors have been added and chapters chapters (with a minimal amount of nagging from me …).
updated and revised. I am pleased to have incorporated a They are the true resource and talent for this book, and it
more complete treatment of coagulation that serves to dif- has been an honor to work with this group of outstanding
ferentiate this book as one that now covers the spectrum of pathologists and educators.
non-neoplastic hematopathology, neoplastic hematopathology,
and coagulation. I believe this text will give the reader a solid Eric D. Hsi, MD
foundation for learning and practicing hematopathology.

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S E C T I O N 1 Chapter 10
Immunodeficiency-Related Lymphoproliferative
Non-Neoplastic Disorders Disorders, 340
Jonathan W. Said, MD
Chapter 1
Red Blood Cell/Hemoglobin Disorders, 3 Chapter 11
Juehua Gao, MD, PhD, and Sara A. Monaghan, MD Hodgkin Lymphoma, 363
Falko Fend, MD, and Leticia Quintanilla-Martinez, MD
Chapter 2
Hemostasis and Thrombosis, 57

Heesun J. Rogers, MD, PhD, Megan O. Nakashima, MD,
and Kandice Kottke-Marchant, MD, PhD S E C T I O N
Chapter 3 Leukemias, Chronic
Non-Neoplastic Morphologic Abnormalities of White
Blood Cells and Macrophages, 106 Myeloproliferative Neoplasms,
Dennis P. O’Malley, MD, Eric D. Hsi, MD,
Lauren Smith, MD, and Yuri Fedoriw, MD
and Myelodysplasia
Chapter 12
Chapter 4 B-Cell Leukemias of Mature Lymphocytes, 397
Reactive Lymph Nodes and Castleman Disease, 118 Eric D. Hsi, MD
Judith A. Ferry, MD

Chapter 5 Chapter 13
Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes, 167 Mature T-Cell and Natural Killer–Cell
James R. Cook, MD, PhD Leukemias, 414
William G. Finn, MD, and William R. Macon, MD
Chapter 6
Benign Causes of Bone Marrow Abnormalities Including Chapter 14
Infections, Storage Diseases, Systemic Disorders, and Acute Myeloid Leukemia, 429
Stromal Changes, 184 Daniel A. Arber, MD
Dennis P. O’Malley, MD, Lauren Smith, MD, and
Yuri Fedoriw, MD Chapter 15
Precursor Lymphoid Neoplasms, 467
John Kim Choi, MD, PhD

S E C T I O N 2 Chapter 16
Lymphomas Acute Undifferentiated Leukemia and Mixed-Phenotype
Acute Leukemias, 481
John Kim Choi, MD, PhD
Chapter 7
Small B-Cell Lymphomas, 213
Rebecca L. King, MD, and Paul J. Kurtin, MD Chapter 17
Myeloproliferative and “Overlap” Myelodysplastic/
Chapter 8 Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, 488
Diffuse Aggressive B-Cell Lymphomas, 271 Beenu Thakral, MD, John Anastasi, MD, and
Graham W. Slack, MD, and Eric D. Hsi, MD Sa A. Wang, MD

Chapter 9 Chapter 18
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphomas, 306 Myelodysplastic Syndromes, 539
William R. Macon, MD Phuong L. Nguyen, MD, and Robert Paul Hasserjian, MD
xvi Contents

S E C T I O N 4 Chapter 22
Disorders of the Spleen, 664
Robert S. Ohgami, MD, PhD, James M. Ziai, MD, and
Disorders of Histiocytes, Mast Daniel A. Arber, MD
Cells, Plasma Cells, Spleen, Chapter 23
and Ancillary Techniques Flow Cytometric Principles in Hematopathology, 686
Steven J. Kussick, MD, PhD
Chapter 19
Disorders of Histiocytes, 567 Chapter 24
Jennifer Lee Picarsic, MD, and Molecular Hematopathology, 712
Kudakwashe Chikwava, MB, ChB Rong He, MD, Jennifer L. Oliveira, MD,
James D. Hoyer, MD, and David S. Viswanatha, MD
Chapter 20
Mastocytosis, 617
Dong Chen, MD, PhD, and Tracy I. George, MD

Chapter 21
Multiple Myeloma and Other Plasma Cell
Neoplasms, 642
Pei Lin, MD
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