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Full Mouth Rehabilitation Along With Bilateral Precision Attachments

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Full Mouth Rehabilitation along with

Bilateral Precision Attachments
Dinesh BNVK1, Sravanthi G2, Sudhir N3, Taruna M4
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Precision attachment partial dentures have been used
successfully on natural tooth abutments since 1920. There is
significant number of patients who could benefit from this
treatment option, both short and long term. However, lack of
doi: 10.5866/2014.611495

proper knowledge, overwhelming number of attachments


available in the market, multiple adjustments and repairs are

Post Graduate Student

Department of Pokrosthodontics
Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences

making dentist reluctant to offer and provide attachmentretained RPD to their patients. The purpose of this article is to
provide an overview and a simplified approach to this treatment
modality by a clinical case report.

Article Info:
Received: October 11, 2013
Review Completed: November 12, 2013
Accepted: December 12, 2013
Available Online: February, 2014 (
NAD, 2014 - All rights reserved
Email for correspondence:

Key words: Precision Attachments , Extracoronal Attachment,

Cast Partial Denture .

Esthetically and functionally successful prosthetic rehabilitation requires careful attention and meticulous
treatment planning. Precision attachments offer considerable advantages in dentistry because of their
flexibility. The use of precision attachments adds a new dimension to dental treatment and also broadens
the referral base of a dental surgeon.1 Successful restoration of the dentition requires plenty of contemporary
and conventional treatment techniques and planning and attachment retained partial dentures are one such
kind of treatment modality in prosthodontics.2 Precision attachments could be extracoronal and intracoronal.
Intracoronal describes an attachment within the confines of the cusps and normal proximal axial contour or
within the normal contours of the crown of a tooth.3 Extracoronal is that attachment which exists outside, or
external to, the crown portion of a natural tooth. The extracoronal attachment projects outside the crown
and provides either a rigid or resilient connection between the teeth and the prosthesis. Attachment-retained
cast partial dentures facilitate both esthetic and functional replacement of missing teeth. Studies have shown
a survival rate of 83.35% for 5 years, of 67.3% up to 15 years, and of 50% when extrapolated to 20 years.4 This
paper describes a case report of a patient with maxillary and mandibular bilateral distal extension Kennedys


Jo u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. n a c d . i n

Indian J Dent Adv 2014; 6(1): 1495-1498


Full Mouth Rehabilitation along with Bilateral Presision Attachments

class I modification 1 respectively, which is

prosthetically restored using a extracoronal castable
precision attachment (RHEIN 83 OT attachments
Case report:
A 54 year old female patient came to department
of prosthodontics with the chief complaint of missing
teeth in the upper and lower back region and few in
the front region with difficulty in eating. Patient is
totally depressed with her appearance and became
nonsocial. .On intra oral examination the missing
teeth were 14, 15, 16 17, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 32,
35, 36, 37, 41, 46 and 47 (Figure 1). There was
generalized attrition of remaining teeth. Endodontic
treatment was performed in relation to 11,12,13,21,
33, 34, 42, 43, 44 and 45. On radiographic
examination, based on the condition of the available
alveolar bone and teeth, full mouth rehabilitation
is done in the maxillary and mandibular region, with
fixed partial denture and bilateral precision

Diagnostic impressions were made and mounted

on semi adjustable articulator using a face bow.
In order to assess the lost vertical height.
Patient was given an acrylic removable partial
denture. Patient is recalled after two weeks to
verify the increased vertical height. Patient got
adjusted to the given vertical height without any
symptoms. Diagnostic wax up is done on the
mounted casts. A putty matrix (zeta plus csilicone, zermach.) was made over the completed
diagnostic wax-up.
The attachment system was selected on the
basis of available space. (OT CAP, Rheine 83
Inc, USA). Tooth preparation was done on 11,
15, 21, 22, 23, 32, 33, 34, 35, 43 and 44 (Figure
2). Impressions made and cast poured with die
stone. Wax pattern made on all prepared teeth.

The male component was attached to the axial

surfaces of the abutments bilaterally on both
the arches in relation to 15, 23, 35 and 44 using
a dental surveyor, investing and casting was
done. Metal try-in of the copings was done to
evaluate the fit of the casting. Ceramic layering
was done on the metal frame work and tried
(Figure 3). The fabricated metal ceramic crowns
were provisionally cemented with the attached
male components and pick up impression is
made using putty, light body (Aquasil, Denslpy)

Indian J Dent Adv 2014; 6(1): 1495-1498


Dinesh, et, al.

to fabricate the removable partial denture with

bilateral precision attachments.

Casts were poured from the impression and

removable frame work is fabricated over the cast
with female component. The removable
framework is tried in the patients mouth with
the incorporated female component (housing
and nylon cap) evaluated for passive fit over the
o-ring (male component). Occlusal rims were
fabricated on the framework of the maxillary
and mandibular removable partial denture,
maxillomandibular relations were recorded.
Teeth arrangement and try in was done followed
by Acrylization (Figure 4). The fixed partial
denture was cemented with glass ionomer
cement and the removable partial denture with
bilateral precision attachment is inserted
(Figure 5). Post insertion checkup was done for
1 to 2 week interval.

Dr. Herman Chayes first reported the invention
of attachment in early 20th century. To the late 20th
century, with growing technology the attachment
has been applied to the superstructure of implant5.
Precision attachment has exceptional feature of
being a removable prosthesis with improved
aesthetics, less post-operative adjustments and
better patient comfort and psychology are drastically
improved. 6 They are mostly indicated in long
edentulous spans, distal extension bases and non
parallel abutments.
Stress control on the abutment is an essential
factor for the success of distal extension cast partial
denture which is achieved through dual impression
technique, broad coverage , stable denture base ,
rigid design , physiologic shimming, splinting of
abutments, proper selection of attachments.7-8
The recommended procedure has several
advantages over the conventional prosthesis. In this
case report abutments were of adequate clinical
crown height to receive attachment; multiple
abutments were splinted anterior to edentulous span
to aid in better distribution of stresses. As the cast
partial denture is a fixed removable type,
maintenance of the oral hygiene is relatively easy.
Added to this the laboratory procedures are simple
due to the available preformed prosthetic
components and the treatment is economical. By the
end of the treatment patient comfort and psychology
had drastically improved and started participating
in social activities.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation along with Bilateral Presision Attachments

Dinesh, et, al.

Figure 1: Preoperative intra oral view

Figure 2: Tooth preparation

Figure 3: Try in of the porcelain fused metal prosthesis.

Indian J Dent Adv 2014; 6(1): 1495-1498


Full Mouth Rehabilitation along with Bilateral Presision Attachments

Dinesh, et, al.

Figure 4: Completed frame work.

Figure 5: Postoperative intraoral view.

A comprehensive evaluation, multi-disciplinary
approach and a sequential treatment plan, worked
out in harmony with the patients aesthetic demand
, perceptions, and periodic recall preventative
therapy is important for a long-term successful
outcome of fixed removable precision attachment
retained removable partial denture.

Anupama Nigam, Ajay Singh, Et Al Precision AttachmentsAn Overview. J Dento facial Sci 2013; 2(4): 41-44.


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