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Role of Periodontist

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Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ISSN: 2581-4893)

Volume 2 Issue 7 July 2018

Case Report

Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of

Endodontically Failing Cases
Prasanth T*
Periodontology and Implantology, Command Military Dental Centre, Lucknow, India
*Corresponding Author: Prasanth T, Periodontology and Implantology, Command Military Dental Centre, Lucknow, India.
Received: April 21, 2018; Published: June 08, 2018

Introduction: The interdisciplinary approach has been a trend for a comprehensive dental treatment. Within modern dentistry, Peri-
odontics, Endododntics and Prosthodontics share an intimate and inseparable relationship in multiple aspects, including treatment
plan, procedures execution, outcome achievement and maintenance. To ensure an overall successful treatment since these specialties
share a common goal: to create pleasing esthetic with a harmonious stomatognathic system.
Objective: This case series demonstrates the use of periodontal intervention in endodontically complicated cases with questionable
prognosis which were finally rehabilitated with multidisciplinary approach. Surgical Periodontics is good option for salvaging such
complicated cases which can be brought back to function by final prosthetic management.
Methodology: 02 clinical cases molars were treated with periodontal surgery involving, hemi section and followed by PFM crowns.
Both cases were followed up for a period of 1 year by clinically and radio graphically.
Result: 1 year of follow up showed favorable and predictable result. Both patients presented adequate chewing efficiency with well-
maintained oral hygiene around the prosthesis. None of the patients were shown any further deterioration one year post operatively.
The patients are comfortably using the teeth for proper mastication without any further clinical discomforts.

Conclusion: In this case presentation, the scope of multi-disciplinary approach has been outlined to aid the dental team in salvaging
endodontically complicated cases. Proper management by Periodontist, Endodontist and Prosthodontist as a team should be con-
sider before suggesting extraction for such cases.
Keywords: Periodontist; Endododntics; Prosthodontics; Hemisection

Introduction The loss of functional teeth can result in several undesirable se-
quelae. The loss of posterior teeth can result in several undesirable
The combined utilization of the expertise and skills in various
sequelae; hence a guiding principle should be followed to try and
dental disciplines is called interdisciplinary therapy. The prefix “in-
maintain what is present. Whether there is a functional need for
ter” signifies the working between the disciplines, instead of disci-
the tooth or the tooth is restorable after the lesion has been treated
plines acting as separate entities. The relationship between peri-
or the patient is suitable for lengthy, costly and invasive treatments
odontal health and restoration of teeth is intimate and inseparable
are factors that should be taken into consideration. If any of these
which had been deliberated in the past extensively. For restoration
factors are deemed negative, extraction is the treatment of choice.
to survive long term, the periodontium must be healthy so that the
teeth are maintained for a long time. The real art of dentistry is to
This case report presents two different types of modalities
co-ordinate and interface these perspectives and provide the best
with multidisciplinary approach. Both cases were reported to the
quality of care to the patient [1].
OPD with endodontically failure which were treated with re root
As on today, endodontic-periodontal lesions present challenges canal therapy, hemisection followed by post and core supported
to the clinician in terms of diagnosis and prognosis. A sound peri- PFM prosthesis. 09 months follow up of both cases after treatment
odontium provides a firm foundation for an esthetic and functional showed very good prognosis with good chewing efficiency. Root
prosthesis. Perforations in the furcation of molars or inter radicu- fracture is the main cause of failure after hemisection, so proper
lar are often cause inflammation and subsequent alveolar bone loss prosthetic and periodontal considerations are required to balance
and these areas are difficult to manage. Accurate diagnosis can be the occlusal forces on the remaining root [3]. All these cases were
achieved by careful history taking, examination and the use of spe- rehabilitated with best prosthetic principles to avoid further com-
cial tests [2]. Timely diagnosis and management can salvage such plications.
complicated cases.

Citation: Prasanth T. “Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of Endodontically Failing Cases”. Acta Scientific Dental
Sciences 2.7 (2018): 53-57.
Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of Endodontically Failing Cases


Case Report margins of the remaining distal half-crown portion. Perforation

Case 1 was present at middle portion of the mesial surface of distal root
(Figure 4). The mesial socket was curetted, irrigated with normal
A 46-year old lady was referred to the unit with the chief com-
saline and osseograft was packed in the socket for enhanced heal-
plaint of pain and frequent swelling along with pus discharge in
ing (Figure 5). All necessary post op instructions were explained,
her left side lower molar teeth for three months. She was also wor-
and the patient was recalled regularly for follow up. Post-surgical
ried about the discharge of pus from the first molar area. History
IOPA showed complete removal of distal half (Figure 6).
revealed that 4 years back, she got root canal treatment done in
left mandibular first and second molars followed by PFM crown. 6
months back re RCT was performed due to pus discharge from 36.
Patient got her 2 unit fixed PFM crowns removed from a civil hospi-
tal few weeks back due to severe pain.

On clinical examination, tooth no 36 was tender on percussion.

A sinus tract with purulent discharge was present in the buccal
sulcus (Figure 1). Tooth no 37 was clinically a symptomatic. Intra-
oral periapical radiograph revealed that both teeth are treated end-
odontically treated, but incomplete, with furcation involvement on
36 and interproximal bone loss (Figure 2). The RCT was incomplete
in both teeth with perforation in the distal root of 36. The condition
of the tooth was explained along with treatment plan to the patient. Figure 3: Distal half removal.

Figure 1: Pre-op. Figure 4: Perforation.

Figure 2: Pre-op IOPA- incomplete RCT. Figure 5: Bone grafting.

Re RCT was performed in 36 and 37. The perforation on the dis-

tal root was not accessible for repair. Persistent pain was present
in tooth no 36. The patient was offered two treatment options for
tooth no 36; either removal of the tooth completely, followed by
implant supported crown or removal of half of the tooth followed
by PFM crown. She chose the second option and hence planned for

The crown was sectioned and splitted carefully at the level of fur-
cation and the distal half was removed with the help of periotome
and elevators (Figure 3). A finishing bur was used to smooth on the
Figure 6: Post-surgical IOPA.

Citation: Prasanth T. “Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of Endodontically Failing Cases”. Acta Scientific Dental
Sciences 2.7 (2018): 53-57.
Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of Endodontically Failing Cases


After 3 months of surgery, patient was reassessed for prosthetic inter proximal area of 46 and 47 seen in the RVG image (Figure
rehabilitation. The healing was adequate without any post-opera- 10).
tive discomfort. The sinus track was completely disappeared. The
prosthetic rehabilitation was planned for the patient PFM crown.
The crown was given in the subsequent sittings (Figure 7). 9 months
follow up showed favorable result with adequate chewing efficiency
(Figure 8).

Figure 9: C Pre-op swelling in 36 & 37 area.

Figure 7: PFM crown in 36 and 37.

Figure 10: Pre-op IOPA.

Figure 8: 6-months post treatment..

Re RCT was attempted on 46. It was difficult to remove the
gutta percha from periapical area of distal root. The patient con-
Case 2 tinued to present pain while undergoing re RCT. The mesial canals
cleaned thoroughly, and BMP completed. Since it was beyond the
A 38-year-old serving officer reported to OPD with the chief removal of gutta percha from the periapical area of distal root, it
complaint of pain and discomfort while chewing from the lower was decided to remove the same half surgically. The case was tak-
right side. He was also complaining of swelling in the gums which en up for hemisection procedure. The patient was informed about
causes bleeding in the same area. History taking revealed that root the procedure, written consent was obtained. Hemisection was
canal treatment was done on 46 one and half year back. The pain performed subsequently and the distal half was removed (Figure
and discomfort persisted, for which he underwent re RCT 8 months 11). The case was reviewed at regular interval for assessment.
back. He was comfortable for a short while, but the similar kind of
clinical symptoms restarted for which he visited to OPD. He wanted
to remove the tooth and go for fixed partial denture.

On clinical examination, the soft tissue found to be normal except

swelling present in the interproximal area of 46 and 47 (Figure 9).
On probing 6 mm pocket was present on distal side of 46. Sinus or
any purulent discharge was not present. The tooth was non-mobile.
He presented moderate pain on percussion on 46. Grade 2 furcation
lesion with horizontal probing depth of 6 mm was present on 46.

Intra-oral periapical radiograph revealed that tooth was end-

odontically treated. The distal canal was not filled with GP except,
over extended gutta percha into the periapical area. The mesial root
was also showing little bit of over filling into the periapical area.
There was mild periapcal radio luscency, furcation invasion, widen- Figure 11: Hemisected tooth.
ing of PDL space around the distal roots, horizontal bone loss in the

Citation: Prasanth T. “Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of Endodontically Failing Cases”. Acta Scientific Dental
Sciences 2.7 (2018): 53-57.
Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of Endodontically Failing Cases


After 3 months of surgery, patient was recalled. 03 months post Discussion

op IOPA showed healing of the lesion. Fiber post was placed in the
Diagnosis of endo-perio lesion remains the dilemma to a clini-
mesial canal of 46 (Figure 12), core buildup done with paracore and
cian. Proper history taking and sequential treatment planning is
PFM crowns was delivered on 46 (Figure 13 and 14). 9 months fol-
required by endodontist together with a periodontist. Depending
low up showed favorable and stable result. Patient was able to use
upon the clinical condition, hemisection or regenerative furcation
the tooth without any further clinical problems. The pain and dis-
therapy is a useful alternative procedure to save those multi-root-
comfort on 46 which were present pre-operatively had disappeared
ed teeth which have been indicated for extraction. If hemisection
is performed, the remaining root may be used as an abutment for
a small bridge or for a single crown. Also, a successful furcation
treatment can bring the entire tooth to a fully functional status.
Park., et al. have suggested that hemisection of molars with ques-
tionable prognosis can maintain the teeth without detectable
bone loss for a long-term period, provided that the patient has
optimal oral hygiene [4]. In his study, Saad., et al. have concluded
that hemisection of a mandibular molar may be a suitable treat-
ment option when the decay is restricted to one root and the other
root is healthy and remaining portion of tooth can very well act
as an abutment [5]. This clinical paper illustrates solution to the
endo-perio problem by hemisection. Although such involvement
diminishes the long-term prognosis of the affected tooth, extrac-
tion is not always an option.

Figure 12: 3 months post op- fibre post in situ. There are various important factors which can determined the
success of these kinds of procedures. Study by Buhler [6]. sug-
gested that accessibility of root furcation for easy separation, ad-
equate bone support for the remaining root, the smaller size of the
occlusal tables, under contouring of the embrasure spaces and en-
suring that the crown margin encompasses the furcation are the
factors which determine the success rate of Hemisection therapy.

Weine [7] mentioned various indications and contraindication

for tooth resection which are as follows. The main indications are
severe vertical bone loss involving only one root of multi-rooted
teeth, prosthetic failure of abutments within a splint, through and
through furcation destruction, unfavorable proximity of roots
of adjacent teeth, preventing adequate hygiene maintenance in
proximal areas, severe root exposure due to dehiscence, endodon-
tic failure with perforation through the floor of the pulp chamber,
Figure 13: Post op IOPA.
vertical fracture of one root and severe destructive process. The
common two contraindications are poorly shaped roots or fused
roots and poor endodontic candidates or inoperable endodontic

Endodontic perforations often complicate endodontic treat-

ment and pose problems to the periodontal health leading to vary-
ing degrees of periodontal destruction based on their locations.
These may be due to operator errors during instrumentation or to
resorptive defects in teeth that have undergone luxation or avul-
sion as a result of trauma. Perforations in the furcation of lower
molars often caused alveolar bone loss and these areas are dif-
ficult to manage [8].

Adequate plaque control is one of the biggest determinants in

ensuring long term success of this prosthetic design. In both cases
Figure 14: Post op with crown in situ.
at 9 months follow up the patient presented with well maintain
oral hygiene around the prosthesis. Hemisection allows for physi-

Citation: Prasanth T. “Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of Endodontically Failing Cases”. Acta Scientific Dental
Sciences 2.7 (2018): 53-57.
Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of Endodontically Failing Cases


ologic tooth mobility of the remaining root, which is thus a more 7. Weine FS. “Endodontic Therapy”. 5 Edition.

suitable abutment for fixed partial dentures than an Osseo integrat-

8. Amit H., et al. “multidisciplinary approach for the treatment
ed counterpart [9]. Root surfaces that are reshaped by grinding in
of endoperio lesion. a case report”. TMU Journal of Dentistry
the furcation or at the site of hemisection are more susceptible to 1.4 (2014): 155-157.
caries. Often a favorable result may be negated by decay after treat-
ment. Failure of endodontic therapy due to any reason will cause 9. AB Novaes., et al. “Regeneration of Class II Furcation De-
failure of the procedure. In addition, when the tooth has lost part fects: Determinants of Increased Success”. Brazilian Dental
Journal 16.2 (2005): 87-97.
of its root support, it will require a restoration to permit it to func-
tion independently or to serve as an abutment for a splint or bridge. 10. Kost WJ and Stakiw JE. “Root amputation and hemisection”.
Unfortunately, a restoration can contribute to periodontal destruc- Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 57.1 (1991): 42-
tion, if the margins are defective or if non-occlusal surfaces do not 45.
have physiologic form. The clinician should consider aborting sur-
gery if a multitude of minor negative factors are present in the same Volume 2 Issue 5 May 2018
patient. Wherever possible, adverse factors should be modified to © All rights are reserved by Prasanth T.
improve the prognosis [10].

The result of the present case report suggests that the success-
ful multidisciplinary management of endodontically complicated
teeth by an Endodontist, prosthodontist and Periodontist resulted
in a significant amount improvement clinical attachment levels
and healthy gingival. The use of these kind of therapy to retain a
compromised tooth, offers a predictable treatment option with a
prognosis comparable to any tooth with an endodontic treatment.
Hemisection is a relatively simple, inexpensive treatment with a
good chance of success. Proper case selection including load bear-
ing capacity of the rest of the root enhances the therapeutic success.
It should always be considered as an option before molar extrac-
tion. Proper diagnosis, case selection and treatment planning are
the guiding factors for the success of this treatment. Both cases with
12 months of follow up, patients presented adequate chewing ef-
ficiency with well-maintained oral hygiene around the prosthesis.
It is proven that when retention of a part of a tooth seems to extend
the life of prosthesis, the patient certainly deserves the option of
these kinds of treatment rather than extraction.


1. BC Muddugangadhar., et al. “Prostho-Perio-Restorative Inter-

relationship: A Major Junction”. Journal Advances in Dental
Research 2.1 (2011): 7-12.

2. Mandel E., et al. “Clinical diagnosis and treatment of end-

odontic and periodontal lesions”. Quintessence International
24.2 (1993): 135-139.

3. Kryshtalskyj E. “Root amputation and hemisection. Indica-

tion, technique and restoration”. Journal of the Canadian Den-
tal Association 52.4 (1986): 307-308.

4. Park JB. “Hemisection of teeth with questionable prognosis.

Report of a case with seven-year results”. Journal of the In-
ternational Academy of Periodontology 11.3 (2009): 214-219.

5. Saad MN., et al. “Hemisection as an alternative treatment for

decayed multirooted terminal abutment: a case report”. Jour-
nal of the Canadian Dental Association 75.5 (2009): 387-390.

6. Bühler H. “Survival rates of hemisected teeth: An attempt to

compare them with survival rates of alloplastic implants”.
The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Den-
tistry 14.6 (1994): 536-543.

Citation: Prasanth T. “Hopeless to Hopeful-Role of Periodontist in Multidisciplinary Approach of Endodontically Failing Cases”. Acta Scientific Dental
Sciences 2.7 (2018): 53-57.

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