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School SJNAIHS Grade Level 9


LOG Teaching Dates
Quarter FIRST
and Time

Content Standards The learner Conduct Pre-Horticultural Farm Operations

Performance Standards Observe Safety Precautions In Horticultural Farm Operations

Learning LO1. Apply appropriate safety measures in farm operatons; and

Competencies / 1.Observe safety precautions in horticultural farm operations;
Objectives 2.identify possible hazards in horticultural farm operations; and
3.discuss classes of hazards.

Safety Precautions in Handling Farm Facilities


III. LEARNING Modules, Internet

A. References 
Teacher’s Guide pages
Learner’s Materials
Hortivulture 9L earning Materials pp. 24-27
Textbook pages
Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Visual aids, Laptop, Projector, PowerPoint Presentation, Chalk
Resources and Blackboard,
Indicator 5. Establish safe and
secure learning environments to
enhance learning through the
consistent implementation of
policies, guidelines and
i. Prayer
Preliminary Activities ii. Classroom Management
Classroom rules Indicator 6. Maintained learning
environments that promote
fairness, respect and care to
encourage learning

Reviewing previous  Ask the students the following questions:  This activity lets
lesson or presenting the  What was our last topic? the students to
new lesson  Instruct the students to complete the table. recall their
knowledge about
the previous topic.

Indicator 1. Applied knowledge

of content within and across
curriculum teaching area.

Establishing a purpose Activity 1: I will act You will React! o This activity makes
for the lesson  Choose one representative in a group then he/she the students think of
will pick one situation and he will act then the the purpose of the
other group will react/ guest what he/she acting. lesson by analyzing
1. It raining in the morning, you need to go to the garden in the acting of his/her
the afternoon and you already know that its muddy and classmates
slippery but still you decided to go and suddenly you fall
down and hurt your hips. Indicator 2. Used a range of
2. You are weeding your garden then suddenly you saw teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy
snake and the snake move fast to you and bite your leg. and numeracy skills.
3. Your father is spraying pesticides to the farm and
suddenly you smell the chemicals and you feel that its Indicator 4. Displayed proficient
hard to breath. use of Mother Tongue, Filipino
and English to facilitate teaching
and learning.
Processing questions;
1. What are the common hazard in farm operations?
2. What we are going to do to be safe in the farm?

P Presenting examples/ o The activity

instances of the lesson Activity 2: Help Me! helps the
 I will show 2 kinds of pictures situation then students to be
the students will guest what will be the outcome familiarized
of the situation. with the
activities to be
done in the
1. different
activities we
2. ourselves to a
lot of risks..
o Science is also
integrated into
this last part as
students have
to apply their
3. about
(Parasitism). -
defines as
between the
two living
species in
which one
organism is
benefited at the
expense of the
LC: Describe the
different ecological
relationships found in
ecosystem. (S7LT-IIh-

indicator 1. Applied knowledge

of content within and across
curriculum teaching area.
Indicator 3. Applied a range of
teaching strategies to develop
critical and create thinking, as
well as other high-order thinking

Discussing new LECTURE AND DISCUSSION o By analyzing

concepts and practicing Directions: The teacher will provide videos about applying safety measures in the diagram,
new skills #1 farm operations students will realize
the difference of
hazard, exposure
Activity 3: Picture Analysis and risk.
o Based on the given pictures identify where is the
integrated in Uses
1. of PPE .
FACEMASK- protect
your nose and mouth
from splattered of body
fluids, respirators filter
the air before you
inhale it.
LC- Tools,materials
2. and equipment needed
in harvesting. TLE

indicator 1. Applied knowledge

of content within and across
curriculum teaching area.

Indicator 3. Applied a range of

teaching strategies to develop
critical and create thinking, as
well as other high-order thinking

Discussing new o This activity lets the

concepts and practicing Activity 4: Where am I?
students understand
new skills #2 o Each group I will give different pictures then each group
the the classes of
will sort those picture base on the table below: hazard .
Physical Mechanic Chemical Biological Psychosoc
al and/or ial Indicator 3. Applied a range of
electrical environme teaching strategies to develop
nt critical and create thinking, as
well as other high-order thinking
Developing mastery Activity 5: o This activity will
(Leads to Formative Directions: The class will be divided into two groups to play FAMILY assess the student’s
Assessment 3) FEUD game. understanding of
the lesson by letting
the students give the
different examples
of hazards.

Indicator 3. Applied a range of

teaching strategies to develop
critical and create thinking, as
Game Question; well as other high-order thinking
What are the classes of Hazard? skills.
Give examples of Physical Hazard?
Give examples of Mechanical or Electrical Hazard?
Give examples of CHEMICAL Hazard?
Give examples of BIOLOGICAL Hazard?
Finding practical Activity 6: o By asking these
applications of concepts questions, students
and skills in daily living Directions: Study the pie graph below and answer the process can express their
questions. opinions regarding
the importance of
safety precautions
and what preventive
measure they will
do in a specific
hazard that they
will encounter .
is a special chart that
uses pie slices to show
relative sizes of data.
Process questions LC:uses appropriate
1. How many percent does the injury from falling objects? graphs to represent
2. How about in Electrocution? organized
3. How about in Tractors, Farm Vehicles?
4. In Machinery? data: pie chart, bar
5.What is the importance of knowing the Safety Precautions in graph, line graph,
Handling Farm Facilities? histogram, and

6What are the preventive actions you apply when you are going to work ogive. M7SP
with fertilizers and pesticides?

Indicator 3. Applied a range of

teaching strategies to develop
critical and create thinking, as
well as other high-order thinking

indicator 1. Applied knowledge

of content within and across
curriculum teaching area.
ndicator 2. Used a range of
teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy
and numeracy skills.
Making generalizations Summarize the lesson by asking random students to answer these o This activity will let
and abstractions about questions: the students
the lesson 1.What is Hazard? Risk? Exposure? summarize the
2.What are the steps of risk management? lesson by recalling
3.What are the classes of hazard? the important key
points that they
learn about the
Evaluating learning Quiz o This quiz will assess
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your choice the student’s
in your paper. knowledge of the
1. Which of the following is NOT an example of physical hazard? topic.
a. electricity
b. floors, stairs, ladders
c. heat, cold, radiation
d. excessively loud and prolonged noise
2. Which of the following is the least objective of installing preventive
a. to attain aesthetic beauty of the place
b. to safeguard crops from astray animals and thieves
c. to avoid destruction of farm facilities due to inclement
d. b and c
3. Which of the following is a biological hazard?
a. machinery
b. pesticides
c. bacteria
d. falling objects
4. Which of the following is NOT true about care and maintenance of
farm facilities?
a. Hand tools must be cleaned, dried and placed in a tool rack
when not in use.
b. Cutting and digging tools should be frequently sharpened.
c. defective tools are segregated and brought to the junk shop.
d. Iron parts of tools should be oiled, greased or painted with
coal tar when they are to be stored for a long time.

5. What is the different of Hazard to Risk?

Additional activities for Instruct the students to answer the following question on a 1 o This assignment
application or whole sheet of paper: serves as the
remediation o What are Possible Hazards in Horticultural Farm Operations continuation of the

No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Prepared by Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Head Teacher V

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