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Monster Rancher Advance (USA)

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“ Monster Rancher Advance” is a game in which you create a monster with words, then raise it

through a process of training. The ultimate goal is to win all of the tournaments for which
your monster is eligible.
There are more than 400 types of monsters, and you must guess which words will generate
which monster. What monsters will emerge from your name or favorite words? You’ll just
have to experiment to find out. Considering the large number of possible word combinations,
you’ll probably find a monster you like.

Table of Contents
Operating Procedures 6
Title Screen 8
About Saving 9
How to Acquire Monsters 9
How to Raise Monsters 14
Data Screen 18
Monster Battles 22
Playing and Exchanging
with Your Friends 26
This calm, warm island lies to the southeast of IMa (from Monster Rancher 2), and to the south of FIMBA
(from Monster Rancher).

As is the case on other continents, people here once lived in harmony with monsters. Monster battles,
in which monsters engage in competition with each other, were also popular. But Age Island differs from
IMa and FIMBA in two important ways…

First, in the ruins of Age Island, ancient Tablets inscribed with characters are found, rather than the
Saucer Stones one would expect. The monsters are regenerated from these Tablets.

Second, monsters live much longer in the temperate climate of Age Island. A monster's life as a fighter
Age Island spans just three to four years, but many monsters spend their second life as coaches, guiding younger
monsters in the use of all-important skills.

You are a breeder with considerable fame on the continent where IMa exists. One day you receive a
letter from the chairman of AGIMA, asking that you become a guidance counselor.

You were always curious about the methods specific to the area, as well as the monsters that lived only
in that region, so you decide to take the trip to Age Island.

The boat trip to Age Island takes two weeks. As you embark on the voyage with thoughts of the wonders
you have yet to see, feeling the ocean breeze play across your skin, your decision is already made.

Now, let's start our journey.

A new challenge awaits you...
Operating Procedures
The following illustrates the operating procedures for Monster Rancher Advance:

Normal: Training-Operation Procedures Battle Operation Procedures

L Button R Button L Button R Button

Previous page (Book Next page Switch Back off
screen), read message (Encyclopedia screen) (tag battles only)
again (return to A Button
previous message A Button Control Pad Left Use skill
window) Command selection, Move back
6 send messages B Button 7
Control Pad Control Pad Right Switch skill set
Move Cursor B Button Move forward
Cancel command,
START return to previous START
Open data screen screen Open give-up window

Open help messages

Operation is when your character is on the 1P (left) side.

On the 2P (right) side, the left and right Control Pad and
the L and R Buttons will switch accordingly.
Title Screen About Saving
Monster Rancher Advance saves your progress automatically.
Insert the Game Pak into Game Boy Advance and turn on the power. Following the logo, the Caution: This game is for one player: only one player’s data may be saved.
title screen will appear. Press the START in the title screen, and the menu-selection screen will Data is saved between the end of one week and the beginning of the next week and also
appear. Select a menu item. during the trip between the ranch and town.

The game is typically saved at the end of the week. If you turn off the power or remove the Game Pak
while the game is being saved, your data may be corrupted.
Turn off the power only when the "command" icon is displayed in the farm or in town.
To prevent the loss of data while saving, make sure to promptly replace dying batteries as soon as
possible in the Game Boy Advance.

8 If data cannot be properly saved or loaded, it is possible that the Game Pak is not properly inserted or 9
New Game
the Game Pak is dirty.
Starts the game from the very beginning.
Rather than simply assume that the Game Pak is broken, we recommend reinserting the Game Pak
Caution: When "New Game" is selected, the data from all previous games will be lost.
and/or cleaning the Game Pak.

Starts the game at the point where you left off last.

How to Acquire Monsters
Allows you to play against your friends, trade with friends, etc. Acquiring your First Monster
The town will be the first place you'll visit once you start the game. First, go to the Shrine and get a
(See page 26, "Link.")
You can regenerate your monster from a “Tablet” or from a “Book,” but initially you'll only be able to
regenerate a monster from a Tablet.
As you experiment with various Tablets, you'll soon be able to regenerate monsters from the "Book."
Town Menu Icon Monsters
Please select where you want to go Many types of monsters show up in this game.
from the menu icons in the The following introduces the most common monsters you'll encounter:
upper-right portion of the screen.
Suezo has various ESP powers, and its style of fighting is to trap the opponent's movements.
It has a silly personality, and is difficult to raise properly.
The shrine is where monsters are regenerated. There are two ways to Mocchi
regenerate monsters. Choose between them using the menu icons in the Mocchi has very cute eyes, and its body is like rice cakes.
upper-right portion of the screen. Its strange movement mystifies many breeders.
10 Press the B Button to return to the town. 11
Tablet Regeneration This monster resembles an ant or beetle.
This method lets you regenerate monsters from Tablets. To do so, you'll be required to enter the characters It has very strong morals and will not let evil go unpunished.
inscribed on the Tablets. It is rumored that many antlans continue fighting evil after they've retired, without others
being aware of it.
In the beginning you'll only be able to enter up to four characters. But as the game progresses and your
breeder rank moves to the next level, the total number of characters you can input will increase by one, up Lesione
to a maximum of eight characters. This monster looks like a water dinosaur. It likes to be around humans, and likes to entertain
them by performing tricks. It uses its tricks and large body in battles.
In addition, certain monsters can only be regenerated once you've completed particular events in the game.
Book Regeneration It is said that these monsters were once the armor worn by ancient warriors. Durahan likes
The monsters you acquire are stored in the Book (Monster Encyclopedia). You will be able to regenerate any
to fight, and is skilled in the use of a sword.
monster registered in your Book simply by choosing it.
Studio AGIMA
You can perform tasks such as putting monsters into hibernation or AGIMA stands for Age Island Monster Association, the official monster association
combining monsters in the studio. Select your task from the menu of Age Island. AGIMA is responsible for dealing with monsters that have already
icons in the upper-right portion of the screen. passed their time as fighters - registering and retiring coaches are some of AGIMA’s
duties. Select your task from the menu icons in the upper-right portion of the
Press the B Button to return to the town. screen. Press the B Button to return to the town.

Freeze Coach
This command places your monster in hibernation by freezing it. You can raise only one monster at a This command registers a monster as a coach. Once it's registered, you can't bring the monster back into
time, so if you want to try raising a different monster than what you already have, you must place your your possession until you register another monster as a coach and switch the two monsters.
current monster in hibernation. The appropriate training parameters are predetermined when you register a coach. The higher the
parameters, the better a coach the monster will be. Monsters with high parameters should be registered as
Revive coaches. When a new coach is registered for training in a position in which a coach is not already
12 registered, you will be able to choose that training. 13
This releases the monster from hibernation by melting the ice.
This command retires the monster.
This deletes the monster you have in hibernation without waking it from sleep.
Caution: You'll never see a monster again, once you've retired it. Be sure to think things through before
Caution: A monster you delete can never be revived again. Be sure to think things through before
retiring any monster.
deleting any monster.
Go to the ranch
Combine This command moves you to the ranch with your monster. You can't go to the ranch without a monster by
This combines two monsters in hibernation, creating one new monster. Since the monster thus created your side.
takes some of the abilities and characteristics from the original monsters, the new monster may be
quite powerful. Raising Monsters
Give your monster a name filled with love.
Monsters acquired through combination will also be stored in the Book. The name you give your monster can never be changed, so be careful.
Once you decide on a name, take it to the ranch.
Now, your ranch life begins!
How to Raise Monsters Training
You will choose a coach, and the coach will train your monster.
If your training succeeds, the parameters related to training will increase.
Raising Monsters
Give your monster a name filled with love. The name you give your monster can never be changed, so be Different monsters are suited for different types of training. If you
careful. Once you decide on a name, take it to the ranch. Now, your ranch life begins! have a hard time increasing your parameters, you might want to try a
different type of training.
Column: Training Procedures One week will pass each time you execute this command.
In the world of Monster Rancher Advance, the calendar advances in one-week
increments. Choose what you want to do during the week using the menu icons. Rest
You will raise your monster through a process of training, using the"Training" command. If your monster is tired, you should let it rest.
However, you can sometimes use "Items" or send it out to "Special training camp". The monster will be able to rest for one week, and will be ready for a
If your monster gets tired, be sure to let it rest - it's not good to overwork your monster. workout the following week.
Once you feel it's strong enough, try entering it in a Monster Battle tournament. One week will pass each time you execute this command.
14 15
You must decide what to feed your monster at the beginning of each month.
The food it likes will differ according to the type of monster, and the nutrients it
Special training camp
requires will change depending on what it ate last time. So, to ensure a healthy You will have your monster go to the special training camp administered by AGIMA
monster, you must choose the appropriate food to feed it. which requires an entire month of training.

Your monster's parameters will increase with training, and it is more than likely
Ranch Menu Icon that your monster will acquire new skills. That, however, costs money.
You must choose what activities will be performed for that week, using the Training
menu. Your choice of a menu will directly affect how your monster grows. Depending on the training course you choose, the parameters that increase
Be sure to train your monster with care. and the skills your monster learns will differ.
Unlike regular training, special training camps will always succeed, and
depending on the battle results, the parameters may increase dramatically.
Four weeks will pass each time you execute this command.
Items Battles
You can buy items, use items, etc. Use this command to enter your monster in a tournament, or to make reservations for it.
Time will not pass when you use this command.
When you choose this item, the tournament schedule will be displayed, allowing you
Use to choose the tournament you'd like to enter.
Uses an item you already have. You'll be able to enter tournaments that are the same as your monster's rank.
A list of items in your possession will be displayed,
allowing you to choose what item to use. If the tournament you choose is to be held during the current week, you'll be entered
into the tournament immediately.
Items affect monsters in many different ways. Be sure to consider the possible effects on your monster before using Items.
If the tournament is held the following week or later, a reservation will be made.
Shop If you make a reservation, you'll be reminded of the tournament a week beforehand,
This command takes you to the Item Shop. and the week of the tournament as well.
You can "Buy,""Sell" or "Compose" at the Item Shop. If you use this command and enter a tournament, one week will pass. If you've made a reservation,
16 no time will pass. 17
You can buy an item sold in the Item Shop. A list of (See page 22, Monster Battle Tournaments)
items for sale will be displayed, allowing you to choose the item you'd like to buy.
However, if you don't have enough money, or if you have 99 of the same item already, you won't be able to purchase it.
Go to Town
Sell Takes you to town with your monster.
You can sell an item you already have. Executing this command won't pass the week.
A list of items in your inventory will be displayed, allowing you to choose which item to sell.

This command composes and combines the items that you have, creating a new item.

A list of items in your inventory will be displayed, allowing you to choose which item to use as the base, and which item
to use as the "sub."
Certain items can be acquired only through composition, so be sure to experiment with your items.
Data Screen
The data screen will be displayed when you press the START Button when "START: Data" is displayed in the The "Parameter" screen shows the strength of the monster in six different parameters.
upper-right portion of your screen while you're in town or at the ranch. The six parameters show the levels of the following abilities:
You'll be able to view breeder and monster data, as well as the Book (Monster Encyclopedia).

Breeder - You'll be able to view your statistics as a breeder.

Monster - You'll be able to view the statistics of the monster you're currently raising. Setting the skills for battle
is also performed here. Pow. - This is the monster's strength. When this value is high, the physical damage the
monster inflicts on its opponent increases.
Book - Allows you to view the Book (Monster Encyclopedia).
Int. - This is the monster's intelligence. When this value is high, the damage caused by ESP and magic, as well
The Breeder Data screen is comprised as by tricking and scaring opponents, will increase.
18 19
of "Breeder" and"Record".
In the "Breeder" screen you can view your name, Acc. - This is the accuracy of your monster's skills. When this value is high, the chance that your monster's
breeder rank, battle records, winning ratio, prize attacks will be successful increases.
money obtained, and current money in possession.
Spd - This is the monster's dodging ability. When this value is high, the chance of being able to avoid the
In the “Record” screen you can see how many of opponent's attacks will increase.
what types of monsters you have regenerated so far.
Def. - This is the monster's defensive power. When this value is high, the damage when hit by an opponent’s
attacks is decreased.

The Monster Data screen is comprised of "Monster," Lif. - This is the monster's life force. When the life reaches 0 during battle, the monster is knocked out.
"Parameters," "Characteristics," "Traits", "Skills" and "Others."

The "Monster" screen shows the full-body image of the

monster, along with its type and breed, rank, name and age.
In the "Traits" screen, the monster's characteristics and the description of those Column:
characteristics will be displayed. Use the Control Pad Up and Down to choose
the characteristic you'd like to view.
You will encounter many events as you raise your monster.
The following are some examples:
The "Skills" screen lets you see the setting for each of the skills that can be used in
battle. The effects of each set skill are described. Use the Control Pad Left and Right Sickness
to move the cursor and choose which skill you'd like to view. A monster that's tired can get sick easily.
Pressing the A Button will bring up a screen in which you can replace the current A monster that’s sick must rest until it is well again.
skill with a different skill. It's important to let your monster rest rather than push it to work.

A monster that is overly stressed may run away from the ranch.
20 This screen is used to handpick which skills will be taken into battle. 21
You should treat your monster with something it likes once in a while, or give it an opportunity to let off some
The skills already obtained by the monster are shown as icons. Select the skill you wish steam by allowing it to fight in battle.
to set, using the Control Pad Left and Right. A description of the skill the cursor
is highlighting will be displayed. Choose the preferred skill based on the Presents
descriptions displayed. Sometimes your monster will bring you a present: this may result in a precious item that can't be bought in a
Press the A Button to set the skill that is highlighted by the cursor.
Press the B Button to cancel and return to the "Skills" screen. Invitation
As your breeder rank and your monster's rank increase, you'll be invited to special battles held by the AGIMA.
It's not easy to win these battles, but it’s still worthwhile to give it a try.

The "Others" screen will show the monster's battle statistics, winning ratio,
prize money earned, popularity, likes and dislikes.
Monster Battles Match
Your battle now begins.
When you issue commands to your monster, push the A Button to use skills based on the distance from your
Enter your monster in a tournament, if you think it's strong enough.
opponent. This should be done because your monster will move back and forth from the enemy when you use
There are five tournament ranks: D, C, B, A and S, the lowest being D.
the Control Pad Left and Right.
When you win the official tournament for a particular rank, you'll be able to participate in tournaments one
level higher.
The skills used when you push the A Button will differ according to your distance from the opponent. So, when
However, it isn't easy to beat every opponent.
fighting, pay attention to the color of the Distance Meter and the brightness of the Skill Panel.
Be sure to have your monster in top condition before battle, so it can do its very best.
The "Guts" that are depleted whenever you use a skill will gradually recover over time. It is important to check
your Guts Gauge from time to time so that you can use your skills when you need them most.
Monster Battle Tournaments
Choose "Tournaments" from the Ranch Menu icons and select a tournament held during the current week. You Life Meter - When the meter reaches 0, your monster is knocked out.
can participate if your monster and the tournament are at the same level.
22 Time Remaining - When this reaches 0, a "Judgment" will be issued, and the player’s 23
monster left with more life will be the winner.
Starts the Monster Battle after you decide Back off Mark - When this mark is present, you can use "Back off."
whether or not to give your monster orders.
Distance Meter - This shows the distance between you and your opponent. The color changes depending on the
distance, indicating whether you're at close range, medium range, long range, or out of range.
Withdraws from battle. It may be wise to withdraw from a battle sometimes, depending on your opponent. Skill Panel - Skills are set according to whether you're at close range, medium range or long range.
You can withdraw from the entire tournament, or from just one match, and take the next battle in a round-robin Pressing the B Button switches to another set of skills.
tournament. The colors that are the same color as the distance meter will be highlighted, showing which skills are available.

Info. Guts Used - This shows the amount of guts depleted when a skill is used.
This lets you view your opponent's monster data.
Accuracy - Shows the likelihood of hitting the opponent (as a percentage).

Guts - Guts are required in order to use skills. The amount of guts available recovers over time.
Battle Tips There are five conditions shown below, and each has a negative effect on your monster:
Here are some tips for battle that you'll find especially useful as a breeder: Wince:
Your monster loses the will to go on for a set amount of time.
Guts and Skills Accuracy, strength and intelligence parameters decrease temporarily.
Guts are depleted when you use skills or are hit by an opponent. The amount of guts depleted is predetermined Stagger:
according to the skills used, so you must have enough guts in order to use a particular skill. Your monster's sense of balance is thrown off.
All parameters except life decrease temporarily.
Also, when your guts are high, the possibility of hitting and the effectiveness of skills becomes greater.
Your monster's body is paralyzed by electricity or poison.
Instead of using your skills with no battle plan, it may be better to accumulate guts. All parameters except life decrease temporarily, and the speed of movement is at its lowest possible level.
Understand the Effects of Your Skill
Cold or goo hinders your monster’s movements.
There are different characteristics for each skill. Some skills have high accuracy but inflict low damage. Other
Accuracy and dodge parameters are decreased temporarily, and your movement speed is at the lowest possible level.
skills have low accuracy but inflict high damage. There are also skills that deplete your opponent's guts or
24 change your opponent's status. You should understand the effects of these skills, and it's important to have Addled: 25
them available in order to use them at the right moment in battle. The monster's head is addled.
Regardless of his loyalty, your monster will be in "???" state, with only a 50-percent chance of success when you try to use
a skill.
Beware of "Unknown"!
When your monster's loyalty is low, your monster will perform "Unknown" movements, even if you issue Once your monster’s status changes, it can't return to normal for a set amount of time. However, time passes
orders. When your monster is in "Unknown" status, it is defenseless and is more easily hit by opponents. This even when skills are used: if you issue commands for skills, by the time the skill is complete your monster may
puts your monster's life at risk. On the other hand, if your opponent is in "Unknown" status, attack! return to normal, preventing it from being subject to any disadvantages.
Keep your distance using "Back off." The following special status conditions also exist:
There are certain skills that can only be used in a certain range.
If your opponent is close and you can't adjust the distance, "Back off" is quite effective because it sends your Your monster concentrates on preparation for an enemy attack. You can sometimes avoid enemy attacks that
enemy far away. Using "Back off" effectively will help you keep your opponent at bay. would otherwise hit your monster. When your monster enters this status, it will return to normal.
What happens when your status changes? When your opponent is in this status, even if you mount a big attack, your enemy will dodge it. In this case, use
There are times when your monster gets hit, and the status of your monster changes. something else that has a higher chance of hitting your enemy.
When you’ve chosen your monster(s), place the cursor over "OK" and press the
Playing and Exchanging with Your Friends A Button.

Fight, or Exchange Monsters, with your Friends. When all players choose "OK," the Tournament Verification screen will be displayed.
By using the Game Boy® Advance Game Link® Cable to link Game Boy Advance, you can fight with your
friends, as well as exchange monsters and items with them. Here, you can view the information of the monsters your opponents have chosen.
Your lifestyle as a breeder will be more fun if you help and compete with your friends.
When all players choose "NEXT," the next screen will be displayed.

Link In this screen you can choose whether or not to bet and select a time limit.
When you're set up for communication, choose "Link" from the Menu Selection screen, which is entered from Only one player (1P) will make these selections.
the title screen. (See page 31, "Game Link® Cable.") If you select "NEXT" with no bets, a battle will commence.
If you select "NEXT" with bets, the Bet Selection screen will be displayed.
26 Battles can be performed between two and four people. The battle formats are determined as follows, depend- You can put out items, monsters and money as bets. The items placed for bets will 27
ing on the number of participants: be awarded to the winner.
You can place items up to the maximum number of brackets allocated for each player.
2 players 1P vs. 2P You can also place nothing for bets.
3 players 1P and 3P (Tag Team) vs. 2P
4 players 1P and 3P (Tag Team) vs. 2P and 4P (Tag Team) When all items are chosen, place the cursor over the "OK" and press the A Button.

Once the "Battle" commences, the connection between the units will be tested. After the test is complete, use When all players have selected "OK," the Bet Verification screen will be displayed.
the A Button to display the screen that lets you choose which monster to enter in the tournament.
You can view what each player has placed for a bet.
Each player will choose a monster to enter in the brackets. When all players have pressed "OK," the battle begins!
There is no need to fill all the brackets with monsters.
For example, in two-player mode two entry brackets will be prepared for each player.
If each player enters one monster each, then a one-on-one battle will take place.
If each player enters two monsters each, a tag match will take place.
If both players agree, a one-on-two match is also possible.
When bets are placed and the victor is a team of two players, the items will be Tag Battle Descriptions
distributed after the battle. A tag battle is a form of battle that can only take place with communication. Of the two monsters, only one will
be in the ring to fight, and the other will be resting on the bench. The life of the monster waiting on the bench
First, all items will be collected by one of the players. (If 1P and 3P, they are collected will recover slowly, and the Guts level will recover 1.2 times as fast.
by 1P; if 2P and 4P, they are collected by 2P). If you switch effectively, you should be able to enjoy dynamic battles using big, impressive skills.
This controlling player will be able to move an item to the other player by selecting
the bracket and pressing the A Button. Partner Window
The image of the monster on the bench will be displayed.
When distributing money, pressing the A Button while pointing to the money bracket will bring up the screen to
transfer money. Select the amount to transfer and press the A Button. Partner Life
The decreased life will recover with time, but it will only recover up to the life the
Once the amount is determined, move the cursor to "OK" and press the A Button. monster had when it left the bench previously. (If in the ring from the beginning,
then the monster will recover to the initial value.)
Selecting "OK" will display the Distribution Selection screen.
28 Partner Guts 29
In this section, control will reside with the player that didn't decide on the distribution This also recovers with time. When Guts is full, it's probably time to switch.
previously. You can verify the information of the divided items.
Select "OK" if it is acceptable.
If you don't agree, press "Return." You can have the distribution readjusted by returning
to the previous screen.

Note that the data is automatically saved after a battle takes place with bets.
Trade Game Link® Cable
Trading is always performed between two people, and you can give or trade items, monsters and money with
the other player.

Each player can trade from zero to four items at a time.

Once your items are chosen, select "OK" using the cursor and press the A Button.

When both players select "OK," the Trade Verification screen will be displayed.

Here you can view the detailed information of the items placed for trade.
30 31
When both players select "OK," the items will be traded.

The game will be saved automatically after the trade.

Caution: When receiving monsters as a battle bet or trade, but have available space in the hibernation capsules,
you'll have to discard one of the monsters.

Also, if you receive an item you already have 99 of, the total number of items you possess won't increase.

Be sure to make space before you make a bet or trade.


Monster Rancher Staff International Division
Isamu Fukada
Planner Mitsuru Tsutsumi 90-DAY LIMITED WARRANTY:
Hisao Okamoto Takashi Tominaga Tecmo, Inc. (“Tecmo”) warants to the original consumer that this Tecmo Game Pak (“Pak”) (not including Game Pak Accessories or Robot
Hiroshi Nishizawa Miki Abe Accessories) Shall be free from defect in material and workmanship for a period of 90 days from date of purchase. If a defect covered by this
Programmer Keiko Kawashima warranty occurs during this 90-day warranty period, Tecmo will repair or replace the Pak, at its option, free of charge.
Yutaka Koga TECMO INC Staff To receive this warranty service:
Mikiyasu Kambayashi Johnny Inada
1. DO NOT return your defective Game Pak to the retailer.
Manabu Kiguchi Tiffany Stratton
Takanori Yoshida George Ngo 2. Notify Tecmo of the problem requiring warranty service by calling (310)944-5005
Atsushi Yamaguchi Heather Horne Our office is in operation from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
2-D Designer Brian "Finn" Hoisko 3. If the Tecmo service technician is unable to solve the problem by phone, he will provide you with a Return Authorization number.
Makoto Komatsu Norma Matautia Simply record this number on the outside packaging of your defective Pak, and return your Pak freight prepaid, at your risk of
Monster Designer Mimi Tabuchi damage, together with your sales slip or similar proof-of-purchase within this 90-day warranty period to:
Kazunaga Sakaue Mamiko Kawakita Tecmo, Inc. PMB#5553
Yoichi Hirose Noriko Iwanaga 21213-B Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503
SAKA-N Lorena McDonald
Hiroki Watanabe Maria Dedungca
This warranty shall not apply if the Pak has been damaged by negligence, accident, unreasonable use, modification, tampering, or by other
Daisuke Ota USA version designers
32 Sound Composer Jun Hasunuma causes unrelated to defective materials or workmanship.
Takayasu Sodeoka Translation
Takao Ando Director If the Pak develops problems after this 90-day warranty period, you may contact the Tecmo Consumer Division at the phone number noted
Masayuki Nagamine Masaki Fujita above. If the Tecmo Service technician is unable to solve the problem by phone, he may provide you with a return Authorization number.
Ko-hey Harito Producer You may then record this number on the outside packaging of the defective Pak and return the defective Pak freight prepaid to Tecmo,
Hiroyuki Aoyagi Satoshi "WAKE UP" enclosing a check or money order for $10.00 payable to Tecmo, Inc. Tecmo will, at its option, subject to the conditions above, repair the
Artwork Kanematsu Pak or replace it with a new or require Pak. If replacement Paks are not available, the defective Pak will be returned and the $10.00
Keiko Sugimoto Executive Producer
payment refunded.
Kiyotaka Sugiyama MAX NAKA
Special Thanks OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. The provision of this warranty are valid in the United States only. Some states do not allow limitations on how
Yasushi Tsujii long an implied warranty lasts or exclusion of consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitations and exclusion may not apply to
Shiro Sakamoto you. This warranty gives you specific legal right, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Paul Roquet
Michael Chan
The PC Shopper

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