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Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (USA)

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INSTRUCTION BOOKLET PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE SEPARATE HEALTH AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THIS PRODUCT BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO® HARDWARE SYSTEM, GAME PAK OR ACCESSOR’ IKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION. ‘Cody IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: READ THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS BEFORE YOU OR YOUR CHILD PLAY VIDEO GAMES * Some people (about 1 in 4000) may have seizures or blackouts triggered by light flashes or pattems, such as while watching TV or playing video games, even if they have never had a seizure before. + Anyone who has had a seizure, loss of awareness, or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition should consult a doctor betore playing a video game. + Parents should watch when their children play video games. Stop playing and consult a doctor if you or your child have any of the following symptoms: Convulsions Eye or muscle twitching ‘Loss of awareness Altered vision Involuntary movements Disorientation To reduce the likelihood of a seizure when playing video games; 1. Sitor stand as far from the screen as possible. 2. Play video games on the smallest available television soreen. 3. Do not play if you are tired or need sleep, 4, Piay in a welllt room. 5. Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour. [AWARNING - Repetitive Motion Injuries and Eyestrain playing video games.can make your muscles, joints, skin or eyes hurt after a few hours. Follow these instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin iritation or eyestrain: © Avoid excessive play. it is recommended that parents monitor their children for appropriate play. Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, even if you don't think you need it. It'your hands, wrists or arms or eyes become tired or sore while playing, stop and rest them for several hours before playing again. If you continue to have sore hands, wrists or arms or eyes during or after play. stop playing and see a doctor, AWWARNING - Battery Leakage Leakage Of baitery acid can cause personal injury as well as damage to your Game Boy. If battery leakage occurs, 7) ‘thoroughly wash the alfected skin and clothes. Keep battery acid away from your eyes and mouth. Leaking batleries may make popping sounds. To avoid battery leakage: + Do not mix used and new batteries (replace al batteries at the same time). * Do not mix alkaline and carbon zinc batteries. + Donnot mix different brands of batteries. * Do not use nickel cadmium batteries. + Danot leave used batteries in the Game Boy. When the batteries are losing their charge, the power light may become dim, the game sounds may become weak, or the display screen may be biank. When this happens, promptly replace all used batteries with new batteries. Do not leave batteries in the Game Boy or accessory for long periods of non-use. Do not leave the power switch on after the batteries have lost their charge. When you finish using the ‘Game Boy, always slide the power switch OFF. * Donat recharge the batteries. + Do not put the batteries in backwards. Make sure that the positive (+) and negates (-) ends are facing in the correct directions, Insert the negative end first. When removing batteries, remove the positive end first * Do not dispose of batteries in a fire. THIS GAME PAK WILL WORK ONLY WITH THE: GAME BO) DVANCE OR NINTENDO DS™ IDEO GAME SYSTEM: The official seal is your assurance that this product is licensed or manufactured by Nintendo. Always look for this seal when buying video game systems, accessories, games Oficial and related products. ete ors notion Ou sno use of recs ‘waht te Oe Nniod Sea Important Legal Information Copying af any video game for any Nintendo system is legal and is strictly prohibited by domestic and international intellectual property laws. “Back-up"or “archival” copies are not ‘authorized and are not necessary to protect your software. Violators will be prosecuted, Violence ‘This video game is not designed for use with any unauthorized copying device or any ‘Animated Blood unlicensed accessory. Use of any such device wil invalidate your Nintendo product warranty. Nintendo (andlor any Nintendo Iicensee or distributor) is not responsible for any TR ETI] | S2729° oss caused by no use of any sucn device uso such dvco causes your {game to step operating, disconnect the device caretully to avoid damage and resume normal game play. i your game coases to operate and you have no device attached to it, please contact the game publisher's “Technical Support” or “Customer Service” departments The coments of this notice do not interfere with your statutory rights. ‘This booklet and other printed materials accompanying this game are protected by do! and international intellectual property laws. LICENSED BY NINTENDO, GAME BOY, GAME BOY ADVANCE ANDTHE OFFICIAL SEAL ARETRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO. (© 2001 NINTENDO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Prologue eZ Fifty years have passed since Simon Belmont vanquished the curse of Dracula. ae ema ro ee eer ere Belmont Family, hunt jor the relics of Dracula. One day, Juste's best friend, Maxim, who had set out on a fer ae pas two years earlier, returned unexpectedly... his body covered with wounds. He in, poe Juste that Lydie, a childhood friend whom they eae oe id care about, has been kidnappe. Maxim has completely lost his memory of his time trainin} ‘away from home, and only has vague images of the kidnapping. Ignoring his bodily injuries, Maxim leads Juste to the place where he believes Lydie is being held captive. . Passing through thick fog, the two men happened upon a castle undocumented on any map. Could this be the fabled Dractila's castle} oe alenalys in the night, ae forbidding castle relcoee its unexpected guests as the _ moonlight shines upon it. Saving & Loading : PE Lune m lem Aerts lem Morell Starting a Game - : 4 erecta eee ames aoe fated Insert the Game Pak into the GameBoy® while advancing through the story, It is possible to Advance and turn on the power. A NL es pb i 2 en ae ed and game progress) onto the Game Pak. When the ean is next played, previously saved data may be rien ee ren ves rary ay ara Tae tog 9 MAM eee ee oe eed screen. A maximum of three save files may be stored on the Game Pak; therefore, up to three players can Pa abe ce oe a re - Select START GAME and press the Button at the title screen to begin g PP renee a eT RTE Tire Com ors a) IMG ORR MIRNA eae kel a dahl Perea sir aire ieee ete o pee) Pree meters reereny eta a ete Be will be saved Jere the fare game we Save, epee ee at Quick Save cannot be used if the game has not ‘been y ‘Room. ie usly saved games can be continued ik a Data Screen. When Quick le ill be the last Save Room used by 4 el, experience points, and items, will be me of the Quick Save, Monster Name L Button Control Pad Select L Button/Left Dash , Control! Pad/Movement: Start/Status Screen Display Select/Map Screen (Coes YON a feeOe ere 9 Corea wwe ou eae eee ar on how Jong.the button is pressed) ee Eire ace ate ated fotze ne aa er Quick dash right Sigelas Panag Select yy me tera Contol Pad +B Button Attack with sub-weapon Control Pad + L and R Buttons Switch spell book on/off; possible to vie mec ee ool) ee Eee) Fre ier tia Control Pad (crouching) + B Button yea ee eed Status Screen Enter the Status Screen by pressing START on the Game Screen. Cran Se rime ent ita iam ric ogee Ts ae i TOE experience points can be confit Make selections with the Control Pad. eT Ted ae ee Celie eer ser ar, By eee ute oars COPS wear oe Selected Spell Book (ec ratam eet Ty aaah Te Lhe < Ur reece) Play Time Caw cere Ta erated aC EQUIP Display of items in player's possession that may be equipped. Equipped items can be changed, ITEMS Confirm the number of expendable items, such as recovery items, in player's possession. Items are used through this screen. SPELL BOOK ™ Display of selectable spell books in player’s possession. Turn the selected spell book on and off. RELICS Display of magical relics in player's possession. Enable/disable them through this screen. KEY CONFIG Change button configurations. SECRET INFO Display of various items and information when certain conditions are met. Try to meet these conditions. SAVE ROOM Quick save. Current game progress is saved to the last save room that the player visited and saved at. See page 7 (Saving and Loading) for a more detailed description. BU ot ay ——i-Attacking with a sub-weapon i@ with a sub-weapon consumes hearts. Only one sub- Weapon can be used at a time. Sub-weapons are used by pressing up ‘on the Control Pad while pressing the attack button (B Button). Roem sa oe eo Juste Belmont, has two different types of attacks: one with his whip and one using a sub-weapon. i, Attacking with the whip eee Mere a eere eree ay a oan Bee cere Th UCU eee Ce a LOE Ome ae oe ee gr ee em er ne Tee eset ee Sub-Weapon Attacks using Spell Fusion™ ee eugene ie Pree Resmi eaten eye eae eT rial aera ern arrears ee it Roe ey arene go 08 a Fire eee eae eee CMe teem ag eae ae het aria rate Time eo emer airs rer re performed by turning a spell baok on through the SPELL BOOK menu on the Status Screen and using a sub-weapon attack, When the spell book is turned off, the attack becomes a normal sub-weapon attack, gee ewig TC etme ree eee eae Re MBL lifferent types of See eRe te Ren cae a Fire Book. The player can cast various spells u: -— the flame added to weapon. Jee Book The player can cast various spells using the ice power added tothe sub-weapon. Bolt Book "The player can cast ‘various spells using ‘Wind Book The player can cast various spells using the wind power added to the sub- Weapon. Summoning Tome Various apparitions corresponding ta the different types of wees are summoned from the nether world. The following are examples of the many Pi eee ee an rea Pe eee) ee eR BCA eg Two fire dragons will attack the enemy. ii. Wind Book + Cross = Guardian Cross oer age uke) eee ere are five broad classifications of item types that the player can obtain. Equip Items Items that boost w gt the player's defen: ility. The whip can be made stronger by equipping it with stones having special magical powet Expendable Items Items that are used up when used, such as recovery items. These items can be used by selecting ITEMS on the Status Screen Menu, Spell Book Spell books can enable the use of spell fusion by combining with a sub-weapon. There are spell books ith different attributes, including the Fire Book and the Bolt Book. Relit These items are necessary in prosressin a the game. By the player simply having them poss m, certain special effects.can be performed. + The player can turn the effect of each relic on and off. The relic’s effect is disabled when turned off, Collectibles The collectibles are completely unrelated ta ‘nll progression of the game. They ean be display) in a special room set aside for viewing. Tints G Tips @ Biro rem ese ae Meg attack, Use the L and R Buttons to strike enemies and quickly dash out of harm’s way. Use sub-weapons to your advantage, utilizing them Te ee Melee Mee ie cn ea ed a. Bey era) ds) Mia) mt is a potent tool when the going gets t tough! It's definitely helpful to remember your favorite Cee eT books and sub-weapons! Bee Ce Rae ee orene cl! om Cad eee eed map by using SELECT as you Bee aoe ee ewe investigation is bound to turn up secret items hidden within Perea ye on) od Characters Juste Belmont The main character of the story who is a bi descendant of the Belmont clan, renowned for being the fiercest of vam} ire hunters. The Belmont clan’s magical power. ‘J Partly derived from lood ties ta the Fernandez Family. Tay abilities considered he iabertted the whip ‘paste do Peddeourdis fathers at the youn, =< ay Maxim Kischine A childhood friend and rival of Juste. Wields a unique sword called the Stellar Sword. He departed on a training expedition two years ago, right after Juste inherited the title of Vampire Killer. lydie Erlanger A childhood friend of both Juste and Maxim. Her presence is both comforting and invaluable to these two young men who are undergoing strict physical training. (hte ies) yey aa. IGA DIRECTOR WAC Een CHARACTER DESIGNER ©? ILLUSTRATOR eee ity amore EMA hd enictte) CHIEF DESIGNER Sinton tarts} oma e eee ena SSS nes ite) ning ENEMY PROGRAMMER iitieers tats BACKGROUND DESIGNER Breer satan SOUND PROGRAMMER Kiyohiko Yamane SOUND PRODUCER Soshiro Hokkai EXTRA STAGE MUSIC Michiru iT PRODUCT DESIGNER Michiko Tokoro EXECUTIVE PRODUCER eet en ems oie) INTERNATIONAL POS o ye Or ie VNC ea133 Bae) eis hierstent! KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT — AMERICA, INC. tee Tommy Gotsubo CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER eC SENIOR V.P. OF SALES & MARKETING Catherine Fowler Nee 2 ee ee Paes ier Eels cod DIRECTOR OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS: el rrec an os ny BSS LUE Seek Belg Gtr eile Pe Iria ag ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF ota veay ya acera) Ryo reer sy ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF PR Dee ASSOCIATE MANAGER OF PR ee mel RYU e LEE NT SS Tsuyoshi “Yashiki” Arayashiki, ee eke Den a oe eee Barbara Loo, Linda Benjamin, Bere reo Brett Robinson, Daniel Castillo, erate is WARRANTY Konami Digital Entertainment - America warrants to the original purchaser of this Konami software product that the medium on which this computer program is recorded is free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days fram the date of purchase. This Konami product is sold “as is,” without express or implied warranty of any kind, and Konami is not liable for any losses or damages of any kind resulting from use of this program. Konami agrees for a period of ninety (90) days to either repair or replace, at its option, free of charge, any Konami product, postage paid, with proof of date of purchase, at its Factory Service Center. This warranty is not applicable to normal wear and tear. This warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if the defect in the Konami software product has arisen through abuse, unreasonable use, mistreatment, or neglect. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR CLAIMS OF ANY NATURE SHALL BE BINDING ON OR OBLIGATE KONAMI. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS SOFTWARE PRODUCT, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE NINETY (90) DAY PERIOD DESCRIBED ABOVE. IN NO EVENT WILL KONAMI BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS KONAMI PRODUCT. Some states do not allow limitations as to how long an implied warranty lasts and/or exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitations and/or exclusions of liability may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. lf you experience technical problems with your game, please call our Warranty Services number at (650) 654-5687, from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm PST, Mon-Fri, Konami Digital Entertainment - America 1400 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, CA 94065 CONSUMER SUPPORT Ifyou feel stuck in the game, or just need a boost, don’t worry! You can call the Konami Game Hint & Tip Line for help on many Konami games. Konami Game Hint & Tip Line: 1-650-801-0465 Hints are available 24 hours a day. Availability is subject to change. 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