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Sindacco Chronicles English Manual

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Vol. 1. Issue 1 October 14, 1998

What is popping?
Getting Started................................2

First Moves......................................3

Sindacco's Trial...............................4

Property in Sale...............................5

LCN Helicopter...............................6 Might be snowing. Or not.

Bo-Bella Boutique News................7 Tonight Sunset 7:23 PM

Tomorrow Sunrise 6:34 AM
Photography Contest.....................8
Racket on the Streets......................9

Saint's Mark Bistro Stories...........10

Avery Carrington's Plans.............11


Soundtrack................................... 16 The Four Dragons Ltd.

stocks are falling down,
Credits........................................... 18 bringing the whole market
with them.


Please call for Home delivery. Periodicals postage paid at Liberty City and at additional mailing offices. All advertising
published in Liberty Tree is subject to the applicable rate card, available from the advertising department.

Main buttons

Power/Hold switch

Disc cover DC OUT connectors

IR port USB Open latch


Set up your PSP™ When the game is installed on

(PlayStation®Portable) system your memory card, select the Game
according to the instructions in the icon in PSP™ menu. A thumbnail for
manual supplied with the system. the software is displayed. Select the
Turn the system on. Power indicator thumbnail and press the X button of
lights up in green and the home the PSP™ to start the software.
menu is displayed. When in game, you can follow
You can only play Grand Theft the on-screen instructions and
Auto: Sindacco Chronicles through refer to this manual for learning
a memory card. It is impossible to more information on using this
burn a UMD™ disc with a custom software.
game, as only read-only discs were
supplied and it is impossible to buy Notice: Do not eject a memory
a fresh UMD™ disc. card while it is playing.


Keep Memory Stick Duo™ media out of reach of small children, as
the media could be swallowed by accident. To save game settings and
progress, insert a Memory Stick Duo™ into the memory stick slot of your
PSP™. You can load saved game data from the same memory stick or any
Memory Stick Duo™ containing previously saved games.

Page 2
L button LCD screen R button

Main buttons

Power indicator
Duo™ access
Volume Hold
WLAN indicator
Right speaker
Analog stick Start button
Strap holder Select button
Left speaker Sound button
Home button Display button

Sprint / Zoom Out while targeting
Jump / Zoom In while targeting
Enter vehicle
Attack or Fire Weapon
Analog stick Movement
L button Look or Fine Aim
R button Target
Cycle Weapons / Targets
Special Missions
R button + Free Aim

Brake / Reverse
Exit Vehicle
Attack / Fire
Analog stick Vehicle Control
L button Hold + Analog direction to move camera
R button Handbrake
Radio cycle
Special Mission
Select button — Cycle Camera Modes Start button — Pause / Menu
Page 3
October 14, 1998


by Alexandr Eaktivny Marcus to let him get a second degree

at the Greenglass College in Las
Paul Sindacco, known Italian Venturas. He has no motivation to
landowner, was acquitted in a pre- engage in any criminal activity as it
trial procedure in a murder case. All puts the future of his relative to a big
the witnesses had disappeared a day risk.
before the judicial investigation would We should note that Paul Sindacco
have begun. is famous for his donations to charity
It is not the first time the Sindacco he made in last years. In total he
family gets a large amount of media spent about $500.000 on orphanages
attention. Paul Sindacco was charged all across the country and he isn't
for attempting to bribe the police planning to stop donating more and
recently. This was noticed by… not the more in the future.
policemen, but two men passing by. Another one of his nephews, called
This is what the police officers think Frank, is the owner of «The Dolls
about the case: House». Mr. Sindacco states that the
«Back then, when the incident vulgarity of his nephew business isn’t
happened, he shown us counterfeit connected to his own personal beliefs
money he got from a shop where and line of work.
he was buying flowers for his lovely «I am a devout catholic man. How
mother. We took them and took a am I supposed to be involved in such
glance at them to confirm that they business?! People should become
are fake. And people thought we smarter, it is really offensive to call me
were taking bribes! We are proud of a pimp for no single reason. It hasn't
our citizens trying to fight with the been a long time since they stopped
corruption in the police». me calling a Caligula casino secret
Paul Sindacco also stated that now owner, now they found a new way to
he is collecting money for his nephew injure me!» — says Paul Sindacco.
Page 4
by Baldwin Pierce Just like always, ‘Martin and Sons’
company offers a big count of property
Recently you earned A LOT of to choose from. You can either pick a
money thanks to the United States nice apartment in the Wichita Gardens
market growth? You got a letter ghetto and never have a motivation
of happiness from your dying to leave it, or a house that windows
grandmother who owned a big castle are higher than a potential grenade
in Romania? Well, maybe you found a throwing distance, or you can prefer
briefcase full of money under your bed something even better. Like how about
yesterday night? a café that will feed both your stomach
You have to spend your money, and your wallet?
aren’t you? But you only imagine
spending money on fixing your car or INTERESTING FACT:
buying weapons and bombs, but you
don’t have a car or a license nor are MORE THAN A HALF OF
you a close friend of 8-Ball? Well, that PROPERTY INVESTORS
means that the regular citizen doesn’t PREFER TO INVEST INTO...
have any more places to spend his NEW APARTMENTS!
money on except property!
‘Martin and Sons‘ real estate agency That choice is up to you. And more
was famous for selling property in importantly, it depends on your wallet
the southern states. Its offices in size.
Cottonmouth always have stated that ‘Martin and Sons’ will be glad to
they have no plans on expanding onto pick up something that will suit your
the east coast of the United States, but possibilities like no one else on the
everything seems to be changing now property market. They can even pick
— ‘Martin and Sons’ is opening in the best doghouse just for you lovely
Liberty State today! gray dog Spike!

Page 5
October 14, 1998

by Tommy Parker Of course, things aren’t as simple
as they look. Seems like LCN really
Oh no, something illegal happened struggles to find the one who will fly
on the streets! Wait, what else can you the helicopter on an ongoing basis.
expect from the worst city that ever This means we won’t see the helicopter
existed in America? in real action that much until they will
More than that, isn’t that a good figure that problem out, but hey, that
thing — situations like that make our is still a great announcement, isn’t that
life at least a bit more interesting and right?
we aren’t getting stuck in a loop, isn’t In case you have some helicopter
that right, dear readers? flying skills and want to help the
Next time you see something very reporter team, meet the head reporter
criminal and soon after a bright glow Eve Krausman at the Shoreside Vale
in the sky, don’t ask whether it is a bird police station building, where LCN
or a plane. lately has set up a headquarters
Sadly, it’s not an alien either, but a building with a helicopter pad.
new LCN helicopter arriving to shoot They will accept pilots of any kind,
a video just for you right before the as long as you don’t have halitosis
police would come and handle the and you won’t kill everyone during
situation with the criminal, maybe in the first flight. Though it is not really
a lethal way. recommended to kill everyone during
We think you can agree that there the second flight too! And what is more
is nothing as interesting as the joy of important, it will be you paying for
watching a TV report about some LCN Maverick if it crashes somewhere
crazy psycho doing psycho stuff in the — as you see, a new pilot should be
center of the city! very responsible and professional!
Page 6

by Smith Johnson newspaper, isn't that right?!

Through the translator Massimo
There's no chance that you, Torini says that his target is to create
dear Liberty City citizen, haven’t the biggest chain of shoe stores on
visited the Bo-Bella Boutique. the whole east coast of the country.
Well, maybe it wasn’t you, but your This target sounds very ambitious, but
girlfriend, or your wife, or your queer when it comes to the straight facts,
friend who makes you pretend you Massimo Torini has all the chances to
don’t know him anytime anyone sees reach it.
you together with him. At least some of Analytics across the state call
these people wear shoes from this shop Massimo the most successful Liberty
and probably they like them so much. City person of the year — in a short
Not a long time ago the owner of time he had managed to create a chain
this boutique chain, Massimo Torini, of boutiques despite having really low
spred the information that he will try English skills.
to increase the number of boutiques Another fact is that he has Italian
in the Liberty State up to one hundred blood and is operating in criminal
in the incoming five years, confirming areas of the city, but he was never
the rumours he managed to earn a caught in the act of anything illegal.
whelming income in the recent time Though some of our readers may state
and will use it to develop his shoe that this is just another one Italian
business even further and further. stereotype we unconsciously spread
It means that very high quality through our newspaper.
Sicilian leather will continue These little facts about Massimo
making its way to people's feet not Torini should make everyone
only in Liberty City, but over in understand that their success isn’t
Upstate too. At least some good about anything but just devotion to the
news to metrosexual readers of our works of life.
Page 7
October 14, 1998


by Steve Baker The best photo requires the best
camera you can find. This year Darme
You can always find something Electronics offers you Bazooka D3500
beautiful literally everywhere? Even — the best camera ever made in 1998.
in Liberty City? And how do you even And all of that for only $399!
succeed in that! Japanese company Kaneda
Liberty Tree opens its annual Electronics led by ambitious
photography contest for anyone who permanent CEO Hideki Kaneda
has a camera, at least a bit of a sense always offers the best choices on the
of beauty and some free time he can’t American market of cameras right
spend on something at least a bit since 1991. It was the first company
more useful and interesting than a who patented SHPQI technology
newspaper’s contest. (Self-Hypnosis Photo Quality
Whenever you find something Improvement) in 1993 and since then
interesting, take a photo of it. Last year it brings the most innovative photo
we spent quite a lot of time filtering decisions for the low-budget users,
photos of your mothers and actual enthusiasts and professionals all
sights, so please, be patient not to tell around the world.
your mom she is beautiful and has to This year Kaneda Electronics
be on a photo. became the official partner of Liberty
And remember: the one who takes Tree photography contest.
the most of the photos allows us to Liberty Tree is not saying that only
fire the old perverted 91 year old D3500 photos are allowed for the
photographer and we will use your contest, but hey — we are not sure
materials for anything we want, and your photos will arrive to our office if
all of that for a money prize that YOU you’ll use some other camera instead
can get with not that much effort put of Kaneda's one, so you should choose
into it! wisely!

Page 8
by Smith Johnson According to reports, the police
are struggling to find any solution
1998 became a year of a lot of trends. to the problem — they have not
While geeks are preparing for the enough officers to keep up with these
problems of the year 2000 and women criminals.
are wearing their new mini-dresses, So... is it a new reality, where fair
shops all around the city meet up with people have to live in fear of being
the problem of property rackets. Many robbed? Isn’t that something we have
different criminal groups of Liberty already seen on the streets of Liberty
City are involved in that, and it seems City before? Then what have changed?
like there will be no chance to evade What a philosophical question to talk
them for any fair shop owner: about!

«Man, I thought the biggest problem Tonight on TV — «The Successful

of my clothing shop is some crazy Success of Baldwin Pierce» with
woman trying to steal everything she Baldwin Pierce, where the author will
sees. But it seems like now I have a tell you how he manages to deal with
way bigger problem. I literally have all kind of criminals trying to extort
to give half of my payout to some his own sex shop in Alexandria, the
Italian or some other pricks telling poorest town in the Upstate.
me I need protection from them. And We hope that might help some shop
moreover — these pricks aren’t good owners who are struggling to find a
at protecting it at all, as I see new solution to the problem with these
faces trying to protect me literally criminals! And of course, don’t forget
each Tuesday! Will someone at least to stay positive all the time — Baldwin
try to put an end to this, huh?» — says that people with a bad mood are
says the owner of a clothing shop in way more likely to get robbed by some
Chinatown. criminals.
Page 9
October 14, 1998

IN 1998?
by Tommy Parker Some people are saying that the
Forelli Family is in fact a criminal
Eat til' you explode — the phrase we group. What’s even worse — they even
all have heard of. have an influence on the mayor R.C.
Saint Mark's Bistro has used it as a Hole.
motto ever since it's opening in 1923. «People are so envious. They always
Since this date the Forelli Family are try to find a billion ways to wreck your
making the dishes that your mother, success and bust your balls, huh! But
kids and maybe exactly you love. remember: none of these bad words
But what are these Forelli secrets will make people love our Bistro less
that make people visit them for 75 than they already do. Me and all my
years already? Giorgio Forelli, the relatives, like my cousin Franco who
owner of Saint Mark's Bistro, knows also owns a cafe in Staunton, have
one thing— the real secret lies in his always been and will be involved solely
pizza recipe: in the fair food business, and that is all
«My whole family loves it. We keep there is to it».
the same recipe for ages. When my Giorgio Forelli noted one thing:
nephew Giovanni was a little kid, he people really love what he does for
could eat our pizza for hours. Once them. For example, despite being
he skipped his school classes just to healthy food advocates, even Liberty
eat more and more, I am not even City Cocks players enjoy spending
lying, ha-ha! Well, to be really honest, their time after a game by having some
I wasn’t that different either. There good pizza slices baked in Forellis
is no single chance that anyone will ovens. So how about following their
discover that recipe, I tell you, no lead and spending your weekend over
single chance!» here too?
Page 10

by Smith Johnson The most active fields of work will

likely be Portland’s Hepburn Heights
Avery Carrington is a known and and almost the entirety of Shoreside
experienced businessman whom you Vale — here Avery wants to invest a
probably heard about if you were busy lot of his own money into rebuilding
spending your kids’ college savings the old road system that makes
in Las Venturas casinos during the communication in this part of the
vacation or conversely, you made your city very ineffective and annoying for
parents homeless though you still the average citizen and especially for
assure them that soon you will recify the emergency services. People are
the situation. saying it would be way easier to get
Mr. Carrington is also known for his resurrected and get to the hospital on
unconfirmed affiliation with another foot than to wait for the ambulance to
Vice City businessman, Tommy arrive at your house.
Vercetti, famous for his problems We should note that Avery
with the law. Individual journalists are Carrington isn’t planning to invest
saying that Vercetti has his own cut in only his money into the project. He
each of Avery Carrington projects. is a part of a Board of Directors in
Yesterday Avery Carrington Panlantic Construction company, and
confirmed his arrival to Liberty City. the wide financing resources of this
We took a long interview that’s due land magnate are also helping him in
to be published in future Liberty Tree that ambitious task.
titles, however, you should already Stay tuned for more news about
know one important thing: Avery Avery Carrington. Fifteen years later,
Carrington is going to rebuild this it’s construction time once again, if
whole city from scratch! you catch our drift.
Page 11
October 14, 1998


In total there are 64 hidden packages to find. All of them are possible to find
right after unlocking the islands where they are located.

In total there are 15 rampages to complete.

Page 12
Contracts can be taken from Giuliano after the «Mister Franco?» mission. You
can’t take a contract on an island you haven’t unlocked yet. Each target will be
harder to find and assassinate than the previous one, but each kill gives you better
and better rewards. There are 5 contracts to complete.

Dollar sign stands for the properties that can give you missions, but they can't
save your progress. House sign stands for the properties where you can save your
game. In total there are 8 properties to buy.

Page 13
October 14, 1998

You must have a camera to do snapshots. It is possible to find the camera on
Liberty City streets — just look around the city when you aren’t busy. You also
get camera during some of the story or property missions. Snapshots pickup is
going to appear only after you use camera zoom. It should fully be in the camera
lense when you do the shot for snapshot to count. In total there are 20 snapshots
you have to take.


In total there are 15 unique stunt jumps to complete.

Page 14
• Red and yellow cars — RC and car challenges respectively.
• Race icon — race. Available after «Underground Wars». Red flag race is
available after all of the other races are done.
• Helicopter icon — helicopter mission. Available after «Six Blade Knife»
• Skull icon — pimping mission. Available after Marcus' first phonecall.

There are 6 tramps around the map. Donate $80 to any of them to take part in a
program of fighting with poverty in Liberty City!

Page 15
October 14, 1998

Head Radio "One Sweet Day"
Mariah Carey, Boyz II Men
"Goo Goo Dolls"
Slide "You Used To Love Me"
Faith Evans
"If Only You Could See"
"You Oughta Know" "Deep Inside"
Alanis Morissette Hardrive

"You" "Horny"
Conor and Jay Mousse T., Hot 'N' Juicy

"Gone" "Professional Widow"

U2 Tori Amos, Armand Van Helden

"Tubthumping" "Passion"
Chumbawamba Gat Decor

Flashback FM "Around the World"

Daft Punk
"Baby Blue"
Giorgio Moroder "Show Me Love"
Robin S
"I Feel Love"
Donna Summer "Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)"
Crystal Waters
Giorgio Moroder "You Make Me Say Do Be Do"
Paul Johnson
"Ooh La La"
Suzi Lane "U Don't Know Me"
Armand Van Helden
"Trouble Maker"
Roberta Kelly MSX 98
"Never Ending Story" "You Got Me Burnin'"
Limahl Cloud 9

Liberty Soul "Waremouse"

2 Bad Mice
Michael Jackson "Open Your Mind"
Foul Play
"Good Enough"
Bobby Brown "Hold It Down"
2 Bad Mice
"Brown Sugar"
D'Angelo "Thunder"
Dom & Roland
Whitney Houston

Page 16
The Liberty Jam Liberty Jazz Radio
"My Confessions" "The Kid from Red Bank"
50 Cent Count Basie

"Big Poppa" "In A Mellow Tone"

The Notorious B.I.G. Duke Ellington

"You Ain't a Killer" "Confirmation (Take 3 / Master)"

Big Pun Charlie Parker

"If I Should Die" "Like Sonny"

Jay-Z John Coltrane

"Put It On" "Are you real?"

Big L Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers

Lips 106 "Strode Rode"

Sonny Rollins Quartet
"Post Modern Sleaze"
Sneaker Pimps Retrovision
"Take That" "Break on Through"
Pray The Doors

"This is How We Do It" "I Can't Explain"

Montell Jordan The Who

"Show Me Love" "Have a Cigar"

Robyn Pink Floyd

"I Know Where It's At" "Skateaway"

All Saints Dire Straits

"Say You'll Be There" "The Guns of Brixton"

Spice Girls The Clash

"Because We Want To" "Trampled Under Foot"

Billie Piper Led Zeppelin

K-Jah Game start theme

"Cool Out Son" "Maybe"
Junior Murvin The Chantels

"War in Babylon" Mission passed theme

Max Romeo
"Fortunate Son"
"Good Thing Going" Creedence Clearwater Revival
Sugar Minott
Ending Credits
"Three Little Birds"
Bob Marley & The Wailers "When the Levee Breaks"
Led Zeppelin
"In Times Of Trouble"
Freddie McKay

Page 17
October 14, 1998

Producer Cutscene producer
1826 1826

Art-director Soundtrack producing

1826 1826

Technical director Soundtrack

1826 1826, willkozz, spacefiller

Programming Voiceover
1826 ElevenLabs AI

Story Voiceover recording

1826 1826, Jeansowaty, willkozz

Spellchecking Voiceover programming

Jeansowaty, Paul Kulik 1826

Story mission design Voiceover mixing & mastering

1826 1826

Additional mission design Mobile porting

1826 1826, pwepweserbia, willkozz

Mission design support PS2 porting

lesenqa, willkozz 1826, Z0Li

Lead artist Lead tester

willkozz 1826

Character design Testers

willkozz, 1826 lesenqa, willkozz

Character artist Test-build engineering

willkozz 1826

Additional art Debug tools

marmakar, 1826 1826

Videos Manual development

willkozz 1826

Cutscene director Support

1826 Jeansowaty, Paul Kulik, pwepweserbia
Page 18
GTA: Sindacco Chronicles
Barcode Studia, 2023
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