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Groundwater Seepage Rate (GSR) A New Method For Prediction of Groundwater Inflow Into Jointed Rock Tunnels 1-s2.0-S0886779816308902-Main

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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

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Groundwater Seepage Rate (GSR); a new method for prediction of MARK

groundwater inflow into jointed rock tunnels

Mahdi Rasouli Maleki
Senior Advisor of Water & Power Resources Development Co. (IWPCO) and Head of Engineering Geology Department at Harazrah Consulting Engineers Group, Tehran,


Keywords: The main purpose of this research is to introduce a new method for estimating the groundwater inflow rate into
Groundwater Seepage Rate (GSR) tunnels excavated in rock environments. The Groundwater Seepage Rate (GSR) is a novel analytical method that
Groundwater inflow has the capability to assess the rock mass potential in conducting the groundwater into tunnels. Geological and
Hydraulic conductivity hydraulic parameters and radius of the tunnel are the main parameters used in the GSR method. In this method,
Fracture and joint sets
geological parameters are defined based on the characteristics of the joint sets including the strike, number,
3D dimensional
spacing and aperture of joints of each joint set. In addition, hydraulic head and hydraulic conductivity are other
Elastic behavior
principle inputs of the proposed model. In GPR method, the rate of groundwater inflow has been evaluated in 3D
dimensions and efforts were made to obtain acceptable values by creating rational correlations among input
data. The taking account of joints condition in tunnel and the direct effect of tunnel radius, the separate study of
the joint sets and the role of fracture systems in the groundwater conductivity into excavated openings are the
main advantages of this model. According to the results of this study, GSR method can provide better estimations
of the inflow volume for rock masses with elastic behavior in which fracture systems have been developed.
Finally, in the end this paper for validation of GSR values, the results of this method were compared with the
obtained results of empirical methods and observed groundwater inflow in various geological units of the Zagros
tunnel in Iran. Additionally, the calculated value of groundwater inflow based on GSR method shows good
compatibility with empirical methods.

1. Introduction groundwater inflow into tunnels.

In this research, efforts were made to represent a new analytical
Groundwater inflows during construction pose one of the greatest method, known as Groundwater Seepage Rate (GSR) via using joint and
risks to the successful completion of tunnel projects. Tunnels con- fracture characteristics as well as the hydraulic parameters of the rock
structed below the water table are exposed to some level of risk asso- mass. In GSR model, the amount of water inflow is estimated by ap-
ciated with water inflows with magnitude of highly variable risk. plying aperture surface area of joints of rock mass with respect to the
Groundwater inflows may constitute a potential hazard as well as an tunnel surface area. Finally, compared with the results of empirical
important factor controlling the rate of advancement in driving a methods, the results of this method for different units of Zagros tunnel
tunnel. can be more credible.
Indeed, some of the most disastrous experiences in tunneling have
been the result of interception of large flows of water from highly 2. A review of previous methods
fractured water-saturated rocks (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). As for the
discontinuous rock masses, the water flow is strongly dependent upon So far many researchers all over the world have presented different
the hydraulic characteristics of joint sets and rocks fracturing condi- equations for calculating the extent of groundwater discharge into un-
tions (Gattinoni et al., 2009). derground openings. Most of these equations are based on one of the
Since the presence of joint and fracture systems in rock masses empirical, analytical or numerical methods.
around the tunnel is the main factor affecting the amount of ground- The empirical method is a procedure adopted by Heuer (1995) and
water conducted into tunnel, the use of engineering characteristics of subsequently developed by Raymer (2001). This method is based on the
joints and fractures can be a proper way of estimating the quantity of experiences obtained from other tunnels, excavated in similar

Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 914 400 3015; fax: +98 21 88768555.
E-mail address:
Received 25 December 2016; Received in revised form 17 September 2017; Accepted 18 October 2017
Available online 02 November 2017
0886-7798/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Rasouli Maleki Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

hydrogeological conditions and on the basis of available hydro- Table 1

geological information (in situ tests, chemical and physical measures, The effective parameters in assessment inflow water into tunnel based Groundwater
Seepage Rate (GSR).
etc.) (Dematteis et al., 2007).
The analytical approach is based on the application of Dupuit’s 1. Geological parameters 2. Hydraulic parameters 3. Tunnel properties
formula, with corrections to the geometry of aquifer layers, the intake • Strike of joints, α • Hydraulic heads, H • Radius of tunnel, r
area and permeability reduction associated with hydraulic head varia- • Number of joints, NJ • Hydraulic conductivity, k
• Spacing of joints, SJ

tions and the effective stress around deep tunnels.
Aperture of joints, AJ
Water inflow into tunnels can be modeled using numerical methods
and the seepage into tunnels can be calculated according to various site
conditions. These methods require comprehensive data regarding the
site condition. Numerical methods are quite complex and their appli- each joint set and the total aperture area of joints (Atotal) around the
cation is time consuming, however, the results are more precise in tunnel is calculated. Then the rate of water inflow into the tunnel can be
comparison to analytical methods, particularly when the tunnel is ex- estimated in a form of analytical relationships via simple correlation
cavated in fractured rock mass and the impact of geo-structural aniso- between these data and hydraulic parameters.
tropy of fractured rocks on tunnel inflows needs to be addressed. The groundwater head (h) and hydraulic conductivity (k) of rock
In both of the empirical and analytical methods, the equivalent masses surrounding the tunnel play an important role for determining
hydraulic conductivity obtained from packer test is applied for pre- the water inflow rate. Due to the variability of these parameters along
dicting the amount of water inflow into tunnel. the tunnel route, it is necessary to divide the tunnel path into separate
Polubarinova-Kochina (1962), Goodman et al. (1965), Lohman zones with similar structural and hydraulic characteristics for more
(1972), Herth and Arndts (1973), Custodio (1983), Zhang and Franklin accurate evaluations. In order to distinguish each zone from others, one
(1993), Heuer (1995), Knutsson et al. (1996), El Tani (1999), Raymer should bear in mind specific criteria such as lithological changes, per-
(2001), Karlsrud (2001), Ribacchi et al. (2002), Cesano et al. (2003), meability variations with respect to lugeon value in boreholes, hy-
Perrochet and Dematteis (2007), Hwang and Lu (2007) and Park et al. draulic head of groundwater changes and so on.
(2008) have introduced different ways for estimating the groundwater In GSR, the water inflow rate into the tunnel can be calculated in
flow into tunnels. three different scenarios:
Goodman’s formula is probably the most commonly applied ap-
proximation for quick estimation of water inflow rates. It also serves as 1. Groundwater inflow into the whole zones of the tunnel.
the basis of the empirical method calculations proposed by Heuer 2. Groundwater inflow into each zone of the tunnel.
(1995). It should be noted that relations obtained for prediction of 3. Groundwater inflow into drilling effective length of the tunnel.
tunnel water discharge rates by Goodman et al. (1965), Chisyaki (1984)
and El Tani (2003) are developed according to analytical solutions for 3.1. Geological parameters
steady-state final values, and those adopted by Perrochet (2005a,
2005b), Perrochet and Dematteis (2007) are for transient inflows. As stated earlier, the main purpose of applying geological para-
Moreover, Jang et al. (1996) carried out a groundwater flow analysis meters is to involve their vital effect through the water inflow evalua-
based on 2D fracture network. tion procedure. Indeed, this important factor has not been adequately
considered in other models. The analysis and assessment results using
3. Groundwater Seepage Rate (GSR) the GSR model can subsequently be compared with the actual condi-
tions of the excavated zone.
The main prerequisite for estimating the water inflow rate into the Based on GSR model, the angle between the joint strike and tunnel
tunnels excavated in rock masses with many joints is adequate knowl- axis (α), number (NJ), spacing (SJ) and aperture (AJ) of joints in each
edge upon joint and fracture systems of tunnel excavation perimeter. joint set are the main geological parameters involved in estimation of
Since the rate of amount of entrance water from a discontinuity always water inflow into tunnels. To sum up, the main purpose of involving
depends on the aperture surface area, it can be concluded that by de- geological parameters in GSR model is to determine the aperture sur-
termining the total aperture surface area of joints surrounding the face area of total joints with respect to the surrounding area of tunnel
tunnel, a rather precise estimation of water inflow rate into the tunnel (i.e. to determine the parameter of reduction (n) of joints and fractures
can be obtained. around the tunnel). Fig. 1 shows the orientation, spacing and number of
GSR model is a method based on the following data: geology, hy- joint sets with respect to tunnel axis.
drology and the tunnel radius. The main purpose for introducing this
analytical model is to provide a somewhat accurate estimation of the 3.1.1. Angle between joint strike and tunnel axis (α)
water inflow rate into tunnels being excavated in rocks based on joint The intersection of each joint with the tunnel path could form cir-
and fracture characteristics of the excavation area. One of the ad- cular, elliptical or rectangular shapes in the cross section of a tunnel.
vantages of this method is taking account of each joint system with its The angle between joint strike and tunnel axis is used for determining:
own geometrical features including the height, width and length 1) the number of joints of tunnel and 2) the radius of the circular or
through the calculation process. elliptical shape or large length of rectangular shape.
In this proposed model, it is assumed that a tunnel with circular
cross section is excavated in an isotropic media with even permeability 3.1.2. Number of joints (NJ)
coefficient. The main input parameters used in this model are the The development of joints around the tunnel results in a porous
geological and hydraulic parameters as well as the radius of the tunnel media with high permeability. Therefore, it could be mentioned that
(Table 1). Among the geological parameters, aperture and spacing of this geological parameter is an important factor which facilitates the
joints are of crucial importance, since they have direct relationships groundwater inflow into the tunnel. As a result, this parameter has been
with the amount of water. applied in GSR model due to its significant role for accurate estimation
Unlike other models, in GSR model, the cross section from which of water inflow.
water passes into the tunnel is assumed equivalent to the aperture
surface area of joint sets available in the rock mass. Accordingly, for 3.1.3. Spacing of joints (SJ)
determining the cross section of joints in tunnel circumference, firstly A lower joint spacing means a greater number of joints, a lower rock
by determining the number of joints (NJ), aperture surface area (AJ) in mass quality and a higher permeability in the tunnel surface. The joint

M. Rasouli Maleki Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

Fig. 1. The orientation, spacing and number of joint sets with respect to tunnel axis.

spacing as another geological parameter is used to determine the Where C is the ellipsoid circumference (m); a and b are the one-half
number of joints in each joint set in the whole tunnel path which is of the ellipse’s major and minor axis (m), respectively.
defined using Eq. (1) as follows. In GSR method, to calculate a parameter, can be used Eq. (4) and b is
equal to radius tunnel (m).
L sin(α ) ⎤ L sin(α ) ⎤ L sin(α ) ⎤
NJ 1 = ⎡ , NJ 2 = ⎡ . .. NJn = ⎡ 2
⎢ SJ 1 ⎦
⎣ ⎥ ⎢ SJ 2 ⎦
⎣ ⎥ ⎢
⎣ SJn ⎦ ⎥ (1) 1 2 1 ⎛ 2r ⎞
a= (L + 2r 2)0.5 = ⎜ + 2r 2⎟

2 2 ⎝ sin(α ) ⎠ (4)
Where NJ is the number of joints; SJ is the spacing of joints (m); α is the
angle between strike of joints and tunnel axis (°); L is the length of each Where a is the one-half of the ellipse’s major axis (m); L is the length
zone (m) and J1, J2… Jn are the joint sets. of each zone (m); r is the tunnel radius (m) and α is the angle be-
tween the strike of joint and tunnel axis (°).
3.1.4. Aperture of joints (AJ) c. In case the joint strike is parallel to the tunnel axis (α ∼ 0), i.e. if the
According to the proposed GSR method, the distance between the angle between joint strike and tunnel axis is smaller than the critical
walls of joints known as the aperture is directly related to the rate of angle (α < θ), (Eq. (5)), the formed shape from their intersection
water inflow into the tunnel. In this model, it is presumed that the total will not be elliptical any more. Instead, a rectangular shape is cre-
aperture surface area in tunnel circumference equals to the cross-sec- ated in which one side has been excavated. Therefore, its cir-
tion from which water flows into the tunnel. Accordingly, considering cumference can be calculated via Eq. (6).
the field aperture of joints (αF) in each joint set and the circumference
of the shape resulted from the intersection of joints with the tunnel, the θ = Arc tan ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟

aperture surface area of joints (αJ) in tunnel circumference can be es- ⎝L⎠ (5)
timated for each joint set. Where θ is the critical angle (°); r is the radius of circle (m); L is the
According to different possible angles between the joint strike and length of each zone (m).
the tunnel axis (α), different shapes will be resulted as a consequence of
C = 2a + 2b or C = 2L + 2b (6)
the intersection of joints strike and the tunnel axis (Fig. 2).
Where C is the rectangular circumference (m); a and b are one-half
a. Provided that the joint strike is perpendicular to the tunnel axis of the rectangular major and minor dimensions (m), respectively.
(α = 90), the created shape from their intersection will be circular
and the circumference can be calculated via Eq. (2). By considering the circumference of the resulted shape and the
aperture of joints in the field (aF ), the aperture surface area (aJ ) of each
C = 2πr (2)
joint set can be calculated via Eq. (7).
Where C is the circle circumference (m) and r is the radius of circle (m).
aF (J 1) × C(J 1) ⎞ aF (J 2) × C(J 2) ⎞ aF (Jn) × C(Jn)
b. If the joint strike is oblique to the tunnel axis (0 < α < 90), the aJ 1 = ⎛
⎜ ⎟ , aJ 2 = ⎛ ⎜ ⎟ . .. aJn = ⎛
⎜ ⎟

⎝ 1000 ⎠ ⎝ 1000 ⎠ ⎝ 1000 ⎠
resulted shape from their intersection will be elliptical. Since the
calculation of elliptical circumference involves using complicated (7)
integral equations, it is recommended to apply Eq. (3) for calcu- Where αJ is the aperture surface area of joints (m2); aF (J ) is the aperture
lating the elliptical circumference in a more simplified way of joints in the field (mm) and CJ is the obtained circumference of shape
(Almkvist and Berndt, 1988). from intersection of joint strike with tunnel axis (m).
In order to calculate the aperture surface area of all joints in a specific

C = π (a + b) ⎜1 +
3 a+b ( ) ⎞

zone with length of (L), a new parameter called total aperture surface
area (AJ) is defined. This parameter can be calculated via Eq. (8).
a−b 2

10 + 4−3 ( ) a+b

⎠ (3) AJ 1 = NJ1 × aJ 1, AJ 2 = NJ2 × aJ 2 . .. AJn = NJn × aJn (8)

M. Rasouli Maleki Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

Fig. 2. Various orientations of joint strike to tunnel axis and the possible shapes created from their intersection.

Fig. 3. Changes of hydraulic head via water seepage into tunnel over time (from a to f).

Where AJ is the total aperture surface area (m2); NJ is the number of explorative boreholes are among the most efficient ways for de-
joints; aJ is the aperture surface area of joints (m2). termining the hydraulic heads and permeability coefficient of the
Lastly, the sum of total aperture surface area (AJ) of several joint tunnel, respectively. But, in the absence of lugeon test results, the
sets can be considered equal to the total aperture surface area of all proposed equation by Barton (2008) can be employed to determine the
joint sets (AJ (total)) around the tunnel according to Eq. (9). permeability coefficient (k) of rock mass. This equation is confirmed by
the Dekchu and Bhasmey hydroelectric projects in Sikkim and in the
AJ (total) = ∑ (AJ 1 + AJ 2 + ...+Ajn ) (9) Himalayas.

Where AJ (total) is the total aperture surface area of all joint sets (m2). 0.002 ⎞ 100 1
k≈⎛ ⎜ ⎛⎟ ⎞⎛

⎝ Q ⎠ ⎝ JCS ⎠ ⎝ H ⎠ (10)
3.2. Hydraulic parameters
Where k is the permeability of the rock mass (m s−1), Q is the in situ
rock mass quality (Q = 0.1 to 100) that can be calculated by (RQD/Jn)
Based on conducted studies by numerous researchers (Jacob and
(Jr/Ja) (Jw/SRF), JCS is the joint wall compressive strength (MPa), and
Lohman, 1952; Goodman, 1965; El Tani, 2003; Perrochet (2005a,
H is the depth of a specific point under consideration below the ground
2005b) and Park et al., 2008), it can be perceived that the hydraulic
surface (m).
head (H) and permeability coefficient (k) of rock mass are other ef-
fective factors for estimating the rate of water inflow into the tunnel.
These characteristics of rock mass are highly affected by groundwater 3.3. Tunnel properties
level, characteristics of joint and fracture systems, crushed intensity of
rock mass etc. Another effective parameter for estimating the quantity of water in-
Piezometering and carrying out pumping test (lugeon test) in flow is the radius of underground structure. The effect of this parameter

M. Rasouli Maleki Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

Fig. 4. Excavation of tunnel with fixed (a) and cone (b) hydraulic head.

Fig. 5. The effective discharge length (Le) with regards to the tunnel face advance.

has been considered directly in the geological parameters to estimate the Q = AV = Aki (11)
resulted shape from intersection of joint sets with tunnel section. 3 −1
Where Q is the groundwater inflow (m s ); V is the discharge
velocity (m s−1); A is the surface area (m2); k is the hydraulic con-
4. Calculation of groundwater inflow rate (Q) ductivity (m s−1); i is hydraulic gradient (without unit).

In the Groundwater Seepage Rate (GSR) model, the flow of 4.1. The maximum volume of water inflow into tunnel in the each zone
groundwater is presumed to be governed by Darcy’s law (1856), which (QMax)
states that the velocity of the flow is directly proportional to the per-
meability coefficient and hydraulic gradient. By defining Q as the total Based on GSR model, for estimating the maximum volume of water
volume of flow per unit time through a cross-sectional area A, Darcy’s inflow, the area of cross section from which water flows into the tunnel
law would be as follows in Eq. (11): is considered equal to the total aperture surface area (AJ (total)) in the

M. Rasouli Maleki Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

Fig. 6. Correlation between the steady state inflow and equivalent permeability (Heuer, 2005).

excavation length of tunnel. Therefore, the maximum amount of water attention towards fluctuation of water level while excavating tunnels.
inflow into the tunnel, in a condition that the whole tunnel path is In other words, the hydraulic head is not fixed and varies as water is
excavated under a fixed hydraulic head, is considered equal to the drained during tunnel excavation process (Fig. 3).
amount of water flown into the tunnel through all joints of tunnel path . Therefore, it should be noted that the amount of water inflow ob-
It can be defined as Eq. (12). tained from Eq. (12) cannot be actual unless the whole tunnel path is
excavated under a fixed hydraulic head (Fig. 4 – groundwater surface (a
QMax = AT nkH or QMax = AJ (total) kH (12)
and Le-a)) . However, this condition is not plausible. It is due to the fact
Where QMax is the maximum value of water inflow into tunnel in that in the first stages of excavation, the depression cone is formed
each zone (m3 s−1 in L zone); AT is the surface area of tunnel (m2); n is around the tunnel and brings about variability in the hydraulic head
the fracture ratio (without unit); AJ (total) is the total aperture surface and the effective discharge length (Le) (Fig. 4 –groundwater surface (b
area of all joint sets (m2); k is the hydraulic conductivity (m s−1) and H and Le-b)). As a result, it can be inferred that the results obtained from
is the distance from the groundwater level in the tunnel (m). Eq. (14) indicate the maximum capability of the surrounding rock mass
to discharge water into the tunnel. Accordingly, the main advantage of
4.2. The volume of water inflow into unit length of tunnel (Qu) Eq. (14) is to estimate the maximum amount of water inflow into the
The amount of water inflow into unit length of a tunnel can be
obtained by dividing the maximum volume of water inflow (QMax) by
the tunnel length in each zone (L). (Eq. (13)). 4.3.2. The effective discharge length (Le)
All in all, the quantity of water inflow into tunnels is highly affected
QMax H
Qu = or Qu = AJ (total) K by different factors. One of the effective factors is the part of tunnel
L L (13)
length which is situated below the groundwater table, which depends
Where Qu is the groundwater inflow for unit length of tunnel (m3 on the ratio of excavation speed to drainage rate into the tunnel.
s−1) and L is the tunnel length (m). In GSR method for determining the logical volume of water inflow
into tunnel the effective discharge length (Le) is defined. It is worth
4.3. Actual groundwater inflow into tunnel (QActual) mentioning that effective discharge length (Le) is highly dependent
upon the excavation speed and permeability coefficient (k) of the sur-
In addition to the geological and hydraulic parameters (ground- rounding rock mass that can be a constant value in isotropic environ-
water head and permeability) of rock mass in the tunnel path, effective ments. As the excavation operation progresses, the specific effective
discharge length is also among the main factors affecting the calcula- discharge length (Le) also advances forward (See Fig. 5). It means that
tion process of the proposed GSR model. in the high excavation rate the and low permeability coefficient (k) of
rock mass the effective discharge length (Le) will have a higher value.
4.3.1. Fixed and variable hydraulic heads Therefore, it should be noted that the calculated quantity of water
One of the most important challenges presented by different re- based on the Le is the maximum expected inflow of water into the
searchers in the water inflow calculation process is the lack of sufficient tunnel.

Table 2a
Basic input parameters for calculation of groundwater inflow into Zagros tunnel in accordance with GSR method.


M. Rasouli Maleki

Name Tunnel length Length of zone Overburden, H Rock mass quality, Q Joint wall compressive Joint Sets Azimuths or Spacing, SJ Aperture, αF Number of joints
(m) (m) (m) strength, JCS (MPa) Direction to (min–max (min–max in zone, NJ
North (°) (mean)), (m) (mean)), (mm)

P1 0–753 753 80–100(90) 3.1–5.4(4.25) 5–25(15) J1 155 0.17–0.37(0.27) 1.4–1.6(1.5) 2682

(SH-ML1) J2 270 0.12–0.22(0.17) 0.7–0.8(0.75) 2910
J3 300 0.2–0.5(0.35) 0.35–0.65(0.5) 2035
J4 40 1.2–1.8(1.5) 0.2–0.8(0.5) 78
Bedding 41 1.15–1.55(1.35) 2.8–3.2(3) 78
G1 2265–3715 1450 100–140(1 2 0) 0.5–0.9(0.7) 25–50(37.5) J1 127.5 1.3–1.7(1.5) 0.35–0.75(0.5- 947
(SH-LS1,4) J2 230 0.45–0.75(0.6) 1.35–1.65(1.5) 46
J3 135 0.8–1.1(0.95) 0.4–0.7(0.55) 1523
J4 250 0.2–0.4(0.3) 1.4–1.6(1.5) 1738
Bedding 24 0.6–0.9(0.75) 3.85–4.15(4) 817
Ki2 4000–4715 715 200–250(2 2 5) 0.01–0.05(0.03) 60–100(80) J1 60 0.65–0.85(0.75) 3.4–3.6(3.5) 182
(LI2) J2 170 0.4–0.6(0.5) 1.4–1.6(1.5) 1227
J3 140 0.55–0.95(0.75) 3.3–3.7(3.5) 953
J4 135 1.4–2.1(1.75) 3.65–4.35(4) 408
Bedding 125 0.25–0.45(0.35) 0.4–0.6(0.5) 1982
P5 5855–6110 225 165–180(172.5) 0.1–0.18(0.14) 40–60(50) J1 310 0.6–0.9(0.75) 3.35–3.65(3.5) 296
(ML-SH5) J2 140 0.35–0.65(0.5) 1.35–1.65(1.5) 450
J3 305 0.65–0.85(0.75) 3.4–3.6(3.5) 291
J4 210 1.45–2.05(1.75) 3.7–4.3(4) 42
Bedding 50 0.3–0.4(0.35) 0.45–0.55(0.5) 11

P6 7235–7350 115 165–205(1 8 5) 0.1–0.05(0.075) 25–100(62.5) J1 310 0.5–0.6(0.55) 0.5–0.6(0.55) 207
(ML-SH5) J2 14 0.42–0.52(0.47) 0.5–0.6(0.55) 140
J3 305 0.06–0.08(0.07) 1.24–1.26(1.2- 1594
Bedding 210 0.25–0.35(0.3) 1.45–1.55(1.5) 125
G5 9415–9910 495 210–230(2 2 0) 0.1–0.5(0.3) 25–50(37.5) J1 50 0.2–0.3(0.25) 0.65–0.75(0.7) 35
(SH-LS4) J2 240 0.08–0.18(0.13) 0.65–0.75(0.7) 732
J3 205 0.39–0.41(0.4) 1.99–2.01(2) 505
Bedding 50 0.3–0.4(0.35) 0.65–0.75(0.7) 25


Name Aperture area Total Fracture ratio, n Hydraulic head, Hydraulic Radius, r (m) Axis Orientation - For each joint sets For unit length For total zone
surface of one aperture area (%) H (m) conductivity, Trend (°)
joint, AJ (mm2) surface of one k (m s-1)
joint, AJ(total)

P1 24460 65.6 0.85% 65 3.90E−06 3.36 49 0.022 0.042 31.5

(SH-ML1) 13923 40.5 0.014
7974 16.2 0.005
22362 1.8 0.001
147686 11.5 0.000
G1 8667 8.2 0.62% 110 6.60E−06 0.004 0.054 78.3
(SH-LS1,4) 432696 19.9 0.010
8612 13.1 0.007
38309 66.6 0.033
98557 80.5 0.000
Ki2 136922 24.9 1.08% 205 1.65E−04 1.178 6.941 4963.0
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

(LI2) 25435 31.2 1.476 (continued on next page)

M. Rasouli Maleki Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

4.3.3. The actual and expected water inflow into tunnel (QActual)
In the GSR model, actual water inflow into tunnel (QActual) can be
For total zone
calculated via multiplying the amount of water inflow for the unit
length of the tunnel (Qu) by the effective discharge length (Le) ac-



cording to Eq. (14).
Q Actual = Le QU = Le ⎛AJ (total) k ⎞
⎝ L⎠ (14)
Groundwater inflow into tunnel, Qt (L s-1)

For unit length

Where QActual is the actual groundwater inflow into tunnel in the

effective discharge length (m3 s−1 m); Qu is the groundwater inflow for
unit length of tunnel (m3 s−1); AJ (total) is the total aperture surface area


of all joint set (m2) and Le is the effective discharge length under
groundwater table (m).
The obtained equations for estimating the water inflow into tunnel
For each joint sets

can be summarized as Eq. (15).

SH-ML: Shale, Marly Limestone (Pd formation), SH-LS: Shale, Shaly Limestone, Sandstone (Gu formation), LI: Limestone (LI formation), ML-SH: Marly Limestone, Shale (Pd formation).
a ×C × sin (α )J1
⎛ F (J 1) (J 1) +⎞
1000SJ 1
⎜a ⎟
F (J 2) × C(J 2) × sin (αJ 2)
Q Actual =⎜ 1000SJ 2 kHLe
⎜ ...+ ⎟
⎜ aF (Jn) × C(Jn) × sin (αJn) ⎟
⎜ ⎟
Axis Orientation -

⎝ 1000SJn ⎠
Trend (°)

Where QActual is the actual groundwater inflow into tunnel in the ef-

fective discharge length (m3 s−1 m); aF (J ) is the aperture of joints in the
field (mm); aJ the is the aperture surface area of joints (m2); CJ is the
obtained circumference of shape from intersection of joint strike with
Radius, r (m)

tunnel axis (m); SJ is the spacing of joints (m); k is the hydraulic con-
ductivity (m s−1); L is the tunnel length (m) and H is the distance from
the groundwater level in the tunnel (m) and J1, J2… Jn are the joint

5. Comparison of the GSR results with the empirical method

representing the actual condition (Case Study: Zagros Tunnel)




k (m s-1)

5.1. Heuer’s empirical method

Heuer (1995, 2005) introduced an empirical method to estimate the

water inflow based on borehole water pressure test results using
Hydraulic head,

Goodman’s model with a reduction factor to calculate for many of the

idealizations associated with the use of this equation. The method
presents an estimation of the proportion of tunnel length that will ex-
H (m)




perience different intensities of long term steady-state inflow. It also

provides an estimation of possible initial heading inflow by steady-state
inflow per unit tunnel length times a heading inflow factor.
Fracture ratio, n

Heuer's approach incorporates for this disagreement by grouping

the rock permeability data in “bins” corresponding to various propor-
tions of tunnel length and choosing an inflow intensity curve, flow over



headthe ratio of flow rate to hydraulic head q/Hs (Fig. 6), relationship

based on the ratio of hydraulic head to tunnel radius. The variance in

the measured packer hydraulic conductivity values is considered to
surface of one
aperture area

show the distribution of hydraulic conductivity along the tunnel path.

joint, AJ(total)

5.2. Validation of the proposed method








In this section, GSR method results have been compared with the
inflow rate obtained by the empirical method (Heuer, 1995) and actual
joint, AJ (mm2)
surface of one
Aperture area

condition in the Zagros tunnel. This tunnel is located in the western part
of Iran and is under construction to convey water from Sirvan river






basin to Zahab plain. The approximate length of this tunnel is



50 km that has been divided into two lots of (I) and (Π) with length of
Table 2a (continued)

24 and 26 km, respectively. An approximate length of 23 km from lot

(Π) of this tunnel has been excavated by a Tunnel Boring Machine



(TBM). From the geological aspect, the region which is being excavated

is located in Zagros Folded zone based on the structural divisions of




Iran. The main lithology of this region consists of a sequence of Jurassic

Table 2b
The remaining contents of Table 2a.


M. Rasouli Maleki

Name Tunnel length Length of zone Overburden, H Rock mass quality, Q Joint wall compressive Joint Sets Azimuths or Spacing, SJ Aperture, αF Number of joints
(m) (m) (m) strength, JCS (MPa) Direction to (min–max (min–max in zone, NJ
North (°) (mean)), (m) (mean)), (mm)

G8 13290–13425 135 170–230(2 0 0) 0.40 25–50(37.5) J1 30 0.35–0.55(0.45) 1.9–2.1(2) 98

(SH-LS4) J2 355 0.2–0.3(0.25) 0.95–1.05(1) 437
J3 145 0.55–0.75(0.65) 0.9–1.1(1) 207
Bedding 130 0.5–0.6(0.55) 1.95–2.05(2) 242
Ki7 14250–15065 815 170–190(1 8 0) 0.45 75–125(1 0 0) J1 65 0.2–0.3(0.25) 1.95–2.05(2) 898
(LI2) J2 0 0.3–0.6(0.45) 1.85–2.15(2) 1366
J3 0 1.8–2.2(2) 1.8–2.2(2) 307
J4 70 0.55–0.65(0.6) 0.95–1.05(1) 487
Bedding 340 0.74–0.76(0.75) 0.99–1.01(1) 1014
Ki10 17400–18030 630 180–190(1 8 5) 0.26 75–125(1 0 0) J1 50 0.45–0.55(0.5) 6.45–6.55(6.5) 22
(LI2) J2 30 2.2–2.8(2.5) 6.2–6.8(6.5) 82
J3 330 1.55–1.95(1.75) 6.3–6.7(6.5) 353
Bedding 170 1.3–1.7(1.5) 0.3–0.7(0.5) 360
Ki12 18045–18640 595 170–190(1 8 0) 0.06 100–150(1 2 5) J1 50 0.65–0.85(0.75) 3.4–3.6(3.5) 14
(LI2) J2 210 0.45–0.55(0.5) 1.45–1.55(1.5) 389
J3 150 0.7–0.8(0.75) 3.45–3.55(3.5) 779
Bedding 170 1.55–1.95(1.75) 3.8–4.2(4) 292
Ki21 24680–25683 1003 180–220(2 0 0) 1.25 75–100(87.5) J1 50 1.1–1.4(1.25) 1.85–2.15(2) 14
(LI2) J2 60 0.55–0.75(0.65) 1.9–2.1(2) 294
J3 115 2.2–2.8(2.5) 6.2–6.8(6.5) 366
Bedding 140 2.2–2.8(2.5) 1.7–2.3(2) 401


Name Aperture area Total aperture area Fracture ratio, n (%) Hydraulic head, Hydraulic Radius, r (m) Axis Orientation - For each joint sets For unit length of For total zone
surface of one surface of one joint, H (m) conductivity, k (m Trend (°) tunnel
joint, AJ (mm2) AJ(total) (m2) s-1)

G8 40656 4.0 0.46% 185 5.20E−05 3.36 49 0.283 0.9 125.6

(SH-LS4) 12751 5.6 0.397
7830 1.6 0.115
7850 1.9 0.136
Ki7 91534 82.2 0.79% 165 1.45E−04 2.413 3.24 2640.2
(LI2) 9593 13.1 0.385
26687 8.2 0.241
13989 6.8 0.200
24702 25.1 0.001
Ki10 1255291 27.6 0.51% 145 4.62E−04 2.934 7.20 4538.6
(LI2) 97498 8.0 0.850
24297 8.6 0.913
65458 23.6 2.507
Ki12 1255291 17.4 0.63% 145 4.75E−04 2.011 9.19 5468.4
(LI2) 13436 5.2 0.605
63397 49.4 5.716
25435 7.4 0.859
Ki21 1098326 15.4 0.32% 175 4.20E−04 1.127 4.99 5000.2
(LI2) 157143 46.2 3.389
8078 3.0 0.217
8604 3.5 0.253
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

SH-LS: Shale, Shaly Limestone, Sandstone (Gu formation), LI: Limestone (LI formation).
M. Rasouli Maleki Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

Actual groundwater inflow into tunnel

and Cretaceous formations. These units contain limestone and shale
belonging to Ilam, Gourpi and Pabdeh formations (Rasouli Maleki and
Yousefi Mahmoud, 2015). As for the hydrogeological point of view,
only the data of groundwater inflow pertaining to a length of 13 km at
the end of the tunnel is recorded with acceptable precision.

for Le ∼ 50 m (L/s)

157.5–232.5(1 9 5)
In this research, investigations were conducted in four steps: In the

first step, 13 zones were selected randomly among excavated zones of

260–350(3 0 5)

215–355(2 8 5)

165–255(2 1 0)
the Zagros tunnel. In the second step, geological and hydraulic para-

meters in the GSR method were determined based on joint mapping
from rock outcrops in the field and water pressure tests (lugeon test) in
the boreholes, respectively. The magnitude of water inflow was calcu-
lated based on GSR and Heuer methods for unit length and 50 m length

Actual Groundwater inflow for

unit length of tunnel (L/s/m)
of tunnel in the third step. The details and results of these steps are
presented in Tables 2a, 2b and 3, respectively
Finally, at the last step, water inflow rate into the tunnel was measured

Observed (Actual)
during excavation of every 50 m length in each zone of the tunnel path.


Subsequently, the average measured values considered as actual volume


inflow into the zone (In the P1 zone with 735 m length, for example, the
first zone was divided into 15 parts (L = 50 m) and then the amount of
water inflow was measured and recorded for each part and the average of
these parts were finally determined as actual inflow volume into the P1
zone). Fig. 7 shows the water inflow volume measured for each of the zones.

tunnel for Le ∼ 50 m (L/s)

Groundwater inflow into
Summarily, the comparisons were drawn between the conducted
calculations according to Table 3. The results indicate that:

A. The values of calculated groundwater via both GSR and empirical

methods for most geological units of tunnel path are compatible


with each other. But for some cases, differences were observed


which are due to the effect of geological parameters in the GSR
Empirical method (Heuer, 1995)

model contrary to other methods.

Groundwater inflow for unit

B. In the limestone units (Ki2, Ki7, Ki10 and Ki12), the magnitude of
length of tunnel (L/s/m)

water inflow volume calculated using GSR method is higher than the
empirical method. it can be argued that in rock masses with elastic
behavior (such as limestone), more actual results can be obtained by
taking the role of joint and fracture systems into consideration. This
fact is verified according to a drawn comparison between the water

inflow values calculated by the GSR method and actual observed
ones for Ki units (Fig. 8).
tunnel for Le ∼ 50 m (L/s)
Groundwater inflow into

Groundwater inflow rate for the unit length of Zagros tunnel based
Groundwater inflow Calculated into the Zagros tunnel by dint of GSR and empirical methods.

on GSR and empirical methods are presented in Fig.8. It can be easily

perceived from this figure that the values of calculated groundwater for
P1, G1, P5, G5 and G8 units by dint of both methods are compatible
with each other. Moreover, the obtained results using GSR method for


the Ki2 (LI2), Ki7 (LI2), Ki10 (LI2), Ki12 (LI2) and Ki21 (LI2) units



prove that the amount of water inflow into the tunnel is at a critically
high level and can be dangerous for the personnel and also hinder the
Groundwater inflow for unit

excavation process.
length of tunnel (L/s/m)

Fig.9 presents the results of actual observed water inflow rate and
those calculated using GSR and empirical methods. The drawn com-
parison between these three methods demonstrates the capability of the
proposed GSR method for estimating the groundwater inflow rate into
Groundwater Seepage Rate (GSR)

the tunnel. Indeed, the values obtained via GSR method are close to


actual conditions.

6. Limitation of GSR method

water inflow into
Total volume of

Similar to other methods, the GSR model also has some limitations
tunnel (L/s)

when being applied to the calculation process of groundwater inflow



into underground spaces. Summarily, these considerations are men-



tioned as follows:
P1 (SH-ML1)

P5 (ML-SH5)
P6 (ML-SH5)
G5 (SH-LS4)
G8 (SH-LS4)

a) The necessity for conducting joint studies with acceptable precision

Ki10 (LI2)
Ki12 (LI2)
Ki21 (LI2)
Ki2 (LI2)

Ki7 (LI2)
G1 (SH-

on rock mass outcrops.

Table 3


b) The inability to carry out joint studies on the intense crushed and
faulted regions.

M. Rasouli Maleki Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

Fig. 7. The water inflow volume measured for every 50m length of zones.

Fig. 8. The groundwater inflow rate for unit length of the Zagros tunnel (Qu) using GSR method in comparison to the values obtained by empirical methods in different geological zones.

c) The inability to predict the volume of groundwater inflow into the 7. Conclusion
tunnels containing large and buried fractures.
d) The difficulties for accurate determination of the effective discharge Groundwater Seepage Rate (GSR) is a new method introduced to
length (Le) in the tunnel path which requires doing statistical ana- estimate the amount of groundwater flow into tunnels excavated in
lyses and creating logical relationship on the obtained data from rock. The main inputs in this method are geological and hydraulic
different tunnels around the world. This can be fulfilled in the parameters of the tunnel path. The GSR method is generally based on
coming years. the effect of rock mass joints and fractures in conducting the

M. Rasouli Maleki Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 71 (2018) 505–517

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