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Back-Analysis Approach For The Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity in Rock Caverns

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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 47 (2015) 233–238

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Back-analysis approach for the determination of hydraulic conductivity

in rock caverns
Zhipeng Xu a, Zhiye Zhao a,⇑, Jianping Sun b, Lei He a, Wen Nie a
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798, Singapore
Rail Group, Land Transport Authority, Singapore 737733, Singapore

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Water seepage related problem is often the major geological hazard in underground rock excavation. In
Received 21 April 2014 order to reduce the risk associated with extensive seepage, a reliable hydro-geological model should be
Received in revised form 31 October 2014 established based on the in-situ investigation data. One of the challenges for establishing a reliable
Accepted 20 January 2015
hydro-geological model is on how to determine the hydraulic conductivities of the fractured rock masses
Available online 11 February 2015
using the limited in-situ investigation data. In this study, a back-analysis approach for the determination
of the hydraulic conductivities along a rock cavern is presented. To take the advantages of both the ana-
lytical solutions and the numerical methods, this paper proposed a semi-analytical approach for predic-
Rock cavern
Hydraulic conductivity
tion of the water inflow into caverns with the horseshoe section, and the semi-analytical solution is used
Seepage analysis for the back-analysis of the hydraulic conductivity around a rock cavern based on the in-situ monitoring
Back analysis data. The hydraulic conductivities are obtained by using the EXCEL spreadsheet’s build-in optimization
routine SOLVER to minimize the error function. The computed water inflow into the cavern is compared
with the in-situ measured data. The results indicate that the derived hydraulic conductivity is acceptable.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction are often used to get a profile of hydraulic conductivity versus

depth at specific locations. In addition, geophysical survey can
In the development of underground rock caverns for various provide the thickness of weathered zone, the depth of the fresh
uses, such as hydrocarbon storage (Kiyoyama, 1990) and hydro- rock mass and the location of fault zone or water bearing zone.
power projects (Li et al., 2008), the groundwater control during The key challenging issue during site investigation phase is how
the excavation phase and in the operation phase plays a critical to integrate limited geological and hydro-geological data to estab-
role in terms of construction cost and duration, and construction lish a reliable hydro-geological model.
safety. As witnessed in many underground projects all over the The neural network (NN) is a flexible data mining tool to estab-
world, water seepage related problems have been identified as lish an input–output mapping. It has been successfully applied in a
the dominant geological hazards (Rebekka et al., 2003), which wide range of civil engineering applications, such as in fault detec-
may potentially lead to: accidents during the construction, deteri- tion (Jakubek and Strasser, 2004), and preliminary hydro-geologi-
oration in working conditions which may threaten to worker’s cal modeling (Sun et al., 2011), which can be used to calculate
safety, rock-falls, settlement of aboveground buildings, extended the total water inflow into the underground caverns, a critical
construction duration and a high cost (Schwarz et al., 2006). factor for construction planning and construction cost evaluation.
In order to reduce the risks associated with the seepage, a reli- Numerical modeling using finite element and finite difference
able hydro-geological model should be established based on the in- schemes can be used in various complicated geological conditions
situ investigation data. For many projects, the hydro-geological and is suitable for various shapes of the cavern section. However, it
model is established simply based on the arithmetic average or lin- is tedious and time-consuming. On the other hand, many analytical
ear interpolation of the borehole data with laboratory and in-situ solutions (Lei, 1999; EI Tani, 2003; Park et al., 2008) on prediction
tests (Sun and Zhao, 2010), which is often not reliable. Actual of water flow into rock tunnel corresponding to specific conditions
hydro-geological field is anisotropic and heterogeneous, but infor- have been proposed which can be used easily to establish the rela-
mation on the hydro-geological setting is sparse. Limited boreholes tionship between the water inflow and the hydraulic conductivity
around caverns. However, these analytical solutions are only appli-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +65 6790 5255. cable to caverns with simple geometrics, such as circular, elliptical
E-mail address: (Z. Zhao). or square cross-sections ( EI Tani, 1999).
0886-7798/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
234 Z. Xu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 47 (2015) 233–238

During the construction phase, there are more site data avail- 2
parameter defined as a ¼ ðh  h  r 2 Þ=r, and A is the other
able around the excavation area, such as water pressure monitor- parameter defined as A ¼ hð1  a Þ=ð1 þ a2 Þ.
ing and seepage water measurement, but these data are often In order to study more complicated scenarios, EI Tani (1999)
not fully utilized to analyze the mechanism of the seepage problem derived formulae which permit the calculation of the water inflow
and to update the preliminary hydro-geological model. This paper into tunnels of elliptical or square cross-sections as
continues our study on the determination of hydraulic conductiv-
ities of the rock masses (Sun and Zhao, 2010; Sun et al., 2011) 2p
Q ¼k qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2 ðh þ HÞ ð2Þ
for an underground rock cavern project. As the cavern is excavated, 4h
ln aþb
1 þ a 4hb2
the data of water quantities into the underground rock cavern are
collected together with the water pressure information at various where a and b are horizontal and vertical semi-axis of the elliptical
locations measured through previously installed piezometers. This cross-section, respectively (Fig. 1).
proposed model, named as ‘‘back-analysis approach’’, considers
adequately the data collected from the site measurements during Q ¼k 3=4
ðh þ HÞ ð3Þ
excavation. It consists of minimizing the error function, which is 4
þ ln 2 c h

employed to refine the preliminary hydro-geological model and where c is the side length of the square cross-section (Fig. 1).
to build a reliable hydro-geological model. Then, it could be used It should be noted that it is common to use the analytical solu-
for the back-analysis of the hydraulic conductivities. In this paper, tion to estimate the water inflow of a cross-section if it is close to
the main hydrogeological features of a real project are described, one of the mentioned standard cross-sections, which is not reliable
the analytical and numerical models of groundwater flow are as the differences of estimated hydrogeological parameters among
shown, and details of the implementation of back-analysis are also tunnels with different cross-sections are noticeable. For example,
provided. Finally, the model calibration and testing as well as a dis- the maximum water inflow rate corresponds to a tunnel with the
cussion of the main achievements are presented. square cross-section, while the minimum water inflow is for a cir-
cular tunnel. The difference between the maximum value and the
2. Preliminary semi-analytical solution for water inflow minimum value is up to 30% (Pengfei et al., 2010), and the differ-
estimation ence increases with the increase of the cross-section size. Thus,
for a horseshoe shaped rock cavern with a large diameter (i.e. more
In order to back calculate hydraulic conductivity, one of the than 20 m), the existing analytical solutions are not suitable for
most popular approaches is the comparison of the measured inflow prediction of water inflow due to the significant differences.
data with modeled inflows, and then the relationship between Over the last few decades, the numerical methods have been
water inflow and the hydraulic conductivity can be established. acknowledged as the most reasonable approach for estimating
Several researchers presented analytical solutions to establish the water flow related problems as many factors of geological condi-
relationship between the hydraulic conductivity and water inflow tions could be taken into account. However, a numerical method
for the circular tunnel (Lei, 1999; EI Tani, 2003). Park et al. (2008) usually requires abundant skilled professional knowledge on geo-
revised and compared existing analytical solutions using a com- logical and hydrogeological information and it is often consider-
mon notation and reference datum for the hydraulic head. Zhang able time-consuming. To take partial advantages of analytical
and Franklin (1993) presented an analytical solution for the circu- solutions and numerical methods into account, this paper pro-
lar tunnel assuming a hydraulic conductivity gradient, which can posed a semi-analytical approach for preliminary hydrogeological
be regarded as an extension of the solution of Goodman (1965). modeling, which could be used to calculate the total water inflow
Most of these models assume two-dimensional flow in a plane per- around the cavern with horseshoe section.
pendicular to the tunnel axis and the tunnel has a circular geome- Based on the existing analytical solutions and numerical method,
try. When the water level is higher than the ground surface (or we attempt to establish a relationship between water inflow and the
upper boundary) and atmospheric pressure is effective inside the corresponding boundary conditions. Interestingly, by making a
tunnel and at the tunnel perimeter (Fig. 1), the solution for the comparison of existing analytical solutions (i.e. Eqs. (1)–(3)) and
groundwater inflow Q, which is the volume of water per unit tun- other empirical formulas (Pengfei et al., 2010), it could be found that
nel length, into an unlined circular tunnel can be obtained as (Park when the water level is higher than the upper boundary and
et al., 2008). atmospheric pressure is effective at the tunnel perimeter, the rela-
2p tionship between water inflow and the hydraulic conductivity for
Q ¼k  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðA þ HÞ ð1Þ any cross-section can be expressed in the following general form:
ln r
þ hr2  1 Q
¼ S þ CH ð4Þ
where h is the tunnel depth, r is the tunnel radius, k is the hydraulic
where S and C are the two coefficients only related to the tunnel’s
conductivity, H is the water depth at the upper boundary, a is a
shape and depth. For a specific cavern, the size of the cross-section
and the location are fixed, so the values of S and C are also con-
stants. Eq. (4) is very convenient to use, if the values of S and C
are given. However, the parameters of S and C should be recalcu-
lated if the cross-section and depth of rock caverns are changed,
even though the caverns locate in the same construction site.
In order to determine S and C for a specific case, the code FLAC is
adopted to model the groundwater flow into the caverns. In FLAC
code, one value of Q =k can be calculated if a certain water pressure
H is given. A group of Q =k values will be obtained with changing
the parameter of H which ranges from 0 m to 120 m water column
at the upper boundary. The results of S and C can be determined by
Fig. 1. Tunnels with different shapes in a semi-infinite aquifer (circle, ellipse and regression analysis. Then, the preliminary semi-analytical solution
square). for water inflow prediction formula would be successfully built,
Z. Xu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 47 (2015) 233–238 235

which could be used to compute the total water inflow into cavern which could be calculated for the whole selected duration. The
and to back calculate the hydraulic conductivity along the cavern. incorrect ratio a represents the effectivity of back-analysis and
whether the analysis results are reliable and precise enough for
3. Back-analysis approach for determination of hydraulic engineering applications.
4. Case study: determination of hydraulic conductivity along an
In underground engineering practices, some hydrogeological underground oil storage rock cavern
data could be obtained from geological mapping and probe hole
testing. During excavation, water inflow rate and pressure and 4.1. Site investigation
other related data could be continuously monitored. The valuable
hydrogeological information is essential to upgrade the prelimin- An underground oil storage cavern project located at an off-
ary model and to establish a more reliable hydrogeological model. shore island is used here as a case study. This project comprises
With the help of EXCEL spreadsheet’s build-in optimization of 5 underground unlined cavern units, 9 km of operation tunnels,
routine SOLVER, the back-analysis which mainly consists of access tunnels, maintenance chambers and water curtain galleries
minimizing the error function is introduced to determine hydraulic built on two levels below the sea-bottom. The operation and access
conductivity around the cavern on the basis of established preli- tunnels at upper level contain the pipes used for importing and
minary model and in-situ hydrogeological observations during exporting hydrocarbon product and for the pumping out of the
excavation. The error function is a nonlinear function of the water seeping into the rock caverns, while the rock caverns are
unknown coefficients of hydraulic conductivity and its gradient located at the lower level. The caverns are located in sedimentary
cannot be determined analytically. As a consequence the minimi- bedrocks where it is characterized by siltstone, sandstone, con-
zation algorithm must handle general nonlinear functions and glomerate and limestone and some intrusive rock dykes and veins.
should not require the analytical evaluation of the function gradi- The crowns of caverns are located at 119 mACD, where ACD is the
ent. In this paper, the automated spreadsheet search algorithm abbreviation of ‘‘Admiralty Chart Datum’’. The shape of the cavern
(Zhang and Goh, 2012) is used to perform the minimization pro- is horseshoe, with the size of 20 m in width and 27 m in height
cess to determine the hydraulic conductivity. (Fig. 2). The Drill–Blast method is adopted in the excavation of
The back-analysis is based on the minimization of the error the storage caverns. The caverns are excavated in 3 stages, viz
function E that represents the discrepancy between the measured top heading and 2 benches, each with a height of 9 m. An advan-
water inflow into the cavern in the field and the corresponding tage of this excavated method is that the geological/hydrogeologi-
computed results obtained from the semi-analytical solution, cal conditions and structural stability of the caverns can be
which in turn depend on the unknown coefficients of hydraulic assessed at the top heading level before moving forward with the
conductivity in n different hydrogeological units: two lower benches. The rock bolts and shotcrete are the major ele-
 P  ments of structure support work. The hydraulic conductivity
X Q i  j¼1;n Q i;j Lj  depends on the different geological features and jointing networks
E¼ ð5Þ
Qi and is therefore highly heterogeneous. According to the site inves-
tigation report, the hydraulic conductivity varies between 1010 m/
where Q i is the measured water inflow into tunnel/cavern on the s and 106 m/s. When faced with water inflow during the excava-
given date i, t is the total number of measuring days, Q i;j is the com- tion works, additional activities such as drilling of probe holes,
puted water inflow on the given date i at the hydrogeological unit j measuring the leak quantities, drilling of grout holes, and grouting
determined from geological structures, and Lj is the length of the unit will be carried out.
j. The error defined by Eq. (5) is a nonlinear function of the unknown In order to have an in-depth understanding in the hydro-geo-
parameters kj and its gradient cannot be determined analytically. logical behavior of the underground rock caverns and associated
The unknown coefficients of hydraulic conductivity are underground tunnels, the water flow into the caverns and tunnels,
obtained by using the EXCEL spreadsheet’s build-in optimization water pressure, groundwater table and rainfall are monitored and
routine SOLVER add-in. The SOLVER add-in works with a group collected. In this study, only the hydraulic conductivities around
of cells that are related, either directly or indirectly, to the formula Cavern A are studied. The hydraulic heads at 8 control points
in one cell and uses techniques from the operation research to find
optimal solutions. With the aids of SOLVER, minimization of the
error function in Eq. (5) could be achieved by changing the kj val-
ues, under the constraints that all the hydraulic conductivities vary
in the range obtained from previous hydrogeological investigation,
and the hydraulic conductivity around the water bearing zone is
larger than that at other locations. Prior to invoking the SOLVER
search algorithm, the n unknown coefficients of hydraulic conduc-
tivity are randomly set in the preliminary range acquired from pre-
liminary geological survey. Iterative numerical derivatives and
directional search for these unknown coefficients of hydraulic con-
ductivity are automatically carried out in the spreadsheet environ-
ment. Detailed implementation on the EXCEL spreadsheet can be
found in Zhang and Goh’s paper (Zhang and Goh, 2012).
To quantitatively estimate the accuracy of the back-analysis
solution, for every computed water inflow Q i;j , we define an
incorrect ratio a as:
Q i  j¼1;n Q i;j Lj 
ai ¼  100 ð6Þ
Qi Fig. 2. The oil/gas storage tunnel and cavern.
236 Z. Xu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 47 (2015) 233–238

(H1-H8) in Tunnel A (Fig. 3) were monitored and the water flow

into Cavern A was collected, as shown in Fig. 4. Data monitored
during the 65 days after the completion of Cavern A and Tunnel
A are used for model calibration and validation.

4.2. Preliminary semi-analytical solution for water inflow

Preliminary semi-analytical solution could be used to compute

the total water inflow into Cavern A. It is essential to back calculate
the hydraulic conductivity. As discussed, for a specific cavern, the
values of S and C are constants while the relationship between
water inflow and the hydraulic conductivity for any shape of
cross-section is expressed by the general linear form, i.e. Eq. (4).
In order to calculate the constants S and C for this specific rock Cav-
Fig. 5. The numerical model domain for underground cavern.
ern A, the code FLAC 2D is employed to model the groundwater
flow into the caverns. In this case, the numerical modeling obeys
(4) Groundwater flow is assumed to be steady.
following assumptions:
(5) Upper boundary is located at 93 mACD, coinciding with the
location of the water pressure monitoring holes in tunnel A.
(1) Groundwater is assumed to obey Darcy’s law and is
And the lateral and bottom boundaries are no-flow
(2) The dimensions of the model domain are chosen large
(6) For the upper boundary, water pressure collected from the
enough to ensure that the boundaries will have little effect
probe holes in water curtain gallery tunnel A varies from
on the calculated results. The modeling area is 2000 m wide
0 m to 120 m water column, i.e. the parameter of H.
and 1000 m deep, and the mesh size is 2.5 m  2.5 m. The
representative cross section for the model is shown in Fig. 5.
(3) Atmospheric pressure is effective inside the cavern and at its A set of values of Qk are obtained with changing the parameter of
perimeter, thus the hydraulic head is not uniform but higher H which ranges from 0 m to 120 m water column. The results with
at the cavern crown than at the invert. regression analysis by EXCEL are shown in Fig. 6. The results show

Fig. 3. Plan view of proposed vertical manometer holes (VMH).

Fig. 4. Measured water heads at eight vertical manometer holes.

Z. Xu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 47 (2015) 233–238 237

Fig. 6. Determination of the two parameters S and C using FLAC software.

Fig. 7. Measured and computed water inflow rate into Cavern A.

that the relationship between water inflow and the hydraulic back-analysis model reproduces the trend of the measured flow
conductivity is linear for this specific case, which means that the rates. The incorrect ratio a have been calculated for all days, as
assumption of Eq. (4) is at least suitable for this project, and the shown in Fig. 8. The results verify that the maximum incorrect
parameters S and C are determined as 118.85 and 3.21, respec- ratio a is about 35%, and 92% of the incorrect ratios are less than
tively. Thus, for this specific project, the semi-analytical solution 15% which is accurate enough for engineering applications.
for water inflow prediction is The hydraulic conductivity distribution along the length of the
Cavern A is shown in Fig. 9. The result illustrates that the hydraulic
¼ 118:85 þ 3:21H ð7Þ conductivities are mainly in the order of 1010 m/s except at two
locations where the water bearing zones are intersected with the
which will be conveniently used to predict the water inflow into Cavern A. For this project, the grouting is used to reduce the
cavern and to back analyze the hydraulic conductivity. hydraulic conductivity in the water bearing zone and some check
holes are drilled to measure the water flow and the water pressure
4.3. Back-analysis for hydraulic conductivity after grouting. If the water flow and the water pressure are less
than the target values, the grouting will stop and the excavation
In this project, there are two water bearing zones cross the will continue. The target hydraulic conductivity after grouting is
Cavern A, and the hydraulic conductivity varies over many orders in the order of 107 m/s. The result shows that the computed
of magnitude along the length of the Cavern A. Eight control points hydraulic conductivities at the two water bearing zones are in
were installed to monitor water pressure along Tunnel A, so the the order of 107 m/s, which means that the computed results
rock mass around the Cavern A is assumed to have 8 hydro-geolog- are close to the real condition and can be acceptable to represent
ical units, and each unit has a constant hydraulic conductivity. the hydro-geological condition around the Cavern A.
Data monitored during the first 50 days were used for model cali-
bration, and the next 15 measured data after the first 50 days were
used to test the validity of the model. Furthermore, according to
previous geological investigation, all the hydraulic conductivities
are larger than 1010 m/s and less than 106 m/s and the hydraulic
conductivity around the water bearing zone is larger than that at
other locations.
The error function E depends on the 8 unknown coefficients of
hydraulic conductivity kj
X Q i  j¼1;8 Q i;j Lj 
E¼ ð8Þ

The defined incorrect ratio a is

Q i  j¼1;8 Q i;j Lj 
ai ¼  100 ð9Þ
where Q i is the measured water inflow into Cavern A, Q i;j is the
computed water inflow at the different units, and Lj is the length
of each unit as shown in Fig. 3.
The 8 unknown coefficients of hydraulic conductivity are ran-
domly set between 1010 m/s and 106 m/s. Fig. 7 shows the water Fig. 8. Quantitative differences of the measured and computed water inflow into
inflow time-history into the Cavern A. The results show that the the Cavern A.
238 Z. Xu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 47 (2015) 233–238

studied if more detailed data are available. As we known, the actual

water flow is mainly along the rock joints or fracture zones and the
water flow & pressure in the joints are the key information for
water control, as well as the assessment of cavern stability. The
influence caused by repeated blasting at nearby cavern/tunnel also
should been discussed. Thus advanced numerical model suitable
for seepage through joint models should be developed and the
relationship between the continuum model and discrete model
on the seepage analysis will be studied in the future.


This research is supported by Nanyang Centre for Underground

Space (NCUS). The authors would like to thank Dr. X.M. An from
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) for her assistances during
the computer programing.


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