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International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics

Vol. 18, No. 4, August, 2023, pp. 791-800

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Incorporating a GIS-Based Approach and SWAT Model to Estimate Sediment in the

Western Desert of Iraq
Basma Satar Jabar* , Khamis Naba Sayl , Rafid Alboresha

Department of Dams and Water Resources Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Anbar, Ramadi 31001, Iraq

Corresponding Author Email: ABSTRACT

Received: 7 July 2022 Sedimentation significantly impedes dam efficiency by diminishing storage capacity,
Revised: 31 July 2022 necessitating planning and maintenance strategies that accurately identify key sediment
Accepted: 24 August 2022 sources in watersheds and restore sediment productivity. This study applied a physical-
Available online: 31 August 2023 based SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) watershed model to quantify the
sedimentation of the H-3 Houran Dam in the Houran valley, Western Iraq. The SWAT
model was deployed for the period from 1/1/2004 to 31/12/2021, estimating the daily and
Keywords: annual sediment and surface runoff from the Houran valley. The model's performance
Soil and Water Assessment Tool, Houran dam was assessed using an error ratio criterion between the actual field-measured sediment
H-3 lake, sediment and the simulated sediment yield; the results demonstrated a favourable error rate of less
than 1%. Sediment spatial distribution varied across the lake, with a higher per-unit-area
sediment concentration near the dam body, despite a lesser total quantity within the dam
basin. This discrepancy was attributed to increased downstream runoff and other basin
characteristics such as slope and rock type. Our findings corroborate the appropriateness
of this methodology for water resource management, particularly in areas with limited
data. Contrary to technical reports suggesting an annual sediment transport of 60 tons per
square kilometre in Western Iraq, this study found a more plausible figure of 37.8 tons.
For the period 2004-2021, the actual sediment collected in the dam basin was calculated
to be 700,278 tons, with a daily runoff over 18 years of 12.2 m3/s. The simulated sediment
yield was 37,470.9 tons, which calibrated to 707,516.4 tons, maintaining an error rate of
1% for the parameters SPCON, SPEXP, CN2. This study thus provides valuable insights
into sediment management for dam efficiency.

1. INTRODUCTION prediction [4]. Subsequently, many simulation models for soil

erosion predictions were developed. All researchers
Soil erosion represents a serious environmental problem in considered slope length, slope, rainfall, soil properties, and
this world, as it poses a great threat to dams as well as the vegetation cover, as constant criteria that affect the erosion
nature of the environment [1]. Land degradation due to process [5]. The researchers also used various factors that
ongoing erosion processes leads to significant costs to society affect the erosion process to simulate the prediction of soil
as a whole and decision-makers, in particular, and thus the erosion, but the permanent dominant factor is the erosion force
increasing pressure on natural resources has led to the need to resulting from the movement of water, whether it is rain or
predict the consequences of future changes to the environment surface runoff, soil erosion models are classified into three
[2], especially if the study area is limited by hydrological data, main categories according to the physical processes simulated
which constitutes a major obstacle that calls for the invention by the model: experimental or statistical, conceptual, and
of new methods to study the modeling of sediment quantities physics-based models. Where it was found that the
and its movement, as in the current research. The scientific experimental models are the simplest because of the
literature with a wide variety indicates that soil erosion possibility of their implementation in situations with limited
includes large sums of processes with different characteristics data, where it appears useful in determining the sources of
such as shape, intensity, and frequency. Where scientists sediment and the generation of nutrients. Examples of
began to develop special equations for quantitative prediction empirical models also include (USLE), (RUSLE), and
of soil erosion based on physical factors such as climate, (MUSLE). As for the conceptual models, the factors that
topography, soil properties, and type of vegetation cover. All depend on sediment production are rainfall and runoff as
this came with the increase of abundant and observed data and inputs to the system and sediment production, while the
its aim towards determining the rates of soil erosion with a physical models can reach the temporal and spatial differences
spatial distribution in addition to a greater understanding of its of sediment retention, transport, and deposition processes [6].
mechanics [3]. Soil erosion prediction techniques began to A GIS is a powerful tool for analyzing huge amounts of data
develop and spread more than 70 years ago, but the work to perform geotechnical assessments over large areas in a short
expanded a lot in 1965 to include the Global Soil Loss period [7]. A GIS's ability to generate new information by
Equation (USLE) developed by (Wischmeier and Smith), combining existing heterogeneous data sets with a compatible
which was perhaps the first achievement of soil erosion GIS is a key advantage [8-11]. In this study, the amount of

sediment was calculated by the implementation of many steps The model was run Daily and annual simulations of runoff and
by joining GIS and using real field data recorded during the sediment were performed in the form of a continuous series
field survey of the lake, most of watersheds in arid region are during the study period (1/1/2004-31/12/2021), taking into
remote and so large with poorly of infrastructures like roadway account the years of model preparation. Parameters that very
that makes it is so problematic to monitoring and set the sensitively affect the amount of sediment such as Linear
metrological stations in the region. The highlighted problem parameter for calculating the channel sediment routing
in the arid zones is also a rarity of hydrological models because SPCON, Exponent parameter for calculating the channel
the rainfall series are available but with gaps. Technology can sediment routing SPEXP, and Surface runoff calculation
help to provide solutions for the lack of data by using GIS and parameter CN2 were also configured to obtain the best results
SWAT modeling as one of these solutions to overcome these when comparing the measured values of sediment and the
problems. observed values of rainstorms from the continuous model
Therefore, there is interesting necessity to develop and use calibration.
the GIS and SAWT models that help of predicting the
sedimentation in any catchment area from the available data.
Surface runoff prediction in the arid region considered an
important challenge in hydrology, especially for the ungagged
area when further studies to develop and improve the runoff
prediction models are necessary [12]. Because of the data is so
limited and, in many times, not available, it is necessary to use
other approaches for resorting representative runoff in
catchment area. This study aimed to provide decision-makers
and engineers with real and reliable methods for accurately
estimating sediment quantities, in addition to enhancing and
evaluating the impacts on the harvesting of receiving rainwater.
Sediment retention basin bodies within watersheds.
This study aims to know the quantities of sediments that
entered Lake Houran Dam H-3 during the study period
(1/1/2004 - 31/12/2021). With the application of the SWAT
model to estimate the quantities of sediments in tons and
surface runoff, the products of running the program were then
calibrated and verified., by the SWAT model and the amount
of sediment was estimated.

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Figure 1. Flowchart of research methodology

2.1 Methodology 2.2 Study area

The following methodology was used to achieve the The Iraqi Western Desert represents the southwestern part
objectives as in Figure 1, the schematic framework of the of the Euphrates River. This area covers of approximately
methodology. The methodology is divided into two main parts, 220,000 km2, most of these areas are arid. The soil of the area
which are the field survey process, the method used for is suitable for cultivation. The rainy season starts from
fieldwork is dividing the lake into many points by making a September to the end of May. The average annual precipitation
grid line along the body of the lake and SWAT model input in this region is 115 mm, about 49.5% occurring in winter,
data which includes digital elevation model DEM, land use 36.3% in spring and 14.8% in autumn [13]. This desert is
map, soil map and slope map. After completing all the field located Between longitudes 34°-39° east and extends at a
survey work of the lake, all the data was entered into the Excel much higher altitude to the west to Syria and Jordan and from
program, then exported to ArcGIS 10.2.2 to know the the south and southwest to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
boundaries of the lake and its compatibility with the real Houran valley is one of the largest valleys not only in the
natural boundaries that were observed during the field survey Western Desert but also, in general, in the region of Iraq. It
process, where the results were consistent in a very perfect extends for 458 km from the Iraqi-Saudi Region. It is bordered
way, also the interpolation was done for the points located on to the point where the Euphrates River meets in the town of
the edges of the lake inverse distance weighted (IDW) to Al-Baghdadi, south of modern (Figure 2). Geographical
increase the accuracy of the results and complete the location of the valley, Longitude 39°00'' 00'' to 43'00''00'' East
operations on them within the ArcGIS program, where the lake and Latitude 32'00''00'' to 43'30'00'' North. The catchment area
was divided into 17 polygons depending on the measured real of the valley is about 13,370 km2 and the difference in height
heights of the sediments in the dam basin, where the area and from the beginning of the valley to its end is around 600 AD
volume of each polygon were calculated and a map [14]. The Houran dam H-3 is a very important area in the
representing the location and size of these sections was Western Desert, so it is important to study all the problems that
obtained concerning the lake and the map of the spatial cause a shortage of water, the most prominent of which is the
distribution of the sediments. Regarding the second step, the problem of sedimentation. The resistance of exposed rocks to
data represented by a digital elevation map (DEM) with weathering and erosion in different geological formations
dimensions (10×10) m, a map of soil type and land use in the along the course of Wadi Houran has caused the development
form of (forms files), and a climatic database were entered. of different landscapes in the valley.

Therefore, the valley is divided into four main types of points in the grid represents the location of sediment sampling.
erosion: Gulley Erosion: It is the main type of erosion along Coordinate points were taken in the dam basin using the
the course of Wadi Houran, especially in the meandering areas, Global Position System (GPS) device (Figure 3b), and the
bank erosion and bank erosion are common; Usually is the depths of those points were measured using the Auger device
case of the first case and sediment orientation in the last case. (Figure 3c), excavation is carried out to a depth that is difficult
Sheet erosion: This type of erosion is very rare in the course to dig from. This indicates access to natural ground, and the
of Wadi Houran and on its banks. It works on flat areas of metal tape measure (Figure 3d), in addition to taking samples
broad floodplains, as well as on the upper parts of banks. Rill of the soil deposited in the dam basin, where samples were
Erosion: This type of erosion is very common in parts, where taken from the first line of the grid at a distance of 2 meters
soft rocks dominate over hard rocks. Therefore, the main from the body of the dam, then samples were taken from three
landscape is dense cliffs of various sizes along the slopes of lines in a row, and the distance between them was fixed at 50
those cliffs, and erosion of the cliff is very active. The geology meters. Then the grid lines are completed at a fixed distance
of Wadi Houran includes briefly three types of geological between every two lines, which is 100 meters, until reaching
formations, the first type is soft and hard rocks in an the end of the dam lake. The Global Digital Elevation Model
alternating fashion where the height of these forms’ ranges (GDEM) was obtained from the National Aeronautics and
from a few meters to 15 meters, and they are usually covered Space Administration (NASA) website (
with hard limestone or polished sandstone. The second type is Satellite imagery (Landsat 8) was obtained from the United
represented by a limestone pavement to the upper parts of the States Geological Survey (USGS). The design report for the
banks of Wadi Houran, the size of the limestone blocks dams prepared was obtained from the Ministry of Water
depends on the distance to the valley course, and the original Resources, Iraq. Climate data for Al-Rutba station were
thickness of the limestone layers. The third type of soil is obtained from the Iraqi Meteorological Organization and
reddish-brown in color, silty clay, not compacted, the Seismology data were recorded between 2004 and 2021.
thickness varies from (<0.5–1.5) m; however, locally may
reach 2 m. Towards the bedrock, small fragments of limestone
occur in the soil [15].

a b

Figure 2. Geographical location of the study area

2.3 Soil texture

The sampling locations identified in this study were based

on the actual heights of sedimentation in the dam basin. A total
of 50 samples were obtained from the locations chosen to
cover the entire field of study. GPS was used to determine the c d
sample point in this study. The Auger apparatus obtained
samples of 60-120 cm in topsoil. Then, laboratory tests are Figure 3. a. The lake; b. (GPS) device; c. Auger device; d.
used to predict the texture of the soil for each sample using Metal tape measure
sieve analysis and hydrometer tests. Minimum soil sample
quantities for particle size tests were determined according to
the actual sample quantities. Use a 0.05 mm sieve to separate 3. SWAT INPUT DATA
the coarse soil (sand) from the fine soil (silt and clay). This is
done by washing the sample, as the fine particles pass with 3.1 SWAT model explanation
water from the sieve, only sand particles remain. Thus, the
sand percentage is calculated for each sample. Using the SWAT is a semi-distributed hydrological model with
hydrometer test to separate the clay from the silt particles. continuous temporal mobility. This model was developed to
simulate the effects of changes in watershed management
2.4 The field survey for lake techniques on the hydrology of surface water and groundwater,
pollutant spread, water erosion, and sediment movement [16-
The data collected for this study included a field survey 19]. It consists of two types of functional units: Hydrologic
carried out at the dam site, which is 60 km northeast of the city Response Unit (HRU) and Sub-Basin Response Unit (SRU).
of Al-Rutba. The method used for fieldwork is dividing the The first unit, HRU, is a geographical representation of the
lake into many points up to 150 points (Figure 3a), by making homogenous quality of slope, land use, and soil in each sub-
a grid line along the body of the lake, each of the intersection basin. The second item highlights some of the locations that

make up the main spring and the region that contributes to it, Qsurf denotes the volume of surface run-of (mm/ha), whereas
forming one or more HRUs [20]. The model forecasted each qpeak is the peak run-of rate (m3/s), Areahru for the HRU
HRU hydrology using the water balance equation of daily district (ha), Kusle is an abbreviation for the universal soil loss
rainfall, surface runoff, percolation, lateral flow, irrigation, equation (USLE) Cusle for USLE cover and management
and evapotranspiration. The modeling of the land phase is factor, Pusle for USLE support practice factor, Lusle is an
based on the water balance equation [21]: abbreviation for USLE topographic factor, while CFRG is an
abbreviation for coarse fragment factor. SWAT needs two
SWt=SWo+∑ti=1(Rday−Qsurf−Ea−Wseep−Qgw)i (1) types of input data: spatial data and temporal data [23-27]. Soil
map and land use map plus slope map digital elevation model
SWt denotes the amount of water in the soil (mm), SWo the (DEM) for spatial data. Hydrological data (water flow and
amount of water available to plants (mm), and Qsurf the sediment yield) and climatic data (solar radiation, wind speed,
amount of water available to plants (mm), Rday for minimum and maximum temperature, daily rainfall data, and
precipitation (mm), surface runoff (mm), Ea for Wseep for relative humidity) in temporal data (Table 1) show the details
percolation (mm), and evapotranspiration (mm), t for the sake of the databases. The main input data for the hydrological
of time (days). In the water cycle, the water phase depicts the process in SWAT is climate data. Therefore, daily
route of water in the riverbed using the variable storage precipitation, maximum and minimum air temperature, wind
coefficient approach or Muskingum routine. For each HRU, speed and solar radiation, and relative humidity of the air, data
sediment yield is calculated using the empirical Modified from the Meteorological Center were used [28]. A
Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) [22]: measurement station located in the valley was used as a wet
station, which helped with SWAT simulation. This
Sed=11.8*(Qvsurf*qpeak*areahru)0.56*Kusle*Cusle*Pusle*LSusle*CFRG (2) meteorological and hydrological data covered 18 years from
January 2004 to December 2021 (Resident Engineer
Sed represents the sedimentation yield on a specific day (t), Department provided this data).

Table 1. SWAT input data

Type of Data Resolution The Description

DEM 10×10 m ASTER-GDEM (Global Digital Elevation Model)
Landaus Data 10×10 m Land use classification derived from Sentinel-2 imagery captured on 8 June 2009
Soils Data 1/1 500 000 FAO, HWSD (Harmonized World Soil Database) (Food and Agriculture Organization)
Daily precipitation, maximum and minimum air temperature, relative humidity, Wind speed, and solar
Weather Data Daily
radiation data collected at AL-Rutba station

3.2 DEM digital elevation model 3.4 Soil map

DEM was used for Houran valley, shown in it the The soil was classified for the area designated for
topography of the study area (Figure 4a), and was extracted calibration and testing based on field tests of samples taken
from ASTER-GDEM (ASTER Global Digital Elevation from the area in the dam basin (the lake), whose results
Model) data with a spatial resolution of 10×10 m. DEM is indicated that the soil type for this area ranged between silty
integrated into the SWAT model and used to demarcate the clay, and silty clay loam, silt loam, and silt. The Harmonized
sub-basins. DEM was also used to derive higher graph World Soil Database, HWSD, jointly submitted by the Food
parameters such as the slope and slope length of sub-basins and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, the
[21]. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA,
and ISRIC-World Soil Information, was adopted. (Institute of
Soil Science - Chinese Academy of Sciences, ISSCAS) and
3.3 Land use map (Joint Research Center of the European Commission, JRC) in
the (SWAT) model to determine the types and data of soils in
The global land use map (Globcover2009_L4_V2.3) was the study area, as these maps contain database rich in all the
provided by (European Space Agency, ESA) and (Université necessary information that has been Inclusion in the SWAT
Catholique de Louvain, UCL) to determine the land use of the model for simulation (Figure 4c) shows the soil map.
study area [29]. This map contains a numerical code to identify
each type of land use for each cell of its cells. Natural pastures 3.5 Slope map
and weeds occupy a percentage of (6.8%) and the barren land
is (93.2%) of the valley. As for the watershed of the Dam, Slope map, drainage diagram for the catchment area, Slopes,
which represents the watershed of the calibration and testing, stream lengths, and river widths in the catchment area have
it was all barren land, based on the satellite images from the been derived from ASTER DEM [23]. Spatial Distributions of
satellites. The SWAT model contains a wide database of land the categories of slopes in the basin showed 5 categories: 0-
uses that includes all the data needed for simulation for each 1%, 1-5%, 5-10%, 10-15%, 15-9999%. As the slope increases,
type of land use (Figure 4b) shows the land use map the sediment transport accelerator is oriented downstream
(Globcover2009_L4_V2.3) for the study area. (Figure 4d).



Figure 4. a. DEM map; b. Land use map; c. Soil map; d. Slope map

4. SWAT MODEL SIMULATION generated from the simulation is (37470.9 tons). The
histogram of the model simulation can be explained that in the
SWAT was used for sediment modeling as the simulation first six years of the dam’s operation, the amount of sediments
shows for annual flow after running the model a good was few, then it began to gradually increase as the age of the
agreement with the observed climatic data set as input to the dam increased, and this amount of sediments reduces the dead
SWAT model. storage that is supposed to end when the default life of the dam
Flow volume during the simulation period (2004-2021) is ends, also it becomes clear there were years when
equal to (12.2 m3/s) as shown in (Figure 5a), (Figure 5b is the sedimentation height increased despite low rainfall, the reason
highest value of daily rainfall). Also, the amount of sediment for these instances is that the rain intensity was

shown in (Figure 5c). The performance of the model was
evaluated and it gives an error rate of 1% after the calibration
process for the three parameters mentioned in (Table 2). It can
be said that the SWAT model has been a successful simulation
of realistic sedimentation whose quantity was (700278 tons)
and the quantity after calibration was equal to (707516.4 tons).

Figure 5. a. Simulation flow; b. The highest value of daily

rainfall for the study area during the period (2004-2021) at
Rutba Station; c. Simulation sediment


The watershed located in Houran valley was used as the

basin of Houran dam H-3 to calibrate the model to provide
field measurements for the amount of sediment, where a field
a survey of the lake was carried out by making a grid line along
the lake of the dam. For these deposits using GIS 10.2. A plan
was created in a SWAT model that includes a digital elevation
map (DEM) with dimensions (10×10) m, a map of soil type
and land use in the form of (Shapefiles), and a climate database.
A daily simulation of surface runoff and sediment was
conducted in the form of a continuous series over the study
period (1/1/2004 - 31/12/2021), taking into consideration the
years of model preparation. The model was calibrated
concerning the quantities of sediments by changing the
parameters that affect very sensitively the amount of
sediments such as SPCON, SPEXP, and CN2 until obtaining
the best results when comparing the observed values of
sediment and the values of sediment from rainstorms from the
continuous simulation series of the (SWAT) model. The best
results were obtained when increasing the curve number of the
soil by (5%), and the value of SPCON, SPEXP (0.001), and
(1.35), respectively. The performance of the model was
evaluated using the error rate, which was (1%) and this is
equivalent to R (0.99), which is considered an excellent result
as shown in Table 2. And Figure 6 shows the stages of the
b calibration process with each error rate.

Table 2. SWAT calibration parameter

Parameter Calibration Range

Description Fitted Values Error Rate
Name Min Max
Linear parameter for calculating the channel
SPCON 0.0001 0.01 0.001 1%
sediment routing
Exponent parameter for calculating the Equivalent to R
SPEXP 1 1.5 1.35
channel sediment routing (0.99)
CN2 Surface runoff calculation parameter 86 90.3 +5%

Figure 6. The stages of the calibration process with each error rate

6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION polygons according to the grid line that was followed during
the field survey process which was the best solution for
Sediment simulated after running the model shows good dividing the lake because the width of the valley does not
agreement with the observed climatic data set as input to the represent the entire width of the lake because the valley is
SWAT model. Flow volume during the simulation period concave and the lake will rise approximately 13 meters from
(2004-2021) is equal to (12.2 m3/s) as shown in (Figure 5a). the valley relative to the center of the bottom because the
Also, the amount of sediment generated from the simulation is height of the dam represents 15 meters. The width of the real
(37470.9 tons), as shown in (Figure 5c). The performance of valley ranged from (30-to 80) m, and the height of the real
the model was evaluated and it gives an error rate of 1% after valley ranges from (1.5-to 3) m. The soil analysis results from
the calibration process for the three parameters mentioned in the experiments done in the University of Anbar College of
Table 2 and Figure 6 which show the stages of the calibration Engineering laboratories were as follows: The soil texture at 2
process with each error rate. It can be said that the SWAT m from the dam body is Silty clay, at 52 m from the dam body
model has been a successful simulation of realistic is Silty clay loam, and at 102 m from the dam body is a texture.
sedimentation whose quantity was (700278 tons) and the The soil is also Silty clay loam, and the soil texture at 152 m
quantity after calibration was equal to (707516.4 tons) for a from the dam body is Silt loam, and the soil texture at 202 m
watershed area equal to (1471.5 km2). The measured volume from the dam body is Silt loam, and the texture of the
was 350139 m3 according to the measured real heights of the remaining samples until the end of the lake and reaching a
sediments and GIS 10.2.2, and this volume is reasonable distance of 752 m was Silt soil, as shown by the blue dots in
according to the heights that varied between 60 to 120 cm Figure 7 [30, 31]. The lake sediment distribution map (Figure
along the body of the lake. Also, the lake was divided into 17 8). The dam basin sediment distribution map (Figure 9).

The continuous daily simulation method, which requires
detailed data on the depths of the daily rain, the climate and
land uses, the type of soil and its characteristics, and the
topography of the area, as the daily runoff in 18 years that
enters the lake is 12.2 m3/s.
After the coordinated work between the field survey work
and the results of the laboratory analysis, the actual amounts
of sediment collected in the dam basin for the period (2004-
2021) were calculated (700278 tons).
The amount of sediment generated from the simulation is
(37470.9 tons) and the amount of sediment produced after
calibrating the model is (707516.4 tons). The performance of
the model was evaluated and gives an error rate of 1% after the
calibration process for the three Sensitivity parameters to
sediment (SPCON, SPEXP, CN2).
Technical reports of the Western Desert of Iraq indicate that
(60 tons) per square kilometer of sediments are transported
Figure 7. Soil classification triangle annually, while the current study indicates that the number of
sediments transported annually amounted to (37.8) tons per
square kilometer of the Western Desert, and this is more
The SWAT hydrological model was successfully calibrated
(2004-2021) and validated using observed climatic data; there
were years when sedimentation height increased despite low
rainfall, the reason for these instances is that the rain intensity
was greater.
This work demonstrates basin characteristics such as
petrology and soil type, as well as how the slope influences
sediment yield. According to them, the SWAT model is a
reliable and accurate scientific method for determining the
spatial distribution of erosion at the basin level of the study
area. These results can be used by decision-makers and
managers to ensure proper resource management.
The sedimentation is estimated based on GIS and SWAT
model with an acceptable range of performance compatibility
between the results of the developed model and the field-
Figure 8. The lake sediment distribution map measurement data of sedimentation can be used with
confidence to estimate sedimentation in remote desert areas
with limited data.


To the Department of the Resident Engineer for Dams in the

Western Desert.


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