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ECCD Advisory No. 8, S. 2022 Complete

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8, Series of 2022

To: Provincial Governors

City/Municipal Mayors

Through: Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officers/

Provincial ECCD Officers
City and Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officers

SUBJECT: Safe Reopening of Early Childhood Education (ECE) and

Calendar of Activities for School Year 2022-2023

1. Recognizing the urgent need to safely reopen ECE services to mitigate further
development and learning loss, the ECCD Council, with technical inputs from the
Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG), through The Guidelines for the Safe Reopening of ECE
During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Attachment 1). This set of guidelines will ensure
that the safe reopening of ECE is well-planned, adequately resourced, and
coordinated among different stakeholders at national and local levels.

2. It is highly recommended that National Child Development Centers (NCDCs) and

Child Development Centers (CDCs) start the SY 2022-2023 on September 5,
2022 and end on July 7, 2023. Specific center activities shall also be
implemented as indicated in the Calendar of Activities for SY 2022-2023
(Attachment 2). Private Learning Centers (PLCs) may also adopt the
recommended school calendar.

3. Early Learning Programs shall primarily be implemented through

in-person/face-to-face modality. Alternative Delivery Modes and class schedules
shall be planned and implemented by the NCDC/CDC/PLC depending on the
needs of the children and their families.

4. In order to prepare and be able to cope with the transition, it is recommended that
the NCDC/CDC/PLC in coordination with the Barangay LGU/ School
Administration conducts an orientation on the Safe ECE Reopening at least two
weeks before the start of classes.

5. In preparation for the opening of classes, it is highly encouraged to conduct

Bayanihang Bulilit to gather people in the community to engage in ECCD
activities and services (e.g., Refurbishment of NCDC/CDC/PLC and Ensuring
that Health and Safety facilities and supplies are in place).
6. For clarifications or inquiries you may contact us through or telephone numbers (02) 8571-4615/

For your guidance and implementation.

Vice Chairperson and Executive Director

Issued on 16 August 2022

Republic of the Philippines

Subject: Guidelines for the Safe Reopening of Early Childhood Education in the
Philippines During the COVID-19 Pandemic

I. Background/Rationale

The first five (5) years are the most crucial years of brain development; thus, the
importance of unhampered early childhood education (ECE) is given utmost priority by the
State, in recognition of the Constitutional and statutory rights of the child, as provided in par.
(3), Section 3, Article XV of the 1987 Constitution, and further embodied in Republic Act
No. 10410, otherwise known as the Early Years Act (EYA) of 2013. ECE prepares the child
for school, but more importantly, contributes to the physical, social, mental, and emotional
well-being and development of children.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in disruption of children’s education and the
adverse effects of school/ECE closures on children’s safety, well-being, and learning have
been recognized. The impact of closures extends beyond disruption to education and carries
multiple, secondary risks to vulnerable children (e.g., children with delays and disabilities)
and children from low-income households. Schools and ECE closures result in damage to
children’s social, psychological, and educational development, as well as lost income and
productivity in adults who cannot work because of childcare responsibilities.

Global data show that reopening of schools are not the main drivers of COVID-19
transmission and children of primary school age and younger appear to be less likely to be
infected and less likely to pass on the infection to others (WHO and UNICEF, 2021). In the
Philippines, children 0-4 years old comprise a very small proportion (1.1% female, 1.3%
male) of total reported cases (DOH COVID-19 Tracker, 2022).

Recognizing the urgent need to safely reopen ECE services to mitigate further
development and learning loss, the ECCD Council has adopted the Guidelines for the Safe
Reopening of ECE. This set of guidelines will ensure that the safe reopening of ECE in
low-risk areas is well-planned, adequately resourced, and coordinated among different
stakeholders at national and local levels.

II. Objectives, Scope and Definition of Terms

A. Overall Goal and Objectives

The safe reopening of ECE shall have the following goal and specific objectives:

Goal: Children 0-4 years old shall have access to quality in-person/face-to-face ECE
services in a safe and conducive learning environment.

Specific Objectives:

1. Improve the capacity of LGUs, with focus on Municipality/City Local

Government Units (M/CLGUs) in risk-informed planning, implementation,
and monitoring of safe reopening of ECE;
2. Uphold a safe learning environment in NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs and other ADM
of ECE while children are enjoying and learning; and
3. Strengthen the collaboration with clear responsibilities among different key
stakeholders at the barangay, municipal/city, provincial and national levels.

B. Scope

This set of guidelines shall provide guidance on the standards and mechanisms for the
safe reopening of ECE which aims to ensure that children are experiencing and enjoying
development and learning activities together with some of their peers in a safe and conducive
environment. This set of guidelines shall be implemented in National Child Development
Centers (NCDCs), Child Development Centers (CDCs), and other alternative delivery modes
(ADM) of ECE in low-risk municipalities and cities. This also applies to Private Learning
Centers (PLCs)/preschools registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
and has secured a Permit to Operate from the Office of the Mayor.

This set of guidelines also cover the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders from
different sectors across governance levels to ensure effective, efficient, and safe
implementation of in-person/face-to-face ECE.

C. Definition of Terms
BHERT Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERTs), a
community organization tasked in monitoring and controlling
further community transmission of COVID-19 in the barangay.

CBPAV Center-Based Program implemented in an Alternative Venue. An

alternative delivery mode for the learning continuity plan for
young children during emergency situations.

CDT/CDW In this guideline, Child Development Teacher/Child

Development Worker refers to ECCD service providers teaching
in NCDCs, CDCs and PLCs.

DRRMO Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office at the national,
regional, and local levels are the country’s disaster management
coordination structure as mandated by RA 10121 or the
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act.

ECE Early Childhood Education (ECE) includes preschools,

kindergartens and other early childhood development centers,
which are designed to include educational content for children
aged 3 years up to the start of primary education, often around
age 6. In this set of guidelines, ECE refers to the education of
3-4 years old.

IATF The Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases

(IATF-EID or simply the IATF) is a task force organized by the
executive of the Philippine government to respond to affairs
concerning emerging infectious diseases in the Philippines.
The IATF-EID was created through Executive Order No. 168 as
the government's instrument to assess, monitor, contain, control,
and prevent the spread of any potential epidemic in the

Isolation Refers to the separation of ill or infected persons from others to

prevent the spread of infection or contamination.

Medical Refers to separating someone with confirmed COVID-19 or

Isolation symptoms to prevent contact with others or reduce the risk of
transmission. Medical isolation ends when someone meets
pre-established clinical, time-based, and/or testing criteria for
release from isolation in consultation with clinical health
providers and public officials. This does not refer to punitive
isolation for behavioral infractions within the custodial setting.[3]

Minimal risk Refers to an area with a two-week growth rate of zero (TWGR)
or below and an Average Daily Attack Rate (ADAR) of less than
one (1). The TWGR refers to the growth in case in the last two
weeks, while the ADAR refers to attack rate based on newly
reported cases in the past two weeks (consistent with the latest
Interagency Task Force quarantine/alert level classification).

PPE Protective Personal Equipment (PPE)- refers to protective

garments or equipment such as but not limited to face mask, face
shield, and gloves, that must be worn by individuals to increase
personal safety from infectious agents or to minimize exposure
to hazards that may cause infection

Quarantine Refers to the separation and movement restrictions of people

who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become

III. Operational Framework and Guiding Principles for Safe Reopening of ECE

A. Operational Framework

The Operational Framework for the Safe Reopening of ECE in the Philippines is
anchored on the Framework for Reopening Schools as well as Global Guidance on
Reopening in ECE Setting by the World Bank, UNESCO, and UNICEF.

The Framework shall focus on the following four (4) dimensions at the
NCDC/CDC/PLC/ADM of ECE level: a) Safe Operations; b) Training of and Support to
Child Development Teachers (CDTs)/Child Development Workers (CDWs)/Private Learning
Center Teachers (PLCTs); c) Child Well-Being and Development; and d) Parental
Communication and Support. Risk-informed planning, with policy and budget support, and
strong monitoring and evaluation mechanisms at various governance levels are imperative to
create an enabling environment to support each and across all dimensions. Figure 1 shows
the Operational Framework for Safe Reopening of ECE in the Philippines.

Figure 1. Operational Framework for Safe Reopening of ECE in the Philippines

B. Key Guiding Principles

Towards addressing development and learning losses among young children in a safe
environment, the safe reopening of ECE shall be guided by the following key principles:

Principle 1: Risk-informed planning at the LGU level is non-negotiable. Planning for
safe reopening of NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs/ADM of ECE shall be risk-informed and shall
be specific to the LGU context using public health and social and economic data. The
best interest of the child and overall public health considerations shall guide the timing
of ECE reopening and decision for re-closure.

Principle 2: Relevant policies and budget allocation shall be put in place. Effective
safe reopening of NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs/ADM of ECE shall be ensured when relevant
policies with adequate funding are in place prior to reopening, during reopening, and
re-closure. Budget shall be allocated for infection prevention control measures and for
improving the quality of ECE services.

Principle 3: Involvement of different stakeholders is imperative. The involvement of

key stakeholders from health and nutrition, early education, social welfare and
disaster-risk reduction is crucial for a successful and safe ECE reopening. A
coordinated and integrated approach shall be pursued to ensure children’s holistic needs
are met when they return to ECE setting and in the event of re-closure. Key
stakeholders at the national, provincial, municipal/city and barangay levels, including
mothers, fathers and other caregivers of young children shall be involved in planning,
implementing, and monitoring activities.

Principle 4: Training and support shall be provided to CDTs/CDWs/PLCTs. The

CDTs/CDWs/PLCTs have a crucial role in providing a safe and inclusive environment
for development and learning. They shall be trained prior to reopening and that their
well-being, health, and safety are supported when NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs/ADM of ECE

Principle 5: Pedagogy shall be strengthened while ensuring that children are

protected while engaging in play and learning. CDTs/CDWs/PLCTs shall be
supported so that safe and developmentally-appropriate practices are effectively
implemented for continuous development and learning of young children. Measures
shall be put in place to protect children while engaging in play and learning.

Principle 6: Prevent disease transmission and establish procedures if

CDT/CDW/PLCT, children and their families become unwell. Regular monitoring of
health status of children and their families, CDTs/CDWs/PLCTs and parent/center
volunteers shall be pursued and procedures and measures to prevent disease
transmission shall be put in place.

Principle 7. Plan ahead to support CDTs/CDWs, children and mothers, fathers and
other caregivers in the event of re-closure. To ensure continuity of development and
learning of young children, the LGU through the Local Social Welfare and
Development Office (LSWDO) shall build the capacity of the CDTs/CDWs and
mothers, fathers and other caregivers in the implementation of alternative modalities of
delivering ECE services (e.g., Center-Based Program implemented in an Alternative

Venue or CBPAV) in the event of re-closure. This shall be linked to the LGU
Development Plan, Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan, and
Comprehensive Emergency Plan for Children.

IV. Key Stakeholders and their Roles

To ensure effective, efficient, and safe implementation of ECE reopening, the following
major stakeholders at the national, sub-national and LGU levels, with their respective roles
are hereby delineated:

A. National level

1. Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Council

The ECCD Council shall:
a. Be responsible for developing national policies and guidelines in the
implementation of safe ECE reopening in close coordination with the
Department of Health (DOH) and Department of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG);
b. Have the oversight responsibility in monitoring LGU’s compliance to
national policy and guidelines for the safe ECE reopening including data
gathering of NCDCs’/CDCs’ profiles that have reopened;
c. Provide technical assistance to capacitate LGUs and ECCD service
providers in the implementation of safe ECE reopening; and
d. Provide informational and advocacy materials on strategies or measures to
ensure implementation of minimum public health standards.

2. Department of Health (DOH)

The DOH shall:
a. Be responsible for providing national guidance to ensure that health and
safety protocols are always strictly observed by the
NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs/ADM of ECE to ensure safety of children;
b. Work closely with ECCD Council to provide timely updates on public
health standards to be observed in educational settings; and
c. Provide informational and advocacy materials on strategies or measures to
ensure implementation of minimum public health standards.

3. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)

The DILG shall:
a. Work closely with ECCD Council to provide technical inputs and
expertise on good governance, local government development, and other
matters related to the safe reopening of NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs/ADM of
ECE for children 3-4 years old;
b. Provide technical assistance, in partnership with the Regional
Sub-Committee for the Welfare of Children (RSCWC), to
improve/strengthen local governance in the context of the COVID-19

pandemic, from risk-informed planning to monitoring of LGUs’ programs
to fulfill the rights of children to survival, development, participation, and
c. Ensure that there is a biological sex, age, disability status, and ethnicity
disaggregated database of children and their access to education in line
with the functions of the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children
(BCPC); and
d. Ensure and advocate LGU compliance in increasing coverage of children
3-4 years old and ensuring presence of ECCD services in all barangays
through the Annual Child Friendly Local Governance Audit (CFLGA) and
Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC).

4. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

The DSWD shall:
a. Provide technical assistance to LGUs to ensure that the delivery of social
services, particularly the Supplementary Feeding Program and Family
Education Programs, are compliant to the minimum public health
standards; and
b. Support CDTs/CDWs in acquiring competencies and continuous
professional development through the different levels/tiers of providing
capability-building initiatives aligned with the ECCD Council Training

B. Sub-national level
1. Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO) shall
be responsible for implementing the local recovery plans, in the prevention,
detection, isolation, treatment, and reintegration of people who are COVID-19

2. Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office/Provincial ECCD Office (if

applicable) shall:
a. Provide close coordination and monitoring of the implementation of safe
ECE reopening in M/CLGUs in the province including data gathering of
NCDCs’/CDCs’ profiles that have reopened;
b. Provide technical assistance to M/CSWDO/ECCD Office (if applicable) in
orienting CDTs/CDWs on the SOP;
c. Provide funding support to the M/CLGUs in implementing safe ECE
reopening; and
d. Allocate funding and procurement of necessary items (e.g., Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene - WASH kits, sanitation facilities, etc.) to support
the implementation of safe NCDC/CDC reopening aligned with COA and
DBM procurement law/guidelines.

3. Provincial Health Office (PHO) shall monitor and provide technical assistance in
ensuring delivery of quality health and nutrition ECCD services in the
M/C/BLGU levels.

C. LGU level
1. Municipal/City (Highly Urbanized City /Independent Component City
/Component City)

1.1. Municipal/City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office

(M/CDRRMO) shall develop risk-informed plans with strict adherence and
alignment to the implementation of the SOP, along with other policies issued
by the national and local IATF (Refer to Section VI.A. for specific guidance
on the preparation of Risk-informed Plan). The development of the
risk-informed plans shall include but not be limited to the following tasks:
a. Provision of funding support to the barangays and NCDCs/CDCs
implementing the safe ECE reopening;
b. Be responsible for making and communicating its decisions to
NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs for the appropriate actions/measures in ECE
reopening and decisions on granular lockdowns and reopening of the area;
c. Allocation of funds for, but not limited to the following activities and
procurement of necessary items to support the implementation of safe
ECE reopening aligned with COA and DBM procurement law/guidelines:
i. Provision/improvement of water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities;
and stockpile of cleaning and disinfecting supplies, soap,
handwash, toothbrush, toothpaste, and temperature scanner;
ii. Provision of sufficient supply of PPEs (e.g., face mask) to
CDTs/CDWs and volunteers;
iii. Provision of support to CDTs/CDWs in facilitating
developmentally-appropriate and stimulating learning activities in a
safe environment;
iv. Communication support and financial allowance for CDTs/CDWs
to ensure that proper messages are disseminated in the community,
including training of LGU stakeholders and CDTs/CDWs on
proper messaging on COVID-19 and safe reopening of
v. Training and support for parents/caregivers, especially fathers and
other male caregivers, on topics including health protocols,
parenting skills, and facilitating development and learning
activities at home;
vi. COVID-19 Vaccination of CDTs/CDWs; and

vii. COVID-19 testing of CDTs/CDWs based on the existing DOH
testing protocol prioritizing those who have flu-like symptoms and
symptomatic close contacts.
d. Conduct of periodic monitoring of compliance of NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs
and BLGUs with the set of guidelines.

1.2. Municipal/City Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC)

a. Provide close coordination, oversight and monitoring of the
implementation of the safe ECE reopening;
b. Facilitate the coordination and partnership with stakeholders (i.e., parents,
teachers, child-led or youth group CSOs) and communities in the
implementation of the set of guidelines;
c. Support the BLGUs in activating the BCPC and put in place proper
coordination with the Barangay Health Emergency Response Team
(BHERT) as part of contingency planning in worst case scenarios; and
d. Conduct an orientation prior to the reopening of ECE to the members of
the BCPC and other key community stakeholders on the existing health
and safety protocols, mechanisms, and procedures needed in the safe
reopening of ECE.

1.3. Municipal/City Social Welfare and Development Office (M/CSWDO) or

ECCD Office /Division/Department (if applicable) shall:
a. Provide technical assistance to CDTs/CDWs on safe and quality ECE
b. Facilitate barangay level coordination and program implementation;
c. Communicate policies/program updates on Safe ECE Reopening from
ECCD Council and relevant National Government Agencies to the LCPC;
d. Provide technical assistance and training on the set of guidelines together
with M/CHO, particularly on health and safety protocols. Moreover, the
M/CSWDO/ECCD Office/Division/Department shall provide technical
assistance/training to CDTs/CDWs in enriching development and learning
activities at the center and in alternative venues in the event of re-closure;
e. Mobilize existing local/deputized ECCD focal persons in providing
technical assistance through training the trainers and monitoring quality
implementation of play-based activities adhering to minimum health and
safety protocols to support CDTs/CDWs in designing activities in
f. Provide quality assurance and technical assistance and monitoring to
ensure that CDTs/CDWs are able to satisfactorily provide a safe learning
environment to children;
g. Train and mentor CDTs/CDWs on providing psychosocial support to both
children and their parents/caregivers using readily available resources/
materials (e.g., DRRM, MHPSS materials);

h. Train CDTs/CDWs on how to support parents/caregivers in conducting
ADM of ECE such as CBPAV and home-based program should the
NCDCs/CDCs need to be re-closed; and
i. Create a pool of trained CDTs/CDWs and volunteers who can cover for
CDTs/CDWs when they are sick.

2. Barangay Level
2.1. Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC) shall:
a. Be responsible for the safe reopening of ECE, including, but not limited to
linking with BHERTs and providing support (i.e., providing transportation
to and from the NCDC/CDC, providing health and sanitation supplies) to
vulnerable groups (i.e., children with disabilities, children belonging from
IP communities);
b. Allocate funding and procurement of necessary items (e.g., Water,
Sanitation, and Hygiene - WASH kits, sanitation facilities, etc.) to support
the implementation of safe NCDC/CDC reopening in the barangay
aligned with COA and DBM procurement law/guidelines;
c. Utilize the COVID-19 Referral System of the B/M/CLGU in coordination
with the CDT/CDW and BHC/BHERT when a child shows flu-like
symptoms during in-person sessions;
d. Conduct an orientation prior to the reopening of ECE to CDTs/CDWs,
volunteers, mothers, fathers, and other caregivers, and other key
community stakeholders on the eligibility for participation, existing
protocols, mechanisms, and set of guidelines on the safe reopening of
ECE, and to allow parents/caregivers to help children to mentally and
emotionally adapt and cope with the transition; and
e. Assist the LCPC in implementing ECCD initiatives.

2.2. Barangay Health Units (BHU)/ Centers (BHC) / Barangay Health

Emergency Response Team (BHERT) shall:
a. Utilize the COVID-19 Referral System of the LGU in coordination with
the CDT/CDW when a child shows flu-like symptoms during in-person
b. Assist in the implementation of vaccination campaigns and shall
encourage parents whose children have missed vaccines to bring their
children to the local health offices or private/NGO providers for the
completion of vaccines. As part of regular health screening, the LGU shall
also identify and refer children who are at-risk for dental problems and
nutritional deficiencies;
c. Ensure that COVID-19 patients in quarantine are provided with food and
necessities. Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERTs),
which are composed of, but not limited to, barangay health workers and
designated barangay kagawads, play a crucial role in preventing the
transmission of the virus by initiating contact tracing and monitoring

household members or close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 patients for
possible onset of symptoms;
d. Continue working with the BHU/BHC and local health office during safe
ECE reopening, and manage the patient navigation of COVID-19 suspects
and their contacts among families which may include those with 3-4 years
old children; and
e. Provide health promotion and education interventions, as well as primary
health care, infection prevention and control messages in collaboration
and partnership with the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Councils, to
counter misinformation, stigma, and discrimination against COVID-19

2.3. CDTs/CDWs and PLCTs (whichever is applicable) shall:

a. Primarily be responsible for the children’s development and safety. They
shall participate in BLGU planning for safe reopening and re-closure of
NCDCs/CDCs and ensure strict implementation of health and safety
b. Utilize the COVID-19 Referral System of the LGU in coordination with
the BHC/BHERT when a child shows flu-like symptoms during
in-person/face-to-face sessions;
c. Maintain consistent and regular communication with mothers, fathers and
other caregivers to ensure that they also observe the protocols at home and
in the community, and receive materials and messages on good health and
d. Continue to perform their role in addressing development and learning
loss of children through facilitating developmentally-appropriate and
play-based activities based on the National Early Learning Curriculum
(NELC) and the results of the ECCD Checklist Child’s Record 2, and in
monitoring the development of children in a safe and conducive
e. Support mothers, fathers, and other caregivers in facilitating activities at
home to complement the classroom learning, and during ECE closure;
f. Develop a cohort-based scheduling for all the participants to limit
transmission across groups;
g. Collect from parents the children’s vaccination records through the intake
form; and
h. Maintain stockpiling and inventory of hygiene and disinfecting supplies,
including disinfectants and soap, adequate water supply, and hand
sanitizers in the center with support from the LGU.

2.4. Mothers, Fathers and other caregivers shall:

a. Work closely with CDTs/CDWs/PLCTs in monitoring the child’s progress.
They shall facilitate children’s development and learning activities at
home especially when NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs are closed;

b. Ensure that they follow health and safety protocols to prevent
transmission of the virus at the center, at home, and in the community;
c. Be responsible for self-health monitoring and reporting;
d. Attend the orientation on the Safe Reopening of ECE at least two weeks
prior to the reopening to help prepare children mentally, emotionally, and
cope with the transition; and
e. Provide to CDT/CDW the child’s vaccination records by filling up the
intake form.

V. Eligibility for Participation in the Safe ECE Reopening

1. The NCDCs/CDCs shall be preferably situated in municipalities and cities in
low-risk areas. For areas in higher risk level classifications, proper
risk-assessment shall be conducted by the LGU prior to reopening; and
2. The BLGU and M/CLGU shall have committed to reopening of the
NCDC/CDC through a resolution, executive order, or any supporting policy
document stating expression of commitment. This is to ensure that policies
and budget shall be put in place, there are robust plans for reopening and
eventual re-closure, where necessary, and mechanisms for rigorous monitoring
of compliance with the set of guidelines are established.

B. Private Learning Centers (PLCs)/ Preschools

1. PLCs shall be registered and preferably situated in municipalities and cities in
low-risk areas; and
2. PLCs shall have an: a) implementation plan for safe reopening including class
program, class schedule, and health and safety protocols (e.g., testing capacity
for personnel and arrangements for all learners and personnel attending
in-person/face-to-face ECE); and b) contingency plan in case of school
re-closures and reopening in the event of detected cases among learners or
ECE personnel.

C. Child Development Teachers/Child Development Workers (CDTs/CDWs)/

Teacher Aide/ Parent/Center Volunteers
1. They shall undergo physical examination at the M/CHO prior to participation
in the in-person/face-to-face ECE learning.
2. They shall be physically fit and safe from potentially contracting and/or
transmitting COVID-19 and preferably as follows:
a. 64 years old and below;
b. has access to public/private transportation that comply with health and
safety protocols from and to the area of residence and NCDC/CDC;
c. ideally reside within the municipality/city where the NCDC/CDC is

3. They are highly recommended to be fully vaccinated prior to participation in
in-person/face-to-face classes.
4. They should be fully oriented on the distinguishing signs and symptoms of
COVID-19 and shall be made aware of the local health referral system
established by the local City or Municipal Health Office.

D. Children
1. All children, including those with developmental delays and disabilities,
belonging from Indigenous Peoples communities, and from disadvantaged
areas should be given equal access and appropriate accommodation to
voluntary in-person/face-to-face ECE;
2. Participation of children in in-person/face-to-face ECE shall be voluntary in
nature. ADM of ECE must be available for children based on the needs
assessment conducted by the NCDC/CDC/PLC;
3. It is recommended that they undergo regular primary care consults and have
up-to-date routine immunizations; and
4. It is preferable that children reside within the municipality/city where the
NCDC/CDC/PLC is located, and can walk or have access to regulated public
or private transportation.

VI. Guidelines on Safe ECE Reopening

A. Risk-informed Planning for Safe ECE Reopening
A risk-informed plan for safe reopening and assessment of the feasibility of
implementing protective measures before reopening of NCDC/CDC/ADM of ECE
based on the recommendations of national and subnational authorities shall be
developed by the LGU as initiated by the M/CDRRMO. This plan shall include
risk-based assessment, communication strategies, and contingency plan.

1. Risk-based Assessment
a. Assessing access of children to quality ECE through NCDCs/CDCs or
alternative delivery modes;
b. Assessing availability and appropriateness of existing handwashing
facilities and other sanitation supplies;
c. Assessing capacity of CDTs/CDWs to implement play-based learning
in a safe learning environment;
d. Assessing the needs of children living with or without health
conditions and special needs, as well as health conditions of
CDTs/CDWs; and
e. Assessing capacity to reduce the risk of transmission by limiting the
number of children and CDTs/CDWs in contact with each other.

2. Communication Strategies
a. Ensuring the availability of telecommunications or local hotline/help
desk for proper referral and coordination to facilities, hospitals or
b. Developing or adopting readily available clear and easy-to-understand
key messages on COVID-19 and NCDC/CDC reopening to inform

CDTs/CDWs, LGU stakeholders, and community members on how to
cascade the message to mothers, fathers and other caregivers and
c. Creating easily understandable and inclusive communication materials
(i.e., PA system, illustrations-based, posters with braille) available in
the centers and other establishments in the community that would
remind children, mothers, fathers and other caregivers on safety and
health protocols. Available materials from DOH, ECCD Council,
IATF-EID, WHO, UNICEF among others posted online can be
adopted/adapted for use by the BLGUs and NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs; and
d. Developing detailed protocols on hygiene measures, including
handwashing with soap, respiratory etiquette, use of protective
equipment, cleaning procedures for facilities and safe food preparation
practices in accordance with existing DOH policies

3. Contingency Plan
a. Decision points for NCDC/CDC suspension and resumption of
in-person/face-to-face learning sessions;
b. Clear protocols for medical isolation and re-closure in the event of
detected cases among CDTs/CDWs, volunteers, parents/caregivers,
and children;
c. Arrangement with the parents/caregivers for the continuation of
development and learning while the child is in isolation or until it is
safe for the child to return to the center by implementing alternative
modalities (e.g., CBPAV);
d. Continued communication with all learners and their
parents/caregivers, especially those children with or at-risk for
developmental delays and disabilities, and offer the appropriate
coaching to parents/caregivers to support children’s development,
learning, and well-being at home through monitoring/home visitations;
e. Strategies for the reopening of centers after the suspension.

B. Center Operations

1. Traveling to and from the NCDC/CDC/PLC

a. CDT/CDW/PLCT, center volunteers, parents/caregivers, and children
shall wear their masks on properly at all times, promoting safety and
hygienic practices whenever they walk to the center or are taking
public or private transportation.

2. Traffic management, Entrance, and Exit of CDTs/CDWs/PLCTs and

a. The NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs shall provide reminders for health and safety
protocols through creative posters, signages and community updates
that are easy to understand, and preferably in other accessible formats
(e.g., PA system, illustrations-based, posters with braille);
b. A designated drop-off/ pick-up area of children and waiting area for
parents/caregivers shall be in place;

c. The NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs shall strategically designate the use of a door
for entry and exit. Entry and exit signages and floor markings to guide
traffic flow may be used; and
d. The NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs may use visual cues to encourage physical
distancing inside and outside the center whenever possible:
i. The CDT/CDW/PLCT may use markers to serve as visual cues
for children and parents in designated areas;
ii. The CDT/CDW/PLCT ensures that the center shall be free of
clutter; and
iii. The NCDC/CDC/PLC shall use an appropriate number of
chairs and tables depending on the number of children per
session and other fixtures and furniture to provide adequate
space for movement.

3. Arrival of CDTs/CDWs/PLCT, Parents/Caregivers, and Children

a. CDT/CDW/PLCT, parents/caregivers, and children shall wash their
hands outside the center upon arrival;
b. CDTs/CDWs/PLCTs shall allow children who walk to the center to rest
for 10-15 minutes upon arrival at the NCDC/CDC/PLC before
temperature scanning;
c. CDTs/CDWs/PLCTs shall take children’s and parents’/caregivers’
temperature using a forehead or wrist scanner. If the child’s body
temperature is below 37.5℃, the child shall be allowed to enter the
center. If the child’s temperature is above 37.5℃, the child shall be
sent home or shall be referred to the BHU/BHC; and
d. Parents/caregivers shall fill out the attendance and visitor’s logbook to
ensure the child’s security in the center.

4. Protective measures, hygiene and sanitation practices, and respiratory

a. The NCDC/CDC/PLC shall have the following provisions for infection
prevention and control:
i. Sources of good airflow for adequate ventilation within the
ii. Water for drinking, handwashing, general cleaning, and
flushing the toilet;
iii. Toilet – at least one functional toilet with a lavatory with soap
and water inside or nearby;
iv. Functional handwashing facility in strategic locations (e.g.,
near the entrance of the center, inside or outside the toilets);
v. Soap, oral health care, and other sanitation materials (e.g., hand
sanitizer, alcohol, toothbrush/toothpaste);
vi. Schedule of supervised toothbrushing and handwashing
vii. Placement of trash bins in strategic locations;
viii. Visuals signages on proper waste management practices near
trash bins; and
ix. Visual cues that remind children to observe safety and hygiene

b. For NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs that shall provide food, canteen staff/food
handlers should be oriented on the Pinggang Pinoy and shall only
serve healthful food;
c. Children, CDT/CDW/PLC Teacher, and volunteers shall be prohibited
from eating together while facing one another. If there is a lack of
space in the center to allow distancing during meals, eating shall be
done in a manner where all individuals face in one direction and do not
talk while their masks are off;
d. Ensure smoke-free environments in schools complementary to no
smoking policies and prevention education;
e. Prevent violence and injuries through healthy physical environments
and anti-bullying policies;
f. Emergency Health Kits (e.g., gauze, cotton, plaster, antiseptic) shall be
available in the center;
g. Stored PPEs (e.g., masks for children and adults, gloves) shall be
available and accessible for all, including health care workers who will
respond and assist if there are symptomatic children, volunteers and
h. Children (2 years of age or older) and their accompanying adults shall
wear masks when outside their homes and when around people who
live outside of their household. Ensure that masks shall be worn
correctly, consistently, and safely. Masks of a proper size should be
used to fully cover the nose and mouth of the child. Three-layer cloth
masks or surgical masks may be used; masks with valves or other
configurations are not recommended;
i. A mask shall not be recommended in the following situations: if the
child has difficulty breathing when wearing it; if the child has a
cognitive or respiratory impairment giving them a difficult time
tolerating the mask; if the mask is a possible choking or strangulation
hazard; and if wearing a mask causes the child to touch their face more
j. CDT/CDW/PLCT, volunteers and parents/caregivers shall properly
dispose of used facemasks by placing them in resealable plastic bags
and throwing them in an enclosed garbage container; and
k. Visitors with approved or cleared appointments shall follow health
protocols and screening, present/provide their identification card, and
fill out the visitor’s logbook.

5. Daily monitoring of health status of CDT/CDW/PLCT, volunteers,

parents/caregivers and children, referral of and provision of support to
suspected/confirmed COVID-19 cases
a. The NCDC/CDC/PLC shall enforce the “Stay at Home if Unwell”
Policy among CDT/CDW/PLCT, volunteers, parents/caregivers and
b. Parents shall notify the CDT/CDW/PLCT if family members show
flu-like symptoms. In such cases, the child shall stay home until the
improvement or resolution of symptoms;
c. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall keep an updated attendance sheet of the
class with remarks on the incurred absence/s of each child;

d. The center shall implement the referral mechanism for COVID-19
when individuals who manifest symptoms while in the
NCDC/CDC/PLC shall immediately be brought to the BHU/BHC for
medical assessment and referral to appropriate authorities and/or
e. The confidentiality of information on confirmed COVID-19 cases in
the NCDC/CDC/PLC shall be ensured by the CDT/CDW/PLCT; and
f. Quarantine and isolation protocols shall be aligned with the latest
national guidelines. Repeat testing and/or medical certification shall
not be required for the safe return to the NCDC/CDC/PLC. Time-based
isolation is sufficient, provided the affected individual remains

6. Scheduling of Sessions, Development, and Learning of Children

a. The scheduling of learning sessions shall be based on assessment of
center needs (e.g., risk level of the LGU, total number of children
enrolled, number of sessions offered, number of children per session);
b. The NCDC/CDC/PLC shall adopt the cohorting approach where a
number of children stay in the same group/class/session with the same
CDT/CDW/PLCT, without mixing with other groups/classes/sessions;
c. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall administer the ECCD Checklist to the
children on a one-to-one basis to determine the status of development
of children at least twice within the year (a month after the reopening
of the NCDC/CDC/PLC, and six months after the first assessment);
d. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall adapt to the National Early Learning
Curriculum wherein healthy habits and safety protocols are
incorporated into the routine activities;
e. The maximum number of children per session shall be based on the
classroom size that would allow children to move and engage in
developmentally appropriate and play-based activities;
f. Children shall be assigned to their permanent chairs/tables during
g. Children shall be taught to responsibly dispose their used items (e.g.,
face masks);
h. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall discuss and introduce non-contact
greetings that are fun and child-friendly with children and staff;
i. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall utilize play-based activities and
multi-sensorial learning experiences;
j. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall use creative educational/instructional
practices to ensure inclusive, play-based and
developmentally-appropriate learning experiences around the
pandemic situation;
k. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall be encouraged to implement learning
activities outdoors as much as possible. Consider adapting the
curriculum, lesson plans and instruction for outdoor delivery (e.g., use
outdoor equipment and nature as teaching/learning materials);
l. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall conduct activities that promote gender
equality and inclusion of children with disabilities, migrant, displaced,
and returnee children, focusing on values and attitudes that contribute

to peacebuilding and social cohesion to respond to increased stigma
and discrimination in the context of COVID-19;
m. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall introduce the concept of self-help while
encouraging children to maintain individual personal hygiene such as
washing hands, using hand sanitizer, brushing their teeth after meals,
using a tissue when coughing or sneezing, throwing their trash,
avoiding putting toys/materials in their mouth, or touching their
mouth/eyes after playing with toys, etc.; and
n. The CDT/CDW/PLCT, with support from parents/caregivers, shall
continue to implement the Supplementary Feeding Program/Snack
Time, while observing health and safety protocols during this routine
(e.g., children stay seated while eating).

7. Children’s Well-being and Development

a. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall allow the parent/caregiver of children with
disabilities (learning disability or physical disability) to stay in the
classroom to assist their child;
b. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall address and consider children’s emotions
and concerns as this is important for their well-being;
c. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall ensure young children receive support to
channel emotions (verbalize, adapt their behaviors, and understand
changes) while achieving significant learning and promoting mental
health during the pandemic; and
d. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall follow the protocol for Case Management
of Child Victim of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation, whereby any
cases shall be reported verbally or in writing to government agencies
(e.g., LSWDO, BCPC, PNP, NBI, etc).

8. Disinfection and Waste Management

a. The CDT/CDW/PLCT, with the support of volunteers, shall disinfect
before and after each session all frequently touched surfaces, such as
door handles, tables, chairs, toys, supplies, light switches, door frames,
play equipment, and teaching and learning aids used by children as
well as common spaces such as learning areas, toilets, and kitchen;
b. The CDT/CDW/PLCT shall ensure that reading materials and wooden
and plastic toys can be easily cleaned before the start or end of a
session. They shall avoid mixing toys between groups of children
before they are washed and/or disinfected. Soft toys made of fabric and
stuffed with cotton and other materials which cannot be easily cleaned
shall be stored for use when the pandemic ends;
c. The NCDC/CDC/PLC shall use disinfectants that are approved by the
Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) such as: sodium
hypochlorite recommended ratio of 0.1% (1000 ppm) by dissolving ½
tsp of chlorine or 2 g to 2L of clean water for regular disinfection, and
recommended ratio of 0.5% (5000 ppm) for body fluids by dissolving
1 tbsp of chlorine or 10 g to 2L of clean water; ethanol in all surfaces
at a recommended ratio of 70-90%, or Hydrogen peroxide in all
surfaces at a recommended ratio of >0.5%;

d. The CDT/CDW/PLCT, teacher aide, and parent/center volunteers shall
dispose of used PPE in a separate leak-proof yellow trash bag
container with a cover properly labeled as “Used PPE”. In case a
yellow trash bag/container is not available, the NCDC/CDC/PLC shall
dispose of all used PPE in a separate bag/container marked for
infectious medical waste identifiable by the waste collector (e.g.,
yellow ribbon, yellow colored tag);
e. The NCDC/CDC/PLC shall treat the collected wastes with a chlorine
solution (1:10) through disinfection or spraying; and
f. Disinfectants used in the NCDC/CDC/PLC shall be compliant with the
DOH-FDA-approved preparation of disinfectants.

9. Heating, Ventilation, and Air-conditioning (HVAC)

a. Proper and adequate ventilation shall be maintained through different
strategies depending on the risks and situations in a particular space.
Adequate ventilation may be achieved through natural ventilation such
as opening the windows and doors; and
b. Enclosed spaces with limited ventilation may entail higher monitoring
equipment. Other options to increase ventilation include using exhaust
fans and placing fans near windows. If feasible, adequate airflow can
be measured through use of monitoring devices with target reading of
6 to 12 Air Change per Hour (ACH) and CO2 concentration below
1000ppm and taking into consideration the room size and capacity.

VII. Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementation of this set of guidelines shall be monitored and evaluated at
national and local levels to track progress of the reopening of NCDCs/CDCs/PLCs/ADM of
ECE and identify areas that can be improved and emerging good practices that can be
replicated in similar settings.

VIII. Effectivity

This memorandum shall take effect immediately upon publication in the official
website of the ECCD Council or in any national newspaper of general circulation.

Office of the Vice-Chairperson and Executive Director

Issued on August 16, 2022

Annex A. List of Acronyms

ADM ECE Alternative Delivery Mode of Early Childhood Education

BCPC Barangay Council for the Protection of Children

BHERT Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams

CBPAV Center-Based Program implemented in an Alternative Venue

CDC Child Development Center

CDT or CDW Child Development Teacher/Worker

DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government

DOH Department of Health

P/M/CDRRMO Provincial/Municipal/City Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Office

DSWD Department of Social Welfare and Development

ECCD Early Childhood Care and Development

ECE Early Childhood Education

IATF-EID The Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases

(IATF-EID or simply the IATF)

LCPC Local Council for the Protection of Children

LSWDO Local Social Welfare and Development Office

LGU Local Government Unit

NCDC National Child Development Center

PLC Private Learning Center

PLCT Private Learning Center Teacher

PPE Protective Personal Equipment

P/M/CSWDO Provincial/Municipal/City Social Welfare and Development


SFP Supplementary Feeding Program

WASH Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

Annex B. References

Checklist to support schools re-opening and preparation for COVID-19 resurgences or

similar public health crises. 9789240017467-eng (2).pdf

Considerations for school-related public health measures in the context of COVID-19 14

September 2020 Annex to Considerations in adjusting public health and social
measures in the context of COVID-19. Online. Retrieved May 20, 2021 via
Considerations-for-school-related-public-health measures-in-COVID-19-2020.pdf

COVID-19 worldwide. Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Google News

COVID-19 Philippines. World Health Organization. Philippines: WHO Coronavirus Disease

(COVID-19) Dashboard With Vaccination Data | WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Dashboard With Vaccination Data

Department of Health Guidelines on the Risk-Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19
Mitigation (DOH AO No. 2020-0015) Retrieved May
25, 2021.

DFTB COVID-19 Evidence Review 22 April 2020. COVID-data-top-10.pdf


DOH Omnibus Guidance for the Prevention, Detection, Isolation, Treatment, and
Reintegration Strategies for COVID-19 Scanned Image (

Framework for reopening schools. UNESCO; UNICEF; World Bank; WFP; April 2020.
Retrieved online on May 19, 2021.

Global Guidance for the Reopening of ECE Settings. Retrieved online on May 21, 2021.

Guidelines on the Risk-Based Public Health Standards for COVID-19 Mitigation DOH
Scanned Document

Naming Coronavirus disease. World Health Organization. Naming the coronavirus disease
(COVID-19) and the virus that causes it (

Page J, Hinshaw D, McKay B (26 February 2021). "In Hunt for Covid-19 Origin, Patient
Zero Points to Second Wuhan Market – The man with the first confirmed infection of
the new coronavirus told the WHO team that his parents had shopped there". The Wall
Street Journal. Retrieved 28 May 2021.

Republic Act 6972 – Establishment of Day Care Centers
n-of-children-act/ Retrieved May 30, 2021

SOP/Guidelines for Health and Safety protocols for Reopening of Schools and Learning with
Physical/Social Distancing SOP_Guidelines_for_reopening_schools.pdf
( Retrieved May 27, 2021.

Standards and Guidelines for Center-Based Early Childhood Programs for 0 to 4 years old
Filipino Children. ECCD Council Pasig City, September 2015. ECCD

Symptoms of COVID-19. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Symptoms of


UNICEF. Britannica. UNICEF | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica

UNICEF, What we do. What we do | UNICEF

When to quarantine. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19: When to
Quarantine | CDC

WHO Public Health Surveillance for COVID


Yıldırım, B. Preschool Education in Turkey During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A

Phenomenological Study. Early Childhood Educ J (2021).



AUGUST Aug 22 Parent Orientation Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa
Aug 22-26 Bayanihang Bulilit Aug 21 – Ninoy Aquino Day
Aug 29 – National Heroes Day
SEPTEMBER Sept 5 Start of Classes
OCTOBER Oct 3-7 First Assessment Week for Oct 5 – World Teacher’s Day
Infant-Toddler Early Development
(ITED) Program and Pre-Kindergarten
(Pre-K) Programs
Oct 17-21 Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs) for
ITED and Pre-K**
NOVEMBER National Children’s Month
Nov 1 – All Saints Day
Nov 2 – All Souls Day
Nov 30 – Bonifacio Day
DECEMBER Dec 16 Last Day before Christmas Break Dec 30 – Rizal Day

Dec 17- Jan 2 Christmas Break

JANUARY Jan 3 Resumption of Classes Jan 1 – New Year

Jan 9-13 Second Assessment Week for ITED

Jan 23-27 Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs) for


FEBRUARY Feb 25 – EDSA Anniversary

MARCH Mar 27-31 Second Assessment Week for Pre-K
APRIL Apr 3-7 Holy Week Break Apr 6 – Maundy Thursday
Apr 7 – Good Friday
Apr 10 Resumption of Classes Apr 8 – Black Saturday
Apr 9 – Easter Sunday
Apr 10-14 Third Assessment Week for ITED Apr 9 – Day of Valor

Apr 17-21 Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs) for

ITED and Pre-K**
MAY May 1 – Labor Day
JUNE Jun 26-30 Fourth Assessment Week (ITED) CDW Month
Jun 12 – Independence Day
JULY Jul 7 End of Classes Nutrition Month
Jul 10-14 Moving Up Ceremonies
Jul 17-21 End of Year Parent-Teacher
Conferences for ITED and Pre-K (PTCs)

- National and Local holidays shall be observed.
* Follow-up Assessments shall be based on the result of the administration of the ECCD Checklist.
** Regular Classes are observed during Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs)

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