Sept4 8
Sept4 8
Sept4 8
C. Learning Compare and contrast the contents of the materials viewed with outside
Competencies/ sources of information in terms of accessibility and effectiveness. (EN10VC-Iva-15)
Objectives Write
the LC code for
II. CONTENT Classroom Orientation Subject Orientation Pre- test Classroom Orientation
III. LEARNING Classroom Orientation Subject Orientation Subject Orientation Subject Orientation
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide Curriculum Guide Grade 10, Printed Pre- test
2. Learner’s Curriculum Guide Grade 10, Printed Pre- test
Materials Pages
A. Review previous Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance
lesson or
present new Self-Introduction Activity
B. Establishing a School and Classroom School and Classroom Do’s and Don’ts during Do’s and Don’ts during
purpose for the Rules Rules Examination Examination
lesson Class Program/ Class Class Program
Schedule Subject Requirements Discuss the importance of Pre- Discuss the importance of Pre-
Subject Requirements Test Test
Grading System
C. Presenting Overview of the Topics Overview of the Topics Distribute test questionnaires Distribute test questionnaires
examples/ for the First Quarter for the First Quarter
instances of
new lesson
D. Discussing new Review school policies Explain the purpose of Students will answer the test Students will answer the test
concepts and Emphasize the extent office/school hours and questionnaire questionnaire
practicing new and limits of your roles visiting etiquettes
skills #1 as class adviser Discuss subject
Explain the purpose of requirements, grading
office/school hours and system and guidelines
visiting etiquettes Mention key dates and
Discuss subject school calendar
requirements, grading activities
system and guidelines Re-orient students on
the campus
E. Discussing new resources/facilities
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2
J. Additional
activities for
application or
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