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Mafia Game

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MAFIA GAME time, nobody will die.

If anyone is killed,
(MECHANICS) the host will not reveal anything about
their role until the end of the game.
Before the game starts, the host ROLES
will assign the roles to the chosen Dead players cannot vote and
players. After the assigning of roles, each cannot continue what jobs their roles ▸MAFIA – Will act like a civilian. At
fulfilled. If the player was killed by the night, the mafia/s will choose one player
player should do an intro and tell a role
mafias and a player has been voted out that they want to kill.
whether it’s their real role or not.
recently, they can still vote during the
Example: current round. Dead players can still talk ▸DETECTIVE – Civilians that can check
but can’t discuss. other players’ identity. At night, the
Your role is mafia, you can say you’re a
detective/s can choose one player and
mafia or you’re just a civilian or The game will end after 3 rounds. the role of the chosen player will be
something. After the last round, roles will be revealed (for the detectives only.
After the intro, the host will tell revealed.
the number of truths and lies. Then ▸DOCTOR – Civilians that can save other
proceed to the main game. There will be How to decide the winner? civilians. At night, the doctor/s will
3 rounds. Mafias will win if; choose one player that they want to
—One of the mafias is still alive and the save, a player who they think is the
detective is dead. target.
If the host will say NIGHT🌚, players
—All of the mafias are dead but the
should stay quiet. For those who have detective is also dead. ▸CIVILIAN – A normal player, who can
roles, kindly do your job and decide fast. only vote who to execute during
Civilians will win if; morning. They can accuse and execute
If the host will say MORNING🌞, the —One of the mafias is still alive but the anyone alive.
host will reveal what happened last night detective is also alive.
so that the players can have a discussion. —All of the mafias are dead and the (ADDED ROLE)
Each player can accuse other player and detective is still alive.
▸CLOWN – A player that is neutral, they
drop a short reason. Accused player will
have no particular team. Can act like a
be part of the voting. If nobody is
mafia, police or doctor. They are just a
accused or accusations take too much
distraction to the game.
How to win: they should be voted out.

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