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Bad Moon Rising

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Bad Moon Rising is a death extravaganza.

Demons kill multiple "Take a jacket if you go outside,

times per night, and Minions get in on the action too. Good dearie. And your thermos. And your
players can take great risks to gain reliable information, but may scarf. I have a weak heart, you
accidentally kill their friends in the process. Luckily, there are know. Whatever would I do if you
many ways to keep players alive long past their use-by date. If caught cold…or worse?"
the good team cannot determine which Minions and Demons are
in play, however, their doom is all but certain.

Intermediate. Recommended for players who are proactive,

dedicated to working as a team, and don’t fear dying. The Grandmother knows who their Grandchild is, but if they are
killed by the Demon, the Grandmother dies too.
When playing Bad Moon Rising…  During the first night, the Grandmother learns their
Grandchild—a good player who is a Townsfolk or Outsider.
Good players will receive little information by being passive. The Grandchild does not learn that they have a
Some Townsfolk abilities require the good team to execute Grandmother.
players in order to gain information (such as the Tea Lady and  If the Demon kills the Grandchild, the Grandmother dies too.
the Pacifist), while others encourage good players to take risks If the Grandchild dies by any other means—such as
that may end in death in order to find out who is who (such as execution, or another type of death at night—the
the Gambler and the Gossip). When good players do something, Grandmother does not also die.
they learn something.
The good team will also need to pay close attention to who died During the first night, the Grandmother wakes and learns that
at night, and how. If they ignore this, they risk losing Julian, their Grandchild, is the Professor. Three nights later, Julian
unexpectedly at the end of a day with four, five, or even six is killed by the Demon, so the Grandmother dies too.
players still left alive. However, if they can figure out how each
player died at night, they can figure out which evil characters are The Grandmother knows that Lewis, their Grandchild, is the
in play—letting them avoid losing the game to the dreaded Gambler. Lewis gambles and dies because of it. The
Mastermind or the intimidating Po—and get helpful clues on Grandmother remains alive.
which good characters accidentally killed which players (such as
the Moonchild and the Tinker). The Grandmother knows that Sarah, their Grandchild, is the
Tinker. Sarah is killed by the Demon, but the Grandmother is
Evil players may feel invincible at first, but they will need to use drunk because of the Sailor, so the Grandmother remains alive.
their abilities with precision and prudence in order to win. The
Demon may need to convince the good team that a different How to Run
Demon is in play to avoid the crippling effects of some good When preparing the first night, choose a Grandchild by marking
characters (such as the Exorcist and the Courtier), and may need any good character with the "Grandchild" reminder.
to deliberately not kill to do so. But if the Demon can figure out
who to attack and who to avoid attacking (such as the Tea Lady’s During the first night, wake the Grandmother and show them the
neighbors and the Fool), then the good team is in serious character token marked “Grandchild,” then point at the
trouble. Grandchild player, then put the Grandmother to sleep.

The Minions will need to time their abilities well. An Assassin If the Demon kills the Grandchild, the Grandmother dies—mark
with a well-timed kill, a patient Devil’s Advocate, or a them with the “Dead” reminder.
Mastermind that can read a room can pull victory from the jaws
of defeat.

For many, many more strategy hints and tips, visit:

"I'll drink any one of yer under the "I ain’t seen nothin' untoward,
table! You! The chatterbox! Reckon Milady. Begging your pardon, but if
you can take me? No? Howza I did see somethin', it certainly
'bout you, Grandma? You ever weren't the master o' the house
tried Old McKilly’s Extra Spiced sneaking into the professor's
Rum before? Guaranteed to put laboratory 'round eleven o'clock
hairs on yer chest! Step aboard, and mixing up fancy potions, just
aye!" like you said, Miss."

The Sailor is either drunk or getting somebody else drunk. While The Chambermaid learns who woke up at night.
the Sailor is sober, they cannot die.  Each night, the Chambermaid chooses two players and
 Each night, the Sailor chooses a player, who will probably get learns if they woke tonight. They must choose alive players,
drunk. and may not choose themself. This does not detect which of
 If they choose themself, they lose their "cannot die" ability those players woke, only how many.
until they become sober.  This ability only detects characters who woke in order to use
 If the Sailor chooses a dead player accidentally, the their ability. It does not detect characters who woke for any
Storyteller prompts them to choose again. other reason—such as if the Storyteller woke a Minion to let
 If the Sailor chooses another player, the Storyteller chooses them know who the Demon is, woke the Demon to give
which player is drunk. If they choose a Townsfolk, the them their starting Demon info, woke a player due to the
Storyteller will usually make the Townsfolk drunk, but if an ability of a different character, or woke someone
Outsider, a Minion, or the Demon is chosen, then the accidentally.
Storyteller will usually make the Sailor the drunk one.  If the character woke on a previous night but not this night,
 While sober, the Sailor cannot die, even if they have not yet they are not detected by the Chambermaid.
woken at night to go drinking.  Players that woke tonight due to their ability but are drunk
or poisoned still count as having woke tonight.
Examples  If the Chambermaid chooses a dead player accidentally, the
The Sailor chooses the Exorcist, and the Storyteller decides that Storyteller prompts them to choose again.
the Exorcist is drunk. That night, the Sailor is attacked by the
Shabaloth. The Sailor remains alive. The next day, the Sailor is Examples
executed but remains alive. The Chambermaid chooses the Exorcist and the Innkeeper, and
learns a "2”. The next night, the Exorcist chooses the Shabaloth,
During the day, the Gossip made a public statement they thought which will wake the Shabaloth. Later, the Chambermaid chooses
was false but was actually true. That night, the Gossip ability kills the Shabaloth and the Fool. Since the Shabaloth only woke due
a player. The Sailor has made themself drunk, and the Storyteller to the Exorcist ability, the Chambermaid learns a “0”.
decides that the Sailor dies.
It is the second night. The Chambermaid chooses the
The Sailor chooses the Mastermind, but the Storyteller decides Grandmother and the evil Goon, and learns a "2”. The Goon will
that the Sailor is drunk. The next day, the Sailor asks to be wake tonight, but the Chambermaid is drunk.
executed to “prove they are the Sailor,” but dies because they’re
drunk. It is the first night. The Chambermaid chooses the Assassin and
the Moonchild, and learns a "0” because the Assassin does not
How to Run wake to use their ability on the first night. The next night, they
Each night, wake the Sailor. They point at any player. Put the choose the Assassin and the Gossip. The Assassin woke but did
Sailor to sleep. Either the Sailor or this chosen player becomes not use their ability. The Gossip ability was used, but the Gossip
drunk—mark them with the “Drunk” reminder. does not wake to use it. The Chambermaid learns a "1”.

If the sober Sailor would die, the Sailor remains alive. If the sober How to Run
Sailor is executed, declare that this player is executed but Each night, wake the Chambermaid. They point at any two alive
remains alive. (Do not say why.) players except themself. Show the Chambermaid fingers (0, 1, or
2) equaling the number of chosen characters who woke tonight.
Put the Chambermaid to sleep.

Do not wake the Chambermaid if there are not two players alive
to be chosen (due to the Mastermind, Zombuul, etc.).

"We cast you out, every unclean "Come inside, fair traveller, and rest
spirit, every satanic power, every your weary bones. Drink and be
onslaught of the infernal merry, for the legions of the Dark
adversary, every legion, every One shall not harass thee tonight."
diabolical group and sect, in the
name and by the power of Our
Lord Jesus Christ. We command
you, begone and fly far from the
Church of God, from the souls made by
God in His image and redeemed by the precious blood of the The Innkeeper protects players from death at night, but
divine Lamb." somebody gets drunk in the process.
 The Innkeeper, like the Monk, makes players safe from being
The Exorcist prevents the Demon from waking to attack. killed by the Demon. They are also safe from death caused
 Each night, the Exorcist chooses a player. If they choose a by Outsiders, Minions, Townsfolk, and Travellers.
player who is not the Demon, the Demon may still attack. If  The Innkeeper only protects players at night, not the day.
they choose the Demon, the Demon does not wake tonight,  One of the two players that the Innkeeper chooses becomes
so does not choose players to attack tonight. The Demon drunk for tonight and the next day. This player may be good
learns that they cannot attack and who the Exorcist is. or evil, but will almost always be good, depending how your
 Any other Demon abilities still function—such as the game is going. An Innkeeper that chooses themself might
Zombuul staying alive if killed, the Pukka killing a player they become drunk, which means they have no ability and may
attacked on a previous night, or the Shabaloth regurgitating die tonight—and the other player they chose to protect isn't
a player. safe either.
 The Exorcist may not choose the same player two nights in a
row. Examples
The Innkeeper protects the Fool and the Chambermaid. The
Examples Storyteller chooses that the Fool becomes drunk. Tomorrow,
The Exorcist chooses the Shabaloth. The Shabaloth does not kill when the Fool is executed, they die, even though they hadn’t
tonight. At dawn, the Storyteller declares that nobody died that used their ability yet.
The Innkeeper protects the Assassin and the Po. The Storyteller
The Exorcist chooses the Pukka. The Pukka does not wake to chooses that the Assassin becomes drunk. Later that night, the
attack tonight, but a player still dies because of the Pukka’s Assassin uses their ability, but nothing happens.
attack during the previous night.
The Innkeeper protects themself and the Pacifist. The Storyteller
The Po chooses to attack no one. The next night, the Exorcist chooses that the Innkeeper becomes drunk. The Pacifist is
chooses the Po. The Po does not wake to act tonight. The next attacked by the Demon tonight and dies.
night, the Exorcist chooses the Assassin. The Assassin can still
attack tonight, and the Po chooses three players to attack, How to Run
because the Po’s last choice was no one. Each night except the first, wake the Innkeeper. They point at
any two players. Put the Innkeeper to sleep. Mark the two
How to Run chosen players with “Safe” reminders. One of the chosen players
Each night except the first, wake the Exorcist. They point at any becomes drunk—mark them with the “Drunk” reminder. The
player. Mark the chosen player’s character token with the players marked “Safe” cannot die tonight.
“Chosen” reminder. Put the Exorcist to sleep.
At dawn, remove the “Safe” reminders.
If the Exorcist chose the Demon, wake the Demon. Show them
the "This character selected you" info token and the Exorcist At dusk, remove the “Drunk” reminder.
token, then point at the Exorcist player. Put the Demon to sleep.
Later tonight, do not wake the Demon.

A Demon chosen by the Exorcist will not wake to use their

Demon ability, but will still wake if they need to due to other
characters’ abilities. This may be relevant if using the Exorcist
with characters from other editions.

"Heads, I win. Tails, you lose." "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah. Blah."

The Gambler can guess who is who…but pays the ultimate price The Gossip deliberately speaks lies in the hope of uncovering the
if they guess wrong. truth.
 Each night except the first, the Gambler chooses a player and  Each day, the Gossip may make a public statement. If this
guesses their character by pointing to its icon on the statement is true, the Storyteller kills a player that night. If it
character sheet. If the guess is correct, nothing happens. If is false, then no players die due to the Gossip.
the guess is incorrect, the Gambler dies.  Mumbled words, whispers, statements the Storyteller
 The Gambler does not learn from the Storyteller whether doesn’t know are true or false, or statements that someone
their guess is correct or incorrect. cannot hear don't count. Like the Slayer’s ability, the
 The Gambler may choose any player, dead or alive, even Storyteller and every player must be able to hear and
themself. understand the Gossip and be aware that the Gossip is using
their ability in order for the Storyteller to judge what
Examples happens next.
The Gambler points to the Minstrel player, then to the Minstrel  If the Gossip made a true statement during the day while
icon. This guess is correct, so the Gambler remains alive, but the drunk or poisoned, but is sober and healthy when their
Gambler is killed by the Demon tonight anyway. ability triggers that night, the Storyteller still kills a player.

The Devil's Advocate is bluffing as the Pacifist. That night, the Examples
Gambler points to the Devil's Advocate player, then to the During the day, the Gossip says, "I am the Gossip. My public
Pacifist icon. This guess is wrong, so the Gambler dies. statement is: The Demon is wearing a hat.” The Demon is not
wearing a hat. That night, nobody dies due to the Gossip’s ability.
How to Run
Each night except the first, wake the Gambler. They point at any The Gossip neighbors a good Traveller and the Pacifist. During
player, then point at any character icon on their character sheet. the day, the drunk Gossip says, "Both my neighbors are good.” At
Put the Gambler to sleep. If the chosen player is a different dusk, the drunk Gossip becomes sober. That night, the
character from the chosen character icon, the Gambler dies— Chambermaid dies.
mark them with the “Dead” reminder.
During the day, the Gossip makes a true statement. That night,
the Gossip is killed by the Demon. They lose their ability, so their
statement does not kill anyone tonight.

How to Run
Each day, if the Gossip makes a definite, true public statement,
put the Gossip's "Dead" reminder in the center of the left side of
the Grimoire as a reminder to yourself to place it tonight.

Each night except the first, if the Gossip made a definite, true
public statement today, you choose any player. The chosen
player dies—mark them with the “Dead” reminder.

When choosing a player to die due to the Gossip ability, we

recommend that you choose a character that will actually die,
not one protected from death by an ability (like the Fool or
Tea Lady). The Gossip gains knowledge when their statement
caused a death. This is more helpful to the good team, and
more fun for everyone.

"I am more afraid of an army of one "The process is simple. Attach the
hundred sheep led by a lion than hydraulic confabulator to the
an army of one hundred lions led modified chi matrix amplifier, add
by a sheep." 20 CCs of pseudodorafine, keep his
Z levels above 20%, and your
husband will be fine. Now, all we
need is a lightning strike."

The Courtier gets a character drunk, without knowing which The Professor can bring someone back from the dead.
player it is.  Once per game, the Professor can choose a dead player. If
 Once per game, the Courtier chooses a character to be drunk that player is a Townsfolk, they are resurrected, becoming
for three nights and three days, starting immediately. alive again.
 The Courtier does not learn if they were successful or not, so  If the Professor chooses an Outsider, Minion, or Demon,
they might choose a character that is not in play. then nothing happens, and the Professor's ability is gone.
 The Courtier chooses a character, not a player. The Courtier  The resurrected player regains their ability, even a “once per
player may need to be reminded of this. Evil players bluffing game” ability they used already.
as the Courtier may also need to be reminded.  Resurrected Townsfolk may or may not get to act on the
 If the drunk or poisoned Courtier chooses a character, that night of their resurrection, depending on whether they
character is not drunk, even if the Courtier later becomes would act before or after the Professor. If they had a “first
sober and healthy. If the Courtier made a character drunk, night only” or “you start knowing” ability, they immediately
but the Courtier becomes drunk or poisoned, the player they wake to use it again, as soon as the Professor goes to sleep.
made drunk becomes sober again. If the Courtier becomes
sober and healthy again before the three nights and three Examples
days have ended, that player becomes drunk yet again. The Professor chooses a dead player who is claiming to be the
Tea Lady. The player is actually the Lunatic. Nobody is
Examples resurrected.
For four nights, the Courtier wakes but does not use their ability.
During the fifth night, they make the Shabaloth drunk. For the The Professor resurrects the Grandmother, who learns a good
next three nights, the Shabaloth acts but cannot kill anybody. player’s character. At dawn, all players learn the Grandmother
player is alive, but not that the player is the Grandmother.
The Courtier uses their ability while drunk. Nothing happens, but
they are not woken again. The drunk Professor chooses to resurrect the Minstrel.
Unbeknownst to the Professor, the Minstrel was regurgitated by
The Courtier makes the Mastermind drunk. The Po is executed the Shabaloth and is now alive. The Storyteller shakes their head
while the Mastermind still lives. The game ends and good wins. no, because the Professor must choose a dead player. The
Professor chooses the dead Fool instead. Nothing happens
How to Run because the Professor is drunk, and the Professor cannot use
Each night, wake the Courtier. They either shake their head no or their ability again.
point at any character icon on their character sheet. Put the
Courtier to sleep. How to Run
Each night except the first, wake the Professor. The Professor
If the Courtier chose a character icon and that character is in either shakes their head no or points to a dead player. Put the
play, the player of the chosen character becomes drunk for three Professor to sleep.
nights and three days. Tonight, mark them with the Courtier’s
"Drunk 1" reminder. The next night, replace the "Drunk 1" If the Professor chose a dead Townsfolk, the chosen player
reminder with the "Drunk 2" reminder. The next night, replace becomes alive again—mark them with the Professor's "Alive"
the "Drunk 2" reminder with the "Drunk 3" reminder. At dusk on reminder and remove their shroud. (They wake later tonight if
the next night, remove the "Drunk 3" reminder, and the Courtier they normally would. If they wake on the first night only, they
loses their ability—mark them with the "No Ability" reminder wake now to use their ability.) At dawn, after declaring which
and remove their night token from the night sheet. players died, declare which player is alive again. (Do not say
why.) The Professor loses their ability—mark them with the "No
After the Courtier chooses a character to make drunk, do not Ability" reminder and remove their night token from the night
wake the Courtier for the rest of the game. sheet.

In other editions, there can be multiple copies of the same

character in play. The Courtier only makes one of them drunk.
"And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread “If you are cold, tea will warm you. If
above me… And all my dreams will you are too heated, tea will cool
warm and sweeter be… If you'll you. If you are depressed, tea will
not fail to tell me that you love cheer you. If you are excited, tea
me… I simply sleep in peace until will calm you.”
you come to me."

The Minstrel makes everybody drunk if a Minion dies. The Tea Lady protects her neighbors from death…as long as they
 If a Minion is executed and dies, all players (except the are good.
Minstrel) become drunk immediately and stay drunk all  If both alive neighbors of the Tea Lady are currently good,
through the night and all the following day. Townsfolk, those neighbors cannot die. The Demon cannot kill them,
Outsiders, Minions, and even Demons become drunk, but nor the Godfather, nor the Gossip. If they are executed, they
not Travellers. This doesn’t happen if a Minion died at night. do not die. The only exception is the Assassin, who can kill
 If a dead Minion is executed, the Minstrel ability does not someone protected from death.
trigger—a dead character cannot die again! If a Minion is  The Tea Lady’s alive neighbors are the two alive players
executed but does not die, the Minstrel’s ability does not closest to the Tea Lady—one clockwise and one
trigger. If the Minstrel is drunk or poisoned when a Minion counterclockwise. Skip past any dead neighbors.
dies by execution, the Minstrel ability does not trigger.  However, if either alive neighbor is evil, or both are, then the
Tea Lady does not protect her alive neighbors. If an evil
Examples player dies and the Tea Lady is now neighboring two good
During the first day, the Pacifist dies. That night, players act as players, then neither can die.
normal, because the Pacifist is not a Minion. During the second
day, the Judge executes the Godfather. That night, everyone is Examples
drunk, including the Demon, so nobody dies. During the third The Tea Lady starts the game neighboring the Mastermind and
day, a Minion who is protected by the Devil's Advocate is the good Goon. The Mastermind is executed and dies. Now, the
executed and dies, because the Devil's Advocate is drunk. Again, Tea Lady’s alive neighbors are the good Goon and the Courtier.
since a Minion died during the day, the Minstrel makes everyone The Demon attacks the Courtier, but the Courtier remains alive.
drunk. Later, the Goon turns evil, and the Demon attacks the Courtier
again. This time, the Courtier dies.
The Assassin is executed, so the Minstrel makes everyone drunk.
The next day, the Godfather is executed, so the Minstrel makes The Tea Lady's alive neighbors are a good Matron and a good
everyone drunk again. The Demon could not kill on either night. Judge. The Matron is exiled but remains alive.
The next day, the Apprentice Mastermind is exiled, so that night
everyone becomes sober again, because the Minstrel ability How to Run
doesn’t trigger from a Traveller being exiled. If both alive neighbors of the Tea Lady are good, mark those
neighbors’ character tokens with the Tea Lady’s "Cannot Die"
During the day, the Assassin dies, so the Minstrel makes reminders. If either alive neighbor of the Tea Lady is evil, remove
everyone drunk. The following day, the Zombuul is executed and these reminders. Update these reminders immediately based on
dies for the first time. Good wins, because the Zombuul is drunk this condition throughout the entire game (such as if a player’s
and so has no ability. alignment changes).

How to Run If a player marked "Cannot Die" would die, they remain alive. If a
During the day, if a Minion dies by execution, all other players player marked "Cannot Die" is executed, declare that the marked
except Travellers become drunk—put the Minstrel's "Everyone Is player is executed but remains alive. (Do not say why.)
Drunk" reminder in the center of the left side of the Grimoire. At
dusk tomorrow, all players made drunk by the Minstrel become
sober—remove the “Everyone Is Drunk” reminder.

"Distrust all in whom the impulse to "…and the king said, ‘What?! I've
punish is powerful.” never even owned a pair of rubber
pantaloons, let alone a custard
cannon!’ Ho-ho! Jolly day!"

The Pacifist prevents good players from dying by execution. The Fool escapes death…once.
 When a good player is executed, the Storyteller chooses  The first time the Fool dies for any reason, the Fool remains
whether they die or live. alive. They don’t learn that their ability saved their life.
 As always, when abilities like this function in obvious ways,  If another character's ability protects the Fool from death,
the group is not told why something has happened, only the Fool does not use their ability. Only the time that the
what has happened. The group learns that an execution Fool would actually for realsy bona fide be dead does the
succeeded, but that the executed player did not die—that is Fool’s ability trigger.
 If a player is executed and remains alive, that still counts as Examples
the execution for today. No other nominations may happen. On the first day, the Fool is executed but remains alive. On the
fourth day, the Fool is executed again. This time, they die.
The Innkeeper is executed but remains alive because of the The Demon attacks the Fool, who remains alive. Nobody dies
Pacifist. that night. The next day, the Fool is executed by the Judge and
The Pacifist is in play. Good is winning. Even after seven days,
and five good players executed, the Pacifist ability has not saved The Demon attacks the Fool, who is protected by the Tea Lady.
anybody. The Fool remains alive and keeps their ability. Later, after the Tea
Lady has died, the Demon attacks the Fool, who is now protected
The Pacifist is in play. Evil is winning. The Lunatic is executed but by the Innkeeper. The Fool remains alive and keeps their ability.
remains alive. The next day, the good Professor is executed and Later, after the Innkeeper has died, the Demon attacks the Fool,
dies, because the Pacifist is drunk. The next day, a good Bishop is who remains alive again but uses their ability, so next time they
exiled and dies, because the Pacifist saves players from will die.
execution, not exile. The next day, the Pacifist is executed but
remains alive because of the Pacifist. How to Run
If the Fool would die, they remain alive. (But they die if they are
How to Run drunk or poisoned.) If the Fool was executed, declare that the
If a good character is executed, declare either that they die or player was executed but remains alive. (Do not say why.)
they remain alive. (Do not say why.) Then, begin the night phase.
(Whether the player lived or died, this was the one execution for Either way, the Fool loses their ability—mark them with the "No
the day.) Ability" reminder.

Triggering the Pacifist ability once per game is usually about

right. You can trigger it more if you feel it is appropriate. On
rare occasions, to make the Pacifist look suspicious, you can
never trigger it.

"Yes boss. I explained fings real "I am the night…I think."
good to dat geezer. He don't
want me explain it again. Nah
boss, I don't need no doctor—
it's only a knife wound. Be right
come mornin'."

The Goon is immune to other characters at night, but keeps The Lunatic thinks that they are the Demon.
changing allegiances.  Much like the Drunk, the Lunatic does not know their real
 Each night, the first time a player wakes to use their ability character or real alignment. They are woken each night to
and chooses the Goon, that player becomes drunk attack as if they were the Demon that is in play, but their
immediately. Their ability does not work tonight, nor the choices have no effect because they have no Demon ability.
next day.  The Lunatic wakes during the first night to learn three bluffs
 Later on the same night, if another player wakes to use their and the appropriate number of Minions, but this information
ability and chooses the Goon, their ability works as normal. may be wrong.
 The Goon cannot make a player drunk unless the player  The real Demon knows which players the Lunatic chose to
chose the Goon. The Storyteller choosing the Goon due to an attack each night.
ability, such as the Grandmother’s, doesn’t count.
 As soon as the Goon makes a player drunk, the Goon Examples
changes alignment to match theirs. The Goon still changes The Lunatic, thinking they are the Shabaloth, wakes each night to
alignment, and makes the player drunk, if the player choose two players. The chosen players do not die.
choosing the Goon was already drunk or poisoned.
 If chosen by the Assassin, the Goon dies but still turns evil. The Lunatic, thinking they are the Zombuul, does not wake often
at night. The real Zombuul, who is pretending to be the Lunatic's
Examples Minion, often attacks the same players the Lunatic chooses, to
The Courtier chooses the Goon. The Goon turns good, and the keep up the illusion that the Lunatic is the Demon.
Courtier becomes drunk.
How to Run
The Shabaloth attacks the Goon, then the Gossip. Since the While setting up the game, put the Lunatic and Demon tokens in
Shabaloth became drunk as soon as they chose the Goon, the bag. Once all tokens have been returned to you, swap the
neither player dies tonight, and the Goon turns evil. The next positions of the Lunatic and Demon tokens in the Grimoire.
night, the Shabaloth attacks the Gambler, then the Goon. The
Gambler dies, then the Shabaloth becomes drunk again. The During the first night, wake the Lunatic and act as if they are the
Goon is still alive and still evil. Demon. Show them the “These are your Minions” info token and
point to a number of players equaling the number of Minions in
The Chambermaid chooses the Goon and the Minstrel, and play. (These can be any players, whether or not they are
learns a "1” because the Chambermaid is drunk. Minions.) Show any three good character tokens as bluffs. (These
can even be characters that are in play.)
The Tea Lady neighbors the good Goon and the Tinker. The
Tinker is executed but does not die. The next day, the Goon is During the first night, wake the Demon. Show them the “You
evil. The Tinker is executed again and dies. are” info token, then their Demon token. (This tells them they are
the real Demon.) Show them the “This player is” info token, then
How to Run the Lunatic token, then point at the Lunatic player.
At night, if a player chooses to use their ability on the Goon and
nobody is marked with the Goon’s “Drunk” reminder, this player Each night, before the Demon wakes to attack, wake the Lunatic
immediately becomes drunk—mark them with the “Drunk” to act as if they were that Demon. Put a “Chosen” reminder on
reminder. Finish resolving this player’s ability and put them to each player they chose, then put them to sleep. Wake the real
sleep. If this player’s alignment is different from the Goon’s Demon, point at the Lunatic, show the Lunatic token to the real
alignment, rotate the Goon’s character token—right side up for Demon, and point at the players that the Lunatic chose. Then the
good, upside-down for evil—to match this player’s alignment, Demon acts as normal.
then wake the Goon, give them a thumbs-up or a thumbs-down
(indicating their new alignment), then put the Goon to sleep. You can make the Lunatic think they are a different Demon
than the in-play Demon by instead putting two Demon tokens
The next dusk, the player that the Goon made drunk becomes in the bag, then replacing one of them with the Lunatic token
sober—remove the Goon’s “Drunk” reminder. once they are in the Grimoire.
"I think I see the problem. Luckily, I "Scorpio looks sideways at the lovers,
have an idea! This catapult will and you have a choice to make.
shoot twice as far with just a With silver cross my palm, and
minor adjustment…" your fate shall be revealed. With
steel cross my throat, and by the
stars you shall regret it."

The Tinker can die at any time, for no reason. The Moonchild curses someone upon death, killing them too.
 The Storyteller may kill the Tinker at any time.  The Moonchild must choose a player within a minute or two
 The Tinker cannot die from their ability while protected from of learning that they are dead, whether by an execution or at
death, as normal.
dawn when the Storyteller declares who died at night. The
Moonchild can take their time and get advice from the group
It is the third day. Suddenly, the Tinker dies. before making this decision.
 If the Moonchild chooses a good player, that player dies
During the night, the Tinker dies, even though the Demon tonight. If they choose an evil player, nothing happens.
attacked a different player.  As always, play along if an evil player is bluffing as the
Moonchild and pretends to use their ability.
The Tea Lady sits next to the Tinker and another good player,  It is not the Storyteller’s responsibility to prompt the
protecting the Tinker from death. The Tinker cannot die from
Moonchild to choose a player. The Moonchild must do this
their ability.
shortly after they learn that they are dead. Deliberately not
doing so is considered cheating.
The Tinker is attacked by the Demon. The Tinker does not die
because they are protected by the Innkeeper. Later that night,  If the Moonchild is sober and healthy at night but was drunk
the Innkeeper dies, so the Storyteller chooses to kill the Tinker or poisoned when they chose a player today, that player
too. dies. If the Moonchild is drunk or poisoned at night but was
sober and healthy when they chose a player today, that
How to Run player doesn’t die.
At any time, you may decide that the Tinker dies. If this is during  The Moonchild kills the Goon if the Goon was good when the
the day, immediately declare that the Tinker has died. If this is Moonchild chose them, regardless of the Goon’s alignment
during the night, mark the Tinker with the “Dead” reminder and at night.
wait until dawn to declare which players died during the night.
(Do not say how.) Examples
The Pukka kills the Moonchild. The next morning, the Moonchild
While you may kill the Tinker out of the blue during the day, it chooses a player, who is the Exorcist. That night, the Exorcist
is most interesting if the Tinker dies at night, because the
players will be wondering whether the Tinker died due to their
ability or for some other reason.
The Pacifist is in play. The Moonchild is executed but remains
You can choose to never kill the Tinker. This makes the Tinker alive. The Moonchild does not choose a player, because the
look really suspicious. Moonchild did not die.

We recommend that you never kill the Tinker when it would The Shabaloth eats the Moonchild. The Moonchild chooses the
end the game. Players should win or lose by their own efforts,
Assassin, who remains alive. The Shabaloth regurgitates the
not Storyteller fiat.
Moonchild. A few nights later, the Shabaloth eats the Moonchild
again. This time, the Moonchild chooses the Gossip, who dies.

How to Run
When you declare that the Moonchild's player has died, the
Moonchild chooses any alive player. If the chosen player is good,
mark their character token with the "Dead" reminder. Tonight,
the player marked with the Moonchild’s “Dead” reminder dies.

If the Moonchild doesn’t realize that they must choose a

player when they die, privately remind them. New players
may not understand how their character works.

"Normally, it's just business. But "My client, should the objection be
when you insult my daughter, overruled, pleads innocent by virtue
you insult me. And when you of the prosecution's non-
insult me, you insult my family. observance of statute 27.B—
You really should be more incorrect or misleading
careful—it would be a shame if conjugation of a verb. The fact that
you had an unfortunate nine of the jury died last night is
accident." simply prima facie, which is, as Wills v.
Thule set precedent for, further reason to
The Godfather takes revenge when the town kills Outsiders.
 Whenever an Outsider is executed and dies, the Godfather The Devil's Advocate saves players from execution.
chooses one player to die that night.  Each night, the Devil’s Advocate chooses a player to protect
 The Godfather only kills if an Outsider dies during the day. from death by execution. The next day, if that player is
Outsiders that die at night don’t count. executed, the execution succeeds but the player remains
 If the Godfather is in play, this adds or removes one Outsider alive.
from play.  The Devil’s Advocate cannot choose the same player two
 At the start of the game, the Godfather learns which nights in a row, whether or not that player was saved from
Outsiders are in play. execution today, and they cannot choose a Zombuul that
 If two Outsiders died today, the Godfather still only kills one registers as dead.
player tonight.
Examples At night, the Devil’s Advocate protects themself. The next day,
The Godfather learns that the Lunatic and the Moonchild are in the Devil’s Advocate is executed but remains alive.
play, so the Godfather bluffs as the Tinker. During the third day,
the Lunatic dies by execution. That night, the Demon kills the The Devil’s Advocate protects the Zombuul. The Zombuul is
Minstrel, and the Godfather kills the Pacifist. executed but remains alive, so their life token is not flipped. The
next day, the Zombuul is executed again and registers as dead.
The Tinker is executed but remains alive because they were
protected by the Devil's Advocate. The Godfather does not act The Devil’s Advocate protects the Grandmother. The
that night. The next day, the Tinker dies due to their own ability. Grandmother is executed but remains alive. Later, the Devil’s
That night, the Demon kills a player, and the Godfather kills Advocate protects the Tinker. The Tinker is executed, but the
themself to appear like a good player. Storyteller kills the Tinker anyway, due to the Tinker ability.
Later, the Devil’s Advocate protects the Moonchild, and the
How to Run Judge forces the execution to succeed—the execution succeeds,
While setting up the game, before putting the character tokens but the Moonchild remains alive.
in the bag, either remove one Townsfolk and add one Outsider or
remove one Outsider and add one Townsfolk. How to Run
Each night, wake the Devil’s Advocate. They point at any player.
During the first night, wake the Godfather. Show them the Put the Devil’s Advocate to sleep. Mark the chosen player with
character tokens of all Outsiders in play. Put the Godfather to the “Survives Execution” reminder.
If a player marked “Survives Execution” is executed, declare that
If an Outsider dies during the day, mark them with the "Died the player was executed but remains alive. (Do not say why.)
Today" reminder. That night, wake the Godfather. They point at
any player. Put the Godfather to sleep. The chosen player dies—
mark them with the “Dead” reminder.

"…" "The tentacles of that monster are
nailed to the doors of the church.
Mothers and children are dancing
in the street. Excellent. Everything
is proceeding exactly as I have

The Assassin kills who the Demon cannot. The Mastermind can still win after the Demon is dead.
 Once per game at night, the Assassin can kill a player. This  If the Demon dies by execution, the game continues. The
player dies, even if they are protected from death in any players do not learn that the Demon died. The following day,
way, such as from an ability. if a good player is executed—whether or not they die from
 The Assassin ability is affected by drunkenness and it—then evil wins. If an evil player is executed or nobody is
poisoning, as normal. executed, then the good team wins.
 If the Assassin attacks the Goon, the Goon dies and turns  A dead Demon does not get to attack. They lose their ability,
evil. as normal. During this extra night and day, other characters’
abilities function as normal.
Examples  If the Demon dies and just two players are left alive, the
For the first three nights the Assassin wakes, but chooses not to game still continues for another day—evil does not win from
act. During the fourth night, they choose to kill the Fool. Even two players being alive, and good did not win by killing the
though the Fool still has their ability, the Fool dies and stays Demon. The Mastermind ability says “play for one more
dead. day,” and abilities override standard game rules.

The Tea Lady neighbors two good players. The Assassin chooses Examples
to kill one of the Tea Lady’s neighbors, who dies even though The Shabaloth dies. The next day, the Professor is executed and
they were protected by the Tea Lady. dies. Evil wins.

The Minstrel is in play. The Mastermind dies by execution. That The Po dies. The next day, the Godfather is executed but remains
night, the Assassin chooses to kill the Moonchild, but they do not alive because they were protected by the Devil’s Advocate.
die, because the Assassin is drunk due to the Minstrel. However, since an evil player was executed, good wins.

The Assassin, who was drunk due to the Courtier, chooses to kill The Zombuul is executed and appears to die. The Mastermind’s
the Goon. The Assassin has no ability, so the Goon remains alive ability does not trigger yet, because the Zombuul’s execution did
but turns evil. not make the game end. When the Zombuul is executed a
second time and dies for real, the Mastermind’s ability triggers,
How to Run and the game continues for one more day.
Each night except the first, wake the Assassin. They either shake
their head no or point at any player. Put the Assassin to sleep. There are three players alive. The Demon dies. The following day,
with just two players alive, good decides not to execute. When
If the Assassin chose a player, that player dies—mark them with night falls, just two players are left alive but the Demon is dead,
the “Dead” reminder. This cannot be prevented in any way so good wins.
(except if the Assassin doesn’t have their ability, such as if they’re
drunk or poisoned). The Assassin loses their ability—mark them How to Run
with the "No Ability" reminder and remove their night token If the Demon is executed and dies, and the game would end,
from the night sheet. (The Assassin won’t wake again.) continue playing the game. (Add a shroud as normal. Do not say
that the Demon has died.)

Tomorrow, if a good player is executed, declare that the game

ends and evil wins, but if an evil player or no player is executed,
declare that the game ends and good wins.

"I do not. Understand. Your ways. "You truly have been kind in
Fellow human. Show me. The dirt. welcoming me into your beautiful
Where the holy. Lay. Sleeping. I home. I am so sorry I accidentally
too. Must sleep. Soon." scratched you. A little thing. No
matter. But please, take this
golden toothpick as a humble
token of my regret."

The Zombuul secretly remains alive while in the grave. The Pukka poisons its victims, who die at a later time.
 When the Zombuul would die for any reason, they actually  When the Pukka attacks, their victim is poisoned
don’t die, but the Storyteller acts as if they died. The second immediately. On the next night, just after the Pukka attacks
time the Zombuul dies, they die for real and good wins. again, that player dies.
 The seemingly dead Zombuul counts as a dead player in  Unlike other Demons, the Pukka acts during the first night.
almost every way. The player’s life token on the Town  The Exorcist prevents the Pukka from waking to poison a
Square flips to indicate their death. The next time they vote, player. The Innkeeper prevents the Pukka from killing a
they lose their vote token. They cannot nominate, they may poisoned player, then that player is no longer poisoned.
vote with the Voudon, they’re not an alive neighbor for the  If the Pukka is drunk and chooses a player, that player does
Tea Lady, and so on. The only differences are that the game not become poisoned, so does not die the following night.
continues, the Zombuul still attacks, and the game continues  If the Pukka was sober when they chose a player the
if just two other players are alive. previous night, but is drunk at night, that player does not
 The Zombuul only wakes at night to attack if nobody died die. But when the Pukka sobers up, the poison resumes and
that day. If a dead player is executed, the player can’t die kills the player at night.
again, so the Zombuul would still wake.
 If a drunk or poisoned Zombuul dies, good wins. If a “dead” Examples
Zombuul becomes drunk or poisoned, do not announce that The Pukka poisons the Chambermaid. The Chambermaid gets
the player is alive. false information. The next night, the Chambermaid dies.

Examples The Pukka poisons the Fool. The next day, the Fool is executed
The Zombuul is executed and appears to die. They cannot attack and dies because they have no ability. The next night, nobody
tonight. A few days later, only two players appear alive on the dies and the Pukka poisons the Gossip. The next night, the Pukka
Town Square. The good team is fairly certain that one of the is drunk and tries to poison the Tinker, but does not. The next
dead players is the Zombuul, and the game continues until one night, the Gossip dies because the Pukka is sober.
more player dies.
The Pukka poisons the Pacifist. The next night, the Exorcist
Nobody died today. That night, the Zombuul attacks. The next chooses the Pukka to not wake tonight. The Pacifist dies, but the
day, the Tinker dies. That night, the Zombuul does not wake. Pukka does not wake to attack tonight.

How to Run The Moonchild is executed, dies, and chooses the Courtier. That
The first time the Zombuul would die, they remain alive. Declare night, the Pukka chooses the Moonchild. The Courtier does not
that they died, but do not add a shroud to the Zombuul. (Flip the die, because the dead Moonchild is poisoned.
life token on the Town Square, as normal.) From now on, the
Zombuul registers as dead. How to Run
Each night, wake the Pukka. They point at any player. Put the
Each day, if a player dies, mark them with the “Died Today” Pukka to sleep. The chosen player is poisoned—mark them with
reminder. (If the Zombuul “dies” by execution, they register as a “Poisoned” reminder.
dead, so mark the Zombuul with the “Died Today” reminder.)
Each night except the first, the other player marked “Poisoned”
Each night except the first, if any player is marked “Died Today”, dies—mark them with a dead reminder, then remove their
do not wake the Zombuul. “Poisoned” reminder.

Each night except the first, if no player is marked “Died Today”, Players that the Pukka kills are still poisoned at their time of
wake the Zombuul. They point at any player. Put the Zombuul to death. If you are using characters from other editions, you
sleep. The chosen player dies—mark them with the “Dead” may need to keep the “Poisoned” reminder by the “Dead”
reminder. reminder until their death ability is resolved. For example, if
the Pukka kills the Sage, the Sage may get false information
due to being poisoned by the Pukka.
"Blarg f'taag nm mataan! No sho "Would you like a flower? I'm so
gumtha m'sik na yuuu. lonely."
Fluuuuuuuuurg h-sikkkh."

The Shabaloth eats two players per night, but may vomit one of The Po can choose to attack nobody at night, but goes on a
them back up the following night. rampage the following night.
 Unlike most Demons, the Shabaloth attacks twice per night.  The Po attacks one player per night, like many other
The night after the attack, the Storyteller may decide that Demons. However, if the Po chooses to attack nobody, then
one of the players attacked by the Shabaloth comes back to they may attack three players the following night.
life.  If the Po was drunk or poisoned when they chose nobody
 This can be an alive player that was killed, or a dead player last night, they still choose three players tonight.
that was attacked.  A Po must choose three players when prompted to do so.
 The regurgitated player regains their ability, even a “once They cannot choose no one again.
per game” ability already used. If they had a “first night only”  The Po only gets three attacks if they chose nobody. The Po
or “start knowing” ability, they may use it again. does not get three attacks if they chose to attack someone
the previous night, but that player did not die.
Examples  The Po doesn’t act on the first night, but this night does not
The Shabaloth attacks the Gossip, then the Gambler. The Gossip count as a night where the Po “chose no one.”
dies, but the Gambler, who was protected by the Innkeeper,  If the Exorcist selects the Po, the Po does not act, but this
remains alive. night does not count as a night where the Po “chose no
one.” However, if the Po chose no one the night before the
The Shabaloth attacks the alive Courtier and the dead Exorcist. Exorcist chose the Po, the Po chooses three players the night
The Courtier dies. The next night, the Storyteller decides that the after the Exorcist chose the Po, because their last choice was
Exorcist becomes alive again. The Exorcist doesn’t act tonight— no one.
they normally act before the Shabaloth.
The Shabaloth attacks the Tea Lady’s neighbor, then the Tea On the second night, the Po attacks one player. On the third
Lady. The Tea Lady’s neighbor, who is protected by the Tea Lady, night, the Po chooses to attack nobody. On the fourth night, the
doesn’t die, but then the Tea Lady dies. Po attacks three players.

How to Run The Po chooses to attack nobody, but is drunk. The next night,
Each night except the first, wake the Shabaloth. They point at the Po is poisoned. They choose three players, but none of them
any two players, one at a time. Put the Shabaloth to sleep. In the die. The following night, the Po is sober and healthy and attacks
order chosen, each chosen player dies—mark them with “Dead” a player, who dies.
The Po attacks the Moonchild, then the Goon, then the
Each later night, just before waking the Shabaloth, you can Grandmother. Only the Moonchild dies, because the Po became
choose one character marked with the Shabaloth’s “Dead” drunk when they attacked the Goon.
reminder, and the chosen player becomes alive again—replace
the “Dead” reminder with the Shabaloth’s “Alive” reminder, and How to Run
remove their shroud. They wake later tonight if they normally Each night except the first, wake the Po. They either shake their
would. If they wake on the first night only, they wake now to use head no or point at any player. Put the Po to sleep. If they shook
their ability. At dawn, after declaring which players died, declare their head no, mark the Po with the “3 Attacks” reminder. If they
which player is alive again. (Do not say why.) chose a player, that player dies—mark them with a “Dead”
Since the Shabaloth cannot regurgitate themself—they have
no ability when dead—it is best to only rarely make the If the Po wakes to act while marked “3 Attacks”, they point at
Shabaloth regurgitate. Once per game, maybe twice, is any three players, one at a time. In the order chosen, each
usually sufficient. chosen player dies—mark them with “Dead” reminders. Remove
the “3 Attacks” reminder.

If this is your first time Storytelling Bad Moon Rising, and you are which characters and which players are the best choices to
keen to learn by using the most simple, straightforward select at night. Even the Sailor and Goon, played well, could
characters, consider putting the following characters into play: cause sufficient confusion on the evil team to buy enough
time for good to figure things out.
Gambler, Professor, Minstrel, Pacifist, Fool, Tinker, Assassin,
Shabaloth. You will need to choose when to use the Pacifist,
Tinker, and Shabaloth resurrection abilities. The Minstrel and
Fool abilities work automatically. The players will do the rest.

If you are feeling a little more adventurous and would like to

create a more unique style of game that experiments with some
more complicated characters and interactions, consider the
following (for an eight-player game) or alter one to suit your

Gambler, Gossip, Chambermaid, Grandmother, Tinker,

Moonchild, Godfather, Zombuul. This will be a game with quite
a lot of information, as long as the good team is willing to take a
few risks to get it. The Gambler, Gossip, Chambermaid, and
Grandmother will learn helpful information quickly, but they will
need to coordinate their knowledge well to track down the
elusive Zombuul. The Tinker and Moonchild provide some much-
needed cover for the Demon, because the Godfather being in
play means there may be some extra deaths at night, making it
seem like a different Demon is in play.

Chambermaid, Innkeeper, Minstrel, Exorcist, Fool, Lunatic,

Assassin, Pukka. This setup will be a fun one for the evil team.
The Assassin and the Pukka can both kill players that otherwise
would not die, and the Pukka can cause a lot of havoc by
poisoning the Chambermaid, Innkeeper, Minstrel, and Exorcist.
The good team may be able to deduce that a Pukka is in play
when the Fool dies, and may be able to use the Innkeeper to
keep the Pukka at bay afterwards. The Lunatic may be a little
tricky to run if you are new to Bad Moon Rising, so take your

Innkeeper, Tea Lady, Pacifist, Professor, Fool, Tinker, Devil’s

Advocate, Shabaloth. In this game, both the good and the evil
team need to work hard to kill opposing players. There are many
ways that death can be prevented for both sides. During the day,
executions may not lead to death, and the good players will need
to figure out whether this is due to the Pacifist, the Devil’s
Advocate, or someone else. At night, the Shabaloth will need to
choose their victims wisely, or else be prevented from killing at
all. Players may be brought back from the dead, and the good
team would be wise to put some effort into figuring out why.

Sailor, Chambermaid, Minstrel, Courtier, Gambler, Goon,

Mastermind, Po. This will be a very difficult puzzle for the good
players to solve. The variable number of deaths at night due to
the Po combined with the terrifying potential of the Mastermind
should have the good team using all their wits to learn which
Demon is in play, and even if the Demon is dead or alive—and
this will be the key to victory. The good team has the
awesome power of the Courtier to rely on, but they will need
to use the Minstrel, Chambermaid, and Gambler to judge

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