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Dave Chemisty Notes

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M ag n i f i c e n t M a n s i o n M u r d e r M y s t e r y

ble to be run as either a self-contained one-shot One-Shot
or slotted into a campaign as a stand-alone If the Murderer is a Player
adventure for any level of play, the Magnificent If run as a one-shot, the DM should decide if the murderer
Mansion Murder Mystery will seat your will be an NPC as above, or if they are going to ask one of the
PCs to secretly be the murderer. Having a PC be the If the DM would like for one of the PCs to be the
adventurers at the center of a twisting tale of killer, they should secretly ask a single player if they
betrayal, deception, and murder most foul. murderer allows them to actively work to cover their tracks
are interested in "taking on an additional role" for
during the game, disguise evidence, and lead false witch-
the game, so as not to spoil the surprise. If they
hunts against innocent NPCs. Either way, it is recommended
Adventure Overview that little detail be given to the players beforehand as to not
agree, inform them that they are the killer and that
the DM will help them prepare.
An invitation arrives for the Player Characters (PCs), tip off that this will be a murder mystery. Instead, only The DM should make sure that the player
requesting their presence at a gala hosted by the Archmage indicate that the game is not focused on combat so they are understands their role in the game. Their goal is
Ullic at his home. Upon arrival, the PCs enter into a grand free to play a character concept they are interested in. different than the rest of the players: while the rest
Magnificent Mansion spell and are allowed to tour the vast are trying to catch the killer, the killer is trying to
estate at their leisure. After some entertainment, everyone is escape. Being caught is a very real possibility and
treated to a great feast as they await the appearance of their should not be taken as a failure on their part, rather
host. However, just as the last guest, a local justicar, arrives, it it would be success on the part of the other
is discovered that the Archmage has been slain and the party
players. Since the Magnificent Mansion's only
escape is sealed, they must work against the rest of
is now pressed into finding the murderer before the
the group and the NPCs to sow doubt and keep
Magnificent Mansion spell ends at dawn and all of the
suspicion off of themselves until dawn breaks
evidence disappears forever. Everyone is now a suspect, and when they can escape.
the clock is ticking. The DM should work with the player prior to the
Given the focus on investigation and roleplaying game to determine their relation with Archmage
opportunities, there is limited (if any) combat within this Ullic and what has driven them to harbor such ill-
adventure. This can be a nice change of pace for more will against the Archmage. Some sample motives
combat-oriented groups, but there are opportunities to are:
include combat if so desired. The game theme can be as dark
or as campy as the DM would like: a grim investigation, a 1. The PC is a former student of the Archmage
lighter-hearted who-dunnit, or anywhere in between. who was magically experimented on, and has
Several twists and turns can be included or not, depending sworn revenge on their old master.
on the DM's preferences. This includes the possibility for one 2. Long ago, the Archmage had taken a precious
of the PCs to have been the murderer and guidance on how relic called The Godshard from a temple of the
to work this out before the game. PC's religion, but he had to slaughter the priests
of the temple to get it. The PC has sworn
One-Shot vs Campaign revenge for their fallen brothers and now has an
opportunity to get back the relic.
Whether run as a one-shot or as part of an ongoing
3. The PC is not who they say they are: they are an
campaign, the overall story is still the same: PCs arrive at the
assassin who has taken a contract on Archmage
gala, the murder is eventually discovered, and the PCs must
Ullic and disguised themselves as a local
join the hunt for the killer that is still in the tower with them.
What can differ between play-throughs is who the
murderer is. For simplicity, the adventure below will refer to
"The Murderer", which can either be one of the NPCs or if Once a motive has been determined, lay out for
the DM works with one of the players secretly beforehand, it the player how the attack went down. The
can be one of the PCs.
adventure below assumes the attack occurs in
Ullic's Bedroom Suite, using Spellrender as the
Though the below adventure is written with a singular
murder weapon, but the details can be worked out
story path, the DM is encouraged to modify the story
as the DM and Player see fit.
(specifically the means and motive of the murderer) to better
fit their campaign. This can include changing who the
murderer is, changing the means or motive, or introducing
new characters entirely.

Standalone Adventure
If run as part of a larger campaign, it is recommended that
DM make the Chef the murderer, so that the PCs can crack
the case and bring him to justice. However, nearly all of the
NPCs are given enough means, motive, and opportunity to
have been the killer should the DM wish to tweak the story
and use a different character as the murderer.
After some investigation has occurred, a rumble is felt The Archmage's Debts
Adventure Arc throughout the manor and it appears that, while attempting
The Archmage owes a significant sum to the town of
to open the late Archmage's safe, Mayor Montgomery has
The adventure consists of the following sections, explained Mournstead in taxes and due payments, and has such left his
been killed, Bendel blinded and knocked unconscious, and
here in brief to give the DM an overview of the flow of the wealth to the town, leaving Agathar, Bendel, and Scherer with
Agathar vaporized. While it appears that this is a result of the
adventure. Should the DM wish to shorten the adventure (it nothing. When it is revealed that the archmage is dead,
safe's protective measures, in reality, there is an additional
has an average runtime of four hours), or just simplify it, they Agathar and Bendel immediately look to rectify their financial
and time sensitive plot unfolding in parallel as Agathar and
may choose to exclude Chapter 4 "A Twist" without greatly situation. The debts play into Mayor Montgomery's
Bendel look to modify the archmage's will in their favor.
impacting the story. motivations as well as the Will in Chapter 4.

Chapter 0: Establishing the Chapter 5: Dawn breaks...

Murder The PCs will need to hurry in determining who the killer is
and arresting them, as dawn is quickly approaching and soon
The DM determines if the killer is one of the NPCs or if it is a the Magnificent Mansion will disappear. To aid them in this
PC. If it is to be a PC, work with them as detailed on Page 1. portion, Justicar Wargreaves has prepared some magical
Work out the details of the murder beforehand and provide rituals to assist in finding the truth. Should they fail to
the Player the relevant information. Since this takes place out apprehend the killer, the mansion will vanish and everyone
of view during the gala, it will go off as determined will find themselves standing atop a lonely hill, all evidence of
beforehand. Make sure the player (or NPC) is aware of any the crime having disappeared with the rising sun.
complications so that they can work that into their plan to
deflect blame.
Major Players
Chapter 1: Invitation and Arrival This is a brief summary of the story's characters, to better aid
The PCs, who may or may not know each other, receive an in the DMs understanding of who is who in the adventure up
invitation to Attwen Tower for a gala, hosted by the Archmage front. More detailed character summaries are provided after
Ullic. They will be celebrating Agathar's (the Archmage's the adventure text.
protege) successful return from a grand adventure. • The Archmage Ullic: an old, powerful wizard who lives in
The PCs all gather in the nearby town of Mournstead, and Attwen Tower, and the plot's victim.
have a day to prepare for the gala, including shopping for
• Bendel the Butler: the longtime manservant of Archmage
dressy attire, gathering information, or just relaxing.
We follow one PC who makes their way in the rain to the
• Agathar: the protege of the Archmage, a powerful half-orc
lonely tower. Upon arrival, they open the door to see that
mage and
everyone else has already arrived and the party is ongoing.
• Chef Scherer: the dwarven chef at Attwen Tower
• Mayor Montgomery: a younger man who is mayor of the
Chapter 2: The Gala nearby town of Mournstead
Ullic has informed his butler Bendel that he will only be • Lady Gwendelyn of Grandlan Manor: an elderly female
joining the banquet once everyone has arrived and since half-elf who is local noblewoman
Justicar Wargreaves has been delayed, Bendel suggests that • Stradavon the Strung: an awakened redwood tree bard
the traveling bard Stradavon perform while Agathar prepares whose hollow trunk is strung like a cello and his branches
to show off his treasures. have been turned into a pipe organ.
In the meantime, the PCs and other NPCs are welcome to • Justicar Wargreaves: an honorable blue dragonborn local
explore the manor. (It is either before the arrivals or during magistrate who is an arbiter of the local law.
this break that the murder occurs.) The attendees are served
dinner and drinks and then the doorbell rings. Justicar
Wargreaves arrives, and Bendel leaves to fetch the Archmage.
M a j o r B ac k g r ou n d P l o t s
In order to keep the circumstances surrounding the murder
Chapter 3: "The Archmage is mysterious, there are a handful of background arcs that are
important for the DM to keep in mind as the story is playing
dead!" out. Though they are further explained at other parts of the
Bendel immediately returns with a cry that the Archmage is adventure, they have been lightly detailed here for clarity.
has been murdered. Justicar Wargreaves locks down the These are included to give depth to the characters, their
tower so that they can find the killer, and the party-goers turn relationships, and provide red-herrings for the PCs to
into investigators. The PCs can explore the mansion looking explore.
for clues, and the NPCs will do the same.
The Archmage's Murder
Chapter 4: A Twist The primary mystery, the PCs must discover the murderer's
identity,motive, and the murder weapon. This is the
overarching plot to which the following stories play. The
murderer will be working to hide evidence and hide their
Arcane Experiments Magic'ss impact on investigations Adding Combat
Ullic has long since studied the arcane arts and has pursued Magic can definitely change how the PCs can go This is a primarily Role-Play and Investigation based
knowledge above all. He was the one who awakened about solving the case. Spells like Suggestion and adventure and does not include any pre-planned
Stradavon, trained Agathar, and committed the very act for Zone of Truth give a huge edge in interrogations combat. Should the DM be looking to add a
which the murderer chose to seek revenge (though the and can make the investigation much more combat element to the game, there are four
specific act will vary with what the DM decides the interesting. recommended opportunities to do so:
murderer's motivation is). This will factor in as evidence to However, spells like Speak with Dead could
help point the PCs towards the killer's motivation and potentially circumvent the whole central issue if 1. The Caged Beast: Within the basement, add a
identity. the Archmage was asked "Who killed you?" In cell where a ferocious monster is being held for
circumstances like this, it is best to keep things experimentation. If it should break free of it's
vague, such as the dead Archmage responding that cage, or perhaps be loosed by the murderer, the
Long Lost Love he "didn't see the killer's face, he only saw their PCs may have to deal with that threat before
The Archmage Ullic was once in love with Lady Gwendelyn, hateful eyes." returning to their investigation.
but their love fell when they were young, many years ago. Few Other spells and abilities, such as Disguise Self
2. A Slight of Honor: If accusations are made
know of their relationship, but it plays into the Will in or Invisibility might allow the murderer to slink
against Agathar or Mayor Mongomery, they may
Chapter 4 as well as Lady Gwendlyn's motivations. about unnoticed, while use of the Orb of Modify
take it as a slight of their honor and challenge
Memory or the spell Charm Person may help get
their accuser to a duel.
them out of a tight jam.
Other DM Notes 3. The Great Escape: Should the murderer be
Improv apprehended, they may see fighting their way
out as the only option and will attack the party
Since much of the investigation is left open to the players, NPC Help in an attempt to elude capture.
and all of their possible choices cannot be accounted for The PCs are not the only ones investigating the murder: the
here, much of the adventure is laid out as: exposition, 4. It said "D
Do Not Touch!": Should someone take
NPCs will be searching for clues too (and some may even be
followed by a prompt to the players such as "What would you hold of the Black Iron Circlet containing the
hatching their own schemes in the meantime). NPCs can be devil Ezakyle in the Trophy Room, the fiend may
like to do?", then revealing what information they might have used to help on tasks that the PCs cannot or do not want to attempt to possess the bearer and harm the
encountered. This open ended approach has been used to do, such as breaking open the safe or reading through the other attendees. Should someone sunder the
write this adventure, but since not all DM styles are the same, archmage's journal. Should the players get stuck, or head off Black Iron Circlet and free Ezakyle, he may
if the DM is uncomfortable with improv or needs to take a on the wrong path, the DM can have an NPC come forward attempt to attack the party if he thinks it will aid
moment to get the facts straight, they are encouraged to take with evidence they discovered, though it is recommended this in his escape.
a moment, review the facts of the case, and present the next is minimal: just enough to get the PCs back on track.
step to the players.
The Wrong Track
C o m m u n i c at i o n w i t h t h e Though red-herrings and the murderer's meddling may push
Murderer the PCs down the wrong track in a manner conducive to the
If a PC is the murderer, the DM is encouraged to story, if the PCs start following the wrong leads to the
communicate with them during the game using DM-chat, text detriment of the plot, the DM may wish to guide them back
messages, or even secret notes in order to get their input. towards the right path. This can be done by clarifying
Perhaps they want to further kill off a troublesome NPC who previous statements that may have led them astray,
is catching on to them, or they want to steal a piece of correcting their misunderstandings of found evidence, or an
incriminating evidence. The DM should work with them in NPC contributing new evidence.
secret to keep their collaboration from the other players.
B o u nc i ng A r o u n d t h e M a no r
Since the Players (and NPCs) may be interested in exploring
different parts of the manor at once, do not be afraid to split
the party (since there is no combat to worry about). Be
prepared to focus on one ongoing aspect for a bit, before
returning to someone else's investigation elsewhere.
The Adventure
“I hope this message finds you in good health and good
Establishing the spirits. As one of the shining stars of Devonshire, it would The PCs can make an Arcana check (DC 10) to
delight me to no end to have your attendance at Attwen determine the nature of the Doormat of
Murderer Tower on the night of the next new moon. We are to celebrate Prestidigitation which is used to clean guests (or a
For the below adventure, it is written with Chef Scherer as the success of my protégé on his expedition under the King’s murder weapon).
the murderer, having taken the dagger Spellrender from the banner and a formal banquet shall be served in his honor. I The latest arrival may also wish to make a
would greatly appreciate your presence. Signed: The Perception Check (DC 10) to notice that despite
Trophy Room just before the first guests arrived and
Archmage Ullic of Attwen Tower.” the tower not having any windows, the view from
bypassed the Archmage's wards using its powers, sneaking
Now, you know of Archmage Ullic, Ullic the Feeble as some the inside windows does not match the hilltop you
into the mage's quarters while Wildshaped as a spider. He
call him, though never to his face. You may have even met
just left, instead they are looking at the clear sunset
has been plotting the demise of the archmage ever he hanging over a gently waving ocean-scape.
discovered that Ullic killed the priests of a temple of with him once or twice, to have an incantation cast or
Scherer's nature goddess and took the Godshard, a precious perhaps to reference one his many tomes of forgotten lore.
divine relic for his studies. Scherer countered the mage's But while you know that he was once a mighty sorcerer, he
magical defenses using Spellrender, cut down Ullic with one has long since been confined to his tower and rarely, if ever,
fell blow, and departed the bedroom suite. He cleaned the engages with the outside world.
blade and his clothes of blood using the enchanted Doormat Now that you have rolled into Mournstead, and the gala
of Prestidigitation, and returned the blade to its sheath in the is tonight, why don’t you tell us a little bit about what you
trophy room, its powers exhausted. He took the Godshard are doing in town during the day?
and hid it in his room before returning to the kitchen to
prepare the feast for those who he hoped to pin the murder
After their descriptions of their day, the DM should
pick a player to be the point of view followed here
Should the DM wish to have a different murder plot, now is (don't pick the murderer). For this section, just use
the time to determine it. their character name where you see (CHARACTER).
Throughout the adventure, the killer will attempt to deflect
any accusations leveled at them, destroy evidence that might
implicate them, and lead witch-hunts against other NPCs or
PCs. The day grows late and as the sun sinks low in the sky,
(CHARACTER), you make your way north of town, through
the rolling hills and wheat fields in a light rain that begins to
Now the adventure will begin. soak your coat. After twenty minutes of walking along the
The following adventure text can be read directly to muddy road, you come across a rocky crag topped with a
the players if desired, or paraphrased. Player slender stone tower made out of a white-grey stone. It is
prompts are bolded, as are leading character names several stories tall topped with a silver, conical roof.
for determining which voice to use, if the DM likes Surrounding the base of the building is a small garden of
using accents. Notes to the DM will be flagged in colorful flowers and leafy bushes. There are no windows on
parentheticals and should not be read out loud. the tower, just a simple set of wooden double doors where
the path meets the tower. (CHARACTER), as you knock on
the door, you hear the heavy sound of metal locks unlatching
and with a clunk, the door begins to open.
Chapter 1: Invitation and The rest of you, already having arrived, hear from no
particular source, a familiar chorus of handbells chiming,
Arrival indicating that the tower is opening. As the large, gold clad
After several months away on your latest expedition for glory, doors swing in, you see the rainy outside world and the
treasure, or righteous deed, each of you find yourself back in outline of (CHARACTER) in the sunset.
Mournstead, a town you know well from your many years (CHARACTER), as you walk in, you feel the welcome mat
spent here. It is not a particularly notable town, but for you, it beneath your feet depress slightly and a swirl of magical
was home, at least until you set off to find your place in the energy surrounds you as your hair and clothes are
world. As fate would have it though, on the same night two immediately dried and the mud is wicked from your boots,
weeks ago, each of you, spread across the countryside as you leaving you perfectly clean.
were, received a visit from a spectral owl, and tied it its leg
was a very real scroll detailing the following message:
In front of you is a vast parlor complete with a bubbling Bendel: “Of course, well then I invite you all free reign of
fountain, statues, and twin staircases that lead to a viewing the estate to explore at your whim, though I would ask that
gallery that rings the upper portion of this foyer. Floating you refrain from the Archmage’s quarters: he does not like to
about are trays of champagne glasses that hover at shoulder be interrupted from his research and does not appreciate
height. Strangely, you notice, this square room alone is larger guests in his private quarters. He will be down when he is
than the outside of the tower that you had just entered. There ready. Fifteen minutes, and then we shall meet in the Parlor.
are several doors leading out of this room and nearly a dozen You are of course welcome to stay here and enjoy the wine,
people conversing about. Perhaps you recognize a few of the browse the library or laboratory, or perhaps the collection of
faces from the area. relics in the east wing would be of interest. Please, make
A white haired, elderly half elf you recognize as Lady yourselves at home.”
Gwendelyn of Grandlan Manor is conversing with the Mayor
of Mournstead, a young man with brown hair pulled back
over his ears named Mister Montgomery. In the corner, a The Manor at Attwen Tower consists of the Parlor,
dwarf in a chef’s hat, Chef Scherer, is conversing with a
the Dining Hall, the Kitchen, the Pantry, which
leads to the Basement, the Guest Quarters, the
robed half-orc wizard named Agathar and a large redwood
Laboratory, the Library, the Trophy Room, and the
treeman with metal strings running down his trunk, who you
Foyer. All this in addition to the Archmage's
know to be the bard named Stradavon. They are all lit by the Bedroom Suite, which is the only upstairs room
streaming golden light of sunset streaming in from the and is strictly off limits. Locations (and their
windows. associated descriptions and clues can be found in
Appendix B: Locations and Clues)
If the murder has already occurred, like it has in
If the PCs are not an adventuring party or do not
this writing, Bendel will keep an eye out and keep
know each other in game, now is the time for
anyone from going upstairs.
If the murder has not already occurred, such as if
Who else do we hav e at this party and what has
a PC is the murderer instead, now is the time when
been the topic of discussion thus far?
it occurs, just as previously arranged between DM
and Player, do not act out killing.

Suggested discussion topics for improv: Where all would you like to go in the house? Anything you
• Mister Montgomery is expecting a great harvest would like to see or explore?
this year after last year's blight Eventually, the party reconvenes the sitting room, backed
by windows displaying a black, starless expanse. You see
• Lady Gwendelyn has been writing to her niece Stradavon standing on a large rug at the back of the room. As
in the capital who she misses dearly you get a chance to look at him, you can see this hollowed out
tree trunk of a being with silver strings running up and down
• Stradavon just got back from the coast where
he was composing an opera about two sailors his torso. He has two large branches for arms, and above
that, several smaller branches that form small pipes. He
• Agathar was telling everyone about how excited draws forth a cellist’s bow and draws it across his stomach,
he is to show off his bounty from the north producing a rich string sound. The pipes begin to sound off
and he begins to sing, joining the sound of the strings which
he plays equally like a cello and a harp.

Chapter 2: The Gala DM Note: Now is an opportunity to play music in

the background if you would like to influence the
The doors on the left side of the room slowly creak open and theme of the game. If it is more serious, setting a
standing in the door sill is an older man, with a salt and darker soundtrack full of classical music in minor
pepper mustache, dressed in the same color purple robes keys will get the players in the mindset for a
that match the banners hanging on the walls. murder mystery. If you are looking for a lighter
Bendel: “I had spoken to the Archmage while he was tone, Bardcore (acoustic, medieval-style versions of
reading a few hours ago, and he had informed me that our popular songs) is a goofy way to set the stage for a
final guest is delayed in the slightest. As such, Ullic had classic who-dunnit!
extended an invitation for all of you to his sitting room where
he hopes Stradavon would provide a performance while
Agathar recounts his expedition northward. Once the Justicar
Meanwhile, Mayor Montgomery and Lady Gwendelyn have
arrives, Ullic will join everyone for the banquet.”
each returned and are seated on a couch, while Agathar and
The treeman speaks up. Stradavon: “It will take me fifteen
Bendel are preparing several waist high pillars topped with
minutes to prepare, but I would be happy to oblige.”
strange shapes beneath fabric, obscuring what lies beneath.
Bendel turns to you once you have returned. Bendel: “I
hope you found your time within the manor interesting and
informative, can I get you anything to drink?”
Once you are all gathered, Agathar begins his frightful tale of “Ahh our final guest!” Bendel says, and he exits through the
his journey north. He tells you of the frozen peaks that clawed double doors back into the Foyer.
at the sky, the bitter storms they braved, and how they
journeyed deep into the frozen caves to do battle against the
giants. Chapter 3: "The
As the harrowing tale of battle concludes, he points to the
artifacts that he had recovered set atop small marble pillars,
A r c h m ag e i s d e a d ! "
removing their silken coverings one by one. A few seconds later, Bendel returns with a tall, blue
First he shows off a thick circular silver breastplate that dragonborn, covered in scales and dressed in ornate
wraps around the wearer’s torso. He tells you that it was lacquered white armor with gold trimming. Bendel: “Ladies
previously a giant’s ring that they were able pick from its and Gentlemen, Justicar Wargreaves.”
corpse. Wargreaves: “Good evening all, please, stay in your seats,
Next, he shows what looks like a massive pearl, as big as there is no need to get up,” the dragonborn says. He comes in
an apple. He tells you that he found this Globe of Modify and greets you all. You might recognize Justicar Wargreaves
Memory set into the earrings of the giant queen. “The poor from around the county where he serves the crown as a
bugger that picked it up before we knew what it was traveling judge and arbiter of justice.
completely forgot what he was doing there: blanked out his Bendel: “Well then, now that we are all in attendance, I
last ten minutes entirely!” will fetch the Archmage, please excuse me.” Bendel says as
And on the final pillar is a pair of matching rams horns, he departs.
carved out of an off white ivory and banded with iron wraps. Mayor: “Wargreaves, good sir,” Mayor Montgomery says, “I
He informs you that they allow whichever pair of people are am so glad you could join us, I had no time to thank you for
holding them to communicate across great distances, as if helping us out with the vineyard dispute three weeks back.”
speaking face to face! Wargreaves: “Happy to serve lord and country, no thanks
are needed.”
The dragonborn takes his seat and leans across the table
A note on Agathar'ss Relics to talk to Agathar. Wargreaves: "Agathar, I know you had
Agathar is eager to answer any and all questions made your way into the Sunkenpine Swamp two moons ago,
about his daring expedition. Just make up whatever how fared your expedition?”
heroic tale about how he singlehandedly fought off As they are conversing, you hear a scream and the sound of
a pair of giants all by himself. rushed footsteps. Through the double doors, the elderly
What is more important is the relics he has Bendel bursts through and shouts, Bendel: “The Archmage
recovered: these may be used by the PCs later in is dead!”
the game in their attempt to find the killer (or Amidst gasps, several of the assembled guests shoot to
evade capture in the case of the Murderer). their feet. Lady Gwendelyn faints into her chair, Mayor
The Horns of Calling (allow the casting of Montgomery rushes to her aid. How are you responding to
Message to the other horn) may be used to talk this shocking development?
throughout the manor.
Wargreaves stands and faces Bendel. Wargreaves: “What
The Orb of Modify Memory (may be used to cast
has happened?”
Modify Memory once per day, DC 17) may be used
Bendel: “I… I went to fetch him in his quarters and when I
to cover up for a mistake on behalf of the murderer
or perhaps to elicit a false confession. entered, I found him lying in a pool of blood in the middle of
The armor is a regular breastplate. his room!”
Wargreaves: “That doesn’t sound like an accident…”
Bendel: “No, Master Ullic is extremely careful.”
Wargreaves: “Then foul play must be considered likely…”
As Stradavon continues to play, the door to the south opens Wargreaves turns to Agathar. “Agathar, how many ways in
and the dwarven chef Scherer enters along with the wafting and out of the manor are there?”
smell of delicious food. Scherer: “Dinner is ready to be Bendel: “Only the main door in the foyer leads in and out
served.” of the extradimensional space the mansion exists within.”
Bendel: “Very well then,” Bendel says, leading you all into a Wargreaves turns to you all. Wargreaves: “Has anyone
long, slender room dominated by two features: the first being departed already this evening?”
a grand copper topped table that can seat a dozen guests. (Presumably they correctly say no)
Secondly, a massive portrait of the Archmage hangs on the Wargreaves: “If this was a murder, then I suspect that the
southern wall: it is him arrayed in a long, purple and gold killer is still here among us!”
robe with his pointed hat on and majestic blonde hair and There are gasps from around the room.
beard flowing. Amidst a chaotic battle in the background, he
is shooting lightning out of a wand in each hand. Each of you
is guided to a seat which has your name written in
calligraphy across the napkin.
As Chef Scherer begins to bring out the first course,
smoked griffon rib on a bed of crownroot batonette and
silkengreens, Bendel returns with more beverages. As the
plates float effortlessly onto the table, you hear a familiar
chime of handbells from the Foyer.
Justicar Wargreaves rises and puts his hand in the air. He
clenches his fist and the doors slam shut all around you. An opportunity most foul
Wargreaves: “I will seal the front door to ensure that the With the Archmage's demise weighing heavily on
killer is unable to slink away before they are discovered, in the mind of Bendel, a realiziation has come across
the meantime, we will need to work together to find out who him: as the witness to the Archmage's will, he
committed such a heinous crime.” knows well that he is not included and that nearly
He leads you all to the front door, where he places his hand all of Ullic's wealth is being donated to the town of
upon it. He mutters something in a deep, guttural tone, and a Mournstead. (see "The Archmage's (Original) Will"
web of sigils spread out across the door, glowing faintly in the Bedroom Suite section of Appendix B)
before you hear a deep “chunk”. He turns to Agathar. Bendel has brought this up discretely to Agathar,
Wargreaves: “Agathar, this mansion… Will the magics that and the two have struck a pact: if they can clear all
sustain it end at some point?” evidence of the debt owed, and replace the will
Agathar: “Uhhh… Yes. The archmage always journeys without the Justicar knowing, they can rename
outside to recast the spell at dawn each day.” themselves the heirs to the Archmage's fortune.
Wargreaves: “And what will happen when the spell ends?”
The incident at the safe
Agathar: “We will all be dropped harmlessly outside the
tower.” Having entered the bedroom suite, the trio of
Wargreaves: “And the mansion?”
Agathar, Bendel, and Mayor Montgomery approach
a portrait of a young, half-elf woman (a young lady
Agathar: “Without the archmage to resummon it, it will be
Gwendelyn) and remove it, revealing a safe. As
gone for good.”
Agathar begins to work at opening the safe, and
Wargreaves looks grim. Wargreaves: “Then we only have a with a uttering of "Oh no..." he casts a fiery
few hours before all evidence disappears forever. We will Thunderwave spell that knocks his two
need to act quickly. Form up into groups and see what you companions backwards. Bendel is knocked into a
can discover about the house. I will begin working on a few nearby mound of curtains and falls unconscious,
divinations that may be of aid to you all. Come find me in the while Mayor Montgomery is blasted head first into
parlor if you have any questions. Be careful, the killer may a marble sink, killing him on impact and removing
still be active.” the only person who knows of the debt.
What would you like to do? Agathar then casually uses the safe's key to open
the safe, and replaces the will that is currently in
there, "The (Original) Will of the Archmage Ullic",
The PCs are now free to explore the manor for with "The (Updated) Will of the Archmage Ullic".
clues. The door is sealed with powerful magics, so He closes the safe, and disappears, leaving a dead
there will be no escape for the killer until the mayor and temporarily blinded butler behind in
Mansion disappears at dawn. what appears to be an accident caused by the
This will form the main body of the adventure. At safe's defenses.
this point, reference Appendix A: Characters and
Appendix B: Locations and Clues to help describe Agathar'ss Disappearance
findings and discussions around the manor. It is the DM's choice what happens to Agathar, he
• Agathar joins Bendel and Mayor Montgomery:
they say they will be looking for a motive. • Turns himself invisible and attempts to plant
• Stradavon takes care of a distraught Lady evidence that the new will is legitimate, perhaps
Gwendelyn in the parlor. by destroying the ledgers in the library or by
• Chef Scherer stays with Justicar Wargreaves in creating similar draft wills.
the parlor. • Teleports to the holding cell in the basement,
where he pretends to be knocked out. If
As the investigation goes on, after the PCs have questioned, he will claim to have been sent by
had a while to conduct their investigation, move on the safe.
to Chapter 4.
Should the DM wish to simplify or shorten the Either way, Agathar will do whatever he can to
adventure, Chapter 4 can be skipped, removing make sure everyone believes the faked will is real
"The Will" storyline and proceeding directly to as he waits for the dawn.
Chapter 5.

Everyone make a perception check. (DC 10)

Chapter 4: A Twist You notice a slight vibration in the floor and walls, and a
bang sound comes from the south-eastern part of the house.
Something isn’t right…
(Wait for the PCs to reenter the Bedroom Suite)
During the investigation, when the PCs are away
from the Archmage's Bedroom Suite, Agathar,
Bendel, and Mayor Montgomery will make their way
there. At that point, Chapter 4 will begin.
As you enter the bed chamber, an eerie quiet hangs in the
room. As you maneuver over the bloody rug, you can see in Chapter 5: Dawn Breaks...
the corner, back behind the dressers, a shocking sight: there
are two bodies lying on the floor surrounded by dark green
scorch marks. You see the forms of Mayor Montgomery with As dawn approaches, the PCs are running out of
his head against a marble sink that is now stained red and
time before the morning breaks and the evidence
disappears along with the Magnificent Manor.
Bendel lying in a mound of curtains against the wall. (A
Medicine Check DC5 will reveal Bendel is still breathing
while Mayor Montgomery is dead). Agathar, who you know
was with them, is nowhere to be seen. The Ritual of Truth
Between the two bodies, the carpet is ripped apart and the
wood beneath it scorched. The nearby wall is also covered in Justicar Wargreaves calls everyone to the parlor: he has
scorch marks. A portrait of a beautiful young woman (Lady finished his ritual magic. Drawn on the ground are dozens of
Gwendelyn) is in broken frame on the ground and embedded arcane runes all connected by thin lines of powdered gems.
into the wall, there is a safe. He informs you that while the magic will not last long, there
will be the chance to ask a few questions and are likely to
extract a confession. (The ritual is a Zone of Truth spell, with
The safe a DC of 12 and a duration of 1 minute.)
The PCs need to figure out how to get into the (This is otherwise the time for the PCs to make
safe. It is magically protected (abjuration) against accusations and defenses, present evidence, and call for
scrying but it is not magically guarded with votes to attempt to identify and subdue the killer.)
blasting. An Arcana check DC 15 will reveal that.
The safe can be picked with a DC15 theives tools
check or smashed open with a DC20 strength Should the PCs have an accusation and a
check. The safe has a single mechanical lock and reasonable explanation supported by evidence,
wards to protect the contents against Scrying. Justicar Wargreaves will place the accused under
The safe contains the updated will that Agathar arrest and agree to take them to stand trial.
put in there, a dragonbone wand, the Archmage's Depending on the accused, they may try to fight
spellbook which is written in an indeciferable back and will need to be restrained.
script, and a small rosewood box. Should the identity of the killer still be a mystery
Either way: with no suspect or with killer in
chains, proceed to "Reappearance atop the Hill"

Bendel'ss Recovery
Bendel is, at least for the mean time, unconcious
and blinded. Bendel can be treated by Wargreaves R e a p p e a r a n c e at o p t h e h i l l
and Stradavon in the Parlor while the PCs continue As a dim light faintly shines through the blackened windows
their investigation. When he revives, he tells the of the manor, you blink. When your eyes reopen, you find
group that they were looking in a vault that Agathar yourself atop the small, rocky crag, with the door to an empty
said would no longer be warded since Ullic was stone tower open behind you and wet grass beneath your
dead in the hopes of finding some clue as to who feet. You look around and see your fellow party-goers, a pair
Ullic might have been worried about. However, of corpses, and mounds of the mansions contents strewn
when they tried to open it, it exploded in a bright about. On the horizon, the dawn breaks on a new day.
green flash. When he woke up, Agathar had entirely
disappeared and will be dismayed to learn that the
Mayor is dead. C o nc l u s i o n

• Should the PCs have successfully found the

killer, congratulate them on a great
The final investigation investigation.
With Bendel recovering and the safe to explore, the • Should the PCs have laid the accusation against
PCs will be in the final leg of their investigation. the wrong person, inform them that the Justicar
Did the Archmage's killer also kill the Mayor? What marches an innocent man (or woman) to jail
is the connection? Where is Agathar? All these and the killer escapes capture.
questions will lead to additional investigation • Should the PCs have not reached a decision,
around the house. inform them that given the lack of evidence,
However, they are running out of time until dawn today, the killer walks free.
comes and the Magnificent Mansion disappears.
Once the DM decides that the PCs are either If this is a one-shot, and the correct killer was
getting close or are running out of ideas, move on not caught, have the killer (if they are a PC), reveal
to Chapter 5. themselves, or reveal the killer's identity out of
character and explain the truth.
A p p e n d i x A : C h a r ac t e r s
Motive: Knows he is not included in the will.
Archmage Ullic the Feeble Opportunity: Before everyone arrived or when he went to
An extremely old human male, who was once a relatively well go get him for dinner.
known, and powerful, court magician. After an expedition to
the frozen wastes, he became far more insular, preferring to Chef Scherer, Cook
work out of his own tower and train his students away from
the rest of the magical community. A portly, bald dwarf with a red beard. A very religious druid of
the Nature Goddess who was convinced to work at Attwen
tower with the promise he could access any study of natural
Justicar Wargreaves sciences that he wanted, so long as he provided food and
A traveling magistrate known about the county of Devonshire drink. He is a good chef. Has been in the employ of the
as a right and honorable authority figure. He is a blue Archmage for only a few months now. Has been known to
Dragonborn who as a matter of station wears decorated experiment with rare spices.
armor that is lacquered with ivory and gold inlays of the Alibi: Was preparing the meal in the kitchen
scales of justice, a blindfolded woman, etc. Secret: Archmage took his goddesses's relic, the Godshard
Alibi: Hadn’t arrived when the murder occurred. and slew several of his brothers in faith.
Secret: None Means: Access to knives in the kitchen that can be cleaned
Means: Sword by the phantom hands, Spellrender, Wildshape
Motive: None Motive: Archmage took his goddesses's relic, the Godshard
Opportunity: None and slew several of his brothers in faith.
Opportunity: No one else was in the kitchen, so no one can
prove he was actually there.
DM Note: it should be made clear to the players
(after discovery of the corpse and the fact that the
archmage has been dead on the order of hours) Mister Montgomery
that the Justicar is the one person that they can Mayor of Mournstead
trust was not the murderer. He is there to help Young, charming man who has taken over as the mayor of
answer the PCs questions in game. Mournstead after the former mayor (Archibald) was caught in
He will help the PCs by casting a ritual version of a corruption scandal involving taxes, tarred and feathered,
Zone of Truth that can be used in Chapter 5.
then run out of town. Archmage Ullic had a deal worked out
with Archibald to avoid taxes, so Mister Montgomery has an
interest in seeing those taxes paid.
A g at h a r Alibi: Was escorting the elderly Lady Gwendelyn around.
Secret: Archmage owes the town a vast sum to the city
Th e h e r o o f H a r p y ’ s R i d g e , P r o t é g é o f though they are unable to collect. The Mayor knows that the
A r c h m ag e U l l i c will dictates repayment.
A male half-orc with black hair worn in a pony tail. He is Means: Could have cut him with either a stolen knife or
slender wizard, wearing a silk robe. He served as an letter opener.
adventurer in the king’s service and after winning great Motive: Is trying to collect on the debt owed to the city.
acclaim in the battle of Harpy’s Ridge where he turned the Opportunity: Could have snuck up there in the open time
tide, he was taken into the tutelage of Archmage Ullic, where period
he has studied and adventured for nearly a decade.
Alibi: Was preparing his presentation in the Parlor Lady Gwendelyn
Secret: Has been cut out of the will due to the Archmage's
debts. Wants what he views as his magical inheritance. L a dy o f G r a n d l a n M a n o r
Means: Magical ability, knowledge of the manor Elderly half elven woman with graying blonde hair. Was
Motive: Wanted inheritance, jealousy. previously engaged to Archmage Ullic, though the marriage
Opportunity: Before everyone arrived. fell through. She carries a love letter that he once wrote her.
Alibi: Was escorted around by Mister Montgomery the
whole time.
Bendel the Butler Secret: Archmage Ullic had promised to marry her many
Bendel is an older man, short haired with a salt and pepper decades ago and left her at the altar. He has only recently
mustache. The onetime squire of Archmage Ullic on his tried to reconnect.
expeditions and his longtime friend, he continued his service Means: Could have stabbed him with the letter opener, he
once Ullic became isolated to the tower. likely would have let her in to talk.
Alibi: Was assisting Agathar in the Parlor Motive: Was left at the altar by Archmage Ullic, so might
Secret: Has been cut out of the will due to the Archmage's be seeking revenge
debts. Opportunity: Could have snuck up there in the open time
Means: Could have taken a knife, or perhaps used the period, Archmage would surely have let her in
letter opener.
Stradavon the Somber
An awakened redwood tree bard
A young awakened redwood from the east who has a
hollowed branch strung with violin strings that he plays as he
sings. A noted story teller of mostly true tales.
Alibi: Was preparing for his performance
Secret: Was Awakened by the Archmage, who eventually
abandoned him to his own devices.
Means: can manipulate branches into makeshift weapons.
Motive: was abandoned by Archmage Ullic after his
Opportunity: Was the first guest to arrive, could have
snuck up and done the deed.
Appendix B: Locations and Clues
A long, slender room dominated by two features: the first
Each location listed below provides a brief being a grand copper topped table that can seat a dozen
description of the room within Attwen Tower, as guests. Secondly, a massive portrait of the Archmage hangs
well as a list of clues and relevant information that on the southern wall: it is him arrayed in a long, purple and
might be found in this location that will aid in the gold robe with his pointed hat on and majestic blonde hair
investigation. and beard flowing. Amidst a chaotic battle swirling in the
Note, there is no specific map for Attwen Tower, background, he is shooting lightning out of a wand in each
and it is left to the DM to draw up whatever map hand.
works. It is recommended that the Bedroom Suite Clues:
be isolated, whether on its own floor or just at the The Portrait [Perception]: Featured in the background of
end of a wing in order to keep the murder and the
the portrait, among the waves of orks, soldiers, and spells,
Will arc isolated.
you do notice a small collage of some of his conquests,
Each clue is associated with a skill check for
including a sunken city, a grand garden temple smoldering
learning more details, so that Investigate isn't the
only skill used all game. These can be subbed out if with flames, and a vast, overgrown castle. (The smoldering
a player has a creative idea of how they want to garden temple being where Ullic acquired the Godshard)
conduct their search. For simplicity's sake, a DC Table settings [Perception]: There are the appropriate
scale of 10/15/20 can be used: amount of table settings to account for the archmage being at
• Less than 10: No useful details found
• 10-14: Vague hints that may require the PCs to
take more time to dig into.
• 15-19: Detailed information about one specific A mess of a kitchen, dominated by a large central hearth with
clue multiple basins, tables, and ice boxes. There are a dozen
• 20+: Full explanation of the contents of the spectral hands are floating about, cutting vegetables,
room and some hints as to next steps (ie, if a preparing dishes, and scrubbing plates and cutlery.
player rolls a 20+ on their Arcana check for the Clues:
Trophy Room, they may realize that a further Knife rack: There are dozens of unique and varied knives
Identify spell on some of the artifacts could that are mounted across the back of the room.
yield further information.) Scherer’s list of “Safe Recipes”: [Investigation]: Ullic had
threatened to fire Scherer after a series of new meals that he
tried out, so now Scherer only cooks from the list of approved
A large parlor of marble, complete with a bubbling fountain, Pantry
statues, and twin staircases that lead to a viewing gallery that
A large stockroom full of hanging hams and sides of beef.
rings the upper portion of this foyer. There are several purple
Burlap sacks and oaken barrels line the wall. There is a large
banners that hang on the walls, in addition to a dozen or so
rack full of spices and cooking supplies, as well as a large
paintings of far off lands. There is a large wooden door with
shelf holding nearly a hundred bottles of assorted wines and
bright steel banding that leads to the outside world, a
liquors. A large pile of perfectly cut firewood is stacked six
doormat that will clean up anyone who steps onto it, and a
layers tall.
door chime that sounds like a choir of handbells anytime
someone arrives or departs.
Scherer’s list of strange ingredients [Nature]: contains
some normal ones but also some known to be poisonous if
The Doormat [Arcana/Stealth]: the doormat is able to
not prepared correctly: pufferfish, some rare mushrooms,
clean up the clothing and appearance of anyone who steps on
bear liver, etc.
it using Prestidigitation. The killer could have stepped on it in
Large icebox: Can be used to store the body of the
order to clean the blood off of themselves.
Archmage (though if no one is watching over it, it might just
The Doorbell [Arcana]: since the doorbell hasn’t rung, no
go missing before reappearing…)
one has entered or departed from the mansion since Justicar
Wargreaves arrived.
Base ment
D i n i ng H a l l A relatively small basement holds several casks of ale and
wine, as well as what appears to be a small holding cell with
iron bars, should the master of the mansion decide that a
guest has gotten too rowdy.
None, but a prisoner could be stored here to be
A musty smell pervades from this room, where every wall is
Parlor lined floor to ceiling with bookshelves that are stuffed with all
A spacious living room complete with chairs, large plush manner of research tomes, historical accounts, diaries, and
couches, and a massive rug woven with the image of a large loose notes. There are additional rows of stacks containing
red dragon. There are musical instruments and four large newer books, including a particularly large collection of
windows displaying an (admittedly fake) image of the outside books all authored by Ullic on the nature of planar travel, as
world: a small beach of glittering sand and rolling waves on a well as personal notes: recounts, receipts of trade, contracts,
brilliant blue sea. and dissertations.
Clues: Clues:
Justicar Wargreaves’s divination spell: may help reveal The Ledger of Debts [Lockpicking]: locked book, includes
the truth. Zone of Truth, able to be cast in Chapter 5. a detailed listing of all debts owed by the Archmage. The
Agathar's Relics: The Orb of Modify Memory can be taken most significant ones are to the city, mostly in unpaid taxes
if the killer wants to use it and the Horns of Calling can be and for material components for complicated spells.
used to communicate throughout the house. Diaries: [History]: A series of handwritten tomes that
includes information about his journeys, including several of
Guest Rooms his adventures: an underwater city, a temple he attacked and
looted, and a large castle he explored. He expresses a rare bit
There are eight bedrooms in the mansion for the staff and
of remorse for his attack on the temple, especially since he
guests (Agathar, Bendel, Scherer, and 5 guest rooms).
couldn't end up harvesting the power of the relic he took.
Agathar’s is full of research but otherwise is rather spartan,
Bendel’s is spotless and simple, Scherer’s is full of dirty
dishes and cups from leftovers, while the other five are plain Tr o p h y R o o m
but unused. When the door is opened, the obnoxious glitter of gold gilding
Clues: strikes your eyes: marble plinths and pedestals ringed with
Resident's Rooms [History]: Agathar and Bendel’s rooms gold display dozens of artifacts from years of adventuring:
are extremely plain (indicating that they don’t have a ton of wands and medals, crowns and skulls. The wall is adorned
money.) with the mounts of a dozen strange horned or tusked
The Missing Godshard [Investigation]: Chef Scherer has creatures and one particularly large fish skeleton. Each
hidden the Godshard that he stole from the Trophy Room in object is labeled with a small description of exactly where the
one of the dirty pots in his room, where it will be safe until he trophy came from and how it was won.
can get it away. It is a dark crystal about the size of a fist that Clues:
has cracks running through the stone from the Archmage's The Godshard [Religion]: A crystal believed to have been
experiments on it. gifted by a mighty nature goddess to mortals. It is missing
Writing implements [Investigation]: Agathar says that he from its pedestal. The brass description mentions the young
plans on taking detailed notes of his findings (and the ink is a archmage taking the temple by force, seizing the artifact, and
match of the same type used on the updated will.) subjecting it to great amounts of study and research for its
divine properties.
L a b o r at o r y Spellrender: A +1 dagger that allows an attuned wielder to
cast Counterspell and Dispel Magic 1x each per day. Counts
The laboratory lies somewhere in the mix of workshop,
as a +2 dagger if the target is capable of casting spells. Will
alchemical research facility, and studio: with flasks, scrolls,
automatically attune to someone who has sworn vengeance
and tools on all manner of shelves and tables. There is a
against a magic user. (It has been used as the murder
biting chemical smell in the room but it is difficult to tell
weapon, so counterspell and dispel magic have already been
where it is coming from with how cluttered the room is. Open
used for the day. It has been cleaned.)
tomes and ongoing experiments are scattered throughout the
Amulet of Suggestion [Arcana]: Allows the bearer to cast
room. About half of them are labeled.
Suggestion 1/day.
Sentient Black Iron Circlet labeled “Do Not Touch”
Treatise on Religious Relics [Religion]: A three tome set
[Religion]: Contains the spirit of a bound fiend named
detailing the basic nature of religious relics and some
Ezakyle who would extremely pleased to hear the archmage
preliminary research. It is filled with handwritten notes in the
is dead. Can communicate telepathically and wants to
convince someone to set him free. Should the circlet be worn,
Lab Notes on Experiments [Arcana]: Extremely difficult
Ezakyle will attempt to cast Dominate Person (DC 16) on the
to find in the logs of test subjects. Describes experiments: “In
wearer. Should someone try to sunder the circlet, Ezakyle
the grand garden temple of the south, recovered a dark
will appear as an appropriately leveled fiend and will try to
crystal, must have been valuable as the priests were willing to
fight his way out.
sell their lives to protect it. Extensive research has been done
on the crystal, in an attempt to harvest its power.
Unfortunately, nothing was able to be extracted before cracks DM Note: A calm, cold, and creepy voice is
began to form and it was reduced to a trivial trophy.” recommended for Ezakyle, as he tries to persuade
the bearer to set him free.
The contents of the rosewood box are left to Lady
Bedroom Suite Gwendelyn of Grandlan Manor, and they belong to her to do
An eccentric collection of gaudy decorations adorn the walls with as she wishes. No one but for her shall inspect the
and floors of this bedroom suite: colorful rugs from the west contents, I leave it to the ever faithful Bendel to deliver it to
depict strange monsters while flags and banners drape her.
across the wall. On a nearby table, amid a stack of books is a Signed: Archmage Ullic
marble bust of the archmage, atop which his purple hat sits. ...
Unlike most of the house that is illuminated with candlelight, The (Updated) Will of the Archmage Ullic (a fake
this room is illuminated with a thousand tiny points of light, planted by Agathar) [Insight]: found within a safe behind a
like stars, set into the ceiling. When approaching, Agathar portrait of a young woman (Lady Gwendelyn), the will reads:
warns you about traps: Ullic does not take kindly to ...
intrusions. There is a large four post bed with deep purple The Updated Will of the Archmage Ullic of Attwen Tower,
fabric forming a canopy above the mattress. There is which shall henceforth supersede any other written versions
currently the bloody corpse of the Archmage Ullic lying on of my will:
the floor. To the town of Mournstead, I leave a sum of 5,000 gold
Clues: pieces, that the town's leaders may provide for the common
The Corpse [Medicine]: Archmage Ullic lies face down in good of the people.
a massive pool of blood, surrounded by a broken wand, a pile The contents of my rosewood box are left to Lady
of sealed letters, and a letter opener, all covered in blood on Gwendelyn of Grandlan Manor, and they belong to her to do
the ground. Upon closer inspection, the archmage has a with as she wishes. No one but for her shall inspect the
single massive stab wound through his heart. His robes are contents, I leave it to the ever faithful Bendel to deliver it to
soaked through with blood. her.
Dispelled Traps [Arcana/Thieves’ Tools/Slight of Hand]: All of my other possessions I leave to be divided between
All of the wards and traps that lead into the room have been my successor, Agathar, that my dutiful student may continue
dispelled: the Alarm spell and the Glyph of Warding. my life's work, and my faithful caretaker Bendel, that he may
The (Original) Will of Archmage Ullic: [Insight]: What retire in peace.
appears to be an old document, if found before Chapter 4, the Signed: Archmage Ullic
will of the Archmage reads as follows: ...
... The rosewood box contains an engagement ring Ullic had
The Will of the Archmage Ullic of Attwen Tower: long ago intended to give to Lady Gwendelyn, along with a
To the town of Mournstead, with the exception of the love letter he had written her long ago.
objects contained within the rosewood trunk, I leave all of my
possessions of monetary value: they may sell my spellbooks,
wands, and tower to repay my debt to the people.

Author Credits

his adventure created by u/alagomar. Thanks
to the adventurers who conducted the first few
investigations and provided their feedback.
Formatted using The Homebrewery.

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