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Achitecture of Hate p2

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Architecture of Hate Part One

~ High Society & Low Life ~

The campaign tree below shows how Part One should progress. Which scenario each player participates in depends upon what motivation they have chosen. The letters on the joining arrows correspond to the six motivations: K-Knowledge; P-Power; D-Duty; H-Hun; W-Wealth, and C-Chance.

Campaign Tree Day 1

GM1 High Society GM2 Low Life


Scenario 1


Scenario 2 D KP W Scenario 4 K PW H Scenario 6

Scenario 3


Scenario 5


Scenario 7


Scenario 8


Involves: All players GMs Brief: Unbeknownst to our players, the final stages of construction, turning the whole of Sybilla Tertius into a vast psychic focus, is nearing completion. Far up in the very tallest spires of the Core, malign hands stroke across the blossoming tendrils of power that are beginning to coarse through the walls and floors of Sybilla Tertius and an evil mind is filled with knowledge These few individuals have been drawn to this place by forces beyond their control. They could disrupt centuries of careful planning, even halting the inevitable victory of Chaos! They must be stopped! Try to avoid killing any PCs in this scenario: feel free to make shots miss, reduce damage or even introduce unseen snipers to save PCs from death at the last minute. But if they end the scenario badly injured, that shouldnt be a problem. Whichever players characters cause the most damage and mayhem should be accorded the chance to gain additional MPs, but feel free to award MPs to other players who do their bit with particular aplomb. Models required: player models only. Player briefing: Whatever purpose or chance has brought you to Sybilla Tertius, you now wander the streets and plazas of Sybilla Tertius almost aimlessly. There is a sense of imminence in the air hardly surprising, you suppose yet, all the same, it is a powerful , almost electrical feeling. You suddenly sense your body tingling and look around: your colleagues, too, show signs of the same sensation. Your every nerve is on fire and your mind is filled with power! As the power flows through you, you begin to sense malign thoughts in the area: thoughts that must be silenced! The players are being manipulated by a powerful psychic force. For the first two turns, all characters count as being Frenzied. They also counts as having the Furious Assault talent (and MUST use the option to double their attacks in the first combat action) and the Wyrd - Detection talent. Terrain: The board should, ideally, be 4x4, with plenty of terrain but also with several open areas. Set-up: The player character with the highest Initiative begins as close to the centre of the board as possible, with his followers within 6 yards of himself. The player whose PC has the next highest Initiative must then choose the board edge from which he will enter and then the next highest etc. Note that players may choose to enter on the same board edge as another player. They

may enter anywhere on that board edge and must move onto the board with their first actions (distance is measured from the board edge). Followers must stay within 6 yards of their PC for the first turn only. Restrictions: Characters may not sprint in the first turn. Weapons may be drawn before the game starts. Special Rules: After each turn, roll a D6 and add the turn number. If the result is 7+ then the characters may attempt to shake off the effects of the psychic force on a successful Willpower test. Of course, how they choose to act once theyve shaken off the effects is up to them The game lasts once all characters are either out of action or have shaken off the effects of the psychic force. Post-game briefing: As the red mist begins to rise, you look around at those you have been fighting. Why did you suspect them? What force was driving you? Your mind clears and you remember your objectives and reasons for being in this place. You have other things that must be done urgently and this encounter was a life-threatening distraction, but all the same you would like very much to get to the bottom of this incident as would, you suspect, these others. But how far can they be trusted? Was one of them the instigator or are you all merely pawns in someone elses game? Knowledge, Power and Duty player proceed to Scenario 2, Hunt, Wealth and Chance players go to Scenario 3.

Ride the Carousel
Involves: Knowledge, Power, Duty GMs Brief: The PCs have been contacted by Inquisitor Lord Sorcobas to join him in the Core in order to review the situation and discuss how they may be in a position to assist his mission on Medusa V. However, the Fabricators Guild is determined to delay Sorcobas long enough to complete their plans and have hired mercenaries to do their dirty work for them. Its vital that the PCs struggle to beat the mercenaries before the Law turns up. If they spend their first turn warily manoeuvring around one another (or even shooting at each other!) all the better. Try to conceal the mercenary models until they arrive at the table. Treat the mercenaries as having the Nerves of Steel and Force of Will talents until the Arbites arrive. Whichever players characters do best against the mercenaries should be accorded the chance to gain additional MPs, but feel free to award MPs to other players who play their part especially well. Models required: Mercenaries: Sgt Stone, Damian Bloodhound, Slick Devlan, any Imperial Guard models. Arbites: Judge, Barbaretta, Lucretia Bravus, plus cyber-mastiffs. Player briefing: Some days after the disturbing encounter, you receive a missive from an Inquisitor Lord Sorcobas, head of local Inquisition forces, asking you to join him to discuss matters of mutual interest. Whilst you are reluctant to be distracted from your main purpose, you are curious to see if he can shed any light on the weird events of a few days earlier. As you reach the agreed rendezvous, you are understandably nonplussed to discover that several of the same characters with whom you clashed in the streets before are there, too. Terrain: The board should, ideally, be 4x4, with buildings around the perimeter and a large, open space at the centre, possibly with a statue or other appropriate focal point at its very middle. Set-up: The player character with the lowest Initiative begins as close to the centre of the board as possible, with his followers within 6 yards of himself. The player whose PC has the next lowest Initiative must then set up anywhere on the table again with his followers within 6 yards but more than 6 yards from any other character, and then the next lowest etc. Restrictions: Weapons that can be sheathed or holstered count as being so at the start of the game. Even if the model does not have a sheathe, sling or holster, these weapons are strapped to backpacks, stuffed into belts or carried loosely, so that a draw weapon action is still required to ready these weapons. Heavy and two-handed weapons may be carried normally.

Special Rules: The mercenaries enter the board on the second turn. On the third and subsequent turns, roll a D6 and add the turn number. If the result is 9+, the Arbites arrive. The GM may choose the board edge by which mercenaries and Arbites arrive. The game ends when all the mercenaries are dead or have fled the table once the Arbites arrive mercenaries who are wounded and able to flee will do so. Post-game briefing: The Arbitrator in charge of the team salutes you with his shock maul and introduces himself: I am Chief Judge Hieronymous Coyle. I apologise that I did not come sooner. Lord Sorcobas asked me to meet you to brief you on the situation and bring you to him. He explains that he and Sorcobas are deeply suspicious of the activities of the influential Fabricators Guild that is responsible for the continuing construction of the hive and for the factories and warehouse that are its lifeblood. The Guild is closely allied to the Adeptus Mechanicus, but Sorcobas and Coyle believe that it is also responsible for the Hands of Truth a dangerous and heretical cult operating in the lower levels of the city. Duty players will decide that Sorcobas can wait the Hands of Truth need their immediate attention! and head for Scenario 5. Knowledge and Power players will accompany Coyle to meet Sorcobas.

Cluster Hunt
Involves: Hunt, Wealth, Chance GMs Brief: The PCs are pursuing their own agendas in the Cluster, looking for a notorious information dealer whom they believe can help them out. Unbeknownst to them, however, the dealer is a member of the Hands of Truth cult. When he hears that some heavily-armed off-worlders are looking for him, he panics and flees, moments before their arrival. Whichever players characters have Zelpha Dahl at the end of the game will gain 2D6 MPs, rather than the usual D6 or D10. If no player captures Dahl then all players receive only 1 MP for the scenario although the GM may wish to be generous if any player was particularly good. Models required: Information dealer the Crimelord model would be ideal. A few random NPCs will also be useful for getting in the PCs way and generally confusing matters. Player briefing: Word is that the man you want to talk to is an information dealer in the Cluster the common hab zone of Sybilla Tertius who goes by the name of Zelpha Dahl. But when you arrive, not only do you discover somee of the reprobates with whom you inexplicably fought several days ago, but also spot the heels of Dahl disappearing down a nearby alley. After a moment of tension, all of you take off after Dahl, determined to acquire his knowledge for yourself. Terrain: The board should, ideally, be 4x4, with terrain laid out so as to make the table a network of roads and small plazas. GM nominates one table edge as the start line and the opposite edge as the finish line. Set-up: Zelpha Dahl begins the game 12 yards from the start line. Players characters must begin movement from the start line and enter the table in the normal order. Players may choose any point along the start line to enter the table. Restrictions: There is no time for PCs to give specific orders to followers, other than catch him! GMs may wish to introduce some element of unpredicatability to the behaviour of followers, depending on the situation. Special Rules: Dahl is not very fit and can only sprint for his first action and run for the first two turns. After that, he must evade. The game ends when Dahl leaves the board. Post-game briefing: By hook or by crook, whether from the eventually-voluble Zelpha Dahl or through more tortuous means, you get the information you need. Word is that some seriously high-end goods are being fenced by nobles keen to raise the money to get off world quickly. Meanwhile, the criminal fraternity has moved into the shanty town known as the Labyrinth and the subterranean catacombs of the Warrens where the big movers are a gang known as the Hands of Truth. Wealth players will decide to head up-hive to see how desperate those nobles are to shift quality goods at low, low prices. Go to Scenario 4. Hunt and Chance players know that the sort of helpful scum theyre looking for will have headed downtown, so its next stop: the Labyrinth and Scenario 5.

Rotten to the Core
Involves: Knowledge, Power, Wealth GMs Brief: The objectives of the players are starting to diverge now in a major way: Power and Knowledge players are tagging along with Coyle, after meeting with Sorcobas, to investigate strange happenings in the high-society district: the Core. Wealth players, meanwhile, are right in the middle of the problem, having come to bid on some rare and illegal archaeotech, only for things to turn weird at the worst possible moment. Power and Knowledge players should be led to believe that they stand a chance. They dont, really. Models required: Judge, Rogue Trader, Unbound Daemonhost. Player briefing: Wealth player briefing: Having wangled a place at an auction by Lord Hart for what promised to be a very interesting item, the sudden conflagration comes as a major shock, but not as much as the arrival of Judge Coyle, plus some others who look upsettingly familiar! But the confusion presents an opportunity not to be missed: if you can grab the goods in the chaos, then maybe the day might not be so wasted Knowledge and Power player briefing: Your meeting with Sorcobas went tolerably well and he has asked you to assist Coyle in investigating the Fabricators Guild and their activities in the Core. So when you hear about strange energies igniting in the private spire of Lord Hart, your instincts tell you that events might well serve both Sorcobass purposes and your own. The scene that confronts you is one of uncontrolled power and uproar. Petty criminals scatter in all directions and you see arcs of warp power flying from an item at the centre of the room, apparently earthing itself on another, much larger construct in one corner. Terrain: The board needs to be fairly open, but with a good amount of small terrain pieces, representing various works of art and archaeotech being illegally sold by the owner. Only two are truly significant: the piece at the centre is the item being sold (Item 1) and is small enough to be carried by one man. The largest piece (Item 2) should be set off in one corner and should ideally appear to be a part of the architecture. Set-up: Wealth players begin on the table, within 6 yards of Item 1 (setting up in order of MPs most first if there is more than one Wealth player). The NPC seller, represented by a Rogue Trader model, begins in base contact with Item 1. Knowledge and Power players, and Judge Coyle, enter the table from the same table edge as dictated by the GM. Restrictions: Power and Knowledge players begin with weapons drawn. Wealth players begin with weapons sheathed. Special Rules: The seller will fight anyone attempting to grab Item 1, but will flee if Judge Coyle comes within 10 yards. Item 1 will be impossible to move until Coyle comes into contact with Item 2. Once it is freed by his intervention, it weighs 45 and needs both hands to handle. Characters carrying Item 1 suffer Speed -1 and may not sprint. The scenario should not seem too threatening until Coyle comes into contact with Item 2 at which point, swap his model for the Unbound Daemonhost as his latent psychic powers are unleashed and his mind is swamped by daemonic forces. The game ends at the GMs discretion, once the PCs have been suitably bashed about. Whether Wealth players choose to scarper with the goods or to stay and fight the forces unwittingly unleashed

by Coyle is up to them. Either way, at an appropriate juncture (i.e. at the point the players realize they are doomed), Daemon-Coyle will smash his way out through the glass ceiling and fly off, cackling. If Wealth players get away with Item 1, they gain 2D6 MPs as well as any others awarded by the GM. Post-game briefing: If the situation in Sybilla Tertius looked serious before, it has gone far beyond that, now. Inquisitor Lord Sorcobas is now intensely interested in the structure that caused Coyles transformation. Power and Knowledge players: Your experience in the Core has led you to believe that the very architecture of Sybilla Tertius is infused with Warp energy that unleashed Coyles latent psychic potential and laid him instantly open to daemonic possession. Sorcobas agrees and presents you with Dark Omega classified information on the Warp architecture of Theodor Kadizsky. It is his belief that the Fabricators Guild is using one of Kadizskys designs to plan the lay-out of Sybilla Tertius! Wealth players: However you look at it, that was a close one! Having narrowly escaped a truly terrifying situation, you realize that theres no point in looting a planet if you cant escape to spend your filthy lucre. Its time to cut your losses and run and, just as you reach this conclusion, you get a message. The local Fabricators Guild are interested in purchasing some items you have acquired during your stay and wonder whether you could call on them at your convenience?

Enter the Labyrinth
Involves: Hunt, Chance, Duty GMs Brief: The objectives of the players are starting to diverge now in a major way: Hunt and Duty players are on the trail of the Hands of Truth, determined to track down these dangerous heretics, albeit for their own reasons. Chance players are as always finding themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Hands of Truth, meanwhile, have had their orders from on high and know that they need to eliminate these intruders before they stumble upon the full scale of the conspiracy. Models required: Numerous cultists, rogues, desperados and mutants, plus Tech-priest Tezla or similar to represent Yolan Fanske. Player briefing: Chance player briefing: Thanks to some careful inquiry, youve finally found this man called Fanske, who can actually help you get off this Emperor-forsaken rock once and for all or so he claims. But when you turn up for the meet, you cant help noticing an awful lot of nasty-looking types hanging around. And then those gun-toting nutters turn up and it all goes downhill from there Hunt and Duty player briefing: Youve tracked down the man you think is the leader of the Hands of Truth a member of the Fabricators Guild by the name of Yolan Fanske. Now you just need to catch him. Terrain: The Labyrinth consists of alleys and narrow lanes. The terrain should be as dense as possible whilst still allowing models to be moved relatively freely. Set-up: Chance players begin in the centre of the table within 6 yards of Yolan Fanske, with whom they are negotiating. Other players will enter the table in order of whoever has the most MPs so far from whichever table edge they choose. In addition, there are a number of members of the Hands of Truth around up to the GM how many and, of course, more can always come later. Restrictions: Hunt and Duty players begin with weapons drawn. Chance players begin with weapons sheathed. Special Rules: Fanske will attempt to leave the table as quickly as possible and the game will end when he does so. Naturally, the players will want to make sure that when he leaves, he is in their custody. Fanske cannot be killed in this scenario, although he can be wounded. Any killing hits will miraculously simply knock the cult leader unconscious. Whichever player gets away with Fanske gains 2D6 MPs as well as any others awarded by the GM.

Post-game briefing: Unfortunately, even if one of the players got away with Fanske, he is a slippery customer and far more skilled than he appears. He manages to escape before anyone can question him in too much detail. However, it is clear that the criminal and probably heretical Hands of Truth are intimately connected with the powerful Fabricators Guild of Sybilla Tertius. Hunt players learn that Yolan Fanske has headed back to the safety of the Fabricators Guild, so its time to head up-market: to Scenario 6. Chance players have lost their best opportunity to escape, so theres only one thing for it: track down Fanskes boss in his lair in the Warrens to see if he can help you. Unfortunately, the Duty players also have the same plan in but for very different reasons. Go to Scenario 7.

Ordeal by Fire
Involves: Power, Wealth, Hunt GMs Brief: The Power and Wealth players should, by now, be pretty shook up from the dramatic transformation of Coyle and wary of meeting him again: well, theyre going to but, not, perhaps, in the way they would expect. This is the climactic scenario of this section of the plot where the PCs confront the Fabricators Guild and attempt to prevent them from completing their awful task (although it should still be far from clear what that is). The fact is, though, that theyre simply out-classed by the powers being unleashed in Sybilla Tertius and you need to make sure that they understand this as the scenario unfolds: they just cant go in guns blazing and expect to survive so, if they are foolish enough to try this, cut them no more slack: PCs can DIE in this scenario. Encourage them to focus on their objectives. Chance players will be understandably nervous at the prospect of getting caught between two sides, but they REALLY need the cash. Theyll have to work hard to get it, though, so the GM will need to give them plenty of encouragement and maybe even a few hints and tips. At least one servitor will have a strongbox attached to it, containing all the money the Chance players need to get off this damn rock. If there is more than one Chance player, you may need to have more than one strongbox. IMPORTANT: Fanske should not be allowed to die. Unconscious, trussed up like a turkey or otherwise OOA is fine but not dead. Che needs him later in the campaign. Models required: Tyrus (to play Lord Sorcobas), Yolan Fanske, plus as many techy models as possible: tech-priests, servitors, chronogladiators, cyber-mastiffs. And that Unbound Daemonhost. Again. Player briefing: Hunt player briefing: Youve had contact from Inquisitor Lord Sorcobas. He has heard that youre on the tracks of Yolan Fanske and invites you to join him on a raid on the headquarters of the Fabricators Guild. Any bounty on Fanske is yours to keep, naturally. Your quarry is in your sights. Yolan Fanske is wanted, dead or alive! Wealth player briefing: Having acquired some interesting archaeotech (possibly from Scenario 4), but with the situation on Medusa V deteriorating fast, you are determined to fence it as soon as possible. The Fabricators Guild contacts you to let you know that theyre interested, but youll need to move fast. Power player briefing: Following the Coyle debacle Sorcobas has taken you into his confidence and revealed his belief that the whole of Sybilla Tertius is a giant psychic focal construct. To destroy the entire hive is impossible in the time remaining, but if you can obtain the master blueprint from the Fabricators Guild, you may be able to identify vital weak points. To ensure the success of your mission, Sorcobas is coming too. But it hasnt escaped your notice that Sybilla Tertius, properly aligned, could become a superweapon for the Imperium Terrain: Ideally, use a 4x4 board. One end should be densely cluttered with terrain, the other almost completely clear. Set-up: Wealth players and all Fabricators Guild characters, including Fanske, start in the open area. Restrictions: Hunt and Power players begin with weapons drawn. Wealth players begin with weapons sheathed.

Special Rules: Wealth players may attempt to negotiate with Fanske for payment before the Sorcobas and his allies arrive. RP this however the GM feels fit. If Wealth players do well, Fanske will indicate which servitor is holding the strongbox with the cash in it and may even open the strongbox. However, the GM should delay actually handing the money over so that the Wealth players still have to reach the cash before they escape. Characters must do 10 damage to the servitors torso in order to open the strongbox. Hunt and Power players must negotiate the dense area to reach the clear area. See the NPC rules below for Awareness. Of course, the Wealth players may become aware of the approaching threat before the Fabricators. When Fanske becomes aware of the intruders, he will perform a summon action. Daemon-Coyle will enter the table from a direction dictated by the GM when he performs this action. Should Coyle be taken out of action before he can summon Daemon-Coyle, roll a D6 and add the turn number. Coyle will materialize on a 10+. If the Power player should perform a search action on Fanske he will gain +D10 Power MPs, in addition to any he might earn from the GM. If the Wealth players can get the strongbox open and flee the scene, he will gain +D10 Wealth MPs. The scenario ends when Fanske is put out of action and one of the players gets his body off the table. The only way to leave the table is via the table edge entered by Sorcobas and his allies. Post-game briefing: You take a chance to catch your breath. Its been a busy few days but youve had a fairly successful time of it and have survived to tell the tale, which isnt bad under the circumstance. Flushed with relief, you decide to head for the main Cathedral Plaza to spend some time in prayer and meditation (or just catching up on lost sleep). Head to Scenario 8

Warren Peace?
Involves: Chance, Duty, Knowledge GMs Brief: This is where things get really sticky for the players. Those whove already encountered Daemon-Coyle may think theyve had it bad, but Gorgoth Sabal is about to reveal himself, like it or not. The players need to think that this is a climax (which it is, of sorts, although its not the end yet!). The tension needs to get good and high before Gorgoth Sabal steps into the light, so if the dice roll has him turn up too early for the full dramatic effect, dont be afraid to delay his appearance a little longer. Again, this is a dangerous scenario in the extreme. Players may well find their PCs going down hard. Models required: Chaos Magus to play Gorgoth Sabal. Lots of cultists and random thugs and desperados. Player briefing: Chance player briefing: This damned planet is harder to leave than evensong in a Schola Progenium! But theres one last chance for you to finally get out of here and back where you belong: rumour has it that the real big cheese in Sybilla Tertius doesnt hang out in the spires at all, but can be found down in the pits: the Warren beneath the city itself. A few coins in the right hands have seen you brought to meet the man himself. Duty player briefing: This is how far the rot goes. Yolan Fanske is merely a pawn in the game of another, greater and far more evil presence. You can sense the heresy pervading this whole city and the time has come to lance the boil at the very root. Knowledge player briefing: Your investigations have revealed that the Fabricators Guild really knows nothing about the nature of the work they are doing. They are blindly loyal to a greater mind that might truly understand the nature of the creation of Sybilla Tertius. That is the mind you must plunder. And that mind, you are certain, can be found in the depths of the city: in the Warrens. Terrain: Ideally, use a 4x4 board. The terrain should break the board into a maze of tunnels that eventually lead to a largish clearing at the very centre of the board. Set-up: Chance players begin at the very middle of the board. Other players enter the board in Speed order, with the first player choosing the table edge on which he enters and the others entering by subsequent edges going clockwise. With the Chance players are at least six cultists and gangers, escorting them to Sabal. Restrictions: Duty and Knowledge players begin with weapons drawn. Chance players begin with weapons sheathed. Special Rules: For the first few turns, the Chance players will have very little to do expect swap small talk with their escorts. Roll a D6 at the beginning of each turn after the first and add the turn number. Sabal will arrive (appearing in the middle of the table, probably directly behind a Chance player) on a roll of 6+.

Everyones objective is to kill Sabal as, if they dont, he will kill them. However, Sabal has a greater role to play in the campaign as a whole. If any character manages to inflict a killing blow on Sabal, one of two things will happen: if it is early in the scenario, Sabal will move with inhuman speed to dodge the attack (this will happen even if he is not aware of the attacker he is protected by his omniscient patron, high up in the spires of Sybilla Tertius). If it comes at the end of the scenario, Sabal will vanish is a sinister glow of evil light, accompanied by gales of daemonic laughter. Feel free to do the laugh yourself. Post-game briefing: You take a chance to catch your breath. Its been a busy few days but youve had a fairly successful time of it and have survived to tell the tale, which isnt bad under the circumstances. Flushed with relief, you decide to head for the main Cathedral Plaza to spend some time in prayer and meditation (or just catching up on lost sleep). Head to Scenario 8

Oh, God-Emperor!
Involves: Everyone GMs Brief: Just as everyones relaxing and think theyve won, the plot takes a hard right turn as the latest threat to Sybilla Tertius (the genestealer coven that has been slowly building its strength in the mines) reveals itself in dramatic fashion. This is a pure combat fest. The game is: survive, however they can. They can hide, but they cant run Players may have had their PC die in earlier scenarios. If you can, in any way, justify their resurrection albeit badly wounded for this scenario, then do so. If not (critical head wounds can sometimes offend) then make sure at least one of their models is around to participate. This could be their chance for glory! Models required: As many genestealers and hybrid models as you can find, plus cultists, desperados, mercenaries etc. Anyone could be a member of the genestealer cult, secretly infiltrating Sybilla Tertius for years, so feel free to recycle NPCs from earlier scenarios. Player briefing: The music from the cathedral is stirring and uplifting stuff. It raises your spirits after the last few days. Your time in Sybilla Tertius has been hard work, but strangely rewarding and soon you should be on your way, able to leave Medusa V to the armies tearing it apart elsewhere, and the Warp rift that is preparing to end its miserable existence once and for all. Hang on, though, whats that over there? Terrain: Ideally, use a 6x4 board. Plenty of terrain around the edges, with a large, clear area at the centre. Set-up: All surviving characters set up in the central area, wherever they like, within reason. Restrictions: All players begin with weapons sheathed. Special Rules: Roll a D6 at the beginning of each turn. At least this number of cultists, hybrids and genestealers will appear at random points around the table at the GMs discretion until all the models he can find have arrived. The players objective is to kill all of the genestealers and their cultists. Simple, eh? Characters who leave the table will be overwhelmed by the weight of numbers and killed. Its only fair to warn players of this point when the game begins. Post-game briefing: A mighty roar of engines breaks overhead and you look up to see a Valkyrie in Inquisition colours descending, Inquisitor Lord Sorcobas leaning out. By the power invested in my by the throne of Terra, you are all to assist me immediately! Quick! Get on board! This concludes Part One.

NPCs in Part One

The following are the basic stats for grunt NPCs. What weapons they have will be dictated by the model being used to represent them: WS 4 WS 3 WS 4 BS 5 BS 4 BS 3 Str 0 Str 1 Str 2 Speed 2 Speed 3 Speed 3




Weapons count as implant weapons. WS 5 BS 5 Str 3 Speed 2


Weapons count as implant weapons. WS 3 WS 2 BS 3 BS X Str 1 Str 6 Speed 3 Speed 4



The following are special NPCs who play a more complex or unique role in the campaign. These profiles are given to keep these in-line with the rules for NPCs above. However, depending on the skill level and engagement of players, GMs may wish to expand these profiles into full, standard Inquisitor profiles. If so, use the lines below as a general guide to the strengths and weaknesses of the characters and produce an appropriate statline. WS 5 BS 5 Str 0 Speed 2

Zelpha Dahl

Weapons: Pistol & weak weapon. Armour: Basic WS 3 BS 4 Str 1 Speed 3

Lord Hart

Weapons: Pistol & average weapons. Armour: Average WS Judge Coyle Normal Daemon 3 2 BS 3 X Str 2 5 Speed 3 4

Weapons: Normal Basic weapon & Nasty weapon

Daemon 2x Nasty weapons count as implant weapons Armour: Normal Heavy Daemon None Daemon-Coyle can use any Psychic powers the GM sees fit, casts them automatically and never suffers psychic feedback. However, he cannot nullify powers used by players. Daemon-Coyle ignores all damage except damage to the head which acts as normal. WS 3 BS 2 Str 3 Speed 3

Yolan Fanske

Weapons: Pistol & nasty weapon count as implant weapons. Armour: Heavy WS 2 BS 3 Str 4 Speed 3

Lord Sorcobas

Weapons: Pistol & nasty weapon. Armour: Heavy WS 2 BS 2 Str 5 Speed 3

Gorgoth Sabal

Weapons: Pistol & nasty weapon. Armour: Heavy

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