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Learning area: Family and Religious Studies

Level : ‘O’ Level

CALA type : Pen and Paper

Syllabus Topic: Religion and the natural environment, disability, rights and social responsibility

CALA background

Due to the advent of technology as well as civilization, the role of religion towards preserving
the natural environment as well as understanding the rights associated with freedom of worship
and understanding people with disability has lost its value especially among the developed
countries in the 21st century. It is significant therefore, to unfold the challenges that are being
faced by the developing countries in the 21st century on religion towards the natural environment,
disability, rights and social responsibility.


i. Outline the attitudes of Judaism towards the natural environment. [5]

ii. State the methods of preserving the natural environment in Judaism. [5]


i. State the attitude of Islam to the natural environment. [5]

ii. Identify the methods of preserving the natural environment sin Islam. [5]


i. Outline the rights of the persons with disability with reference to the Zimbabwean
constitution. [3]
ii. Identify the benefits associated with freedom of worship. [4]
iii. State the disadvantages associated with freedom of worship. [3]
Leaning area : Family and Religious Studies
Level : ‘O’ Level
CALA Type : Pen and Paper
Syllabus Topic: Religion and the natural environment, disability, rights and social responsibility.

 Identifying
 Interviewing
 Researching
 Analysing
Dimensions to be assessed
 Research Skills
 Identifying
 Assessing the role of religion towards natural environment, disability, rights and social
 Interviewing on the constitution of Zimbabwe as well as the role played by various
religions towards conserving the natural environment.
CALA description
 Researching on the role of different religions towards the natural environment, disability,
rights and the social responsibility using the internet, texts and interviews.
 Compilation of an essay on the findings with reference to the constitution of Zimbabwe.
 Addressing the information in relation with the question.
 Giving a thorough explanation on all the points.
 The CALA shall be divided into three parts.
Objectives to be achieved
 To outline the attitude of Judaism and Islam towards the natural environment.
 To state the rights of persons with disability as well as the advantages and disadvantages
associated with the freedom of worship.
 To interview some people on the questions to be researched
 To examine the impact of raids.
CALA tips
 Remember to use relevant texts or sources.
 Make use of ICT tools.
 Always be cautious when conducting interviews.

NB: A single tick for a single point. A double tick for a point well enunciated. Candidates are
reminded for the need for good English and clear presentation in their answers. Answers should
be illustrated with clear examples.

CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Satisfactor Fair Fail

Good y
PERCENTAG 100-80 79-65 64-55 54-51 50 49-0
MARKS 30-24 23-20 19-17 16 15 14-0
Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Below Poor
Knowledge writing writing writing
writing average writing
and skills. skills. skillsskills. writing skills.
understanding More than Adequate Many gaps skills Extremely
adequate use ofFew gaps in Inadequa inadequat
information informatioin information - te e
n informati informati informatio
6 Marks on on n.
6-5 5-4 4-3 3-2 2-1 1-0
Excellent Very good Good Satisfact Research Poor
Research research research research ory skills are research
skills skills skills skills writing below skills
skills average

Consistentl Largely Generall Unclear,

y well well y well Half of Most irrelevant
8 MARKS phrased, phrased phrased the questions and
clear and and questions questions are not well unfocused
relevant relevant with one are well written questions
research questions or two phrased,
questions ambiguo- the other
us and half are
irrelevant unclear
ones and

8-7 7-6 6-5 5-4 4-3 2-1

Consistentl Largely Fairly Satisfact Below Poor
Data y clear, neat clear and clear, ory average presentati
presentation and neat though presentati presentation on-untidy
organised presentati not as on-lacks - largely and
10 MARKS presentation on of neat neatness, untidy and disorganis
of findings findings presentat though confusing -ed
-ion of organised
Consistentl findings
y clear sub- Largely Largely Largely Completel
headings clear sub- Partly unclear irrelevant y
headings clear sub- sub- sub- irrelevant
headings headings headings sub-

10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1 1-0

Excellent Very good Good Satisfact Struggles to Poor time
Time time time time ory time manage managem
management managemen managem managem managem time ent
t e-nt ent ent
6 MARKS Largely Consistent
Consistentl Mostly Generall Partly fails to meet ly fails to
y meets meets y meets meets deadlines meet
deadlines deadlines. deadlines deadlines deadlines
May fail Hardly
Consistentl in one or Occasion Erratic consults No
y two cases ally consultati consultati
consultative consults on Very slow on at all
Largely and
Fast and consultati- Average Largely inefficient Extremely
efficient ve work rate slow and slow and
Submission with gaps inefficien Mostly late inefficient
on or before Efficient in t submission
time but not efficienc Consistent
fast y. Occasion Constant -ly late
No Submissio ally late supervision submissio
supervision n on time. Submissi submissi- n
on on
Minimum mostly Close and
or no on time. Regular consistent
supervisio supervise supervisio
n Occasion -on n
6-5 5-4 4-3 3-2 2-1 1-0

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