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O-Levels Heritage Studies Exemplar

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General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


PAPER 1 Multiple Choice


1 hour

Additional Materials:
Multiple choice answer sheet Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)
Soft clean eraser

TIME 1 hour

Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so by the invigilator.

Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided
unless this has already been done for you.

There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four
possible answers, A, B, C, and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in
soft pencil on the separate answer sheet.

Read very carefully the instructions on the answer sheet.


Each correct answer will score one mark.
A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.

This question paper consists of 8 printed pages.

Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, Specimen paper.

ZIMSEC Specimen paper [Turn over


1 Socialisation process begins when a child

A is born.
B becomes an adolescent.
C begins to walk.
D is still in the mother’s womb.

2 In Zimbabwe most people belong to

A christianity and rastafarian religions.

B islamic and rastafarian religions.
C christianity and indigenous religions.
D islamic and rastafarian religions.

3 The benefit of Information Computer Technology in socialisation is that it

A reduces the world into a global village.

B reduces the eagerness to work.
C promotes a high crime rate.
D interrupts the distribution of Information.

4 Which of these is an electronic media?

A billboards
B computers
C newspapers
D posters

5 A family consisting of a father, mother and children is known as

A child headed
B monogamous
C polygamous
D single parent

6 Which situation requires voluntary community service in rural areas?

A Building shops for businessmen

B Construction of village water sources
C Building of individual homesteads
D Working in resettlement farms

7 Which of the following is a national identification document?

A birth certificate
B birth record
C medical card
D Voter’s card

4006/1 Specimen paper


8 Which symbol is found on all national identification document

A Zimbabwe bird
B coat of arms
C Zimbabwean flag
D great Zimbabwe monument

9 Rain making ceremonies are traditionally known as

A Zunde ramambo/ isiphala senkosi

B Nhimbe/ ilima
C Mukwerera/ ukucela
D Bira/ umbuyiso

10 Norms and values at work place are threatened by

A commitment
B integrity
C stigma
D transparency

11 Floods and droughts are usually a result of

A disaster management.
B climatic change.
C mitigation measures.
D air pollution.

12 Ubuntu/ Unhu/ Vumunhu is best described by the following

A oneness, pride, Integrity and tolerance

B integrity, tolerance, respect and humility
C tolerance, humility, envy and oneness
D respect, integrity, humility and insincere

13 The setting of the age of consent to sex at sixteen years has led to

A gender equity.
B decent marriages.
C white weddings.
D abuse of girls.

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14 Musengabere as a form of marriage has been greatly criticised because it

A Violates women’s rights.

B Increases female trafficking.
C Violates men’s rights.
D Decreases female population.

15 Zimbabwe can minimise loss of skilled manpower by

A improving its economy.

B reducing number of graduates.
C building more schools.
D closing its borders.

16 Religious leaders of the First Chimurenga/ Umvukela

A provided food for the freedom fighters.

B inspired the Africans to fight colonial rule.
C acted as baggage carriers.
D collaborated with the settler enemy.

17 Which of these factors contributed to the Anglo-Ndebele War of 1893-4?

A boundary issue
B Jameson raid
C abuse of women
D forced taxation

18 The contribution of the hunter-gatherer communities to modern society includes

A use of Indigenous medicine

B stone carving skills
C warfare tactics
D iron smelting

19 The national shrine found in the western part of Zimbabwe is

A Chinhoyi caves.
B Great Zimbabwe.
C Njelele.
D Victoria Falls.

20 The National School Pledge fosters

A feeling of rebellion.
B spirit of patriotism.
C craving for western culture.
D love for modernity.

4006/1 Specimen paper

20 Zimbabwe liberation war heritage site found in Zambia is

A Tembwe.
B Nyadzonya.
C Freedom camp.
D Chimoio.

21 The most important natural resource for Zimbabweans in the rural areas is

A rivers.
B minerals.
C land.
D birds.

22 Why is it important for a country to control its natural resources?

A To allocate resources to people of the same ethnic group

B To apportion resources to locals only
C To sideline all foreigners
D To distribute resources equally

23 Zimbabwean citizenship can be obtained through

A descent , migration and birth.

B registration, immigration and vote.
C migration, registration and birth.
D birth, descent and registration.

24 The new constitution of Zimbabwe was inacted in order to

A please the global village.

B do away with zenophobia.
C suit the current Zimbabwean situation.
D enforce black dominance over whites.

25 The functions of Zimbabwean courts include

A making laws.
B debating laws.
C policy making.
D interpreting laws.

26 The Education Policy of Zimbabwe

A encourages the bottleneck’ system.

B promotes racial discrimination.
C offers equal access to education.
D grants free education for all.
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28 Schools can cater for albino learners by

A providing enlarged prints.

B using sign language.
C using Braille materials.
D providing interpreters.

29 Civic responsibilities include

A transport.
B health.
C communication.
D allowances.

30 The following is a man’s right in an indigenous society

A kitchen.
B granary.
C land.
D mat.

31 Zimbabwean women’s position have been improved through promotion of

A gender based violence.

B discrimination at work place.
C gender equity and equality.
D donations and charity.

32 An organisation which is responsible for the conservation and preservation of natural

resources in Zimbabwe is called__________________

C C S A.

33 Which of the following is a challenge faced by the informal sector?

A human resources
B time management
C communication network
D capital constraints

34 Polygamy was common in indigenous marriage practice because

A it was a symbol of status.

B it was their duty.
C men were greedy.
D there was a shortage of men.
4006/1 Specimen paper

35 Land degradation around Chiadzwa area in Manicaland province was a result of

A diamond rush
B gold panning
C copper mining
D stone quarrying

36 Indigenous methods of conserving and managing natural resources include

A magic.
B ceremonies.
C witchcraft.
D taboos.

37 A pandemic which has posed most fatal threats to mankind is

A Cholera.
B Dysentry.
C Ebola.

38 Stream bank cultivation can lead to

A Siltation of rivers.
B land pollution.
C soil fertility.
D water borne diseases.

Study the map below which shows child labour in the world and answer questions 39 and 40.

30 %
10 - 29%

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39 The continent with the highest percentage of child labour is

A Europe.
B Asia.
C America.
D Africa.

40 Suggest a reason why the continent you have chosen has the highest rate of child

A poor governance
B high employment rate
C high rate of population
D civil wars

4006/1 Specimen paper

Candidate Name Centre Number Candidate Number


General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level


Candidates answer on the question paper
Additional materials: Answer Paper

Allow candidates 5 minutes to count pages before the examination.

TIME 2 hours

Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page.
Write your centre and candidate number on the top right hand corner of every page of this paper.

Check that all the pages are in the booklet and ask the invigilator for a replacement if there are duplicate
or missing pages.

Section A
Answer all questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper.

Section B
Answer any two questions.
Write your answers on the answer paper provided.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
You are advised to spend no longer than 45 minutes on Section A and 1 hour 15 minutes on Section B.

This specimen paper consists of 8 printed pages.

Copyright: Zimbabwe School Examinations Council, Specimen paper.

©ZIMSEC Specimen paper [Turn over



Answer all questions in this section.

Each question carries 10 marks.

1 (a) Identify any four functions of wise sayings in indigenous societies.





__________________________________________________________ [4]

(b) Explain the significance of proverbs in the indigenous societies.





__________________________________________________________ [3]

(c) Suggest ways in which schools can revive the appreciation

of proverbs by the learners.




__________________________________________________________ [3]

4006/2 Specimen paper

2 (a) Trace any four steps taken during indigenous courtship practices.




__________________________________________________________ [4]

(b) Demonstrate the importance of going through all the stages during
indigenous courtship.





__________________________________________________________ [3]

(c) Show how the indigenous courtship practice has been undermined by the
contemporary culture.





__________________________________________________________ [3]

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3 (a) List any four languages spoken in Zimbabwe




__________________________________________________________ [4]

(b) Show how learners can benefit from the use of indigenous
languages in the teaching and learning process.



__________________________________________________________ [3]

(c) Outline the measures that have been taken by the Zimbabwean
Government to promote the teaching and learning of indigenous





__________________________________________________________ [3]

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4 (a) Study Figure 4.1 below and answer questions that follow:

(i) List any two factors that contribute to slum shelters like
the one pictured above.



__________________________________________________________ [2]

(ii) Give any two features of the type of shelter shown in

Figure 4.1 above.



__________________________________________________________ [2]

(b) Outline the contribution of community housing initiatives to the

provision of decent accommodation in the cities of Zimbabwe.



__________________________________________________________ [3]

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(c) Suggest measures that can be taken by government to protect

vulnerable home seekers from corrupt land barons.



__________________________________________________________ [3]

5 (a) (i) Name the monument shown in Figure 5.1 below.


(ii) Name the feature A, B and C on the monument. [3]

(b) Choose any one feature of the monument in 5(a)(ii) above and
explain three ways in which the feature is significant.



__________________________________________________________ [3]

(c) Show how the presence of national monuments can help to reduce
unemployment in Zimbabwe.



__________________________________________________________ [3]

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6 (a) Identify any four Southern African Development Community

(SADC) countries.



__________________________________________________________ [4]

(b) Explain the duties and responsibilities of any three countries.



(c) Outline how Zimbabwe has benefitted from its association

with SADC.



__________________________________________________________ [3]

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Answer any two questions from this section.

Each question carries 20 marks

7 (a) Describe the characteristic of the formal sector. [8]

(b) Examine the role played by Small to Medium Enterprises in economic

development. [6]

(c) Suggest measures that can be implemented to address the challenges

faced by Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector. [6]

8 (a) Describe the course of the Anglo-Ndebele War of 1893. [8]

(b) Analyse the ways in which Ndebele lives were affected by the defeat
of 1893. [6]

(c) Outline the measures taken by the Ndebele people in an attempt to solve
the problems created by the 1893 war. [6]

9 (a) Describe the causes of air and water pollution. [8]

(b) Explain the effects of water pollution in Zimbabwe. [6]

(c) Outline strategies to combat water pollution in Zimbabwe. [6]

10 (a) State the common features found on Zimbabwean identification

documents. [8]

(b) Describe any three requirements for one to become a citizen of Zimbabwe. [6]

(c) Illustrate how the Zimbabwe government has promoted access to

identification documents to its citizens. [6]

11 (a) Highlight the procedures observed in traditional death rites in Zimbabwe. [8]

(b) Explain the significance of birth and death rites to the Zimbabwean
indigenous society. [6]
(c) Outline measures that can be undertaken to prevent the disappearance of
indigenous death rites. [6]

4006/2 Specimen paper

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