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The reason that more people die of worry th

of work is that more people worry.

for efficient tactical air power
Robert Frost

current interest





Published by the Chief of Safety Pg 26
Chief Safety Publications


Angle of Attack Pg 3

Pilot of Distinction Pg 8

TAC Tips Pg 12
editor Chock Talk Pg 24
Mai Bill Richardson Pg 29
Crew Chief/Maintenance Man
assistant editor Letters Pg 30
Don Reynolds TAC Tally Pg 31

art editor
Stan Hardison
TACRP 127-1

layout & production Articles, accident briefs, and associated material in this magazine are non-direc-
tive in nature. All suggestions and recommendations are intended to remain within the
scope of existing directives. Information used to brief accidents and incidents does
TSgt John K. Miller not identify the persons, places, or units involved and may not be construed as in-
criminating under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Names, dates,
and places used in conjunction with accident stories are fictitious. Air Force units
editorial assistant are encouraged to republish the materiel contained herein; however, contents are not
for public release. Written permission must be obtained from HQ TAC before material
Monello W. Andrews may be republished by other than Department of Defense organizations.
Contributions of articles, photos, and items of interest from personnel in the field
are encouraged, as ere comments and criticism. We reserve the right to edit all manu-
scripts for clarity and readability. Direct communication is authorized with: The Edi-
tor, TAC ATTACK, HQ TAC (OSP), Langley AFB, Va. 23365.
printing Distribution F, Controlled by OSP - TAC Publications Bulletin No. 22, d
Hg TAC Field Printing Plant June 1966 Autovon 250-2937
Angle of ATTACK

everything in its place ....

An alarming upward trend of foreign object damage
has cost the Air Force thousands of dollars during the
past two months. Luckily, FOD has not caused a death or
aircraft accident . .. so far. We're walking on thin ice in
this area and if something isn't done to curtail our
exposure rate, our luck is due to run out.
What is really alarming is that some of these
occurrences are so gross, they are almost unbelievable!
The fact that all of these instances have not occurred in
the Tactical Air Command does not make us immune in
the future. Foreign objects have ruined tires and engines,
jammed flight controls, blocked throttle controls. Here is
a partial list of the Air Force experience since the
beginning of the year:

0·1 __ Could not retard throttle in flight- one-half

inch open end wrench stuck in carburetor,
jamming flapper valve.
F-1 01_ Engine destroyed - ingested rachet handle
and socket during ground run.
F-100_ Throttle jammed in flight- screw lodged in
throttle quadrant.
F-4 __ Three engines destroyed- one ingested a
bolt, two unknown. Suspect fasteners from
aircraft panels.

Foreign object damage generally occurs for only one

reason -sloppy work! When a wrench, a drilled out rivet,
or a screw turns up in flight and creates a hazardous
situation, ·how else do you explain it? These items each
have a proper place, be it a tool box or the trash can.
When they turn up on the flight line, uncontrolled, they
are dangerous - potential accident causes waiting to

R. l. LILES, Colonel, USAF
Chief of Solely
Thunderbirds The Flight Leader by Maj Joe Moore

We have beBn Biked to write a llltitll of short

srticlt11 for TAC ATTACK, rel•tlng them to the
demsndiiiJI tiiSks of being weH-tOUndtKI, ufety
conscious fighter pilots. In the following months,
therefore, you may expect to stlfl a brief tpilt/e
from fiiiCh OM of us. Since ws do mMt thing~ by
the numbers, it fslls to 11111 to leed our lllrl• off.
LogictJIIy, pethaps, 111111/d'' is tiM (Jf)lntive word.
As in I1IDft optHBtiOIII of alllcindl, leadsnhip
Is a primary key to fUCCt181, ff not THE key. Thil
appli• equally ws/1 to tJXtiCfltiVfl ltiiJdBnhlp of a
large corporation, ftJnJ~Mn guldMJCB on a
construction job, flight line NCOIC suptHVision
on the ramp, or flight IIJad In the air. Thlslftlcle
mu~t net:B~~Brily btl limited to thtllattflr.

(ontrary to the views held by some. no one For example: Strong self-discipline encompasses
becomes a flight leader automatically, or courage in that courage is most often measured in
overnight. It is definitely a "walk-before-run" terms of ability to control iear. In one word , I
process and demands that a pilot be a good like to call it "heart." Many people ca ll
follower (i.e. wingman) first. The job of being a themselves fighter pilots because they can "drive"
VSH fighter pilot requires certain intangible a hot pursuit around the sky, bu t a real f igh ter
qualities such as a different personal philosophy pilot demonstrates the things I am talking about.
than usually expressed by other than fighter While a rare few fighter pilots may be born1
pilots. maximum aggressiveness- tempered by most are developed and trained. Some never cut
"smart .. and "j u d g men t. " de t. ermined it! The same is true of flight leaders. and some oi
self-reliance. and strong discipline. You may them never cut it! How many of you have flown
consider that a few virtues have been omitted, but behind a squadron commander that has bee~
in nly evaluat ion . these factors are all inclusive fighter pilot (and a good one) for umpty·•

4 APRIL 1969
~; yet, he unnecessarily Jed you over one of Each demonstration pilot is a specialist in his
heaviest AAA concentrations in position. Positions are not exchanged, and spare
'Vmf.know-where? Or the flight commander with pilots are not used. Each one becomes intimately
years of experience and thousands of hours, but knowledgeable of the peculiarities in technique
he took you through the same flak three times and procedures that the leader uses. Though radio
while hunting for the target? That is the transmissions are used to assist in anticipation of
pay-off: be it good or bad. maneuvers, each one is performed the same
What. then, makes an effective and efficient way- every time. The leader can do almost
flight leader? We could probably fill this entire anything with the diamond, and the wingmen will
issue with requirements. To my mind, there are a always be there; but, the more skillfully and the
few broad statements that seem to cover it pretty smoother he flies. rhe easier the task of the
First, as previously mentioned, a good flight
leader must have demonstrated that he is a good
follower. Invariably, a pilot learns more about
good and bad lead techniques while on the wing,
than when actually leading.
Second, he must be a skillful, smooth, and safe
Third, a flight leader must be a hard
taskmaster, demanding of perfection, but capable
of teaching his wingmen how to achieve it.
Fourth, he must be an exceptional detail
pb:mner. While many planning tasks can be
ated to flight members, the leader must
\..__.... € thoroughness and accuracy. These, in turn,
insure safe accomplishment.
Fihh and last, a successful flight leader must
be flexible. able to think ahead of the present,
and quick to make safe decisions in the air.
In the demonst(ation mission, the task of
being flight leader is not unlike combat, except
the spectators do not shoot - yet! But, then the
task of being a flight leader anywhere should be
like that. During an air show, the difference
between a "1+" and a "2·" (our grading on a scale
of l+ to 5-) often results from the leader's
performance. Show centering, timing, altitudes.
maneuver accomplishment. and a multitude of
other considerations are his responsibility.
During training, practice, and even official
demonstrations. he must be quick to criticize the
smallest error, but with advice and
encouragement of instructional value. This is
continuous. To achieve the optimum in precision
and perfection. briefings and debriefings must be
laboriously detailed. painfully thorough and
·hly critical, but objectivity and team
\.,__.,jeniafity are never lost.

desirable. On a cool day at low elevation, ...---......
the flight leader leader may elect to continue a loop at 380. (.
wingmen. The safer he is, the more confidence hot day at high elevation, the leader may elect to
the wingmen have in him. abort a loop at 400 Kl AS. While the diamond can
Planning is one of the most significant factors top a loop at surprisingly low airspeed, the
affecting the success of a demonstTation. Aerial formation may not be the most precise, or the
photographs and large scale topographical charts loop pattern may be poor. It very, very seldom
are used to survey the show site and plan the happens that maneuver parameters are not
safest and most impressive show line. Very similar satisfied, but the flight leader must always be
to target: study! Once the ground planning is prepared to make the right decision.
accomplished, the leader surveys the show site One additional factor that comes to mind, as
from a light aircraft or helicopter. He checks the this article is closed, is that of confidence.
show line, obstructions in the area, proximity to Wingmen must be inspired by and have
densely populated areas, references for aligning confidence in their leader. A leader can only earn
on the show line and the bomb-burst cross-point. this by performance. On the backside of a loop, if
and other features pertinent to a safe, successful the leader says, "We aren't going to make it," the
demonstration. Briefing.s are, as mentioned, whole formation starts to bobble. All he may
complete. Peculiarities of the show site are have meant was that he had drifted off the show
discussed and obstructions pointed out. line and was not going to get back to it. His
Flexibility, thinking ahead, and decisions in choice of words and tone of voice must inspire
the air are factors that make or break an air show confidence.
and increase the safety of the performance. The So, where we emerging from this rambling?
whifferdill turn is the key phase of every Summarizing- you must have "heart;" you must
maneuver sequence. Airspeed and altitude learn to be the best "follower" around to ear~
parameters are determined by the whitferdill. If it shot at leading a flight; and you must de•
is not planned and performed properly, the every thought and action to making it easy, so._,
following maneuver may be poor, or the flight and productive for your wingmen when you are a
may not even have satisfied the airspeed flight leader. Never assume it is your right to lead
requirements for the maneuver. For by virtue of rank, hours, or years in the business.
example: 380 KIAS is the absolute minimum for In combat. you may have a difficult time finding
entering a diamond loop, 400 KlAS is minimum people that want to fly on your wing. -->

Major Joe Moore began his Air Force career as Fighter Weapons School. Then, while temporarily
an Aviation Cadet in 1955, graduating in June attached to the Fighter Weapons School, Major
1956 at Bryan AFB, Subsequent assignments Moore was sent to SEA as a part of the F-4
included instructing in the T-33 at laredo AFB Tactics Team. During their thirty day tour, he
and F-86 fighter-gunnery at Williams AFB, flew 21 combat hours with 6 missions over the
followed by three and a half years with the 81 st North.
TFW in England flying the F-101. In July 1963, Major Moore attended Air Command and Staff
he joined the 44S3rd CCTS at MacDill and College at Maxwell AFB from August 1966 to
became one of the initial group of Air Force F-4 June 1967. A month later, he was back in SEA
instructor pilots. flying F-4s with the 8th TFW at Ubon. He flew
He earned his Bachelor's Degree at the 135 combat missions, 100 over North Vietnam.
University of Omaha in March 1965, under the His decorations include the Silver Star and the
Bootstrap program. Later in the year, while TOY Distinguished Flying Cross with two Oak Leaf
from the 4453rd CCTW at Oavis-Monthan, he Clusters. He joined the Thunderbirds in May
completed fighter tactics training at the USAF 1968.

6 APRIL 1969
Category 1
516 Tactical Airlift Wing, Dyess AFB, Texas
Category 2
USAF Tactical Air Warfare Center, Eglin AFB, Flordia


Category 1
516 Tactical Airlif1 Wing, Dyess AFB, Te xas
Category 2
USAF Tactical Air Warfare Center, Eglin AFB, Flordia


Category 1
4442 Combat Crew Training Wing, Sewart AFB, Tennessee
Category 2
USAF Tactical Air Warfare Center, Eglin AFB, Flordio


27 Tacticol Fighter Wing, Connon AFB, New Mexico

Note: Units with more than 1000 assigned military

personnel compete forcategoty 1 awards . Those
with 1000 or less com~te in category 2.


Maj J. L. Graber

Major Jack L. Graber of the 23d Tactical vibrations continued Major Graber realized he
Fighter Wing, McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas, could not reach his base in a partial-power glide.
has been selected as a Tactical Air Command Pilot He moved the starting fuel switch to manual and
of Distinction. engine rpm increased to 78 percent. Engine
Major Graber was flying in-trail formation in vibrations increased, accompanied by grinding
the rear seat of a T-33. A sudden, extremely noises and oil pressure dropped to two psi.
heavy engine vibration required him to retard the However, the additional rpm provided the needed
throttle to a mid-range setting in order to reduce thrust to reach his base. Gear and flaps were
the vibration. This, and subsequent throttle lowered normally and he made a successful
changes, failed to stop the vibration. Suddenly, the landing.
engine flamed out. An airstart using the gang-start Major Graber's skillful performance during this
system was successful, but maximum throttle critical inflight emergency readily qualifies him
position produced only 55 percent. As engine Tactical Air Command Pilot of Distinction.

8 APRIL 1969

Load Crew

responsibility is shared with a with equally certified men; and,

by Don Reynotds group of flight line technicians (3) failure of a man or crew to
called Munitions Load Crevvs. adhere to severely controlled
The importance of this little procedures can result in injury
Ordnance delivery on target talked-about group is to many people. not to mention
at the right t ime is totally pi lot appreciated more when you failure of a combat mission.
responsibility. Right? You bet know that: ( 1) each crewman If a mistake is committed,
your sweet pipper it's not! must be on orders as a certified the crew will be decertified and
Though he spends a lot of time loader based on his own returned to training status. Then
and talent getting to a target, expertise and proficiency, which they must demonstrate their
risking enemy fire. adverse is re-evaluated every six months; qualificat ions and be recertified
-.veather. and endurance of his (2) that each crew must be on by doing all required loading
man-made flying machine, he orders as a certified unit, in techniques within a limited time
fail if his armament sysem which temporary substitutes to and before a certifying official.
esn't perform . His that unit may be made only A load crew cannot rest on
Key to ure munl lions loadlnr Is
the loaderew chief who Is canter or
all eorMHitlleatlons, coordinates
timinR of ~aeh task, aeeordlna to
eheel<list which is ma~ked ort by
item as tGadlna prot~esses. Rlaht:
Loaderew ot 33 TFW, Ealln AFB,
berin proficiency t~l. Oliet, Sat
Robert Rirsby, calls checklist llttn
to cockpit No. 2 man, A2C Wayne
Fa. met, fot vollact chec\c by No. 3
man, AlC Robert Godwin at pylon.
No. 4 man, Ken Culbertson prepares
M-ll7s lot loadlna. Load also in-
cludes CBU·2s and AIM-7s.

Weapon must be secured and safety

pinned before holst Is low11ed, or
ehief's aJm Is jeopardized. Bukes
remain locked on MJ·l and driver's
hands offsteerina wheel until slana!
from chief. Durlna all loadlnr oper·
ations, loeation and task of each
member must be known to the chief.

L.oadina AIM-7 Sparrows calls for

needle threadtna precision. After
installina tins, crew raises 400
poW~d miS$IIe, juldlnt forwatd
winrs and aft fins into one of the
F·4s fOIJf missile cavities. Loadlnr
atso includes function check before
insertinrrelease catridaes.

TER mounted M-117s ate torqued secure as the third bomb rolls toward the pylon. Fuze mlsllandlina Is hazardous and
After pylon is loaded, No. 2 man rigs arming wires and Installs nose and tail fuzes. can cause dud delivery.
Torquing sway braces tight is not
good enough. Properly calibrated
tool assures even pressure on all
btaces; prevents hangups and in·
advertent release.

One of the last procedures Is inserting ejection cartridges. Again, totQut Is vital. Cartridge caps
must be lilted tight enough to make good electrical contact. Rlaht: Body position is critical while
torquing ejection rack carllldges. Standing offset from cartridge caps prevents serious Injury should
the explosive Inadvertently fire.

its laurels. Moisture in a release timed or rigged fuze could mean critical point in flight is a direct
circuit can blow an otherwise a dud on target or destruction of route to disaster.
excellent job of loading. It's one of our own planes. An Patience and endurance are
their job to detect such a inaccurately torqued ejector important qualities for sa1e
hazard. Failure to stand in the cartridge cap could result in performance by load crews, and
right place while torquing an hung ordnance. or worse, must be added to ·their primary
ejection cartridge can mean inability to jettison stores if quality of thoroughness. Hours
serious injury if it inadvertently aerial combat is imminent. The are sometimes long. day or
fires. A checklist error by one same thing can happen because night. The ramp may be
man may endanger the welfare of poorly torqued sway braces sun-scorched, rain-soaked, or
of many others. Unlike some on MERs, TEAs. and stores. blanketed with near bfizzard
other line occupations, the This problem is most severe on snoiNS. All of this they must
hazards of careless work can takeoff when a pilot tries to accept with patience and
endanger himself as directly as jettison stores because of a flight endurance. For one quality they
the aircreiNS who depend on his problem. If the stores release cannot tolerate is negligence for
'formance. And they do. from one wing but hang up on any reason. Their life. and
;or instance. An incorrectly the other, the imbalance at this others, depend on it. ......;::..
Tac Ti[s

... interest items, mishaps

rejects. The errors may occur inbound to or

FlYING IR~ff outbound from the station and may indicate
closer to or fanher from this station than the
Number two was flying chase high and inside actual position of the aircraft. Pilots experiencing
while a student was sharpening his eye on a dart. this error should consider the facility unreliable
At about 1700 feet, the student hosed off a and immediately report the problem to the
string. Chase immediately dropped down and nearest air traH ic control agency for use in
behind him in anticipation of the coming break to technical investigation and correction of the
resume the perch position for another pass. As condition. Action is being taken to identify ao~
two got in trail, his student fired again. As the eliminate the causative factors.
chase pilot pulled up to avoid collision with the
shooter's brass, he observed a single shell casing
pass beneath his aircraft. It struck the in-flight NYPOX/~
refueling probe light housing for a two man-hour
repair job. Ve- thy lnt-a·thes·ting. We'd like to At FL 310, the T-33 cabin was 20,000 feet.
pass this on to you applicable F-4 types also. After 30 minutes the pilot began to have trouble
holding his heading and altitude. He selected 100
percent oxygen and noticed he was feeling similar
T~t~N to the hypoxia sensation observed in the altitude
chamber during his last ride. He immediately
Subj: Erroneous TACAN DME Information. began a descent and selected 45M on the
regulator, no pressure flow was noted. Passing
All T AC pilots will be advised to use caution 14.000 feet he considered actuating his bail-out
when using DME information within 25 nautical bottle but did not do so because he felt better.
miles of the T ACAN station. A condition in The aircraft oxygen system did not begin to
cenain TACAN facilities may produce DME supply oxygen for more than five minutes after
errors in increments or multiples of three miles level off at 3,000 feet. After landing. the oxygen
after an unlock is experienced. On some system checked out satisfactory.
T ACANS, DME error may be induced following The part of this incident that is odd, is that
unlocks caused by signal blanking in turns or by the pilot landed with his bail-out bottle full. By
manipulation of the aircraft function switch from the time you realize you are hypoxic. your
transmit/receive to receive and back to T /R judgment. is impaired to a degree. We are all
position. which might permit the aircraft receiver conditioned to descend, why not to pull the gr' \
to accept spurious signals which it normally apple??

12 APRIL 1969
with morals, for the TAC aircrewman ...

oversenstttve and the F-100 began to porpoise

moderately. A missed approach was made and the
The C- 119 dropped its emergency bail-out pilot climbed to 10,000 feet for a controllability
hatch on takeoff. It fell out about 2000 teet check. At 300 knots, the aircraft was more
down the runway. Unaware of its loss, the crew controllable but unstable in pitch and could not
charged on. The tower types advised them about be trimmed for straight and level flight. As
the hatch drop and they returned to claim it. A ll airspeed was decreased to below 200 knots, pitch
the whi le protesting that both pilot and flight control became increasingly difficult, with
engineer had checked hatch installation for osci llations at 170 knots approximately twice as
securi ty on wa lkaround. severe as at 200 knots. The pilot was able to
What's your guess? Ours too! dampen the spurious pitch inputs by bracing his
arm on his knee. A 200 knot final was flown to
touchdown at 170 knots usi ng a f lat approach.
An improperly locked jam nut allowed the
Vhile slowing to final airspeed in the GCA mach gradient changer to disconnect from the
..._Atern, ai rcra ft pitch control became gradient changer linkage rod end.


We are proud to present the Tactical Air Command Individual Safety

Award winners on these pages. The contribution to our mission made by
these five men will never be known •.. we have no way of counting
accidents that have been prevented. Selection for the highest Tactical Air
Command Award in their individual field is our way of recogmzmg
outstanding efforts in behalf of accident prevention. I wish to add my
congratulations to the many they have already received.

R. L. LILES, Colonel, USAF
Chief of Safety
Tactical Air Command

Outstanding Flight Safety Officer

(Second Half 1968)
Major James M. Fuller
4510 Combat Crew Training Wing,
Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.

Outstanding Nuclear Safety Officer

First Lieutenant Donny R. Sheppard
474 Tactical Fighter Wing,
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.

Safety Awards for 1968

Outstanding Missile Safety Officer

Second Lieutenant John P. Deloney Ill
4510 Combat Crew Training Wing,
Luke Air Force Base, Arizona.

Outstanding Contributor to Missile Safety

Moster Sergeant Phillip 0. Carroll
27 Tactical Fighter Wing,
Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico.

Outstanding Ground Safety Man of the Year

Moster Sergeant Will iam D. Tyr l
850 Field Maintenance Squadron,
1st Special Operations Wing,
England Air Force Base, Louisiana.

On the H-7

Ejection seat conversion in the Phantom, from

H·5 to H·l , is complete in TAC. Like most egress
systems, a successful ejection in the new model
depends on two things: the users knowledge of
the system; and how well he uses it. Every
aircrewman worth his salt has read the Dash One
sc there's no need to repeat it. But several
ejection experiences point out important facts
not included in the basic instructions.
T he improved H-7 ejection seat elim inates
some faults of the old model. offers an expanded
working envelope, and reduces possibility o f back
injuries. I t also o ffers several nev" "faults." But
the seat gives the user a new edge on survival. and
the several " faul t " remedies now in the works will
be money in the bank.
The big improvement over the old system is
the addition of the rocket pack. It propels the
sea t t o about three t i mes the height of the
almost-overpowering ballistic charge of the H-5.

16 APRIL 1969
rocket makes possible a lower ballistic charge delays in the system. Actually, with adrenalin
l e seat gun (185 Gs per second vs 266 on the flowing like a fountain, a second seems like hours,
'J..r-::5) reducing probability of cracked vertebrae so be prepared for the following sequence timing
frequently encountered in the old seat. after initiating the dual ejection system from either
The H-7 also includes a different style cockpit with either lower handle or face curtain:
personnel parachute called the skysail, a 29.7-foot
slotted canopy. It provides greater shock
absorption on high speed openings eliminating SEAT SEAT
need for the G-timiter, which sometimes Shoulder harness reel retracts immediate immediate
prevented immediate chute openings vital at low Canopy blows off .75 sec .20 sec
altitudes. and provides for a lower rate of descent. Seat catapult fires 1.t5sec .30sec
All well and good, except sequence time saved by Drogue gun fires 1.90 sec 1.05 sec
Time release activates main canopy 3.40 sec 2.55 sec
discarding the G-limiter is nullified by the slower Full chute canopy lskysail@ 350 ktsl 5.2 sec 4.35 sec
opening skysail. So this fault is being corrected. Full chu te canopy (skysail@ 50 kts) 6.65 sec 5.80sec
According to OOAMA, the skysail will be replaced
soon (May or June) with a 28-foot flat canopy, The front-seater can manually reduce the
called C-9. Its rate of descent is within .40-second delay between canopy blow and seat
one-half-foot per second of the skysail but opens catapult firing by holding tension on either
a full second sooner. On zero-zero tests. it opened ejection handle until after the canopy blows.
at 186-foot altitude compared to 83 feet on the Using the lower ejection handle vs face curtain
skysail. This 100-foot leeway is mighty welcome to eject has been debated since the Phantom first·
to the guy unlucky enough to punch out on the flew. In early years, the face curtain was named
deck with some sink rate. primary, as it still is in the Navy. More recent
The H-7 conversion includes an automatic statistics show, however, that Air Force crews
·.ion sequencing system. The Dash One gives prefer the lower handle, and the Navy uses it
.....__.c operation procedures; however, aircrews about 30 percent of the time. It's st ill aircrew
who have ejected, report seemingly unexpected choice however, and there seems to be a general
acceptance that Air Force crews prefer the quick
access of the lower handle. But like most choices,
there's a trade off of credits and liabilities.
For the last minute decision, demanding
now-or-never action, valuable split seconds are
saved with the lower handle. Along with this
technique,experience records injured spines from
poor poS1ure, broken and bruised left arms from
It's the easiest thing in the world, on flailing, and occasional loss of masks and helmets.
entering the cockpit to place toe of your
flight boot atop the lower ejection But if ground contact is not a split-second
handle. Bent guards and sprung D·rings possibility, a lot can be said for the face curtain.
are almost common and no one seems to Sure it seems clumsy, but the same can be said by
notice ••. except the guy who all of a
sudden has t.o use it. That's when he surgeons who must tie minute knots with gloves
loses valuable seconds jerking free. on. Training makes the difference, and using the
face curtain is not so formidable that its benefits
should be ignored. T AC life support types
strongly recommend practicing both methods to
proficiency during seat training periods.
Proper face curtain use assures better posture.
both arrns anchored equally, and assurance that
wind blast will not take your mask and head
protection. You already know that it's not as

on the B-7 ....

This is a no-no •• , it you want to make a clean man-seat separa- Thll is the e>nly eoueet procedure for removing face curtain
tion after ejection. Oxygen and communication luds .should be and ejection gun safety pin~. thouth ~ome aircrewmen have
placed on seit l>aek of buttoekt, In front of lumbar pad. Wilen oeen kne~wn 16 remove tMm personally before entering coc~
plated as shown, lines may hane up on seat bracket behind pad. pit. The Dbsh One IS explie:it. For aircrew safety, c ·
On separation, occupant will be twisted violently, sustain arm chier will pull pins only after occupant is strapped in,
.and neck injuries, and lose ox.ygen mask. seal adjusted to prol)&r heithl.

easily done as stated in the Dash One. If you pull letting the lever forces of your upper arms draw
with equal force on both handles, most men of your elbovvs down toward your waist. pulling the
average height will find themselves leaning face curtain taut over helmet and mask. Your
forward to get the low-stowed curtain over their back is straight and both arms and hands are
headgear. Admittedly, this is clumsy and creates anchored
poor posture. Like any new technique, the first few times
So the next time you're in the training seat, seem clumsy. With a little practice. you will feel
try it this way a few times. Grasp both handles as confident in choosing the advantages of the face
before. Your elbows will take a natural and safe curtain when time permits.
position within your shoulder width area. Now, Many F-4 jocks have transitioned from
instead of applying equal force, jerk one handle, another bird, one that uses arm rests or similarly
left or right, with a slight shoulder twist in the located handles to be pulled up for ejection.
opposite direction. leaning a little forward to There's a similar handle in the Phantom too. But
assure the curtain does not hang up on your don't let your old habits trap you into pulling it
headgear. This motion takes a split-second and to eject. It's for ground egress only! Those who
you can feel the handle stow clip break loose have inadvertently pulled this "emergency harness
from its stowed position. Now apply a double release lever" aren't around to explain what
action force that completes the sequence. Holding happened. Evidence shows that on realizing their
the pulled handle firmly, snap your head and error, they pulled the lower ejection handle next.
shoulders back against the seat. As you do this it Without assistance of leg garters, seat belts, a· ~
will be natural to equalize forces on both handles. talley reel straps, they exited their Phantom v..

18 APRIL 1969
Heart of the H-7 is rotket motor, mounted on seat bucket
bottom. Rotket nonles direct propellent lor stable escape.
Installing canopy jury struts without inserting locking pin
""''laging the thin-walled nozzles by lowerin& seat on geM
sets up a IIJUI booby trap. Upper: Strut can easily teeter
ved under seat, or setting seat on nozzles dur in& removal
lorwald a&ainst banana links. II canopy is closed from
maintenance, could cause errat ic fll&ht during ejectloa. ground, or ptessure drains off letting it lower, firing mech-
anism Is Inevitably damaaed. And if Murphy has failed to
Insert safety pin, the seat eun will fire, thoufh inter lock re-
mains in position. Below: Simply inserting jury strut pin
all the grace of a nude gull in a hurricane. may save crew chief embattassment, and pilots life.
Murph's law says it will happen again. So
establishing an alternate may someday save an
already dreary si tu ation. The hardware
manufacturer was queried about using the face
cu rtain under these circumstances. Their
answer: Even with good posture and firm grip on
the curtain hand les, it 's probable that the
aircrewman, wi thout seat bel t and leg garters.
would slip out of his seat feet f irst before it
cleared the aircraft. This is an assumption based
on engineering data.
The only alternative seems to be a little old
fashioned .. going over the side. Evidently this
prob lem wasn't high on the designer's priority list
because the location of the plane's control
surfaces strains the odds for a successful manual
bailout. But when it's the only alternative, it's
vi tal. So a mental run-through is wonhwhile. But
,n't forget one important th ing if you get
........._ ~ught in this fix . Either pull the survival kit

on the H-7....
emergency release handle, exiting without survival
gear, or be prepared to get free from the stronger
sticker clips on the H-7. During egress training,
you've experienced the tug required to overcome
the clips on H-5 training seat. These trainer seats,
by the way, hopefully will be replaced soon with
the modern version. But the point here is. the H-7
clips need about 65 pounds of force to break free,
more than twice the present training devices. So
it's recommended that you waddle out of the
seat, breaking one side loose. then the other,
before starting Dash One manual bailout
Another problem is what to do if the canopies
fail to go after ejection is initiated. If the failure
results from a leak in the emergency pneumatic
system, the canopy emergency jettison handle
will not help. So the next best is to select canopy
open (normal system). If this does not work use
the canopy manual unlock handle. physically
pushing the canopy up into the slip stream if
face curtain initiated ejection may take a c6Uple of cabin pressure does not force it open. The sr ...--...,
seconds longer, but it•s the safest way to go. Posture charge will fire as soon as the interlock is remo"
is good, arms and hands anchored to prevent flailing, by the jettisoning canopy. Flailing arms will result
and helmet and mask are guarded from wind blast.
unless quickly restrained.
Thigh garters will soon be installed. These
work in conjunction with the standard leg garter
Scissors shackle. will not function If sptay&d with heavy
coating ot paint or preservatives. Shackle connects as noted in the Dash One and TO 13A5-32-502.
drogue ean1>py to seat until man-seat separation when It The thigh garter goes just above the knee, while
releases dr1>gue to extract personnel f)araehute. the leg garter is fastened above the boot, or
generally understood as mid-calf. The important
point is, fasten the garter below the thickest
portion of the calf to prevent it from sliding
toward the knee on retraction.
R&D is continuing on the H-7. A hard look is
being given toward improving the shoulder strap
retraction system. and in April or May a new
automatically deployed survival kit will replace
the present seat kit.
Just like the Phantom, the H-7 seat performs
within its designed envelope. High sink rates and
less than level attitudes at low a.ltitude are not
within that envelope. So pressing, even for
ejection, can be fatal. Those who made the
decision to "punch out" before leaving t ~
envelope can tell you all about it. ....>-

20 APRIL1969
~,,~-~QHIJJH/11411; & '
Sth Weather Wing
Longley AFB, Virginia

W4nter to summer atmospheric change means

one tt)ing: Thunderstorm~! Experts· sa~ that over
lifted from acumuli loud serves as a .P
the storm. From th" oint on, thE} ajor aotiv(ty
thetearth about 1,800 thunderstorms, with 100 progresses in an u ard direction. w~ eir is
clo to ground lightning strok~ry second, unstable, an incrpse in lifting i ncre~ . action
are aiting for unwary pilots at any one time. and speeds up rfi~ development.
And since we've been short on our share during The cloud feeds itself, attractipg m9· ure from
t~ winter months, logic says our time is coming. the surrounding atmosphere qS v/hliif currents
Four factors associated with thunderstorms accelerate. In t~i.s state, updrafts ~~nd f,FOm
aoq of extreme interest to aircrews are near the ground1tii:r> above the top of tt1e cleud.
tur.utence, icing, hail, and lightning. We will first with the greatest ~~ -0~4[ring in the top'of the
re~ew the development of thunderstorms, and cloud. Vertical veloci~ in these early stages
'""'" d'-'1 individually with the associated hazards may be as high as 3000 feet per minute.
:heir possible damaging effects. When there is enough moisture, precipitat ion
•·he o~ Giossary of Meteorology defines a usually starts 10 or 15 minutes after the top of
thunderstorm as "a local storm invariably the cloud passes through freezing level. The
prodyCEfq ·lw cumulonimbus clouds and always freezing level is a significant altitude for summer
r 8CCOI"fiPW)ied by thunder and lightning." The flying and crew members should be aware of its
1hun#storm repre~nts atmospheric convection meaning and alert to its height. When moisture
at iis strongest. starts down as precipitation. it brings air with it,
An average- o f forty-five thousand forming a downdraft in t~ center of what has
thunderstorms ~cc" each day. Every storm, in just become a mature thunderstorm. fn this stage
order to reach fqtt maturitY, must satisfy certain updrafts remain around the o~fside .edge of the
me r ologica ( req ui rem ents within the storm. As the downdraft approachts the surface.
at here. First, there must be an unstable it is deflected outward, causing exuemely gh
on which means. in w(ry general terms, surface winds. The highest surface win wi ll
trolling weather parameters ,.are upset easi ly. normally be in "front" of the storm or in its pa»t
next condition which must be met is a \Nith gust velocities being the sum of downdrift
method for lifti',)8'the unstable air. This lifting velocity and forward speed of the storm over the
acti~n can be accomplished by a pt1mber of ground.
different means such as heat from the sun,
upslope motion from frontal action, wind effect T'"jqJence
on mountains, or con<lerging streams of .4"8ir Early in a mature thunderstorm, shortly after
flowing from different directions. resulting in downdraft and heavy precipitation first starts,
vertical motion. 1 surrounding updrafts tend to increase and reach a
Now that we havSI}he primary ingredients for climax. From this point in time the storm's fury
•1derstorrn deyetofmpnt, let's follow one begins to abate. It is during this stage that the
Jugh ils life cycle.\l,(oist. unstable air when thunderstorm tends to become stratified at

thunderstorms .... suspension long enough for it to acquire a tr'~
coating of ice. The altitudes which afford L
different levels and develops the well known anvil conditions for occurrence of hail are between
top. Maximum drafts occur at fourteen to twenty 10,000 and 15,000 feet. At this time, we have no
thousand feet and often reach as high as 4500 information to indicate a direct relationship
feet per minute. Updrafts and downdrafts pass between hail occurrence and color of the cloud.
each other at these speeds causing tremendous Nor doe.s shape· or intensity of the radar echo
shear, up to 100 mph, resulting in considerable show existence of hail.
turbulence in and near the storm.
In addition to shear, which is experienced
between strong up and down flow of air, there is LijlltninJ
also a gust factor to be considered. In contrast to During an Air Force sponsored
the drafts which are relatively constant in "Thunderstorm Project," 22 percent of the
velocity, gusts are small scale variations in vertical aircraft that penetrated thunderstorms were
wind flow over small distances. Shear between the struck by lightning. In general, the damage was
drafts and gusts create an eddy effect which is limited to small punctures in the skin 'ot aircraft
responsible for the turbulence encountered when and was considered minor. Aircrews in all-metal
penetrating a thunderstorm. The degree of aircraft are safe from effect of lightning
turbulence affecting aircraft is directly discharges. However, brilliant light from lightning
proportional to airspeed. The accepted method to discharges may be temporarily blinding. Lightning
minimize effect of this turbulence is to reduce strikes have been known to produce severe errors
airspeed as much as practical in accordance with w h i c h may permanently affect magnetic
the appropriate flight manual. compasses.
Lightning will magnetize metals, rend~
compasses unreliable, actuate electrical eire•
ltinJ inadvertently, induce deafening static ir.
Icing is always a factor to be considered by headsets and temporarily blind crew members
aircraft flying in thunderstorms and can be during night missions. Predominantly, strikes
anticipated when air tempera'tUre at 11ight altitude occur below 20,000 feet and are most likely to
is at or below freezing point Clear ice is most occur in the 5,000 to 10,000 foot level. Strike
common in lower levels of cumuliform clouds as probability almost certainly coincides with
opposed to predominantly rime type found in altitude range of the cumulonimbus cloud which
higher levels. In areas of numerous is commonly found between 3,000 and 30,000
thunderstorms, icing problems may be excessive feet, occasionally higher.
due to prolonged exposure to below freezing The life cycle o1 a single cell is 20 to 90
conditions. The- effect of icing caused by minutes, however, under certain conditions a
thunderstorms does not differ from that caused series of systems will form in lines or clusters, in
by other means and should be treated in the same which there can be several storms in various states
manner. of development. What may look like one storm
may in fact be numerous cells, thus extending the
maturity span within the area tor a period of
H11il hours. During the period of time thatan area is
Hail damage is regarded as one of the worst under the influence of thunderstorms. terminal
hazards of thunderstorm flying. This phenomena conditions may lower to a point below
usually occurs during mature stages of operational minimums. Obscured ceilings and
thunderstorms when the updrafts are at high heavy rainfall will reduce low slant range
intensity. Formation of hail requires large visibilities and increase difficulties encountered in
quantities of liquid water and strong updrafts to executing approach and landing procedures. .--..
delay the fall, keeping the hail nucleus in addition, strong gusty surface winds with grl
22 APRIL 1969
variability in direction are usually present and add
to existing landing hazards caused by reduced
visibilities. Finally, heavy rainfall creates another
hazard, when accumulation of surface water on
the runway causes poor braking action and tends
to create a possible hydroplaning situation.
Several bases of this command are located
within an area of high thunderstorm frequency.
The geographical area in the CONUS with the
maximum frequency of thunderstorms lies in
central Florida and their number decreases to the
north and west. However, thunderstorm activity
is quite prevalent over all of southeastern U. S.,
the Mississippi Valley, and the central plains
MEAN ANNUAL THUNDERSTORM region throughout most of the summer months.
With these facts in mind, it is presumable that
FREQUENCY BY DAYS. most of us will encounter some thunderstorm
activity during the coming months. Keeping the
following few simple rules in mind and
remembering what we have reviewed in this
article may assist you in staying out of trouble:
1. Never fly in IFR conditions within the
immediate vicinity of thunderstorm cells if at all
2. It your aircraft is equipped with radar, USE
IT! Clear all principal storm echoes by at least
twenty miles. Remember, being radar echo-free
does NOT mean clear air. A twenty mile safe zone
has been recommended by many flying units
when circumnavigating a storm. There are
.. documented cases of aircraft being lost or
severely damaged when flying at a distance of ten
miles from the nearest echo.
3. Pay attention to severe weather warnings
and advisories. If in your weather briefing there is
no mention of them, ask the briefer just to make
4. When your destination lies within an area
MEAN ANNUAL HAIL FREQUENCY of thunderstorms or the potential for
thunderstorms exists select a good alternate.
BY DAYS. Remember, the best landing procedure to use
during a thunderstorm is to proceed to your
5. Regardless of what stories have been passed
on through the years, there is no 100 percent
sure, safe altitude to penetrate a thunderstorm.
The best penetration technique is to go around
them; if that's not possible, turn around and go
back to where you started. __:::...

CHOCK TALK melocts catdocauk

Dip...Stick?? Only a Few Inches

During climb above FL 200, the T-39 master The F-4 crew had completed engine start and
caution light flickered occasionally. During were accomplishing the "Before Taxiing"
level-off at 350, the oil pressure light illuminated checklist items. The ground crew had serviced
and the oil pressure dropped. The right engine PC-1 after engine start and didn't move the
was stop-cocked and a single engine landing made hydraulic servicing unit. The crew chief looked at
without further incident. the cart and thought it was clear. He then cleared
While investigating this incident, the unit the A/C to lower the flaps. Yup, the flap struck
involved found a considerable number of dip the servicing unit .. for 17 manhours. The crew

sticks marked with only an "add 4 quarts" line, chief was only a few inches off.
or nothing. To a transient alert crew not familiar
with the T-39, it could appear that one would add
four quarts of oil to the system when the oil level
drops to that line. There is an oil dip stick Loose Bolt
available (PN 548743) that indicates: Full, add 1
qt, add 2 qt, add 3 qt, and add 4 qt. The unit When flaps were raised on takeoff, BLC and
involved is attempting to have all their engines flashing-wheels light illuminated. Airspeed was
equipped with the marked dip stick. Sounds like a decreased and the gear was lowered, putting the
great idea. lights out. The A/C was unable to lower the flaps
by using normal procedures, the flap circuit
breaker was popped and would not reset. The
warning lights test switch was depressed and all
Communicate!! lights were normal. When changing to tower
frequency, the A/C noticed that the comm and
During night maintenance an F-101 engine nav command lights were inoperative. The
dome had been removed to facilitate repair of a warning lights test switch was depressed again.
hydraulic leak. An inspector checking the The entire panel was out. An emergency was
installation called to the mechanic, questioning declared, the flaps were blown down, and the bird
the fit, then satisfied himself that it was okay. was recovered.
Unknown to him, the mechanic, thinking that a 90 manhours to repair doesn't tell the whole
socket and rachet handle would be needed, placed story in this one. Check this list of
them inboard of the intake turn vane. The damage: wiring on TE flap actuator burned by
inspector signed off the FOD inspection, the hot BLC air, TE selector valve and flap relay
engine was started, and immediately ingested the shorted out, sheet metal damage to left TE fl
tools. flap selector valve for Y2 to full-down shorted,

24 APRIL 1969
with a maintenance slant

all left TE swivels and lines damaged by heat. hadn't caught on the first go. After getting these,
The left trailing edge 8 LC valve was he rolled upright to continue the FCF.
disconnected. The BLC valve linkage bolt was He attempted to add power but the throttle
recovered and showed no signs of failure or would not move. After retarding it slightly, he
stripping. This was the seventh flight since last again tried to advance it but it ·would not budge.
BLC maintenance. He had 75 percent, 11,000 feet. and 260 knots.
Distance from home was 85 nautical and a quick
calculation showed he could not make it from his
present position. Some quick trouble-shooting
Screwy FCF revealed a hex screw jammed between the thrott le
shaft and the inboard wall of the quadrant
An F-1 00 test pilot from another command running guide. He couldn't get his hand down far
ressed to the negative G portion of his flight enough into the slit to move the screw, nor was
"----' rolled inverted to check for debris in the the dinghy knife blade long enough. He finally
cockpit. Shortly, he noted some foreign objects used his hunting knife to move the screw forward
floating around. He caught a few, stowed them in enough to get 85 percent. At that point, he gave
his pocker and rolled upright for a while. He then up and went home. Another "whodunit" added
rolled inverted again to retrieve particles he to our FOD files. We lucked out again.

Battling the birdstrike problem

was received of an aircraft-snow goose collision at

THE ACCIDENT 25,000 feet.
And, in addition to the hazard, there is
Last Spring a T AC fighter was on run-in for a cost- several millions of dollars each year,
LAAO weapons delivery, speed .75 Mach. altitude mostly for overhaul of bird-burger-mal<' ·.-....
350AGL, when a bird smashed through the machines, otherwise known as jet engines.
windscreen. Control was lost due to wind blast Reestablishing the problem isn ' t difficult,
and flying debris. At betv.Jeen 300 and 500 feet finding an effective solution is. Rehashing some
and at 505 knots. both pilots ejected. Both pilot-slanted ornithology probably offers the
suffered injuries. The aircraft was destroyed, as most hope for bird avoidance in the immediate
was one Golden Eagle. future.


• Slow down when low. An RAF study
A month later an RF-4 at 500 feet and 420 group determined that the breaking point
knots had the windscreen shattered and both side between the accident-incident category came at
panels broken out by a birdstrike. The front just under 300 knots. One researcher calculated
seater, due to wind and noise, was unable to that at 600 knots. a bird-strike by a two-pound
maintain control. This time, however, the IP in bird is equivalent to a 72,000-pound force.
the back seat was able to take over and bring the • Fly wi th the visor down. Fortunately, in
plane back. the incident described earlier, the pilot was fl ying
These weren't all. just T AC's most spectacular with his visor down; fortunate because very little
aircraft-bird collisions of 1968. All told, 79 were imagination is required to guesstimate what the
reported with 59 (75%) causing aircraft damage. jagged canopy pieces that scratched the visor
Most of T AC's birdstrikes occurred at low would have done t o unprotected eyes.
altitude, with severity of aircraft damage • Steer clear . There's truth as well as poetry in
generally in proportion to aircraft speed. But the "birds of a feather" rhyme. and the more
there is more to the problem than just low flying strikes, the more risk. Birds, particularly in flocl-...--......
birds and fast flying aircraft. In February a report can often be spotted and avoided.
26 APRIL 1969
• Learn, and respect , local hazards. T AC's One scare method, spectacularly successful in
.nologist has prepared a report on bird some cases, is the use of falcons. At one airfield
~6blems at TAC bases. This report should be where falcons were used to keep seagulls away,
available through base civil engineers and safety the smart gulls learned to spot the falconer's car
offices. and would disappear long before the falcon was
• Check warning notices. Bird hazards, turned loose. Lesser Bustards- duck-sized
particularly movements of migratory birds, are migratory birds in Spain -- became a very serious
sometimes published. problem. A landing KC-135 sufiered 35 strikes at
• Respond to radioed sightings. Tower and Torrejon. Reportedly, a falcon program now
range controllers often report observed bird underway has practically eliminated the hazard.
activity, expecially in aircraft flight path areas. But there are many problems in the use of
Radar operators may be able to detect bird falcons. A trained falconer is needed. Falcons are
movements. particularly of large birds in flocks. extremely hard to come by. Most are obtained on
• Provide PI REPs on bird hazards. expeditions into the Alps or Greenland. With the
• Fly low level routes during non-migratory increased use of insecticides the falcon population
seasons. to the maximum extent mission is declining. Bird lovers aren't appreciative of
requirements permit. cannibalistic-minded falcons. Some falcons get
• Flight plan proficiency flights into bases of shot by hunters and some just plain take off.
least birdstrike potential. There's a report of one lost when he failed to pull
out from a high speed pursuit dive after a duck
BIRD CONTROl that had landed in a water tank.
Shotguns, acetylene cannons, and twin-shot
Despite the noise and confusion. airports type shot shells are frequently used, and often
provide a sanctuary-like fascination for birds. Half quite successfully, especially if at irregular
'I birdstrikes are at 1000 feet or less. and half intervals.
__. over. on, or within one mile of an airport. Temporary relief can also be achieved by
Efforts at bird control measures vary from driving a vehicle down the runway.
complete failure, to almost absolute success. A Combinations of scare devices are usually most
measure may INOrk well at one base. fair at effective. like when someone rides shotgun on 'the
another, and not at all at a third. vehicle. or if it is equipped with loudspeakers to
broadcast distress cries.

Recorded distress calls played over
loudspeakers may frighten birds away, or they TAC's entomologist offers the five following
may attract the curious. At one T AC base $370 probabilities as to why birds are seen on or over
amber-beam flashing lights were installed to scare air bases:
sparrovvs and pigeons from a hangar. They were 1. In search of food or water
completely ineffective. Several years ago 2. Roosting
researchers burned tires and fired guns and set off 3. Resting or loafing
blasts to shoo the birds away from an island 4. Nesting
airport. About the only noticeable effect was 5. Passing by
feathers ruffling from blasts, provided the bird He says that ....vhen a potential bird problem
was close enough. Stuffed owls may have some exists, the following steps should be taken:
effect. or they may serve as resting places. As a 1. Identify the species and the attraction.
general rule, scare devises are most effective if 2. Ascertain if the problem is temporary,
used in variety and sporadically. Once the persistent. or recurring.
'ness or unexpected aspect ~Nears oft. most 3. Decide which measures give promise of
' - - JS aren't much impressed. being most practical . and institute same.

birdstrike ... North America and Europe, to learn more ab ·----.
Following are some control measures to consider: bird movements and then make use of t1 ...
Eliminate dumps, drainage ditches, and information in flight planning. For example:
ponds. (Gulls apparently like dumps even better Weather and bird migration data being
than airfields. A case is on report telling of gulls correlated to better predict migration periods.
being buried alive rather than move from in front A study to d.etermine if microwaves. sent
of a garbage-covering bulldozer.) ahead of an aircraft. can disorient birds and clear
Remove potential roosting and nesting the flight path of feathered FOD.
sites -tall weeds. reeds, brush, poles with holes Time-lapse photography of radar scopes to
and decorative cover. determine bird concentrations, with aircraft
Don't landscape with berry and seed operations restricted or halted on the basis of bird
producing shrubs. intensity.
Keep grass near runways cut at the length A study on the effect of wing beat modulation
least attractive to birds. patterns on radar echoes.
Use herbicides and weedkillers to eliminate Tracking transmitter equipped whist ling
broadleaf seed plants and weeds. swans.
Obtain consultive assistance from the Tracking migrating birds w ith helicopters.
Regional Office of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, or Use of mechanical hawks.
the T AC entomologist in the Civil Engineering
office. . .. But. until that distant day when some exotic
breakthrough solves the problem, we who fly
should be confirmed and concerned bird
watchers ... these flying feather dusters can
A great deal of effort is underway, both in really "clean your clock." ~ ...--......

Birds picked up from the runway following o KC-97 birdstrike on toke·olf,

28 APRIL 1969

Technical Sergeant Thomas D. Price of the

4510 Combat Crew Training Wing, Luke Air
Force Base, Arizona, has been selected to receive
the TAC Crew Chief Safety Award. Sergeant Price
will receive a letter of appreciation from the
Commander of Tactical Air Command and an
engraved award.

TSgt Price

SSgt Hambrick


Staff Sergeant Raymond L. Hambrick of the

4th Tactical Fighter Wing, Seymour Johnson Air
Force Base, North Carolina, has been selected to
receive the T AC Maintenance Man Safety Award.
Sergeant Hambrick will receive a letter of
appreciation from the Commander of Tactical Air
Command and an engraved award.


I very much enjoy reading T AC ATTACK I•

it is not easy to get except by going to o TAC base,
Letters to the Editor which there ore none of around here. So I am writing
to you. Please send me issues from Jan '68 to the
present. I've been reading as many as I could get
THUNDERBIRD OPENINGS since the 67th TRW took ov•r Mountain Home where
my brother was stationed.
Applications ore being accepted until 31 August
1969 for two demonstration pilots, a narrator, and a Alex Van luik
materiel officer to f iII projected vacancies in the 5704 Rock Creek Road
ronlcs of the USAF Thunderbirds. Agoura, California
Selectioi\S will be mode by 15 October with a re·
porting date not later than 15 December for a 26· Your moAazines arc on the way, Alex. We•re
month tour. The narrator will be selected for a always willinA to AO alonA with a prospecti11e liAhte r·
36-month tour. pilot.
Applicants for demonstration pilots and narrator Ed.
must hove 1,000 hours jet aircraft time . Jet fighter
or jet trainer aircraft experience is mandatory. These A PIECE OF STRING
applicants must hove o completed SEA tour and less
than 10 years active commissioned service as of 31 Sometime during the first half ol 1966, your mag·
December 1969. One selectee will perform the duties azine published an article about yow string& for the
of narrator for one year, then fly as o demonstration F-4. The article was written by a lieutenant who had
pilot for two years. It is desired that he hove public been appointed "String Officer" at one ol tho F--4
speaking experience. bases locat•d in the southeastern portion of the
Applicants for materiel officer (previously termed United States. ...-......
,.maintenance'' officer) must have less than 12 years If possible, I would like you to und me a 1
active commissioned service as of 31 December 1969. of that article since my squadron is very interesteu
They must also hove o completed SEA tour and corry in studying the yow string conupt.
o full qualified AFSC F4344. In addition, they must
be on FSC-lY and be current in jet lighter aircraft. Capt A. H. Murchison
All applications should be forwarded to MAJCOM 523 T ac Ftr Sqdn
and a separate information copy sent to USAF Air APO SF 96274
Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds," Nellis Air
Force Base, Nevada 89110. They should be prepared The March '68 TAC ATTACK is on the way.
in accordance with Air Force Manua I 36-11J, Chapter Hope Lt Riemer's article is what you are aftt.'t.
45. Ed.

PEANUTS Co,.roay <>I Doily Ptoal, No~ort Nows, llo.

~ Unitod Footuro Sy~tdicoro, Inc. 1066


30 APRIL 1969
11101 lCCIDUT RATE COMPARISON {per 100.000 flying hrs) TYPE
,,.. --A __. __..

-- --.. --· ...

~ k# --
~- ~r-~

v ........... IU


-- -- -- --
10 RB -66

I ,, ~ ~----· ~.......... ~---


,, F / ltF-&4
AFRes F/ RF - 101

--A __ ... ~ .........


JAN ~n
• MA.l


_._ _ _ 19&1i

. ~ ..........
Stf> ocr NOV C>EC

1969 1968 1969 1968 f . IQS

9 AF 1.& 10. 3 12 AF s. t s.e f.lll

.C TFW 0 17. 1 23 TFW 0 0

IS TFW 25.3 27 TFW S5.9 0 KC -97

33 TFW 0 20.7 49 TFW 0 0 C-7
113 TFW 0 41.5 140 TFW 0 0
.CS31 TFW 0 32.4 ~79 TFW 0 29.9

363 TRW 18,6 0 414 TFW 21.1 58.7

6.C TAW 0 0 67 TRW 0 0

3" TAW 0 0 7S TRW 0 0

317 TAW 0 0 123 TRW 0 0 C-130

46.C TAW 0 0 313 TAW 0 0

4442 CCTW 0 0 516 TAW 0 0

US3 CCTW 0 0 T -33

4510 CCTW 9 .9 oI T.39


l sow 29.7 0 4500 .uw 23.6 0

.C.C10 CCTW 0 9.& 4440 Al>G 0 0
H09SUP SQ 0 0 4525 FWW 0 0
4416 TSQ 0 0


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