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Media & Information Literacy 3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V SHS



Responsible Use of Media and Information

Name of Student: __________________________ Parent’s Signature: ___________

Grade and Section: _______________________________________________________

I. Introductory Concept

Use of Media and Information

Media has evolved through the years making people’s life easier. One of the
most effective use of media is on communication. Media plays significant role in
sharing information across the globe. Media keeps people aware and updated on
important events and happenings. But in the other hand, media also has advantages
and disadvantages
Different forms and types of media can be found everywhere, as a result we
can easily access information with just one click, but using social media has its
downside. Media can affect a person in a negative way. People’s opinion and thoughts
can be limited in medias. Although you can share our thoughts freely, you can still
experience judgements and harsh comments in your opinion. A person can
experience cyberbullying. Another downside in media is that sometimes it provides
fake and unreliable information.

Journalistic ethics and standards

This comprise principles of ethics and good practice applicable to journalists.
This subset of media ethics is known as journalism's professional "code of ethics"
and the "canons of journalism". The basic codes and canons commonly appear in
statements by professional journalism associations and individual print, broadcast,
and online news organizations.
While various codes may have some differences, most share common
elements including the principles of truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality,
fairness, and public accountability, as these apply to the acquisition of newsworthy
information and its subsequent dissemination to the public.
Like many broader ethical systems, the ethics of journalism include the
principle of "limitation of harm." This may involve the withholding of certain details
from reports, such as the names of minor children, crime victims' names, or
information not materially related to the news report where the release of such
information might, for example, harm someone's reputation.
Some journalistic codes of ethics, notably some European codes, also include
a concern with discriminatory references in news based in race, religion, sexual
orientation, and physical or mental disabilities.

Current media state

Anyone who has the right gadget, the capability to produce audio video clips, still
image, and able to upload it to any social media online can be considered a media
user. Person that is able to manipulate, enjoy and satisfy self from the likes of it
belongs to this categorization. Teenagers are among the multitude of social media
users. Some of them opt to do blogging and vlogging due to ease putting oneself into
it. Having done so, these people must acquire at least the minimum knowledge and
attitude to own up such a significant endeavor to level up the trade.

Characteristics of Responsible Media User

A responsible user and competent producer of media and information should have
these characteristics:
• Must be Curious
• General knowledge
• The ability to write
• Professionalism
• Objective
• Should have Ethics.

Must be Curious
Those who release information into the public from any platform should have a
natural curiosity. Being a curious creator, be a truth seeker. Ask tough and
important questions. Gather more information. Be detail oriented.
General Knowledge
Having a general knowledge of different topics permits one to be more confident in
whatever he or she is releasing to the public. They know that the information is
correct and prepares them for any dispute that could arise.
The Ability to Write
The ability to write has to do more with the success of information distribution. Any
faults in writing may cause your potential reader to lose interest and move to another
article. The ability to hold your reader’s attention is very important if you want to get
your point across and this is where writing skills play a part.
Professionalism and Should Have Ethics
Professionalism covers many grounds, it includes objectivity and ethics. Being a
professional means, you are doing what is expected of you, in this case as a provider
of correct information. This can only be achieved by maintaining objectivity which is
easier said than done since we are all prone to taking a side. This is why we need a
firm grip on our values when it comes to information dissemination. A producer of
information would have to stop and ask himself what kind of person he is and act
upon it. This is where ethics play a large part in whether what is released to the
public is the truth, half-truths or lies.
Information today comes from everywhere; it is driven by advertising which could
blur the truth in many cases. It is up to the users or receivers of information to arm
themselves with the knowledge to verify what is out there

II. Most Essential Learning Competencies

Discuss responsible use of Media and Information (MIL11/12IMILIIIa2)

III. Activities

A. Issues in Media

Answer the following question

1. What problem/s were you encountered with the use of media?

1. How do you see the effect of social media to teenagers today?
2. How will you define a “Responsible Media user? (Explain)

B. Analyze the image below and answer the questions that follow.

1. What message this illustration is trying to convey?

2. Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
3. How significant is it in our present situation?

C. Direction: Give one (1) digital issue in the Philippines that resulted from
improper online conduct. Discuss the problem and suggest solution to
address it. Discuss it in 5 sentences.
IV. Rubrics for Scoring

4 3 2 1
Explanation A complete re- Good solid re- Explanation is Misses key
sponse with a de- sponse with clear unclear points
tailed explanation explanation
Demon- Shows complete Shows substan- Response Response
strated understanding of tial understand- shows some shows a com-
Knowledge the questions, ideas ing of the prob- understanding plete lack of
and processes lem, ideas and of the problem understanding
processes of the problem
Require- Goes beyond the re- Meet the require- Hardly meets Does not meet
ments quirements of the ments of the the require- the require-
problems. problems. ments of the ments of the
problem problem.

V. Answer Key

Activity 1- 1. ML, 2. TL, 3. TL, 4. TL, 5. IL, 6. ML, 7. TL, 8. IL, 9. ML, 10. IL
Activity 2- Answers may vary
Activity 3- Answers may vary

VI. References

Media and Information Literacy for Teachers

SLMs Search
Elvira D. Tuliao/Writer rubric
Photo Credit to (Jessa Mae Bongon Balabag)

Prepared by: Evaluated by:


Cumadcad NHS Dinapa NHS

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