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Grade 12 – Media and Information Literacy

First Quarter
Week 3
Day 01

Topic: Media and Information Literacy for Social Engagement

Learning Competencies:
1. Discuss responsible use of media and information
1. Define the key concepts
2. Characteristics of a media and information literate individual
DIWA Senior High School Series: Media and Information Literacy Module
Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy Published by
CHED, 2016
Olivia Linsangan Cantor, Media InformationLiteracy ISBN 978-971-07-3715-4, Vibal
Group, Inc., 2016
UNESCO, MIL Curriculum for Teachers, 2011

Concept Notes
The power of Media and Information Literacy has dramatically changed our perspective towards life. It
has influenced the way we think, live, and act on certain issues and concerns about life. Anyone can have an
access of Information on the different forms of Media: Internet, Social Media, newspaper, television, and
radio. Media and Information Literacy focuses on the skills on how an individual engages with media and
information effectively, as well as developing critical thinking and life-long learning skills designed for
socialization among individuals.

Nonetheless, quality of information matters in media. One should have the knowledge and skills in
identifying fake news from real news. Knowing the quality of information would bring us to realization in forging
the true concept of developments in our country. To obtain knowledge, one has to have access to information- in
any mode and be able to understanding, evaluate, and use it for specific purposes.

Characteristics of a Media and Information Literate Person:

 Can understand media’s influences and representations

 Can make informed and independent decisions
 Can learn about the world around them
 Can build a sense of community
 Can maintain public discourse
 Can engage a lifelong learning
 Can produce information
 Can think critically
 Can use media for self-expression and creativity
 Can use media in a safe and responsible way
 Can participate in democracy and the global information network

Stages of the Critical Analysis Process

The critical analysis stages clearly involve the characteristics and skills of media literacy and
information literacy combined.

The five stages are the following:

1. Description – entails “paying close attention, taking notes, and researching the subject under study”. This
involves getting the right kind of information from an accurate source.

2. Analysis – involves “discovering and focusing on significant patterns that emerge from the description stage”.

3. Interpretation – pertains to “asking and answering the “What does that mean? And “so what?” questions
about ones findings. This is where we could analyze the purpose of the information we

4. Evaluation – pertains to “arriving at a judgment about whether something is good, bad, or mediocre.

5. Engagement – suggests “taking some action that connects our critical perspective with our role as citizens to
question our media institutions, adding our own voice to the process of shaping the cultural

Activity # 01. Watch a TV Show episode. Then fill out the characters chart below based on what you
are watching.
Do you know
What do you think of this character? anybody like this
character in real life?
Name of the
Role/Description What do you think of
this person? How
Good traits Bad traits does this person
affect your life?






Grade 12 – Media and Information Literacy

First Quarter
Week 3
Day 02
Topic: The Danger of Desensitization
Learning Competencies:
1. Discuss responsible use of media and information
1. Define the key concepts
2. Identifying desensitization in social media
DIWA Senior High School Series: Media and Information Literacy Module
Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy Published by
CHED, 2016


Take a look at the following photos and analyze what messages these images want to convey.

The Danger of Desensitization

According to Potter (2011) in his book Media Literacy, there is a need to be media and information
literate to counteract "the physiological and psychological tendency (automaticity) towards the many information
that are encountered every now and then." Automaticity, or automatic response, is a state where our minds
operate without any conscious effort from us."
In other words, you become so desensitized with the things you encounter because they already seem so
natural to you. Potter also explained that "the programmed and predictable response (normalization) toward the
information that limits your opportunity to recognize and maximize the gains of that message" is something that
media and information literacy can address. Normalization is when the mass media continually reinforce certain
behavioral patterns of exposure until they become automatic habits."
According to Callison and Tilley (2006), you are a media and information literate
individual if you are able to do the following:
 Pose worthwhile questions
 Evaluate the adequacy of an argument
 Recognize facts, inferences, and opinions and use each appropriately
 Deal with quandarics and ill-formed problems that have no fixed or unique solutions
 Give and receive criticism constructively
 Agree or disagree in degrees measured against the merits of the issue and audience
 Extend a line of thought beyond the range of first impressions
 Articulate a complex position without
adding to its complexity

We live in an environment that is far different from any environment humans have
ever experienced before. And the environment changes at an ever-increasing pace. This is due to the accelerating
generation of information and the sharing of that information through the increasing number of media channels
and the heavy traffic of media vehicles traversing those channels. Messages are being delivered to everyone,
everywhere, constantly. 

Activity # 2:
Does media exposure create desensitization? Why or why not?

Grade 12 – Media and Information Literacy

First Quarter
Week 3
Day 03
Topic: The Danger of Desensitization
Learning Competencies:
1. Discuss responsible use of media and information
1. Identifying the characteristics of a responsible user and a competent producer of
media information
DIWA Senior High School Series: Media and Information Literacy Module
Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy Published by
CHED, 2016


Looking at Media Representations

As we look closely at the messages on TV Program Episodes, several questions will crop up in our minds.
These are the types of questions the MIL framework encourages us to ask when we decode the meanings of
media messages.
Characteristics of a Responsible User and a Competent Producer of Media Information
Picture Analysis

Activity 03:

To test your Media and Information Literacy Skills, choose a TV show or a filmfor your
research. Imagine that you will be paid to develop a sequel to this work. A sequel is the piece of content
following an original piece. For a film, you will write the second in the series. For the TV show, you
will write the second episode. Following the characteristics of the media information literacy process,
identify the information you need to discover for this assignment, as well as the steps you need to finish
this paid project. Acknowledge sources of information.

Grade 12 – Media and Information Literacy

First Quarter
Week 3
Day 04 & 05
Topic: Responsible use of Media Information
Learning Competencies:
1. Identifying the characteristics of a responsible user and a competent producer of
media information


Create a slogan promoting the importance of media and information. Materials to be used are the
¼ illustration board, pentel pen, pencil, ruler and coloring material (optional)

Take a picture of your slogan and upload it on your Facebook account with a hashtag #IAmMILLiterate. The
slogan shall be judged based on:
Reactions – 10%
Shares – 10 %
Rubrics – 80%

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