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Euch-4 Easter (A)

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

30 April 2023 4th Sunday of Easter Year A



oday, we are celebrating Good Shepherd Sunday
and the 60th World Day of Prayer for Vocations. This
celebration reminds us of our vocation to follow
Christ and the importance and beauty of the call to the
ordained ministry and to the consecrated life.
As members of God’s flock, we have the duty to pro-
mote and sustain new vocations to priestly and religious
life. In this Holy Mass, let us pray to the Lord of the har-
vest to send more and holy laborers in His vineyard: peo-
ple who are filled with the love and compassion of the
Good Shepherd who laid down his own life for the sheep.
We will also pray that those who are called may respond
with a generous “yes” every day of their life.

and ask his forgiveness and Gloria

strength. (Pause)
All – Glory to God in the high-
P –Lord Jesus, you are the est, and on earth peace to people
Good Shepherd who laid of good will. We praise you,
Entrance Antiphon down your life for us. we bless you, we adore you, we
(To be recited only when no Entrance
Lord, have mercy! glorify you, we give you thanks
Hymn is sung.)
All – Lord, have mercy! for your great glory, Lord God,
The merciful love of the heavenly King, O God, almighty
Lord fills the earth; by the P –Lord Jesus, we are the sheep
that have often gone astray. Father.
word of the Lord the heavens Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
were made, alleluia. Christ, have mercy!
All – Christ, have mercy! gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
God, Son of the Father, you take
Greeting P –Lord Jesus, we have failed away the sins of the world, have
P –May the grace and peace to appreciate and support mercy on us; you take away the
the junior shepherds you sins of the world, receive our
of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, be
sent to guide us. prayer; you are seated at the right
with you all!
Lord, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy
All – And with your spirit!
All – Lord, have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
Penitential Act P – May almighty God have One, you alone are the Lord, you
mercy on us, forgive us our alone are the Most High, Jesus
P –Gathered together around sins, and bring us to ever- Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
our Divine Good Shepherd, let lasting life. in the glory of God the Father.
us acknowledge our sinfulness All – Amen! Amen!
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Collect (Opening Prayer) * The Lord is my shepherd; Gospel Acclamation Jn 10:14
P –Almighty ever-living God, I shall not want. In verdant
pastures he gives me repose; All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
lead us to a share in the joys of “I am the Good Shep-
heaven, so that the humble flock beside restful waters he leads
me; he refreshes my soul. R. herd,” says the Lord; “I
may reach where the brave Shep- know my sheep, and mine
herd has gone before. * He guides me in right know me.”
Who lives and reigns with paths for his name’s sake. Even Alleluia! Alleluia!
you in the unity of the Holy Spir- though I walk in the dark val-
it, God for ever and ever. ley I fear no evil, for you are Gospel Jn 10:1-10
All – Amen! at my side. With your rod and Jesus is the “Good Shep-
your staff that give me cour- herd” who cares for his sheep
age. R. and the “Gate” through which
they can enter eternal life.
* You spread the table before
me in the sight of my foes. You P –The Lord be with you!
1st Reading Acts 2:14.36-41
anoint my head with oil; my All –And with your spirit!
Continuing his appeal to the
cup overflows. R. P – A proclamation from the
crowd that had gathered near the
Upper Room, Peter proclaims holy Gospel according to
* Only goodness and kind- John
aloud that Jesus is both Lord ness follow me all the days of
and Messiah. The only way to All – Glory to you, O Lord!
my life. And I shall dwell in the
enjoy the salvation he brings is house of the Lord for years to Jesus said: “Amen, amen,
to undergo conversion and be come. R. I say to you, whoever does not
baptized. enter a sheepfold through the
R – A proclamation from the 2nd Reading 1 Pt 2:20-25 gate but climbs over elsewhere
Acts of the Apostles Here is how St. Peter de- is a thief and a robber. But
scribes the heroic behavior of whoever enters through the
Peter stood up with the Jesus as the Good Shepherd who gate is the shepherd of the
Eleven, raised his voice, and underwent terrible sufferings sheep. The gatekeeper opens it
proclaimed: “Let the whole and even offered his life in order for him, and the sheep hear his
house of Israel know for cer- that his flock might reach eternal voice, as the shepherd calls his
tain that God has made both salvation and peace. own sheep by name and leads
Lord and Christ, this Jesus them out. When he has driven
whom you crucified.” Now R – A proclamation from the out all his own, he walks ahead
when they heard this, they First Letter of Peter of them, and the sheep follow
were cut to the heart, and they Beloved: him, because they recognize
asked Peter and the other apos- If you are patient when you his voice. But they will not fol-
tles, “What are we to do, my suffer for doing what is good, low a stranger; they will run
brothers?” this is a grace before God. For away from him, because they
Peter said to them, “Re- to this you have been called, do not recognize the voice of
pent and be baptized, every because Christ also suffered strangers.”
one of you, in the name of Jesus for you, leaving you an example Although Jesus used this
Christ for the forgiveness of figure of speech, the Pharisees
that you should follow in his
your sins; and you will receive did not realize what he was
the gift of the Holy Spirit. For trying to tell them.
the promise is made to you He committed no sin,
and no deceit was found in So Jesus said again,
and to your children and to “Amen, amen, I say to you,
all those far off, whomever the his mouth. When he was in-
sulted, he returned no insult; I am the gate for the sheep.
Lord our God will call.” He
testified with many other ar- when he suffered, he did not All who came before me are
guments, and was exhorting threaten. Instead, he handed thieves and robbers, but the
them, “Save yourselves from himself over to the one who sheep did not listen to them. I
this corrupt generation.” judges justly. He himself bore am the gate. Whoever enters
Those who accepted his our sins in his body upon the through me will be saved, and
message were baptized, and cross, so that, free from sin, we will come in and go out and
about three thousand persons might live for righteousness. find pasture.
were added that day. By his wounds you have been A thief comes only to steal
healed. and slaughter and destroy; I
The Word of the Lord! For you had gone astray came so that they might have
All – Thanks be to God! like sheep, but you have now life and have it more abundant-
returned to the shepherd and ly.”
Responsorial Psalm Ps 23
guardian of your souls.
R –The Lord is my shepherd; The Gospel of the Lord!
there is nothing I shall The Word of the Lord! All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
want! All – Thanks be to God! Christ!

30 April 2023
Homily them to holiness. Let us pray! R. Preface of Easter III
Profession of Faith C –For the Holy Father, our P –The Lord be with you!
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) bishops, and priests: May they All –And with your spirit!
be for all the faithful the clearest P –Lift up your hearts!
All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
signs of God’s patience, concern, All – We lift them up to the Lord!
ther almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible and love. Let us pray! R. P –Let us give thanks to the
and invisible. C –For all parents, teachers, Lord our God!
I believe in one Lord Jesus and civil authorities: May they All –It is right and just!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son be faithful to their mission to P – It is truly right and just,
of God, born of the Father be- promote the good of the persons our duty and our salvation, at all
fore all ages. God from God, entrusted to them. Let us pray! times to acclaim you, O Lord,
Light from Light, true God from R. but in this time above all to
true God, begotten, not made, praise you yet more gloriously,
consubstantial with the Father; C –For our young people to when Christ our Passover has
through him all things were whom God addresses a special been sacrificed.
made. For us men and for our call to serve the Church as her He never ceases to offer him-
salvation he came down from ministers: May they respond self for us but defends us and
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy generously to the call and per- ever pleads our cause before you:
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- severe in their vocation. Let us he is the sacrificial Victim who
gin Mary, and became man.* pray! R. dies no more, the Lamb, once
For our sake he was crucified C –For the vocation promoters slain, who lives for ever.
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- and those who work in the for- Therefore, overcome with
fered death and was buried, and paschal joy, every land, every
rose again on the third day in mation houses: May their efforts
and prayers bring to the Church people exults in your praise and
accordance with the Scriptures. even the heavenly Powers, with
He ascended into heaven and is the good junior shepherds she
needs. Let us pray! R. the angelic hosts, sing together
seated at the right hand of the the unending hymn of your glo-
Father. He will come again in C – Let us pray in silence for our ry, as they acclaim:
glory to judge the living and the personal intentions. (Pause) All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
dead and his kingdom will have Let us pray! R.
no end. of hosts. Heaven and earth are
I believe in the Holy Spirit, P –Lord Jesus, send many holy full of your glory. Hosanna in
the Lord, the giver of life, who priests and religious to be shep- the highest!
proceeds from the Father and herds of your flock, the Church. Blessed is he who comes in
the Son, who with the Father In imitation of you, the Good the name of the Lord. Hosanna
and the Son is adored and glori- Shepherd, may they continue in the highest!
fied, who has spoken through your work of love and compas-
the prophets. sion and lead us into holiness. Memorial Acclamation
I believe in one, holy, cath- You who live and reign forever
olic and apostolic Church. I and ever. P –The mystery of faith!
confess one Baptism for the All – Amen! All –We proclaim your Death,
forgiveness of sins and I look O Lord, and profess your
forward to the resurrection of Resurrection until you
the dead and the life of the world come again!
to come. Amen!

Prayer of the Faithful Preparation of the Gifts

P –Jesus, our Divine Shepherd, P –Pray, brethren . . .
never leaves his flock untended. All – May the Lord accept the All – Our Father . . .
In all ages he calls generous sacrifice at your hands, for the P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
souls to be the visible instru- praise and glory of his name, All –For the kingdom, the
ments of his love. Today let us for our good and the good of all power, and the glory are
pray in a special manner for all his holy Church. yours, now and for ever.
those who represent Jesus among
us and for those called to fulfill
this role. Let us say: Prayer over the Offerings Sign of Peace
P –Grant, we pray, O Lord, that
All –Jesus, Good Shepherd, Breaking of the Bread
we may always find delight in
hear us!
these paschal mysteries, so that All – Lamb of God, you take
C –For the whole Church: May the renewal constantly at work away the sins of the world: have
she experience an abundance of within us may be the cause of our mercy on us. (2×)
good and generous priests and unending joy. Lamb of God, you take
religious who edify the people Through Christ our Lord. away the sins of the world:
with their good example and lead All – Amen! grant us peace.

4th Sunday of Easter (A)

Communion Lord and your neighbor in Son, and the Holy Spirit.
P –Behold the Lamb of God, the fulfillment of your du- All – Amen!
behold him who takes away the ties.
All – Amen! P –Go in peace, glorifying the
sins of the world. Blessed are Lord by your life!
those called to the Supper of the P – May almighty God bless All – Thanks be to God!
Lamb. you: the Father, and the
All –Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed.
Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when (This is an excerpt from the Prayer for Vocations composed by Saint
no Communion Hymn is sung.) John Paul II.)
The Good Shepherd has
risen, who laid down his life for
May an ardent prayer, sustained by the motherly interces-
his sheep and willingly died for
sion of Mary, rise from every corner of the earth, to the
his flock, alleluia. heavenly Father to obtain “laborers for his harvest” (Mt
9:38). May He give zealous and holy priests to His flock.
Prayer after Communion Sustained by this awareness we turn to Christ, the High
Priest, and we pray to him with renewed trust:
P –Look upon your flock, kind
Shepherd, and be pleased to set-
tle in eternal pastures the sheep Jesus, Son of God,
you have redeemed by the Pre- in whom the fullness of the Divinity dwells,
cious Blood of your Son. You call all the baptized to „put out into the deep,‰
Who lives and reigns for ever taking the path that leads to holiness.
and ever. Waken in the hearts of young people the desire
All – Amen! to be witnesses in the world of today
to the power of your love.
Fill them with your Spirit of fortitude and prudence,
so that they may be able to discover the full truth
about themselves and their own vocation.
P –The Lord be with you.
All – And with your spirit! Our Savior,
P –Bow your heads and pray sent by the Father to reveal His merciful love,
for God’s blessing. (Pause) give to your Church the gift
– May the good Lord give you of young people who are ready to put out into the deep,
a sincere appreciation of the to be the sign among their brothers
importance of priestly and of Your presence which renews and saves.
religious vocations in the Holy Virgin, Mother of the Redeemer,
life of the Church.
All – Amen!
sure guide on the way towards God and towards neighbor,
You who pondered his word in the depth of your heart,
P –May you become instru- sustain with your motherly intercession
ments of God’s love in en- our families and our ecclesial communities,
couraging and supporting so that they may help adolescents and young people
those He has called to a life to answer generously the call of the Lord.
of special consecration and
service to the community.
All – Amen!
P –May you be faithful to your
own vocation, serving the Listen to BISPERAS SA VERITAS (846 kHz)
Saturdays 5:00 - 6:00 P.M.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, M. Vibiesca, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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