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God's Prophets in An Unbelieving World God's Prophets in An Unbelieving World

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

4 July 2021 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

God’s Prophets in an Unbelieving World

oday we are reminded that God continues to care for all
human beings, including those who wander far away in
their moral life. Some of the signs of His caring love are
the prophets that He sends to His people to remind them of their
duties and to make them understand the great harm they cause to
others and themselves through their misbehavior.
Jesus himself experienced the bitter taste of rejection and
warned his disciples that they, too, would be treated in the same
way. Far from discouraging us, this should bring us to do our best
to be faithful to our prophetic mission in the Church and in soci-
ety, following the example of Jesus himself.
In this Eucharist, let us ask for the grace to do just this, no mat-
ter what the cost.

P –You do not want sinners to Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-

die, but that they go back gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
to you and be saved. Lord, God, Son of the Father, you take
have mercy! away the sins of the world, have
Entrance Antiphon All –Lord, have mercy! mercy on us; you take away the
(To be recited only when no En- P –You came to call sinners to sins of the world, receive our
trance Hymn is sung.) conversion. Christ, have prayer; you are seated at the right
Your merciful love, O God, mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy
we have received in the midst All –Christ, have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
of your temple. Your praise, P –You plead for us at the right One, you alone are the Lord, you
O God, like your name, reach- hand of the Father. Lord, alone are the Most High, Jesus
es the ends of the earth; your have mercy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the
right hand is filled with saving All – Lord, have mercy! glory of God the Father. Amen!
justice. P – May almighty God have
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Collect (Opening Prayer)
Greeting P –O God, who in the abase-
and bring us to everlasting life.
P –Blessed be Jesus, the great All – Amen! ment of your Son have raised up
Prophet of the Father and the a fallen world, fill your faithful
anointed of the Spirit. May his Gloria with holy joy, for on those you
grace be with you all! All – Glory to God in the high- have rescued from slavery to sin,
All –And with your spirit! est, and on earth peace to people you bestow eternal gladness.
of good will. We praise you, Through our Lord Jesus
Penitential Act we bless you, we adore you, we Christ, your Son, who lives and
P –As we prepare ourselves glorify you, we give you thanks reigns with you in the unity of
to celebrate the sacred myster- for your great glory, Lord God, the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
ies, let us call to mind our sins. heavenly King, O God, almighty and ever.
(Pause) Father. All – Amen!

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* As the eyes of a maid are Gospel Mk 6:1-6
on the hands of her mistress, Jesus had been extremely
so are our eyes on the Lord, our successful at the beginning of
God, till he have pity on us. R. his mission. But soon, he also
1st Reading Ez 2:2-5 met with misunderstanding and
In spite of the negative at- * Have pity on us, O Lord, opposition. In today’s Gospel
titude of many sinners, God have pity on us, for we are passage, we learn that he suf-
does not leave a stone unturned more than sated with con- fered his first setback in the very
in order to bring about their tempt; our souls are more than town where he had been reared
conversion. The call of young sated with the mockery of the and where he lived for about 30
Ezekiel to go and preach to the arrogant, with the contempt of years.
Israelites shows God’s constant the proud. R.
P –The Lord be with you!
concern for the salvation even All –And with your spirit!
of obstinate sinners. 2nd Reading 2 Cor 12:7-10
Even great saints have P – A proclamation from the
R –A proclamation from the their own limitations and “weak holy Gospel according to
Book of the Prophet Eze- points,” such as the mysterious Mark
kiel “thorn in the flesh” mentioned All – Glory to you, O Lord!
As the Lord spoke to me, by St. Paul in today’s passage. Jesus departed from there
the spirit entered into me and In God’s eyes, all that matters is and came to his native place,
set me on my feet, and I heard our constant cooperation with accompanied by his disciples.
the one who was speaking say His grace. When the sabbath came he be-
to me: “Son of man, I am send- R –A proclamation from the gan to teach in the synagogue,
ing you to the Israelites, rebels Second Letter of Paul to the and many who heard him were
who have rebelled against me. Corinthians astonished. They said, “Where
They and their ancestors have did this man get all this? What
revolted against me to this very Brothers and sisters: kind of wisdom has been given
day. Hard of face and obstinate That I, Paul, might not him? What mighty deeds are
of heart are they to whom I am become too elated, because wrought by his hands! Is he not
sending you. But you shall say of the abundance of the rev- the carpenter, the son of Mary,
to them: ‘Thus says the Lord elations, a thorn in the flesh and the brother of James and
God!’ And whether they heed was given to me, an angel of Joses and Judas and Simon?
or resist – for they are a rebel- Satan, to beat me, to keep me And are not his sisters here
lious house – they shall know from being too elated. Three with us?” And they took of-
that a prophet has been among times I begged the Lord about fense at him.
them.” this, that it might leave me, Jesus said to them, “A
but he said to me, “My grace prophet is not without honor
The Word of the Lord! is sufficient for you, for power
All – Thanks be to God! except in his native place and
is made perfect in weakness.” among his own kin and in his
I will rather boast most own house.” So he was not able
Responsorial Psalm Ps 123 gladly of my weaknesses, in to perform any mighty deed
R –Our eyes are fixed on the order that the power of Christ there, apart from curing a few
Lord, pleading for his mer- may dwell with me. Therefore, sick people by laying his hands
cy! I am content with weaknesses, on them. He was amazed at
R. M. Velez insults, hardships, persecu- their lack of faith.
Dm Gm tions, and constraints, for the
      
sake of Christ; for when I am The Gospel of the Lord!
 weak, then I am strong. All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God! Homily
C Dm
        Gospel Acclamation Lk 4:18 Profession of Faith
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
plea-ding for his mer-cy! All – Alleluia! Alleluia! All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
* To you I lift up my eyes The Spirit of the Lord is ther almighty, maker of heaven
who are enthroned in heaven upon me for he sent me to and earth, of all things visible
– as the eyes of servants are on bring glad tidings to the and invisible.
the hands of their masters. poor. I believe in one Lord Jesus
R. Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ, the Only Begotten Son

GLOSSARY: • Brothers and sisters of Jesus: Catholic and Orthodox traditions have constantly understood that the terms “brothers” and
“sisters,” when used in reference to Jesus, mean close relatives, such as cousins and stepbrothers/sisters. In the Bible, in fact, the words
“brother” and “sister” have a wider meaning than siblings born of the same parents.

4 July 2021
of God, born of the Father be- C –That those who receive dead, he gave us life eternal.
fore all ages. God from God, God’s call to the prophetic min- And so, with Angels and
Light from Light, true God from istry today may not be frightened Archangels, with Thrones and
true God, begotten, not made, by the challenges of their mis- Dominions, and with all the
consubstantial with the Father; sion, let us pray! R. hosts and Powers of heaven, we
through him all things were C –That those who are called to sing the hymn of your glory, as
made. For us men and for our exercise the prophetic ministry without end we acclaim:
salvation he came down from in the Church may always con- All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy form their lives to the message of hosts. Heaven and earth are
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- they proclaim, let us pray! R. full of your glory. Hosanna in
gin Mary, and became man.* the highest!
For our sake he was crucified C –Let us pray in silence for our
personal intentions. (Pause) Blessed is he who comes in
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- the name of the Lord. Hosanna
fered death and was buried, and Let us pray! R.
in the highest!
rose again on the third day in P –Lord God, send us many
accordance with the Scriptures. and worthy prophets to help us Memorial Acclamation
He ascended into heaven and is know Your will clearly and carry
seated at the right hand of the it out faithfully, through Christ P –The mystery of faith!
Father. He will come again in our Lord. All –When we eat this Bread
glory to judge the living and the All – Amen! and drink this Cup, we pro-
dead and his kingdom will have claim your Death, O Lord,
no end. until you come again!
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life, who
proceeds from the Father and
the Son, who with the Father Preparation of the Gifts
and the Son is adored and glori- P –Pray, brethren . . .
fied, who has spoken through All – Our Father . . .
All – May the Lord accept the P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
the prophets. sacrifice at your hands, for the
I believe in one, holy, cath- All –For the kingdom, the
praise and glory of his name, power, and the glory are
olic and apostolic Church. I for our good and the good of all
confess one Baptism for the yours, now and for ever.
his holy Church.
forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of Prayer over the Offerings Sign of Peace
the dead and the life of the world
to come. Amen! P –May this oblation dedicated Breaking of the Bread
to your name purify us, O Lord,
and day by day bring our conduct All – Lamb of God, you take
Prayer of the Faithful away the sins of the world: have
closer to the life of heaven.
P –Prophets have always been Through Christ our Lord. mercy on us. (2x)
eloquent signs of God’s love for All – Amen! Lamb of God, you take
His people. We need them today away the sins of the world:
as much as in the past. Let us Preface II grant us peace.
pray for all those called to the
prophetic service in our days, P –The Lord be with you!
All –And with your spirit! Communion
P –Lift up your hearts! P –This is the Lord Jesus,
All –Lord, graciously hear us! the great prophet of the
All – We lift them up to the Lord!
C –That the Catholic Church P –Let us give thanks to the Father. He is the Lamb of God
may constantly fulfill her pro- Lord our God! who takes away the sins of the
phetic role in the world without All –It is right and just! world. Blessed are those called
fear, ambiguity, or compromise, to his Supper.
let us pray! R. P –It is truly right and just, our All –Lord, I am not worthy
duty and our salvation, always that you should enter under
C –That the message of the and everywhere to give you
prophets of old, wisely applied my roof, but only say the word
thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- and my soul shall be healed.
by the Holy Father and the bish-
mighty and eternal God, through
ops to our present situation,
may bear abundant fruits, let us Christ our Lord. Communion Antiphon
pray! R. Out of compassion for the (To be recited only when no
waywardness that is ours, he Communion Hymn is sung.)
C –That the gift of authentic humbled himself and was born of
prophecy may flourish in the the Virgin; by the passion of the Taste and see that the Lord
Church, and be duly recognized Cross, he freed us from unend- is good; blessed the man who
by all the faithful, let us pray! R. ing death, and by rising from the seeks refuge in him.

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Prayer after Communion P –Bow your heads and pray for message you are called to
God’s blessing. (Pause) proclaim in your society.
P –Grant, we pray, O Lord,
May you always listen rever- All – Amen!
that, having been replenished
by such great gifts, we may gain ently to the message of the P – May almighty God bless
the prize of salvation and never prophets of old that reaches you: the Father, and the
cease to praise you. us through the Scriptures. Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Through Christ our Lord. All – Amen! All – Amen!
All – Amen! P –May you grow in the aware- P –Go in peace and be prophets
ness that you, too, are par- of the Lord in your daily
ticipants in the prophetic life.
mission of Christ. All – Thanks be to God!
All – Amen!
P –The Lord be with you. P –May your life be a constant
All – And with your spirit! witness to the prophetic
Word & Life Publications

Rejected By His Own People

eing appreciated and accepted is a basic this very day. Such is their tragedy. “To his own
human need. Rejection always inflicts a he came. Yet his own did not accept him” (Jn
moral wound which hurts us all the more 1:11)! Jesus wept bitterly over the failure of his
when it comes from the people we love. people to recognize the time of God’s “visita-
Most of the prophets of Israel, especially tion” (Lk 19:41-44).
Jeremiah and Ezekiel, suffered some forms of All these serve as a warning addressed to the
rejection at the hands of the very people to whom whole world (including us) today. It is not enough
God had sent them. (See the First Reading.) to acclaim Jesus as “Superstar,” “wise man,” “friend
Jesus Christ, the greatest of all prophets, of the poor.” We have to accept him especially as
did not enjoy a better deal. Old Simeon had the Son of God and Savior of all mankind. Refusal
prophesied that he would be “a sign that will be to acknowledge him as such, is the worst form of
opposed” (Lk 2:34). And the Nazareans – the spiritual suicide we could ever commit, for “there is
townsfolk of Jesus – took upon themselves the no salvation in anyone else” (Acts 4:12)!
sad task of beginning to fulfill that ominous
prophecy. (See Mk 6:3-6.)
They thought that they knew Jesus well Enjoy Pope Francis’ heart-warming
(see Mk 6:3). He had been one of them for latest Apostolic Letter on St. Joseph:
thirty years! When he went back to them as the In addiƟon to the Holy Father’s Apostolic
“bearer of the Good News,” they refused to see LeƩer, this beauƟful homage to St. Joseph is
and accept him as “the Christ,” the Anointed accompanied by:
One of God, the Savior of the world – their Sav- 1. a historical background to the proclama-
ior. Their prejudices blinded them to the point of Ɵon of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal
rejecting the salvation Jesus had come to offer. Church and of the “Year of St. Joseph”
And this distressed him so much. (See Mk 6:6.) 2. a topical collecƟon
But the rejection by the townsfolk of Naza- of passages from
reth was just the beginning, almost an “acted- Pope Francis’ “Patris
out prophecy” foreshadowing the numerous Corde”;
other rejections Jesus would suffer and which 3. a simple Subject Index,
would culminate in the one that brought him to and
Calvary – the worst rejection orchestrated and 4. a collecƟon of prayers
spearheaded by the religious authorities of the and hymns in honor
people. of this great Saint.
The rejection of Jesus as the “Messiah” by
the majority of the people of Israel continues to Order now from Word & Life PublicaƟons
or online through Shopee:

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