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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

9 October 2022 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C



e Filipinos pride ourselves on being people with “utang na
loob” – persons who feel grateful for favors received. This is a
precious cultural value. Gratitude is highly praised by Jesus in
today’s Gospel passage.
Unfortunately, sometimes, while being so ready to express our grati-
tude for favors received from human beings, we are less grateful to God,
who is our greatest Benefactor. A real Christian gives thanks to the Tri-
une God both individually and as a member of the community, especially
through the celebration of the Eucharist, the greatest act of thanksgiving
which we can offer to Him.
Let us be grateful in a special manner for our rich cultural heritage,
as we remember our ethnic brothers and sisters and pray for them today,
Indigenous Peoples’ Sunday.

mind our sins, especially the sin Gloria

of ingratitude. (Pause)
All – Glory to God in the high-
P –For the times we have neg- est, and on earth peace to people
Entrance Antiphon lected to thank you for all of good will. We praise you,
(To be recited only when no En- your generosity to us, Lord, we bless you, we adore you, we
trance Hymn is sung.) have mercy! glorify you, we give you thanks
All –Lord, have mercy!
If you, O Lord, should mark for your great glory, Lord God,
iniquities, Lord, who could P –For the times we have taken heavenly King, O God, almighty
stand? But with you is found for granted your love and Father.
forgiveness, O God of Israel. forgiveness, and have failed Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
to change for the better, gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
Christ, have mercy! God, Son of the Father, you take
Greeting All –Christ, have mercy! away the sins of the world, have
P –Grace and peace from God P –For the times we have taken mercy on us; you take away the
our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, our neighbor for granted sins of the world, receive our
and the Holy Spirit be with you and have failed to show our prayer; you are seated at the right
all! gratitude to them, Lord, hand of the Father, have mercy
All – And with your spirit! have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
All –Lord, have mercy! One, you alone are the Lord, you
Penitential Act P – May almighty God have alone are the Most High, Jesus
P –As we prepare to offer the mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
great thanksgiving of the Eu- and bring us to everlasting life. in the glory of God the Father.
charistic Sacrifice, let us call to All – Amen! Amen!

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Collect (Opening Prayer) we shall also live with him;
P –May your grace, O Lord, we if we persevere, we shall also
pray, at all times go before us and reign with him. But if we deny
follow after and make us always him, he will deny us. If we are
determined to carry out good unfaithful, he remains faith-
works. ful, for he cannot deny him-
Through our Lord Jesus * Sing to the Lord a new self.
Christ, your Son, who lives and song, for he has done wondrous
deeds. His right hand has won The Word of the Lord!
reigns with you in the unity of All – Thanks be to God!
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and victory for him, his holy arm.
ever. R.
Gospel Acclamation 1 Thes 5:18
All – Amen!
* The Lord has made his All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
salvation known: in the sight of In all circumstances, give
the nations he has revealed his thanks, for this is the will
justice. He has remembered his of God for you in Christ
kindness and his faithfulness Jesus.
1st Reading 2 Kgs 5:14-17 toward the house of Israel. R. Alleluia! Alleluia!
Naaman’s beautiful example
* All the ends of the earth
of gratitude and humility is an
have seen the salvation by our
Gospel Lk 17:11-19
encouragement to each of us to Faith and gratitude are
practise these virtues whenever God. Sing joyfully to the Lord,
all you lands: break into song; two virtues highlighted in to-
we receive some favor either from day’s Gospel passage. Faith is
the Lord or our neighbor. sing praise! R.
the condition to obtain healing
R – A proclamation from the 2nd Reading 2 Tim 2:8-13 and salvation. Gratitude is what
Second Book of Kings Faithfulness to Jesus Christ ennobles the receiver and pleas-
Naaman went down and in all circumstances of life is es the donor. Jesus praises the
plunged into the Jordan seven the mark of true discipleship. gratitude of the lone Samaritan,
times at the word of Elisha, the Such has been the example of even as he painfully condemns
man of God. His flesh became the apostle Paul and all other the ingratitude of the nine lepers
again like the flesh of a little saints. Such should also be the who did not thank their Healer.
child, and he was clean of his characteristic of our life. P –The Lord be with you!
leprosy. All –And with your spirit!
R – A proclamation from the
Naaman returned with Second Letter of Paul to P – A proclamation from the holy
his whole retinue to the man of Timothy Gospel according to Luke
God. On his arrival he stood All – Glory to you, O Lord!
before Elisha and said, “Now Beloved: Remember Jesus
I know that there is no God in Christ, raised from the dead, As Jesus continued his
all the earth, except in Israel. a descendant of David: such journey to Jerusalem, he trav-
Please, accept a gift from your is my gospel, for which I am eled through Samaria and Gal-
servant.” suffering, even to the point of ilee. As he was entering a vil-
Elisha replied, “As the chains, like a criminal. lage, ten lepers met him. They
Lord lives whom I serve, I will But the word of God is stood at a distance from him
not take it.” And despite Naa- not chained. Therefore, I bear and raised their voices saying,
man’s urging, he still refused. with everything for the sake of “Jesus, Master! Have pity on
Naaman said: “If you will not those who are chosen, so that us!” And when he saw them,
accept, please let me, your ser- they too may obtain the salva- he said, “Go, show yourselves
vant, have two mule-loads of tion that is in Christ Jesus, to the priests.” As they were
earth, for I will no longer offer together with eternal glory. going, they were cleansed.
holocaust or sacrifice to any This saying is trustwor- One of them, realizing he
other god except to the Lord.” thy: If we have died with him, had been healed, returned,
The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God! GLOSSARY: • Naaman: A general of the Syrian army who became a leper. At the
suggestion of one of his slave girls, he went to Israel to seek healing from Elisha. Upon
Responsorial Psalm Ps 98 instruction from the Prophet, Naaman bathed in the Jordan River seven times and
R –The Lord has revealed to the was healed. In gratitude for the healing, he professed his faith in the Lord. • Elisha: A
nations his saving power! prophet who lived in the Northern Kingdom during the second half of the 9th century
B.C. A farmer by profession, Elisha was called to the prophetic ministry by Elijah (see
1 Kgs 19:19-21). • Samaria: A region of Palestine between Galilee (North) and Judea
(South). Its capital was a city carrying the same name. • Samaritans: The inhabitants
of the region of Samaria. They were descendants of foreign groups who had settled
in Samaria after the fall of the Northern Kingdom (720 B.C.), and had intermarried
with the Jews who had avoided the deportation ordered by the king of the Assyrians.

9 October 2022
glorifying God in a loud voice. Prayer of the Faithful for our good and the good of all
He fell at the feet of Jesus and P –Taking our cue from the his holy Church.
thanked him. He was a Sa- lepers in today’s Gospel passage
maritan. Jesus said in reply, who were healed because of their
Prayer over the Offerings
“Ten were cleansed, were they faith, let us submit our petitions P –Accept, O Lord, the prayers
not? Where are the other nine? to the Lord with humble grati- of your faithful with the sacrifi-
Has none but this foreigner re- tude as we say: cial offerings, that, through these
turned to give thanks to God?” acts of devotedness, we may pass
Then he said to him, “Stand up All –Lord, graciously hear us!
over to the glory of heaven.
and go; your faith has saved C –For the Church, the com- Through Christ our Lord.
you.” munity of believers spread All – Amen!
throughout the world: May she
The Gospel of the Lord! always be a shining example of Preface IV (Common)
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus faith and gratitude. Let us pray!
Christ! P –It is truly right and just,
R. our duty and our salvation, al-
C –For the Holy Father, the ways and everywhere to give
Homily bishops, and all our spiritual you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
leaders: May they always be almighty and eternal God.
Profession of Faith signs and instruments of Jesus’ For, although you have
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) readiness to assist the sick and no need of our praise, yet our
the poor. Let us pray! R. thanksgiving is itself your gift,
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- since our praises add nothing to
ther almighty, maker of heaven C –For all indigenous peoples: your greatness but profit us for
and earth, of all things visible May they be empowered to pro- our salvation, through Christ our
and invisible. tect their ancestral lands, rich Lord.
I believe in one Lord Jesus cultural heritage, and their rights And so, in company with the
Christ, the Only Begotten Son as a people, with the full support choirs of Angels, we praise you,
of their fellow Filipinos. Let us and with joy we proclaim:
of God, born of the Father be- All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
fore all ages. God from God, pray! R.
of hosts. Heaven and earth are
Light from Light, true God from C –For all of us, gathered to full of your glory. Hosanna in
true God, begotten, not made, thank the Lord for His goodness: the highest!
consubstantial with the Father; May we constantly manifest our Blessed is he who comes in
through him all things were gratitude through a life of dedi- the name of the Lord. Hosanna
made. For us men and for our cated service to Him and our in the highest!
salvation he came down from neighbor. Let us pray! R.
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy C –For the poorest among us: Memorial Acclamation
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- May they be restored to their P –The mystery of faith!
gin Mary, and became man.* dignity through adequate legisla- All –We proclaim your Death,
For our sake he was crucified tion, and assisted in their needs O Lord, and profess your
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- through our generosity. Let us Resurrection until you
fered death and was buried, and pray! R. come again!
rose again on the third day in C –Let us pray in silence for our
accordance with the Scriptures. personal intentions. (Pause)
He ascended into heaven and is Let us pray! R.
seated at the right hand of the P –Lord God, source of all
Father. He will come again in goodness and strength, we thank All – Our Father . . .
glory to judge the living and the You for all Your generosity to- P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
dead and his kingdom will have ward us. Continue to empower All –For the kingdom, the
no end. us to work for the good of the power, and the glory are
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Church as brothers and sisters of yours, now and for ever.
the Lord, the giver of life, who Jesus, Your Son, who lives and
proceeds from the Father and heals for ever and ever.
Sign of Peace
the Son, who with the Father All –Amen!
and the Son is adored and glori-
Breaking of the Bread
fied, who has spoken through
the prophets. All – Lamb of God . . .
I believe in one, holy, cath-
olic and apostolic Church. I Communion
Preparation of the Gifts
confess one Baptism for the P –Behold the Lamb of God,
forgiveness of sins and I look P – Pray, brethren . . . behold him who takes away the
forward to the resurrection of All – May the Lord accept the sins of the world. Blessed are
the dead and the life of the world sacrifice at your hands, for the those called to the Supper of the
to come. Amen! praise and glory of his name, Lamb.

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

All –Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under THE SPLENDOR OF GRATITUDE
my roof, but only say the word by Jess P. Balon
and my soul shall be healed.

Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no
T he word “thanks” is just one syllable, but many are un-
able to pronounce it. This is due not to a speech impedi-
ment but to a moral deficiency which paralyzes their hearts.
Communion Hymn is sung.) Some are fast in asking for favors, but very slow in showing
The rich suffer want and go gratitude once they have received what they wanted.
hungry, but those who seek the The group of nine lepers who were cured by Jesus and
Lord lack no blessing. walked away unmindful of their benefactor, is just a tiny
delegation of the immense crowd of ungrateful persons
Prayer after Communion who take everybody, every service, everything for grant-
P –We entreat your majesty ed. They take people for granted, even when the favor or
most humbly, O Lord, that, as service received may have cost a lot of sacrifice. They take
you feed us with the nourishment God for granted – His gift of creation, the gift of their very
which comes from the most holy persons, with all the wonderful qualities of soul and body.
Body and Blood of your Son, so
you may make us sharers of his . . . They take for granted His grace, the Church, the sacra-
divine nature. ments, eternal life!
Who lives and reigns for ever Ungrateful people are too blind, too deaf, too insensi-
and ever. tive, too dull or too proud to say thanks to anyone, includ-
All – Amen! ing God. If He could ever be saddened, human ingratitude
would surely make Him very sad.
Gratitude is spontaneous for few. For most of us, how-
ever, it is a virtue acquired gradually, just like humility, gen-
erosity and honesty, virtues on which gratitude is based.
P –The Lord be with you. We have to learn to be attentive and responsive even to
All – And with your spirit! the smallest signs of kindness or generosity toward us. We
have to learn to show appreciation for what other people
P –Bow your heads and pray
and God have done and do for us. Without our realizing
for God’s blessing. (Pause)
– May the Lord make you ap- it, such an awareness enriches us immensely as does the
preciative of the many signs awareness that we are loved, and the desire to love in
of goodness and love in the return. Gratitude is indeed a form of love – love returned:
people around you. a simple way of being great; a great way of being human.
All – Amen! There are so many ways of being thankful. It can be a
P –May He instill in you a sin- written note, a gentle smile, a sincere handshake, a deli-
cere gratitude even for the cate caress, a silent tear, a word uttered when it is time to
smallest signs of service speak out, or a word kept unsaid when love demands that it
and love that you receive. should not be said.
All – Amen!
Whatever form it may take, gratitude can never be a
P –May the Lord give you the momentary formality. When it becomes such, it is hypocrisy.
grace to persevere in doing Real gratitude is rooted deep in the “heart” of a person. It is
good especially to those who
are most in need of social as- “utang na loob” that characterizes a person’s life and estab-
sistance and solidarity. lishes him/her in a permanent attitude of being a grateful
All – Amen! debtor. Such deeply rooted attitude becomes a wonderful
P –May almighty God bless “habit” that comes alive whenever the occasion demands
you: the Father, and the it, and inspires others to do likewise.
Son, and the Holy Spirit. Then life becomes an unceasing “eucharist” – a continu-
All – Amen! ous thanksgiving, a joyous offering of self to God and neigh-
P –Go in peace, glorifying the bor, in imitation of Jesus and in union with him, who taught
Lord by your life! men and women of all generations the real meaning and the
All – Thanks be to God! million shades of “utang na loob.”

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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