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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

4 February 2024 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

God Is Close to the Brokenhearted

n a world full of suffering and illnesses, Jesus was the most powerful

I “total Healer.” His presence brought hope and salvation to all the af-
flicted, even as it meant defeat for the Evil One.
The “healing journey,” which began on the trail of the proclamation
of the Gospel two thousand years ago, continues today in the whole
world. Christ, the compassionate Healer, continues his mission through
the Church and all the people of goodwill who care for the sick and the
afflicted. Wherever human beings do their best to relieve the pains of
their neighbor, Christ is present and active in them as instruments of his
healing love.

P –Lord Jesus, you came to Lord Jesus Christ, Only

share the frailty of our hu- Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
man nature. Lord, have of God, Son of the Father, you
mercy! take away the sins of the world,
Entrance Antiphon All – Lord, have mercy! have mercy on us; you take away
(To be recited only when no P –Lord Jesus, you came to the sins of the world, receive our
Entrance Hymn is sung.) heal our ills and sufferings. prayer; you are seated at the
O come, let us worship God Christ, have mercy! right hand of the Father, have
and bow low before the God All –Christ, have mercy! mercy on us. For you alone are
who made us, for he is the Lord the Holy One, you alone are the
our God. P –Lord Jesus, you came to
preach the good news to the Lord, you alone are the Most
poor. Lord, have mercy! High, Jesus Christ, with the
Greeting Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
All – Lord, have mercy!
P – In the name of the Father, the Father. Amen!
and of the Son, and of the Holy P –May almighty God have
Spirit! mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
All –Amen! and bring us to everlasting life. Collect (Opening Prayer)
P –Grace and peace from God All – Amen! P –Keep your family safe, O
our Father and the Lord Jesus Lord, with unfailing care, that,
Christ be with you! Gloria relying solely on the hope of
All – And with your spirit! All – Glory to God in the high- heavenly grace, they may be de-
est, and on earth peace to people fended always by your protection.
Penitential Act of good will. We praise you, Through our Lord Jesus
P –Coming together as God’s we bless you, we adore you, we Christ, your Son, who lives and
family, with confidence let us glorify you, we give you thanks reigns with you in the unity of
ask the Lord’s forgiveness, for he for your great glory, Lord God, the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and
is full of gentleness and compas- heavenly King, O God, almighty ever.
sion. (Pause) Father. All – Amen!

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* Great is our Lord and holy Gospel according to
mighty in power; to his wis- Mark
dom, there is no limit. The All – Glory to you, O Lord!
Lord sustains the lowly; the
1st Reading Jb 7:1-4.6-7 wicked he casts to the ground. On leaving the synagogue
Sufferings and frustrations are R. Jesus entered the house of Si-
part and parcel of human life. mon and Andrew with James
Even good people suffer as the 2nd Reading 1 Cor 9:16-19. and John. Simon’s mother-in-
dramatic story of Job confirms. 22-23 law lay sick with a fever. They
Unable to understand the cause Here is a beautiful synthesis of immediately told him about
of his trials, the poor man drew how St. Paul viewed his preach- her. He approached, grasped
the pessimistic conclusions we ing and all that he did for the her hand, and helped her up.
read in today’s passage. sake of the Gospel. Then the fever left her, and she
waited on them.
R – A proclamation from the R – A proclamation from the When it was evening, after
Book of Job First Letter of Paul to the sunset, they brought to Jesus
Corinthians all who were ill or possessed by
Job spoke, saying: Is not
man’s life on earth a drudg- Brothers and sisters: If I demons. The whole town was
ery? Are not his days those of preach the gospel, this is no gathered at the door. He cured
a hireling? He is a slave who reason for me to boast, for an many who were sick with vari-
longs for the shade, a hireling obligation has been imposed ous diseases, and he drove out
who waits for his wages. So I on me, and woe to me if I do many demons, not permitting
have been assigned months of not preach it! If I do so will- them to speak because they
misery, and troubled nights ingly, I have a recompense, but knew him.
have been allotted to me. if unwillingly, then I have been Rising very early be-
If in bed I say, “When shall entrusted with a stewardship. fore dawn, he left and went
I arise?” then the night drags What then is my recom- off to a deserted place, where
on; I am filled with restlessness pense? That, when I preach, I he prayed. Simon and those
until the dawn. offer the gospel free of charge who were with him pursued
My days are swifter than a so as not to make full use of my him and on finding him said,
weaver’s shuttle; they come to right in the gospel. Although I “Everyone is looking for you.”
an end without hope. am free in regard to all, I have He told them, “Let us go on to
Remember that my life is made myself a slave to all so the nearby villages that I may
like the wind; I shall not see as to win over as many as pos- preach there also. For this pur-
happiness again. sible. To the weak I became pose have I come.”
weak, to win over the weak. I So he went into their syna-
The Word of the Lord! gogues, preaching and driving
All – Thanks be to God! have become all things to all,
to save at least some. All this I out demons throughout the
do for the sake of the gospel, so whole of Galilee.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 147
that I too may have a share in The Gospel of the Lord!
R –Praise the Lord, who heals it. All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
the brokenhearted! The Word of the Lord! Christ!
All – Thanks be to God!
Gospel Acclamation Mt 8:17
All – Alleluia! Alleluia! Profession of Faith
Christ took away our in- (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
firmities and bore our dis- All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
eases. ther almighty, maker of heaven
Alleluia! Alleluia! and earth, of all things visible
and invisible.
Gospel Mk 1:29-39 I believe in one Lord Jesus
* Praise the Lord, for he is Jesus was constantly available Christ, the Only Begotten Son
good; sing praise to our God, to bring about the good of oth- of God, born of the Father be-
for he is gracious; it is fitting to ers, especially the sick and those fore all ages. God from God,
praise him. The Lord rebuilds tormented by the devil. In today’s Light from Light, true God from
Jerusalem; the dispersed of Gospel, St. Mark emphasizes this true God, begotten, not made,
Israel he gathers. R. trait by giving us the tableau of consubstantial with the Father;
a typical day in the Lord’s life. through him all things were
* He heals the brokenheart- made. For us men and for our
ed and binds up their wounds. P –The Lord be with you! salvation he came down from
He tells the number of the All –And with your spirit! heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
stars; he calls each by name. R. P –A proclamation from the Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
4 February 2024
gin Mary, and became man.* C –For all mankind: May the ever praise you in your mighty
For our sake he was crucified Holy Spirit instill in us respect works, through Christ our Lord.
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- for the sacredness of human life And so, with all the Angels,
fered death and was buried, and from the moment of conception we praise you, as in joyful cel-
rose again on the third day in until death, so that we may sup- ebration, we acclaim:
accordance with the Scriptures. port all those who struggle to All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
He ascended into heaven and is uphold this supreme value. Let God of hosts. Heaven and
seated at the right hand of the us pray! R. earth are full of your glory.
Father. He will come again in Hosanna in the highest!
glory to judge the living and the P –Lord God, enable us to imi- Blessed is he who comes in
dead and his kingdom will have tate Jesus “the Man for Others” the name of the Lord. Hosan-
no end. who bends with compassion over na in the highest!
I believe in the Holy Spirit, those who suffer in any form.
May we learn from him to be Memorial Acclamation
the Lord, the giver of life, who
close to the brokenhearted and
proceeds from the Father and the P –The mystery of faith!
be for them instruments of Your
Son, who with the Father and the healing love. You who live and All –Save us, Savior of the
Son is adored and glorified, who care for ever and ever! world, for by your Cross
has spoken through the prophets. All – Amen! and Resurrection you
I believe in one, holy, catholic have set us free.
and apostolic Church. I confess
one Baptism for the forgiveness
of sins and I look forward to the
resurrection of the dead and the
life of the world to come. Amen! Preparation of the Gifts All – Our Father . . .
Prayer of the Faithful P –Pray, brethren . . . P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
All – May the Lord accept the All –For the kingdom, the
P –Let us approach with con- power, and the glory are
sacrifice at your hands, for the
fidence the throne of Divine yours, now and for ever.
praise and glory of his name,
Mercy and present our petitions
for our good and the good of all
to the Lord in the firm assurance Sign of Peace
his holy Church.
that he will hear our prayer:
Breaking of the Bread
All –Lord, graciously hear us! Prayer over the Offerings
All – Lamb of God, you take
C –For the universal Church P –O Lord our God, who once away the sins of the world: have
who continues through the cen- established these created things mercy on us. (2x)
turies the healing mission of to sustain us in our frailty, grant, Lamb of God, you take
Christ: May she do so with faith- we pray, that they may become away the sins of the world:
ful generosity. Let us pray! R. for us now the Sacrament of eter- grant us peace.
nal life.
C –For the Holy Father and all
Through Christ our Lord. Communion
those involved in the preaching
All – Amen!
of the Good News: May they P –This is the Lord Jesus, the
see the fruits of their ministry in Preface V source of all life, the Lamb of
the lives of their flocks. Let us God who takes away the sins of
pray! R. P –The Lord be with you! the world. Blessed are those who
All –And with your spirit! are invited to the Banquet of the
C –For doctors, nurses and all P –Lift up your hearts!
other people who are involved in Kingdom.
All – We lift them up to the Lord! All – Lord, I am not worthy
the healing ministry: May they P –Let us give thanks to the
see Jesus in their patients and that you should enter under
Lord our God! my roof, but only say the
treat them with reverent care. Let
All –It is right and just! word and my soul shall be
us pray! R. healed.
P –It is truly right and just,
C –For all the sick and the aged: our duty and our salvation, al-
May they find in their relatives Communion Antiphon
ways and everywhere to give
and the rest of the community the you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
(To be recited only when no
loving care that will enable them almighty and eternal God.
Communion Hymn is sung.)
to bear their crosses with dignity For you laid the foundations Let them thank the Lord for
and hope. Let us pray! R. of the world and have arranged his mercy, his wonders for the
C –For the members of our the changing of times and sea- children of men, for he satisfies
community: May we learn from sons; you formed man in your the thirsty soul, and the hun-
Jesus to be patient with all, and own image and set humanity gry he fills with good things.
be full of zeal for the preaching over the whole world in all its
of the Good News. Let us pray! wonder, to rule in your name Prayer after Communion
R. over all you have made and for P –O God, who have willed
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
that we be partakers in the one 
Bread and the one Chalice, grant Kalakbay at Katoto
us, we pray, so to live that, made
one in Christ, we may joyfully
bear fruit for the salvation of the
T oday, the Lord’s gospel message confronts us with a sense of ur-
gency. There is a little air of apparent compulsion as we hear the
Lord say “Let us go on to the other villages, that I may preach there
Through Christ our Lord. also. For this purpose have I come.” But this challenge is preceded by
All – Amen! yet another paradox, an apparent contradiction in images, presented
in the first reading by a figure of a tired and weary, complaining Job
whose laments strike us to the core: “Is not man’s life a drudgery? Are
not his days those of hirelings? He is a slave who longs for the shade,
a hireling who waits for his wages?”
P –The Lord be with you. Job would most likely have made a very good trial lawyer! His ar-
All –And with your spirit! gumentation is very cogent. His reasoning appears logical. And the
P –Bow your heads and pray cases he stands for are all very existential! They are all very real, and
for God’s blessing. (Pause) close to the experience of anyone who has seen suffering in any form.
– May the Lord grant you Will anyone please who has not suffered stand up?
good health that you may
contribute to the welfare of I address myself to you who all long for respite from so much “sweat
your family and the rest of and care and cumber; sorrows passing number!” I address myself
the community. to you who, like Job, can identify with the slave who longs for the
All –Amen! shade. I identify myself with thousands of Filipino fathers who, in
P –May the Lord give you a their desire to give their children a brighter future, have endured, and
compassionate heart toward still endure, so many long years of absence from family and loved
all those who suffer, that ones. I identify myself with even bigger numbers of mothers who
you may become for them often single-handedly try with might and main, to raise and educate
signs and instruments of a brood of impressionable young minds fast falling prey to the lure of
His healing love. social media and malls, and the allure of woke-ism and the siren songs
All –Amen! of false narratives and fake news. I identify myself with forlorn and
abandoned children of absentee parents who work abroad!
P –May He make you messen- I address this piece of good news to you in pain, you in sorrow, you
gers of His healing love to who are siding with Job, you who seem to ask in the midst of so much
all those you meet in your darkness and uncertainty, “When shall I arise?”
All –Amen! Yes, I address myself to fellow Filipinos whose very questioning deep
P –May almighty God bless in their troubled hearts betray a very deep sense of hope and faith. I
you: the Father, and the then ask you to look at this other side of the picture – the proverbial
Son, and the Holy Spirit. resiliency of the Filipino, the almost unlimited capacity to endure,
All – Amen! the admirable ability of the Filipino to bounce back, to come out the
P –Go in peace to love and winner despite the odds!
serve the Lord in your
neighbor. Today’s good news rings loud and clear for us: God is close to the
All – Thanks be to God! broken-hearted! Our response today, mind you, is not more of Job’s
plaints and cries. It is more like a Job renewed, a Job refreshed, a Job
risen from misery, and a Job back on his feet of steadfast trust and
faith in a God who “gives” and “takes away.” Praise the Lord, who
heals the brokenhearted! How can a man like Job do this? What is
behind all this turnaround? Read for yourself . . . Job’s problems were
not undone. His arguments failed to reverse his long list of woes. His
Listen to
losses never came back.
BISPERAS SA VERITAS But there is one thing that happened to him who was honest and
(846 kHz)
sincere enough to take his case to the God who is close to the broken-
Saturdays 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. hearted. Enslaved by suffering and pain without him looking for them,
WATCH VIA FB LIVE @ DZRV 846 he turned to the Lord and declared his helplessness.
FACEBOOK PAGE Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted!

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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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