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Final Draft Minor Project - III - Guidelines

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Plot No-2, Knowledge Park –III, Greater Noida

Minor Project III

(Code: PG19)
(No. of Credits: 0.5)

(BATCH: 2022-24, TERM: III)

The minor project is an important component of PGDM programme at G.L. Bajaj Institute of
Management and Research, Greater Noida. It is an attempt to provide an opportunity for
meaningful experiential learning by students with the aim to bridge their classroom learning and
real-world practices. The project accounts for 0.5 credit in which students do secondary research
on one company for the entire Term I. The project is a cross-functional experience for the
students, which would help develop depth knowledge about the company studied from inception
till date. This helps in building an orientation among the students on, how companyhas evolved
over a period of time and the product(s)/ service(s) offered. The purpose is to follow this with in
depth working on the same company in minor project of Term II (0.5 credit) and Term III (0.5
credit) with reference to competitor. Therefore, students by the end of Term III will be
encouraged to take up time bound multi-disciplinary and goal oriented projects aiming at the
futuristic contribution that the student can make during summer internship. This will add to the
student’s prospectiveemployability opportunity at the company studied.

• To prepare students for achieving better results during their Summer Internships and
Placement Interviews.
• To demonstrate a high level of critical thinking and lateral thinking for achieving the best
outcomes in the work assigned during the internship.
• To become aware of the business and the commercial environment by understanding the
key factors that contribute to the success of an organization
• To become time-bound, multi-disciplinary, goal orientated, innovative players

MPR III Course Outcome

1. Understand the Industry and competitive scenario of business that contribute to the
success of an organization and to link that to solve the business problems
2. Analyzing the Competitor’s functional areas to compare assigned company s market
position and performance
3. Apply critical thinking and lateral thinking approaches to discover the business issues
involved in running a business in competitive environment over a period of time.

4. Create and complete a minor research project report about a business organization vis a
vis a competitor with appropriate data analysis and meaningful insights about the

Program Outcome

PO-1. Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems.

PO-2. Foster Analytical and critical thinking abilities for data based decision making.

PO-3. Ability to develop value based leadership ability.

PO-4. Ability to understand, analyze and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical
aspects of the business.

PO-5. Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals,
contributing effectively to a team environment.

PO-6. Continuous lifelong learning and professional development to enrich business knowledge
and competencies.

PO-7. Apply appropriate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and digital tools for
business decision making.

COs / PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7

CO 1  M  M  H  H  M  H  H
CO 2  H  H  M  M  M  H  M
CO 3  H  M  H  H  H  H  H
CO 4  H  H  M  H  H  H  H
Averag H M M H M H H


MINOR PROJECT IIIwill cover an Analysis on a topic as per the specialization for the
companies allotted to you.Topic should be selected from your MAJOR area of specialization and
project has to be done on the same company allotted during trimester -I.The student needs to
discuss and finalize the topic in consultation with the faculty mentor. The analysis may be done
on the basis of Primary Data (Collected through the Questionnaire/ Interview/ On
siteObservation) or the Secondary Data (Collected from the company printed material,

Government sources, market reports etc.).The purpose of MPR -III is that the students by the end
of Term III will be able to take up time-bound multi-disciplinary and goal-oriented projects
aiming at the futuristic contribution that the student can make during the summer internship

S.N. Particulars Deadline

1 First Minor Project Progress  Review April 8, 2023

2 Final Report Submission April 12, 2023

3 Final Minor Project Presentation (Tentative) April 17, 2023

The minor project is a half credit course and carries a total of 100 marks. The table below lists
the weightage and marks as per their role and contribution in project assessment. The faculty
mentor will be responsible for evaluating the SIP at different stages. Evaluation will be

Sr. Assessment Component Percentage

No. Weightage (%)
1 Project Report Evaluation 40
2 Project Report Presentation Evaluation 60
Total Marks 100

Faculty Mentor’s Evaluation

Faculty mentor will evaluate students based on the interactions, timelines, incorporating
suggestions and feedbacks etc. during the minor project tenure.


Students need to ensure that data pertaining to all functional areas of business must be collected,
compiled and critically analyzed. The Students are required to follow the Project Report
guidelines template to bring uniformity and standardization in the report structure to be

General Guidelines
1. Each student will submit hard copy of the report, they will also required to mail the soft copy
of the report (in PDF format) to their respective Faculty Mentor.
2. Project report must be duly signed by the student intern and faculty mentor.
3. Project report should be spiral bound with a transparent cover sheet on the front and colored at
the back.
4. Good quality white A4 size paper should be used for printing the report.
5. The text material should be typed with one and a half spacing between the lines. Twelve point
font size is to be used in Times New Roman font.
6. Text should be justified (Ctrl +J).
7. The left margin and the right margin of the report should be 1.5 inch and 1 inch, respectively.
The top as well as bottom margin should be 1 inch. But, in the pages starting with a chapter, the
top margin should be 3 inch.
8. All text pages should be numbered at the bottom center of the pages.
9. Table and figure numbers are to be written at the bottom of the table/ figure along with source.
10. The Executive Summary should be in the prescribed format.
11. The Project Report should range in length between 30-50 pages with a deviation of three to
five pages.
12. The project report should be printed strictly according to the guidelines.
13. Be clear, crisp and relevant.
14. Use charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, pictures wherever necessary.

Format and Chapter Scheme of Minor Project Report

Students are required to follow below mentioned sequence for the preparation of Minor Project

Cover Page : Mention the Topic of your Minor Project with reference to your specialization and
company assigned to you here (See template in Annexure-A)
Faculty Guide Certificate :(See template in Annexure-B)
Acknowledgement :(See template in Annexure-C)
Executive Summary:
Executive summary should have a word range of 350 – 400 words. The executive summary
should be in a caselet style skimming the entire company details. Students need to include write-
up of around 50 words on each of the following heads:
 Briefly introduce the topicof research (primary or secondary)
 Brief about the objectives of the study
 Brief about the methodology used to study the topic
 Brief about major findings
 Brief conclusive summary

Table of Content
Table of content is the catalogue of the project report, which summarizes every aspect of the
List of Tables
List of Figures
In project reports, the data and results are presented in the form of tables for quick grasp. Each
and every table must be numbered. The numbering should be such that it is internal to each
chapter. For example, if the total number of tables in Chapter 4 is 20, then the numbering should
be from Table 4.1 to Table 4.20 and similarly for figures.
List of Abbreviations

Chapter Scheme
Chapter-1: Introduction to the topic and Literature review

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. The first step of the project work is to
choose a suitable topic for study with reference to comparison of your assigned company with
its competitor on one of the parameter related to your major specialization area.

Thus, this chapter should begin by clearly stating the research title reflecting the scope of the
investigation. The general aim of the study as well as well as its specific objectives should be
clearly stated in this chapter. Given the problem and the theoretical perspective for investigation
of the problem, the proposal should clearly bring out the concepts to be used and demonstrate
their relevance for the study.

Before you start your project it is essential to carry out a preliminary survey of the available
literature on the topic. You should consult the bibliographies of project report in libraries and
skim through some reports on similar topics. An access to this information will help you in
crystallizing the design of your study and exploring the uncovered areas.

Chapter-2: Company and Major Competitor’s Profile

(a) About the Company and Competitor: Brief profile of the Industry/s including its current
status from which the company/group belongs, Vision and Mission statement, Explain
the nature of the Organization and its business (service/production/trading etc), and
product range of the company. Organization Structure: Mention Key personals and
hierarchy of the organization. Size (in terms of manpower & turnover) of organization
(b) About Product Line, depth and width, market share and other insightful data including
financial statements
(c) PESTEL Analysis, SWOT Analysis of Competitor

Chapter-3: Methodology

The quality of your project work will depend upon the methodology you adopt for your study.
Methodology in turn depends upon the nature of the project work.The student must describe in
detail (a) the scope and coverage of her/his study; and (b) approach and methodology with
adequate justification. Emphasis should be given to bringing out innovativeness in approaches
proposed to be followed. The detailing of the methodology may include research design, data to
be collected and empirical and analytical methods to be used. The description of the
methodology must be clearly linked to the aims of the research and the research
questions/hypotheses of the study.

Chapter-4: Data Analysisand Findings

The relevant data gathered should be presented in the form of tables, graphs, flow charts etc.
This chapter should include detailed discussion about the present practices related to the subject.
If newpractices/augments have been introduced, a discussion of the same may be done. It may
also include analysis of the data collected or the effect of the new practices on the existing one.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendation

Based on the study done, the recommendations are based on the conclusions of the study. It is
important to indicate that a set of recommendations should follow from the conclusions inferred.
The recommendations should have value to the organization.

Chapter 7: References: Referencesshould be proper and must include all citations. It should
follow the style as displayed for various sources as per APA guidelines

Book with Single Author:

Gore, A. (2006). An inconvenient truth: The planetary emergency of global warming and what
we can do about it. Emmaus, PA: Rodale.
In-text reference: (Gore, 2006)
Book with Two Authors:
Michaels, P. J., & Balling, R. C., Jr. (2000). The satanic gases: Clearing the air about global
warming. Washington, DC: Cato Institute.
In-text reference: (Michaels & Balling, 2000)
Book with Editor as Author:
Galley. K. E. (Ed.). (2004). Global climate change and wildlife in North America.Bethesda,MD:
Wildlife Society.
In-text reference: (Galley, 2004)
Articles in Reference Books (unsigned and signed): Page 3 of 33
Greenhouse effect.(2005). American heritage science dictionary, Boston, MA: HoughtonMifflin.
.In-text references: (Greenhouse effect, 2005)
Magazine Articles:
Allen, L. (2004, August). Will Tuvalu disappear beneath the sea? Global warming threatens to
swamp a small island nation. Smithsonian, 35(5), 44-52.
In-text references: (Allen, 2004)
Newspaper Articles (unsigned and signed):
College officials agree to cut greenhouse gases. (2007, June 13). Albany Times Union, p. A4.
In-text references: (“College Officials”, 2007)
Journal Article:

Miller-Rushing, A. J., Primack, R. B., Primack, D., &Mukunda, S. (2006). Photographsand
herbarium specimens as tools to document phonological changes in responseto global warming.
American Journal of Botany, 93, 1667-1674.
In-text reference: (Miller-Rushing, Primack, Primack, &Mukunda, 2006)
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2007, May 4). Climate Change. Retrieved
From the Environmental Protection Agency website:
In-text reference: (United States Environmental, 2007)


Annexure are to be attached at the end of the report and to be numbered as Annexure-A,
Annexure-B etc. right justified at the top of the page.
All Annexure must follow sequence as mentioned in the report.

*Suggested Parameters for Competitor Analysis as per specialization choice:

Marketing Analysis:

Describes the products and services offered, Pricing details include list prices for key products
and services, Distribution channel details include information about affiliates (online), retailers,
and wholesalers, Promotion Strategies, Online Presence : Note all of your competitors’ social
media channels and web pages. Also, document any other web pages where competitors are
referenced, Current Market Share, Competitive Advantage-what’s unique about the product or
service of competitor that draws customers

Financial Analysis:

Trend Analysis for the last five years’ (2017-2022) financial data on the basis of parameters like
Profitability, Revenue Growth, Liquidity, Solvency, Operational efficiency, benchmarking the
financial trends with Industry leaders  

Human Resource Analysis:

Career opportunities in last 5 years, Job roles in the organization and the number of
opportunities, Job Description and Job Specification Comparison, Employee participation in
CSR projects, Organizational Chart, SWOT analysis of the HR Policies of the organization

Information Technology Analysis:

Initiatives in the domain of Information Technology in the organization and its major
competitors, Use of Big Data and Analytics for decision making, E-Commerce and E-Business
activities by the organization, Analytics report for the website performance of the organization
(World ranking, regional ranking, browser information, website open time, bounce rate etc.),
Data Management Policy of the organization (Official document or statements about the use of
data captured from the customers or other stakeholders), Special initiatives taken for data
security, customer convenience, product innovation, supply chain performance enhancement.
Availability of products or services on different websites or ecommerce portals like
Amazon/Flipkart/Policy bazaar etc

Operations Analysis

Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management Techniques, Distribution Management,

Capacity Management of company and its competitors

International Business

International Market growth and opportunities, Joint Venture/Merger/Acquisition if any, Foreign

Direct Investment, Overseas Market presence of the competitor

Sample Topics:


Comparative analysis of branding and positioning strategies for X product in Company A

and Company B


A Study on the Various Employee Welfare Schemes at Company A and Company B


Analysis of Liquidity position of Company A and Company B


A Study on techniques of Value Analysis to effectively control costs for “A” company

Data Analytics

Forecasting the Sales of Company A and Company B during Festival Season


G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management &Research.PGDM Institute

Approved by A.I.C.T.E., Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida



(Put the Title of the Project here in Capital Letter)

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the




(Put your faculty mentor name here) (Put your name here)

(Put your Roll Number here)


G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management &Research.PGDM Institute

Approved by A.I.C.T.E., Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida
Minor Project Report


This is to certify that the work reported in the Minor Project Report on “ ________________

_____________________”, submitted by ____________________________________at G L

Bajaj Institute of Management &Research.PGDM Institute, Greater Noida, India,is a bonafide

record of her/ his work carried out under my supervision. This work has not been submitted

elsewhere for any other degree or diploma.

(Signature of Faculty Guide)

Name: ________________________



G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management &Research.PGDM Institute

Approved by A.I.C.T.E., Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida
Minor Project Report
PGDM Batch 2022-24


I would like to thank the following people, without whom I would not have been able to
complete this Minor Project Report.

My heartfelt thanks goes to our Director --------------------------------------for providing an

opportunity work on the Minor project right from the first trimester of the program.

I convey my sincere thanks to my Faculty Guide ----------------------------------------- for providing

me the constant support and guidance to carry out my project effectively andefficiently.

I would also like to convey my gratitude to all faculty members and staff for their support and

Name of the student

Roll Number:
GL Bajaj Institute of Management &Research.PGDM Institute


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