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ASP Guideline - ME05

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Executive (MBA)


SP Jain School of Global Management

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................3
2. Project Concept...............................................................................................................................................4
3. Project Nature.................................................................................................................................................4
4. Project Timeline...............................................................................................................................................5
4.1. Schedule.......................................................................................................................................................5
5. Submission Guidelines.....................................................................................................................................7
5.1. Statement of Purpose (previously graded in the Research Methodology course)......................................7
5.2. Proposal and presentation (15% written and 10% oral).............................................................................7
5.3. Mid-review (10%)........................................................................................................................................7
5.4. Report and presentation (40% written and 25% oral)................................................................................8
6. Academic Mentor Roles..................................................................................................................................9
7. Industry Mentor Roles...................................................................................................................................10
8. Grades/ Deadlines.........................................................................................................................................11
8.1. Criteria for assessment:.............................................................................................................................12
9. Evaluation Scheme........................................................................................................................................13
9.1. Parameters for evaluating the EMBA ASP Proposal (15% written)..........................................................13
9.2. Parameters for evaluating the EMBA ASP Proposal (10% oral)...............................................................14
9.3. Parameters for evaluating the Mid-review discussion (10%)....................................................................15
9.4. Parameters for evaluating the EMBA ASP Final Evaluation (40% written)...............................................15
9.5. Parameters for evaluating the EMBA ASP Final Evaluation (25% oral).....................................................16
10. Statement of Purpose (SOP)......................................................................................................................17

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

1. Introduction
Applied Strategic Project is directed towards creating a greater understanding of the real-
world corporate environment. The Applied Strategic Project (ASP) aims at providing an
opportunity to E x e c u t i v e M B A ( EMBA) students to integrate and apply knowledge and
skills gained during their EMBA course in addressing a significant business issue within an
organization. The idea is to provide an opportunity for applying concepts in a practical context,
thus influencing management practices through an investigation of an important business
issue facing the organization. The individual Project will focus on a chosen business issue which
must align within your chosen area of specialization unless you have chosen no specialization, to
be researched and analyzed by the participant with a solution offered in a manner appropriate
for presentation (verbally and written) to the senior management of an organization. An in-
house Academic Mentor and an External industry mentor guide the research project. Faculty
will ensure rigor in concepts/ frameworks / theories being applied, and the industry mentor
will ensure that the business issue being studied is realistic and has a practical solution.

The requirement is to create ‘Consultant-class’ reports to provide actionable strategic

directions for an organization. The Project carries five credit points, each student will carry
out the Applied Strategic Project study in three stages: Proposal, Mid-review, and the Final
The objective of the proposal is to ensure that a student has proper clarity on the scope of the
study before conducting research and preparing the final report. There will be two
presentations, the first after submitting the initial proposal, and the second after submitting
the final report. It is important that the external industry mentor be involved in a significant
manner including attending and participating in the presentations. Mid-review stage will
involve engaging the mentors to understand the progress of your project in terms of research
done thus far and seek clarity of direction. The Final project should be structured in a manner
that the students first gain knowledge, functional and cross-functional understanding, and
subsequently apply the knowledge to a specific business issue. A final presentation to these

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

mentors to seek and approval and closure of the complete project progress.

2. Project Concept
The Project experience is the comprehensive application of the learning done in individual
courses in the EMBA curriculum within a strategic context. Working along with Academic
Mentor, each participant is required to frame and analyze issues posed by a business
enterprise or an organization in terms of a strategic business perspective.
The participant develops:
a) An enterprise-level understanding of the organization's industry and business model,
b) An appropriate analytical framework for addressing the business concern,
c) Recommendations and an implementation plan to the business, and
d) Final Report that explains the situation and its strategic analysis. Projects must be related
to the student’s area of Specialization. However, the specific topic is typically based upon
the needs of the organization.

3. Project Nature
It is important that the Project when finished is broadly integrative. This is not an assignment
specific to an individual class or course. Rather, it should integrate concepts learned throughout
the program, with particular emphasis on the area of specialization, and demonstrate how
those can be applied to real business issues. This is a graded assignment with five credits
toward the participants’ completion of the EMBA program. It is graded on the Absolute A to F
scale and not pass/ fail.
The final product of the Project is a major report in good scholarly form with sound technical
analysis, references, and bibliography. The project report must reflect a learning process that
involves the following components:
 Problem Identification: Identification and definition of a management problem or issue
 Informed Foundation/Literature Review: Reliance on, a model/framework/theory, a
body of knowledge, or something similar to provide an informed foundation for
effectively addressing the problem/issue
 Gathering Data: Collection of the appropriate and relevant data or information

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

that is relevant for the problem/ issue through both qualitative and/or
quantitative research
 Data Analysis: Analysis of the data using methods appropriate to the problem/ issue
 Final Analysis: A comprehensive discussion highlighting – findings,
recommendations, implications, a solution to a problem, a design for a process –
something that represents the conclusion of the ‘problem identification –
foundation – data – analysis’ process
 Implementation plan: A detailed roadmap to describe how the recommendations
can be implemented, suggested timelines, approvals that may be needed, challenges
that may need to be overcome
 Documentation/Appendices: A documentation of the process and result, appropriate to
the setting. This must be very clearly communicated, both verbally and in writing.

4. Project Timeline
The Project is the culmination of the EMBA course and therefore must be undertaken during
the student's last term. It will begin after the commencement of electives/ specialization and
successful completion of the course on Research Methodology.

4.1. Schedule
ME05 Timeline
Timeline To Be Completed
During Research
Methodology course  Orientation by the Assistant Dean within the RM course
June 1, 2023
 Submission of Statement of Purpose (SOP) with Industry
July 1, 2023 Mentor’s complete profile (see template provided in section
July 7, 2023  Approval of SOP and Assignment of Academic Mentor

July 21, 2023  Presentation (both mentors should attend the presentation)

 Submission of Draft ASP Proposal (Soft Copy submission with

July 28, 2023
email approval from both Mentors)
July 28-Aug 18, 2023  Informal meetings with mentors, regarding Literature

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

Review, Data Collection, Data Analysis and the progress of

the project
Aug 18, 2023  Mid-review with Academic Mentor
 Informal meetings with mentors, regarding Literature
Aug 18- Sept 9, 2023 Review, Data Collection, Data Analysis and the progress of
the project

 Draft of the Final report for mentor review.

Sept 9, 2023  Once approved to submit the final draft and schedule the
final presentation

 Last day of submission of draft ASP Soft Copy

(Entire/Complete Report) duly approved by both Mentors.
 Note: For Plagiarism Check, a result of 10% or less is
Sept 16, 2023 allowed. However, all results, irrespective of whether they
are above or below 10%, are subject to the written approval
(soft/ hard copy) of your Academic Mentor.

 Presentation Week (Final Presentation):

Sept 23-29, 2023
 Presentation of the Project before the Mentors. The EMBA
Please arrange your Office will confirm the presentation schedule 7 days prior to
schedule to ensure the the presentation.
presence of your industry  45 minutes (30 min presentation + 15 min Q&A) will be
mentor. allocated to each student for the presentation using 12 – 15
slides only.

Oct 1, 2023  Last day of submission of ASP Final Soft Copy

 Last day to receive mentor support unless written approval

Oct 1, 2023
for extension from the Dean has been received

 Penalty for late submission will apply if report not

Feb 1, 2023
submitted by this date

*Please note that in case of the deadline(s) is not met, the student may have to plan to likely
graduate six months later.
** Important: you will receive the guidance of your academic mentor during the
allocated 4-month timeline. Failure to complete the project during this time will
result in the student completing the project without the benefit of advice from the
academic mentor.
**The last day for Academic Mentor support is the submission date as itemized in the

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

ASP Guidelines. Exceptional cases will be considered on an individual basis. (for

example, students who submit a medical certificate for at least 2 weeks sickness
during the ASP schedule, can apply for additional time with their Academic
** Very important - Late fee (5 credit point equivalent) will apply to final report
submitted after eight months of the ASP orientation attended by the student and at
least one month before the graduation.

5. Submission Guidelines

5.1. Statement of Purpose (previously graded in the Research Methodology course)

Before registering for credit, you must have a Statement of Purpose (SOP) approved by the
Academic Mentor. In some cases, revisions will be required before the SOP is approved. This
SOP along with a preliminary literature review will normally be completed during the
Research Methodology course.

5.2. Proposal and presentation (15% written and 10% oral)

Once the SOP has been approved, you will work on a proposal and presentation that must
contain the following:
 Objectives – a concise paragraph describing what you plan to accomplish.
 Project Background – what is the research question, problem, issue, or need, and why
is it important? What has already been done or is currently being done by others? How
will your contribution fit together with and contribute to previous efforts? You need to
justify with measurable outcomes.
 Academic Literature Review – an indication that you have read, surveyed and identified
some key references e.g. books, articles (Journals, Newspapers, etc) for your study. Some
proof of undertaking some preliminary reading of these key sources is required.
Literature review will enable you to ascertain what research has already been done and
identify what is unknown within your topic.
 Research Design and Strategy – include a detailed data collection (qualitative and
quantitative) plan and data analysis. Include a justification of your intended approach.
 Timeline – an indication of the key milestones within your research with dates.
 Resources – any resources that are essential to your project and how you plan to obtain

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

or gain access to them.

5.3. Mid-review (10%)

During the mid-review, you will meet with your academic mentor to
 Review evidence of your progress
 Incorporate any feedback received to date
 Provide evidence of the commencement of your data collection (including approved
questionnaires or interview questions, if applicable)
 Identified a clear method of data analysis
 Discuss how to overcome any barriers to on-time completion
This will be an oral meeting and discussion.

5.4. Report and presentation (40% written and 25% oral)

Communicating effectively (sometimes referred to as convincing) will influence your career
prospects. As a result, the quality and substance of your final project report will heavily influence
your final letter grade.

Even though this document is designed to be a formal thesis, it shows the style and format
expected by professionals in the scientific community. While there is no specific length
requirement, 60 pages of 12 pt double-spaced text are typical, not including any tables, figures,
exhibits, and appendices needed.

Generally, a project report should be structured as follows:

- Title page
- Abstract – (500 words)
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Academic Literature
- Research Design and Methods
- Findings and discussion
- Conclusions
- Recommendations

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

- Implementation Plan for the Recommendations

- References
Figures and tables should have captions and should be integrated into the body of the Report.
Appendices including supplementary information and data are best positioned at the end of
the Report.

The Abstract serves as a concise description of your principal results or accomplishments. As

with the initial project proposal, the introduction section is designed to place your work in
context. The research design and methods section allows you to place the most technical
details of your work together in one place so that they can be readily reviewed by experts in
your field and so that they do not distract the reader in later sections. Some students prefer to
separate the results and discussion sections while some prefer to integrate them. In any case, be
sure that the reader can readily differentiate your results from their interpretation. The
conclusion allows you to summarize the main points together with their context or significance.
Recommendations require a detailed justification. One can also use this section to point to
future research directions. The format of the reference section, or bibliography, should be
consistent with the report writing guidelines included in the EMBA Participant Guidelines.
Appendices may be added as needed.

Submit the written report as per the timelines (after the plagiarism check). Make sure the
program coordinator has a copy of both the written and electronic versions.
You are encouraged to seek feedback from your Academic Mentor while preparing your Project
Report. However, you should not submit your report for final evaluation until you have
reviewed it carefully with your advisor/ mentor and seriously considered any feedback that
they provide to you. All the sources should be referred to in the document and the references
should be listed as per the APA format.

6. Academic Mentor Roles

The Academic Mentor will:
 Play a key role in your project success

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

 Provide the academic structure for the project

 Assist the student in developing a project plan, in conjunction with the industry contact and
the participant
 Advise the student regarding the preparation of an appropriate topic for his / her project
 Provide feedback on the topic, proposal, interim report and end-of-project evaluation
 Determine a grade for the student on the Project Evaluation Form to the Program

Each student is required to have at least 5 Meetings with their Academic Mentor (e.g. face-to-face,
Skype, Zoom, telephone). These meetings are expected to cover the following areas:

 Meeting 1: Initial discussion and approval of SOP

 Meeting 2: Project Proposal including Presentation

 Meeting 3: Literature Review and Data Collection Strategy e.g., questionnaire design

 Meeting 4: Mid-review to update progress

 Meeting 5: Preparation for final report submission and presentation

The Academic Mentor should be willing to discuss ideas with you and let you casually explore
them for a time without a commitment to pursue them. However, most advisors will only be
willing to invest significant time and effort after you are sure that you have looked around and
settled on a project that you are committed to pursuing. Do respect the valuable time and
resources of advisors, while also remembering that you owe it to yourself to choose the project
that best suits you and in which you can progress independently.
Also, note that the services of the Academic Mentor will be available for the 4-month duration of
the project. If the student fails to complete the project during this time, they will not receive
advice from their mentor unless special approval is obtained from the Dean.

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

7. Industry Mentor Roles

7.1. Detailed Industry Mentor Profile:

This write-up should be included in your SOP and should include the reason(s) why the Industry
Mentor was chosen and the value addition she/ he would be able to give to the project. The
relationship between the student and the Industry Mentor should be one of a professional nature.
Please also submit the CV of the Industry Mentor and/ or LinkedIn Profile Link.

7.2. The Industry Mentor will:

 Play a key role in your success
 Usually, be your boss or other senior manager
 Help you to decide upon your project topic
 Act as your project sponsor within the organization
 Helps to facilitate access to staff and data
 May allocate you time during the working week to work on your project (jump at this
opportunity if it is offered!)
 Help to ensure the practical outcomes of the Project are achieved
 Attend the initial and final presentations and help to evaluate your work (along with
your Academic Mentor)

Generally, it is best to update your Industry Mentor every 2 – 3 weeks.

The Project consists of 5 credits of academic effort. Most participants become deeply involved in
the creative aspects of their projects and devote more than the minimum effort, often
continuing their research after the requirements have been completed. This depends on you,
your advisor, and the project you choose. The research, analysis and writing themselves often
take many hours. Be sure to discuss these matters in- depth with your Mentors to make sure
both o f you have realistic expectations about your project.

8. Grades/ Deadlines
A letter grade only will be assigned to the Project. Projects not submitted on the due date will

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

not be considered for evaluation. Please note that incomplete projects or those awarded F
grades do not count towards graduation.
The weightage of the various components is as follows: Component Weightage

1 Initial proposal – written 15
2 Initial proposal – oral 10
3 Mid-review 10
4 Final report – written 40
5 Final report – oral 25
Total 100%

8.1. Criteria for assessment:

a) Demonstrate an understanding of the literature and published research through
application of rigorous analysis, critical enquiry, clear expression, and independent
b) Show methodological competence by demonstrating application of the appropriate
understanding, skills, techniques, and critical awareness acquired during the study of
the Research Methods course.
c) Analyze data and problem(s) in a context of a substantial and demanding piece of
work designed to develop a participant’s ability and capacity to work in a
managerial environment relative to their named route.
d) Show an appreciation of business issues inherent in the research and show that the
student’s objective of improving their abilities as managers has been furthered.
e) Be well presented following accepted academic convention.

The following grades are awarded depending upon the merits of the report:
 A+/ A: The participant has completed a research project and a report, of the highest quality,
academic and practical.
 A/ A-: The research project is generally of very high quality. There is likely to be an area of

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

further improvement.
 B/ B-: The research project is of good to average quality.
 C/ C-: The quality is generally below average.
 D: The student has not undertaken any meaningful research, appropriate for the number of
credit hours. The participant has failed to produce a report of at least average quality. The
final presentation is likely much below average or poor.
 F-, F: The student has not understood the project requirements, not carried out the
research in a systematic way and falling short of efforts and the minimum academic

9. Evaluation Scheme
Note: If a student is unable to start the ASP with their batch, they can seek extension to do it with
the next batch and that is subject to approval from the Dean / Assistant Dean.

9.1. Parameters for evaluating the EMBA ASP Proposal (15% written)

Max Marks
Parameters Comments
Marks Obtained

1. Business Issue/Research Objectives

-Business issue, research objectives and milestones
clearly defined and agreed with mentor
2. Literature review
-Relevant and critical review of a range of secondary
data pertaining to the above topic with reference
list. Need to review both industry data and academic
3. Research Design
- Clear articulation of the research design & details
of proposed methodology with rationale for chosen
- Draft questionnaire design/ discussion 20
guide - reviewed and approved by the mentor

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

4. Data Analysis strategy

- Specific techniques proposed for analysis and
interpretation with rationale for chosen approach
- Quality of preliminary data analysis
-Sample size & design proposed

5. Key milestones & timelines

Clearly articulated, specific milestones with
timelines with target dates for completion
6. Written Communication
-Clear appropriate & logical flow of:
data / findings; summary of expected findings
& managerial implications.
Good use of summarizing and paraphrasing
Use of appropriate referencing (APA format) 30
Feedback has been used to improve the written

Total 100

9.2. Parameters for evaluating the EMBA ASP Proposal (10% oral)
Parameters Max Marks
Marks Obtained
1. Business Issue/Research Objectives
- Business issue, research objectives
and milestones clearly presented 10

2. Literature review
- Clearly presented in appropriate depth
- Explained using the student’s own 15
3. Research Design
- Clear articulation of the research
design & details of proposed
methodology with rationale for chosen
approach 20
- Draft questions are presented, if

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

4. Data Analysis strategy

- Specific techniques proposed for
analysis are clearly presented and
understood, including proposed
sampling frame and sample size, if 10
5. Presentation & Communication
-Clear appropriate & logical presentation of:
data / findings; summary of expected
& managerial implications. 15
-Slides are clear and well-designed
-Presentation was well-timed and
delivered at an appropriate pace
6. Intensity of Engagement
-Demonstrates a consistent, focused
effort and takes ownership for the
- answers questions clearly and

9.3. Parameters for evaluating the Mid-review discussion (10%)

Max. Marks
Parameters Comments
Marks Obtained
1. Student has presented evidence to
show the incorporation of relevant 25
feedback given to date.
2. Student is making expected
progress according to the given 25
3. Data collection has commenced
with an appropriate questionnaire
or tool and is likely to be
completed on time, appropriate 25
data analysis methods are clearly

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

4. Challenges or issues that may

affect timely completion of the
project are identified and
discussed. 25

Total 100

9.4. Parameters for evaluating the EMBA ASP Final Evaluation (40% written)
Parameters Max. Marks
Marks Obtained Comments

1. Quality Of Literature Review and Analysis

a. Good coverage of Industry Perspectives

& Trends 15

b. Correct application of Frameworks or

Concepts 15

c. Research Methodology Qualitative

Analysis & Quantitative Analysis of Data 15
and Interpretation.
2. Project Outcomes, Managerial
Implications and business 20

3. Implementation plan that indicates how the

recommendations can be implemented,
suggested time lines, approvals that may be 20
needed, challenges that may need to be
4. Quality of Written Report- professional
& academic and compliance to format
and guidelines. (correct APA
referencing) Feedback has been used to 15
improve the written submission

Total 100

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

9.5. Parameters for evaluating the EMBA ASP Final Evaluation (25% oral)

Max. Marks
Marks Obtained Comments

1. Quality Of Literature Review and

a. Good explanation of
Industry Perspectives & Trends
presented in the student’s own 10
b. Correct application of
Frameworks or Concepts – clearly
depicted using graphics where 10
2. Research Methodology Qualitative
Analysis & Quantitative Analysis of
Data and Interpretation – clearly
presented 10

3. Project Outcomes, Managerial

Implications and business
recommendations – clearly

4. Implementation plan that indicates

how the recommendations can be
implemented, suggested time lines,
approvals that may be needed,
5. Qualitythat may need to be overcome
of Presentation
-Professional & academic
presentation with clear, well-designed
Presentation was well-timed and 20
delivered at an appropriate pace
6. Questions- student can answer
questions clearly, concisely and

Total 100

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

10.Statement of Purpose (SOP)

Specialization selected:

Student No.:
Batch number:

Organization Name & Proposed Research Topic (Title):


Proposed Industry Mentor: include name, title, organization and either CV or updated
LinkedIn profile

(a). Business Issue(s)

(b). Relevance/justification for the Research Study:

(a). Research Objective:

(b). Research Question (s):

Literature Review: At least 10 relevant academic articles relating to the proposed

7 topic. Key points for each article should be written in report style with proper citations
as well as APA formatted reference list.

Proposed Research Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative/Data Collection

Method/Statistical Tools)

9 Expected Outcomes and Implications:

Applied Strategic Project (ASP) Guidelines

Dean Gary J. Stockport May 2021 updated March 2023


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