Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Sector-9, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Sector-9, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Sector-9, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075
Note: “All students of BBA(Gen) and B.Com(H) Semester-VI are required to be in regular
touch with their respective project guide during their project preparation stage and must follow
the prescribed guidelines for the preparation of the project. In any case, no other format than the
prescribed guidelines shall be acceptable. Please note that proper project and viva voce are a
mandatory requirement for the completion of the programme.”
1. As part of the academic curriculum, students of BBA (Gen) , B.Com(H) and BBA(B&I)
Semester VI are to constructively engage themselves in Preparing a Project Report during their
Semester VI. The Project work is to be carried out at the Institute. On completion of the Project
work each and every student is required to submit a written report. The academic objectives of
Project Work are to:
develop skills in technical report writing through data collection, data analysis,
data presentation, and draw conclusions/lessons cogently vis-à-vis a given topic
on the subject.
The objective of this Academic Exercise/Circular is to lay clear guidelines for conduct of Project
Work and standardise the format of submission of the Project Report.
2. During the sixth semester each student shall undertake a project to be pursued by him /
her under the supervision of an Internal Supervisor to be appointed by the Director. Both the
subject and the name of the Supervisor will be approved by the Director of the Institution. The
Project Report in duplicate along with one soft copy will be submitted at least four weeks prior
to the commencement of the End Term Examination of the Sixth Semester. Project Report shall
carry 100 marks. These shall be evaluated by an External Examiner appointed by the University
for 50 marks and for the rest of the 50 marks by an Internal Board of Examiners to be appointed
by the Director of the Institution. This internal Board of Examiners shall comprise of a minimum
of two Internal Faculty Members
3. It is primarily the responsibility of the student to select a Topic based on primary research
only, on which he/she intends to carry out his/her Project Work which must be approved by the
mentors.. A Topic once fixed cannot be changed. It is necessary for each student to get
approval of the name of the topic from the Director of the Institute. Each student is
required to carry out the work independently and submit the report individually.
Final Report
4. The tentative chapterisation and the format of the Project report have been mentioned in
the guidelines. The students are required to strictly adhere to these guidelines.
6. The Project Work Coordinator/ Faculty Guides and students allotted under each guide
for BBA(G), B.Com(H) and BBA (B&I) will be intimated at the start of the academic session of
the semester.
General Guidelines and Format of Major Project Report
The projects should be approved by the project Supervisor before Final printing.
Paper Sheet should be A4 Size and printed on one side of the paper.
Navy Blue Colour with Golden emboss of Hard Bound for BBA(G) and Black colour with
Font Size(Text)-12
1.5 Spacing
Alignment Title page (Centre), Heading (Centre) and sub heading (Left)
Margin- At the binding edge(left side) 1.5 and at the right, bottom and top not 1 inch
First Internal- First Chapter (hard or Soft Copy) and viva on the same.
Topic of project
Batch: 2020-2023
This is to certify that the project work “---Title----” made by __Name of student,course,class
Enroll no._ is an authentic work carried out by her under guidance and supervision of Project
guide Name
The project report submitted has been found satisfactory for the partial fulfillment of the degree
of Bachelor of Business Administration.
Project Supervisor
They have provided me with the valuable guidance, sustained efforts and friendly approach. It
would have been difficult to achieve the results in such a short span of time without their help.
I deem it my duty to record my gratitude towards the Project supervisor __Name_____ who
devoted his/her precious time to interact, guide and gave me the right approach to accomplish the
task and also helped me to enhance my knowledge and understanding of the project.
Name of Student
Enroll. no
I hereby declare that the following documented Project report titled “Project name” is an
original and authentic work done by me for the partial fulfillment of Bachelors of Business
Administration degree program.
I hereby certify that all the Endeavour put in the fulfillment of the task are genuine and original
to the best of my knowledge & I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.
Name of Student
Course Class & Shift
Table Of Content
4. References/Bibliography
1. D.L. Carney, J.I. Cochran, “The 5ESS Switching System: Architectural Overview,”
AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 64, no. 6, July-August 1985,
4. Give full link of the webpage, and the date of access to the concerned website
accessed on (dd/mm/yyyy) is not accepted).