Week 5 Genmath
Week 5 Genmath
Week 5 Genmath
Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of South Cotabato
Brgy. Cannery Site, Polomolok, South Cotabato
Tel. & Fax no. (083) 878-8996 email add: 304560@deped.gov.ph
1. Represents real-life situations using 1. Represents real-life situations using 1. Represents real-life situations using 1. Represents real-life situations using
one-to one functions. one-to one functions. one-to one functions. one-to one functions.
2. Determines the inverse of a one-to- 2. Determines the inverse of a one-to- 2. Determines the inverse of a one-to- 2. Determines the inverse of a one-to-
one function. one function. one function. one function.
3. Represents an inverse function 3. Represents an inverse function 3. Represents an inverse function 3. Represents an inverse function
through its: (a) table of values, and (b) through its: (a) table of values, and (b) through its: (a) table of values, and (b) through its: (a) table of values, and (b)
graph. graph. graph. graph.
4. Finds the domain and range of an 4. Finds the domain and range of an 4. Finds the domain and range of an 4. Finds the domain and range of an
inverse function. inverse function. inverse function. inverse function.
Lesson 4: Inverse Function Lesson 4: Inverse Function Lesson 4: Inverse Function Lesson 4: Inverse Function
4.1. Representing Real-life Situations 4.1. Representing Real-life Situations 4.1. Representing Real-life Situations 4.1. Representing Real-life Situations
Using One-to-one Functions Using One-to-one Functions Using One-to-one Functions Using One-to-one Functions
Subject Matter: 4.2. Inverse of a One-to-one Function 4.2. Inverse of a One-to-one Function 4.2. Inverse of a One-to-one Function 4.2. Inverse of a One-to-one Function
4.3. Table and Graph of an Inverse 4.3. Table and Graph of an Inverse 4.3. Table and Graph of an Inverse 4.3. Table and Graph of an Inverse
Function Function Function Function
4.4. Domain and Range of an Inverse 4.4. Domain and Range of an Inverse 4.4. Domain and Range of an Inverse 4.4. Domain and Range of an Inverse
Function Function Function Function
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of South Cotabato
Brgy. Cannery Site, Polomolok, South Cotabato
Tel. & Fax no. (083) 878-8996 email add: 304560@deped.gov.ph
Reference/ Learning Materials: Self-Learning Modules: General Self-Learning Modules: General Self-Learning Modules: General Self-Learning Modules: General
Mathematics, Quarter 1, Module 4 Mathematics, Quarter 1, Module 4 Mathematics, Quarter 1, Module 4 Mathematics, Quarter 1, Module 4
The teacher will conduct a review of The teacher will conduct a review of The teacher will conduct a review of The teacher will conduct a review of the
the previous lessons. the previous lessons. the previous lessons. previous lessons.
Let the students bring out their Let the students bring out their Let the students bring out their Let the students bring out their
notebooks for a daily vocabulary notebooks for a daily vocabulary notebooks for a daily vocabulary notebooks for a daily vocabulary
ACTIVITY enrichment activity. enrichment activity. enrichment activity. enrichment activity.
The teacher will let the students Group The teacher will let the students Group The teacher will let the students Group The teacher will let the students Group
the given objects in such a way that the given objects in such a way that the given objects in such a way that the given objects in such a way that the
the way that they common the way that they common the way that they common way that they common
properties/characteristics. (Shapes, properties/characteristics. (Shapes, properties/characteristics. (Shapes, properties/characteristics. (Shapes,
Fruits, School Supplies). Fruits, School Supplies). Fruits, School Supplies). Fruits, School Supplies).
After the activity, the teacher will After the activity, the teacher will After the activity, the teacher will After the activity, the teacher will remind
remind the students to be familiar of remind the students to be familiar of remind the students to be familiar of the students to be familiar of the terms
the terms in the vocabulary enrichment the terms in the vocabulary enrichment the terms in the vocabulary enrichment in the vocabulary enrichment activity
activity since they will encounter in the activity since they will encounter in the activity since they will encounter in the since they will encounter in the lessons
lessons that will follow. The teacher lessons that will follow. The teacher lessons that will follow. The teacher that will follow. The teacher will ask the
will ask the following questions: will ask the following questions: will ask the following questions: following questions:
ANALYSIS 1. How many objects can be found in 1. How many objects can be found in 1. How many objects can be found in 1. How many objects can be found in
each column? each column? each column? each column?
2. How did you classify the objects? 2. How did you classify the objects? 2. How did you classify the objects? 2. How did you classify the objects?
3. Based on the coordinates you have 3. Based on the coordinates you have 3. Based on the coordinates you have 3. Based on the coordinates you have
formulated, is there a repetition of the formulated, is there a repetition of the formulated, is there a repetition of the formulated, is there a repetition of the
first coordinates? What about the first coordinates? What about the first coordinates? What about the first coordinates? What about the
second coordinates? second coordinates? second coordinates? second coordinates?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of South Cotabato
Brgy. Cannery Site, Polomolok, South Cotabato
Tel. & Fax no. (083) 878-8996 email add: 304560@deped.gov.ph
ABSTRACTION The teacher will conduct formal lesson The teacher will conduct formal lesson The teacher will conduct formal lesson The teacher will conduct formal lesson
about inverse functions. about inverse functions. about inverse functions. about inverse functions.
Representing Real-life Situations Representing Real-life Situations Representing Real-life Situations Representing Real-life Situations Using
Using One-to-one Functions Using One-to-one Functions Using One-to-one Functions One-to-one Functions
Tell the students that the function f is Tell the students that the function f is Tell the students that the function f is Tell the students that the function f is
one to one if for any 𝑥1, 𝑥2 in the one to one if for any 𝑥1, 𝑥2 in the one to one if for any 𝑥1, 𝑥2 in the one to one if for any 𝑥1, 𝑥2 in the
domain of f then 𝑓 (𝑥1) ≠𝑓(𝑥2). That is domain of f then 𝑓 (𝑥1) ≠𝑓(𝑥2). That is domain of f then 𝑓 (𝑥1) ≠𝑓(𝑥2). That is domain of f then 𝑓 (𝑥1) ≠𝑓(𝑥2). That is
the same y-value is never paired with the same y-value is never paired with the same y-value is never paired with the same y-value is never paired with
two different x values. two different x values.. two different x values. two different x values.
Inverse of a One-to-one Function Inverse of a One-to-one Function Inverse of a One-to-one Function Inverse of a One-to-one Function
A function and its inverse can be A function and its inverse can be A function and its inverse can be A function and its inverse can be
described as the "DO" and the described as the "DO" and the described as the "DO" and the described as the "DO" and the "UNDO"
"UNDO" functions. A function takes a "UNDO" functions. A function takes a "UNDO" functions. A function takes a functions. A function takes a starting
starting value, performs some starting value, performs some starting value, performs some value, performs some operation on this
operation on this value, and creates an operation on this value, and creates an operation on this value, and creates an value, and creates an output answer.
output answer. The inverse function output answer. The inverse function output answer. The inverse function The inverse function takes the output
takes the output answer, performs takes the output answer, performs takes the output answer, performs answer, performs some operation on it,
some operation on it, and arrives back some operation on it, and arrives back some operation on it, and arrives back and arrives back at the original
at the original function's starting value. at the original function's starting value. at the original function's starting value. function's starting value.
Table and Graph of an Inverse Table and Graph of an Inverse Table and Graph of an Inverse Table and Graph of an Inverse Function
Function Function Function If function passes the horizontal line
If function passes the horizontal line If function passes the horizontal line If function passes the horizontal line test, it is an indication that the said
test, it is an indication that the said test, it is an indication that the said test, it is an indication that the said function is one-to-one. Subsequently, its
function is one-to-one. Subsequently, function is one-to-one. Subsequently, function is one-to-one. Subsequently, inverse also is a function.
its inverse also is a function. its inverse also is a function. its inverse also is a function. Since the domain of the function
Since the domain of the function Since the domain of the function Since the domain of the function becomes the range of its inverse, and
becomes the range of its inverse, and becomes the range of its inverse, and becomes the range of its inverse, and the range of the function becomes the
the range of the function becomes the the range of the function becomes the the range of the function becomes the domain of its inverse, in problems
domain of its inverse, in problems domain of its inverse, in problems domain of its inverse, in problems dealing with a function and its inverse,
dealing with a function and its inverse, dealing with a function and its inverse, dealing with a function and its inverse, when determining the inverse’ ordered
when determining the inverse’ ordered when determining the inverse’ ordered when determining the inverse’ ordered pairs, we simply reverse the domain
pairs, we simply reverse the domain pairs, we simply reverse the domain pairs, we simply reverse the domain and range of the original function.
and range of the original function. and range of the original function. and range of the original function. Domain and Range of an Inverse
Domain and Range of an Inverse Domain and Range of an Inverse Domain and Range of an Inverse Function
Function Function Function Since the domain of the function
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of South Cotabato
Brgy. Cannery Site, Polomolok, South Cotabato
Tel. & Fax no. (083) 878-8996 email add: 304560@deped.gov.ph
Since the domain of the function Since the domain of the function Since the domain of the function
becomes the range of its inverse, and
becomes the range of its inverse, and becomes the range of its inverse, and becomes the range of its inverse, and
the range of the function becomes the
the range of the function becomes the the range of the function becomes the the range of the function becomes the
domain of its inverse, in problems
domain of its inverse, in problems domain of its inverse, in problems domain of its inverse, in problems
dealing with a function and its inverse,
dealing with a function and its inverse, dealing with a function and its inverse, dealing with a function and its inverse,
when determining the inverse’ ordered
when determining the inverse’ ordered when determining the inverse’ ordered when determining the inverse’ ordered
pairs, we simply reverse the domain
pairs, we simply reverse the domain pairs, we simply reverse the domain pairs, we simply reverse the domain
and range of the original function.
and range of the original function. and range of the original function. and range of the original function.
Activity 1. Determine the types of Activity 1. Determine the types of Activity 1. Determine the types of Activity 1. Determine the types of
relation being described. Choose your relation being described. Choose your relation being described. Choose your relation being described. Choose your
answer from one to one, many to one, answer from one to one, many to one, answer from one to one, many to one, answer from one to one, many to one,
one to many or many to many. one to many or many to many. one to many or many to many. one to many or many to many.
Activity 2. Complete the table of Activity 2. Complete the table of Activity 2. Complete the table of Activity 2. Complete the table of values.
values. values. values. Activity 3. Find the inverse of
Activity 3. Find the inverse of Activity 3. Find the inverse of Activity 3. Find the inverse of 𝑓 (𝑥)=√𝑥+13 using the given graph.
𝑓 (𝑥)=√𝑥+13 using the given graph. 𝑓 (𝑥)=√𝑥+13 using the given graph. 𝑓 (𝑥)=√𝑥+13 using the given graph. The domain and range of the inverse
The domain and range of the inverse The domain and range of the inverse The domain and range of the inverse function can be determined by
function can be determined by function can be determined by function can be determined by inspection of the graph.
inspection of the graph. inspection of the graph. inspection of the graph.
*No. of students w/in Mastery
*No. of Learners needing
* Instructional Devices