Gen Math DLL Week 5
Gen Math DLL Week 5
Gen Math DLL Week 5
Daily Lesson Log Teacher NI-KHE G. MARQUEZ Learning Area GENERAL MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and Time AUGUST 26 – 29, 2024 Quarter 1st Quarter (WEEK 5)
11 – ABM (7:30 – 8:30 AM)
11 – HUMSS (10:50 – 11:50 AM)
kilometers) traveled along a given The resulting table does not represent a Given the graph of a one-to-one
jeepney route to the jeepney fare for function since x = 1 is paired with more function, the graph of its inverse can be
traveling that distance. (Function/not than one y-value namely, 1,2,3 and 4. obtained by reflecting the gaph about
one-to-one) the line y = x.
Let students give their own examples of ‘Inverting’ Functions
real-life situations involving functions. The previous discussion shows that
if the x- and y-values of a one-to-
one function are interchanged,
the result is a function, but
if the x- and y-values of a function
that is not one-to-one are
inverted, the result is no longer a
D. Discussing new concepts and Graphing one-to-one functions. Define the inverse of a one-to-one
practicing new skills #1 Show the following graphs to the class. function. Given y = f −1 (x) if the graph of y =
(Applications involving Work) Ask them if the given function is one-to-
one or not by having them check if Definition. f(x) = 2x + 1 restricted in the domain
1. Steve and Janet are going to paint
the fence that surrounds their
there is a y-value with more than one Let f be a one-to-one function with { x|−2 ≤ x ≤1.5 } is given below. What
corresponding x-value. domain A and range B. Then the inverse
house today. Steve can paint the is the range of f(x)? What is the domain
Present the graphs. of f, denoted f −1, is a function with domain
fence in 12 hours. Janet can paint and range of its inverse?
the fence alone in 9 hours. How B and range A defined by f −1 ( y )=x if
a) y = x 2−4
long will it take them to paint the and only f(x) = y for any y in B.
fence together. b. y = 2x - 1
1 1 t t
t+ t = 1 or + =1
12 9 12 9
Let’s solve the equation for t:
t t
+ =1
12 9
t t
36( + ¿ = 1(36)
12 9
3t +4t = 36
7t = 36
T = 36/7 or 5.15
A simple way to determine if a given
graph is that of a one-to-one function is
by using the horizontal line test.
Observe that the domain of the inverse
is the range of the original function, and
that the range of the inverse is the
domain of the original function.
E. Discussing new concepts and EXAMPLE 2: SOLVING AN APPLIED Presents the horizontal line test. To determine the inverse of a function from Ask: Is it true for all one-to-one
practicing new skills #2 PROBLEM INVOLVING A RATIONAL A function is one-to-one if each its equation. functions and their inverse?
FUNCTION horizontal line does not intersect the The inverse of the function can be
graph at more than one point. interpreted as the same function but in the Do example 2.
A large mixing tank currently contains opposite direction, that is, it is a function
100 gallons of water into which 5 from the y-value back to its corresponding Example 2.
pounds of sugar have been mixed. A x-value.
tap will open pouring 10 gallons per To find the inverse of a one-to-one 1
Find and graph the inverse of f(x) = ,
minute of water into the tank at the function. x
same time sugar is poured into the tank a) Write the function in the form
whose graph is shown below.
at a rate of 1 pound per minute. Find y=f(x);
the concentration (pounds per gallon) of b) Interchange the x and y variables;
sugar in the tank after 12 minutes. Is c) Solve for y in terms of x.
that a greater concentration than at the
beginning? This is because we are interchanging
the input and output values of a
Giving example.
1. Find the inverse of f(x) = 3x +1.
Solution. The equation of the function
is y = 3x +1. Interchange the x and y
variables: x =3y + 1.
Solve for y in terms of x:
x = 3y + 1
x – 1 = 3y
x−1 x−1
=y⟹ y= Solution.
3 3
Therefore, f (x) = 3x +1 is f −1(x) = Applying the horizontal line test, we
x−1 verify that the function is one-to-one.
Ask the following questions to the class:
Since the graph of f(x) = is
symmetric with respect to the line y = x
(indicated by a dashed line), its
reflection across the line y = x is
itself. Therefore the inverse of f(x) is
itself or f −1 ( x )=f ( x ) .
Verify that f
( x )=f ( 1x ) using the
___ Poweerpoint presentation ___ Poweerpoint presentation ___ Poweerpoint presentation ___ Poweerpoint presentation
___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method
___Role Playing /Drama ___Role Playing /Drama ___Role Playing /Drama ___Role Playing /Drama
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Doscivery Method ___ Doscivery Method ___ Doscivery Method ___ Doscivery Method
___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims ___ Complete Ims
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn ___ Pupil’s eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s cooperation in ___ Group member’s cooperation in ___ Group member’s cooperation in doing ___ Group member’s cooperation in
doing their tasks doing their tasks their tasks doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I encounter ___ Bullying among learners ___ Bullying among learners ___ Bullying among learners ___ ___ Bullying among learners
which my principal or supervisor can ___ Equipment (AVR/LCD) ___ Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) ___ Equipment (AVR/LCD)
help me solve?
___ Learner’s behavior/attitude ___ Learner’s behavior/attitude ___ Learner’s behavior/attitude ___ ___ Learner’s behavior/attitude
___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab ___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab Science/Computer/Internet Lab ___ Science/Computer/Internet Lab
___ Colorful Ims ___ Colorful Ims ___ Colorful Ims ___ ___ Colorful Ims
___ Additional Clerical Works ___ Additional Clerical Works Additional Clerical Works ___ Additional Clerical Works
___ Unavaailable Technology ___ Unavaailable Technology ___ Unavaailable Technology ___ ___ Unavaailable Technology
___ Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness Reading Readiness ___ Reading Readiness
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
ATTACHMENT: (Developing Mastery)
1. g(x) = x 3−2
2 x +1
2. f(x) =
3 x −4
√3 x+ 2= y ⟹ y √3 x+ 2
y −2 is g ( x )=√ x+ 2.
3 −1 3
The inverse of g(x) =
2 x +1 2 x +1
2. The equation of the function is y = . Interchange the x and y variables: x= . Solve for y in terms of x:
3 x −4 3 x −4
2 x +1
3 x −4
x(3y-4) = 2y + 1
3xy – 4x = 2y +1
3xy -2y = 4x + 1 (Place all terms with y on one side and those without y on the other side)
y (3x – 2) = 4x + 1
4 x +1
3 x −2
−1 4 x+1
Therefore, the inverse of f(x) is f ( x )= .
3 x−2
1. To convert from degrees Fahrenheit to Kelvin, the function is ,where t is the temperature in Fahrenheit (Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature). Find the inverse function converting
the temperature in Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit.
Solution. The equation of the function is . To maintain k and t as the respective temperatures in Kelvin and Fahrenheit (and lessen confusion), let us not interchange the variables. We just
solve for t in terms of k: ,
2. Give 3 examples of situations that can be represented as a one-to-one function and two examples of situations that are not one-to-one.
Sample answer:
a) f(x) = x+ 4
b) f(x) = (x +3)3
c) f(x) =
x+ 3
d) f(x) =
2 x +1
e) f(x) =
4 x−1
a) f −1(x) = 2x – 8
a) f −1(x) = 3 √x – 3
4 x +3
a) f −1(x) =
3 x +3
a) f −1(x) =
x −1
x +1
a) f −1(x) =
4 x−2