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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

3  Subject content

AS & A Level topics

Annual technical updates
Technical updates will be published each year to take account of emerging technologies relevant to the
syllabus content. Please refer to the updates page for this syllabus on the Cambridge International website

Candidates for Cambridge International AS Level Information Technology study topics 1–11.

Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Information Technology study all topics.

The content of the AS Level topics 1–11 is assumed knowledge for the A Level components.

The following information identifies content which must be covered within all topics. Where the term ‘including’ is
used, everything listed must be studied. However, this list is not exhaustive and other related aspects should also
be studied.

Note that no marks are awarded for brand names in candidate responses.

This syllabus gives you the flexibility to design a course that will interest, challenge and engage your learners.
Where appropriate you are responsible for selecting suitable subject contexts, resources and examples to support
your learners’ study. These should be appropriate for the learners’ age, cultural background and learning context as
well as complying with your school policies and local legal requirements.

1 Data processing and information

Candidates should know and understand:
1.1 Data and information
Data and information Differences between data and information
Identifying that data has no meaning and that it becomes
information through context and meaning
Direct and indirect data
• Uses Including suitability for a given purpose
• Sources Sources of direct data including questionnaires, interviews, data
Sources of indirect data including Electoral Register, businesses
collecting personal information when used by third parties
• Advantages and disadvantages of
direct and indirect data

1.2 Quality of information

• Factors that affect the quality of Including: accuracy, relevance, age, level of detail and
information completeness of the information

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

1 Data processing and information (continued)

Candidates should know and understand:
1.3 Encryption
• The need for encryption
• Methods of encryption Methods including: symmetric (using private key only),
asymmetric (using private and public keys)
• Encryption protocols Protocols including: the purpose of Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and the use of SSL/TLS in client-
server communication
• Uses of encryption Uses including: protection of data such as on a hard disk, email
or in HTTPS websites
• Advantages and disadvantages of
different protocols and methods of

1.4 Checking the accuracy of data

Validation and verification
• Methods Validation including: presence check, range check, type
check, length check, format check, check digit, lookup check,
consistency check, limit check
• Uses Verification including: visual checking and double data entry,
parity check, checksum, hash total, control total
• The need for both validation and Candidates should understand the difference between
verification validation and verification

1.5 Data processing

• Methods (batch, online, real-time) Batch processing
Including: master and transaction files and their use in payroll
and customer orders
Including the steps involved in updating a master file using a
transaction file
Online processing
Including the steps involved in carrying out: electronic funds
transfer, automatic stock control, electronic data exchange,
business-to-business buying and selling, online stores
Including systems where the output affects the input e.g.
central heating/air conditioning systems, guidance systems (for
rockets, etc.)

• Uses
• Write an algorithm
• Advantages and disadvantages of
different methods of processing

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

2 Hardware and software

Candidates should know and understand:
2.1 Mainframe computers and supercomputers
• Characteristics Characteristics including: longevity, RAS, security, performance
metrics (MIPS and FLOPS), volume of input, output and
throughput, fault tolerance, operating system, type of
processor, heat maintenance
• Uses Mainframe computer uses including: census, transaction
processing, industry statistics, consumer statistics
Supercomputer uses including: quantum mechanics, weather
forecasting climate research
• Advantages and disadvantages of
mainframe and supercomputers

2.2 System software

• Types Types including: compilers, interpreters, linkers, device drivers,
operating systems and utilities
• Uses Candidates will be expected to explain how high level language
is translated to run on different computer systems
• Advantages and disadvantages

2.3 Utility software

• The need for utility software Including: anti-virus, back-up, data compression, disk
• Types defragmentation (including understanding the structure of hard
disk storage), formatting, file-copying, deleting
• Uses
• Advantages and disadvantages

2.4 Custom written software and off-the-shelf software

• Uses
• Advantages and disadvantages Including: degree of testing, level of support, cost, adaptability
Candidates should also understand the concept of proprietary
and open source software (see also 10.5)

2.5 User interfaces

• Types Including: command line interface, graphical user interface,
• Uses dialogue interface, gesture based interface
• Advantages and disadvantages

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

3 Monitoring and control

Candidates should know and understand:
3.1 Monitoring technologies
• Sensors Examples of sensors including: light/UV, temperature, pressure,
humidity, sound, infrared, touch sensors, electromagnetic field
sensors and proximity sensors

• Uses Including uses:

Weather stations use temperature sensors to measure ambient
temperature, pressure sensors to measure atmospheric
pressure, humidity sensors to measure absolute and relative
humidity, light sensors to measure sunlight
Examples of other uses including: monitoring water pollution,
weather stations, environmental monitoring

• Calibration The importance of calibration

The various methods used to calibrate devices, including when
to use one point calibration, two point calibration and multi-
point calibration, knowing methods of calibrating readings from
sensors such as temperature sensors

• Advantages and disadvantages

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

3 Monitoring and control (continued)

Candidates should know and understand:
3.2 Control technologies
• Sensors Use of sensors including:
• Actuators Touch sensors incorporated within detection devices used
• Uses to measure fluid levels (cooling water level in nuclear power
• Write an algorithm
Temperature sensors to measure temperature in a glass/
• Draw a flowchart
• Advantages and disadvantages of
Light sensors to measure light level in a glass/greenhouse
different control technologies
Moisture sensors to measure water content of soil
Infrared sensors to detect movement of human bodies, which
emit heat, in burglar alarm systems
Electromagnetic field and ultrasonic sensors in car parking
Sound sensors in burglar alarm systems to detect the level of
sound an intruder might make
Proximity sensor in smartphones to switch off screen display
when phone is held near to the ear
Examples of control technology systems include:
Microprocessor controlled –
central heating systems
air conditioning systems
burglar alarms
control of traffic/pedestrian flow
car park barriers
traffic lights
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
smart homes
Write an algorithm or draw a flowchart to represent the
processing involved in the control technologies listed above
(see 4.1)

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

4 Algorithms and flowcharts

Candidates should be able to:
4.1 Algorithms and flowcharts
• Edit a given algorithm Candidates should be able to write a basic algorithm that
demonstrates a decision making process
Conditional branching
Nested loops
• Write an algorithm using pseudocode To include:
to solve a given problem INPUT/READ
Comparison operators >, <, =
Arithmetic operators +, -, *, /
• Edit a given flowchart Candidates should be able to draw a basic program flowchart
• Draw a flowchart to solve a given that demonstrates a decision making process
problem Including: input/output, decision, terminator (start, stop),
process boxes, subroutine, connector and flow line.
See symbols at the end of the Subject content section
Including: identifying errors in an algorithm/program flowchart
for a given scenario

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

5 eSecurity
Candidates should know and understand:
5.1 Personal data
• What personal data is Including:
Why personal data should be kept confidential
• Keeping personal data secure How personal data can be kept confidential, including the
removal of geotags from photos/videos
• Preventing misuse of personal data How personal data can be gathered by unauthorised persons
and how this might be prevented including: smishing, vishing,
phishing and pharming
Candidates will be expected to evaluate the methods of

5.2 Malware
• Types Types of malware including: Trojan Horse, worms, spyware,
adware, rootkit, malicious bots, ransomware and others
• Uses Uses including: fraud, industrial espionage, sabotage
• Consequences for organisations and
• Prevention Prevention including software and physical

6 The digital divide

Candidates should know and understand:
6.1 The digital divide
• What the digital divide is Including: the gap between people and regions that have access
• Causes and effects of the digital divide to aspects of modern technology and information, and those
with restricted or no access
• Reducing the effects of the digital
divide The technology includes telephone, television, personal
computers and the internet
The digital divide can also exist because of availability of high
and low performance computers, wireless connections
Groups affected include:
people in cities and people in rural areas
the educated and uneducated
the old and young
socioeconomic groups
more and less industrially developed/technologically aware
Effects of the digital divide include inequality of access to all
types of internet services

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

7 Expert systems
Candidates should know and understand:
7.1 Expert systems
• How expert systems are used to Components including: user interface, inference engine,
produce possible solutions for different knowledge base (as a database of facts and rules base),
scenarios explanation system, knowledge base editor
Scenarios including: mineral prospecting, investment analysis,
financial planning, insurance planning, car engine fault
diagnosis, medical diagnosis, route scheduling for delivery
vehicles, plant and animal identification
Candidates are expected to understand the concepts of
backward chaining and forward chaining
Including the terms: data driven and goal driven, their use in
diagnoses, gaming and artificial intelligence

8 Spreadsheets
Candidates should be able to:
8.1 Create a spreadsheet
Create structure
• Create page/screen structures to meet Including: page orientation, page size, fit to page, margins,
the requirements of an audience and/ header, footer
or task specification/house style
• Create/edit spreadsheet structures Insert, delete, hide, resize, merge, edit spreadsheet structure
including: rows, columns, cells
• Protect cells and their content Including: cells, rows, columns, worksheets and workbooks
• Freeze panes and windows

Create formulae and use functions

• Use formulae Including: add, subtract, multiply, divide, indices
• Use absolute reference, relative Candidates should be able to work with these across several
reference, named cells, named ranges worksheets or workbooks.
• Know and understand why absolute
and relative referencing are used
• Use functions Including: sum, average, minimum, maximum, integer,
rounding, counting, IF, nested IF, lookup (including: vertical,
horizontal), date and time functions; extracting numeric values
from strings, concatenating cell content, INDEX, MATCH,
conditional formulae to include counting, sum, average, nested

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

8 Spreadsheets (continued)
Candidates should be able to:
8.1 Create a spreadsheet (continued)
Use validation rules (See 1.4)
Use appropriate input and error messages
• Format cells Including: date, time, text, numeric, currency, percentage,
fractions, text orientation, alignment
• Format cell emphasis Including: size, style, colour, shading, merge, borders,
comments, conditional formatting

8.2 Test a spreadsheet

Test a spreadsheet structure Create and apply a test plan to test functions , validation rules
(see 1.4)

8.3 Use a spreadsheet

Extract data Search using: text, numeric, date, time, Boolean operators
(AND, OR, NOT), >, <, =, >=, <=, contains, starts with, ends
• Sort data
Including: ascending, descending on multiple columns
• Summarise and display data using
pivot tables and pivot charts
• Import and export data
Including: csv, txt, pdf, graphs and charts

8.4 Automate operations with a spreadsheet

• Create macros • Create and record macros to repeat and automate common
• Add controls to customise the user interface

8.5 Graphs and charts

• Create a graph or chart appropriate to Including: appropriate data series, from contiguous data, from
a specific purpose non-contiguous data, specified range(s)
Including: bar chart, pie chart, line graph, comparative bar chart,
comparative line graph, combination chart
• Apply chart formatting Including: title, legend, segment labels, segment values,
percentages, category axis labels, series labels, value axis labels,
scales, set axis scale maximum, set axis scale minimum, set
data interval, add secondary axis, extract pie chart sector

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

9 Modelling
Candidates should be able to:
9.1 Modelling and simulations
Use what-if analysis Including: what-if analysis, predicting the result of changing
data, goal seek
Test a spreadsheet model Create and apply a test plan to test a spreadsheet model
Know and understand: Including for: financial forecasting, population growth, climate
change, weather systems, queue management, traffic flow,
• What-if analysis
• The characteristics of modelling
• The need for computer models
• The effectiveness of spreadsheet
• The use of a model to create and run Uses including: natural disaster planning, pilot training, learning
simulations to drive a car, nuclear science research

10 Database and file concepts

Candidates should be able to:
10.1 Create a database
Assign a data type and an appropriate field Including: text, alphanumeric, numeric (integer, decimal), date,
size to a field time, Boolean
Know and understand the three
relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many
and many-to-many
Create and use relationships Including: one-to-one and one-to-many
Create and interpret an entity relationship Including: conceptual, logical and physical entity relationship
diagram diagrams
Know and understand:
The difference between a flat file and a
relational database
Why one might be preferred in certain
Create a relational database
Know and understand the function of key Including: primary key, compound key, foreign key
Set keys Including: primary key, compound key, foreign key
Know and understand referential integrity
and its importance
Use referential integrity
Validate and verify data entry Use validation rules (see 1.4)
Test validation applied to a database
Verify data entry (see 1.4)

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

10 Database and file concepts (continued)

Candidates should be able to:
10.1 Create a database (continued)
Perform searches Simple query on single criterion
Complex queries using multiple criteria
Queries using static parameters – queries using dynamic
Nested queries
Use queries to find, remove duplicate records
Summarise data (including cross-tab query)
Using text, numeric, date, time, wildcard, Boolean operators
(AND, OR, NOT), >, <, =, >=, <=
Use arithmetic operations, numeric and Including calculated controls and calculated fields
logical functions to perform calculations
within a database
Sort data Including: ascending, descending, grouped
Design and create an appropriate data Including: appropriate font styles and sizes, spacing between
entry form fields, character spacing of individual fields, use of white space,
radio buttons, drop down menus, highlighting key fields, use
form controls, create linked subforms
Design and create a switchboard/menu
within a database
Import data Including: csv, txt
Export data Including: table, query, report, export as csv, txt, rtf

10.2 Normalisation to third normal form (3NF)

Know and understand the characteristics
of data in unnormalised form (UNF), first
normal form (1NF), second normal form
(2NF) and third normal form (3NF)
Know and understand the normalisation
of data (to include the advantages and
Normalise a database to first normal form
(1NF), second normal form (2NF) and third
normal form (3NF)

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

10 Database and file concepts (continued)

Candidates should be able to:
10.3 Data dictionary
Know and understand the components of a
data dictionary
Create a data dictionary and select
appropriate data types for a given set of
data and a given situation
Identify different data types Including: text, alphanumeric, numeric (integer), real,
percentage, currency), date, time, Boolean, logical (yes/no,

10.4 Query selection

Know and understand the use of static and
dynamic parameters in a query (see 10.1)
Know and understand when static and
dynamic parameters should be used in
queries (see 10.1)
Know and understand when simple,
complex, nested and summary queries
(including cross-tab queries/pivot tables)
should be used (see 10.1)

10.5 File and data management

Know and understand:
• Different file types and their use
• What is meant by proprietary and
open-source file formats, and why
open-source file formats are needed
(see also section 2.4)
• Why generic file formats are needed
• The use of indexed sequential access
• The use of direct file access
• The use of a hierarchical database
management system
• The features of a management
information system (MIS)
• How a MIS can be used by

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

11 Sound and video editing

Candidates should be able to:
11.1 Sound and video editing
Edit a video clip to meet the requirements Set an aspect ratio
of its intended application and audience Trim a video clip to remove unwanted footage
Splice/join together video clips
Create text based slides
Create credits
Add captions and subtitles
Add fading effects
Add pan and zoom effects
Add animation effects
Extract a still image from a video clip
Resize and crop a still image to match a video’s aspect ratio
Insert a still image
Add sound to a video clip
Remove sound from a video clip
Alter the speed of a video clip
Use of filters and colour correction
Export a video clip in different file formats (including: MP4, AVI,
Compress a video to different resolutions to suit different
media (including: DVD, internet)
Know and understand the effects of Including how the different compression methods affect video
different methods of compression on video quality
Know and understand why typical features Including:
found in video editing software are used trim and crop a video clip
create text based slides
create credits
add captions and subtitles
add fading effects
extract a still image from a video clip
insert a still image
add sound to a video clip
export a video clip in different file formats
compress a video to different resolutions

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Cambridge International AS & A Level Information Technology 9626 syllabus for 2022, 2023 and 2024.  Subject content

11 Sound and video editing (continued)

Candidates should be able to:
11.1 Sound and video editing (continued)
Edit a sound clip to meet the requirements Import new tracks
of its intended application and audience Add a track to an existing sound clip
Normalise a sound clip including removing any DC offset
Trim a sound clip to remove unwanted material
Splice/join together two sound clips
Fade in and fade out a sound clip
Alter the speed of a sound clip
Change the pitch of a sound clip
Add or adjust reverberation
Change a sound clip from stereo to mono
Apply equalisation, high, low pass filters to a sound clip
Apply echo, delay to a sound clip
Apply noise reduction to a sound clip
Overdub a sound clip to include a voice over
Export a sound clip in different file formats including: MP3,
Compress (including: the use of MP3) the sound file to different
sample rates to suit different media
Know and understand how and why typical Including:
features found in sound editing software trim a sound clip
are used
splice/join together two sound clips
fade in and fade out a sound clip
normalise a sound clip
apply noise reduction to a sound clip
overdub a sound clip to include a voice over
export a sound clip in different file formats
compress (including: the use of MP3) the sound file
Know and understand why file sizes depend Including describing sampling rate and sampling resolution
on sampling rate and sampling resolution
Know and understand the effects of Including: how the different compression methods affect the
different methods of compression on audio quality, saving in files v containers, lossy and lossless

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