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Developing The Business Case: For Engineering Information Management

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Developing the

Business Case
for Engineering
Information Management

Scott Lamond
Vice President, Marketing & Partnerships
1) Provide insights and a tool to help you develop your business case

2) Work through scenarios together to quantify Adept’s impact

Synergis Software Overview
• 27 years experience developing, implementing & supporting
enterprise information management solutions

• More than 70,000 worldwide users

• Used in more than 25 countries on 6 continents

• Privately held, no long-term debt or venture capital obligations

• 100 employees, average tenure over 8 years

Adept Benefits
Easy to implement, use
and maintain

On-premise install and

remote hosting options

Available in multiple
Security Automation:
& Control:
••••• •View,
Robust data transmittal
documents andlocated
intellectual creation,
management anywhere
inside from
CAD apps
manual processes
• •• of distribution
file types
regulations and
and management
standards encrypting
property/attribute updating US-based support &
• Route
Full text and metadata
for approvals
CAD filesearching
relationships development team
• •• •2D your
and files
Identify 3D and folders
CAD, raster,
bottlenecks graphics,
Know that
•• AutoCAD, you always, Electrical,
Mechanical have the correct
• office,
Email PDF control
version & access
Navisorks, Inventor, SolidWorks,
• • •TurnRevision
alerts control
replication everyoneand is working
interrogate 3D models
Frost & Sullivan: “Best Customer Service in Global EIM Market”
A Sample of our Clients…
Utilities & Energy

Process and Pharmaceuticals

Oil & Gas

Mining Infrastructure


Government & Government Contractors

EPC & AEC Other

Faster Document
& Elimination of Rework
How Adept Speeds Document Access
& Eliminates the Need to Recreate Lost Files
• Searches locate files anywhere, regardless of what server or folder

• Metadata-based searching

• Saved searches, Favorites, Recently Used

• Full text search

• FileGuide – browse a flexible tree structure based on metadata

• Always find the latest revision

Accelerate Project
or Time to Market
How Adept Speeds Project Startup
or Time to Market
• Unite a project team or enterprise on a single version of the truth

• Enable fast document access to team members located anywhere

• Automate workflow with notifications and time-based alerts

• Streamline collaboration across sites and with external contractors

How Adept Speeds Project Startup
or Time to Market
• Reduce project handover time from months to weeks
• Tight integration with 2D/3D CAD improves efficiency and data integrity
• Eliminate design errors and promote design standardization and re-use
Accelerate Project Startup
• Dow Chemical: A plant that gets to production 1 to 2 days
faster may result in $1M to $1.6M per day in gross margin
Streamline Engineering
Change Management
& any document workflow process
How Adept Streamlines
Engineering Change Management
1. Eliminates some percentage of changes orders
– Ensures everyone is working with the correct version
– Ensures parent-child relationships remain intact
– Increases standardization
– Increases design re-use
– Everyone is connected through a single version of the truth
How Adept Streamlines
Engineering Change Management
2. Makes change process more efficient
– Paper/email methods are slow, error-prone, difficult to manage
– Easily configurable workflow automates manual processes
– Acts as a traffic cop, ensuring the necessary approvals, in order
– Time-based alerts and notifications keep everything on track
– Provides visibility to the status of any workflow in process
IP Protection
IP Protection
IP Protection
• The company is at risk, on a large scale, if proprietary information is stolen

• “…$600 billion in losses sustained by U.S. companies from the theft of

intellectual property.” NY Times

• Adept was created 27 years ago because a Synergis customer had IP stolen
How Adept Supports
IP Protection
• Secure vaulting to protect documents

• Granular control over document access

• Audit trail for every action that occurs to a document

• Reporting to spot unusual occurrences worth investigating

Reduce Risk and
Streamline Compliance
with Industry Regulations
Reduce Risk and Streamline Compliance
with Industry Regulations
• FDA-21-CFR-11

• Int’l Traffic in Arms (ITAR)

• OSHA 1910


• ISO-9001

• General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Reduce Risk and Streamline Compliance
with Industry Regulations
• Avg. cost of being non-compliant is $14.8M (2018), a 45% increase since 2011

• Avg. cost to manage compliance for a large organization is $5.5M, a 43% increase

• Organizations annually spend ~ $2M on data security, $1.3M on compliance related

platforms, $1M on incident response, and $750,000 on audit & assessments

• Some industries spend 25% of ann. budget to ensure no compliance issues occur
How Adept Helps Reduce Risk
& Streamline Compliance with Industry Regulations
• Assures proper documentation, version control and review/approval processes

• Robust Audit Trail provides a record of every action to a document

• Simplifies, expedites, and ensures the accuracy of compliance processes

• Allows you to classify data for legal purposes in audits, and make the data
retrievable by those responsible for conducting audits (internal or external)

• Records Retention - Assign and track document removal dates

Enable Efficient
Global Collaboration
How Adept Enables
Global Collaboration
• Trying to collaborate across departments, sites and with external partners using
Windows folders is not practical, and SharePoint is slow toolkit

• Adept provides a central repository so everyone is on the same page

• Vault replication to ensure teams everywhere have local (fast) access to documents.

• Visualization, markup and compare allows all stakeholders to share input on a design
Enable Global Collaboration
While the ROI calculator is focused on the benefits of vault replication, here are some
other areas you can assign value to:
• Far fewer steps to share documents

– Search... Select... Assign or Transmittal

• Project data is more reliable with everyone on one platform

• Avoid the cost of manually managing project files across several contractors

• No need for IT to install & maintain separate viewers for different applications
Reduce Costs
Associated with Rework & Scrap
How Adept Reduces Costs Associated
with Manufacturing or Construction Rework and Scrap
Adept helps organizations create higher quality designs with…
• Improved data integrity
• Easier to enforce design standards
• Built in approval process to ensure quality
• Design reuse to leverage what has already been proven
• Manufacturing has visibility to pending ECOs
Automate the Creation
and Management
of Transmittal Packages
How Adept Automates the Creation
& Management of Transmittal Packages
• Quickly find all the documents you need for the transmittal

• Ensures you always have the right version of each file

• Include (or exclude) related files (XREFs, Parts, Assemblies, etc.)

• Cover sheet is automatically created based on selected metadata

• Transmittals can go through automated approval process

• Transmittals are maintained so you have a record of delivery

Avoid a Plant Shutdown or Utility Outage
How Adept Helps Avoid
a Plant Shutdown or Utility Outage
• Improved quality of work
• More reliable management of engineering change
• Maintenance and engineering are on the same page
• Improved data integrity
• Tighter security
• Greater visibility for improved decision making
Alleviate Current
Document Management,
EIM or PDM System Costs
Alleviate Current Document Management,
EIM or PDM System Costs
• Software or Subscription
• Support contracts
• Maintenance fees
• Infrastructure
• Upgrade costs
• Systems administration and support
Business Value of Adept
- Year 1 Example
Other ROI Factors
• Improved decision making through easy access to relevant data
• Integration with other business systems, eliminating manual
data entry, reducing errors, and automating processes
• Support litigation with historical records
• Peace of mind
Learn more…

• Schedule an ROI session with an Adept expert focused on your business

• Request a copy of the ROI calculator
• Schedule a customized, one-on-one demonstration of Adept

Go to the Chat box in the GoToWebinar pane, click on the link to request an
ROI session, a copy of the ROI calculator, or a one-on-one demo.

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