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Ots-Handbook 341 Tech Risk Controls

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CHAPTER: Management

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341


Financial institutions operate in a technology- • Where to market their products.

intensive industry. Almost all aspects of opera-
• How to price them.
tions are automated and most business
transactions are consummated without the ex- • Who to grant loans to.
change of currency. Instead, transactions are
• What the terms should be.
stored, processed, and transported electronically
using information systems and technology. • When to cross-market other products.
• When to adjust credit limits or interest rates on
Financial institutions have long stored information
individual accounts and by how much.
in electronic form. Historically, however, transac-
tion entry remained largely a manual process, • To determine the most effective collection
providing a traditional paper trail through which strategy.
the accuracy of electronically produced output
reports could be verified. Today, advancements in As this dependence on electronic information
communication technology are increasingly re- grows, it is increasingly important to take appro-
placing institution-controlled, paper-documented priate measures to ensure the integrity of the
transactions with electronic entries initiated by input, to protect against corruption of the data or
customers, by telephone or PC, by merchants, the programming, and to test the accuracy of the
through automated bill payment, etc. Financial output.
institutions need new methods to control transac-
tion input, to ensure its accuracy. Risks are inherent in all electronic capabilities.
Threats can come from both internal and external
Institutions are also becoming more dependent on sources. Outside hackers, disgruntled employees,
electronic information to make strategic and daily and inadvertent errors can adversely affect reli-
management decisions. Institutions use computer ability. Unauthorized parties may inappropriately
models to: alter Web sites or hackers may initiate denial of
service attacks to prevent customers from trans-
• Develop budget projections and business acting business. Electronic mail containing
plans. confidential or proprietary information may be
distributed in error. Unauthorized parties might
• To underwrite loans.
access networked systems that are directly con-
• To measure interest rate risk. nected to an institution’s main operations
database, revealing sensitive data.
• To manage assets.
• To track trust accounts. At the same time, traditional information integrity
and availability responsibilities and risks continue
• To produce loan documents and consumer
to be present. Management’s responsibility to pro-
protection disclosures.
tect records from fires and natural disasters
• To measure management performance. predates what we call technology, but the respon-
sibility to safeguard the confidentiality of
• Manage virtually every other aspect of finan-
customers’ records is the same whether that
cial institution activities.
means physically restricting access to ledger cards
and file vaults or establishing and maintaining
Increasingly, institutions download electronic data
logical access controls such as strong password
from third parties, such as credit bureaus, and run
and log-on practices to protect information stored
that data through a variety of internal electronic
in electronic form.
decision models. Institutions use the results to

Office of Thrift Supervision January 2002 Regulatory Handbook 341.1

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

Institutions increasingly are seeking control en- losses for the institution. You can use this exami-
hancements to mitigate risks that impact data nation program to determine if an institution’s
integrity and data availability, and provide new controls are adequate to reasonably ensure a safe,
opportunities to remain competitive, enhance sound, and secure infrastructure for use of infor-
profitability, and improve customer service. Re- mation technology. We generally refer to “you” as
cent lessons learned from Year 2000 renovation the safety and soundness examiner. When neces-
work, use of the Internet as an alternate delivery sary, we make the distinction between Safety and
channel, and regulators’ emphasis on risk man- Soundness (S&S) and Information Technology
agement processes are prompting institutions to (IT) examiners.
give greater attention to planning for use and con-
trol of information technology. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THRIFT
The Year 2000 project was one of the most ex-
pensive and resource-intensive information Financial institutions have a number of choices
technology challenges ever faced by the financial available to meet their information systems and
services industry. The project posed a technology- technology needs. Most OTS-regulated thrifts out-
based problem that had to be managed on an en- source most of their data processing functions to
terprise-wide basis by more than technology one or more third-party service providers; these
experts. It transcended corporate boundaries and are sometimes called “serviced thrifts.” A much
hierarchies and required organizations to work smaller portion of thrifts maintain internal data
together to review information technology (IT) centers to run software licensed from vendors or
systems and business practices and develop a developed in-house. Mixes or hybrids of these
comprehensive strategy to address technology basic approaches are common. A thrift might con-
related risks and business continuity plans. tract with one service provider for its general
ledger and deposit systems, with a second service
The financial institutions best prepared for Year provider for loans, and with a third for its web
2000 shared common characteristics. Typically, site. The same thrift might use licensed software
these institutions: for certain investments and interest rate risk
analysis and might use complex spreadsheets
• Had senior managers and directors who were developed in-house for some asset quality and
committed to and involved in the project. board reports.
• Used interdisciplinary teams.
In addition to doing business with the primary and
• Developed comprehensive IT inventories. secondary service providers, most thrifts are inter-
• Improved their vendor management practices. connected with various other entities, such as
ATM networks and automated clearing houses
• Prepared and tested detailed contingency (ACHs), to process daily business. And, most
plans. thrifts now maintain one or more internal net-
• Strengthened internal controls and security. works known as Local Area Networks (LANs) or
Wide Area Networks (WANs). More and more of
These practices are also essential to the ongoing the internal networks are configured in a client-
prudent management of information technology. server environment.

This handbook section, which supplements Sec- Each of these arrangements requires a different
tion 340, Internal Control, describes a safety and type and level of management involvement with
soundness examination program to evaluate tech- regard to data integrity controls, security meas-
nology risk controls. If management does not ures, and business continuity plans.
identify and address technology risks, problems
such as unauthorized access to records, data integ- Outsourcing
rity deficiencies, inadequate disaster contingency
planning, interruption of customer service, lack of Almost all thrift institutions, including large enti-
internal controls, and fraud can cause significant ties, use outsourcing to some extent.

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SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

Contracts with service providers typically provide changing competitive factors might otherwise dic-
for a standard package of routine and standardized tate.
services and reports and allow for some special
reports. Additional costs may be incurred for cer- Similarly, dissatisfaction with a service provider
tain special reports or for nonstandard processing will typically lead to a conversion from one data
of standard reports. service provider to another. While converting to a
service provider that better meets the institution’s
Client institutions may request services and prod- needs is a business decision, and not automatically
ucts beyond those provided for in the contract, for a regulatory concern, conversions can be disrup-
example, for a new deposit or loan product. Cli- tive to the normal flow of business. Fees or
ents generally must pay extra for unique software penalties for early contract termination can be
requirements that are not enhancement priorities considerable. Appropriate upfront due diligence
to the provider/ vendor and client-base at large. In and planning should help institutions avoid un-
these situations, institutions frequently build their necessary conversions.
own supplemental systems (for example, using
PC-based applications) to augment outside prod- Most serviced thrifts have one primary service
ucts and services. provider and one or more secondary service pro-
viders. Typically, the primary service provider is
The delegation of data processing or other techno- responsible for (and paid for) ensuring compatible
logical functions to a third party requires setups, connections and data transmissions with
reasonable due diligence in selecting and contract- the secondary service providers as well as with
ing with service providers and vendors, and in other companies and entities included under the
monitoring performance. Conditions, rights, and technology umbrella (for example, the ATM net-
responsibilities of the institution and the third- work).
party service provider or vendor should be gov-
erned by written agreements. This is particularly Data is forwarded to the service provider’s com-
important in an electronic environment because puter center, usually via on-line data entry
short-term engagements, new developments, and terminals. Output reports are available at the insti-
untested entities are not uncommon. Further, tution’s on-line terminals and printers, or in some
management must coordinate all outsourcing ar- cases, or for certain reports, hardcopy or micro-
rangements to ensure that security, reliability, and fiche reports may be delivered.
integrity are not compromised.
Client institutions are responsible for establishing
Independent Service Providers and maintaining appropriate controls over those
portions of the serviced systems that are under
Contracting with independent service providers is their control. For example, institutions should
common at thrifts of all sizes. An independent permit only tellers and other authorized personnel
service provider can provide experienced staff, to use teller terminals. Other common controls
proven software, and reliable hardware that might that clients, rather than service providers, are re-
otherwise be difficult if not cost-prohibitive for an sponsible for include certain balancing and
individual thrift to maintain. However, the selec- reconciling activities. Client responsibilities
tion of an independent service provider is should be addressed in the contract and may be
important. Most contracts are long-term, and it is discussed in greater detail in other documentation
important that the institution ensure that the ser- from the service providers or independent auditors
vice provider can deliver the appropriate type and conducting third-party reviews (discussed later).
quality of service that the institution will need Thrift management is also responsible for ensur-
over the life of the contract. If the service provider ing that employees are properly trained on the
does not provide the needed services, or cannot systems they use and related control steps.
promptly add services the institution needs later to
meet market conditions, it may constrain the insti-
tution’s operations. For example, its choice of
loan products may be more limited than what

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SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

Affiliated Service Providers Other “Internal” Technologies

Thrifts that are part of a holding company struc- Whether the institution’s main data processing
ture may have an affiliated company handle their functions are handled internally or outsourced,
technological needs. This may be a department of some technologies common to most financial in-
the holding company or a separate affiliated com- stitutions have emerged in recent years.
pany. This frequently happens where there are
several financial institutions with common owner- End-User Computing
ship. The related institutions can eliminate some
duplication of efforts and equipment and realize With the advent of PCs, thrift officers and em-
economies of scale. ployees began creating applications to supplement
those provided by service providers or internal
Where there are such contracts or arrangements, data centers. As PCs and software applications
Transactions with Affiliates provisions may apply. simultaneously became more powerful and easy to
For additional information, see Section 380 of this use, and downloading information from service
Handbook. providers and in-house data centers became more
feasible, these business users, as opposed to IT
In-House Computer Centers professionals, created yet more complex “end-
user” applications.
In-house computer centers vary in size and com-
plexity. Computer equipment may vary in size These business users may create new software
from large “mainframe” to smaller microcomputer programs or miniprograms or customize existing
systems. Also, the level of responsibility assumed routines from vendor software. PC users originate
by the institution can vary. Under the traditional data, download and manipulate information from
in-house computer arrangement, the thrift would main databases, and upload data to secure data-
own the hardware and would be responsible for bases. Each of these activities can create
developing, maintaining, and operating the pro- information that management may use to make
gram. However, most banks and thrifts have decisions that affect corporate strategies, customer
implemented a hybrid arrangement, where they relationships, and governmental reporting.
outsource some of the responsibilities traditionally
associated with in-house systems. Management should take steps to implement and
maintain control techniques for the programming,
One type of hybrid arrangement is often referred testing and documentation of end-user applica-
to as a turnkey operation. Under this type of set tions to ensure the integrity of the software and
up, thrifts will acquire software from a third party, the production of accurate reports. TB 29, End-
and run the software on equipment owned and User Computing, contains more detailed guidance
operated by the thrift. One variation of a turnkey on basic controls that should be implemented and
operation is when a thrift enhances the standard maintained in this area.
software to better suit their information needs.
The additional programming is referred to as “sur- Computer Networks
round code.”
The power of PCs also helped information proc-
Facilities management is another type of IT envi- essing to evolve well beyond the traditional
ronment occasionally seen in financial central environment to decentralized or distributed
institutions. In these cases, the financial institution networked operations. Most OTS-regulated thrifts
has an in-house data center, but employees of a have at least one internal network of PCs, whether
service provider provide the programming and the thrift is serviced or operates an in-house data
operate the systems. center.

Computer networks offer substantial benefits in

productivity and information access. A Local
Area Network or LAN refers to a network that

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SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

interconnects systems within a small geographic deal with unique information security matters
area such as a building, or even just a floor or por- through the advice and support of qualified em-
tion of a building. Through PCs or other ployees or outside consultants. Institutions that
terminals, users have access to common systems, provide retail electronic banking may refer to
databases and software; communicate via elec- CEO Memo No. 70, Statement on Retail On-Line
tronic mail (email), and share peripherals such as Personal Computer Banking, which alerts boards
printers. A Wide Area Network or WAN is a and management to risks and concerns in that
wider network that connects users in other loca- area. The memorandum discusses strategic risk,
tions. A thrift might have a LAN within its legal/regulatory risk and operational risk as well
headquarters building and a WAN for its branches as security and operations procedures. The memo-
to communicate with each other and the home randum also briefly addresses planning, testing,
office. Other types of computer networks include and monitoring.
MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks) and VPNs
(Virtual Private Networks). As the industry has migrated from direct connect
PC banking to Internet banking, the focus of this
These networks provide high-speed interconnection program (341) is on Internet banking or related
and data exchange and facilitate communications activity that involves sending or receiving data
within the institution and between the institution and using the Internet.
the users (staff and customers). Some familiar on-
line customer delivery application systems that are Internet Banking
available to network users include telephone bank-
ing, PC banking, ATMs, automatic bill payments, Internet banking refers to the systems that enable
and automated clearinghouse (ACH) systems for financial institution customers to access accounts
direct deposit or payment. and general information on an institution’s prod-
ucts and services through a PC or other intelligent
Institutions using LANs, WANs, or other types of device (for example, Internet-enabled wireless
computer networks need to have policies and pro- phones) in communication with a financial institu-
cedures that govern the purchase and maintenance tion’s Internet website.
of hardware and software. They must also estab-
lish and maintain sound controls that allow An Informational Website provides general in-
reasonable access to data but also protect data’s formation about the financial institution’s
confidentiality and integrity. products and services, and is usually located on a
separate server. Informational websites often
For more detailed guidance, see CEO Memoran- highlight deposit and loan programs, list branch
dum No. 59, Risk Management of Client/Server locations and hours, and provide “email” ad-
Systems, which forwarded the interagency state- dresses for customers or the public to contact the
ment on this topic. thrift. Some informational web sites provide links
to other web sites deemed of interest to their
Electronic Banking and Internet Activities community.

Electronic banking encompasses customer ser- For OTS’s regulatory purposes, a Transactional
vices such as telephone banking and PC banking, Website is defined as one that allows customers
whether the latter is conducted through a direct to do one or more of the following activities:
connection or over the Internet. General Internet
activity refers to activity by thrift employees in- • Access an account
cluding browsing, downloading, or other Internet • Obtain an account balance
activity, using institution resources for purposes
not related to the institution’s Internet banking • Transfer funds
products. • Process bill payments
Institutions that have any sort of electronic bank- • Open an account
ing or Internet activities should be prepared to • Apply for or obtain a loan

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• Purchase other authorized products or services. and physical safeguards appropriate to the size and
complexity of the institution and the nature and
An Internet-only Bank represents a special case scope of its activities. The guidelines describe the
where the thrift’s business strategy rejects the tra- oversight role of the board of directors in this proc-
ditional bricks and mortar approach to banking. ess and management’s continuing duty to evaluate
All or almost all transactions are conducted via and report to the board on the overall status of this
the Internet or other electronic networks such at program.
The four steps in this process require an institution
PROTECTION OF CUSTOMER • Identify and assess the risks that may threaten
INFORMATION customer information.
Section V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of • Develop a written plan containing policies and
1999 governs privacy in the context of financial procedures to manage and control these risks.
institutions. Subtitle A of that section, titled Dis- • Implement and test the plan.
closure of Nonpublic Personal Information,
• Adjust the plan on a continuing basis to ac-
includes a “Privacy Obligation Policy” and ad-
count for changes in technology, the sensitivity
dresses “Financial Institution Safeguards.” More of customer information, and internal or exter-
specifically, Section 501(a) states, “it is the policy nal threats to information security.
of the Congress that each financial institution has
an affirmative and continuing obligation to respect The guidelines also set forth an institution’s re-
the privacy of its customers and to protect the se- sponsibility for overseeing outsourcing
curity and confidentiality of those customers’ arrangements.
nonpublic information.” Section 501(b) directs
federal banking agencies such as OTS to “estab- OTS examination procedures include review ac-
lish appropriate standards for the financial tivities to determine an institution’s level of
institutions subject to their jurisdictions relating to compliance with the recently enacted regulatory
administrative, technical, and physical safe- guidelines.
(1) to insure the security and confidentiality ACTIVITIES
of customer records and information;
The level of technical knowledge required by
(2) to protect against anticipated threats or boards of directors and senior managers varies
hazards to the security or integrity of such depending on the size and nature of its operations,
records; and and by the degree of complexities within its tech-
nology environment. Nonetheless, directors and
(3) to protect against unauthorized access to senior officers should have a clear understanding
use of such records or information which of the risks posed by technology, provide clear
could result in substantial harm or incon- guidance on risk management practices, and take
venience to any customer.” an active oversight role in monitoring risk mitiga-
tion activities.
On February 1, 2001, OTS amended 12 CFR Part
570 Appendix B in order to establish the standards Institutions must establish and maintain adequate
required by Section V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley functional control systems so management can
Act. Appendix B to Part 570 outlines the Agency’s identify, measure, monitor, and control informa-
expectations for the creation, implementation, and tion technology risks that could adversely affect
maintenance of an information security program. performance or pose safety and soundness con-
This program must include administrative, technical, cerns. Similar to basic internal controls,
institutions should design technology risk controls

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SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

to prevent errors and problems that realistically the business planning process. Technologies in
can be prevented and to promptly detect and ad- place should be subject to periodic review to
dress those problems that do occur. evaluate performance against current strategic
plans and objectives, technological developments,
Risks, previously alluded to, may be grouped as and operating policies and procedures.
The substance and form of any formal plan will
• Information Integrity Risk vary significantly, depending on the complexity of
the institution’s information systems and technol-
• Business Continuity Risk
ogy. The key element for you to consider is
• Vendor Management Risk. whether the information plan meets the institu-
tion’s needs.
Although the volume and mix of risks will vary
depending on the institution’s technology envi- Management should also ensure that appropriate
ronment, each of these types of risk is present at resources, including the correct mix of staff and a
all thrifts. The board of directors and senior man- realistic amount of time, are brought to bear on
agement must take steps to prevent, to the extent program development or upgrade. A common
feasible, the exploitation of any of these risks and misunderstanding is that limitations of the com-
to quickly detect and resolve weaknesses and puter systems inhibit the development of high
breaches. quality management information systems. In real-
ity, management has sufficient flexibility under
most computer systems to design a management
Management Oversight
information system that meets the needs of the
institution. Therefore, business managers should
In addition to control activities already discussed, play a significant role in the development and on-
management and board of director oversight re- going assessment of information systems.
sponsibilities includes:
General Controls
• Planning for use of information technology.
• Establishing general control systems. An institution should require additional data con-
trols for technology that is used to process
• Verifying (or auditing) those controls.
information. At a minimum, these data input and
• Educating and supporting information technol- output controls should provide for accurate data
ogy users, including both staff and customers. preparation before data input procedures, and seg-
regation of duties between the input of
Planning and Implementing Information information and the review of that information
Technology after it is processed. Such controls generally re-
quire the reviewer to reconcile the processed
Technology is ever changing. From time to time, information. In situations involving large-dollar
management will determine to upgrade various transactions, institutions should require that cer-
parts of its technology environment. This may tain functions be performed under dual control.
entail adopting new technologies; upgrading Management should establish appropriate controls
hardware or software; or converting its “environ- in the early stages of development and deploy-
ment” (e.g., outsourcing systems previously ment and the institution’s operating policies and
operated internally or vice versa, or switching procedures should describe them in detail.
from one service provider to another).
Certain types of input data do not readily lend
Institutions should have an information technol- themselves to robust verification for accuracy and
ogy plan that establishes the framework for the completeness by means of automated edits. Com-
deployment and operation of technology. Man- mon examples are data from mortgage loan notes,
agement should update the plan annually to new-account input forms, and PC-prepared
coordinate technology initiatives and activities to spreadsheets. However, verification procedures

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SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

may still be warranted, depending on the sensitiv- curate information leads to bad management
ity or significance of the data or resulting output. decisions. Similarly, individuals who perpetrate
Verification could consist of manually comparing fraud through technological tools sometimes also
the system output with the source document, or employ simple deception – also known as social
reviewing the data for reasonableness. engineering – to gain passwords from unsuspect-
ing employees.
Information Integrity Risk
To combat information integrity risk, the institu-
Information is one of an institution’s most treas- tion should have an active corporate information
ured intangible assets. A major performance security program that delineates policy, standards,
factor for institutions is their ability to manage, and management responsibilities. In addition to
safeguard, and optimize the use of customer and the policy statement, the program should provide
corporate data. for incident response to security exceptions (for
example, employee violations and external unau-
Information must be: thorized access attempts), security awareness, and
• Available To maintain information integrity and confidenti-
• Accurate ality, management should establish and enforce
controls that safeguard information from unau-
• Complete thorized access and use of data, provide for timely
• Valid detection and correction of erroneous transactions,
and provide for complete audit trails of transac-
• Secure. tion activity. Management should develop
methods to maintain confidentiality, ensure the
Information integrity concerns are sometimes ex- intended person receives accurate information,
pressed in the following terms: and prevent eavesdropping by others. In addition,
both the sender and the receiver in a transaction
Transactional Risk: This is the risk that weak- should create undeniable proof of participation.
nesses will cause errors to occur in transactions or
will prevent a thrift from completing a transaction The scope of information security should address
(or delivering products or services). Individuals all of the institution’s information technology ac-
may exploit weaknesses to perpetrate fraud via tivities, including personal computer activities,
unauthorized transactions. Internet-based electronic banking services, and
processing by the institution’s information service
Reputational Risk: This is the risk that real and providers.
perceived errors and lapses in information tech-
nology compromise the customer’s trust in the Effective security does not rely on one solution.
accuracy of their account records or the thrift’s Management should use several types of controls
ability to safeguard the confidentiality of those to manage information integrity risk:
• User-ID controls.
Compliance Risk: This is the risk that information • Password controls.
technology weaknesses will manifest themselves
in errors and omissions that cause the institution • System log-on and log-off controls.
to be out-of-compliance with laws and regula- • Virus protection controls.
• Other controls to limit “powerful user” access.
The weaknesses may or may not be strictly tech- • In some situations the institution will also need
nological. For example, an interest rate risk model to use firewalls and encryption.
might create invalid results due to either faulty
programming or inappropriate assumptions. Inac-

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SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

User-ID controls, along with password controls, • Suppression: All systems should suppress the
are intended to restrict system access and promote display of user passwords in any form.
user accountability. For detailed guidance, see
• Encryption: The institution should ensure en-
CEO Memo 143, Authentication in an Electronic
cryption of password files (the vendor usually
Banking Environment.
encrypts password files for outsourced sys-
User-ID controls include the following:
Maintenance procedures should ensure that only
• Approval: Management-level staff should ap-
the user has knowledge of his or her password.
prove the issuance of user IDs.
Procedures should allow users to change their
• Uniqueness: Each user ID should be identified own passwords.
with only one user (sharing of user IDs should
be prohibited). Access to sensitive data or powerful processing
capabilities should require the use of a password.
• Number of IDs per User: In general, each user
Institution management should promptly reverse
should only have one user ID, to promote ac-
temporary privileges, for example, additional ac-
tivity monitoring efficiency and employee
cess given to an “acting” teller supervisor or
accountability. Multiple user IDs are some-
branch manager, when no longer needed.
times justified (for example, for technical
support reasons), but related approval and
System log-on and log-off controls should limit
monitoring controls should be in place.
the number of unsuccessful log-on attempts a user
• Expired or Discontinued Use: User IDs of can make. An added enhancement would be to
terminated employees or expired authoriza- notify the user, upon successful log-on, of unsuc-
tions should be disabled immediately and cessful attempts since the last log-on interval. PCs
deleted from the system based on institution and other terminals should automatically log off
policy. after a period of inactivity.

Password controls include the following: Virus-protection controls include policies and
software. Policies should restrict employees from
• Length: Experts recommend a minimum of six importing software from high-risk sources, such
characters for passwords. as bulletin boards or informally obtained floppy
• Composition: Passwords may be alphabetic,
alphanumeric, or other. Many experts recom-
The institution should install virus-protection
mend alphanumeric passwords and avoiding
software on all PCs and servers. Such software
common words like “password” and the names
should be updated regularly to protect against new
of professional sports teams. Note, however,
that complicated passwords may cause users to
write them down, especially if the employee
The institution should establish controls to limit
needs several passwords to access different
powerful user access to system resources. For
systems or applications, and thus compromise
example, the institution should appropriately limit
the password’s confidentiality.
“Security Administrator” access, usually to no
• Expiration: Users should change passwords on more than two persons, and the Security Adminis-
a regular basis. The more sensitive the system trator should not have access to customer records.
being protected by the password, the more of-
ten the password should be changed. Highly User Access
sensitive systems should require password
changes at least every 90 days. Authorized managers grant employees access as-
• Reuse: The institution should restrict reuse of signments, which are information retrieval and
previous passwords (for example, disallow re- transaction-processing capabilities. Authorized
use of the last five passwords used). managers may also grant access to nonemployees

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SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

such as consultants, vendor systems-support per- Common deficiencies in security software con-
sonnel, and others. For purposes of these trols include:
procedures, “users” are employees and nonem-
ployees who have authorized system access. • Deficiencies in implementing certain security
software rules. A common example is the in-
For outsourced systems, service providers may set appropriate grouping (“bundling”) of
up generic access assignments for various banking transactions by information security officers
job categories in their access control software. In who maintain the security software. In such
many cases, thrifts accept and use the vendor- cases, large numbers of transaction screens are
provided access assignments without reviewing or inappropriately bundled to ease the burden of
questioning them. This practice increases the risk maintaining security access rules. However,
of inappropriate user access assignments, which in bundling gives many users more system access
turn weakens controls over user access to sensi- than required by their job responsibilities.
tive data fields and powerful transaction
• Deficiencies in the use of the system’s supervi-
processing capabilities.
sory override feature. In such cases, the dual
control (supervisory override) capability of the
To help ensure that user access assignments are
software has not been properly invoked over
appropriate, institution managers should: certain sensitive fields (such as the dormant-
account status field) or powerful transactions
• Identify the system’s sensitive customer-record (such as the ability to increase an overdraft
fields (such as account activity status, social limit).
security number, and mother’s maiden name)
and powerful transaction processing features • Inherent security software deficiencies. For
(such as account-linking capabilities and the example, the security software cannot restrict
ability to increase overdraft limits). access to certain fields within a record. That is,
a user granted access to a record could view or
• Assign job responsibilities that provide for update any field in the record. To alleviate this
proper segregation of duties and dual control problem, some companies create additional
over sensitive fields and transactions. Institu- programs to enhance the capabilities of the ba-
tions should require dual control when using sic security software.
the system’s “supervisory override” capability
(for example, when approving a transaction Management should determine the frequency of
keyed-in by a supervisor). user access assignment reviews. These reviews
• Assign user information retrieval and transac- should be performed at least annually. Manage-
tion processing capabilities according to ment should document these reviews to evidence
employees’ defined job responsibilities. This the performance of the review and approval of
step produces user “access profiles.” changes made.

• Authorize and forward the access profiles to Firewalls

the information security officer for implemen-
tation in the system. Firewalls are a combination of hardware and soft-
ware placed between two networks through which
If you find any inappropriate user access assign- all traffic must pass, regardless of the direction of
ments, determine if the condition was caused by flow. They provide a gateway to guard against
either of the following: unauthorized individuals gaining access to an
institution’s network. Institutions should consider
• Control deficiencies in the granting of user firewalls for any system connected to an outside
access assignments. network.
• Deficiencies in the system’s security controls
(system rules or software). Nonetheless, a firewall does not ensure that a sys-
tem is impenetrable. Firewalls must be configured
for specific operating environments and the insti-

341.10 Regulatory Handbook January 2002 Office of Thrift Supervision

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

tution must review and update firewall rules regu- possible after a disaster or other adverse incident.
larly to ensure their effectiveness. In an Internet environment, these threats may in-
clude the loss of Internet access by the institution
Encryption or loss of access to the institution via the Internet
by its customers.
Encryption is the scrambling of data so that it
cannot be read without the proper codes for un- Business continuity risk for an institution relying
scrambling the data. Confidential or sensitive data on one or more service providers includes the risk
should always be encrypted when being sent over that it will not be adequately prepared to execute
the Internet and the sender and receiver of the data its disaster recovery responsibilities in the event
are not behind the same firewall. This includes of a disaster affecting the service provider,
email containing confidential and/or sensitive in- thereby delaying complete recovery of the institu-
formation as well as Internet Banking tion’s financial records. (Note: The risks
transactions. associated with routine service provider system
outages are generally low and are not addressed in
Management should perform a risk assessment to this handbook section.)
identify types of sensitive data requiring protec-
tion and determine the type and strength of In the context of internally operated systems, busi-
encryption to use for various protected communi- ness continuity risk is the possibility that the
cations. The assessment should include databases institution will not be adequately prepared to
and password files. promptly recover from a disaster affecting the
computer hardware and software it owns and op-
Other Controls erates, resulting in significant losses for the
Other information controls that an institution may
use to safeguard information integrity include: An institution-wide contingency plan provides for
timely business continuity if there is disruption to
• Secure data storage (sensitive data is en- the institution’s information technology. Contin-
crypted; access is stringently controlled). gency planning, also known as business
resumption planning, is a process of reviewing an
• Acknowledgement practices (batch totals, se- institution’s departments or functions and assess-
quential numbering and one-for-one checking ing each area’s importance and risks to the
against a control file can be used to verify that viability of the organization. Institution manage-
a transaction is complete or has not been inter- ment should establish and maintain disaster
rupted). recovery plans that address all of its mission-
• Modem sweeps (efforts to locate and remove critical systems whether those are operated inter-
unauthorized modems). nally or outsourced. Overall, the extent of a
preparedness plan will depend upon the level and
• Physical controls (secure storage of hard cop- complexity of information technology and the
ies of sensitive data; locks, alarms, etc.). institution’s available resources.
• Audit procedures (discussed later in this sec-
tion). Management should establish requirements for all
operating departments to establish disaster recov-
In sum, management should periodically perform ery plans for their respective areas of activity. The
a thorough update of its information integrity risk policy may describe the required components of
profile and select the appropriate mix of controls an acceptable disaster recovery plan (for example,
to monitor and manage that risk. individual responsibilities, resources to be recov-
ered, backup location, and time-line for recovery).
Business Continuity Risk

Financial institutions need to be prepared to re-

sume operations as quickly and efficiently as

Office of Thrift Supervision January 2002 Regulatory Handbook 341.11

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

The contingency plan should cover the following Outsourced Systems

Disaster recovery plans for outsourced systems
• Define the roles and responsibilities for each should provide for the following:
team member in the event of a problem situa-
tion. • Recovery of lost data for re-submission to the
• Identify the risks posed by each system de- service provider (i.e., day-of-disaster online
ployed. input).

• Detail strategies and procedures for recovery. • Management-approved timeline for completion
of recovery.
• Establish criteria for testing and maintenance
of plan. It is the service provider’s responsibility to pro-
• Identify the principal departments, resources, vide a recovery plan for its computer processing
activities, and constituencies potentially af- capabilities in the event of a disaster affecting its
fected by a problem. computer resources. Management should obtain
and review (relevant portions of the) contingency
• Assess the response capability of key disaster plans of its service provider(s):
recovery service.
• To determine that the institution is reasonably
Management should formally appoint and em- protected.
power individual(s) with the latitude and authority
to respond during an incident. • To ensure that the institution-wide contingency
plan is compatible with its service providers’
A full understanding of the recovery time line is
essential. Full recovery, for example, is usually • To supplement the external contingency plans
not achieved when the affected system(s) come with appropriate steps the institution itself
“back up” or “back on-line.” The institution may should take.
have to correct transactions that were in process
when the disaster or other disruptive event oc- The institution’s contingency plans for systems
curred. In some cases, the institution may have to involving service providers should do the follow-
track down and re-enter the entire day’s worth of ing:
• Identify all the categories and sources of data
input into the service provider’s systems by the
Management should periodically test and update
thrift. Usually, these items are limited to
the contingency plan as needed. Management may branch and back-office online terminal input.
accomplish this testing through walk-throughs, Other items of input, such as automated teller
tabletop simulations, or other exercises. machine (ATM) transactions, automated clear-
inghouse (ACH) transactions, and in-clearings
OTS’s CEO Memorandum No. 72 forwarded the (“on us” checks negotiated outside of the insti-
“Interagency Policy on Corporate Business Re- tution), are usually the responsibility of
sumption and Contingency Planning.” This vendors that provide the respective processing
package lists a 10-step process that institutions services.
may find helpful in developing contingency plans.
The FFIEC IS Examination Handbook (1996; • Describe the steps required to recover previ-
Chapter 10) also discusses contingency planning. ously input data and prepare them for
resubmission when requested by the service
Although management is responsible for institu- provider. (Institution management should real-
tion-wide contingency planning, they should ize that if the disaster takes place on a business
consider different factors depending on whether a day, online data entered on that day will not
particular system is outsourced or internally oper- have been backed up offsite and will likely be
ated. lost.)

341.12 Regulatory Handbook January 2002 Office of Thrift Supervision

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

• Identify the persons or teams responsible for Management should document backup procedures
executing the recovery steps. and keep a current inventory of files maintained at
the backup site(s).
• Provide a management-approved time line
showing key points, from the point of receipt
of notification that the service provider has ex- Vendor Management Risk
perienced a disaster to the completion of the
preparation of input for resubmission. Vendor management risk is the risk that the ser-
vice provider will not perform the contract terms
and conditions as specified, causing undesirable
Internally Operated Systems
consequences for the institution’s operations.
The institution needs additional disaster recovery
When employing the services of an outside ser-
steps for internally operated systems, especially in
vice provider or software vendor, management
the area of backup. The plans should provide for
should carefully review proposed service con-
the recovery of key resources, including the infra-
tracts or agreements or renewals thereof to
structure (computer and operating system
minimize the institution’s exposure to risk. Legal
software), application software, and data (previ-
counsel should review the draft contract to deter-
ously backed up data and day-of-disaster data), as
mine if the interests of the institution are
well as, one or more alternate work ar-
adequately protected.
Before entering into contracts, management
Disaster recovery plans for internally operated
should assess and review the following factors:
systems should provide for the following:
• Alternate vendors and related costs.
• Recovery of lost data (for example, day-of-
disaster online input). • Financial stability of the vendor.
• Replacement of damaged resources (such as • Capacity of vendor to stay current with indus-
hardware and software. try developments.
• An alternate processing location. • Requirements for contract termination.
• A management-approved time line for comple- • Contract provisions allowing examination of
tion of recovery. the vendor.
• Testing and periodic updating of the plans.
For detailed guidance, see CEO Memo 133, which
details the FFIEC standards for Risk Management
“Recovery” is defined as the point at which appli-
of Outsourced Technology Services, and TB 46,
cation system records (for example, customer
Contracting for Data Processing Services and Sys-
balances) have been brought to current status. The
recovery time line should provide a breakdown of
the various phases of recovery and corresponding
After signing a contract for services, management
elapsed time for each phase of the recovery proc-
should maintain close oversight of the institution’s
relationship with the vendor. The institution
should establish a contract administration process
The institution should periodically copy and store
to ensure that the vendor fulfills its contractual
certain data and software components of a system
at a prudently distant or remote location to facili-
tate recovery efforts in the event of a disaster. The
Most IT-related contracts specify performance
institution should perform periodic tests, and re-
measures for the products or services provided by
solve within an appropriate time period, any
the vendor. Two common and important measures
problems the tests reveal. In particular, the tests
are online “up time” and “terminal response
should verify that the backup files are readable,
time.” These performance measures generally
that is, not corrupted by a record-writing problem.

Office of Thrift Supervision January 2002 Regulatory Handbook 341.13

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

have a high impact on the institution’s business trols. How formal the audit plan is and whether
processes, customers, and employees. audit work is conducted internally or by external
auditors will depend on a number of factors in-
Up time usually refers to the hours and days that cluding the institution’s size, operations, and
online services will be available to the institution. technology environment. However, management
For IT-related contracts, these hours are often the must ensure that qualified independent (internal
institution’s branch operations hours plus two or and/or external) individuals periodically assess
three additional hours daily. IT contracts should basic technology controls.
stipulate the vendor’s commitment to achieve a
high, ongoing level of performance (for example, The audit plan should provide for review of in-
“99% up time”). formation technology risks in operations and
management activities. This is consistent with an
Terminal response time usually refers to the stan- institution’s priority to ensure the accurate proc-
dard elapsed time between a user request (for essing of information, privacy of financial and
example, the moment when the user presses the customer records, and continuation of service in
Enter Key) and the delivery of information to the case of business interruptions. In developing audit
user’s terminal screen. Current response time programs, the institution must consider the full
standards range from three to five seconds. scope of each application to protect financial and
information assets, system reliability, and user
In addition, contracts often specify nonproduc- confidence.
tion-related “deliverables” (products or services)
that may enhance the value of the contract for the The audit function should cover the flow of criti-
client. Deliverables may include: cal data through interrelated systems and should
generally include the following:
• Commitments to provide the institution with
system performance reports. • Tests of balancing procedures of automated
applications, including the disposition of re-
• Audited financial information.
jected and unposted items.
• Summaries of disaster recovery test results.
• Periodic samples of customer record files
• Third-party operations audit reports. (master files) to verify them against source
documents for accuracy and authorization.
• Other useful materials.
• Spot-checks of computer calculations, such as
Management should monitor vendor performance. interest on deposits, loans, securities, ARM
Performance level reports supplied by the service calculations, service charges, and past-due
providers should be verified, at least occasionally. loans.
Receipt of special services should be verified and
payment approved by the business unit receiving Some of these audit functions will not be con-
those services or the unit monitoring vendor per- ducted separately as a “technology” audit but may
formance. Delivery of nonproduction deliverables be incorporated into audits of specific departments
should also be monitored. Senior management or lines of business.
should be informed promptly of significant defi-
ciencies in vendor performance. Thrift clients of service providers should obtain
“third-party reviews” and take appropriate action
Audit in response to control considerations or weak-
nesses addressed therein. A “third-party review”
Institution management is responsible for design is a type of independent audit designed to meet
and maintenance of a sound system of internal the audit needs of financial institutions without
controls that include information technology. The overburdening the service provider. That is, with-
scope of the examiner’s assessment of technology out this vehicle a service provider that processes
risk controls will vary depending on adequacy of work for several financial institutions could be
the audit function to test and report on those con- subject to redundant audits by audit firms for each

341.14 Regulatory Handbook January 2002 Office of Thrift Supervision

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

of its clients. A qualified auditor who is independ- for key job functions so that human emergencies
ent of both the service provider and the serviced will not disrupt service.
institutions conducts the third-party review.
Internet Activities
The scope of the audit should be detailed enough
to satisfy the audit objectives of the serviced insti- The information integrity, business continuity,
tutions and the servicer. The American Institute of vendor management, and the management over-
Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Statement sight control activities discussed thus far in this
of Auditing Standards (SAS) Number 70 provides chapter pertain to all types of information tech-
guidance for external auditors auditing the ser- nologies including Internet activities. This section
vicer as well as for those auditing its financial discusses risks and controls specific to Internet
institution clients. In general, the third-party re- banking and other Internet activities.
view audits should determine the adequacy of
controls in all areas of the data center, including Internet Banking
computer operations, systems and programming,
and input/output controls. The level of risk posed by Internet banking de-
pends in part on whether the web site is
Many of the controls that the third-party auditor is informational or transactional, and if the latter, the
to check at the service provider have companion nature of the transactions the customer can effect.
pieces at the individual financial institution. In the Informational or information-only web sites are
third-party review report the auditor typically will less risky, but not without their vulnerabilities.
address corresponding controls, sometimes known The web site, for example, may be vulnerable to
as “client control considerations” that should be alteration, so management should establish con-
maintained at the thrift institution. OTS and trols to prevent unauthorized access.
FFIEC reports covering service providers may
also contain client control consideration. You Configurations that provide for electronic mail
should review these reports as part of the initial between the thrift and its customers require addi-
assessment of the institution’s IT environment. tional controls, such as encryption, to protect the
confidentiality of customer’s accounts and other
Training sensitive data. Customers should be forewarned
about including sensitive data such as account
Institutions must educate and support customers numbers in unprotected emails to the institution.
and staff to achieve user acceptance of and confi- Customer passwords rules should be structured to
dence in information technologies. Institutions minimize the potential for unauthorized access.
should provide training so participants properly For example, institutions should not use readily
use applications and respond to problem situa- available customer information for the initial de-
tions. If an institution fails to provide reasonable fault password, such as, social security number,
training and support for customers and staff, the customer initials, etc. Configurations that permit
users’ commitment to the system is weakened, transactions, including balance/account inquiries,
administrative expenses increase, and avoidable require yet more controls.
errors occur. These deficiencies raise the risk of
data integrity problems, complaints, and possible OTS-regulated institutions intending to establish a
legal actions. Risk also increases when an institu- transactional web site must file a notice with OTS
tion fails to educate users on proper security at least 30 days in advance of the site opening for
precautions such as locking personal computers business. If an institution implemented a transac-
and confidentiality of passwords. tional web site since the previous examination,
examiners should determine that the institution
Support staff, such as help-line or customer ser- filed a notice with the appropriate OTS regional
vice representatives, should be kept informed of office. Examiners should contact the regional of-
changes and updates to systems. They should be fice to determine if there were any issues that
trained on how to execute disaster recovery plans. require a follow-up review.
Management should also provide backup training

Office of Thrift Supervision January 2002 Regulatory Handbook 341.15

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

In planning a transactional web site, it is impor- testing by independent experts in computer secu-
tant to consider the implications on the long-term rity issues, and obtain and review such tests that
goals and strategy of the institution and to have are conducted for the institution’s service provid-
input from all of the parties impacted, including ers.
managers from both the business and technology
sides of the organization, other internal users, Consumer Compliance and Privacy Issues in
auditors, and customers. Planning should begin Internet Banking
with a thorough review of objectives to achieve
and areas of risk associated with the new activity. The institution must address consumer compli-
ance and privacy issues in the context of online
Financial institutions often contract with outside business. Compliance and legal staffs should re-
providers to help plan, implement, and maintain view and update procedures for information
Internet banking services. If this is the approach posted to the web site and all types of transactions
used, institutions should exercise care in selecting to be conducted online. CEO Memorandum No.
a service provider. Also, institution management 90, dated July 23, 1998, regarding Interagency
should give someone in the organization responsi- Guidance on Electronic Financial Services and
bility for monitoring and overseeing their Consumer Compliance may be helpful. See § 573
performance on an ongoing basis. In this regard, it of the OTS Regulations regarding Privacy of Con-
is crucial to negotiate a contract that clearly ad- sumer Financial Information.
dresses both parties’ rights and responsibilities.
General Internet Activities
Security and internal control are major concerns.
Data encryption and digital certificates issued by a Management should have policies and controls in
reliable certificate authority can be used to protect place to govern the general Internet activities of
data and verify the identity of parties communicating its employees. These should include:
online. See CEO Memo 143, Authentication in an
Electronic Banking Environment for more detail. An Software import: Rules designed to minimize
array of firewalls and intrusion detection systems are risks (viruses, or other damaging program code)
available to help protect data from theft or alteration. associated with the downloading of software over
It is important to recognize, however, that those sys- the network or other sources.
tems do not provide complete protection from attack,
and all must be continually monitored and main- Browsing the Internet: Rules should require the
tained. It is also important to augment electronic browser to be configured to only access the Inter-
security measures with adequate physical security net through a designated firewall and restrict the
and procedural controls. When adding a transac- downloading of certain files.
tional web site, institutions need to review and
update access to PCs and data, power protection, Encryption: Encryption may be needed to protect
back-up files, physical locks, security guards, and sensitive information in transit, such as electronic
other common security measures. mail messages, a file being downloaded, or infor-
mation in storage (for example, databases).
Institutions should anticipate the consequences of
high demand for electronic services or interrup- EXAMINATION COVERAGE
tion of service. Institutions should update
contingency and recovery plans to address the Examination coverage for technology risk con-
new activities. trols is assigned for each thrift OTS regulates. In
general, information technology (IT) examiners
Before opening the transactional web site for use review technology risk controls at Internet-only
by customers, institutions must update and ap- thrifts and those institutions that host their own
prove policies and procedures, train employees, web sites or that otherwise have complex opera-
and thoroughly test the systems. A plan for peri- tions and activities or difficult or non-routine
odic risk assessments and audit review should also situations. Safety and soundness (S&S) examiners
be in place. Institutions should schedule periodic review technology risk controls at the remainder.

341.16 Regulatory Handbook January 2002 Office of Thrift Supervision

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

This remainder actually represents the great ma- additional procedures are needed, who should per-
jority of thrifts. Most serviced thrifts will have form them, and whether to do them at the current
their technology risk controls evaluated at a regu- examination or at a future safety and soundness or
lar examination by an S&S examiner, but S&S IT examination.
examiners may also examine other thrifts, includ-
ing some with in-house data centers or mixed S&S examiners should review technology risk
environments. controls at all thrifts that are not examined by IT
examiners. Technology may have a positive or
The regional offices will determine when to as- negative effect on customer service and operating
sign IT examiners by considering the following efficiencies, depending on what technologies are
factors: employed and how. The availability or unavail-
ability of data and its completeness and accuracy
• Recent or pending systems conversions. affect decisions in every area of operations. The
board of directors and management cannot dele-
• Recent or pending mergers and acquisitions.
gate responsibility to service providers, software
• Volume and nature of in-house IT operations. vendors, or in-house technology staff, but must
ensure that adequate controls exist throughout the
• Existence of novel or complex applications,
systems, networks, or equipment.
• Volume and nature of servicing or software The review of technology risk controls is not a
from non-examined entities. stand-alone task completed by just one examiner.
Throughout the examination, all examiners assess
• Problems and concerns at previous examina-
the quality and reasonableness of data provided by
the institution. For example, examiners evaluating
asset quality depend on accurate and complete
These factors do not automatically require the
records of originations, delinquencies, and con-
presence of an IT examiner, but are indications
centrations for just a few examples. Instances of
that may warrant further consideration of such.
data that appears questionable or inconsistent and
Similarly, the preceding list does not illustrate the
instances of weak controls should be pursued and
universe of situations that may require the in-
adverse findings should be relayed to the EIC and
volvement of IT examiners. You should consult
the examiner completing Program 341.
with the Regional IT Manager on technology con-
cerns that arise during planning, scoping, or
In addition, examiners should be sensitive to how
conducting an examination. Such consultation
the adequacy of the institution’s management of
helps ensure proper evaluation and consistent
information technology can impact our evaluation
regulatory treatment.
of each of the CAMELS areas. Listed below are
examples of various aspects of information tech-
The access and speed capabilities can magnify
nology and how they impact the CAMELS
risk in an electronic environment. This is particu-
larly true if risk management control programs are
ineffective or if a system is linked to an institu-
Capital and Earnings: Information technology
tion’s central operations or databases. In other
may have a positive or negative impact on earn-
words, an institution can be exposed to significant
ings and capital. The outcome is influenced by
risk even if activity volume is nominal. Consult
several factors.
with your Regional IT Manager if you have any
questions about technology risk exposure.
• Appropriate use of technology can help thrifts
improve profitability and ultimately build
Expanded investigation and analysis may be nec-
added capital. On the other hand, adverse im-
essary for some situations, especially significant
pacts could take place if technology
internal control weaknesses. The examiner com-
acquisitions that are not well coordinated fail
pleting this program, the examiner in charge
to achieve business plan requirements.
(EIC), the Regional IT Manager, and other appro-
priate regional staff should determine what

Office of Thrift Supervision January 2002 Regulatory Handbook 341.17

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

• Successful information systems conversions information systems operations. This includes

result in meeting tangible and intangible bene- an institution’s internal controls.
fits. Poorly executed systems conversions can
create large quantities of unposted accounting Liquidity and Sensitivity: Information technology
entries. The resources and time needed to re- serves a significant role in cash management. Dis-
search unposted items increase expenses, and ruptions could impact customers, cause operating
delays in clearing the entries may result in in- losses, cause an increase in borrowings to offset
creased charge-offs and dissatisfied customers. any cash shortfalls, and place a heavy burden on
existing staff to correct the problems.
• Using outside vendors may reduce the thrift’s
capital investments, but may also unnecessar-
Technology risks are inherent in all of the follow-
ily increase annual expenses and reduce
control and flexibility over processing. Long
duration contracts with vendors pose risks to a
• Paper-based cash collections, including check
thrift’s future earnings and overall perform-
processing, lock-box arrangements, and clear-
ance if the contract process is not closely tied
ing house activities.
to the corporate business planning.
• Electronic based cash collections, including
• Appropriate processing controls are needed to
electronic funds transfers such as ATM trans-
ensure proper reporting of the Thrift Financial
actions, ACH, wire transfers, and purchases
Report and various SEC filings.
made with credit or debit cards.
Asset Quality: Institutions use information tech- • Management decision-support software used to
nology extensively for processing new loan determine thrift’s asset liability mix and bal-
applications, servicing large pools of loans, and ance sheet structure.
monitoring loan portfolios in a competitive mar-
• Internet-based delivery channels introduce new
ketplace. Other aspects of automation include the
technology environments with different kinds
real estate appraisals, loan approval processes, and
of risks, including the potential for a more
secondary mortgage activities.
volatile deposit base.
Areas involving technology risks may include:
The review of technology risk controls is not con-
fined entirely to Safety and Soundness or
• Decision support software such as credit scor-
Information Technology examinations. Informa-
ing used to enhance the credit granting
tion technology also supports records and
activities reviewed during Compliance and Trust
• Internet-based delivery channels. examinations. For example, Truth-in-Lending
documents disclosing Annual Percentage Rates
Management: CEOs and boards of directors are and Finance charges commonly are prepared by
increasing their involvement in information tech- electronic loan documentation programs and trust
nology decisions. Technology touches every administration activities are often automated. In-
aspect of the institution’s operations, and impacts correct programming or data entry could result in
earnings, capital, liquidity, and asset quality: improper disclosures or untimely action. Again,
consult with your Regional IT Manager if you
• Risk management processes, for example, have questions about technology risks in these
vendor management; information security; specialty areas.
contingency planning; project management,
may be less robust in small institutions. Finally, where aspects of a thrift’s information
technology environment are provided or managed
• Quality of management information systems.
by a holding company or other affiliate, you may
• Other thrift activities such as general ledger need to coordinate the review of some controls
reconciliation, system balancing, and clearing with another federal banking agency. Nonetheless,
of suspense items. These depend on or affect while you should avoid duplication of regulatory
oversight, the thrift itself must maintain appropri-

341.18 Regulatory Handbook January 2002 Office of Thrift Supervision

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

ate internal technology risk controls, which you • Specific issues in relation to the volume and
should assess when completing this program. trends in transactions, dollars, and customers.
• Apparent risk to the institution’s financial and
EXAMINATION PROGRAM informational assets, including customer data
regardless of the volume and trends in activity.
OTS examinations are risk-based and provide for
a comprehensive approach to information tech- • Anticipated growth in volume, whether dollars,
nology risks. You use a top-down methodology by transactions, or customers.
determining the information technology environ- • Anticipated expansion of products, services, or
ments and risks, evaluating management oversight platforms.
and control activities, and assessing significant
unmitigated risks. Generally, if you identify serious deficiencies
with the controls, the management rating should
The risk-based examination approach relies on reflect such findings.
audit work and results that match regulatory needs
(for example, audit scope, objectives, and evi-
OTS Information Technology Database System
dence and timing of work). One key criterion is
whether or not there is evidence of independent
The OTS Information Technology Database Sys-
testing and reporting on management policies and
tem provides management information on the
operating procedures. If there is no audit to rely
industry’s data processing activities. This database
on, you will need to perform adequate testing to
tracks information on each thrift institution’s in-
support conclusions.
formation technology and electronic banking
environment. The database also captures informa-
“Audit” here refers to the type of work being per-
tion, for example, name, address, and types of
formed, not the job title of the person doing the
services, on the institution’s service providers and
work. While internal or external (independent)
software vendors.
auditors may complete this work, in many situa-
tions, other employees may also perform audit
Data collection and data verification is handled
during the regularly scheduled safety and sound-
ness examination or an information technology
Examination Comments and Rating examination. The data is collected from the
PERK. The S&S or IT examiner should review
You should generally incorporate examination the information for completeness and accuracy
findings and conclusions about Technology Risk and forward it to the regional office for entry into
Controls into the Management section of the the database.
safety and soundness report. At a minimum, the
report should include a brief description of the
institution’s use of information technology and
an overall conclusion as to the adequacy of con-
trols. You should describe significant adverse Code of Federal Regulations (12 CFR)
findings in sufficient detail to identify specific
conditions that warrant corrective action by the § 555 Electronic Operations
institution. Carry forward a summary of such § 568 Security Devices and Proce-
findings to the Examination Conclusions and dures
Comments page. § 563.170 Examinations and Audits;
Appraisals; Establishment
The strength or weakness of Technology Risk and Maintenance of Records
Controls is one of several factors you consider in § 563.190(c) Bonds for Directors, Officers,
assigning a rating to the Management component Employees, and Agents
of CAMELS. You should consider all of the fol-

Office of Thrift Supervision January 2002 Regulatory Handbook 341.19

SECTION: Technology Risk Controls Section 341

Part 570 TB 59 Interagency Supervisory

Statement on EFT Switches
Appendix A Interagency Guidelines Estab- and Network Services
lishing Standards for Safety CEO Memo 59 Risk Management of Cli-
and Soundness ent/Server Systems
Appendix A, II. A. Internal controls and informa- CEO Memo 70 On-Line PC Banking
tion systems CEO Memo 72 Revised FFIEC Policy State-
Appendix A, II. B. Internal audit system ment: Corporate Business
Appendix B Interagency Guidelines Estab- Resumption and Contingency
lishing Standards for Planning
Safeguarding Customer In- CEO Memo 77 Interagency Policy Statement
formation on the Internal Audit Func-
tion and Its Outsourcing
Office of Thrift Supervision Bulletins and CEO Memo 109 Transactional Web Sites
Memoranda CEO Memo 133 Risk Management of Tech-
nology Outsourcing
TB 11 Interagency Supervisory Pol- CEO Memo 143 Authentication in an Elec-
icy on Large-Scale Integrated tronic Banking Environment
Financial Software Systems
(LSIS) Other References
TB 11-1 Purchased Software Evalua-
tion Guidelines Federal Financial Institutions Examination Coun-
TB 29 End-User Computing cil IS Examination Handbook, 1996.
TB 44 Interagency Statement on
EDP Service Contracts Regulation (E) Electronic Funds Transfers
TB 46 Contracting for Data Process-
ing Services and Systems OTS Web site, Electronic Banking Page,
TB 50 Regulatory Review of Certain
Third-Party Contracts

341.20 Regulatory Handbook January 2002 Office of Thrift Supervision

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