Acs 5000 Brochure
Acs 5000 Brochure
Acs 5000 Brochure
8 kV
04 ABB Medium Voltage Drives portfolio
06 ACS5000 high power drive for safe operations
08 Key benefits
10 Applications
12 System integration
13 Packaged drive solutions
14 Service and support
16 Technical features
20 Technical data
22 Ratings, types and voltages
A broad range of variable speed drives for medium voltage applications allows you
to select the drive that best meets your individual requirements. Get the perfect
match for you.
5 80M
Energy efficiency
Our medium voltage drives run your motors based on the demands of your process
rather than running them at full speed and ensure optimized power consumption and
process efficiency. In this way you can save energy and reduce CO² emissions.
Highest level of
personnel safety
Your people and goods are protected from electric arcs thanks to the advanced
safety design of the ACS5000. Arcs are detected and eliminated very fast, avoiding
production stoppages. Certified functional safety features and a DC grounding
switch make your systems safe and reliable.
Industry-specific solutions
for individual needs
Features designed specifically for the oil and gas and power generation
industries allow the ACS5000 to adapt perfectly to your application.
Choose from a broad range of configurations to drive your standard and
high-speed motors, and optimize your system costs.
Easy access to all components ensures that maintenance of the ACS5000 is
simple and smooth. In addition to powerful diagnostic tools, you will profit by
convenient remote monitoring.
Customized solutions enable a smooth integration of the drive into any industrial
Packaged drive solutions provide you with ultimate efficiency and reliability to
optimize your cost of ownership.
For everyone who makes the decision to choose our For decades we have built one of the most comprehensive
expert drive service solutions, we are with them every service networks, globally. It is well-structured to ensure you
step of the way. To guide and facilitate whatever service have all the experts close at hand, locally and globally. We
choices suit their business, for the entire drive’s lifetime. have local drives and control service units complemented by
With expert service and advice and on-time delivery, every external ABB value providers in over 60 countries. Regional
time. service centers, training centers and authorized drive
service workshops form a well-structured and large service
organization, making sure that ABB drives and control service
team is never too far from your site.
150 200
10000 5000
100 150
5000 2500
50 100
0 0 0 0
-50 -100
-5000 -2500
-100 -150
-10000 -5000
-150 -200
Thanks to water cooling and a sealed cabinet, you can reduce energy and
ventilation costs. High reliability is ensured thanks to a minimized part count.
Transformer cable connection Phase converter unit Air-to-water heat exchanger Control unit and motor cable
section for top and bottom entry connection section for top and
bottom entry
Rectifier phase Inverter phase DC link capacitors Water cooling unit (WCU) with
module module stainless steel piping and control
hardware for WCU
Cost optimization and simple system integration is possible with the air-cooled
Air-cooled ACS5000 for operation with integrated input transformer, 7 MVA, 6.9 kV
External cooling water temperature +5 °C to +32 °C (lower and higher with derating)
6600 V
1600 2140 170 ACS5000-066-A01A-x6-010 1900 3300 3000 5700 7700
2000 2680 210 ACS5000-066-A01B-x6-010 2400 3300 3000 5700 7700
2250 3020 240 ACS5000-066-A01C-x6-010 2800 3300 3000 6000 9200
2500 3350 290 ACS5000-066-A01D-x6-010 3300 3300 3000 6000 9200
2800 3750 315 ACS5000-066-A02A-x6-010 3600 3700 4000 6400 10200
3150 4220 355 ACS5000-066-A02B-x6-010 4100 3700 4000 6700 11200
3550 4760 400 ACS5000-066-A02C-x6-010 4600 3700 4000 6700 11200
4000 5360 440 ACS5000-066-A02D-x6-010 5000 3700 4000 6700 15500
4500 6030 510 ACS5000-066-A02E-x6-010 5800 3700 4000 6700 15500
5600 7500 585 ACS5000-066-A02F-x6-010 6700 3700 4000 6700 15500
6900 V
1600 2140 170 ACS5000-069-A01A-x6-010 2000 3300 3000 5700 7700
2000 2680 210 ACS5000-069-A01B-x6-010 2500 3300 3000 5700 7700
2250 3020 240 ACS5000-069-A01C-x6-010 2900 3300 3000 6000 9200
2800 3750 290 ACS5000-069-A01D-x6-010 3500 3300 3000 6000 9200
3150 4220 315 ACS5000-069-A02A-x6-010 3700 3700 4000 6700 10200
3550 4760 355 ACS5000-069-A02B-x6-010 4200 3700 4000 6700 11200
4000 5360 400 ACS5000-069-A02C-x6-010 4800 3700 4000 6700 11200
4500 6030 440 ACS5000-069-A02D-x6-010 5200 3700 4000 6700 15500
5000 6700 510 ACS5000-069-A02E-x6-010 6100 3700 4000 6700 15500
6000 8040 585 ACS5000-069-A02F-x6-010 7000 3700 4000 6700 15500
1 Indicative information referring to typical 4-pole induction motor Dimensions:
under nominal supply voltage conditions. Height: 2,360 mm cabinet height
Nominal rating for no-overload operation 2,815 mm incl. cooling fans
3 ‚x‘ indicates the different converter types 2,935 mm incl. redundant cooling fans
E - for external transformer
J - for integrated transformer Depth: 1,100 mm
1,300 mm for integrated transformer with power >5000 kVA
6600 V
7510 10060 670 ACS5000-066-W01A-x6-010 7700 7130 6800 8530 8650
9360 12540 840 ACS5000-066-W01B-x6-010 9600 7130 6800 8530 8650
11120 14900 1000 ACS5000-066-W01C-x6-010 11400 7130 6800 8530 8650
13940 18680 1250 ACS5000-066-W02A-x6-010 14300 9130 9700 9730 10450
16670 22340 1500 ACS5000-066-W02B-x6-010 17100 9130 9700 9730 10450
19500 26130 1750 ACS5000-066-W03A-E6-010 20000 13430 12200 n.a. n.a.
22330 29920 2000 ACS5000-066-W03B-E6-010 22900 13430 12200 n.a. n.a.
25640 34360 2300 ACS5000-066-W04A-E6-010 26300 15830 16500 n.a. n.a.
27890 37370 2500 ACS5000-066-W04B-E6-010 28600 15830 16500 n.a. n.a.
33440 44810 3000 ACS5000-066-W04C-E6-010 34300 15830 16500 n.a. n.a.
6900 V
7800 10450 670 ACS5000-069-W01A-x6-010 8000 7130 6800 8530 8650
9750 13070 840 ACS5000-069-W01B-x6-010 10000 7130 6800 8530 8650
11700 15680 1000 ACS5000-069-W01C-x6-010 12000 7130 6800 8530 8650
14530 19470 1250 ACS5000-069-W02A-x6-010 14900 9130 9700 9730 10450
17450 23380 1500 ACS5000-069-W02B-x6-010 17900 9130 9700 9730 10450
20380 27310 1750 ACS5000-069-W03A-E6-010 20900 13430 12200 n.a. n.a.
23300 31220 2000 ACS5000-069-W03B-E6-010 23900 13430 12200 n.a. n.a.
26810 35930 2300 ACS5000-069-W04A-E6-010 27500 15830 16500 n.a. n.a.
29150 39060 2500 ACS5000-069-W04B-E6-010 29900 15830 16500 n.a. n.a.
35000 46900 3000 ACS5000-069-W04C-E6-010 35900 15830 16500 n.a. n.a.
11000 V
16090 21560 870 ACS5000-110-W05A-E6-010 16500 13430 12000 n.a. n.a.
18140 24310 980 ACS5000-110-W05B-E6-010 18600 13430 12000 n.a. n.a.
20470 27430 1100 ACS5000-110-W05C-E6-010 21000 13430 12000 n.a. n.a.
24180 32400 1300 ACS5000-110-W06A-E6-010 24800 15830 20000 n.a. n.a.
27300 36580 1470 ACS5000-110-W06B-E6-010 28000 15830 20000 n.a. n.a.
30710 41150 1650 ACS5000-110-W06C-E6-010 31500 15830 20000 n.a. n.a.
13800 V
17450 23380 750 ACS5000-138-W05A-E6-010 17900 13430 12000 n.a. n.a.
20380 27310 870 ACS5000-138-W05B-E6-010 20900 13430 12000 n.a. n.a.
23300 31220 1000 ACS5000-138-W05C-E6-010 23900 13430 12000 n.a. n.a.
26810 35930 1150 ACS5000-138-W06A-E6-010 27500 15830 20000 n.a. n.a.
29150 39060 1250 ACS5000-138-W06B-E6-010 29900 15830 20000 n.a. n.a.
35000 46900 1500 ACS5000-138-W06C-E6-010 35900 15830 20000 n.a. n.a.
1 Dimensions:
Indicative information referring to typical 4-pole induction motor
under nominal supply voltage conditions. Height: 2,363 mm cabinet height
2 2,752 mm incl. cooling units
Nominal rating for no-overload operation
3 2,774 mm incl, cooling units and mechanical design for offshore applications
‚x‘ indicates the different converter types
E - for external transformer
C - for combined transformer Depth: 1,600 mm
4 In combined transformer configuration the cooling system of the input
transformer is connected to the cooling water system of the converter
and the system has a common cooling water pump in the converter.
ABB product brochure | ACS5000 23
The length and weight do not include the input transformer part.
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