Thermal Analysis and Debottlenecking of HVAC Export Cables For Offshore Windfarms
Thermal Analysis and Debottlenecking of HVAC Export Cables For Offshore Windfarms
Thermal Analysis and Debottlenecking of HVAC Export Cables For Offshore Windfarms
Paper 1118
The substantial costs of HV export cables connecting offshore windfarms to the grid combined with their influence on energy
availability requires extensive thermal evaluation of these cables. The analysis in this paper reveals that the offshore windfarm
cables can be divided into onshore (underground), landfall, offshore (subsea) and J-tube sections based on their unique
thermal behaviour. The utilization of long-term Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) data from a specific windfarm export
cable in UK reveals that the J-tube and landfall sections are the major thermal bottlenecks, along with the cable
joints/transition-points at onshore and offshore. Landfall is found to comprise of the most thermally strenuous environment
due to large burial depths. While J-tube is influenced significantly by the ambient conditions in its air-section, thereby making
it most prone to be affected by the local weather. Whereas, the thermal instability of the lengthy offshore section comes from
the diffusion of thermal properties of surrounding material due to seabed geology and variation of cable burial depth over time
due to seabed movement and sedimentation. Onshore cable section is found to be thermally stable and free from hotspots not
only because of the difference in cable design and utilization of ducts for installation but also because the fibre optic cable for
DTS is not embedded inside the cable. The temperature offset therefore needs to be established for the land and submarine
cables respectively in order to obtain a more accurate account of the conductor temperature. In conclusion, employment of
modern techniques combined with thermal analysis of each section can improve the existing design and operation practices.
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CIRED 2021 Conference 20 – 23 September 2021
Paper 1118
quite often, it does not sustain long enough for the red line
to ever touch the 100% mark. Moreover, the improved
cooling of exposed cable sections during high wind
periods and unavailability of some wind turbines at any
given time further facilitates this process.
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CIRED 2021 Conference 20 – 23 September 2021
Paper 1118
3.1. Offshore Section: solar heating during the day, which when combined with
The directly buried, 3-core, armoured, subsea cables the poor thermal dissipation properties of the surrounding
usually constitute the largest section for OWPP export air and the influence of air ambient temperature makes this
cables in terms of length. The burial depth of this section subsection one of the main thermal bottlenecks for export
can ideally vary between 1 and 3 metres below the seabed cables. This, however, is found to be less problematic
surface, depending on a range of reasons (ease of burial, during night time and during winter season. The
threat of anchor impact etc.) [2]. Over time, the burial longitudinal heat flow between the water and air
depth can change significantly due to sedimentation and subsections results in cable temperature gradient near the
seabed movement because of phenomena like scouring, boundary. The temperature reaches a plateau as the
migrating sand waves, storms etc. This can cause the longitudinal heat flow diminishes and starts to decrease as
thermal behaviour of localized offshore sub-sections to the cable approaches the air and hang-off boundary [5].
change with time, which may result in development of new The empirical method of [6] and analytical method of [7]
thermal bottlenecks. have been extensively used for thermal analysis of HV
cables in J-tubes, but the analytical inclusion of
On the other hand, the thermal resistivity and heat capacity longitudinal heat flow in the method proposed in [5]
of the seabed greatly influence the temperature variation makes it more accurate.
for these cables. The composition of the materials
surrounding the offshore cable can generally vary along its
route, as shown in Figure 5 for an OWPP along with the
instantaneous cable DTS measurement. In Figure 5, the
change in cable temperature is notable to the trained eye
for subsections with different thermal properties. The
thermal resistivity of soft mud (clay) can range between
0.56-2.5 m·K/W and has the tendency to be significantly
higher than that of gravel (0.33-0.55 m·K/W), which can
explain the sudden drop in temperature around the 28-km
mark. On the other hand, heat capacity (dependent on
material porosity) is fairly similar for both. Therefore, it Figure 6. Left: Typical J-tube layout [5]. Right: Temp.
can be concluded that seabed material composition distribution in subsections of the test windfarm J-tube.
influences the rating of offshore cable section significantly
[4]. 3.3. Onshore and HDD Sections:
In comparison with the directly buried offshore cables, the
onshore cables are laid in a much stable environment. As
shown in Figure 7, the DTS measurements are
significantly lower and relatively stable for the onshore
section, the reasons for which are touched upon in Section
5. As the 3-core offshore cable reaches land, it passes
through the landfall section (commonly HDD) before
being connected to 3 x 1-core cables at the onshore
transition joint.
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CIRED 2021 Conference 20 – 23 September 2021
Paper 1118
There are two distinct temperature peaks: one due to the For the offshore section, the foremost challenge in the
onshore transition joint between HDD and onshore, while variation of cable burial depth over time. This is ensured
the other in the air section of J-tube for both the years. by pushing windfarm developers to perform periodic
Further analysis reveals that J-tube’s air section exhibits surveys of the cable route which are expensive. The
max temperature during summer (when production is not frequency of these surveys is high in the initial years but
maximum) in contrast to other sections which are hottest can typically be reduced with time. Adequate analysis of
during sustained high load conditions. This proves the fact thermal properties in combination with thermal models
that J-tube section is influenced by ambient conditions and long-term DTS measurements can reduce the
more than other sections. There is another interesting frequency of these surveys considerably.
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CIRED 2021 Conference 20 – 23 September 2021
Paper 1118
Figure 8. Top: Maximum measured temperatures in years 2014 and 2016 along the entire length for the test windfarm export
cable. Bottom: Closer look of different sections of interest
6. Conclusion heating during the day and the poor thermal dissipation
properties of air as compared to sea water. Whereas, the
The debottlenecking of offshore windfarm export cables
increased depth of burial is the main reason for cable
has successfully shown that there is a need to address the
hotspots in the HDD section. For both these sections, the
different design concepts and commissioning practices for
situation is worst during summer due to higher ambient
dynamic rating-based cable operation and design. The five
temperatures and solar radiation. Therefore, both these
identified cable sections including onshore (underground),
sections can have seasonal bottlenecks which disappear in
landfall (HDD), offshore (subsea), cable protection system
winter, particularly J-tube. The risks involved with thermal
and J-tube have their unique thermal behaviour. This
estimation using DTS measurements and numerical
behaviour needs to be accounted for, in order to prevent
models can, however, be resolved by using modern data
revenue loss due to wind energy curtailment during
manipulation techniques.
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