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Product brochure

Medium voltage AC drive

ACS 5000, 1.5 MW – 21 MW, 6.0 – 6.9 kV
2 – ACS 5000 brochure l ABB
ACS 5000 – making a difference

The evolution of ABB’s ACS drives platform for motors up to

6.9 kV has led to a drive with unbeatable efficiency, reliability
and footprint.

Leading the way Key product features

As the originator of AC drives technology, ABB has over 35 years – – Highest reliability due to lowest parts count
of application know-how in all industrial sectors. ABB knows –– H
 ighest system efficiency due to multilevel-fuseless
how to convert customer requirements into reliable world-class topology, IGCTs and DTC
products, which fulfill customer’s future needs.
– – Smallest footprint due to highest power density
The ACS 5000, a member of the world’s most successful – – Optimal network friendliness due to 36-pulse configuration
drives family, confirms ABB’s market leadership. – – Lowest cost of ownership due to high efficiency and
simplified installation, commissioning and maintenance
Revolution by evolution
– – Ultimate control performance due to DTC
The ACS 5000 is based on ABB’s renowned ACS platform,
that has been used in thousands of drives worldwide. The – – Suitable for standard motors
combination of well-proven building blocks from existing ABB
medium voltage drive products with the Voltage Source Inverter
Multilevel-Fuseless (VSI-MF) topology, has revolutionized the
drives industry – it simplifies the drive, increases its reliability
and efficiency and results in the most application-friendly
high-power drive available on the market.

The ACS 5000 was developed to specifically meet the

requirements of the growing number of applications driven
by standard motors up to 6.9 kV.

Fields of application
Industries Applications

Cement, mining and minerals Grinding mills, conveyors, fans and pumps

Chemical, oil and gas Compressors, extruders and pumps

Metals Blast furnace blowers, fans and pumps

Pulp and paper Fans and pumps

Power generation Gas turbine starters, ID/FD fans and pumps

Water Pumps

Other applications Test stands and wind tunnels

ABB I ACS 5000 brochure – 3

ACS 5000 – Highest performance and lowest cost of ownership

ABB engineers developed a drive that provides advantages over

other medium voltage drives in reliability, efficiency and power
density – features that have a direct impact on the customer’s
cost of ownership.

Highest reliability and efficiency

Thanks to the combination of well-proven components and
an innovative topology, the ACS 5000 has a reliability and
efficiency unmatched on the market.

IGCT semiconductors Fuseless

The ACS 5000 uses a power semiconductor known as IGCT The converter design does not require any medium voltage
(Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor), which is an ideal power fuses, which are known to be unreliable, costly and
switch for high-powered medium voltage applications. The subject to aging. Instead of fuses the ACS 5000 uses IGCTs/
use of IGCTs results in low parts count, providing an efficient thyristors, which provide much faster and more reliable pro-
and reliable drive. tection for the power components. The ACS 5000 protection
scheme responds in less than 25 µsec, about two hundred
Long-life DC-link capacitors times faster than fuses.
Advanced, self-healing, environmental friendly foil capacitors,
designed for a long lifetime, are used in the DC-link. ABB has
clearly distinguished itself with this technology compared to
unreliable and maintenance-intensive designs based on elec-
trolytic DC-link capacitors.

ACS 5000 Voltage Source Inverter Multilevel-Fuseless (VSI-MF) topology

4 – ACS 5000 brochure l ABB

Powerful and application-friendly
During development of the ACS 5000, special attention was given
to the entire drive system to provide highest configuration flexibility
and ensure powerful and application-friendly performance.

Smallest footprint Powerful performance

The ACS 5000 is based on a unique concept which enables Fast and accurate process control in combination with low
operation of motors up to 6.9 kV without making the drive energy consumption results in top performance. The ACS drive
more complex. Thanks to the Voltage Source Inverter Mul- control platform is ABB’s award-winning Direct Torque Control
tilevel-Fuseless (VSI-MF) topology the high motor voltage is (DTC), resulting in the highest torque and speed performance
achieved without series connection of semiconductors. This as well as the lowest losses ever achieved in medium voltage
reduces the parts count to a minimum resulting in a power drives. Control of the drive is immediate and smooth under all
density up to 1 MVA/m3 for the complete drive, including control, conditions.
cooling and auxiliaries, which is unmatched in the medium
voltage drives market. Transformer flexibility
For highest transformer flexibility, the air-cooled ACS 5000
Motor friendly is available with a separate input transformer or, in the lower
The ACS 5000 topology has an optimum number of switching power range, with an integrated input transformer.
levels, which provides a multilevel output waveform. This allows
the use of standard motors up to 6.9 kV without compromising The integrated input transformer allows simple and quick instal-
reliability. lation and commissioning, whereas the separate transformer
permits a flexible transformer configuration. Depending on the
Network friendly customer’s infrastructure, the transformer can be placed either
The ACS 5000 is equipped with a 36-pulse rectifier to minimize inside or outside the electrical room.
harmonic distortion. It meets the most stringent requirements
for current and voltage harmonic distortion as defined by IEEE,
IEC and EN. This eliminates the need for costly harmonics
analysis or installation of network filters when applying a new drive.

15000 2000 15000 2000

1500 1500
10000 10000
1000 1000
5000 500 5000 500



0 0 0 0
-5000 -500 -5000 -500
-1000 -1000
-10000 -1500 -10000 -1500
-15000 -2000 -15000 -2000
50 Hz operation point 50 Hz operation point

Line current Line voltage Motor current Motor voltage

Line and motor current and voltage

ABB I ACS 5000 brochure – 5

ACS 5000 air cooled

Understanding the industries’ requirements led ABB to design

the air-cooled ACS 5000 up to 7 MVA. It is available with
separate or integrated input transformer.

User-friendly drive control panel for local operation

–– Keypad with multi-language display
–– Main supply on/off pushbuttons
–– Emergency off pushbutton

Air-cooled ACS 5000 for operation with separate input isolation transformer, 7 MVA, 6.9 kV

6 – ACS 5000 brochure l ABB

ACS 5000 water cooled

Understanding the constraints of limited space inspired ABB

to increase the power density up to 1 MVA/m3 for the complete
drive, including control, cooling and auxiliaries, thus saving
valuable space. It is available up to 22 MVA.

Transformer cable Control unit Auxiliary power for

connection section for control hardware
top and bottom entry

36-pulse DC-link capacitors Inverter unit Motor cable Water cooling

diode rectifier connection unit with stainless
section for top steel piping
and bottom

Water-cooled ACS 5000, 11 MVA, 6.9 kV

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ACS 5000 – features and benefits

The ACS 5000 is designed to deliver value through reliable

process control and low cost of ownership.

Features Advantages Benefits

Flexible input transformer configuration
The air-cooled ACS 5000 is available with –– Integrated transformer for quick
an integrated or a separate input trans- installation and commissioning.
former, which can be placed outside the –– Separate transformer for a minimal
electrical room. need for air-conditioning. The losses
from the transformer do not dissi-
pate into the electrical room.

Reliable and efficient components

ABB’s IGCT power switching device results
Highest reliability for minimum down-
in low parts count, providing an efficient and
reliable converter.
The ACS 5000 multilevel-fuseless topology
Highest efficiency
results in a drive with unmatched efficiency.
Network and motor friendliness
The ACS 5000 36-pulse rectifier meets Elimination of network harmonics to
the most stringent requirements of inter- avoid penalties and system interfer-
national standards for current and voltage ences.
harmonic distortion.
Costly harmonic analysis or network
filters are not required.
The ACS 5000 provides a multilevel output
Suitable for standard motors
waveform for increased motor friendliness.
Direct Torque Control (DTC)
The fast control provided by DTC allows Fast, accurate and robust process
optimum process control and exact motor control for constant product quality,
performance with minimum torque ripple minimum raw material waste and
and lowest energy consumption. minimum machinery wear.
The modular design of the ACS 5000
simplifies maintenance. It allows easy front
access to the drive’s components. The Faster and easier maintenance
cooling equipment is available with redun-
dant fans or pumps.
Cost savings due to smaller electrical
Smallest footprint room and easier layout

DriveMonitorTM (optional)
DriveMonitorTM provides monitoring access User-friendly drive monitoring and
to the drive even from remote locations. remote diagnostics
Service and support
ABB, the largest drives supplier world-
wide, has a global support network, which Around the clock access to drive spe-
provides assistance and spare parts 24 cialists and spare parts
hours/day, 365 days/year

8 – ACS 5000 brochure l ABB

Simple drive system integration

The ACS 5000 allows smooth and simple system integration

into the customer’s industrial environment.

Open control system Benefits

ABB offers an open communication strategy, enabling con- – Standard interface
nection to higher-level process controllers. The ACS 5000 – Remote connection via LAN (Local Area Network)
can be installed with all major fieldbus adapters for smooth – Access to:
integration, monitoring and controlling of different processes, – drive control
according to customer requirements. – signals and parameters
– data and fault loggers
DriveOPC is a software package, which allows communication
between ABB drives and the customer’s Windows®-based


Simple and efficient maintainability is an important factor in

keeping operating costs down. The modular concept of the
ACS 5000 implies minimal maintenance.

Reliable components
ABB drive technologies, such as IGCT power semiconductors
and the multilevel-fuseless topology, provide a low parts count,
which increases reliability, extends Mean Time Between Failures
(MTBF) and improves availability.

Easy access
The ACS 5000 has been designed to allow easy front access
to the drive’s components.

Redundant cooling
The cooling equipment is available with redundant fans or
The water-cooled ACS 5000 inverter phase modules are mounted on
pumps, which increases availability. sliding rails.

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Monitoring and diagnostics

The ACS 5000 is available with an intelligent monitoring and

diagnostics system, which allows secure access to the drive
from any location in the world.

– Early detection to avoid costly repairs
– Reduction of process-critical faults
– Optimization of maintenance cost and schedule over the
product life cycle
– Long-term statistics for optimization of process performance
– Easier root cause analysis – reduced Mean Time To Repair

DriveMonitorTM allows real-time access to the drive. It supports

monitoring and diagnostics of ABB drives for new and existing www

The optional tool consists of a hardware module inside the

drive, as well as a software layer that automatically collects
and analyzes selected drive signals and parameters.

Long-term monitoring functions deliver important information

on equipment status, maintenance tasks needed and possible
performance improvements. As experts can gain access to
the drive remotely, DriveMonitorTM also helps cut maintenance
costs by reducing on-site work.

With extra diagnostic packages, DriveMonitorTM can also

monitor other drive system components, such as main circuit
breaker, transformer and the driven machine. Special packages
related to the application, such as rolling mills, water pumps
and compressors, can be integrated into the system.

10 – ACS 5000 brochure l ABB

ACS 5000 for induction or synchronous motors

Depending on the power rating and the application characteris-

tics, the ACS 5000 can be used with induction or synchronous

ACS 5000 for induction motors

Squirrel cage induction motors are the workhorses of the
industry due to their versatility, reliability and simplicity.

The ACS 5000 can be applied to induction motors up to 20 MW.

It is typically used with induction motors for applications such
as pumps, fans, compressors and conveyors.

ACS 5000 for synchronous motors

Alternatively, the ACS 5000 can be used with synchronous
motors. Synchronous motors are typically considered for
higher power ratings. In addition to their high power capabili-
ties, synchronous motors offer a wide field weakening range
as well as the benefits of high efficiency and high performance.

ABB I ACS 5000 brochure – 11


Thorough testing ensures proven functionality and performance

and reduces commissioning time.

ABB is committed to ensuring the reliability of every drive it

delivers. To ensure that quality standards and customer re-
quirements are fully met, every component of a drive is sub-
jected to thorough testing in ABB’s modern test facilities.

Routine test
Routine tests and functional tests form an integral part of the
scope of supply of ABB’s medium voltage drives. They are
performed in accordance with international standards and
ABB quality assurance procedures.

Combined test
Additionally, ABB can perform a combined test with the
complete drive system – including transformer, converter and
motor – to verify the performance and to ensure a smooth
integration into the customer’s facility.

12 – ACS 5000 brochure l ABB

Service and support

The ACS 5000 is backed by unrivalled service and support from

the customer’s initial inquiry throughout the entire life cycle of
the drive system.

Installation and commissioning Services for ABB’s medium voltage drives

Proper installation and commissioning of the equipment, done – – Supervision of installation and commissioning
by qualified and certified commissioning engineers, reduces
– – Training
start-up time, increases safety and reliability and decreases
– – Remote diagnostics
life cycle costs. In addition, operators can be given practical
training by experienced specialists on site. – – Customized maintenance contracts
– – Local support
Training – – 24 x 365 support line
ABB provides extensive training for its medium voltage drives.
– – Spare parts and logistics network
A range of training programs is offered from basic tutorials to
programs tailored to the customer’s specific needs. – – Worldwide service network

Life cycle management Global network, local presence

ABB’s drive life cycle management model maximizes the value Aftersales service is an integral part of providing the customer
of the equipment and maintenance investment by maintain- with a reliable and efficient drive system. The ABB Group of
ing high availability, eliminating unplanned repair costs and companies operates in more than 100 countries and has a
extending the lifetime of the drive. worldwide network of service operations.

Life cycle management includes:

−− providing spare parts and expertise throughout the life cycle
–– p roviding efficient product support and maintenance for
improved reliability
–– adding functionality to the initial product
–– providing a smooth transition to a new technology at the
end of the life cycle

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Data sheet ACS 5000

Inverter type Control interface (optional)

Voltage Source Inverter Multilevel-Fuseless (VSI-MF), – – All common fieldbuses including Profibus, Modbus,
9 levels line-to-line, with fast-switching power semiconductors Allen-Bradley DeviceNet, Ethernet, ABB Advant Fieldbus
– Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristors (IGCTs), without AF100 (others on request)
parallel or series connected devices – – Extensive range of additional I/O features available

Motors Standard protection functions

Induction, synchronous and permanent magnet motors; Converter:
2000 – 7000 kVA air cooled Overcurrent, short circuit, earth fault, phase loss, overvoltage,
5000 – 22000 kVA water cooled undervoltage, overtemperature, output frequency, network
disturbance, cooling supervision
Standards Motor:
All common standards including EN, IEC, CE Overload, underload, stall protection

Input Example options

Medium voltage input transformer for 36-pulse diode rectifier −− Motor supervision I/Os
Variation: ±10% of nominal voltage, down to −− Fault/alarm: overtemperature, vibration of bearings
–25% safe operation with derated output −− PT 100: winding and bearing temperatures
−− Transformer supervision I/Os:
Auxiliary voltage −− Fault/alarm: overtemperature, Buchholz
Common 400 – 480 VAC, 3-phase, 50 Hz/60 Hz, −− PT 100: winding temperatures
(up to 690 VAC for water cooled drives) −− Hardwired signals for remote drive control
−− References: start/stop, speed/torque, etc.
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) −− Status feedback signals: ready/running
If available, a UPS can be connected for control power supply, −− Analog signals: current/voltage/power, etc.
110 – 240 VAC, single phase or 110/220 VDC. Alternatively the −− Redundant cooling fan (air-cooled ACS 5000)
drive can be equipped with back-up capacitors (for short term and pump (water-cooled ACS 5000) for enhanced reliability
control power-loss ride-through) −− Synchronous bypass functionality (for starting of up to six
Output frequency −− Integrated transformer, input voltage range
0 to ±75 Hz, up to ±250 Hz optional (higher on request) −− 6.0 – 6.9 kV, 50 Hz/60 Hz
−− 10 .0 – 11.0 kV, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Output voltage
Standard: 6.0 – 6.9 kV
Optional: 4.16 kV

Efficiency of converter
Typically > 98.5% (incl. auxiliaries)

Input power factor

Fundamental: > 0.96 (Total: > 0.95)

Ambient temperature
+1 °C to 40 °C (higher with derating)
34 °F to 104 °F (higher with derating)

Enclosure classes
Standard: IP21 air cooled
IP32 water cooled
Optional: up to IP42 air cooled
up to IP54 water cooled

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Data sheet ACS 5000 with integrated transformer

Motor data Converter Converter data

Voltage Shaft power * Type code** Power Current Length Weight ***
kV kW hp kVA A mm kg
6,000 V - air cooled - induction motors
6.0 1460 1960 ACS 5060-36L35A-1a35-Ax-TI A 24 5 1700 160 5700 7700
6.0 1800 2410 ACS 5060-36L35B-1a35-Ax-TI A 24 5 2100 200 5700 7700
6.0 2150 2880 ACS 5060-36L35C-1a35-Ax-TI A 24 5 2500 240 5700 7700
6.0 2570 3440 ACS 5060-36L35D-1a35-Ax-TI A 34 5 3000 290 6000 9200
6.0 3090 4140 ACS 5060-36L70E-1a70-Ax-TI A 34 5 3600 350 6400 10200
6.0 3690 4940 ACS 5060-36L70G-1a70-Ax TI A 45 5 4300 410 6700 11200
6.0 4120 5520 ACS 5060-36L70H-1a70-Ax-TI A 45 5 4800 460 6700 11200
6,600 V - air cooled - induction motors
6.6 1630 2180 ACS 5066-36L35A-1a35-Ax-TI A 24 5 1900 170 5700 7700
6.6 2150 2880 ACS 5066-36L35B-1a35-Ax-TI A 24 5 2500 220 5700 7700
6.6 2490 3340 ACS 5066-36L35C-1a35-Ax-TI A 34 5 2900 250 6000 9200
6.6 2830 3790 ACS 5066-36L35D-1a35-Ax-TI A 34 5 3300 290 6000 9200
6.6 3090 4140 ACS 5066-36L70E-1a70-Ax-TI A 34 5 3600 310 6400 10200
6.6 3690 4940 ACS 5066-36L70F-1a70-Ax-TI A 45 5 4300 380 6700 11200
6.6 4120 5520 ACS 5066-36L70G-1a70-Ax TI A 45 5 4800 420 6700 11200
6,900 V - air cooled - induction motors
6.9 1720 2300 ACS 5069-36L35A-1a35-Ax-TI A 24 5 2000 170 5700 7700
6.9 2150 2880 ACS 5069-36L35B-1a35-Ax-TI A 24 5 2500 210 5700 7700
6.9 2570 3440 ACS 5069-36L35C-1a35-Ax-TI A 34 5 3000 250 6000 9200
6.9 3000 4020 ACS 5069-36L35D-1a35-Ax-TI A 34 5 3500 290 6000 9200
6.9 3090 4140 ACS 5069-36L70E-1a70-Ax-TI A 34 5 3600 300 6400 10200
6.9 3690 4940 ACS 5069-36L70F-1a70-Ax-TI A 45 5 4300 360 6700 11200
6.9 4120 5520 ACS 5069-36L70G-1a70-Ax TI A 45 5 4800 400 6700 11200
6,000 V - air cooled - synchronous motors
6.0 1660 2220 ACS 5060-36L35A-1s35-Ax-TI A 24 5 1700 160 5700 7700
6.0 2150 2880 ACS 5060-36L35B-1s35-Ax-TI A 24 5 2200 210 5700 7700
6.0 2540 3400 ACS 5060-36L35C-1s35-Ax-TI A 34 5 2600 250 6000 9200
6.0 2930 3930 ACS 5060-36L35D-1s35-Ax-TI A 34 5 3000 290 6000 9200
6.0 3410 4570 ACS 5060-36L70E-1s70-Ax-TI A 45 5 3500 340 6700 11200
6.0 3710 4970 ACS 5060-36L70F-1s70-Ax-TI A 45 5 3800 370 6700 11200
6.0 4100 5490 ACS 5060-36L70G-1s70-Ax-TI A 45 5 4200 400 6700 11200
6,600 V - air cooled - synchronous motors
6.6 1760 2360 ACS 5066-36L35A-1s35-Ax-TI A 24 5 1800 160 5700 7700
6.6 2150 2880 ACS 5066-36L35B-1s35-Ax-TI A 24 5 2200 190 5700 7700
6.6 2730 3660 ACS 5066-36L35C-1s35-Ax-TI A 34 5 2800 240 6000 9200
6.6 3120 4180 ACS 5066-36L35D-1s35-Ax-TI A 34 5 3200 280 6000 9200
6.6 3710 4970 ACS 5066-36L70E-1s70-Ax-TI A 45 5 3800 330 6700 11200
6.6 4100 5490 ACS 5066-36L70F-1s70-Ax-TI A 45 5 4200 370 6700 11200
6,900 V - air cooled - synchronous motors
6.9 1850 2480 ACS 5069-36L35A-1s35-Ax-TI A 24 5 1900 160 5700 7700
6.9 2150 2880 ACS 5069-36L35B-1s35-Ax-TI A 24 5 2200 180 5700 7700
6.9 2730 3660 ACS 5069-36L35C-1s35-Ax-TI A 34 5 2800 230 6000 9200
6.9 3120 4180 ACS 5069-36L35D-1s35-Ax-TI A 34 5 3200 270 6000 9200
6.9 3710 4970 ACS 5069-36L70E-1s70-Ax-TI A 45 5 3800 320 6700 11200
6.9 4100 5490 ACS 5069-36L70F-1s70-Ax-TI A 45 5 4200 350 6700 11200

Notes: Excitation unit for synchronous motor drives (stand-alone cabinet)

* Indicative information: induction motor efficiency 97.5%, power factor 0.88; Dimensions 800 x 1000 x 2360 mm (L x D x H)
synchronous motor efficiency 97.5%, power factor 1.0. Weight approx. 700 kg
** ‘x’ indicates the number of installed converter cooling fans.
*** Weight indications are approximate; listed without excitation unit (for synchronous motors).

General dimension Air cooled Water cooled

Cabinet height 2360 mm excl. cooling fans 2360 mm excl. A/A heat exchangers
2863 mm incl. cooling fans 2680 mm incl. A/A heat exchangers
2963 mm with redundant cooling fans
Cabinet depth 1100 mm 1000 mm

ABB I ACS 5000 brochure – 15

Data sheet ACS 5000 for induction motors
(external transformer)
Motor data Converter Converter data
Voltage Shaft power * Type code** Power Current Length Weight ***
kV kW hp kVA A mm kg
6,000 V - air cooled
6.0 1460 1960 ACS 5060-36L35A-1a35-Ax 1700 160 3300 3000
6.0 1800 2410 ACS 5060-36L35B-1a35-Ax 2100 200 3300 3000
6.0 2150 2880 ACS 5060-36L35C-1a35-Ax 2500 240 3300 3000
6.0 2570 3440 ACS 5060-36L35D-1a35-Ax 3000 290 3300 3000
6.0 3000 4020 ACS 5060-36L70E-1a70-Ax 3500 340 3700 4000
6.0 3350 4490 ACS 5060-36L70F-1a70-Ax 3900 380 3700 4000
6.0 3690 4940 ACS 5060-36L70G-1a70-Ax 4300 410 3700 4000
6.0 4460 5980 ACS 5060-36L70H-1a70-Ax 5200 500 3700 4000
6.0 5230 7010 ACS 5060-36L70J-1a70-Ax 6100 590 3700 4000
6,600 V - air cooled
6.6 1630 2180 ACS 5066-36L35A-1a35-Ax 1900 170 3300 3000
6.6 2060 2760 ACS 5066-36L35B-1a35-Ax 2400 210 3300 3000
6.6 2490 3340 ACS 5066-36L35C-1a35-Ax 2900 250 3300 3500
6.6 2830 3790 ACS 5066-36L35D-1a35-Ax 3300 290 3300 3000
6.6 3260 4370 ACS 5066-36L70E-1a70-Ax 3800 330 3700 4000
6.6 3690 4940 ACS 5066-36L70F-1a70-Ax 4300 380 3700 4000
6.6 4120 5520 ACS 5066-36L70G-1a70-Ax 4800 420 3700 4000
6.6 4890 6550 ACS 5066-36L70H-1a70-Ax 5700 500 3700 4000
6.6 5750 7710 ACS 5066-36L70J-1a70-Ax 6700 590 3700 4000
6,900 V - air cooled
6.9 1720 2300 ACS 5069-36L35A-1a35-Ax 2000 170 3300 3000
6.9 2150 2880 ACS 5069-36L35B-1a35-Ax 2500 210 3300 3000
6.9 2570 3440 ACS 5069-36L35C-1a35-Ax 3000 250 3300 3000
6.9 3000 4020 ACS 5069-36L35D-1a35-Ax 3500 290 3300 3000
6.9 3430 4600 ACS 5069-36L70E-1a70-Ax 4000 330 3700 4000
6.9 3860 5170 ACS 5069-36L70F-1a70-Ax 4500 380 3700 4000
6.9 4290 5750 ACS 5069-36L70G-1a70-Ax 5000 420 3700 4000
6.9 5150 6900 ACS 5069-36L70H-1a70-Ax 6000 500 3700 4000
6.9 6010 8050 ACS 5069-36L70J-1a70-Ax 7000 590 3700 4000
6,000 V - water cooled
6.0 4500 6000 ACS 5060-36L12L-1a12-W2 5200 500 6830 7700
6.0 6000 8000 ACS 5060-36L12N-1a12-W2 7000 670 6830 7700
6.0 7500 10100 ACS 5060-36L12Q-1a12-W2 8700 840 6830 7700
6.0 8900 11900 ACS 5060-36L12R-1a12-W2 10400 1000 6830 7700
6.0 10500 14100 ACS 5060-36L18S-2a12-W3 12200 1170 9430 10800
6.0 13500 18100 ACS 5060-36L18U-2a12-W3 15700 1510 9430 10800
6.0 15400 20600 ACS 5060-36L18V-2a12-W3 18000 1730 9430 10800
6.0 16000 21400 ACS 5060-36L24X-2a12-W3 18700 1800 10430 12300
6,600 V - water cooled
6.6 4900 6600 ACS 5066-36L12L-1a12-W2 5700 500 6830 7700
6.6 6600 8800 ACS 5066-36L12N-1a12-W2 7700 670 6830 7700
6.6 8200 11000 ACS 5066-36L12Q-1a12-W2 9600 840 6830 7700
6.6 9800 13100 ACS 5066-36L12R-1a12-W2 11400 1000 6830 7700
6.6 11500 15400 ACS 5066-36L18S-2a12-W3 13400 1170 9430 10800
6.6 14800 19800 ACS 5066-36L18U-2a12-W3 17300 1510 9430 10800
6.6 15400 20600 ACS 5066-36L18V-2a12-W3 18000 1570 9430 10800
6.6 17700 23700 ACS 5066-36L24X-2a12-W3 20600 1800 10430 12300
6,900 V - water cooled
6.9 5100 6800 ACS 5069-36L12L-1a12-W2 6000 500 6830 7700
6.9 6900 9200 ACS 5069-36L12N-1a12-W2 8000 670 6830 7700
6.9 8600 11500 ACS 5069-36L12Q-1a12-W2 10000 840 6830 7700
6.9 10300 13800 ACS 5069-36L12R-1a12-W2 12000 1000 6830 7700
6.9 12000 16100 ACS 5069-36L18S-2a12-W3 14000 1170 9430 10800
6.9 15400 20600 ACS 5069-36L18V-2a12-W3 18000 1510 9430 10800
6.9 18400 24700 ACS 5069-36L24X-2a12-W3 21500 1800 10430 12300

ABB I ACS 5000 brochure – 16

Data sheet ACS 5000 for synchronous motors
(external transformer)
Motor data Converter Converter data
Voltage Shaft power * Type code** Power Current Length Weight ***
kV kW hp kVA A mm kg
6,000 V - air cooled
6.0 1660 2220 ACS 5060-36L35A-1a35-Ax 1700 160 3300 3000
6.0 2150 2880 ACS 5060-36L35B-1s35-Ax 2200 210 3300 3000
6.0 2540 3400 ACS 5060-36L35C-1s35-Ax 2600 250 3300 3000
6.0 2930 3930 ACS 5060-36L35D-1s35-Ax 3000 290 3300 3000
6.0 3410 4570 ACS 5060-36L70E-1s70-Ax 3500 340 3700 4000
6.0 3800 5090 ACS 5060-36L70F-1s70-Ax 3900 380 3700 4000
6.0 4190 5610 ACS 5060-36L70G-1s70-Ax 4300 410 3700 4000
6.0 5070 6790 ACS 5060-36L70H-1s70-Ax 5200 500 3700 4000
6.0 5950 7970 ACS 5060-36L70J-1s70-Ax 6100 590 3700 4000
6,600 V - air cooled
6.6 1850 2480 ACS 5066-36L35A-1s35-Ax 1900 170 3300 3000
6.6 2340 3140 ACS 5066-36L35B-1s35-Ax 2400 210 3300 3000
6.6 2830 3790 ACS 5066-36L35C-1s35-Ax 2900 250 3300 3000
6.6 3220 4310 ACS 5066-36L35D-1s35-Ax 3300 290 3300 3000
6.6 3710 4970 ACS 5066-36L70E-1s70-Ax 3800 330 3700 4000
6.6 4190 5610 ACS 5066-36L70F-1s70-Ax 4300 380 3700 4000
6.6 4680 6270 ACS 5066-36L70G-1s70-Ax 4800 420 3700 4000
6.6 5560 7450 ACS 5066-36L70H-1s70-Ax 5700 500 3700 4000
6.6 6530 8750 ACS 5066-36L70J-1s70-Ax 6700 590 3700 4000
6,900 V - air cooled
6.9 1950 2610 ACS 5069-36L35A-1s35-Ax 2000 170 3300 3000
6.9 2440 3270 ACS 5069-36L35B-1s35-Ax 2500 210 3300 3000
6.9 2930 3930 ACS 5069-36L35C-1s35-Ax 3000 250 3300 3000
6.9 3410 4570 ACS 5069-36L35D-1s35-Ax 3500 290 3300 3000
6.9 3900 5230 ACS 5069-36L70E-1s70-Ax 4000 330 3700 4000
6.9 4390 5880 ACS 5069-36L70F-1s70-Ax 4500 380 3700 4000
6.9 4880 6540 ACS 5069-36L70G-1s70-Ax 5000 420 3700 4000
6.9 5850 7840 ACS 5069-36L70H-1s70-Ax 6000 500 3700 4000
6.9 6830 9150 ACS 5069-36L70J-1s70-Ax 7000 590 3700 4000
6,000 V - water cooled
6.0 5100 6800 ACS 5060-36L12L-1s12-W2 5200 500 6830 7700
6.0 6800 9100 ACS 5060-36L12N-1s12-W2 7000 670 6830 7700
6.0 8500 11400 ACS 5060-36L12Q-1s12-W2 8700 840 6830 7700
6.0 10100 13500 ACS 5060-36L12R-1s12W2 10400 1000 6830 7700
6.0 11900 15900 ACS 5060-36L18S-2s12-W3 12200 1170 9430 10800
6.0 15300 20500 ACS 5060-36L18U-2s12-W3 15700 1510 9430 10800
6.0 17600 23600 ACS 5060-36L18V-2s12-W3 18000 1730 9430 10800
6.0 18200 24400 ACS 5060-36L24X-2s12-W3 18700 1800 10430 12300
6,600 V - water cooled
6.6 5600 7500 ACS 5066-36L12L-1s12-W2 5700 500 6830 7700
6.6 7500 10100 ACS 5066-36L12N-1s12-W2 7700 670 6830 7700
6.6 9400 12600 ACS 5066-36L12Q-1s12-W2 9600 840 6830 7700
6.6 11100 14900 ACS 5066-36L12R-1s12-W2 11400 1000 6830 7700
6.6 13100 17600 ACS 5066-36L18S-2s12-W3 13400 1170 9430 10800
6.6 16900 22600 ACS 5066-36L18U-2s12-W3 17300 1510 9430 10800
6.6 17600 23600 ACS 5066-36L18V-2s12-W3 18000 1570 9430 10800
6.6 20100 26900 ACS 5066-36L24X-2s12-W3 20600 1800 10430 12300
6,900 V - water cooled
6.9 5900 7900 ACS 5069-36L12L-1s12-W2 6000 500 6830 7700
6.9 7800 10500 ACS 5069-36L12N-1s12-W2 8000 670 6830 7700
6.9 9800 13100 ACS 5069-36L12Q-1s12-W2 10000 840 6830 7700
6.9 11700 15700 ACS 5069-36L12R-1s12-W2 12000 1000 6830 7700
6.9 13700 18400 ACS 5069-36L18S-2s12-W3 14000 1170 9430 10800
6.9 17600 23600 ACS 5069-36L18V-2s12-W3 18000 1510 9430 10800
6.9 21000 28100 ACS 5069-36L24X-2s12-W3 21500 1800 10430 12300

ABB I ACS 5000 brochure – 17

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