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Lagonoy South Central School Lagonoy Camarines Sur S/Y 2021-2022 Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 4

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Lagonoy South Central School

Lagonoy Camarines Sur

S/Y 2021- 2022

Detailed lesson Plan in Science 4

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. Identify the different interactions among living things;
b. Realized the importance of interactions among living things; and
c. Illustrate understanding on the differenct interactions among organisms.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic : Interactions among living things
b. Reference: Science Learners Material pp. 149- 150
Teacher’s Guide pp. 182-186
c. Learning Materials:
 Manila paper
 Marking pen
 pictures of different organisms
 manila paper

III. Learning Experiences (5 E’s)

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning class!! Good morning teacher!!

Please stand up for the prayer. ( student’s will follow)

Please pick up the pieces of papers and

plastics and arrange your chairs properly. (Student’s will follow)

Is there any absent from the class? None maam.

Before we discuss the new lesson let’s

have a short recap of our previous topic.
Do you still remember the last lesson? Yes teacher!

What is it all about? It is all about Living and Non Living

Very Good!

What is living things? Living things are those Which have life
like human, animals, and plants.
How about Non living things? non living things do not have life like the
material things around us, the phone,
chair, ballpen etc.
Very good! so since you already
understand the concept of the previous
topic, let’s move on to the next lesson.

I have here a set of pictures and you are going
to identify the organisms that you can find in
each environment.

Picture 1

What are the living things you can find in this

picture? Shark and small fish.

Ok very good!

Picture 2


Now you are going to perform a group
activity. You will be group into two, and
every group has their own task. Group 1
will be working on Activity 1 current and
voltage on pp 55-58, group 2 you will be
working on activity 2 voltage and
resistance on your module pp 58-60. The
objective of the activity is to understand
how do voltage and resistance affect
electric current. I will give you 10 minutes
to do the activity, after that you are going
to present the result.

These are your task:

Group 1
Materials needed:
 Ammeter
 2 dry cells (1.5 v each)
 4 connecting wires
 1 bulb
 Switch
 2 dry cell holders
 Voltmeter
 Bulb holders

1. Construct a simple ciruit using a dry
cell, a bulb, a switch and an ammeter.
Close the circuit by turning on the s
Switch. Observe the bulb and the
ammeter. Record the ammeter reading in
Table 1. Upon completion of the task,
switch off the circuit.

Table 1
No. of Voltage (V) Current(A)

Q1. What is the reading on the ammeter?

2. Add another dry cell to the circuit.

Record the electric current measurement
in Table 1. Once the task is done, turn off
the switch.

Q2. Compare the brightness of the bulb

with one dry cell to its brightness when
there are two dry cell to its brightness
when there are two dry cells in the circuit.

Q3. What is the ammeter reading this


Q4. What can be inferred about the

current passing through the bulb?

3. Connect the voltmeter in the circuit as

shown in figure 5. Switch on and record
the voltage in Table 1. Once the task is
done, turn off the switch.

Q5. What is the voltmeter reading?

4. Add another dry cell to the circuit.

Record the voltmeter reading in table 1
Observe the brightness of the bulb. Once
the task is done, turn off the switch.

Q6. Describe the brightness of the bulb?

Q7. What is the voltmeter reading this


Q8. What can be inferred about the

voltage across the bulb?
Q9. Refer to the Table 1, how are voltage
and current related

Group 2 Task
Activity 2 Current and Resistance

Materials needed:
 1 ammeter
 2dry cell holders
 1 switch
 3 bulb holders
 2 dry cells
 4 connecting wires
 3 flashlight bulbs (voltage rating of
2.5 each)

1. Construct a simple circuit using 1 bulb,
2 dry cells and an ammeter as shown in
Figure 7. Record the electric current
measurement in Table 2. Once the task is
done, turn off the switch.

2. To increase the resistance, add

another bulb in the circuit. Connect the
ammeter and record the electric current
measurement in Table 2. Once the task is
done, turn off the switch.

3. To further increase the resistance, add

another bulb in the circuit. Connect the
Ammeter and record the electric current
measurement in Table 2. Once the task is
done, turn off the switch.

Q10. Based on Table 2, what happens to

the current in the circuit as the resistance
increases( increasing of bulbs)?

(After 10 min.)

Okay are you done ?

Are you ready to present your work?

On the activity given, any representative
from theGroup can present the result of
your activity.
Lets start with the group 1. This is the result of the readings based
on activity.

1.What is the reading on the ammeter? Table 1

No. of Voltage(V) Current(A)

1 1.5 V 0.2A
2 2.5 V 0.3 A

2. Compare the brightness of the bulb

with one dry cell to it’s brightness when there
are two dry cells in the circuit. The bulb glows brighter when two
battery are used.
3. What is the ammeter reading this time?
4. What can be inferred about the current passing
through the bulb? we can inferred that the current is Higher
for two dry cell as compared to one dry
5.What is the voltmeter reading now?
6. Describe the brightness of the bulb the bulb glows brighter when two batteries
. are used.
7. What is the voltmeter reading now?
8. What can be inferred about the voltage
across the bulb?
9. Refer to table 1, How are voltage and current
related? the voltage is bigger for two dry cells
compared to a circuit with 1 dry cell.
In this activity, it shows that for a constant
load (one bulb) when the voltage increases,
the current also increases.
Okay very good, lets give big hands for
group 1. Clap..clap..clap..
Representative from group 2? Based on our activity about
resistance and current,
This is the result of the ammeter

Table 2

No. of bulbs Current(A)

1 0.3 A
2 0.25 A
3 0.2 A

1. Based on table 2, what happens to the

current in the circuit as the resistance
increases? Based on the table, the current
decreases as the resistance
increases or when the resistance
increases the current
Very good. Clap your hands for group 2. Clap..Clap..Clap..


To further understand the activity that was

given, lets have a short elaboration about
the activity.
Now, can you say that the three quantities
are related based on your activity? Yes ma’am!

Based from the table 1,when the circuit has

only one battery, what was the ammeter reading? 0.2 A
Voltmeter reading? 1.5 V
When you added another dry cell to the circuit,
What was the reading on the ammeter? 0.3A
Voltmeter reading? 2.5 V

What happens to the voltage as the no. of dry The voltage also increases.
cell increases?
What happens to the current as the no. of dry
cell increases? The current also increases
When the voltage increases, what happens
to the current? Increases or decreases? The current also increases
Now, how will you relate the current and voltage? As the voltage increases, the current
also increases
Exactly. When voltage increases, the current also
Increases. They are directly proportional to each other.
How does the brightness of the light indicated?
The brightness of the light indicates the amount
of electricity. The brighter the bulb, the higher the
Amount of the current.
Did you get it? Yes ma’am!
So let’s analyse table 2,
What is the ammeter reading in 1 bulb circuit having
two dry cells? 0.3 A
What about ammeter reading in 2 bulbs circuit with
the same no. of dry cell? 0.25A
What about the ammeter reading in 3 bulbs circuit
with the same no. of dry cells? 0. 2 A

Based on the Table, what happens to the current

in the circuit as the resistance increases
( increasing of bulbs)? Based on the table, the current
decreases as the resistance increases.
Therefore, the resistance is inversely proportional
to the current.
Did you get it? Yes ma’am.

Let’s try your understanding.


Get ¼ sheet of paper a answer the following questions.

Write true if the sentence is correct and false if not.

1. Ammeter is the device used to measure the voltage.

2. A circuit is composed of the three quantities of electricity.
3. The brightness of the bulb indicates the amount of current.
4. The current is directly proportional to the resistance.
5. The current is directly proportional to the voltage.


Tommorow we are going to perform another

activity entitled ‘’What’s the connection’’
Science learners module pp. 61-68

Materials needed:

For circuit A
3 connecting wires
2 identical bulbs with holder
2 dry cells with holder
For circuit B
4 connecting wires
2 identical bulbs with holder
2 dry cells with holder

Okay so let’ call it a day.

Everybody please stand up for the Prayer.
Prayer leader? ( the student will the prayer)

Good bye class Goodbye ma’am

Prepared by:
Nonith V. Medina
Practice Teacher

Jesus P. Beloy
Cooperating teacher

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