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A Review On Flow Injection Analysis For Indirect Determination of Cyanide Ion in Environment by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology

Vol-7, Issue-4; Jul-Aug, 2022

Journal Home Page Available:

Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijeab

Peer Reviewed

A Review on Flow Injection Analysis for Indirect

Determination of Cyanide ion in Environment by Flame
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
Hawraz Sami Khalid*, Sirwan Fadhil Shawket, Nabil Adil Fakhre

Department of Chemistry, College of Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil, , Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
*Corespondance Author:

Received: 24 Jun 2022; Received in revised form: 15 Jul 2022; Accepted: 20 Jul 2022; Available online: 25 Jul 2022
©2022 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— Among inorganic anions, cyanide is a potent toxicant in environment. Its species are
historically known as the most harmful chemical pollutants of the environment to directly affect human
health and some aquatics activity, even at minimum levels. Cyanide compounds are widely available with
various chemical compositions and are applied in many industrial fields. This mini-review focused on the
cyanide species and their measurement utilizing several analytical techniques. Detailed information on an
indirectly determined cyanide species in various environmental samples was also reviewed using a flame
atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a flow injection system (FIA-FAAS). Obtained various
analytical performance properties of an indirectly measured free cyanide ion in various samples using
FAAS investigated from this study.
Keywords— Nonmetals, Cyanide ion, Indirect determination, FIA-FAAS.

I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Cyanide Species and their Uses

Cyanide compounds denote any chemical compounds Cyanide compounds are available with various
that have carbon and nitrogen atoms as a (C≡N ) triple chemical compositions, physical and chemical properties
bonded or including (CN–) functional group (Newhouse & (Table 1) (Newhouse & Chiu, 2010; Simeonova, Fishbein,
Chiu, 2010). Cyanide is categorically introduced as the & Organization, 2004). Hydrogen cyanide (HCN),
most harmful compounds on earth, posing a severe health potassium cyanide (KCN), and sodium cyanide (NaCN)
hazard and direct toxic effects on humans and, more so to are the most common cyanide compounds widely used in
aquatic life even at low levels. Among inorganic anions, many fields (Newhouse & Chiu, 2010). Detailed
cyanide is a potent toxicant and one of the most harmful information on several cyanide compounds is shown in
chemical pollutants of the environment historically known Table 1. Historically, cyanide salts or agents which can
to be used as a chemical weapon (Ogbuagu, Airaodion, form a cyanide gas when mixed with acids are lethal
Okoroukwu, Ogbuagu, & Ekenjoku, 2019). This mini- chemicals and broadly utilized in many industrial
review focused on the cyanide species, uses, and side applications. The commonly applied cyanide species fields
effects. Several analytical techniques were mentioned to involve electroplating, metallurgy, chemical synthesis,
quantify cyanide species in environment. Detailed agriculture, printing, tanning, photography, manufacturing
information on cyanide species' via indirect measurement of paper, and insecticides (Dobbs, 2009). Cyanide, a
in various real samples was also reviewed utilizing a flame nitrile, is also applied in numerous industries, such as
atomic absorption spectrometer (FAAS). plastics, paints, mining, jewelry, pharmaceuticals, dyes,
coal coking, and food processing (Sharma, Akhter, &
Chatterjee, 2019).

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Table 1: shows several chemical and physical properties of selected common cyanide compounds (Newhouse & Chiu, 2010;
Simeonova et al., 2004).
Cyanide Density MP BP
CASRN Synonyms (M.wt.) Form Solubility
compounds (g/mL) (°C) (°C)
Hydrogen Hydrocyanic acid, HCN Colorless
cyanide Ether,
74-90-8 Cyclone B, gas or 0.6884 -13.4 25.7
prussic acid (27) liquid

Potassium KCN White

cyanide Hydrocyanic acid, Water,
151-50-8 crystals or 1.52 634.5 1,625
potassium salt ethanol
(65) lumps

Sodium Cyanogran, NaCN White

cyanide Cyanobrik, Water,
143-33-9 (powder) 1.6 563.7 1,496
Cymag, white ethanol
(49) crystalline
Calcium Calcyanide, Ca(CN)2 Water,
cyanide cyanogas, White
592-01-8 1.85 640 NA ethanol,
calcyan, black powder
(92) weak acid
Cyanogen Dicyanogen, (CN)2
Colorless Water,
460-19-5 ethanedinitrile, 0.9537 -27.9 -21.17
gas ethanol
oxalonitrile (52)
Potassium AgK(CN)2
silver Potassium White Water,
506-61-6 2.36 NF NF
cyanide dicyanoargentate crystals ethanol
Copper Off-white Insoluble
54-92-3 Cupricin CuCN 89.56 2.92 474 NF
cyanide powder in water
Cyanogen Colorless Water &
506-77-4 Chlorine cyanide CNCl 61.47 1.19 −6.55 13.8
chloride gas alcohol
CASRN; CAS Registry Number, BP; boiling point, MP; melting point, M.wt.; molecular weight, NA; not found, NA; not

1.2. Health Hazards drinking, industrial exposure, suicidal ingestion, long-term

Exposure to cyanides leads to severe health hazards consumption of foods containing cyanide forms, and rarely
ongoing to their empathy to metals in the presented smoke inhalation (Ogbuagu et al., 2019). For these
medium. Thus, cellular respiration malfunction symptoms reasons, many physicochemical processes have been
by inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase will occur by developed and applied to remove cyanide species from
cyanides side effects. As a result, their compound causes aqueous wastes from the environment. Among them
convulsions, increased blood acidity (acidosis), histotoxic includes oxidation by hydrogen peroxide, microbial
hypoxia, loss of consciousness, and decline in the human cyanide degradation, ozonization, and alkaline chlorination
central nervous system's myocardial activity and methods (Sharma et al., 2019).
functioning of the human central nervous system (Ogbuagu
et al., 2019). Cyanide poisoning happens when humans or
any living organisms are directly exposed to cyanide
species/ions in various ways. Exposed ways can be through

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II. ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES Ruman, Narkowicz, Namieśnik, & Polkowska, 2017),

Several analytical methods and techniques have been potentiometry(Amayreh & Abulkibash, 2017), and
widely applied to determine cyanide species directly or capillary electrophoresis (Jermak, Pranaitytė, &
indirectly in various environmental samples (Ma & Padarauskas, 2006).
Dasgupta, 2010). Among these includes spectrophotometry 2.1 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
and colorimetry(Hao et al., 2014; Osobamiro, 2012), (FAAS)
spectrofluorimetry(Chueachot & Chanthai, 2014; Long et FAAS is well-known as powerful analytical
al., 2019), indirect flame atomic absorption spectrometry techniques were broadly utilized for metal analysis. This
(FAAS) (Dadfarnia, Shabani, Tamadon, & Rezaei, 2007), technique is commonly applied in many science fields due
micro-chemiluminescence(Amjadi, Hassanzadeh, to its modest setup, robustness, low costs, and suitable
&Manzoori, 2014), room temperature selectivity. Metals and metalloids can be directly
phosphorimetry(Fernández-Argüelles, Costa-Fernández, quantified utilizing the AAS technique, whereas it is
Pereiro, & Sanz-Medel, 2003), gravimetric, and impossible to determine nonmetals with this technique
complexometric titrations (Breuer, Sutcliffe, & Meakin, directly. Nonmetals are difficult to directly measured by
2011). Chromatographic techniques such as high- AAS due to their positioned resonance lines in the
performance liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometry vacuum-UV range (Akman, Welz, Ozbek, & Pereira,
(Tracqui, Raul, Geraut, Berthelon, & Ludes, 2002), ion 2015). However, nonmetals and their components (Table
chromatography (Cengiz, Durak, Nilufer, & Bilgin, 2015), 2) can be indirectly measured and quantified in various
and gas chromatography (Sadeg & Belhadj-Tahar, 2009) samples utilizing their diatomic or complex molecular
have also been applied to analyze cyanide species. Many absorption (Akman et al., 2015; Jaszczak et al., 2017;
electrochemical techniques were also applied to quantify Noroozifar, Khorasani-Motlagh, & Taheri, 2009; Yebra &
cyanide components including, voltammetry (Sousa, Cespon, 2000).
Godinho, & Aleixo, 1995), amperometry(Jaszczak,
Table 2: shows the permissible limit (mg/L) of some common non-metallic ions/compounds announced by EPA that can be
quantified indirectly by FAAS.
Non-metal Ions/ Compounds Permissible Limits (mg/L) Documented Studies Using Indirect FAAS
US EPA (EPA, 2004) Technique

Cyanide (CN ) 0.2 (Dadfarnia et al., 2007)
Chloride (Cl−) 250 (Jimenez, Gallego, & Valcárcel, 1987)

Iodide (I ) 0.018 (Yebra & Cespon, 2000)
Fluoride (F−) 2.0 (Akman et al., 2015)
Sulfide (SO3 ) 2.0 (Zare-Dorabei, Boroun, & Noroozifar, 2018)
Nitrite (NO2−) 1 (Noroozifar, Khorasani-Motlagh, Taheri, &
Homayoonfard, 2007)
Nitrate (NO3−) 10 (Meissam Noroozifar et al., 2007)
Sulphate (SO4=) 250 (Kapitány, Nagy, Posta, & Béni, 2020)
Phosphate (PO4 ) 0.04 (Tekula-Buxbaum, 1981)
Silicate (SiO44-) - (Kirkbright, Smith, & West, 1967)

2.2 Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) the volume of chemical consumption (samples and
Flow injection analysis (FIA) methods are more reagent), reduced time-wasting, and preventing lab
popular, engaging, and applicable routine analysis contamination (GHOUS, 2011; Hansen & Miró, 2007).
systems in various fields of environment applications The combination of solid-phase reagents/reactors (SPR)
(Hansen & Miró, 2007). This system provides various in FIA manifolds also provided several advantages and
exciting points, including ease of applicability, flexibility, improved this system's performances (Gomez &
reproducibility, accessibility, simplicity, an increasing Calatayud, 1998; Noroozifar, Khorasani-Motlagh, Taheri,
sampling rate, decreasing human participation, reducing & Zare-Dorabei, 2008). The utilization of the FIA-FAAS

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system equipped with SPRs has been recognized and After that, Haj-Hussein, Christian, and Ruzicka (1986)
widely applied to be an effective method for automation, proposed a novel FIA system for the indirect
preparing, and analyzing various samples (Gomez & quantification of free CN- ions in aqueous systems using
Calatayud, 1998; Kapitány et al., 2020; Noroozifar et al., the AAS technique. A microcolumn, which included
2009). This coupled instrument was well applied to cupric sulfide (CuS) packed column, was proposed in the
enhance sensitivity and selectivity during nonmetal ions on-line FIA-AAS system procedure. During analysis,
or compounds analysis. The assessment of several aqueous cyanide solutions were inserted through an on-
inorganic and organic compounds has been easily line CuS packed column at a pH of 11. Simultaneously,
improved, utilizing SPR with FIA system. Many studies potassium hydroxide solution with a pH of 11 was utilized
documented the application of SPRs in the FIA-FAAS and passed into the system as a carrier stream. As a result,
system for the indirect quantification of nonmetal ions or the analyte produced the cuprocyanide complex,
compounds in various environmental samples (Gomez & presented in the eluent solution, and then measured by the
Calatayud, 1998; Hansen & Miró, 2007; Jimenez et al., FAAS detector. The consequences of sample volume,
1987; Noroozifar, Khorasani-Motlagh, & Hosseini, 2006; flow rate of the sample or used reagents and various
Zare-Dorabei et al., 2018). anionic interferences during the process were
examined.Various factors, such as carrier solution,
injection volume, flow rate, filter selection, and AAS
parameters, were investigated to optimize the flow system
Free cyanide and its species quantification applying and obtain reproducible results. The recorded data
FAAS was also impossible. FAAS is a powerful confirmed that the sensitivity, range of linearity, and peak
technique indirectly adopted to quantify cyanide species high could be significantly affected by the injection
in various environment samples (Dadfarnia et al., 2007; volume. In comparison with other methods, the
Gürkan & Yılmaz, 2013a; Noroozifar et al., 2009). FIA selectivity, sensitivity, applicability, and detection
equipped with the FAAS technique was a highly technique applied were introduced as the novelty of the
successful applied method to analyze free cyanide ion present method. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate detailed
indirectly. This review also focused on the indirect components of the proposed microcolumn design and
assessment and measurement of free cyanide in many filter related to the on-line FIA-FAAS system (Haj-
samples. Cyanide presented as a free ion, or total cyanide Hussein et al., 1986).
species were determined in many samples such as fish,
cocoyam, cassava, well and dam water (Kwaansa-Ansah,
Amenorfe, Armah, & Opoku, 2017), pharmaceuticals
(Gomez & Calatayud, 1998), river and sea waters
(Fullana-Barcedó, Bosch-Serrat, Marin-Saez, & Mauri-
Aucejo, 1995), and industrial wastewaters (Noroozifar,
Khorasani-Motlagh, & Hosseini, 2005). Many studies Fig.1: Illustrate the schematic diagram of FI manifold
have been documented concerning the indirect analysis associated to FIA-AAS assessment of free CN-, C, carrier;
and quantification of cyanide species using FAAS. Q, flow rate (cm3/min); S, point of injection; P, packed
Detailed analytical performance properties on the column; F, filter; M, the connection point to the
indirectly used measurement of free cyanide ion by FIA- nebulizer; AA, detector; W, waste (Haj-Hussein et al.,
FAAS in the last and this century are shown in Tables 3 1986).
and 4, respectively.
For the first time, Manahan and Kunkel (1973) proposed a
A new, sensitive, and high-speed method for extraction
simple and effective AAS procedure for indirect
(Table 3) and indirect quantification of CN-ion in various
quantification of CN- ion based upon the solubility degree
industrial samples by FAAS was also described in detail.
of copper carbonate (CuCO3) in the sample solution and
This method was proposed based on the stable producing
on the determination of the amount of copper attended to
complex of CN- ion in an alkaline medium Chattaraj and
form a cyanide-copper complex (Cu(CN)3−) in the basic
Das (1991). In the proposed method, a stable complex
medium. They applied the proposed method to quantify
species of cyanide as a [Cu(BPTC)(CN)] formed in an
low levels of cyanide at the time using the FIA system.
alkaline medium (at pH 8.2) resulting from the occurring
The spiked sample was also investigated to show the
reaction by free CN- in the sample solution with 2-
quantitative recovery of cyanide (Manahan & Kunkel,
benzoylpyridine thiosemicarbazone (BPTC). A mixture of
isobutyl methyl ketone (IBMK ) and isopentyl alcohol

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with different ratios (7 + 1) was used as an appropriate Esmadi, Kharoaf, and Attiyat (1993)also described and
organic phase for extracting the stable formed complex. applied a new, simple, and potential FI-AAS method to
The analyte, which is free cyanide, converted to the stable determine cyanide and thiocyanate anions indirectly in
complex [Cu(BPTC)(CN)], extracted with high aqueous systems. At first, the silver nitrate solution used
efficiency, can be quantified indirectly by FAAS as a precipitating agent passed through the flow system
(Chattaraj & Das, 1991). and precipitated the cyanide ion (analyte) in the sample
solution in a Tygon tube coupled to the AAS detector.
Deionized water was then used to wash the formed
precipitate in the tube of the precipitating loop. Finally,
NH3 and N2S2O3 solutions, which were used as dissolving
agents, passed individually through the produced
precipitated in the Tygon tube for a short period, dissolves
the formed precipitate, and transfers it as a free cation
content to the nebulizer of the detector. As a result, the
formed cation concentration (silver ion), which is
proportionally associated with the presented quantity of
the examined analyte in the sample, could be measured
using the AAS detector. The optimum condition was
obtained due to investigate different parameters, including
the concentration of the used reagents, various
precipitating agents, washing time, and flow rate of the
chemical solutions. Compared with other previously
published methods, this method was introduced as a
preferable procedure to determine cyanide ion in
wastewater due to its simplicity, sensitivity, high
Fig.2: Shows the main components of the proposed precision, and not requiring the precipitating loop change.
microcolumn and filter related to the on-line FIA-FAAS Figure 3 illustrates the main components of the applied FI
structure (Haj-Hussein et al., 1986) system in the proposed study (Esmadi et al., 1993).

Fig.3: illustrates the principal components (schematic) of the utilized FI system to determine such as SCN - and CN- anions in
aqueous systems (Esmadi et al., 1993).
In another study,Fullana-Barcedó et al. (1995) proposed cyanide and then extraction to a new phase. The metal
two new, fast, and simple methods for the extraction complexion of Cu(CN)32- or Ag(CN)2− produced in the
(Table 3) and indirect assessment of free CN- ion in water presence of metal ions (like Cu or Ag ion) into CN-ion (at
samples via AAS techniques. They suggested this pH 10 or 11) in the sample solution, respectively. A new
procedure to produce a novel ion association compound of ion association compound [C25H46N+]2[Cu(CN)32-] or

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[C25H46N+][Ag(CN)2-] formed from the reaction between electrolytic baths and pharmaceutical products. This
the metal complexion with a quaternary ammonium ion method was also preferred as a new, simple, selective, and
(benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium ion, Cetalkonium more straightforward than other previously applied FIA
chloride). Isomethylbutylketone (IBMK) solvent is then methods in the literature survey. Figure 4 illustrates the
used as an organic phase to extract the produced ion stepwise construction of the applied flow systems
association compounds. The AAS was used to measure the procedure.
cyanide ion indirectly in the final association compound stream solution; P, pump; V, valves for the sample
(Fullana-Barcedó et al., 1995). injection; BR, solid-phase reactor; and D, FAAS as a
detector (Gomez & Calatayud, 1998).

In this century, Noroozifar et al. (2005) developed and

alsoapplied a novel FI system to determine free CN- ion in
industrial wastewaters using FAAS indirectly. A novel
solid-phase reactor (packed column) prepared from
homogenized and immobilized cadmium carbonate
(CdCO3) suspended on silica gel beads was proposed in
this investigation. In the proposed procedure, sodium
hydroxide was utilized as the carrier stream, and aqueous
cyanide solutions were forced into the prepared, packed
column reactor on-line. Forming a cadmium compound as
a cyanide complex resulting from the direct reaction
Fig.4: illustrates flow system construction: (a) preliminary
between free cyanide and CdCO3 and presented in the
experiments; (b) FIA system with the used SPR (BR)
eluent can be determined as analyte using FAAS
located in the loop system; and (c) suggested FIA system
instrument. A pH of 10, the carrier flow rate of 3.5
equipped to BR after injector part. 1, Sample; 2, carrier
mL/min, and a temperature of 20 ◦C were chosen as an
optimum condition for a simple system proposition. The
In the last century, Gomez and Calatayud (1998)also obtained results showed that the free CN- ion quantity
suggested a new FIA procedure for indirect assessment of directly increase the recorded absorbance in the examined
free cyanide in various pharmaceutical and environmental sample. The recorded linear range (LR), the limit of
samples using FAAS. A new solid-phase reactor (SPR) detection, sampling rate, relative standard deviation, and
filled with a homogenized mixture of immobilized silver recovery of the used procedure were 15 mg/L, 0.2 mg/L,
iodide packed in polymeric resin beads was utilized during 72 h−1, 1.22%, and close to 100%, respectively. Several
this investigation. The sample was firstly forced into a anions such as S2O5⁼, S2O8⁼, CO3⁼, C2O4⁼, B4O7⁼, SO3⁼,
distilled water carrier, then passed throughout the proposed SO4⁼, SCN−, NO3−, N3−, Cl−, F−, I −, and CH3COO− were
rector. Thus, silver cyanide complexes were produced from investigated as interferences during the reaction between
the direct reaction between the free silver ion in the reactor free CN− and CdCO3. The results in the proposed FIA
with the cyanide ion in the injected sample were finally system showed to be new, stable, cheap, readily available
determined by FAAS. The results verified that a good in every laboratory in terms of the uses of CdCO3 as the
linear range (LR; 0.2 - 6.0 mg/L) was obtained. The primary reagent. Figure 5 showed detailed information on
method was successfully utilized to quantify free cyanide the proposed single-line flow system diagram combined
in different commercial samples, including industrial with FAAS (Noroozifar et al., 2005).

Fig.5: shows the simple components of the system combined with FAAS used to quantify free cyanide. C, carrier; P, pump;
W, waste; Inj, injector; R, it is the SPR; Hw, glass wool plug and haply nut; and D, detector(Noroozifar et al., 2005).

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In addition, a practical solid-phase reactor, which consists presented as a new form of analyte in the eluent and then
of the homogenized mixture of zinc carbonate (ZnCO 3) determined by FAAS (Noroozifar et al., 2006). The
packed on silica gel beads, was also prepared and measured absorbance was increased. The used ZnCO3
suggested for indirect cyanide investigation in industrial chemical in the reactor's preparation is known as a safe,
wastewaters using FIA-FAAS. In the proposed method, cheap, stable, and readily available reagents. The results
aqueous cyanide or sample solutions were inserted onto the data confirmed that the pH of 6.0, a suitable carrier flow
on-line reactor, and the used carrier stream was re-distilled rate (2.5 mL/min), room temperature (25°C) were selected
water. Zinc cyanide complexes, which were formed as an optimal FIA system condition. Figure 6 showed the
throughout the reaction between ZnCO3 in the reactor and proposed FIA system's simple diagram with complex
free cyanide at room temperature (pH of 6.0), were components (Noroozifar et al., 2006).

Fig.6: illustrates the main components related to the proposed flow system applied to quantify free CN - ion. C, carrier; P,
pump; Inj, injector; W, waste; Hw, glass wool plug; R is an SPR; FAAS, detector(Noroozifar et al., 2006).

Furthermore,Noroozifar, Khorasani-Motlagh, and Zare- includes silver cyanide complexes formed from the free
Dorabei (2007)studied four solid-phase reactors for silver ion's reaction with the free cyanide and can then be
indirect monitoring and analyzing of free CN- ion in analyzed as a FAAS analyte. The results confirmed that the
various real industrial effluent using FIA-FAAS. The used rising in the recorded absorbance is dependable on the
solid-phase reactors were used as effectively packed changing anions in the Ag2X formula and ordered as
columns and prepared from immobilized Ag 2X (X are follows: CO3=> C2O4=> Cr2O7=> SO3=. The proposed
Cr2O72−, CO32−, C2O42−, and SO32−) mixing with silica gel method is selected as an appropriate method to determine
beads. During analysis (Figure 7), the sample solution, cyanide ion due to using Ag2X as stable, cheap reagents,
including dissolved CN- is introduced into an on-line and readily available as different forms in every laboratory
system, including Ag2X with the used deionized water or (M Noroozifar et al., 2007).
NaOH as the productive carrier stream. The eluent solution

Fig.7: illustrates the main parts of FIS combined with FAAS to quantify free CN-. CS, carrier stream; P, pump, R, solid-phase
reactor; ; ILV, injector loop valve; FAAS, detector; W, residue waste (M Noroozifar et al., 2007).
Dadfarnia et al. (2007) recommended a rapid, simple, and revealed that the suggested procedure could be readily
applicable FIS for indirect quantification of cyanide by utilized in different real samples and provide a lower
FAAS. A new microcolumn was proposed as a novel detection limit than previously documented FI-FAAS
procedure for the indirect quantification of dissolved trace methods for indirect trace quantification of CN- ion
CN ions in different aqueous systems. The column was (Dadfarnia et al., 2007).
prepared from a mixture of Salen I on sodium dodecyl A rapid FI-FAAS was additionally proposed and improved
sulfate (SDS)-coated alumina saturated with Ag(I) ion. by Noroozifar et al. (2008) for indirect quantification of
After sample injection into the microcolumn (pH 9–11), dissolved cyanide in electroplating wastewater. Various
the silver solution was formed and eluted as silver-cyanide solid phase reagents (SPRs) such as AgX (where X is N 3–,
complexes and detected by FAAS. The recorded data Br–, Cl–, and I–) were examined during analysis. In the

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proposed method, five SPRs, which were mixed with SPRs for the indirect analysis of CN- ion in many
silica-gel beads and various AgX SPRs, were prepared for industrial residues (Noroozifar et al., 2008). Obtained
the final assessment. In a single-line FIA system (Figure results verified that the measurement of cyanide by the
8), the suggested procedure was depended on CN- ion proposed method appeared to be acceptable and favorable
reaction from the injected sample with immobilized AgX relative to obtained results by the previously documented
SPRs in the SPR, followed by silver formation cyanide methods. This comparison is based on several factors,
complexes in a basic medium carrier stream and later including the methods simplicity, sensitivity, speed, cost,
analysis of the eluent by FAAS. The results revealed that the limit of quantitation (LOQ), dynamic range, and
the absorbance could be increased due to changes in the relative standard deviation (RSD %). Figure 8 shows the
use of different anions as follow order: N 3-> I–> Br–> Cl–. simple FIA system's main components combined with
Based on the results, AgN3 is proposed as an effective FAAS (Noroozifar et al., 2008).

Fig.8: Shows the main parts of the FI-FAAS system for CN- analysis (C.S., carrier stream; P, pump; S, sample; SPR, reactor;
FAAS, detector; W, waste (Noroozifar et al., 2008).

In the another study, a new, cheap, simple, safe, and as an efficient extracting reagent/surfactant to the final
single-line FIA system method to indirectly quantify free complex at pH 5.5 medium (Gürkan & Yılmaz, 2013b).
cyanide in industrial wastewaters has been proposed by Gürkan and Yılmaz (2013a) also developed a novel
Noroozifar et al. (2009). The proposed method was procedure for the indirect measurement of dissolved trace
designed and applied based on the aqueous cyanide CN- employing FAAS in various real waters sample.
solution through an on-line packed column (reactor), Among them includes river water, well water, hospital
which included silver phosphate suspended on silica gel effluents, coking unit, and electroplating wastewater. In the
beads. The free silver ions are then reacted with the proposed method, the cyanide ion presence can be
presented cyanide ion in the sample solution to form the efficiently quantified utilizing FAAS after separation and
soluble complex compound in the basic medium. The preconcentration with the CPE procedure. In this method,
analyte, which is cyanide, can be indirectly measured dicyanocuprate (Cu(I) (CN)2) complex is produced due to
utilizing the FAAS instrument. The proposed method is the reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) with the dissolved CN- ion
appropriate for quantifying cyanide in several industrial in the sample solution. At pH 4.0, a useful ion-pairing
wastewater samples with a good detection limit, dynamic reagent (gallocyanin, GCþ) can react with the produced
range, RSD, and sample flow rate (Noroozifar et al., 2009). dicyanocuprate compound to form a new complex. The
For the first time, a cloud point extraction (CPE) method product is easily extracted by polyethyleneglycol mono-p-
was effectively applied for the isolation, preconcentration, nonylphenylether (Ponpe 7.5), extracting surfactant, and
and indirect measurement of CN- ion in several water then quantified by FAAS technique. CPE-FAAS system
samples using FAAS (Gürkan & Yılmaz, 2013b). In the was introduced as an effective indirect quantification
presence of CN- ion, the reduction of Cu(II) (coming from method for separation, preconcentration, and monitoring
the standard Cu(II) solution) to Cu(I) happens to produce trace cyanide in various aqueous systems. This technique
Cu(CN)43- complex anionic ions. Then, a new ion-associate was well-applied due to its low cost, simplicity, wide linear
complex [(NBO)3Cu(CN)4] is formed after the range, short analysis time, reasonable accuracy and
complexation reaction between the produced anionic precision, broad applicability, rejection of matrix
complex with 3-amino-7-diethylamino-8,9-benzo-2- constituents, and ease of instrumentation (Gürkan &
phenoxazine chloride (Nile blue, NB). Finally, the Yılmaz, 2013a, 2013b).
quantification analysis of cyanide is indirectly carried out Detailed analytical performance properties on the
by FAAS after using polyethyleneglycol mono-p-nonyl indirectly used measurement of free cyanide ion by FIA-
phenyl ether (PONPE 7.5). The PONPE 7.5 compound acts FAAS in the last and this century are shown in Tables 3

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.) 48
Khalid et al. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 7(4)-2022

and 4, respectively. Analytical parameters such as methods during application based on previously documented
linear range (LR), limit of methods detection (LOD), the studies. This technique also has several valuable points
limit of quantification (LOQ), relative standard deviation associated with the economy, such as its simplicity, low-
percent (RSD%), correlation coefficient (R2), recovery, cost reagents, and high analysis speed rate. This technique
and sampling rate were shown and compared with each is preferable for the routine analytical assessments due to
other(Tables 3 and 4). Recorded results from previous its simplicity and applicability.
studies verified that FIA-FAAS could be applied to However, this method also has some disadvantages.
quantify the free cyanide in various real environmental Several parameters have to be concerned to enhance
samples (Gomez & Calatayud, 1998; Noroozifar et al., cyanide assessment while using this technique. Among
2008). In comparison with other techniques, researchers them includes controlling pH of the medium, sample or
confirmed that FIA-FAA offers promising results to reagents flow rate, carrier stream pH, and loop volume
quantify free cyanide in matrix samples (Dadfarnia et al., (Dadfarnia et al., 2007). Besides, using such reagents
2007). This technique is well known as simple, fast, widely related to toxic heavy metals can contaminate the
applicable, more sensitive, and selective, high accurate, environment (Noroozifar et al., 2005; Noroozifar et al.,
wide linear range, avoiding matrix constituent’s methods 2009; Noroozifar et al., 2008; M Noroozifar et al., 2007).
Table 3: shows the analytical performance properties of an indirectly measured free cyanide ion in various samples using FAAS
documented from the last century

Preparation method Analytical LR LOD LOQ R2 RSD% Recovery Sampling Analyzed

method (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) % rate Samples References

Sample: including cyanide

Reagents: CuSO4, Na2CO3 (Manahan &
/complex 96.7 - Synthetic
0.52 – 1.1 NA NA NA NA - Kunkel,
Medium: a pH of 10.0 ion 103 samples
Analysis: Cu(CN)3−ion
Packed column: CuS
Carrier: KOH solution (Haj-
Medium: at the pH of 11 FI-AAS 2.6 - 52 1.00 2.6 NA 2 NA 40-50 Hussein et
al., 1986)
Analysis: cuprocyanide
Sample: free cyanide ion (Chattaraj &
Medium: alkaline at pH 8.2 FAAS Das, 1991)
Reagents: BPTC 96.7 -
0.4 - 5.7 0.005 0.026 NA 3.58 - waste
Extraction solv.: IBMK: /based on effluent
isopentanol extraction
Analyses: [Cu(BPTC)(CN)]
Precipitating agent: AgNO3
Washing: deionized water
Using Synthetic (Esmadi et
Dissolving agent: Up to 4.4 NA NA NA
S2O3= 0.078 1.4 18 samples al., 1993)
NH3 0.13 1.7 16
Analysis: liberated cation
Measurement-based on FAAS
extraction 0 - 0.2 0.0006 NA NA NA 93 -
For Cu
2- synthetic
Metal ions; Cu(CN)3 or
Ag(CN)2 – (Fullana-
Reagent: Cetalkonium water, Barcedó et
FAAS al., 1995)
chloride 0 - 0.3 0.0017 NA NA NA 99 - river water
For Ag
Extractant: IBMK ( at pH sea water
10 or 11)

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.) 49
Khalid et al. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 7(4)-2022
[C25H46N+]2[Cu(CN)32-] or
Reactor: AgI& polymeric Pharmace
resin uticals, (Gomez &
Medium: KOH solution at FIA-FAAS 0.2–6.0 0.1 NA 0.8 NA 193 industrial Calatayud,
pH 13.7 Analysis: silver electrolyti 1998)
cyanide complexes c baths

NA; none available,

Table 4: shows the analytical performance properties of an indirectly measured free cyanide ion in various samples using FAAS
documented from this century

Preparation method LR LOD LOQ R2 RSD% Recovery Rate Sample Reference

Analytical % matrix s
(mg/L) (mg/L (mg/L) (sample/h
) ) /application
Analyte: sodium cyanide &
Reactor: CdCO3& silica gel
beads (Noroozifa
98.2 - Industrial
FIA–FAAS up to 15 0.2 NA 0.998 1.2 72 r et al.,
Medium: at pH of 10.0 101 wastewaters
Analysis: zinc cyanide
Analyte: free cyanide
Reactor: ZnCO3& silica gel
beads Industrial (Noroozifa
0.999 98.3-
FIA-FAAS Up to 25 0.12 NA 1.41 65 electroplating r et al.,
Medium: at pH of 6.0 (25°C) 5 101.8
wastewater 2006)
Analysis: zinc cyanide
Analyte: cyanide ion from FIA-FAAS (M
sample Noroozifar
Ag2SO3 Up to 20 0.13 0.38 0.999 <1.12 98 - 100.5 180
Reactor: Ag2X & silica gel et al.,
Ag2Cr2O7 Up to 10 0.08 0.22 0.999 180 2007)
Ag2C2O4 Up to 10 0.06 0.17 0.999 180 Industrial
X = Cr2O7=, CO3=, C2O4=, and electrolytic
SO3= Ag2CO3 Up to 12 0.04 0.14 0.999 240 baths.
Medium: at pH range of 5–11
Analysis: silver cyanicde
Microcolumn: Salen I on (Dadfarnia
SDS-coated Al with Ag+, pH Water and et al.,
(9–11) 0.999 4.1 – 2007)
FI-FAAS 0.1–10 0.06 0.1 95 - 105 - industrial
7 4.7
Analysis: silver cyanide wastewater
SPR: AgX (X= Cl–, Br–, I–
and N3–)
Reaction: SPR with free
cyanide AgCl Up to 25 0.17 0.59 0.996
Industrial (Noroozifa
Medium: at pH 9.0 and 11.0 AgBr Up to 25 0.14 0.43 0.994 98.8- >200 electroplating r et al.,
< 1.09 wastewater 2008)
for AgI Up to 30 0.08 0.40 0.998 102.4
Measurement: liberated silver AgN3 Up to 20 0.05 0.30 0.999
ions complexed by the free
cyanide ion
Analyte: cyanide ion from (Noroozifa
sample FIA-FAAS 0.1 - 18 0.04 0.1 0.998 1.07 95 - 104.2 220 r et al.,
Reactor: Ag3PO4& silica gel

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.) 50
Khalid et al. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 7(4)-2022
Analysis Ag(CN)2 – at pH of
Analyte: cyanide ion CPE/FAAS 0.994 3.54- 97.5 -
0.02–2.5 0.0038 0.012 -
Reduction: Cu(II) to Cu(I) (W/ PC) 0 2.80 99.4
Product: [Cu(CN)4]3-
complex ion Environmental (Gürkan &
waters and Yılmaz,
Ion-pairing reagent: Nile blue CPE/FAAS wastwaters 2013b)
0.996 3.45- 98.3-
0.1–7.5 0.025 0.085 -
Extracting agent: Ponpe 7.5 (W/O PC) 8 2.50 101.4
Result: complex formation
(pH 5.5)
Analyte: free cyanide CPE/FAAS 0.002– 0.998 2.3 – 97.6 -
0.0005 0.0015 -
Reduction: Cu(II) to Cu(I) (W/ PC) 1.2 3 5.2 99.5
Environmental (Gürkan &
Product: Dicyanocuprate (I)
waters and Yılmaz,
Ion-pairing reagent: GCþ (pH CPE/FAAS 0.997 2.1 – wastwaters 2013a)
0.05–6.5 0.014 0.047 98 - 100.6 -
4.0) (W/O PC) 5 5.0
Extracting agent: Ponpe 7.5

CPE; cloud point extraction, W/ PC; with preconcentration method, W/O PC; without preconcentration method, SPR: solid-phase
reagents which are insoluble silver salts,

IV. CONCLUSION consumed in Turkey. International journal of food

properties, 18(4), 746-756.
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