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Coconut Oil Salve from Gamal Tree Leaves (Gliricidia sepium) as an Alternative Treatment for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in Cattle

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology

Vol-9, Issue-5; Sep-Oct, 2024

Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Journal Home Page Available:
Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijeab

Coconut Oil Salve from Gamal Tree Leaves (Gliricidia

sepium) as an Alternative Treatment for Lumpy Skin
Disease (LSD) in Cattle
Euis Nia Setiawati1, Aang Hasanudin2, Vony Armelia3*
1Animal Health Training Center, Cinagara Bogor, West Java, Indonesia
Department of Fisheries and Animal Husbandry of Garut Regency, West Java, Indonesia
3Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Serang, Banten, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: Vony Armelia

Received: 15 Aug 2024; Received in revised form: 17 Sep 2024; Accepted: 22 Sep 2024; Available online: 29 Sep 2024
©2024 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license

Abstract — Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) is an infectious skin disease caused by the Lumpy Skin Disease Virus
(LSDV), posing a significant threat to cattle and buffalo farming. This research aims to determine the
effectiveness of a salve made from gamal tree (Gliricidia sepium) leaves and coconut oil for the treatment of
LSD in cattle. The study is divided into two parts: 1) the production of Gamal Leaf Oil Salve (SMDG),
involving the collection of gamal leaves and the creation of a salve by mixing gamal leaves with coconut oil;
and 2) the application of SMDG to cattle exposed to LSD with three concentrations: 1) 50%: 500 grams of
gamal leaves in 1 liter of coconut oil (SMDG 50%); 2) 75%: 750 grams of gamal leaves in 1 liter of coconut
oil (SMDG 75%); 3) 100%: 1000 grams of gamal leaves in 1 liter of coconut oil (SMDG 100%). The data
were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis, and significant differences among treatments were further analyzed
using Mann-Whitney comparisons. The results of the study indicate that the application of Gamal Leaf Oil
Salve (SMDG) with a concentration of 100% resulted in the highest recovery compared to concentrations of
75% and 50% for cattle exposed to LSD. Nodules began to flatten, and ulcers started to dry on the seventh
day (Day 7), where in Experiments S2 and S3, the results were relatively similar with sizes ranging from 1
to 1.5 cm, which was better than in S1 where nodule size was 1.5 to 2 cm. A concentration of 100% SMDG
is safe for use as a botanical antiviral and can reduce nodule size and dry ulcers in the treatment of Lumpy
Skin Disease (LSD) after 14 days of application.
Keywords— Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), Gamal Tree Leaves (Gliricidia Sepium), Coconut Oil

I. INTRODUCTION LSD was first discovered in Zambia, Africa, in 1929 and

Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) is an infectious skin disease became endemic, progressively spreading across Africa, the
caused by the Lumpy Skin Disease Virus (LSDV), a DNA- Middle East, southeastern Europe, Central Asia [20].
genetic material virus from the Capripoxvirus genus and Subsequently, LSD outbreaks occurred in Southeast Asia,
Poxviridae family, which is non-zoonotic in nature. This specifically in Bangladesh in July 2019, followed by India
virus commonly affects cattle and buffalo, with no reported and China (August 2019), Taiwan and Nepal (June 2020),
occurrences in other ruminants such as goats and sheep. Bhutan, Vietnam, and Hong Kong (October 2020),
LSD is also known as Pseudo-urticaria, Neethling virus Myanmar (November 2020), Thailand (March 2021), and
disease, exanthema nodularis Bovis, and knopvelsiekte [1]. Cambodia, Malaysia, and Laos (May 2021).

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Setiawati et al. Coconut Oil Salve from Gamal Tree Leaves (Gliricidia sepium) as an Alternative Treatment
for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in Cattle

The primary transmission of the LSD virus occurs many farmers to return to using natural remedies, aligning
mechanically through arthropod vectors such as mosquitoes with the current back-to-nature concept. Utilizing locally
(Culex mirificens and Aedes natrionus), biting flies available plants, such as gamal tree (Gliricidia sepium)
(Stomoxys calcitrans and Biomyia fasciata), and male ticks leaves, for herbal medicine purposes is one way to address
(Riphicephalus appendiculatus and Amblyomma the challenges posed by LSD.
hebraeum). Direct transmission occurs through direct Gamal tree (Gliricidia sepium) is commonly used as a
contact with skin lesions, while indirect transmission occurs protective plant in tropical regions, and its leaves (in fresh
through contaminated equipment and tools, such as barn form) are utilized as forage for ruminant livestock due to the
clothing, barn equipment, and syringes. Furthermore, that presence of coumarin, a primary allelochemical. This
intrauterine transmission is possible, with the virus being natural compound has the potential to replace synthetic
transmitted from infected cow mothers to calf offspring herbicides or serve as a foundation for the synthesis of
through milk secretion and injured skin [37]. biodegradable chemical herbicideS. Allelopathic plants or
Lumpy Skin Disease poses a significant threat to cattle and products are believed to be less harmful to the environment
buffalo farming due to its potential to cause acute or than synthetic herbicides because they degrade easily.
subacute diseases in all age and breed categories, especially Furthermore, gamal tree leaves can function as an
in young cattle and those in the peak of lactation/nursing. insecticide, bactericide, larvicide, and plant-based anti-
Clinical symptoms of LSD are influenced by age, breed, and inflammatory agent. Gamal tree leaves can be used to treat
the immune status of the animals. The main clinical sign of dermatitis, itching, act as an insect repellent, treat
LSD is skin lesions in the form of nodules ranging from 1 rheumatism, heal wounds, and address skin
to 7 cm, typically found on the neck, head, legs, tail, and diseases/scabies. The active chemical composition in gamal
udder. In severe cases, these nodules can be found all over tree leaves (G. sepium) includes active phytochemical
the body. The appearance of these nodules is usually compounds such as flavonoids, sterols, alkaloids,
preceded by a fever exceeding 40.5°C. If left untreated, glycosides, tannins, saponins, medicarpin, coumarin, and
these skin nodules can become necrotic and ulcerative. coumaric acid [2]. The LD50 value of gamal tree leaf
Other clinical signs include weakness, nasal and ocular methanol extract in rats is higher than 5000 mg/kg body
discharge, swelling of the subscapular and prefemoral weight, demonstrating its safety [30]. A chemical substance
lymph nodes, and edema in the legs. Additionally, LSD can is classified as non-toxic, non-fatal, or non-hazardous if the
lead to abortion, decreased milk production in dairy cows, LD50 is greater than 5000 mg/kg body weight [28].
infertility, and prolonged fever [35]. The incubation period Gamal tree leaves contain coumarin, a chemical compound
for LSD ranges from 1 to 4 weeks, with a mortality rate belonging to the class of organic compounds called
below 10% and a morbidity rate around 45%. benzopyrones. Coumarin possesses various biological
In January 2023, Lumpy Skin Disease had infected cattle in properties, including antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-
the Garut Regency of West Java Province, causing inflammatory, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and enzyme
significant economic impacts on the livestock industry. inhibition activities. Different derivatives of coumarin exist,
Affected animals tend to experience permanent skin such as umbelliferone (7-hydroxycoumarin), which acts as
damage, reducing their commercial value. As of now, there a strong ultraviolet-absorbing compound and an
is no specific treatment for diseases caused by viruses, antioxidant; aesculetin (6,7-dihydroxycoumarin),
including Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD). Treatment for LSD commonly used as a sunscreen but also reported as a
is symptomatic, focusing on addressing clinical symptoms photosensitizer for DNA damage; herniarin (7-
and supportive measures to improve the condition of methoxycoumarin), considered a methoxy derivative of
infected livestock. Infected cattle are given drugs to coumarin or a methyl derivative of umbelliferone [31];
alleviate disease symptoms such as fever and skin pain, with psoralen (furanocoumarin), used for photochemotherapy to
the goal of accelerating recovery and enhancing the animal's treat psoriasis and vitiligo; and imperatorin, reported to be
immune resistance. The use of medicinal plants by used for respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders, acting as
communities is one approach to addressing health a diaphoretic, antipyret.
problems, especially in treating diseases. Traditional Palm oil is an excellent oil for the skin as it functions
medicine is preferred due to its accessibility to the public in effectively as a moisturizer, preventing dry and flaky skin
terms of both cost and material availability [10]. [38]. The fatty content in coconut oil is beneficial for
Additionally, the potential side effects of chemical drugs in moisturizing both the skin and hair. Lauric acid
animal husbandry need to be considered, as they can have triglycerides (the main fatty acid) in coconut oil have a high
adverse effects on both livestock and their products. The affinity for hair proteins. Due to their low molecular weight
occurrence of side effects from chemical drug use has led

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Setiawati et al. Coconut Oil Salve from Gamal Tree Leaves (Gliricidia sepium) as an Alternative Treatment
for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in Cattle

and straight linear chains, they can penetrate the hair shaft, levels of coumarin (around 1000 ppm). The preparation of
preventing hair protein damage. The gamal tree leaves Gamal Leaf Oil Salve (SMDG) was conducted according to
contain a relatively high level of coumarin (around 1000 the modified method by Philipine Medicinal Plant 2009.
ppm) [40]. Furthermore, that coconut oil is one of the best Fresh gamal leaves were finely chopped or blended and
natural nutrients for hair, promoting hair growth and mixed with coconut oil. The mixture was then heated to
effectively reducing protein loss that can lead to various boiling for one hour. After boiling, the heat was reduced,
quality issues in hair growth [38]. and it continued to be heated for another hour, totaling two
The objective of this research is to determine the hours of heating. After cooling, the gamal leaf salve and
effectiveness of various doses of a combination salve of palm oil were topically applied to the entire skin surface of
coconut oil and gamal tree leaves for the treatment of LSD-infected cattle. Healing parameters were based on the
Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in cattle. reduction in nodule size and the drying of ulcers/wounds on
the skin surface.
Data Analysis
The collected data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis
The research material consisted of 20 infected beef cattle
analysis. Significant differences among treatments were
with Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) owned by farmers in the
further analyzed using the Mann-Whitney comparison
Garut Regency, West Java Province. The research was
conducted through an experimental method designed with
two variable observation groups: (1) Concentration of salve
with coconut oil and gamal tree leaves, and (2) Application III. RESULT
of salve with coconut oil and gamal tree leaves on The. The clinical symptoms of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD)
experimental animals (cattle infected with LSD). are influenced by the age, breed, and immune status of the
All experimental cattle were provided with basal food in the livestock. The main clinical sign of LSD is skin lesions in
form of pasture grass, while drinking water was given ad the form of nodules/bumps ranging from 2-5 cm, typically
libitum. They received supportive treatment to improve the found on the neck, head, legs, tail, and udder. In severe
condition of the infected livestock, including the cases, these nodules can be found on almost all parts of the
administration of antipyretic and multivitamin drugs. Three body. Nodules with a diameter of 2-5 cm on the skin,
concentrations were used in this study: 1) 50%: 500 grams especially on the head, neck, limbs, udder, genitalia, and
of gamal leaves in 1 liter of coconut oil (SMDG 50%); 2) perineum, appear within 48 hours after the onset of fever.
75%: 750 grams of gamal leaves in 1 liter of coconut oil These nodules are circumscribed, hard, round, and elevated
(SMDG 25%); 3) 100%: 1000 grams of gamal leaves in 1 on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and even muscles. Larger
liter of coconut oil (SMDG 100%). The experimental cattle nodules can become necrotic, eventually fibrotic, and
were divided into four groups (each consisting of 5 cattle): persist for several months (sitfasts), with scars lasting a long
Group 1 (SMDG 50%), Group 2 (SMDG 75%), Group 3 time. Small nodules may heal without causing significant
(SMDG 100%), and Group 4 (Control group treated with effects. Myiasis in nodules can occur, and vesicles,
antibiotics, antipyretics, anti-inflammatory, and erosions, and ulcers may occur on the oral mucosa,
multivitamins for 5 days). Treatment was administered once alimentary canal, trachea, and lungs [20]. The research
daily for 14 days, applying SMDG using a brush/sponge and results indicate that the size of nodules and ulcers after
rubbing it on the entire skin surface of LSD-infected cattle. treatment with gamal leaf oil salve (SMDG) is presented in
Preparation of Gamal Leaf Salve with Palm Oil: Table 1.

Gamal leaves selected for treating Lumpy Skin Disease

(LSD) in cattle were mature and estimated to contain high
Table 1: Post-Topical Treatment Conditions of Nodules and Ulcers with EMDG
Treatment n 1 7 14 Explanation
S1. 50 % SMDG 5 - + ++ Not healed
S2. 75 % SMDG 5 - ++ +++ Improving
S3.100% SMDG 5 -- ++ ++++ Unhealed
Ivermectin 5 -- ++ ++++ Unhealed
Nodule and Ulcerative Scores on Day

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.) 184
Setiawati et al. Coconut Oil Salve from Gamal Tree Leaves (Gliricidia sepium) as an Alternative Treatment
for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in Cattle

(-) No change yet.

(+) Partial improvement (50%), nodules are shrinking with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, ulcers are still wet.
(++) Significant improvement (75%), nodules are shrinking (1-1.5 cm), ulcers are starting to dry.
(+++) Nodules 90% smaller, 0.7-1.0 cm, and ulcers are drying.
(++++) Nodules are gone, and ulcers are dry (healed).

Based on the data in Table 1, it is evident that the antivirals, and have anticarcinogenic effects, as well as
application of Gamal leaf oil salve (SMDG) with a influence rumen fermentation [11, 34].
concentration of 100% resulted in the highest healing Analysis of variance on the average reduction in nodule size
compared to using concentrations of 75% and 50% for cattle showed statistically significant differences (P<0.05)
exposed to LSD. This is presumed to be due to the higher between treatment S3 and S1 starting from week 1 (after 7
content of coumarin, saponin, and tannin in SMDG 100%, days of treatment) with a decrease in nodule size and drying
giving it a higher efficacy in deactivating the LSD virus and ulcers. Subsequently, in treatment S3, there were no
reducing inflammation. Coumarin possesses various statistically significant differences (P>0.05) in the healing
biological properties, including antimicrobial, antiviral, parameters (nodules no longer visible, and ulcers dried)
anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and enzyme after 14 days of treatment compared to the control treated
inhibition activities [31]. Furthermore, that Gliricidia with a single dose of ivermectin.
sepium leaves contain various active phytochemical
The research results indicate that nodules start to flatten, and
compounds such as flavonoids, sterols, alkaloids,
ulcers begin to dry on the seventh day (7). In Experiment S2
glycosides, tannins, saponins, medicarpin, coumarin, and
and S3, the results are relatively similar with sizes of 1-1.5
acids [2]. Tannins play a significant biological role as
cm, and they are better than in S1, where nodule size is 1.5-
protein precipitants and metal chelators, suggesting their
2 cm, as presented in Table 2 / Figure 2.**
potential as biological antioxidants [24]. That saponins can
lower cholesterol, exhibit antioxidant properties, act as
Table 2: Progress of Gliricidia Leaf Oil Ointment Treatment in Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) Cases
Images Scoresof
Date Development of the Case Gliricidia
Left Right Therapy
2/16/2023 The initial report
indicated the presence of
LSD symptoms,
specifically bloody lumps -
on the cattle.

2/27/2023 The Gliricidia leaf

ointment was applied
daily, and the progression ++
of the case showed the
healing of the skin lumps.
3/8/2023 As the case progressed,
the wounds showed
improvement, healing, +++
and drying.
(-) No change in Gliricidia leaf ointment therapy.
(++) Significant improvement in Gliricidia leaf ointment therapy; the wound starts to dry.
(+++) The wound is drying, and healing is observed.

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Setiawati et al. Coconut Oil Salve from Gamal Tree Leaves (Gliricidia sepium) as an Alternative Treatment
for Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in Cattle

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