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Morpho-Biochemical Parameters in Blackgram (Vigna Mungo L. Hepper) Genotypes Under Drought Stress Condition

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology

Vol-9, Issue-4; Jul-Aug, 2024

Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Journal Home Page Available:
Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijeab

Morpho-biochemical parameters in blackgram (Vigna

mungo L. Hepper) genotypes under drought stress condition
G. Kumara Joshi1, K. Srinivas Naik2, Bhattu Rajesh Nayak1 ,Yugandhar.A1and G.Vijay
Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
2Centerfor Plant Molecular Biology, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
*Corresponding author:

Received: 16 Jul 2024; Received in revised form: 04 Aug 2024; Accepted: 12 Aug 2024; Available online: 17 Aug 2024
©2024 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— The present study carried out with ten blackgram accessions collected from NBPGR regional centre
and T-9(Check) from ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. The experiment was conducted in experimental farm,
Department of Genetics, Osmania University Hyderabad during Rabi,2021. The ANOVA results revealed that
for treatments all the yield,physiological and biochemical parameters were showed significant variability except
100 seed weight. All the yield and physiological parameters were significant for genotype x treatment except
number of branches per plant and canopy temperature. The character seed yield (g/pl) was observed under
irrigated condition highest by IC436524 and lowest by T-9. Whereas highest seed yield (g/pl) was observed under
drought condition by IC426766. It was also observed that the genotype IC426766 28.84% over its control and
37.65% over T-9 under drought condition. The genotype IC426766 also showed higher proline content, RWC,
lower MDA, higher SPAD reading and lower canopy temperature under drought condition. Among ten
blackgram accession IC 426766 was identified as drought tolerant/resistance based on morphological,
physiological and biochemical parameters.
Keywords— Blackgram, drought stress, physiological and biochemical parameters.

I. INTRODUCTION of the biggest risks to productive agricultural production is

Blackgram, also known as urdbean (Vigna mungo L. Hepper), soil moisture stress.
is one of the major pulses. grain legume having a protein that Globally, abiotic stressors, particularly drought, significantly
is quickly absorbed. It is a member of the 2n=22 family reduce crop yields (Vinocur and Atman 2005). It is the main
Fabacaceace. About 25% of blackgram grain is protein, 56% obstacle preventing crops from finishing their life cycle,
is carbohydrate, 2% is fat, and 4% four percent vitamins and particularly in light of climate change. The past few decades
one percent minerals. Blackgram, or Vigna mungo (L.) have seen an increase in the frequency of dry spells during
Hepper, is a common plant that produces 20% of the world's various agricultural growth phases.Plants undergo a variety of
pulses (Saravanakumar et al., 2007). Blackgram is grown on morpho-physiological and biochemical reactions in response
761.3 thousand hectares of land in India, yielding 678.6 to drought stress in order to adapt. Stress has varying effects
thousand tonnes of output and 891.0 kg ha-1 of depending on the crop's phenophases, duration, and intensity.
productivity.However, a number of environmental stressors, The primary criterion in the majority of research evaluating
including drought, which lowers yield, have a negative impact germplasm for drought resistance is seed yield. However, for
on blackgram production (Pandey et al., 2014). Globally, one an effective breeding program identifying characters

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Joshi et al. Morpho-biochemical parameters in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) genotypes under drought stress

promoting drought tolerance is as vital. A moderate loss of Estimation of Proline

water is regarded as drought stress,as it causes stomatal Proline accumulation levels in leaf samples will be
closure and restricts gas exchange. It disrupts the determined based on “Ninhydrin Reagent” method (Bates et
ultrastructure of subcellular organelles and the cell al.1973).
membrane, changing the physiological and biochemical
Estimation of MDA:
processes (Yordanov et al., 2003). It also disturbs the turgor
pressure in cells. It hinders the growth of root cells, reduces The malondialdehyde (MDA) content was determined by
nutrient intake, and interferes with photosynthesis, all of the thiobarbituric acid (TBA). 3g of leaf sample was collected
which have an impact on plant growth and development and ground in a mortar and pestle with liquid nitrogen.The
(Dhole and Reddy, 2010). Poor grain yield is the result of optical density was measured at 532 and 600nm and the
drought stress's effects on morphological, physiological, and concentration of MDA-TBA concentration was
biochemical traits (Baroowa and Gogoi 2012, 2013; Baroowa calculated.The MDA content was calculated based on the
et al., 2016; Maheswari et al., 2016). Increased severity and following equation: 6.45 × (OD532 – OD600) – 0.559 ×
duration of drought stress result in a greater loss of OD450.
chlorophyll content (Kiani et al., 2008). Due to a decrease of SPAD meter
cell turgidity, drought stress alters turgor pressure and impacts
The SPAD meter measures the difference between the
cell expansion, which hinders plant growth (Mondal et al.,
transmittance of a red (650 nm) and an infrared (940 nm) light
2012). Additionally, it affects the photosynthetic apparatus
through the leaf, generating a three-digit SPAD
and reduces the rate of photosynthesis (Manivannan et al.,
value(Uddling et al., 2007. The SPAD- 502Plus measures the
absorbance of the leaf in the red and near-infrared
regions. Using these two absorbance the meter calculates a
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS numerical SPAD value which is proportional to the amount of
Ten blackgram accessions collected from NBPGR regional chlorophyll present in the leaf.
centre and T-9 (Check) from ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad were Canopy temperature
used for the drought stress study. The experiment was Canopy temperature is often used to indicate vegetative water
conducted in experimental farm, Department of Genetics, status and is used in models for estimating transpiration rates
Osmania University Hyderabad during Rabi,2021. The seeds and sensible heat transport from vegetation.Canopy
of selected ten genotypes were sown in pots in three temperature is measured remotely by the infrared
replication of two sets, one for control (irrigated) and the other thermometer (IRT) Normal value of temperature is 70-95°C
for drought stress study. Both sets were irrigated regularly till
flowering stage i.e.; up to 24 days. From next day to induce Results and discussion:
drought stress in genotypes, water supply will be stopped in The analysis of variance (ANOVA) results revealed that for
one set where as other set (control set) will be watered treatments all the yield and yield contributing traits were
regularly.Observations were recorded on 33 rd day i.e.; after 9 showed significant variability except pods per plant. All the
days of inducing drought stress and morphological data was yield and physiological parameters were significant for
recorded in both irrigated and drought plants . genotype x treatment (Table 1). Similar significant variability
Estimation of Relative Water Content (RWC) for the traits was observed under drought condition by
Gurumurthy et al., 2019 and Anitha et al., 2015 in
Fresh leaves were taken and data will be recorded for FW- blackgram.For physiological parameters it was observed that
Fresh leaves weight, DW-Dry Leaves weight, TW-Turgid significant variability were found for all the physiological and
leaves weight. biochemical parameters due to treatment and treatment vs
The RWC was determined by the equation: genotypes except pods per plant due to treatment.Similar
RWC (%) = (FW - DW) x 100 significant variability for the traits was observed under
TW-DW drought condition by Gurumurthy et al., 2019 and Anitha et
FW- Fresh leaves weight al., 2015 in blackgram.
DW- Dry Leaves weight
TW- Turgid leaves weight

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Joshi et al. Morpho-biochemical parameters in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) genotypes under drought stress

Table 1: Analysis of variance for quantitative characters in blackgram under irrigated and drought stress conditions
Source of
Va ria tion Char acter s
No.of P. 100 S. Br ./pl L./pl Cl./pl Pods/pl wt/pl(g) No.of S./pl S.Y.(g/pl) wt H. wt(g)
Replications 2 1.898 1.488 0.197 6.788 0.545 3.519 406.47 0.446 0.09 0.008
Tr eatments 1 184.034** 63.641** 29.333** 49.227** 0.136NS 127.769** 90058.242** 717.421** 6.231** 39.301**
Genotypes 10 46.574** 3.754** 15.479** 29.212** 181.882** 25.564** 9572.542** 22.195** 0.645** 11.501**
Tr eatments
vs 10 7.193**
Genotypes 3.442** 42.533** 22.727** 53.603** 8.805** 681.742* 4.921** 0.324* 1.564**
Er r or 1.6 0.753 1.483 1.677 11.625 1.587 297.660 1.071 0.143 0.209
SD 0.311 0.214 0.300 0.319 0.839 0.31 4.247 0.255 0.093 0.112
CV% 6.5 14.94 9.68 13.29 8.9 8.88 13.06 15.87 10.82 10.2

*Significant at 0.05% and ** at 0.01 % level, respectively

DF-Degree of Freedom; Plant height (cm); Br/pl-Branches per plant; LN/pl-Leaves number per plant; CL/pl-Clusters
per plant; PD/pl-Pods per plant; PDW-Pod weight; SDN-Seed number per plant; SDW-Seed yield; 100SDW-100 seed weight;
HSW-Husk weight.
Table 2: Analysis of variance for physiological and biochemical parameters in blackgram under irrigated and drought stress
Sour ce of
Va r ia tion Ch a r a cter s
RWC (% ) SPAD C. T emp MDA Pr oline
Replica tions 2 3.848 3.3 0.776 0.056 7.378

T r ea tments 1 567.307** 8.903* 4.41 126.105** 3439.752**

Genotypes 10 103.122** 8.183** 12.963 29.274** 227.949**

T r ea tments vs
10 11.141** 2.403 8.569 4.462** 107.153**
E r r or 2.404 1.857 2.219 0.246 5.5
SD 0.382 0.335 0.367 0.122 0.577
CV% 2.03 3.96 4.25 3.2 7.26

*Significant at 0.05% and ** at 0.01 % level, respectively

RWC- Relative water content; SPAD-Chlorophyll content; C.Temp-Canopy temperature (℃); MDA-Malondialdehyde(µM/g fresh

The mean value of plant height recorded highest by IC426766 Whereas highest plant was observed by IC436628 (15.33)
(30.33cm) under Irrigated condition whereas the variety under Drought condition. The character number of clusters
IC261182 (22.33) recorded highest plant under Drought per plant ranged from IC382811 (12.67) to IC519620 (10.00)
condition. Whereas under Drought condition the plant height under irrigated condition. Where as in drought condition
was ranged from IC261182 (22.33cm) to IC436628 recorded from IC426766 (14.67) to IC519620 (4.00). The
(14.22cm). Number of branches per plant ranged from T-9 mean value of pods per plant highest was observed under
(9.00) to IC476753 (4.33) under Irrigated condition. Whereas irrigated condition by IC261182 (45.00). Whereas under
under Drought condition number of branches ranged from drought condition it was observed in IC426766 (52.00). The
IC436524 (5.67) to IC476784 (3.50). In Drought condition character pod weight per plant was observed highest under
highest number of branches per plant was observed by irrigated condition by IC426766 (17.33g) and lowest by
IC436524 (5.67), IC426766 (5.67) and lowest branches per IC546472 (10.00g). Whereas highest was observed under
plant was recorded by IC476784 (3.50) drought stress Drought condition IC261182 (16.69g) and lowest by T-9
condition. The number of leaves per plant highest was (11.29g). The mean value of number of seeds per plant highest
observed in IC426766 (18.00) under Irrigated condition. seeds are observed in plant by IC426766 (243.33) and lowest

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Joshi et al. Morpho-biochemical parameters in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) genotypes under drought stress

by IC436628 (136.33) under irrigation condition. Whereas in the outcome of defoliation and the cessation of new leaf
Drought condition highest seeds by IC426766 (229.00) and production brought on by drought stress (Mwale et al. 2007).
lowest by IC436628 (57.67). The character hundred seeds was The character seed yield was observed under irrigated
observed highest by IC261182 (4.23g) lowest was observed condition highest by IC436524 as 14.33g/pl and lowest by T-
by T-9 (3.25g) under irrigated condition. Whereas drought 9 (4.67g/pl). Whereas highest seed yield was observed under
condition heights was observed as IC426766 (3.61g) the drought condition by IC426766 recorded as 7.49g/pl and
lowest was observed T-9 (2.64g).The character of husk weight lowest seed yield was observed in IC436628 (2.27g/pl).It was
per plant range from IC382811 (7.24g/pl) to IC519620 also observed that the genotype IC426766 28.84% over its
(4.16g/pl) under irrigated condition where as in drought control and 37.65% over T-9 under drought condition (Table
condition highest husk weight (g/pl) was observed range from 5).Gurumurthy et al.,2019 reported that similar increased seed
IC426766 (7.62) to IC436524 (2.56) (Table 4). Prior research yield and yield contributing traits over control under drought
on legumes also revealed similar results (Bhatt and Srinivasa stress condition in blackgram.
Rao 2005; Baroowa and Gogoi 2012). Reduced leaf count is
Table 3. Mean performance of quantitative traits and physiological parameters in blackgram genotypes under irrigated
No.of P. No.of 100 H.
Genotypes Br./pl L./pl Cl./pl Pods/pl wt/pl(g) S./pl S.Y.(g/pl) S. wt wt(g)
IC261182 23.13 7.67 16.67 11.00 45.00 16.67 241.67 10.67 4.23 7.02
IC436524 18.67 7.00 16.00 10.00 39.00 13.67 146.00 14.33 4.22 5.77
IC476753 20.67 4.33 8.67 10.67 32.00 11.33 143.00 4.67 3.41 4.81
IC382811 19.33 7.33 17.00 12.67 35.67 17.00 242.33 5.67 3.36 7.24
IC436628 17.83 4.67 8.33 10.33 36.67 10.67 136.33 4.67 3.72 4.60
IC476784 20.67 7.67 10.00 10.33 35.33 11.33 138.67 5.00 3.62 4.18
IC426766 30.33 7.67 18.00 10.33 39.56 17.33 243.33 5.33 3.50 6.95
IC546452 19.00 6.33 8.33 10.00 31.00 10.67 146.00 5.67 3.42 4.32
IC546472 19.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 35.67 10.00 141.00 5.67 3.26 4.33
IC519620 20.83 6.00 8.67 10.00 33.67 10.67 139.67 4.67 3.78 4.16
T-9 20.52 9.00 10.00 10.33 39.33 11.33 141.00 4.67 3.25 4.37
Mean 20.91 6.79 11.88 10.61 36.63 12.79 169.00 6.45 3.61 5.25
Sd 3.44 1.38 4.06 0.77 3.96 2.86 47.26 3.13 0.35 1.25 Plant height (cm); Br/pl-Branches per plant; LN/pl-Leaves number per plant; CL/pl-Clusters per plant; PD/pl-Pods per
plant; PDW-Pod weight; SDN-Seed number per plant; SDW-Seed yield; 100SDW-100 seed weight; HSW-Husk weight.
Table 4. Mean performance of quantitative traits and physiological parameters in blackgram genotypes underdrought stress
Genotype Br./p No.of Cl./p Pods/p P. No.of S.Y.(g/pl 100 S. H.
s ) l L./pl l l wt/pl(g) S./pl ) wt wt(g)
IC261182 22.33 5.40 14.33 14.00 45.00 16.69 129.33 4.44 3.43 5.76
IC436524 18.26 5.67 9.33 13.00 35.33 13.49 95.00 3.08 3.25 2.56
IC476753 14.31 4.50 14.67 4.33 36.67 12.43 65.00 2.39 3.67 2.57
IC382811 21.51 5.00 12.33 13.33 43.67 15.71 123.33 3.08 3.55 4.74
IC436628 14.22 4.50 15.33 8.67 34.33 13.49 57.67 2.27 3.93 2.82

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Joshi et al. Morpho-biochemical parameters in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) genotypes under drought stress

IC476784 14.57 3.50 14.00 6.33 32.33 14.61 70.67 2.56 3.62 2.65
IC426766 22.15 5.67 11.33 14.67 52.00 16.54 229.00 7.49 3.93 7.62
IC546452 16.47 4.00 13.00 7.00 33.00 13.37 75.67 2.89 3.83 2.59
IC546472 17.27 4.50 14.00 5.33 37.67 13.24 66.33 2.59 3.91 2.62
IC519620 15.48 5.00 14.33 4.00 39.33 13.49 79.00 2.36 2.99 3.44
T-9 19.09 4.50 13.00 7.00 32.67 11.29 88.00 2.33 2.64 3.49
Mean 17.79 4.75 13.24 8.88 38.36 14.03 98.09 3.23 3.52 3.71
Sd 3.13 0.68 1.73 4.09 6.21 1.69 49.21 1.54 0.42 1.66 Plant height (cm); Br/pl-Branches per plant; LN/pl-Leaves number per plant; CL/pl-Clusters per plant; PD/pl-Pods per
plant; PDW-Pod weight; SDN-Seed number per plant; SDW-Seed yield; 100SDW-100 seed weight; HSW-Husk weight.

Table 5.% increase/decrease of seed yield (g/pl) over respective controls and over T-9 (check) under drought stress condition in
blackgram genotypes
Irrigation Drought % increase/decrease
Genotypes SDW.(g/pl) SDW(g/pl) over control over T-9
IC261182 10.67 4.44 -140.32 -5.18
IC436524 14.33 3.08 -365.26 -51.62
IC476753 4.67 2.39 -95.40 -95.40
IC382811 5.67 3.08 -84.09 -51.62
IC436628 4.67 2.27 -105.73 -105.73
IC476784 5.00 2.56 -95.31 -82.42
IC426766 5.33 7.49 28.84 37.65
IC546452 5.67 2.89 -96.19 -61.59
IC546472 5.67 2.59 -118.92 -80.31
IC519620 4.67 2.36 -97.88 -97.88
T-9 4.67 2.33 -100.43 -100.43

Biochemical parameters: (30.7mg/g) respectively under drought condition. Under

Proline: irrigated condition the proline content was observed highest
in IC476784 (31.2mg/g) Followed by IC426766 (30.1mg/g),
The proline content observed highest in IC426766 (64.5mg/g
IC436524 (28.0mg/g), T-9(27.1mg/g), IC382811 (26.4mg/g),
weight) fallowed by IC261182(48.3mg/g), IC519620
IC546452 (24.7mg/g), IC261182 (23.9mg/g), IC476753
(41.5mg/g), IC476784 (40.6mg/g), T-9(40.3mg/g), IC436524
(22.5mg/g), IC436628 (21.7mg/g), IC519620 (21.1mg/g) and
(38.2mg/g), IC382811(35.7mg/g), IC546452 (32.4mg/g),
IC546472 (20.2mg/g) respectively (Table 6).
IC476753 (31.5mg/g), IC436628 (31.1mg/g) and IC546472

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Joshi et al. Morpho-biochemical parameters in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) genotypes under drought stress

80.0 Irrigated Drought

Proline (µg/g wt)




IC261182 IC436524 IC476753 IC382811 IC436628 IC476784 IC426766 IC546452 IC546472 IC519620 T-9

Blackgram Accessions

Fig.1 Graphical representation of Proline (%) in selected blackgrm genotypes under irrigated and drought stress

Membrane Lipid peroxidation (MDA): IC426766 registered lowest by 11.6µM/g followed by

The lipid peroxidation were measured by measuring IC261182(11.7µM/g), IC476753 (11.9µM/g), IC546472
matoxidaildehyde in our study. It was observed that IC426766 (13.0µM/g), T-9(13.1µM/g), IC519620 (14.1µM/g),
recorded Lowest (12.0µM/g fresh weight) MDA followed by IC436524 (14.9µM/g), IC476784 (15.7µM/g),
IC261182 (12.9µM/g), IC519620 (15.4µM/g), T- IC43662816.1µM/g), IC546452 (16.4µM/g) and IC382811
9(16.0µM/g), IC476753 (16.6µM/g), IC436524 (17.0µM/g), (17.1µM/g) respectively (Table 6). Under drought stress,
IC546452 (18.4µM/g), IC476784 (18.8µM/g), IC546472 MDA recorded lower in most of the pulse crops(Gurumurthy
(19.3µM/g), IC382811 (19.4µM/g) and IC436628 et al., 2019; Jain et al. 2001; Katsuhara et al. 2005). Free
(20.1µM/g) respectively under Drought condition. The MDA radical production and minimal membrane damage may be the
results showed that under irrigated condition the genotype cause of the tolerant plants' low MDA concentration.

Irrigated Drought

MDA (µM/g fresh Wt)




IC261182 IC436524 IC476753 IC382811 IC436628 IC476784 IC426766 IC546452 IC546472 IC519620 T-9

Blackgram Accessions

Fig.2 Graphical representation of MDA (%) in selected blackgrm genotypes under irrigated and drought stress

Physiological Parameters: (81.99%), IC436524 (79.90%), IC436628 (78.82%),

The results showed that relative water content (RWC %) IC476753 (77.56%), IC476784 (77.54%), IC546472
observed highest for the variety IC426766 (87.08%) under (77.42%), T-9(76.78%), IC382811 (76.13%) and IC546452
irrigated condition whereas the same genotype showed (75.51%) respectively under irrigated condition. Under
highest (RWC %) (83.42%) under Drought condition .The drought condition fallowed by IC426766 (83.42%), IC261182
genotype IC261182 Registered 83.22 followed by IC519620 (79.09%), IC519620 (77.82%), IC436524 (75.54%),
IC382811 (72.565), T-9 (72.31%), IC476753 (71.23%),

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Joshi et al. Morpho-biochemical parameters in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) genotypes under drought stress

IC476784 (70.51%), IC546452 (70.32%), IC546472

(67.79%) and IC436628 (66.82%) respectively (Table 6).

RWC Irrigated Drought


RWC (%)




IC261182 IC436524 IC476753 IC382811 IC436628 IC476784 IC426766 IC546452 IC546472 IC519620 T-9

Blackgram Accessions

Fig.3 Graphical representation of RWC in selected blackgram genotypes under irrigated and drought stress condition

SPAD readings: IC476753 (33.68) and IC476784 (33.15) respectively. Under

SPAD was observed under irrigation condition range from drought condition varieties were observed followed by
IC261182 (37.17) to IC476784 (33.15). Whereas under IC261182 (36.12), IC426766 (36.00), IC476784 (35.34),
drought condition range from IC261182 (36.12) to IC436628 IC382811 (35.00), IC546472 (34.40), IC519620 (34.34),
(32.45).Under irrigation condition varieties were observed IC546452 (33.68), T-9 (33.01), IC436524 (32.45), IC476753
followed by IC261182 (37.17), IC436524 (34.75), IC436628 (32.45) and IC436628 (32.45) respectively (Table 6).Similar
(34.75), IC519620 (34.36), IC546452 (34.34), IC382811 higher SPAD readings were recorded under drought condition
(34.34), T-9 (34.32), IC546472 (33.99), IC426766 (33.78), by Anitha et al., 2015 in blackgram.


SPAD readings

IC261182 IC436524 IC476753 IC382811 IC436628 IC476784 IC426766 IC546452 IC546472 IC519620 T-9

Blackgram Accessions

Fig.4 Graphical representation of physiological parameter (SPAD readings) under irrigated and drought stress condition in
blackgram accessions

Canopy Temperature: under irrigation condition.Whereas under drought condition

Canopy temperature was observed highest from lowest varieties were observed highest range to lowest followed by
followed by IC261182 (37.90), IC546472 (35.34), T-9 IC519620 (42.23), IC476753 (41.34), IC436628 (41.33),
(35.09), IC476784 (34.68), IC519620 (34.67), IC476753 IC546452 (41.12), T-9(40.33), IC476784 (40.13), IC436524
(34.42), IC426766 (34.08), IC436628 (34.04), IC382811 (40.03), IC546472 (39.98), IC426766 (38.67), IC261182
(33.42), IC546452 (32.32) and IC436524 (31.81) respectively (37.17) and IC382811 (37.04) respectively (Table 6). Similar

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Joshi et al. Morpho-biochemical parameters in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) genotypes under drought stress

lower canopy temperature was recorded under drought

condition by Anitha et al., 2015 in blackgram.

Canopy Temperature (℃)

50 IRRI Drought
Canopy Temp (℃)


Blackgram Accessions

Fig.5 Graphical representation of Physiological parameter (Canopy temp℃.) under irrigated and drought stress condition in
blackgram accessions

Table 6. Mean performance of physiological and biochemical parameters in blackgram genotypes under irrigated and drought
Proline.(µg/g MDA(µM/g fresh
RWC (%) SPAD C. Temp(℃) wt) Wt)
Genotype Droug Droug Droug
s Irr ht Irr ht Irr Drought Irr ht Irr Drought
IC261182 83.22 79.09 37.17 36.12 37.90 37.17 23.9 48.3 11.7 12.9
IC436524 79.90 75.54 34.75 32.45 31.81 40.03 28.0 38.2 14.9 17.0
IC476753 77.56 71.23 33.68 32.45 34.42 41.34 22.5 31.5 11.9 16.6
IC382811 76.13 72.56 34.34 35.00 33.42 37.04 26.4 35.7 17.1 19.4
IC436628 78.82 66.82 34.75 32.45 34.04 41.33 21.7 31.1 16.1 20.1
IC476784 77.54 70.51 33.15 35.34 34.68 40.13 31.2 40.6 15.7 18.8
IC426766 87.08 83.42 33.78 36.00 34.08 38.67 30.1 64.5 11.6 12.0
IC546452 75.51 70.32 34.34 33.68 32.32 41.12 24.7 32.4 16.4 18.4
IC546472 77.42 67.79 33.99 34.40 35.34 39.98 20.2 30.7 13.0 19.3
IC519620 81.99 77.82 34.36 34.34 34.67 42.23 21.1 41.5 14.1 15.4
T-9 76.78 72.31 34.32 33.01 35.09 40.33 27.1 40.3 13.1 16.0
79.26 34.42 14.14
Mean 7 73.401 1 34.113 34.343 39.943 25.172 39.521 2 16.907
Sd 3.522 5.060 1.028 1.404 1.611 1.686 3.687 9.928 2.020 2.677
RWC- Relative water content; SPAD-Chlorophyll content; C.Temp-Canopy temperature (℃); MDA-Malondialdehyde(µM/g fresh

ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.) 202
Joshi et al. Morpho-biochemical parameters in blackgram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) genotypes under drought stress

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Helianthus annuus L.) under well-watered and water-stressed
In the doctoral dissertation, the current research is included. conditions. Plant Science. 175: 565-573.
We acknowledge Osmania University, Hyderabad for [12] Maheswari, M., Vijaya Lakshmi, T., Varalaxmi, Y., Sarkar, B.,
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Jyothilakshmi, N., Vanaja, M. (2016). Functional mechanisms
acknowledge the contribution of seed for the blackgram
of drought tolerance in maize through phenotyping and
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