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Development and Evaluation of Guava Leaf Spiced Herbal Tisane Dips

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International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology

Vol-9, Issue-4; Jul-Aug, 2024

Peer-Reviewed International Journal
Journal Home Page Available:
Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijeab

Development and Evaluation of Guava Leaf Spiced Herbal

Tisane Dips
S. Jayasree1, M. Kirthy Reddy2, V M S N S Prasanth1, K. Rajesh2, K. Manaswini1, R.
Venkata Srikanth1 and M. Himasree1
1Dr. NTR College of Food Science and Technology, Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh, India
2Assistant Professor, College of Food Science and Technology, Pulivendula, Andhra Pradesh, India
*Corresponding author: M. Kirthy Reddy, Assistant Professor, College of Food Science and Technology, Pulivendula, Andhra Pradesh,

Received: 23 Jul 2024; Received in revised form: 20 Aug 2024; Accepted: 27 Aug 2024; Available online: 31 Aug 2024
©2024 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— Tisane is a generic term for tea made from herbs instead of leaves of tea plant. In recent times,
tisanes are gaining increasing popularity among consumers because of new bioactive compounds and their
health benefits. The present study aimed to develop and evaluate herbal tisane using guava, mint and tulasi
leaves along with some spices. All the leaves were subjected to a series of pre treatments before development
of tisane. The unblanched and solar dried leaves showed better color retention when rehydrated. Tisane dips
were made weighing 1.7g each, in which control sample is unblanched guava leaves. Spice’s mix contains
10% mint, 10% cinnamon, 20% basil and 10% ginger as constant. Sample treatments T1, T2, T3 and T4
respectively formulated using different compositions of guava leaves: spice mix like 40:60, 50:50, 60:40 and
70:30. Sample T4 (70:30) recorded higher amount of carbohydrate content (58.75%), protein content
(22.15%), fat content (4.4%), total phenolic (150.1mg GAE/g), total tannin content (1.214mg CE/g) and was
highly accepted by sensory panels. Based on the results it concludes that the formulation with 70:30 ratios
of guava leaves and spice mix showed better results and can be best alternative to commercial tea with
various health benefits.
Keywords— Guava leaf, Herbal, Spices, Tisane

I. INTRODUCTION quercetin which has been shown to exhibit incredible

Today there is increasing interest in discovering new antibacterial activity against pathogens [6].In recent times,
bioactive compounds derived from ethnomedicine. Tisane, there is renewed interest in functionalbeverage because of
is a generic term for tea which is developed using herbs that growing consumer awareness of health benefits derived
can be served as a beverage [1] .These are gaining from tea consumption. Tea therefore belongs to a rapidly
popularity among health-conscious consumers because of expanding market of wellness beverage. Taking all these
their fragrance, antioxidant properties and therapeutic points into consideration the following research was
applications [2]. Tisane can be made from the infusion or taken up with thefollowing objectives- To develop guava
decoction of herbs, spices or any other plant material in hot leaf-based tisane formulated with other herbs and spices and
water and they usually do not contain caffeine [3]. Phenolic to evaluate of physicochemical and organoleptic
compounds in guava leaves have been credited with properties of the guava leaf tisane dipextract.
regulating blood-glucose levels [4]. Newer tender leaves are
particularly rich in fiber and roughage which is crucial for II. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY
the prevention and treatment of constipation and
Medium matured mid rib removed leaves were thoroughly
hemorrhoids [5]. Guava contains good concentration of

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Jayasree - Development and Evaluation of Guava Leaf Spiced Herbal Tisane Dips

cleaned. All these spices were collected from the nearer draining the water. Basil leaves were steam blanched, dried
markets in the area. i.e, Bapatla, Guntur Dist, Andhra and pulverized. Mint leaves were dried without any
Pradesh. Tea bags that are heat sealable, degradable and pretreatments. All the leaves were sufficiently flattened in
made of cellulose were used. roller flaker in order to rupture and release the leave
2.1. Methodology: Guava leaves were blanched using components from the interstitial cells. This was followed
water (85±1℃ for 2 mins ) and steam (90±1℃for 3mins). by drying separately in cabinet drier (60±5℃ for 5hrs) and
They were allowed to cool at the room temperature after solar drier. The dried leaves were pulverized (Fig 1)

Fig 1: Flowchart of tisane dips preparation

Table 1: Formulation of tisanes

Ingredients Control T1 T2 T3 T4
100% (40-60%) (50-50%) (60-40%) (70-30%)

Guava leaves 1.7 0.68g 0.85g 1.02g 1.19g

Ginger - 0.17g 0.17g 0.08g 0.08g

Cinnamon - 0.17g 0.08g 0.04g 0.049g

Mint - 0.57g 0.51g 0.51g 0.34g

Tulasi - 0.17g 0.08g 0.04g 0.04g

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Jayasree - Development and Evaluation of Guava Leaf Spiced Herbal Tisane Dips

more than combinationof all the spices in the formulation.

The T4 sample showed the lower fat content and the highest
ash content (4.38±0.03%) due to guava leaves which
contain high amount of micronutrients. The low-fat content
is due to increase in concentration of guava leaves which
contains low fat content (Table 2).
3.2. Total phenolic content: It is observed the total
phenolic content in the T4 showed highest 150.1±1.05mg
GAE/g among the samples followed by T3
sample128.14±1.07 mg GAE/g followed by T2 sample
having 113.13±0.45 mg GAE/g followed by T1 sample
Fig 2: Tisane dip 99.15±1.06 and the control sample recorded least value of
97.15±1.04 mg GAE/g. The highest phenolic content in
samples than control sample is dueto presence of spices in
2.2. Formulations: In this study different formulations
the sample.
have been developed by using different combinations of
spices and guava leaves (Table 1 and Fig 2). The 3.3. Total tannin content: From the data, the total tannin
formulations include 40% guava leaves 60% spices and the content is observed highest in control sample 2.84±0.12mg
second formulation include 50% guava leaves 50% spices, CE/g followed by T4 (1.21±0.11mg CE/g) when compared
like wise 60% guava leaves 40% spices and the last to other samples. T2 sample resulted in least value
formulation include 70% guava leaves and 30% spices. 1.04±0.16mg CE/g. The highest tannin content is attributed
to the amount of guava leaves which contains highest tannin
2.3. Analysis: All the formulations were analysed for,
content compared to other ingredients.
Nutritional compositions (The protein content was
estimated by using the Kjeldahl apparatus, fat (soxhlet), 3.4. Rehydration Ratio: the rehydration ratios at 70ᴼC &
carbohydrate (anthrone method), ash content (Muffule 100ᴼC for T4 sample gave the best results. As the time of
furnance) and moisture by hot air oven method. The dipping increased rehydration ratio increased significantly.
phenolic content was estimated by adopting the method of Thus, we can conclude that T4 sample; 70ᴼC & 100ᴼC
Mallick and Singh (1980) [7]. Tannin content was analysed temperatures and the 5 min time interval are better
by the method of Azeez et al., (2015) [8] using Folin - compared to others respectively (Fig 3).
Ciocalteau reagent and absorbance was read at 725 nm. 3.5. Sensory analysis: After development of the tisane dips,
2.4. Sensory evaluation 9-point hedonic scale was used to their acceptability was done using a panel of 25 members.
evaluate the sensory attributes (color and appearance, From the data presented in Table 3 and Fig 4) we can
flavor, taste and overall acceptability) of the developed observe that test sample 4 has the highest overall
tisane dips as described by Akande et al. (2017) [9]. All four acceptability with a mean value of 7.83 when compared to
formulations along with control were evaluated from 1 to 9 other samples. As the control sample has only guava leaves,
(1 – extremely like to 9 – extremely dislike) by the 25 semi the spices which can mask the bitterness of guava leavesare
trained panels. not present in control sample. This might be reason behind
the low overall acceptability.
2.5. Rehydration ratios of tea bags: The rehydration ratios
for four different formulations i.e., T1, T2, T3 & T4 at two The score for flavor is highest for T4 and then T3, T1,
different temperatures i.e., 70ᴼC and 100ᴼC withinthe time T2 and control sample respectively. The Score for taste is
intervals of 2 min, 3min, 4min and 5min was done. also high for T4 and then T2, T3, control sample and T1
respectively. And coming to appearance and color, the score
for this also is high for T4 and then T2, T1, T3 and control
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION sample respectively. So, by this data we can conclude that
3.1. Nutritional composition: The highest protein content test sample T4 has the highest overall acceptability with a
in T4 sample is due to increase in guava leaves mean value of 7.83 has highest appearance & color with a
concentration in the formulation. The lower protein content mean value of 7.65; has a highest score for flavorwith a mean
is observed in T1 sample because spices dominate the value of 7.67 and has a highest score for taste with a mean
formulation which contain low amount of protein. Guava value of 8.19 respectively when compared to other samples.
leaves contains high amount of protein i.e., 18.5% which is

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Jayasree - Development and Evaluation of Guava Leaf Spiced Herbal Tisane Dips

Table 2: Chemical properties of prepared tisanes

Chemical Control T1 T2 T3 T4
properties sample

Carbohydrate (%) 60.85±0.01 50.05±0.02 55.23±0.01 54.27±0.12 58.75±0.01

Protein (%) 22.98±0.12 20.56±0.14 21.85±0.10 21.96±0.11 22.15±0.15

Ash (%) 3.80±0.01 3.25±0.03 3.68±0.04 3.58±0.01 4.38±0.03

Fat (%) 1.45±0.04 1.63±0.01 1.66±0.03 1.65±0.02 1.63±0.01

Moisture (%) 8.67±1.02 5.6±0.12 4.6±0.15 4.5±0.14 4.4±0.11

Total phenolic content 97.15±1.04 99.15±1.06 113.13±0.45 128.14±1.07 150.1±1.05

(mg GAE/g)
Total tannin 2.84±0.12 1.14±0.14 1.04±0.16 1.15±0.12 1.21±0.11
content (mg CE/g)

Fig 3: Rehydration ratio at different temperatures and time intervals

Table 3: Sensory analysis of the prepared tisane dips

Sample Appearance Flavor Taste Overall
and color acceptability

Control sample 7.13±0.15 7.15±0.14 7.51±0.12 7.26±0.13

T1 7.24±0.01 7.62±0.02 7.21±0.01 7.35±0.01

T2 7.54±0.03 7.52±0.01 8.15±0.05 7.73±0.04

T3 7.15±0.14 7.63±0.12 7.64±0.15 7.47±0.13

T4 7.65±0.01 7.67±0.02 8.19±0.04 7.83±0.03

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Sensory Evaluation




7.4 Control sample T1 T2 T3 T4

Appearance and color Flavor taste overall acceptability

Fig 4: Sensory analysis of the prepared tisane dips

IV. CONCLUSION Physico-chemical properties, amino acid profile and

antinutritional factors in seeds of three Malaysian grown
It was found that the leaves which were not blanched and jackfruit cultivars. J Food, Agric & Environ. 13(2): (58–62).
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instant grain amaranth‐based porridge flour. Food Sci and
found high in the control sample 22.98±0.12%, among the nutr. 5(6): (1205-1214).
test samples T4 (70:30) sample showed highest amount
22.15±0.15%. Total phenolic (150.1mg GAE/g) and total
tannin content (1.214mg CE\g) was recorded higher in T4
sample when compared to other control and other
treatments. This study concludes that the formulation with
70:30 ratio of guava leaves and spice mix showed better
results and can be best alternative to commercial tea
(Camellia sinensis) with various health benefits.

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