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Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Successful Implementations of Multilateral Completion Technology Offshore Abu Dhabi

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Challenges, Lessons Learned, and

Successful Implementations of Multilateral

Completion Technology Offshore
Abu Dhabi
Shuichi Kikuchi, SPE, and Abdulla S. Fada’q, SPE, ZADCO, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Summary Introduction
Zakum Development Company (ZADCO), with the support from The Upper Zakum Field in offshore Abu Dhabi consists of three
shareholders and the cooperation of Abu Dhabi Marine Operating main reservoirs, namely Reservoirs A, B, and C, as shown in
Company (ADMA-OPCO), successfully completed the final Fig. 1. Reservoirs A and B were developed simultaneously imple-
design of the multilateral completion (MLC) system for Reser- menting five spot water injection patterns and horizontal drilling
voirs A and B through the Multilateral Tie Back System technology. This was done in conjunction with a dual-completion
(MLTBS) project. Well T-2 in the Upper Zakum field was recom- system applied for both producers and water injectors.
pleted as dual lateral/dual producer using a re-entry drilling sys- Water breakthrough initially occurred from Reservoir A in the
tem (RDS) Version 2 and a dual bore deflector (DBD) oriented middle of 1991. Since then, the number of water-cut string has
and set on a latch coupling in the 7-in. liner hanger assembly. increased. A high-permeability layer at the bottom of Reservoir A
According to Technology Advancement Multilateral (TAML) caused premature water breakthrough. It was then recognized that
level specification, the final MLC is categorized as TAML Level- along with an optimized junction placement, a new dual-completion
4 E-2-PN-D/4-TR-SEP (Level-4, existing well application, two system that provides upper lateral access, could be introduced to
junction, producer with natural lift, dual completion, tubing re- improve the well’s performance. This system does not only allow
entry, separated flow). The multilateral liner hanger (MLLH) sys- the monitoring of the upper lateral’s productivity and amount of
tem (i.e., accommodating a latch coupling in 7-in. liner hanger water breakthrough, but also ultimately provides several options to
assembly to have a certain access to the upper lateral) was the first reduce or delay water production from Reservoir A.
successful application of that kind in the world. TAML Level-1 and Level-2 multilateral junctions, with dual-
The teamwork and integrated approach for the trial planning completion systems, were applied in producers of Reservoir C,
and implementation, as well as lessons learned from a predesign which is divided into several subreservoir units.
trial (TAML Level-4 E-2-PN-D-TR-SEP using straddle assembly) One of the producers of this category, completed with the short
for Well T-1 completed in 2000, have led to reaching the final string in the upper three laterals (subreservoir units-1, 2, and 3)
goal of the MLC in Well T-2, which provides ZADCO with the and the long string into subreservoir unit-4, showed unexpected
following reservoir benefits: flow behaviors during the cleanup operation of the short string. In
- Independent coiled tubing access to the upper (Reservoir A) this well, a huge loss (3,300 bbls) was encountered during the
and lower laterals (Reservoir B) through a dual completion to drilling phase, and a significant amount of 15% hydrochloric acid
perform effective stimulation and reservoir monitoring. (2,000 bbls) was bullheaded through the short string into the top
- Full bore access to each lateral immediately after pulling out three laterals during the stimulation. Any spent acid and water
the completion, which is an additional feature to the predesign of could not be recovered at surface, and dry oil production was
an MLC for Well T-1. immediately observed during the cleanup operation.
- Allow selective water shutoff to cope with water break- It was considered that the phenomena occurred because of the
through into the upper-cased lateral. majority of water loss and acid having converged into the lateral
- Possibility of extending well life by drilling a secondary of subreservoir unit-1, which is more permeable and subject to
lateral through a window joint installed in the upper-cased lateral. much lower reservoir pressure compared with subreservoir units-2
Moreover, another MLC trial, installed in the quadrant multi- and 3. During the cleanup operation, this may lead to no-flow
lateral well RL-2 in 2005, has been successfully implemented by contribution from the lateral of subreservoir unit-1 and dry oil
using mechanically selective through tubing re-entry equipment. production from the laterals of subreservoir units-2 and -3.
This success was largely because of the lessons learned from a This situation meant that effective stimulation and clean up, as
similar MLC design implemented in well RL-1 in 2001. well as a full-flow contribution from each lateral aided by its
These successful trial implementations proved the MLC independent flow-testing and reservoir-monitoring capability,
system is applicable for any new/re-entry wells in ZADCO reser- then became essential for the multilateral well of Reservoir C.
voirs, which provides new methods of reservoir management, and These reservoir situations, briefly described, have highlighted
creates new completion strategies for ZADCO field development. the limitations of conventional dual completions, (no independent
This paper covers the MLC strategies, lessons learned through lateral access); and emphasized the importance and advantages
the successes and failures and the additional challenges planned of the MLC systems, which allow re-entering any service tool,
for the future of the MLTBS project. including a drilling assembly through the junction and coiled
tubing (C/T) access through the completion as well—which is
what defines an MLC.

MLC Strategy for the MLTBS Project

With an objective of developing optimum MLC systems for the
Copyright ã 2009 Society of Petroleum Engineers
Upper Zakum reservoirs, an MLC project, namely, the “MLTBS
This paper (SPE 101385) was accepted for presentation at the Abu Dhabi International Project” commenced in May 1996. The project team included Abu
Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 5–8 November 2006, and revised
for publication. Original manuscript received for review 6 September 2006. Revised manu-
Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Japan Oil Development
script received for review 9 June 2008. Paper peer approved 21 August 2008. Company (JODCO: a subsidiary of INPEX Corporation), Japan

March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion 181

Fig. 1—Dual-lateral and multilateral applications in Upper Zakum reservoirs.

Oil, Gas, and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), ZADCO, 2. DBD, designed to: deflect the short string of a dual comple-
ADMA-OPCO, and Halliburton-Sperry Sun. Initially, the focus tion into the upper lateral of Reservoir A, while connecting the
was given to developing the most suitable MLC system for Reser- long string to access the lower lateral of Reservoir B, all in a
voirs A and B. single trip.
The strategy for developing MLC for the Upper Zakum reser- The development of the new systems as well as utilization of
voirs was designed to: 1) enhance the production and injection field-proven technologies (e.g., a precut window joint, mechani-
potential, 2) achieve effective reservoir management, 3) advance cally selective through tubing re-entry equipment, etc.) made the
MLC technology, 4) develop possible applications for other fields, MLC design realistic.
and 5) generally improve overall well quality. The specific goals Three years were necessary for the R&D, which included the
are as follows: engineering of designs, prototype laboratory and field testing
• Because of the limited availability of open slots for drilling detailed completion designing, and the planning and execution of
new wells on offshore platforms, the application of an MLC is not the first field trial.
only for new horizontal wells but also for existing wells, with
horizontal recompletion being the target. MLC Trial in Well T-1 (MLTBS Phase-1). TAML Level-4 E-2-
• Acquire C/T access to each lateral through both single- and PN-D/4-TR-SEP (Level-4, existing well application, two junc-
dual-completion systems to perform effective stimulation and tions, producer with natural lift, dual completion, tubing re-entry,
reservoir monitoring. and separated flow), using straddle assembly, was designed for the
• Introduce cased and perforated completion for the Reservoir A. first trial of the MLC (MLTBS Phase-1) for Reservoirs A and B.
• Provide options for selective water shutoff. The additional features of MLTBS Phase-1 compared to con-
• Extend well life cycle by drilling secondary laterals. ventional dual completions were (Fig. 2):
• Assure consistent and reliable lateral access, zone isolation, • Introduction of cased and perforated liner completion for the
and integrities for the lateral junctions (i.e., mechanical connec- upper lateral of Reservoir A.
tion to the parent casing and hydraulic isolation at each junction). • Using a straddle assembly to install an orientation device,
• Create a technical basis for the final goal of MLC systems, with the aid of a latch coupling as the reference point for the
multireservoir contact (MRC) with full access functions. window milling in parent casing and an approach to the upper-
With the objective of achieving the MLC strategy, comprehen- cased lateral.
sive completion designs, associated research and development
(R&D) works, extensive prejob planning, and the executions of
four MLC trial wells, namely, T-1 (1999, Re-entry well) , RL-1
(2001, Re-entry well), T-2 (2004, Re-entry well), and RL-2 (2005,
New well) were accomplished as part of the MLTBS project.

Applications of Dual MLC for Reservoirs A and B

R&D Before MLC Trial. The main concern and technical chal-
lenge for the MLC of Reservoirs A and B were to use existing
deviated wells for horizontal recompletions. In the 1990s, MLC
technology was applicable only in new wells, thus MLC tech-
nology for re-entry wells, which could allow re-entering into a
lateral through a junction in preset cemented casing, was not
available in the industrial market. Consequently, R&D became
mandatory for the MLC application in a re-entry well. The
following two new systems were delivered to the project team
(Smith et al. 1996):
1. RDS, designed to: (1) cut a precise window in the preset
plain casing, (2) drill out a lateral through this window using a
drilling whipstock, (3) place a cemented liner, and (4) remove the
cemented liner extension and the drilling whipstock to create the
Level-4 junction. Fig. 2—Well T-1 MLC (MLTBS Phase-1) design.

182 March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion

• Creating a mechanical connection and hydraulic seal at the times) and wellhead flowing pressure (a maximum of three times)
upper junction. were noticed during flow testing for upper and lower laterals.
• Installing a high-pressure/high-torque aluminum window • Independent C/T access to the upper-cased lateral and lower
joint in the upper-cased lateral. lateral was obtained through the dual completion, which allowed
• Adding an access function to the upper lateral through dual performing effective stimulation and reservoir monitoring. The
completion. effective stimulation in the upper-cased lateral of Well T-1 was
The MLC trial (MLTBS Phase-1) in Well T-1 was commenced confirmed by monitoring the flow distribution over the horizontal
in October 1998, but temporarily suspended that December section using a production logging tool conveyed by C/T.
because of the failure of the RDS milling tool (Ver. 1). It was • Options for selective water shutoff to cope with water break-
restarted in Feburary 1999 after reviewing the root cause of the through into the upper-cased lateral of Reservoir A.
failure and optimizing the action plan for the second attempt. • The possibility of extending the well life by drilling a sec-
The second attempt proceeded smoothly, followed by the ondary lateral (i.e., drilling a smaller lateral through a precut
installation of DBD and dual completion. The well was success- window joint situated in the upper cased lateral).
fully completed in April 1999 in accordance with the original • The introduction of the MLLH into the MLC (MLTBS
design. The trial then became the first successful MLC application Phase-2) design allows full bore access to the upper-cased lateral
for a re-entry well in the world (Kikuchi and Fada’q 2000). and the lower barefoot lateral of Reservoir B when the dual
completion is pulled.
MLC Trial in Well T-2 (MLTBS Phase-2). With an objective of • Hydraulic seal at the junction was confirmed by pressure
further enhancement of the MLC system for Reservoirs A and B, and/or dry testing. In addition, zonal isolation between Reservoirs
another MLC trial (MLTBS Phase-2) was commenced for re-entry A and B was also assured for Wells T-1 and T-2.
well of Well T-2 in January 2004.
Best Practices and Procedures Through Lessons Learned—
The main changes from the previous MLC design (MLTBS
MLC Application for Reservoirs A and B. The integrated
Phase-1) were as follows (Fig. 3):
approach among the project team, combined with the lessons
• Use the upgraded RDS milling tool (Ver. 2) and the revised
learned from the successes and failures of the trial wells has led
procedure for window milling and dressing operations.
to optimized operational procedures for the MLC to be applied for
• Replace the straddle assembly from the previous MLC
Reservoirs A and B.
design (MLTBS Phase-1) with the newly developed 7-in. MLLH
assembly. The assembly includes a latch coupling used for the Predrilling. After the well is killed, the existing completion is
window opening and an access to the upper lateral in addition to pulled, and cement evaluation/corrosion logs are run to review the
the conventional liner hanger mechanism. casing and cement integrity of the mother bore. This is then
The successful trial implementation in Well T-2, being recom- followed by squeezing off the existing perforations. Before com-
pleted as dual-lateral/dual-producer using the RDS (Ver. 2), a mencing the MLC installation, remedial actions must first be con-
DBD and 7-in. MLLH, was successfully completed in February ducted to fix any well integrity problem, such as unwanted
2005. This MLC design (MLTBS Phase-2) was then considered as communication between zones behind casing and/or the the pre-
the final design of the MLC for Reservoirs A and B. sence of high pressure in the outer annulus, etc.
According to the TAML level specification, the final design is Drilling 8½-in. Hole, Running, and Cementing 7-in. Liner
categorized as TAML Level-4 E-2-PN-D/4-TR-SEP (Level-4, With MLLH. An 8½-in. lateral is drilled to the landing point after
existing well application, two junctions, producer with natural lift, setting a 95/8-in. permanent whipstock at the top of the Reservoir
dual-completion, tubing re-entry, and separated flow). B. The 7-in. liner, along with the nonrotating MLLH, is run.
It is important to highlight that the use of MLLH to create and Before setting, the latch coupling is oriented to the high side of
allow access to the upper lateral was the first successful applica- hole using a surface readout gyro to open a window for the upper
tion in the world. lateral in the high side. The 7-in. liner is then cemented, cleaned
out, and scraped followed by running the cement evaluation logs
(Fig. 4).
Reservoir Benefits, Future Options, and Well Integrity Special caution should be taken when cementing the 7-in.
Obtained in Wells T-1 and T-2. The successful implementations lateral liner, which prevents cement from entering and remaining
of MLC trials for Wells T-1 (MLTBS Phase-1) and T-2 (MLTBS in the MLLH assembly, specifically the latch coupling. This
Phase-2) have provided the following reservoir benefits and future occurrence may be caused by viscous fingering and gravity
options, without deteriorating well integrity: segregation of the returned cement above the top of the liner or
• Dry oil production was re-established by optimizing the lat- any pressure leak in the 7-in. liner.
eral placement. An increase in production rates (a maximum of six Opening and Dressing Window for Upper Lateral. First, a
brushing tool is run to cleanout the latch coupling, ensuring there
is no cement or debris inside. The RDS milling tool (Ver. 2) is
run, with a single latch assembly, to create the 7½-in. wide
pilot window. The single latch assembly orients the milling tool,
enabling it to cut the window at the high side of hole (Fig. 5).
The window is then enlarged from 7½ in. to 8½ in. using
a single trip dressing assembly, consisting of a drilling
whipstock run on bolted mills. In this operation, high-viscosity
pills are used to ensure an efficient return of metal cuttings
(Fig. 6).
The original RDS milling tool (Ver. 1) was designed to mill a
window in three different passes by indexing (i.e., positioning
each latch key into the corresponding notch of the latch coupling
three times using a “J” slot mechanism) and string rotation. In
Well T-1, it showed a high rate of milling and a full recovery of
metal cuttings by hydraulic optimizations. However, the triple
latch of RDS milling tool (Ver. 1) was parted at the upper key slot
during the second pass cut (Fig. 7) resulting in extensive fishing
The root cause of the failure was caused by the concentration
Fig. 3—Final MLC design for Reservoirs A and B. of torsional stress on the top part of the triple latch assembly. In

March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion 183

Fig. 4—Running and cementing 7-in. liner with MLLH.

Fig. 5—Mill and open pilot window for upper-lateral using RDS
milling tool (Version 2).

addition, the RDS milling tool (Ver. 1), using the triple latch
assembly and “J-slot” indexing mechanism, was not operationally
feasible for several reasons; specifically, the latch key position
was difficult to identify because of a pipe stretch of 4 to 5 feet,
which was three times longer than the distance between latchkeys,
and the difficulty of torque transmission to the “J” slot when
Considering the previously discussed failure and lessons
learned during the second pass cut of Well T-1, the three-latch
system became obsolete, and the new RDS milling system

Fig. 6—Window enlargement by single trip dressing tool. Fig. 7—Failure of RDS milling tool (Version 1).

184 March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion

(Ver. 2), using the single latch, adopted. The system was success- failure to shear the liner wiper plug can result in an emergency
fully tested during the trial of the MLC (MLTBS Phase-2) in Well release of the liner running tool.
T-2 and became a field-proven technology. A 7-in. window joint was installed in the upper 7-in. lateral
Drilling 8½-in. Hole and Running/Cementing 7-in. Liner liner in Wells T-1 and T-2. This installation enabled a secondary
With Transition Joint in the Upper Lateral. An 8½-in. lateral lateral to be drilled through the window joint in case water break-
hole is drilled using a steerable drilling assembly, along with through occurs in the upper-cased lateral in the future.
either measurement while drilling or logging while drilling, to A 7-in. aluminum, high-pressure, high-torque window joint
the required total depth. The horizontal section for the upper was installed instead of a composite wrapped window joint. The
lateral is usually within the 1,500 to 2,000-ft range. At bit tech- latter needs a pressure sleeve to increase its pressure rating to
nology, along with rotary steerable drilling, can be used to ensure prevent burst or collapse during cementing and pressure-testing
a smooth hole in the horizontal section, which facilitates running operations. This decision was made because of a potential risk of
the 7-in. lateral liner to the bottom (Fig. 8). trapping the combined cementing plug across this pressure sleeve
It is essential to know the exact depth of the whipstock before and the elimination of additional trips for setting and retrieving it.
running the 7-in. lateral liner. Knowing the exact is necessary to Zinc centralizers, with 8¼-in. outside diameter (OD), were
place the transition joint at the required 10 in. below the top of the selected to be run with the 7-in. liner in both Wells T-1 and T-2.
whipstock. If the transition joint is positioned above the drilling This selection was in case the liner got stuck high and a centrali-
whipstock in the deviated hole, it can lead to a difficulty to wash- zer happens to be laying against the drilling whipstock when
over and swallow the whipstock and the cemented transition joint cemented. This situation would mean the centralizer eventually
remnant in the later stage. needs to be milled during the washover/whipstock retrieval opera-
Torque and drag analysis for the 7-in. lateral liner is conducted tion and thus being zinc, would be easier to mill than if made of
to ensure its safe running into the upper lateral. The liner is run to steel. A 20–30-ft spacing between the centralizers was adopted to
the bottom while checking the orientation of 7-in. window joint, obtain a high standoff ( 80%) for cementing.
which is to be aligned with a universal borehole orientation Before running the 7-in. liner into the upper lateral in Well
(UBHO) sub installed above the 7-in. liner-running tool. Before T-1, a torque and drag simulation was conducted to evaluate the
commencing the liner cementing, the orientation of the window tension, critical buckling loads, and axial stress in the 7-in. liner.
joint is to be adjusted to a required direction by a single-shot gyro. The simulation results suggested that a 7-in. (L-80, 29 lb/ft) liner
Cementing the 7-in. liner is then performed using a surfactant, with the centralizers can be successfully run to the bottom. This
fresh water, light weight cement slurry for the lead slurry and a result was based on if: 1) the compression load did not exceed the
high-density slurry for the tail followed by a displacement fluid. critical buckling load over the actual well profile, and 2) the total
The displacement fluid is to be equivalent to the density and axial stress, including the bending stress, does not exceed the
viscosity of the tail cement slurry returned above the transition stress rating of L-80 material. In Well T-1, the 7-in. liner was run
joint, which prevents the slurry from downward migration. Any successfully with approximately 20% less running load compared
slurry migration may cause difficulty in retrieving the drilling with the simulated one.
whipstock or lead to the formation of a cement sheet across the Running Cement Evaluation Logs, and Perforated 7-in.
latch coupling, which then requires additional trips for cleaning, Upper-Cased Lateral. After cleaning out the mother bore and the
as experienced in Well T-2. 7-in. liner, cement evaluation tools are run, followed by a pressure
Meanwhile, it is necessary to ensure that clear pressure humps test to confirm junction integrity. The liner was then perforated
caused by shearing the liner wiper plug and bumping the com- using 27/8-in. tubing-conveyed perforating guns in 100-ft perfora-
bined plug (i.e., wiper plug and pump down plug) on the float tions followed by 100-ft blank sections in sequence. The blank
collar, are noticed during the displacement of the cement slurry. A sections allow for future selective water shutoff and flow monitor-
ing across the individual perforated sections. The perforation
strategy was based on results from a 3D reservoir simulation using
local grid refinement (LGR), which suggested that perforating
50% of the horizontal section with matrix acidization, provides
more than 90% of the originally expected performance index (PI)
of the barefoot (Fig. 9).
In Wells T-1 and T-2, the cement evaluation tools indicated
good-to-excellent bonding over the entire 7-in. liner and transition
joint. Hydraulic optimization, as well as the high standoff of the
liner, is what led to obtaining this good cement bond.
Washover to Mill and Swallow Transition Joint Remnant and
Drilling Whipstock/Check Re-Entry Into Upper-Cased Lateral.
In a successful washover operation, it is important to observe
colored rubber cuttings (i.e., green, red, and yellow) on the shale
shakers that are being milled from the centralizers and trash seal
of the whipstock. Thus, if the colored markers are observed, it
confirms the washover pipe is milling the transition joint and
swallowing the whisptock and not deflecting up into the lateral
(Fig. 10). When the washover assembly reaches the stop ring, a
slackoff weight is applied to shear out the stop ring that releases
the slip ring. The washover pipe is then picked up to engage the
slip ring, and the transition joint remnant and whipstock can be
pulled to the surface. The result is the creation of a TAML
Level-4 Junction (Fig. 11).
A workover whisptock run on a hydraulic running/retrieving
tool (HRT) is set into the latch coupling. This has a latch assembly
similar to that of the RDS milling tool (Ver. 2) and the
drilling whipstock; thus, it assures the workover whipstock face is
oriented toward the window. The HRT is released allowing a 6-in.
slick assembly to be run into the lateral to ensure smooth access.
In case there is a suspected pressure leak at the junction from
Fig. 8—Running 7-in. liner with transition joint in upper lateral. the cement evaluation logs or related operations, such as an

March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion 185

Fig. 9—Cement evaluation log and perforating 7-in. lateral liner.

observation of no cement indication in the recovered remnant, a upper-cased lateral during completion phase to establish hydraulic
7-in. composite bridge plug is to be set above the window joint, isolation across the junction (TAML Level-5 completion).
and a dry test (drillstem test in the closed system) is performed by The washover operation, which recovers the transition joint
applying a 1,000 psi drawdown against the junction. If any flow is and the drilling whipstock, was considered as one of the most
noticed from the dry testing, a 7-in. lateral packer is installed in the critical tasks during the trials for Wells T-1 and T-2. However,
the operations proceeded with no difficulty and was completed in
approximately only 1 day. Good cement bonding and accurate
positioning of the transition joint helped to cut the transition joint
smoothly and symmetrically, resulting in easy re-entry to the
upper-cased lateral (Fig. 12). A latch-cleaning tool is run to

Fig. 10—Washover transition joint and whipstock. Fig. 11—Establishment of Level-4 junction.

186 March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion

ensure the free passage across the Level-4 junction if any abnorm-
ality is noticed on the recovered remnant and whipstock.
Drilling 6-in. Horizontal Section in Reservoir B. After dril-
ling out the shoe of the mainbore 7-in. liner, a 6-in. horizontal
section is drilled in Reservoir B using a steerable or rotary steer-
able drilling assembly along with measurement while drilling or
logging while drilling. At bit technology can be used for geosteer-
ing purposes. After reaching total depth, the well is displaced with
brine followed by spotting enzyme over the horizontal section.
A wiper trip is then made and debris deposited by the reaction
between the enzyme and mudcakes is to be circulated out to sur-
face. The horizontal section of the lower lateral is approximately
3,000 ft long and completed with barefoot.
Setting 7-in. Permanent Packer and Installation of DBD. The
7-in. mainbore permanent packer with the tail pipe, including a
glass disc sub, is run on drill pipe. After conducting the depth
correlation by gamma ray casing-collar locator logs, the packer is
set hydraulically by dropping a ball. If a Level-5 completion is
required for hydraulic isolation at the upper junction, a 7-in.
packer would be set in the upper lateral by first installing a work-
over whipstock for re-entry.
A locator seal assembly (for the permanent packer), a swivel
sub with spacer tubing, the DBD (with latchkeys at bottom) are
run on a hydromechanical running/retrieving tool (HMRT). After
the DBD is set into the latch coupling, aligning it in the correct
orientation, the HMRT is then released and pulled out (Fig. 13). A
dummy run, consisting of a bullnose on tubing run into the low
side bore of the DBD, is required to confirm that the DBD is
properly oriented.
The DBD was successfully run in both Wells T-1 and T-2;
however, it was only realized, after some difficulty on Well T-1, Fig. 13—Running permanent packer and DBD.
while stinging the seal assembly into the 7-in. packer sealbore
during latch in, that a swivel joint was necessary between the
locator seal assembly and DBD. In addition, the dummy run was the PBR of the DBD), the pumping is stopped, and the dual string
included in the operational procedure based on an unexpected continues to be lowered until the tubing hangers land in the tubing
misaligning of the DBD in Well T-2. spool (Fig. 15). The tubing hangers are then tightened by
Running Dual Completion and Assurance of Running C/T
Into Upper-Cased Lateral. The dual completion is drifted and
pressure tested while being run to depth. When slacked off, a
specially designed muleshoe deflects the short string up the DBD
and into the lateral. Meanwhile, the long string, having a seal
assembly on bottom, is guided and stung into the polished bore
receptacle of the DBD (Fig. 14).
While keeping the short string tail pipe inside the 7-in. upper-
cased lateral, the dual string is pulled up to install subsurface
safety valve nipples, followed by control line installations and
associated testing. After attaching a dual-tubing hanger and land-
ing joints, the dual string is run again to depth while circulating.
When the circulation pressure is increased or loss of return is
noticed (i.e., the seal assembly on the long string is entering into

Fig. 12—Recovered transition joint remnant and drilling whip-

stock from Well T-2. Fig. 14—DBD mechanism.

March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion 187

holddown screws, and the long string is pressure tested against the access to the upper lateral. It is our challenge to deliver the MLC
glass disc sub. well in 65 days without compromising on well integrity (Fig. 16).
A spray nozzle on the C/T is then run through the short string
to confirm full accessibility to the upper-cased lateral. In addition, Applications of Quadrant MLC for Reservoir C
a flat bottom mill on a slim motor is run in the long string to
In addition to the MLC for Reservoirs A and B, the MLTBS
ensure the free passage and mill out the glass disc sub. The
project team also successfully completed the first quadrant multi-
procedure of using the mill and motor to break out the glass disc
lateral completion system in Reservoir C. Using multiple comple-
sub is selected based on the failure of breaking it by pressure
tion windows, along with mechanical through tubing re-entry
initially trialed in Well T-1.
tools, Well RL-2 was completed in February 2005.
After confirming dual-string integrity by an injection test, a
Using field-proven technologies, a similar MLC design,
95/8-in. dual-hydraulic packer is set by running a wireline plug in
TAML Level-4 E-3-PN-D-TR-SSEP (Level-4, existing well
the short string. Blowout preventers (BOPs) are nippled down
application, three junctions, producer with natural lift, dual
after laying down the landing joints of both strings and installing
completion, tubing re-entry through long string, and semisepa-
back pressure valves in tubing hanger profiles. The dual Christ-
rated flow) was attempted in Well RL-1 in 2001 using field-
mas tree is then installed and tested.
proven technologies. Because of the unsuccessful 4½-in. lateral
After the rig is moved off location, the upper-cased lateral and
liner cementing operation, which resulted in the failure to
lower barefoot laterals are stimulated using C/T and Nitrified 15%
retrieve the drilling whipstock, the trial was terminated and
HCL acid, cleaned up, and flow tested by a multipurpose barge.
the well was completed as a dual-lateral, dual-producer without
mechanical through-tubing re-entry equipment. The lessons
Actual Durations for MRC Trials for Reservoirs A and B in learned from the trial in Well RL-1 led to the successful imple-
Wells T-1 and T-2 and Future Performance Target. The total mentation of the quadrant MLC in Well RL-2. They were also
duration of the MLC (MLTBS Phase-1) trial in Well T-1 was 139 incorporated into the operational procedures of the MLC for
days. There were 50 days of nonproductive time (NPT), which Reservoirs A and B.
was equal to 36% of the total well duration. On the other hand, a During the trial in Well RL-2, extensive remedial cementing
total of 105 days, including 29 days of NPT was spent for the operations were performed around the mother casing in Reser-
second MLC (MLTBS Phase-2) trial in Well T-2. voir C. Consisting of several reservoir sub-units, each with a
By reducing NPT by 42% and core operational time by 15%, different reservoir pressure and production performance, it was
there was a clear improvement in performance going from Well essential to restore this zonal isolation. In addition, hole-cleaning
T-1 to T-2. Overall, the principle factors of NPT of these trials problems and difficulty positioning a tubing whipstock for C/T
were the failure of the original RDS milling tool (Ver. 1), diffi- entry, were encountered because of the high inclination of the
culties pulling the existing completion (caused by scale deposition mother hole (approximately 80 ).
and extensive tubing corrosion), additional cleanout trips caused The completion of Well RL-2 is categorized as TAML Level-2
by debris accumulated in the latch coupling, measurement-while- N-3-PN-D-TR-SSEP (Level-2, new well application, three junc-
drilling tool failures and waiting on weather (WOW) time. tions, producer with natural lift, dual completion, coiled tubing
Currently, 57 days (excluding the duration for data acquisition) re-entry, and semiseparated flow).
is the normal duration for a dual lateral, dual producer for Reser- The successful installation of the MLC in Reservoir C pro-
voirs A and B, which completed with barefoot laterals with no vided the abilities to selectively re-enter laterals of subreservoir
units 1, 2, and 3 through the long string to effectively stimulate
and run production logging tools using C/T. In addition, the sys-
tem allows selective flow and shutting-in using a mechanical
isolation sleeve (Fig. 17). The effective stimulation for each sub-
reservoir obtained 1.5-times higher production than the original
estimation, with nil water cut.
A total of 68 days NPT excluding WOW time, was recorded
during the trial of Well RL-2. The remedial cement job to

Fig. 15—Running and landing dual completion. Fig. 16—Well durations of MRC trials for Reservoirs A and B.

188 March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion

Fig. 17—Quadrant MLC for Reservoir C.

establish zonal isolation, hole cleaning, and a difficulty to set the any new or re-entry wells in Reservoirs A, B, and C. These
tubing whipstock, which resulted in a modification of the latch- systems provide new methods of reservoir management
keys, were the primary causes. The time breakdown analysis by enabling lateral re-entry to effectively stimulate each lat-
suggested that 65% of the NPT was not directly related to the eral, selectively monitor each reservoir’s performance, as
MLC trial. well as providing options for selective shutoff and future
remedial work.
Future Challenges for MLC 3. Junction integrity and zone isolation are one of the major con-
The following are planned/potential applications and challenges cerns for MRC applications. There was no compromise of well
for MLC technology in offshore ZADCO fields: integrity during the MLC trials. Intensive testing and the assur-
• An MLC application (TAML Level-4 E 2-PN-D-TR-SEP) is ance of hydraulic isolation at the junction as well as remedial
scheduled in the fourth quarter of 2007. The candidate well is a actions to establish zone isolation led to delivering quality
producer, and the MLC applied is for dual-opposed laterals drilled wells.
in the same reservoir. 4. The best practices and procedures for the MLC (TAML Level-
• Water breakthrough has been observed in the upper-cased 4 E-2-PN-D-TR-SEP) for Reservoirs A and B have been estab-
lateral of Well T-1. Several water shut-off technologies are applic- lished through the lessons learned from the four trials. It is our
able, such as: chemical treatments, a cement squeeze off against the challenge to deliver an MLC in Reservoirs A and B within 65
perforations, running solid expandable casing inside the 7-in. liner, days, without compromising well integrity. The best practices
or even drilling a secondary 6-in. lateral, which would exit out the learned from the MLC trials, further performance improvement
preset window joint installed in the 7-in. upper-cased lateral. in the predrilling phase, and minimizing conventional NPT,
• Existing technologies, such as a surface-splitter system and lead to attaining this performance target.
extend-reach/horizontal drilling, along with MLC technology
developed and tested through the MLTBS project assists in
achieving the MRC concept with full access to each lateral on
demand through the final completion string. The combined tech-
nology (Fig. 18) provides several options for field development in
a cost-effective manner.

1. MLC technology is continuing to mature to provide several
methods for reservoir management and enhance field produc-
tion and injection potential. An integrated approach for the
system design, R&D, and prejob planning are essential to the
development and optimization of an MLC system. The key
issues for the successful implementation of the technology is
reliability, supported by thorough risk analysis, contingency
planning, and optimization of operational procedures through
previous lessons learned.
2. Four MLC trials for the wells T-1, RL-1, T-2, and RL-2 were
implemented as part of the MLTBS project. Three out of four
trials were successfully installed while following the MLC
strategy for the project. The successful implementation of
the MLC designs proved the systems are applicable to Fig. 18—MRC through combined technologies.

March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion 189

5. Existing technologies (e.g., a surface splitter system) and Smith, R., Smith, B., and Lowson, B. 1996. Multilateral drilling and
extend reach/horizontal drilling, along with the developed completion systems and their applications in wellbore asset manage-
MLC technology assists in achieving MRC concept with full ment. Paper presented at the IADC Middle East Regional Conference,
access to each lateral on demand through the final completion. Abu Dhabi, UAE, 6–9 October.
This combined technology, namely “MRC system,” provides
several options for field development in a cost-effective
manner. SI Metric Conversion Factors
By introducing real-time monitoring/control technologies into ft  3.0488* E – 01 = m
the MRC system, this is a “real smart well.” in.  2.54* E + 00 = cm
psi  6.894757 E + 00 = kPa
Acknowledgments *Conversion factor is exact.

The authors wish to express their appreciation to the management

of ADNOC, JODCO/JOGMEC, and ZADCO for their support of
MLTBS project and the permission to publish this manuscript. The Shuichi Kikuchi has 29 years of experience in conventional/
authors thank ADMA-OPCO drilling division and Halliburton/ horizontal/multilateral well construction, drilling/testing in
Sperry Sun for their cooperation and good assistance during the exploration wells, and workover operations. He worked for 12
planning and implementations. We also thank Mr. S. Hamdan and years in R&D and designs/field trials of multilateral completion
NDC crew for their continuous cooperation and hard work systems. He is a secondee from JODCO to ZADCO, where he is
currently Business Performance Improvement Team Leader.
on the rig.
He holds a BS degree in engineering from Touhoku University
in Japan. He is a member of SPE and JAPT. Abdulla S. Fadaq
References has 33 years of experience in petroleum engineering and well
construction. He is a secondee from ADNOC to ZADCO,
Kikuchi, S. and Fada’q, A.S. 2000. MLTBS Project Challenging for where he worked as Subsurface Engineering Manager for 9
Reservoir Benefits. Paper SPE 59433 presented at the SPE Asia Paci- years and acts as Well Service Manager at present. He holds
fic Conference on Integrated Modelling for Asset Management, Yoko- a BSc degree in petroleum engineering from Cairo University,
hama, Japan, 25–26 April. DOI: 10.2118/59433-MS. and is a member of SPE.

190 March 2009 SPE Drilling & Completion

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