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DISS Final Exam - Journalism

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Davao Wisdom Academy, Inc.

Senior High School Unit

F. Torres St., Davao City

Final Examination
Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences
Daily Session
Ms. Cindy L. Fulvadora

Name: _______________________________________________ Score: ________________

Section: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________

Test I. Multiple Choice (10 points)

Directions: Write the letter of your choice in the space provided.

_____1. Which function of communication is illustrated when a person rolls his or her eyes while making a
negative comment about another?

a. substituting b. accenting c. regulating d. contradicting

_____2. What type of nonverbal behavior that could be used for Smiling a lot to convince people you are
friendly, nodding to appear interested, and dressing to look professional?

a. identity management b. defining the relationship

c. expressing attitudes and feelings d. All of these are correct

_____3. Which of these statements almost always requires verbal communication and would be difficult to
express nonverbally?

a. "I'm tired and bored." 

b. "The party is exciting to me, and I'm enjoying it." 
c. "The recent budget fiasco could have been prevented by better statistical analysis." 
d. "I'm in love with you and want to be near you."

_____4. “Public relations” can be defined as

a. a collection of techniques for persuading people to buy products they don’t need. 
b. a collection of techniques for persuading news organizations to give space or time to people or
products that are not inherently newsworthy. 
c. planned and continuous communication to provide information about an organization, issue or
product to the public. 
d. planned and continuous communication to obscure the inadequacies of an organization or

_____5. Effective public relations practitioners first

a. send as many press releases as possible to as many people. 
b. determine which media outlets best serve their purposes. 
c. ask editors to promise to use their press releases. 
d. find out which media have been most friendly to their client in the past. 

_____6. Which of the following is NOT among the reasons often cited by journalists for rejecting news
a. They are not newsworthy.
b. They are too well written. 
c. They are sent to the wrong person. 
d. They fail to include important information. 

_____7. Marking your spot at a library or restaurant table by leaving a sweater and backpack illustrates a type
a. territoriality. 
b. chronemics.
c. paralanguage.
d. emblem use.

_____8. When localizing news releases, public relations professionals should consider
a. psychological as well as geographical closeness. 
b. only geographical closeness. 
c. only psychological closeness. 
d. financial and geographical closeness. 

_____9. Public relations professionals should send news well in advance of the publication date because
a. news organizations move slowly and need plenty of time to rewrite the release. 
b. a release received close to a deadline is likely to be thrown away. 
c. a release received close to a deadline leaves news organizations with too little time to plan special
d. a release received too close to a deadline is less likely to be published.

_____10. When journalists say a news release lacks newsworthiness they often mean
a. has limited interest, describes important events or is written to inform the public. 
b. has wide interest, describes contrived events or is written to please the company’s bosses. 
c. has limited interest, describes contrived events or is written to inform the public. 
d. has limited interest, describes contrived events or is written to please the company’s bosses. 

Test II. Matching Type (10 points)

Direction: Match the item in column B with those in column C. Indicate your answers in column A by writing
the corresponding letter in column C.

1. Journalism’s first obligation. a. To keep citizens informed about
government and society.
2. Main purpose of journalism. b. Stimulates the economy.
3. A paid form of communication. c. Newsletter
4. Criticism of advertising. d. Right to protect the identity of
5. Criticism of public relation. e. Promotes stereotypes
6. Function of advertising in society. f. Spin doctors
7. One of the rights of the journalists. g. Entertainment
8. A tool of internal communications. h. Crisis management
9. A public relations activity. i. Not to ridicule persons due to race,
gender and etc.
10. An ethical standard in advertising. j. truth
Test III. Analysis (5 points each)
Direction: Compare and contrast the 3 Goals of Social Work: The Goal on Caring, The Goal on Curing and The
Goal in Changing.

Test IV. Essay (5 points each)

Direction: Answer the following questions.

Criteria: 5 points – expressed clearly and organized answer

3 points – expressed but not organized
1 point – answer were not clearly expressed

1. What is the difference between guidance counseling and social work? Cite some examples, roles and
functions and career opportunities.
2. If you were a social worker, what characteristics will you possess in order to handle clienteles and
other professionals and practitioners in social work?

Test V. Performance Task (10 points)

Directions: You are task to watch a short film entitled “Sa Kambas ng Lipunan” by Joey Velasco. After watching,
reflect on the life of each client and evaluate what method of social work can be applied best as well as the
tools needed for each. Prepare a case summary indicating the method you will apply as well as the tools you
will be using. Prepare a presentation to be shared to the class.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Shows a variety of Demonstrated There were few Lacks some
concepts that made concepts that concepts presented concepts that could
the activity clearer. facilitate learning but are relevant on supposedly enrich
new ideas. the topic. the discussion.
Quality Critically presents Describes good The ideas presented The ideas were too
the ideas and ideas and thoughts were just enough. little and some are
thoughts on the but needs further no longer relevant
topic. elaboration. to the topic.
Presentation The output The output was The output does The output does not
including the flow presented in a follow an outline follow an outline.
of discussion was sequential manner. but lack cohesion of
exceptionally ideas.
presented in
sequential manner.

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