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NAME: _________________________________________________ SCORE: _________


Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Erasures will be marked wrong.
1. They provide counseling to senior citizens and their families.
A. Geriatric Counselors
B. Legal Counselors
C. Depression Counselors
D. Residential care facilities counselors

2. The following are the outcome goals of counseling EXCEPT

A. established rapport between the counselor and the client
B. relief from emotional distress
C. make important life decisions
D. cope with the realities of life

3. The issue addressed by individual counseling.

A. Raising a child with special needs among couples
B. Irreconcilable differences with a co-worker
C. Separation from a close friend
D. Children traumatized by typhoon

4. The following are the counselors found in industrial setting EXCEPT

A. Rehabilitation Center Counselor
B. Behavioral Counselor
C. Trainer
D. Consultant

5. The social worker must bring the most updated and appropriate knowledge in assisting
the client. He or she must also recognize and address ethical issues and explain their
implications to the clients. The principle that guide social work activities being described was
A. The social worker should consider the clients’ individual characteristics.
B. The social worker should engage in knowledge- and value-guided practice.
C. The social worker should observe normalization.
D. The social worker should continuously assess his or her work with the client.

6. Student A shared to the counselor that he wants to kill Student B because of jealousy. The
counselors called the attention of Student B and settle the matter. The act of the counselor I
is _________.
A. Violation to the right of privacy in relation to Student A.
B. Acceptable since the life of student B is in danger.
C. Violation of fidelity because the counselor didn’t to his original client.
D. Acceptable because the counselor has the discretion on what to do during counseling.

7. In nongovernment organizations (NGOs), social workers perform research

work, conceptualize policies, and give direct services to potential clients. The given
statement is

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A. True
B. False
C. Opinionated
D. Unverifiable

8. Counselors can make-up stories to protect the interest of his or her profession. The
statement is
A. True
B. False
C. Opinionated
D. Unverifiable

9. Jane implemented livelihood programs in her community to alleviate the poverty

experienced by the people. The social work’s value shown in the given situation is
A. Social Justice
B. Service
C. Integrity
D. Importance of human relationships

10. A form of therapy which posits that individuals benefit from shared experiences.
A. Community counseling
B. Organization counseling
C. Group counseling
D. Individual counseling

11. Individual clients are usually those who are handicapped in their
A. Financial
B. personal
C. Social relationships
D. All of the above

12. Respect for human dignity entails the following EXCEPT:

A. Empathy and trust
B. Unconditional positive regard
C. Non-judgmental attitude
D. Respect for confidentiality

13. The legal basis on the practice of guidance and counseling in the Philippines.
A. Republic Act 5892
B. Republic Act 9852
C. Republic Act 5928
D. Republic Act 9258

14. The following are done in school counseling except:

A. Refers to the process of reaching out to students with concerns on drugs, family, peers or gang
B. Conduct and develop the criteria for the screening of applicants.
C. Make an inventory of students’ behavior profile.

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D. Consider diversity in enhancing educational perspective.

15. The Code of Ethics for social workers is based on


16. The following describes Applied Social Sciences EXCEPT:

A. It equips us with the ability to develop practical and effective solutions to societal issues and
B. It critically analyzes society and the relationships among the people
C. It helps us understand and analyze how society works and why it is referred to as a matrix of society.
D. They prepare students to tackle some of the most crucial and pressing social, economic, political, and
ecological issues of our times.

17. They help released offender address the possible roots of the committed crime, support
his family, and update courts about progress after release from prison.
A. Government workers
B. Health social workers
C. Corrections staff members
D. Youth workers

18. Community clients may also refer to senior citizens who need help in making the most out
of their retirement. The statement is
A. True
B. False
C. Opinionated
D. Unverifiable

19. Professional counselors may also work as

A. Insurance advisors
B. Textbook writers
C. Human resource development officers
D. All of the above

20. Identify which situation shows ethical behavior as social worker in the given situations.
A. The social worker committed to responsibilities which he has limited capabilities and resources.
B. The social worker caters solely to personal interests.
C. The social worker set fees that reasonable.
D. The social worker divulges important information about the clients.

21. Counseling is applicable in the following situations EXCEPT:

A. cases of students suffering from physical violence as a result of bullying in school
B. choosing a career track in SHS
C. cases of students with clinical depression and self-mutilation behavior
D. students’ suicidal attempts in school

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22. John always maintains proper behavior to protect his profession as a social worker. This is
A. Service
B. Propriety
C. Competence
D. integrity

23. This is the responsibility of preventing the client from getting worse, be it by intention,
reckless action, or incompetence.
A. Beneficence
B. Non maleficence
C. Fidelity
D. Respect of Autonomy

24. Case work services usually include the following except:

A. Securing information for professional’s from other fields
B. Giving advice
C. Improving the condition of clients
D. Developing socially acceptable and desirable behavior

25. The legal basis of the practice of social work and the operation of social work agencies in
the Philippines.
A. Republic Act 4373
B. Republic Act 7343
C. Republic Act 3473
D. Republic Act 4733

26. The social sciences draw heavily from the theories of the various applied social sciences.
The statement is
A. True
B. False
C. Opinionated
D. Unverifiable

27. Social worker as case manager means

A. The social worker must balance the needs of his clients and the agency he works for.
B. The social worker helps the clients use services from various institutions and organizations.
C. The social worker builds connections between his clients and the organizations that provide access to
necessary resources.
D. The social worker is expected engage incompetent and ethical practice of his profession.
28. The employee is experiencing difficulties in the workplace. To help him overcome this, the
best form of counseling to address the issue is through
A. Community counseling
B. Organization counseling
C. Group counseling
D. Individual counseling

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29. It helps address issues in local areas, such as mental health problems and disaster
A. Community counsellingB. Organization counsellingC. Group counsellingD. Individual counselling
30. Social justice as one of the core values incounselling means
A. respecting the potential of every humanbeing to changeB. no imposition
of advicesC. accepting of the diversity of clientsD. reflection of honesty and truthfulness
31. The best thing to do as a counsellor when theproblem shared by the client is already
beyond yourcapacity.
A. TerminationB. EvaluationC. ReferralD. Intervention
32. Elisio actively participated in the environmentalprotection campaign conducted at
Punta Cabli tostop the throwing of garbage in the beach. The goalof social work shown in
the given situation is
A. Goal of caringB. Goal of curingC. Goal of changingD. All of the above
33. Claire helped the informal settlers who migratedfrom Negros who facing unemployment
find jobs.These clients belongs to
A. Individual clientB. Groups or organizationC. CommunitiesD. None of the above
34. The discipline covers a number of topics,including face-to-face conversations and
A. CounsellingB. Social WorkC. CommunicationD. Networking
35. Social workers are employed in the followingcivil society except
A. Philippine Red CrossB. GMA Kapuso FoundationC. Gawad KalingaD. Caritas Manila
36. The counsellor established partnership amongCity Officials to address issues in the local
area. Thecounsellor is working in
A. School SettingB. Private SectorC. Civil SocietyD. Community Setting
37. The following are considered as social work asecondary discipline except
A. Foster careB. Correctional facilitiesC. SchoolsD. Medical and health care
38. One of the general principles that form thefoundation of social work practice is
A. practice must be bound by the conventionsin the professionB. continually
develop personally andprofessionallyC. help the client learn self-directed problem-solving skillsD. people
can acquire new behavior
39. In this setting, social workers often serve ashuman resource development officers who
facilitatehealth and wellness programs that help employeesmaintain their work-life balance.
A. SchoolsB. Civil SocietyC. Private SectorD. Government

40. Counselling draws heavily from the theories ofPsychology while Social Work draws heavily

Statistics C. HistoryB. Linguistics D. Sociology41. This area aims to promote equal rights
andopportunities for men and women in both publicand private agencies.
A. Gerontological social workB. Gender development social workC. Clinical social workD. Child
and family social work
42. The effectiveness of counselling is determinedby the
capability for self-disclosure and self-exploration. The given statement isA.

True C. OpinionatedB. False D. Unverifiable43. The values of social work are founded on

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thefollowing ideas except
A. People need to gain resources andopportunities that will help them meet thedemands of living
and reach their fullestpotentials.B. When interacting with others, an individualmust respect the other person

s individuality.C. A person must avoid stepping on the rightsof others.D. It is the individual, not the
society must carryout the values of social work.
44. It is where the counsellor provides a diagnosis ofa person with personality problem.
A. Career CounsellingB. Marriage and Family CounsellingC. Mental Health CounsellingD. Group
45. The social worker identifies community issuesand problems, assesses the needs of
community,and finds ways to improve the quality of life. Therole of social worker described is
A. Human service brokerB. Case managerC. Agent of social changeD. Researcher
46. The following are the scope of community socialwork except
A. Create a demographic profile of thecommunityB. Contact donor agencies and apply for
grantsto help implement projectsC. Facilitate psychological debriefing sessionsD. Attend to physical
and mean health issues ofpatients
47. Ben treat each and every patient as unique andrespect his problem as well. What
principle ofcounselling did Ben adhere to?
A. Principle of individualityB. Principle of empathyC. Principle of acceptanceD. Principle of non-
judgmental attitude
48. This is the concrete action taken by socialworkers to gain support for their advocacies
frommass media, policymakers, and governmentofficials.
A. Social ActionB. Social researchC. Social group workD. Community welfare organization
49. The counsellor found in the clinical setting is
A. Human Resource OfficerB. Counselling TherapistC. Guidance CounsellorD. Teacher Counsellor
50. The correct order of the stages of thecounselling process.
A. initial disclosure, in-depth exploration,commitment to actionB. in-depth
exploration, commitment to action,initial disclosureC. commitment to action, initial disclosure, in-depth
explorationD. initial disclosure, commitment to action, in-depth exploration

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