Mwaura, Margaret Muria
Mwaura, Margaret Muria
Mwaura, Margaret Muria
This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any
Signature……………………………... Date…………………………..
We confirm that the work reported in this thesis was carried out by the candidate
Signature……………………………... Date…………………………..
Kenyatta University
Signature……………………………... Date…………………………..
Dr Silvester Okwach
Kenyatta University
My appreciation and thanks go to both teaching and non teaching members of the
various stages of my study and research work. Special thanks also to Patrick,
Njoka, Kimani and Adagala for their contribution in this study. I am also grateful
Special thanks go to my family, my husband Simon and sons Samson and Andrew
Innovation and Technology (NCSIT) for their research grant that enabled me to
carry out my research work. All those who supported this work directly or
indirectly are greatly acknowledged. Lastly but not least I wish to thank Almighty
God for His grace and favour that has seen me through my work.
DECLARATION ...................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ......................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................v
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. viii
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................. ix
ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS .................................................................... xi
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... xiii
CHAPTER ONE : INTRODUCTION ......................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study ...............................................................................1
1.4 Objectives........................................................................................................7
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................72
APPENDICIES ........................................................................................................76
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................76
Conversion of local time to solar time ..............................................................76
DITARCHED .....................................................................................................77
Figure 10: Photograph of Phase change material energy storage unit .................. 30
Figure 14: Variation of ambient temperature and solar radiation with local solar
time ....................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 15: Comparison of cooking power curves for different pots (P1 & P2) on
difference .............................................................................................................. 56
temperature (FT P1 & FT P2), Absorber temperature with Local Solar Time,
temperatures (FT P1 & FT P2) with Local Solar Time and solar radiation on a
Figure 20: Variation of cooking pot temperatures (FT P1 & FT P2) with Local
Figure 21: Comparison of Cooking unit temperature (P1& P2) with Cooking pot
temperatures (FT P1 & FT P2) Local Solar Time, Ambient, and solar radiation.64
Figure 22: Variation of ambient, Cooking unit (P1 & P2) and Cooking pot
temperature (FTP1 & FTP2) and absorber temperatures with local solar time and
solar radiation........................................................................................................ 65
ar Fraction reacted
Mf Mass of food kg
Ta Ambient temperature °C
Td Temperature difference °C
ρ Density kg ⁄ m3
Δt time interval s
Abbreviations Description
CG Commercial grade
The use of solar energy for cooking offers an alternative source of energy to the
high cost of petroleum products and the diminishing wood fuel products for
cooking and heating applications. An effective solar cooker is the one that can be
used throughout the day and in the evening when there is no sunshine. Most areas
in Kenya can be considered as a high potential solar energy area because Kenya is
located on the equator. Most of the solar cooker designs do not have thermal
storage systems and can be used for cooking when there is sunshine and cannot be
used during cloudy weather or in the evening. The aim of this study was to design
and assess the performance of a double reflector solar box cooker with an energy
storage unit. The use of phase change materials (PCMs) as a technique of storing
energy was used to overcome the time mismatch between solar availability and
demand. The PCM used in this study is acetanilide with a melting point ranging
from 113 to 116 °C. The box cooker was designed so that the length to width ratio
for the reflector and the glass window was 4:1. This eliminated the azimuth
tracking towards the sun. Three sets of experiments were carried out, one without
loading the cooking pot of the cooker, one with water as the cooking load and one
with different actual cooking loads in the School of Engineering and Technology
Demonstration Center, Kenyatta University. The measured parameters included,
the solar radiation, ambient air temperature, temperatures of the different
components of the solar cooker, load temperature and wind speed. The data
values were read and recorded by use of a data logger at regular intervals of 10
minutes. Data analysis was done using statistical measures. An average stagnation
temperature of 85.9 ± 24.0 °C and 82.7 ± 24.3 °C was achieved in the two pots.
The average solar radiation was 637.1 ± 212.0 W/m2. The cooking power tests
achieved a coefficient of performance of 0.754. The results showed that the
double reflector solar cooker with energy storage can be used to cook meals
throughout the day and in the evening. Noon cooking does not affect evening
cooking. The adoption of this study will be beneficial to Kenyans as it will
increase the acceptability of the solar cookers hence reduce the consumption of
wood fuel and petroleum products. This will reduce the rate of depletion of wood
resources, save time and reduce expenses for the user which could be diverted to
increased productivity and monetary gains thus raising the living standards and a
clean environment devoid of hazardous emissions associated with wood and fossil
fuel combustion.
sources (Sharma et al., 2008). Woodfuel in Kenya is the most abundant source of
energy. More than 70% of Kenya′s energy is directly supplied by wood fuel or
charcoal (Bhagavan and Karekezi, 1992, Mugo and Kituyi, 2002). See Fig 1.
9% 1%
Wood fuel
The demand for wood fuel, charcoal combined with the high cost of kerosene has
pushed the low income earners residing in towns to use charcoal as the cheaper
option. The use of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and electricity for cooking and
lighting is out of reach to most Kenyans due to the high cost. Wood energy is
becoming scarce and more expensive and is of great concern since the depletion of
Petroleum fuels are the most important source of commercial energy in Kenya, and
are mainly used in the transport, commercial and industrial sectors. Kenya has no
fossil fuel resource and relies entirely on imported petroleum products (Ministry of
products, hence there is need for alternative sources of energy. Solar energy
wind, hydro and tidal), solar energy is the most abundant and more evenly
distributed. It is free, safe, and the most environmentally clean of all energy as
Kenya is located along the equator. It lies between latitudes 5oN and 4.5oS and
longitudes 34oE and 43oE of the Greenwich meridian (Natural Atlas of Kenya,
1991). Annual total solar radiation on a horizontal surface is highest near the
equator; It is over 2000 KWhours per square meter per year (KWhm-2 per year),
especially high in sunny desert areas (Boyle, 2004). Solar cookers use solar
radiation for cooking and pasteurization (Wikipedia, 2009). Direct solar cookers
use solar radiation directly in the cooking process, while the indirect solar cookers
use solar radiation to heat thermal fluids that transport heat to the place of the
The simplest type of solar cooker is the box cooker first built by Horace de
transparent lid. These cookers have been used effectively with partially overcast
(Sukhatme, 1992). The use of the reflectors is to increase the irradiance on the
Unreliability is the biggest retarding factor for extensive solar energy utilization
Food have been found to cook faster in the period between two hours before and
two hours after the local solar noon than it does in either the early morning or the
late afternoon (Wikipedia, 2011). Most of the meals are prepared late in the
The application of solar cookers is restricted if they are not equipped with energy
evenings and at night (Kenisarin and Mahkamov, 2007). Energy storage may be in
In this study latent heat storage using phase change material were investigated.
PCMs have a high thermal energy storage capacity. They store large a amount of
energy while changing from the solid to liquid phase and release the energy while
Energy storage not only reduces the mismatch between supply and demand but
also improves the performance and reliability of the energy systems and plays an
important role in conserving energy. The effects of solar energy on the economy
and employment are highly beneficial (Sharma et al., 2009).The use of solar
energy would save a lot of time and money for the user and this could be
effectively diverted for increased productive activities and monetary gains which
In this study a solar box cooker with two reflectors and latent heat storage unit
was investigated to improve the efficiency of the box cooker and reduce the cost
Wood fuel has remained the most important source of energy in Kenya, meeting
over 70 per cent of the country’s total energy needs. Wood fuel provides 90 per
cent of rural households’ energy requirement and 85 per cent in urban areas
(UNEP, 2006). This has led to soil degradation, deforestation and associated
diseases due to indoor air pollution. With the rising cost of petroleum products and
electricity combined with biomass energy scarcity, there is need to exploit solar
Solar cookers offer an alternative to wood fuel stoves in areas where fuel is scarce
and solar energy is in plenty. Solar energy systems for cooking and heating have
been in the market for several years but are out of reach in the rural areas and in
industries in developing countries due to its high cost of installation as well as the
limitation of not operating at night and during cloudy weather conditions (Sharma
The demand for energy is time based, since people’s need for energy varies from
season to season and from day to night. This cyclic nature of both supply and
demand for energy has created the need for energy storage (Sulaiman and
Inambao). There is a mismatch between availability of solar energy and the need
If storage of solar energy can be provided in a solar cooker, then food can be
cooked during cloudy weather or in the late evening, and the storage would
increase the utility and reliability of solar cookers, thus providing a solution for
correcting the difference between supply and demand of solar energy (Sharma et
al., 2000; Ravikumar and Srinivasan, 2005-2008). Thermal energy can be stored
The use of phase change materials (PCM) for storing the heat in the form of latent
heat has been recognized as one of the areas to provide a compact and efficient
storage system due to their high storage density and constant operating
temperature (Buddhi and Sahoo, 1997). In this study a box cooker with latent heat
Cooking using wood fuel and charcoal accounts for a major share of energy
consumption in developing countries including Kenya. Wood based fuels are the
main source of energy for rural communities. Woodfuel is the major source of
cooking energy in Kenya, accounting for about 70 per cent of the net energy
supply (Bhagavan and Karekezi, 1992) The demand is expected to rise from 35
2004). This has and will continue to lead to depletion of forest cover with serious
increase in the level of greenhouse gas emissions and the rise in the fuel prices are
the main driving force behind efforts to effectively utilize various sources of
renewable energy resources (Sharma et al., 2009). Solar energy is freely available
in remote places with little access to conventional energy supplies. Solar cookers
are good substitutes for cooking with firewood, and reducing deforestation and
desertification (Nahar, 1998). Solar cooking would save time and effort required to
gather woodfuel and the user does not have to pay to utilize the energy source. A
decrease in fossil fuel consumption would help alleviate the pollution hazards
associated with the conversion of these fuels to energy. It will also eliminate the
need to import millions of barrels of oil, save our forests from deforestation and
The adoption of this study would provide a solution to the cooking energy problem
by utilizing solar energy in Kenya. Effects of solar energy on the economy are
1.4 Objectives
The main objective of this study was to develop a solar cooker with energy storage
(a) Design and construct a double reflector solar box cooker with energy
(b) Test the solar cooker in terms of cooking and energy storage.
2.1 Introduction
The use of solar energy for cooking dates back to the eighteenth century when
Nicholas –de Saussure (1740-1799), designed the first box-type cooker (Kundapur,
1998). Since then many designs of solar cookers have been fabricated. In 1956,
Gosh designed a box cooker with one reflector, known as the Gosh cooker. Others
who have designed the hot solar box cooker include Teikes (1559); Garg (1976);
Nahar (1990); and Nahar et al, (1994). Solar cookers offer an alternative to
woodfuel in areas where fuel is scarce and solar energy is plenty. This review
covers the domestic cooking technologies with special attention to solar cooker
Kenyan households depend mainly on four main sources of energy for cooking.
These are woodfuel (fuelwood and charcoal), kerosene, electricity and liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG) (Bhagavan and Karekezi, 1992). The high cost of petroleum
products and electricity has made them out of reach of the low income households.
For about 75% of the population living in the rural areas, woodfuel is the
predominant source of energy, accounting for over 95% of the total household
fuelwood, while in urban areas households depend on charcoal with the former
accouting for 80%, and the latter 15% (Bhagavan and Karekezi, 1992,
Government of Kenya, 2004). This has put a lot of pressure on the use of biomass
As fuel-wood supplies are getting exhausted, more and more animal and crop
residues are burned depriving the soil of valuable nutrients and organic
and more expensive, hence the need to explore a cheaper source of energy.
collection, high nutritional value of the cooked food and high durability of the
cookers (Muthusivagami et al., 2010). Solar cookers are heat exchangers designed
to use solar energy in the cooking process. All solar cookers use the basic
principles of concentrating light and heat from the sun into a small cooking area,
converting light to heat and trapping the heat by isolating the air inside the cooker
from the air outside the cooker using the Greenhouse Effect.
The efficiency of Solar cookers increases with the temperature of the heat source.
and Beckman, 1991). Solar cookers are broadly categorized under two groups:
Solar cookers without energy storage and solar cookers with storage.
There are over 60 major designs of solar cookers which can be classified into three
categories. These are the concentrator type, the box-type designs (direct type) and
container. The most common reflector geometries are flat plate, disc and parabolic
trough type. These designs cook faster and at higher temperatures (up to 350°C)
Concentrating cookers reach high temperatures up to 350°C and can cook any type
of food as well as conventional cookers. They are difficult to construct and have a
hazardous glare at the focal point requiring the cook to wear sun glasses to protect
the eyes. The concentrator requires frequent adjustment to track the sun and the
solar cookers.
A box type cooker is a double walled box container. The space between the two
boxes is filled with insulation. A double- glazed door is incorporated on top of the
insulated box. The food is placed inside the inner box. Reflectors can be added to
increase the efficiency of the box cooker (Kundapur, 1998; Wikipedia, 2011). The
solar box cooker typically reaches a temperature of 150°C (300°F) and food can be
Solar box cookers have been widely accepted in India and other counties where
there is a shortage of energy and pressure on biomass resources. Hot solar box
cookers are simple in terms of fabrication, handling, operation, cheap and effective
with minimal attendance required during the cooking process (Hussein et al,
2008); (Muthusivagami et al., 2010).
The cookers are more stable, can keep food warm for a long time. Cookers do not
produce glare and have no risk of fire and burns. The performance of the hotbox
solar cooker with a single reflector is very good but it requires tracking towards
the sun every 60 minutes while one with two reflectors requires tracking every 180
minutes (Kundapur, 1998). Figures 4 and 5 are photographs of some of the box
Indirect solar cookers use solar radiation to heat a thermal fluid that transports the
heat to the place of the cooking process (Hussein et al., 2008). The indirect solar
cooker consists of a central pipe containing a heat transfer fluid which is heated by
Indirect solar cookers provide high thermal power and temperatures without
One of the problems of many solar cookers is the thermal storage where cooking
during cloudy periods and late afternoon is not possible (Hussein et al, 2008). The
application of solar cookers is restricted if they are not equipped with a heat
evenings (Kenisarin and Mahkamov, 2007) There are three practical ways of
storing thermal energy; as sensible heat, as latent heat and as heat of a reversible
The following major characteristics of a thermal energy storage system were given
(b) The temperature range over which it operates, that is the temperature at
(c) The means of addition and removal of heat and the temperature differences
(f) The container, tanks or other structural elements associated with the
storage system;
(g) The means of controlling thermal losses from the storage system, and
day, and withdrawn for cooking at night. Thermal storage media include
pressurized steam, concrete, a variety of phase change materials, and molten salts
In sensible heat storage (SHS), thermal energy is stored by raising the temperature
of a solid or a liquid. SHS system utilizes the heat capacity and the change in
The amount of heat stored depends on the specific heat of the medium, the
temperature change and the amount of storage materials (Sharma et al., 2009).
Q VC p dt or Q MC p dt 2.1
Sensible heat storage of thermal energy is perhaps, conceptually, the simplest form
insulated tank is heated to some higher temperature by the hot fluid from the field
most materials to store heat sensibly is very small. They have heat capacities in the
Thermochemical systems rely on the energy absorbed and released in breaking and
stored depends on the amount of storage material, the endothermic heat of reaction
ar = fraction reacted
Latent heat Storage (LHS) is based on the heat absorption or release when the
storage material undergoes a phase change from solid to liquid or liquid to gas or
vice versa. In the latent heat storage the storage medium undergoes a phase change
provide a high energy storage capacity (Brousseau and Lacroix, 1996, Sari and
Kaygusuz, 2001).
(Sharma et al, 2000, Duffie and Beckman, 1991) gave the following equation for
Ta = Ambient temperature
Amongst the above thermal heat storage techniques, latent heat thermal energy
storage is particularly attractive due to its ability to provide a compact and efficient
storage system due to high-energy storage density and its characteristics to store
phase change material (PCM) (Abhat, 1983, Bansal and Buddhi, 1992; Sharma et
Solid to gas and liquid to gas transitions have higher latent heat of phase transition,
but have large volume change on phase transition associated with containment
problems which rule out their potential utility in thermal storage systems.
Solid to liquid transformations have small change in volume are attractive for use
The PCM for use in thermal storage systems should have the following thermal
properties which include; suitable phase transition temperature, high latent heat of
phase equilibrium, high density, small volume change and low vapor pressure.
Economic properties include; abundant, available and cost effective (Sharma et al,
efficient means of storage (Wikipedia, 2011). The choice of the material PCM is
based on the melting temperature, the latent heat of fusion, density and other
Latent heat storage materials are further classified according to the phase change
as follows: gas - liquid, solid – gas, solid to solid and solid – liquid. Solid – gas
and liquid – gas transitions though have higher latent heat of phase transition, but
their large volume changes on phase transition are associated with containment
problems and rule out their potential utility in thermal storage systems. Solid –
liquid transformations have comparatively smaller latent heat than liquid – gas but
energy storage systems (Sharma et al., 2009). Figure 7 shows the classification of
Paraffin Compounds
Hydrated salts
Organics - Organics
Inorganics - Inorganics
Inorganics - Organics
Figure: 7 Classification of PCM
PCMs can be subdivided into organic, inorganic and Eutectics. A large number of
organic and inorganic chemical materials which can be identified as PCM from
point of view of melting temperature and latent heat of fusion but do not satisfy the
criteria required for adequate storage media. No single material can have all the
required properties for an ideal thermal - storage media (Sharma et al., 2009).
Commercial paraffin waxes melt at around 55°C and are cheap with moderate
thermal storage densities of 200kj/kg. They undergo negligible sub-cooling and are
chemically inert and stable with no phase segregation. However they have low
(Mg(NO3)2.6H2O) have the disadvantage that during extraction of stored heat the
material sub-cools before freezing. This reduces the utility of the material (Farid et
al, 2004).
Organic materials are not corrosive, have low or no undercooling and have
chemical and thermal stability. However they have low phase change enthalpy,
low thermal conductivity and are inflammable. Inorganic materials have great
phase change enthalpy but undergo corrosion, phase separation, phase segregation
and lack thermal stability (Zalba et al., 2003). Organic materials are further
subgrouped as non-paraffin organic and fatty acids. Fatty acids have high heat of
fusion values comparable to that of paraffin’s and show reproducible melting and
freezing behavior with no suppercooling and hence qualify as good PCMs. Their
major drawback is the cost, which is 2 – 2.5 times greater than that of technical
Few studies have been conducted with latent heat storage materials to cook food in
the late evening. Domanski et al., (1995) used magnesium nitrate hexahydrate
(Mg(NO3)2.6H2O) as a PCM for heat storage medium for a box type solar cooker
designed to cook food in the evening hours and non- sunshine hours. Budhi and
Sahoo (1997) designed a solar cooker with latent heat storage for cooking food in
the evening. They used commercial-grade stearic acid (melting point 55.1 °C/ and
latent heat of fusion of 160kJ/kg) as PCM and filled it below the absorber plate of
Buddhi and Sharma (1999) and Sharma et al., (2000) designed and developed a
cylindrical PCM storage unit for a box type solar cooker to cook food in the late
evening. They used acetamide (melting point 82°C) as the latent heat storage
material. According to their experimental results the storage of solar energy for
evening cooking did not affect the performance of the solar cooker for noon
cooking and they recommended that for evening cooking, the melting temperature
of a PCM should be between 105 and110°C. Buddhi et al., (2003) designed and
developed a storage unit with acetanilide for a box type solar cooker to store a
larger quantity of solar energy. A cylindrical latent heat storage unit for the
cooking pot and a solar box cooker with three reflectors was used. The three
reflectors were fitted with a mechanism to allow for the tracking of the sun and to
keep the reflected solar radiation on the absorber surface. Sharma et al., (2005)
used erythritol as a latent heat storage material for solar cooker based on an
A hybrid cooker is a type of solar cooker that uses both the regular elements of a
solar cooker as well as any conventional fuel as a heat source, including LPG,
electricity, wood and kerosene for cooking during cloudy periods or at night.
(Wikipedia, 2011).
Kenya is endowed with plenty of solar energy with a mean sunshine duration of 8
hours (Hankins, 1989). Kenya receives an average solar radiation of 700W/m2 and
this solar energy is freely available even in remote places with little access to
conventional energy supplies. The high cost of petroleum products, electricity and
of solar cookers is restricted if they are not equipped with a heat storage system
solar box cooker with two reflectors and an energy storage unit using phase change
materials was used. The box cooker was designed so that the length to width ratio
for the reflectors and the glass window was 4 to 1 in order to eliminate the azimuth
3.1 Introduction
In this study a solar box cooker with two reflectors and an energy storage unit
using phase change materials, was designed, constructed and tested. The solar box
system consists of a rectangular double walled box, a storage unit, cooking unit,
The design parameters considered included the energy requirements, daily average
According to Nahah, (2009) the energy requirement for cooking per person is
about 900kJ of fuel equivalent per meal. Design consideration was of 4 people at 2
meals per person per day gives an energy requirement of 7.2MJ per day;
anticipated daily average insolation (I) of 700W/m2 with an assumed collector day
Ac 0.952m 2
700 x0.5 x6 x3600
The absorber area of 2m x 0.45m (0.9m2) was considered to cook for a family of
The box unit consists of a double walled box. The inner and outer boxes were
made of black sheet metal. Nahar (1998) recommended that the dimensions of the
box are such that the ratio of length to width of the reflectors and glass window be
about 4 to 1. This allows maximum radiation to fall on the glass window and it
The dimensions of the outer box are 2200×650×280 mm and of the inner box are
2000×450 ×180 mm. Kundapur (1995) suggested that the depth of the inner box
should not be more than 10-15 cm. This depth is a critical parameter as a greater
depth would introduce a shade effect, but the width and breadth could be of any
dimension. The space between the two boxes was maintained at 10 cm and was
Limited Nairobi. The width of the gap between the two boxes varies with the type
of insulation used. Fibreglass provides adequate insulation with a gap size of less
than 6 cm, but it posses health risks because it inflames the respiratory track.
Styrofoam would make a lightweight box due to it low density but it melts at
relatively low temperatures. Concrete or brick are commonly available and are
recommended for small cooking units but have high density therefore not suitable
as they would increase the weight of the entire system. The inner side of the box
was painted black. Two clear window glass panes 4mm thicknesses were fixed
over the box with an openable wooden frame. The absorber area covered 0.90 m2
(See Fig 8)
2000 mm
6.00pm the energy released by the PCM and the food should be equal to the
Using equation 3.1 it was found out that the required storage mass of the PCM was
3 kg with a volume of 2479cm3. The storage unit has two concentric black sheet
metal cylinders of diameters 30cm and 20cm with a depth of 10cm. The space
between cylinders was filled with the PCM. The cylinders were painted black on
melting therefore, the storage unit catered for an extra volume (Buddhi and Sahoo,
1997). Two storage units were loaded onto the box cooker one with PCM and one
without. The storage unit was placed on lugs to lift it above the floor of the box
cooker. This provides more surface area and, hence, makes the heat transfer more
effective (Reddy and Narasimha 2007; Sharma et al, 2005). Two small holes
about 2 mm diameter were drilled on the top side of the PCM storage unit on
opposite sides (see Fig 10) through which the thermocouple wires were passed
through to take the temperature of the PCM. Another hole 1.5cm diameter was
drilled on the top side of the PCM storage unit through which the PCM was put
and later was fitted with an overflow pipe in case of PCM overflow. The cooking
pot was designed to fit into cylindrical space. Figure 10 shows the photograph of
Overflow pipe
The choice of the PCM was based on melting temperature, latent heat of fusion,
density and other considerations such as toxicity, corrosiveness and cost (Sharma
et al, 2005). Kenisarin and Mahkamov (2007) and Ravikumar and Srinivasan
(2008) listed desirable phase change materials (PCM) properties for use as latent
a) High value of the heat of fusion and specific heat per unit volume and
j) High density, so that a smaller container volume holds the material and
According to Hussein et al, (2008) the lowest temperature for cooking most
kinds of food is about 75 °C. Sharma et al., (2000) recommended that the
evening cooking. It is only erythritol and acetanilide which have the listed
properties, a melting point above 100 ° C and are available in the market.
Salt hydrates have a high latent heat of fusion per unit volume and have relatively
high thermal conductivity. The main limitation of salt hydrates is their chemical
instability. When heated to high temperatures they degrade, losing some water
content every heating cycle (Kenisarin and Mahkamov, 2007). When used as
PCM, salt hydrates have a tendency to supercool and do not melt congruently so
Though erythritol has a high heat of fusion 339 kJ⁄ kg, it is very expensive
commercial grade acetanilide was used. Its melting temperature is 118 0C and is
available in the market. 3kg of PCM was put in the storage unit. The energy stored
Chemical Melting Cp Kj/Kg Latent heat Density Cost
S/N Name conductivity Ref erence
Formula point (oC) o
C of fusion Kg/l US$/Kg
Magnesium Hussein et al,
1 Mg(NO3)2.6H2O 89 1.84 162.8 0.49 1550
chloride hexahydrate 2008
Kenisarin &
2 Acetanilide (CG) CH2CONHC6H5 118.9 2 222 0.5 1.21 171.4 Mahkamov,
Kenisarin &
3 Acetamide CH3CONH2 82 1.9 263 0.5 1.159 Mahkamov,
Kenisarin &
Paraffin natural wax
4 106 2 80 0.65 1.2 Mahkamov,
Kenisarin &
5 Erythritol (CG) C4H10O4 116 2 2.76 339.8 0.326 1.45 8571.4 Mahkamov,
Kenisarin &
6 Xylitol 93.0 - 94.5 263.3 1.52 6.7-8.3 Mahkamov,
Kenisarin &
7 Erythrol (FAG) 118 1.38 339.8 2.64 1.48 Mahkamov,
Kenisarin &
8 Stearic acid CH3(CH2)16CO2H 55.1 1.6 160 0.172 0.965 1.3 Mahkamov,
One of the accepted sizes of the cooking vessel was 19.5cm in diameter and 10cm
in height. The cooking vessels used in this study consisted of two stainless steel
cylindrical containers with lid and of same size with diameter 19.5cm and depth
10cm and can easily be inserted inside the PCM storage unit. The pots were
3.5 Glazing
The most important property of glass is transparency to visible light and short-
wave infrared radiation but opaque to long wave infrared re-radiation from a solar
collector or a building behind it (Boyle, 2004). Glass does not degrade in sunlight
and if protected from thermal stains and impacts, it is more durable than most
plastic glazing, even those that are treated against degradation by ultra-violet rays
(Wikipedia, 2011). Glass remains the most frequently used cover material because
particularly for glass with low iron content, little of the long wave thermal
radiation emitted by the absorber is transmitted out of the collector (Norton and
Lo, 2006). One clear window glass pane 4mm thickness was fixed over the box on
the upper side of an openable wooden frame and a transparent heat tempered glass
of thickness 5 mm on the inner side of the box. The space between these two panes
of glass is critical, and was maintained 2cm (Kundapur, 1998). The air gap also
acts as an insulator.
3.6 Reflectors
Two 4mm thick plane mirrors with dimensions 644 mm by 1994 mm were fixed
on the same side of the box adjacent to each other. The cooker was designed in
such a way that the width to length ratio for reflectors and glass window was about
1 to 4 so that maximum radiation falls on the glass window. This design eliminates
azimuth tracking. The cooker was always kept facing the equator (Nahah, 2009).
3mm by 644 mm by 199 4mm. The mirrors were held in position by bolts fixed
through hole drilled on the angle line frame. Hinges were used to adjust the mirror
angles to the required tilt angles with a maximum of 120o for the lower reflector
and 165o for the upper reflector depending on the season and its tilt was fixed once
in a fortnight (Nahah, 2009). The angles were derived from the Winston’s edge ray
principle (Winston and Welford, 1978) The reflectors concentrated solar radiation
on the receiver which increased the efficiency, and hence the reliability of the box
cooker (Kundapur, 1998). Figure 11 shows the reflector assembly and Figure 12
show the experimental set up of the solar box cooker with reflectors and pots in
place. Appendix B-F shows drawings of the experimental set up of the solar box
Double glazed
Wires to
Data logger
Double glazed
Figure 12: Photograph of experimental set up walled box
Figure 13 shows the cooker support structure which was fabricated from mild steel
dimensioned on the top side of the structure to accommodate the cooker of size
2200 mm by 650 mm. Clusters were fitted at the bottom of the four corners of the
support structure. This made it convenient for the whole cooker setup to be moved
from one place to another with ease especially when changing it to face the north
or south pole for the reflectors to face the sun throughout the day.
Metal flames
supporting mirrors
adjusting holes
Double walled
Cooker support
Tests were conducted under various weather conditions from September 2010 to
January 2011. The measured parameters included temperature, solar irradiance and
the wind speed. The cooking power tests were done according to ASAE, (2003)
and Funk, (2000) Standards. All the measured parameters were recorded at
intervals of ten minutes. According to Funk (2000) the ten minutes is long enough
time that the minor fluctuations in heat loss due to ambient temperature and wind
variability are expected to be negligible. Ten minutes is short enough time that the
heat gain variability due to gradual sun angle changes may be considered constant
-185 °C to 300 °C were used to measure the temperature distribution inside the
PCM storage unit, the temperature inside the cooking vessel, the absorber
The solar irradiance incident on the collector and plane reflector surfaces was
made in Australia. The pyranometer was connected to a data logger (model Fluke
2286A, USA) programmed to take readings every ten minutes. The sensitivity of
the pyranometer was 91.68 W/m2 per mV with a correction coefficient of 0.99
USA, was used to measure the wind speed. According to Funk, (2000), solar
cooking should be conducted when the wind speed is less than 1.0m/s at the
elevation of the cooker. Wind speed exceeding 2.5m/s for more than 10 minutes
should be discarded (Kundapur, 1998 and ASAE S580, 2003). This helps in
maintaining a heat loss coefficient close to the natural convection loss coefficient
The effective cooking power was used as the primary figure of merit to represent
thermal performance for the box cooker. The test was conducted according to the
Performance (Funk, 2000). All tests were performed under clear sky conditions
conducted between 10:00 and 14:00 solar time as recommended (Funk, 2000).
This is because the solar zenith angle is constant at midday and the difference
between insolation measured in the plane of the cooker aperture and the plane
Each of the two pots contained 1 ± 0.001 kilogram of water which was determined
FLUKE 2286 series) made in USA. Thermocouple junctions were immersed in the
water pots and secured 10mm above the pot bottom at the centre (Funk, 2000 and
The cooker was not adjusted to track the sun since the tests were conducted at
midday and also the design of the cooker did not require any tracking of the sun.
According to Funk (2000), zenith angle tracking with box- type cookers is
The water temperature (°C), ambient temperature (°C) and insolation were
measured and recorded every 10 minutes using a data logger (ModelFLUKE 2286
series) made in USA. At the end of the day the data was retrieved from the data
The average water temperature (°C) average ambient temperature (°C) and average
insolation were measured and recorded every 10 minutes. The intervals’ Cooking
(T2 T1 ) MCv
Pi (3.3)
The sensible heat gain in a cooking pot is the best measure of the cookers ability to
Ps Pi ( ) (3.4)
Td Tw Ta (3.5)
According to Funk (2000), the heat loss increases with the difference in
temperature between the solar cooker interior and the cooker’s surroundings. The
standardized cooking power (W) was plotted against the temperature difference
(°C) for each time interval and a linear regression on all data points obtained. The
regression line was used to determine the relationship between the cooking power
Ps a bTd (3.6)
a = Y intercept (W)
b = slope (W/°C)
Regression analysis was used to obtain the values of a and b. t-statistics was used
to obtain the coefficient of determination (R2) (Funk, 2000 and ASAE S580,
2003). This is the proportion of variation in cooking that can be attributed to the
relationship found by the regression. The value for standardized cooking power
(2000) and ASAE, (2003), this single measure of performance provides insight as
to the cookers ability to cook food and is used by consumers as a tool for
This was conducted using dry empty cooking pots. It gives the temperature to
which an empty pot will rise under a horizontal average insolation of 700 W/m2.
The temperature of the absorber plate (ABST), the pot container temperatures (P1)
and (P2), and the cooking pot temperature (FTP1) and (FTP2) (the pots were
different days from 10.00 am to 20.00 pm using the data logger. At the end of the
day the data was retrieved from the data logger and entered into an Excel
During the evening cooking, the solar cooker was exposed to solar radiation from
10.00am to 16.00pm. At 16.00pm the temperatures of the pots were recorded. The
pots were then loaded each with food 0.5 kg rice + 1.0 kg of water at 16.00 pm.
were immersed in the food in the pots and secured 10mm above the pot bottom at
Solar radiation and ambient temperatures were also recorded during the
using the data logger. At the end of the day the data was retrieved from the data
logger and entered into an Excel spreadsheet. According to Funk (2000) the ten
minutes is long enough time that the minor fluctuations in heat loss due to ambient
short enough time that the heat gain variability due to gradual sun angle changes
4. 1 Overview
The data that was collected from the experiment included; ambient temperature
(Ta), cooking unit temperatures (P), cooking pot temperatures (FT), the solar
irradiance (I) and the wind speed (Ws) measured at 10 minutes interval for 12
hours (from 10.00 - 20.00hrs). The raw data retrieved from the data logger (Model
FLUKE 2286 series) made in USA was entered into Excel spreadsheet and
analysed. All time values were given in solar time as recommended by to the
About 60 tests were conducted under various weather conditions to determine the
performance of the double - reflector box cooker with energy storage. Statistical
methods were used to analyse the data from selected experiment conducted when
the sky was clear. These included recording and summarizing the collected data in
appropriate tables, calculating the mean and standard deviation, regression lines, as
well as plotting the relevant graphs. Summarized data from selected experiments
Date Run # A v. Amb. Av Pot 1 A v. Pot A v. Food A v. Food A v. Abs. Av. Wind Av. Rad.
Temp – Temp – 2 Temp – Temp – Temp – Sp (m/s) (W/m2 )
Ta(° C) TP1 (° C) Temp – FTP1 (°C) FTP2 (°C) Ta(°C)
Ta(° C)
21-09-10 1 26.2 100.8 84.3 79.6 82.5 80.9 1.1 467.6
10 am-4pm ±2.8 ±18.6 ±25.0 ±23.5 ±25.8 ±24.5 ±0.4 ±334.1
28-09-10 2 24.87 78.74 86.88 77.94 75.59 82.6 1.19 650.13
10am-4pm ±1.44 ±16.66 ±19.20 ±23.09 ±23.63 ±23.72 ±0.76 ±91.64
19-10-10 3 24.02 73.6 79.3 73.5 75.7 82 0.8 739.3
10am-4pm 1.03 17.3 19.7 25.2 26.1 16.3 0.5 ±94.1
23-11-10 4 24.1 93.4 89.9 94.9 101.3 112.6 1.1 750.3
10am-4pm ±1.2 ±5.9 ±15.5 ±6.0 ±9.1 ±10.2 ±0.7 ±139.5
24-11-10 5 24.8 94.3 90 96 101.5 115.1 1.1 781.4
10am-4pm ±1.4 ±13.5 ±21.3 ±12.1 ±11.9 ±14.9 ±0.7 ±151.1
25-11-10 6 24 93.1 85.3 101.8 79.1 87.8 1.2 664.4
10am-4pm ±1.3 ±15.4 ±20.3 ±16.9 ±14.5 ±18.9 ±0.4 ±204.9
26-11-10 7 21.8 64.8 71.4 73.6 55.6 73.1 1.3 477.7
10am-4pm ±1.0 ±15.4 ±72.7 ±17.0 ±12.0 ±21.6 ±0.5 ±273.2
27-11-10 8 19.9 45.7 44.3 54.4 41.4 67.1 1.2 343.7
10am-4pm ±2.8 ±15.3 ±11.9 ±16.9 ±9.7 ±18.6 ±0.5 ±218.4
28-11-10 9 23.7 85.1 73 96.2 70.1 88.3 1.2 708.9
10am-4pm ±1.4 ±20.8 ±23.4 ±22.7 ±18.1 ±17.0 ±0.4 ±223.5
29-11-10 10 23.5 71.8 63.8 81 60.6 89.1 1.3 504.9
10am-4pm ±1.5 ±17.8 ±19.5 ±19.4 ±14.3 ±15.1 ±0.5 ±263.7
30-11-10 11 24 85.4 77.7 91 72.7 85.4 1.2 572.6
±1.4 ±14.8 ±19.0 ±15.7 ±15.1 ±19.3 ±0.4 ±290.4
1/12/2010 12 24.6 93.7 82.1 96.9 99.4 92.1 0.9 559
10am-4pm ±1.0 ±14.0 ±17.9 ±32.8 ±30.6 ±11.8 ±0.4 ±170.6
The solar irradiance incident on the collector and plane reflector surfaces was
made in Australia mounted about 2m above the cooker. The pyranometer was
readings every ten minutes. Fig 14 illustrates the variation of ambient temperature
and solar radiation with time. The ambient temperature increased progressively to
a maximum of 28.0 °C due to the accumulation of heat on the earth’s surface with
812.3W/m2 at mid-day when the sun was overhead and the solar radiation being
perpendicular to the earth’s surface. The average ambient temperature and solar
The effective cooking power was used as the primary figure of merit to represent
thermal performance for the box cooker. The average water temperature (°C)
average ambient temperature (°C) and average insolation were measured and
recorded every 10 minutes. The Cooking Power, P, was given by equation 3.3.
Figure 14: Variation of ambient temperature and solar radiation with local
solar time
The standardized cooking power provides insight into the cooker’s ability to cook
food and is used by consumers as a tool for comparison and cooker selection. The
standardized cooking power values were given by equation 3.4. The standard
cooking power was taken from the regression line for a temperature difference Td
value of 50 °C. Table 3 shows pots performance on different days in terms of the
regression equation coefficients and the standardized cooking power for the two
pots P1 and P2. The Y-intercepts represent the initial cooking power which
depends on the average solar radiation, cooker design as well as the wind speed.
The slope of the cooking power regression line correlates to the heat loss
coefficient. The slope and the intercept values are independent of each other
(Funk, 2000). Figure 15 shows the variation of the cooking power curves for the
different pots on the same day. The slopes of the cooking power regression line are
almost the same on the same day because the two pots were subjected to the same
for each cooker and date are presented in Table 3. Pots P1 without the PCM
Table 4.2 : Comparison of the pots performance on different days. (Pot P1 without PCM and Pot P2 with PCM)
Solar Cooking power Standardized cooking Correlation Average ambient Average Solar radiation
cooker Pot Date Regression equation power (W) at 50°C ∆T coefficient R2 Temperature (°C) (W/m2)
Pot P1 28-09-10 Y = 51.03 0.533x 25 0.621 24.9 ± 1.4 650.1 ± 91.6
Figure 15: Comparison of cooking power curves for different pots (P1 & P2)
on the same day
This can be attributed to the fact that the pots with the PCM require more heat to
heat the PCM to raise its temperature to its melting point as well as heating the
water. The data in table 3 was recorded within a period of about 2 hours which can
determination is lower than the recommended value of 0.75 and above according
This is done by combining observations from at least three days (ASAE, 2003 and
Funk, 2000).
Figure 16 shows the combined standardized cooking power Ps (W) was plotted
against the temperature difference Td (°C) for a typical clear day.. The initial
Y 0.700 x 60.85
The slope of the cooking power regression line correlates to the heat loss
coefficient independent of the solar intercept area (sum of the reflector and
aperture areas) projected onto the plane perpendicular to direct beam radiation.
regression should be higher than 0.75 (Funk P. A., 2000 and ASAE S580, 2003).
The experimental value satisfies the standard. The value could have been higher
but due to factors like the increasing influence of radiative heat loss at elevated
temperatures and the position of the cooker in relation to the nearby building and
trees which could have brought the shade effect thus increasing the heat loss
coefficient. As the temperature of the black cooking vessels and black interior of
cooker differ appreciably from their surroundings, the radiative loss increases
designs of solar cookers. Therefore the standard cooking power figure of merit
gives the insight as to the cooker’s ability to cook food and allows for comparison
Thermocouples were used to measure the temperatures of the absorber plate, PCM
temperature, and the food temperature in the cooking pots. The ambient
The stagnation air temperature inside the cooking pots was recorded for cooker
with PCM and compared with the one without the PCM. Figure 17 illustrates the
variation of the stagnation temperatures with time without the cooking load. . The
solar radiation reaches a maximum of 800 W/m2 around 13.00 solar time. The
temperature rise was slightly faster in the cooker without the PCM compared to the
one with the PCM up to around 14.00 solar time This is due to the fact that the
PCM takes in some energy in form of sensible heat to raise its temperature. When
it reaches its melting point this energy is stored as latent heat as it melts. After
14.00 solar time the solar radiation decreases with time as the sun rays are no
longer perpendicular to the receiver’s surface. The temperature of the pot without
the PCM heats up faster and reaches a maximum of 122°C because it doesn’t
have a load to heat but drops faster than the one with the PCM. This can be
attributed to the fact that the energy stored in the PCM does not reduce when the
solar radiation decreases but is decreases slowly as it is released when the PCM
solidifies. This figure of merit is useful for determining alternative materials for
construction of the cooker and also dictates the type of cooking that can occur
(baking or boiling).
Figure 18 gives a comparison between the pot temperatures (P1and P2) and the
stagnation temperature inside the pots (FTP1 and FTP2) on a typical clear sky
condition. Of importance to note is that the temperature inside the pots was higher
than the cooking unit temperature. This is attributed by the fact that the pots are
Figure 19 gives a comparison between the cooking unit temperatures (P1and P2)
and the stagnation temperature inside the pots (FTP1 and FTP2) on a typical cloudy
weather condition. The average solar radiation and ambient temperature recorded
for the day was 591.2 ± 266.0 W/m2 and 25.7 ± 1.5 °C. The maximum cooking unit
This indicates that the PCM did not melt and no energy was stored in form of
latent heat. The pot could not be used for evening cooking on such a day. The
highest temperature inside the pots FTP1 and FTP2 was 108.6 °C and 104.3 °C
During the evening cooking the solar cooker was exposed to solar radiation from
10:00am to 16:00pm At 16.00pm the temperature inside the pots were 117.6°C for
the pot in the PCM cooking unit and 103.6°C for the pot in the cooking unit
without the PCM. The pots were then loaded with food 0.5 kilogram rice and
I kilogram water. Figure 20 shows the temperature profile in the cooking pots. At
16:00 the temperature in the cooking pots dropped sharply to 24°C which was the
initial temperature of the food. The temperature of the food in the pot with the
cooking unit which has the PCM rose to a maximum of 91°C while in the unit
without the PCM; the maximum food temperature was 53.8°C. At 18.00pm the
food in the pot with a cooking unit with the PCM was well cooked while that of
the cooker unit without PCM was not cooked. The energy stored in the PCM as it
melted was released during the cooking process. According to (Hussein et al,
2008) the lowest temperature for cooking most kinds of food is about 75°C.
It has been shown that nearly all the energy required to cook food is spent in the
sensible heating stage as the food reaches the cooking temperature (Mullick et al,
1978). Once this has occurred, the energy input required to continue cooking is
very small. Its primary purpose is to offset heat loss and maintain the food at the
cooking temperature.
(P1& P2) and cooking pot temperatures (FT P1 & FTP2) with local solar time
Figure 20: Variation of cooking pot temperatures (FT P1 & FT P2) with
Local Solar Time and solar radiation
Figure 21: Comparison of Cooking unit temperature (P1& P2) with Cooking
pot temperatures (FT P1 & FT P2) Local Solar Time, Ambient, and solar
Figure 22: Variation of ambient, Cooking unit (P1 & P2) and Cooking pot
temperature (FTP1 & FTP2) and absorber temperatures with local solar time
and solar radiation.
Figures 20, 21 and 22 represents the temperature profiles for evening cooking
20:00 hours the temperature in the cooking pot was 78 °C which could keep food
The performance of the cooker in this study compares very well with the one used
by Buddhi et al, (2003), which was able to cook 1.6 kg of rice in the evening but
it had three reflectors and 4 kg of PCM (acetanilide) in the storage unit. All the
box cookers with energy storage required tracking of the sun. The box cooker in
this study does not require tracking of the sun since the length to width ratio equal
Based on experience, it was assumed that the solar cooker can cook two meals
during a clear sky weather condition and one meal per day on cloudy weather
condition. It was assumed that this cooker will cook two meals for 243days (one
during the day and one in the evening) and one meal per day for about 61 days in a
thickly populated countries are blessed with abundant solar radiation with a mean
daily solar radiation in the range of 5-7 KWh/m2 and have more than 275 sunny
days in a year. The cooker can cook 4 dishes simultaneously. Therefore it can cook
for 12 people per meal. According Nahah, (2009) the energy for cooking per
person is about 900 kJ of fuel equivalent per meal. Considering it will save 50% of
the cooking fuel per meal, it saves 5.4 MJ of energy per meal and 4266 MJ per
Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is the sum of all costs associated with an energy
delivery system over a selected period of analysis or over its lifetime. Life Cycle
Saving (LCS) is the difference in the present worth between the LCC of
conventional or alternative fuel system and the LCC of the solar energy system.
These two were used in this economic analysis of the cooker. They are considered
useful in economic analysis of solar energy systems (Duffy and Beckman, 1991).
(Bhagavan and Karekezi, 1992,). Wood fuel provides 90 per cent of rural
sources of fuel. An estimated live span of the cooker is 20 years. The payback
and 5% inflation in fuel prices and maintenance cost. The payback period was
Cost using alternative fuel was calculated using the following consideration:
Daily energy requirement is 10.8 MJ, (12 x 900kJ). Charcoal of calorific value of
28 MJ/kg at a cost of Ksh 50/kg with an efficiency of 20% for institutional stoves
Charcoal requirement per day to meet the energy demand equals to 10.8/28MJx0.2
Cost of charcoal to meet the daily energy demand = Kshs 50x1.93= Kshs 96.50
1.93 x 3 = 5.79 kg
The payback period was computed by considering the equivalent savings while
annual interest rate, maintenance cost and inflation in fuel prices and maintenance
logE M / a b logE M / a b C
N 4.1
log1 a / 1 b
(Nahar, 2009).
Inflation rate b = 5%
The cost of the cooker was Ksh 132,400 (1471 US$) at an exchange rate of KSh90
per US Dollar. The solar cooker has a payback period of 5.66 years with respect to
5.1 Conclusions
The double reflector solar box cooker with energy storage was designed and
constructed as explained in chapter three. The Experimental data was collected for
5 months, from September, 2010 to January 2011. The performance of the solar
box cooker with two reflectors and a PCM energy storage unit was investigated in
terms of the cooking power and the actual cooking experiments. From the results
obtained and the analysis of the data, the following conclusions were drawn;
and over. Therefore the cooker in this study meets the standard.
3. The solar box cooker with phase change materials was able to cook 1.5 kg
of food (rice and potatoes) per pot in the evening within a period of two
4. The solar cooker has a payback period of 5.66 years with respect to
charcoal. The cost of the cooker was KSh132,400 with an estimated annual
5. The performance of the cooker in this study compares very well with the
one used by Buddhi et al, (2003), which was able to cook 1.6 kg of food in
the storage unit. All the box cookers with energy storage required tracking
of the sun. The box cooker in this study does not require tracking of the sun
From the result obtained in this study the adoption of the Solar cooker with
1. Further work should be carried out on the PCMs to come up with suitable ones
for use in solar cookers which includes, a high density, little or no supper cooling
during freezing and within the desired operating temperature range between 1050C
2. The cost of the PCM is quite high. This makes the application of PCM in solar
cookers out of reach to ordinary people. More research need to be carried out to
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Conversion of local time to solar time
The relationship between local time and solar time is given by the equation
ET = 9.87sin(2B)-7.53cos(B)-1.5sin(B)
B = (n-81)360/364 degrees
Where, n is the day number, beginning with January 1st as 1, January 2nd as 2, and
Figure E-1: Cross section of double glass cover and mirror cover details
Table G-1: Raw data for solar cooker on 21st Sep 2010 (Run # 1)
Shift: 6.18
TIME LST °C °C °C °C °C °C m/s mV W/M SQ
10:00:00 10:06:18 21.0 62.5 45.0 23.4 23.6 45.7 0.33 8.489 778.3
10:10:00 10:16:18 21.7 66.0 48.8 25.6 26.7 50.4 0.17 5.512 505.36
10:20:00 10:26:18 21.6 65.3 49.4 29.7 30.7 54.9 0.24 6.014 551.33
10:30:00 10:36:18 21.4 69.2 54.0 36.3 33.8 58.2 0.11 8.526 781.62
10:40:00 10:46:18 22.1 72.0 59.3 42.1 39.2 60.5 1.1 6.514 579.16
10:50:00 10:56:18 22.3 74.0 64.2 47.9 43 63.1 0.8 8.38 768.25
11:00:00 11:06:18 24.2 82.2 85.1 52.3 52.7 68.1 2.21 8.446 774.3
11:10:00 11:16:18 26.1 85.4 86.7 59.7 59.4 70.2 0.16 8.508 780
11:20:00 11:26:18 24.8 87.9 89.3 63.2 66.5 73.3 1.2 8.553 784.15
11:30:00 11:36:18 25.8 90.6 90.4 68.9 79.1 75 1.28 8.765 803.6
11:40:00 11:46:18 26.2 94.1 92.3 73.7 86.3 76.3 0.57 8.722 799.64
11:50:00 11:56:18 26 99.9 98.5 78.5 89.5 81.1 2.13 8.808 807.49
12:00:00 12:06:18 27.9 87.7 79.8 82.4 90.1 85.2 2.3 8.928 818.56
12:10:00 12:16:18 25.1 89.1 90.3 87.3 93.6 86 1.81 8.955 820.96
12:20:00 12:26:18 26.6 99 100.5 90.1 94.1 87.4 1.11 9.055 830.14
12:30:00 12:36:18 25.4 105.3 109.8 92.3 93.9 92.2 0.11 9.074 831.87
12:40:00 12:46:18 26.3 109.3 113.8 93.2 94.2 94.3 0.92 9.117 835.87
12:50:00 12:56:18 27.8 112.1 115.3 93.8 94.5 94.7 0.34 9.124 836.47
1:00:00 13:06:18 27.6 115.2 120.1 94.1 100.2 115.1 1.12 8.997 824.84
1:10:00 13:16:18 29.2 115.8 119.8 96.6 102.3 115.1 0.12 8.808 807.56
1:20:00 13:26:18 29.3 118.1 121.2 95.2 104.3 115.7 0.11 8.67 794.88
1:30:00 13:36:18 29.3 118.3 120.8 97 106.7 116.3 1.2 8.478 777.3
1:40:00 13:46:18 29.8 118.6 120.3 97.9 107.4 115.7 0.1 8.634 791.53
1:50:00 13:56:18 30.4 120.3 122.4 97.3 110.2 117.5 0.81 8.606 788.99
2:00:00 14:06:18 28.3 120.7 120.8 91.2 110.7 118.6 1.76 8.168 748.83
2:10:00 14:16:18 28.5 120.5 119 86.8 112.7 117.6 10.9 8.454 775.06
2:20:00 14:26:18 30.3 120.7 117.0 93.3 111.9 116.4 0.13 8.457 775.32
2:30:00 14:36:18 27.1 123.2 119.3 96.7 117.2 117 1.33 7.277 667.13
2:40:00 14:46:18 27.2 118.3 115.4 99.4 116.9 113.8 1.62 6.708 615.01
2:50:00 14:56:18 27.4 111.7 107.4 102 116.6 109.1 0.84 6.138 562.71
3:00:00 15:06:18 29.5 113.2 106.8 92.8 112.8 108.3 0.14 6.788 622.33
3:10:00 15:16:18 28.6 115.1 107.1 94.5 114.4 111 0.75 7.234 663.26
3:20:00 15:26:18 28.2 114.4 105.3 94.7 114.1 110.7 1.52 6.693 613.65
3:30:00 15:36:18 28.4 112.8 102.9 94.9 113.2 109.6 1.96 6.653 609.95
3:40:00 15:46:18 28.7 104.0 95.2 94.9 113.4 103.2 1.2 6.233 571.4
3:50:00 15:56:18 29.6 101.3 92.6 94.6 92.1 100.3 0.8 6.048 554.48
4:00:00 16:06:18 28.8 95.5 88.8 94.5 92.3 94.1 1.92 5.514 505.55
4:10:00 16:16:18 26.9 95.4 85.4 95.4 92.5 87.2 2.23 2.165 198.49
4:20:00 16:26:18 26.7 93.6 82.3 93.6 91.1 83 1.75 1.685 154.45
4:30:00 16:36:18 25.7 92.7 78.9 92.7 90.2 78.7 1.2 1.254 114.96
4:40:00 16:46:18 25.5 92.1 77.8 92.1 89.9 77.1 0.6 1.73 118.08
4:50:00 16:56:18 25.6 91.2 76.1 91.2 89.1 74.9 1.21 1.16 106.32
5:00:00 17:06:18 25.8 90.4 74.8 90.4 88.2 73.9 0.88 1.155 105.88
5:10:00 17:16:18 25.0 88.4 72.9 88.4 86.6 71.3 1.34 1.247 114.3
5:20:00 17:26:18 25.0 86.6 70.6 86.6 85 68.7 1.02 1.527 140.07
5:30:00 17:36:18 26.4 83.3 69.5 83.3 82.7 68.5 0.97 2.683 245.96
5:40:00 17:46:18 25.5 82.9 69.6 82.9 82.2 67.8 1.53 2.015 184.69
5:50:00 17:56:18 25.2 82 68.2 82.0 81.0 65.7 1.63 1.437 131.75
6:00:00 18:06:18 24.4 80.6 64.6 80.6 79.8 62.3 0.91 1.064 97.544
6:10:00 18:16:18 23.2 79.7 62.8 79.7 78.9 60.0 1.11 0.329 30.138
6:20:00 18:26:18 22.6 78.1 60.8 78.1 77.5 57.7 0.84 0.154 14.157
6:30:00 18:36:18 22.1 76.2 59.0 76.2 76.1 55.8 0.44 0.108 9.882
6:40:00 18:46:18 21.9 74.4 57.5 74.4 74.5 54 1.33 0.069 6.3567
6:50:00 18:56:18 21.6 72.7 56.2 72.7 73 52.5 1.98 0.031 2.8874
7:00:00 19:06:18 21.4 71.1 54.8 71.1 71.6 51.1 1.66 0.002 0.16787
7:10:00 19:16:18 21.1 69.5 53.6 69.5 49.8 49.8 0.97 -0.012 -1.0632
7:20:00 19:26:18 20.7 68.1 52.7 68.1 48.7 48.7 0.54 -0.013 -1.1975
7:30:00 19:36:18 20.6 66.5 51.6 66.5 47.6 47.6 0.77 -0.01 -0.8841
7:40:00 19:46:18 20.2 65.3 50.7 65.3 46.7 46.7 0.32 -0.01 -0.9289
7:50:00 19:56:18 20.2 63.8 49.6 63.8 45.5 45.5 1.17 -0.015 -1.3318
8:00 20:06:18 19.9 62.5 49.0 62.5 44.8 44.8 0.17 -0.01 -0.9289
Avg 26.2 100.8 84.3 79.6 82.5 80.9 1.1 5.1 467.6
stdev 2.8 18.6 25.0 23.5 25.8 24.5 1.4 3.6 334.1
Table G-2: Raw data for solar cooker on 28st Sep 2010 (Run # 2)
Shift: 8.46
TIME LST °C °C °C °C °C °C m/s mV W/M SQ
10:00:00 10:08:46 22 42.3 45.6 22.5 22.5 41.1 0.31 5.892 540.14
10:10:00 10:18:46 21.9 45.5 48.65 25.5 24.9 42.6 0.25 6.198 568.23
10:20:00 10:28:46 22.2 48.65 51.8 29.7 28.4 44.2 1.2 6.525 598.25
10:30:00 10:38:46 22.9 50.1 53.1 36.9 34.4 45.2 0.28 6.79 622.51
10:40:00 10:48:46 22.5 53.45 58.05 41.9 39.6 48.7 2.55 7.003 642.06
10:50:00 10:58:46 22.9 54.4 59.05 46.9 42.7 49.2 1.53 7.227 662.53
11:00:00 11:08:46 23.1 59 64.1 51.4 47.1 52 0.24 7.287 668.06
11:10:00 11:18:46 23.2 60 65.75 57.2 52.8 53.9 2.02 7.56 693.08
11:20:00 11:28:46 23.3 64.4 70.2 61.8 56.3 57.6 0.24 7.829 717.79
11:30:00 11:38:46 23.4 67.95 74.35 66.5 60.7 62.7 2.19 8.093 741.92
11:40:00 11:48:46 23.9 70.35 76.85 70.7 64.3 68.8 1.12 8.117 744.19
11:50:00 11:58:46 23.9 72.9 79.9 73.5 69.1 69.3 2.37 8.425 772.37
12:00:00 12:08:46 23.8 74.95 82.6 78.7 76.8 80.1 1.63 8.545 783.43
12:10:00 12:18:46 23.8 77.6 86 82.6 79.4 73.9 1.03 8.544 783.29
12:20:00 12:28:46 24.3 80.8 88.7 85.9 81.5 76.6 0.17 8.52 781.1
12:30:00 12:38:46 24.6 81.25 90.05 86.2 85 78.5 0.19 8.629 791.13
12:40:00 12:48:46 24.4 82.45 90.4 90.6 89.8 79.7 2.32 8.66 793.97
12:50:00 12:58:46 25.1 85.05 93.55 92.3 90.3 84.3 0.09 8.772 804.18
13:00:00 13:08:46 25.1 88.1 96.45 93.5 91.8 87.3 1.77 8.738 801.14
13:10:00 13:18:46 25.3 89.7 98.65 93.9 92.1 90.3 0.1 8.732 800.57
13:20:00 13:28:46 25.8 90.5 99.05 94.1 93.6 93 1.94 8.623 790.59
13:30:00 13:38:46 25.5 92.95 101.35 93.8 93.9 95.3 1.79 8.502 779.46
13:40:00 13:48:46 25.3 94.2 103.2 96 95.4 97.4 1.85 8.471 776.66
13:50:00 13:58:46 25.6 94.6 103.25 96.6 97.4 99.3 1.18 8.199 751.72
14:00:00 14:08:46 25.5 94.7 103.55 98.1 99 101.2 0.71 8.126 745
14:10:00 14:18:46 25.9 94 104 98.4 100.4 102.8 1.32 7.965 730.21
14:20:00 14:28:46 25.7 95.25 105.05 99.6 101.6 104.4 1.47 8.011 734.45
14:30:00 14:38:46 26.1 94.7 106 96.9 97.5 106.7 0.73 7.819 716.89
14:40:00 14:48:46 25.8 94.15 106.15 94.3 92.2 106.3 1.41 7.638 700.25
14:50:00 14:58:46 26 93.45 105.15 90.8 90 108.8 0.82 7.43 681.15
15:00:00 15:08:46 26.4 92.35 104.5 92 89.1 110.7 1.46 7.148 655.37
15:10:00 15:18:46 26.4 92 104.2 92.8 89.4 111.4 2.03 6.898 632.44
15:20:00 15:28:46 26 91.25 103.05 92.2 88.8 111.3 1.33 6.59 604.17
15:30:00 15:38:46 26.4 89.35 101.15 91 86.4 110.7 0.15 6.321 579.54
15:40:00 15:48:46 26.3 88.75 99.1 90.4 85.4 107.6 2.24 5.977 548.01
15:50:00 15:58:46 26.5 87 97.15 89.7 84.2 104.3 0.73 5.709 523.43
16.00.00 16:08:46 26.2 85.35 94.8 88.9 82.9 99.1 1.34 5.258 482.08
16:10:00 16:18:46 26.1 85 92.7 88.2 81.9 95.8 1.01 4.903 449.53
16:20:00 16:28:46 26.2 82.9 91.1 87.3 79.7 90.5 2.07 4.55 417.15
16:30:00 16:38:46 26.3 80.9 87.9 85.9 76.8 84.6 1.44 4.237 388.48
16:40:00 16:48:46 25.9 79.7 85.8 85.3 73.7 84.3 0.73 3.856 353.53
16:50:00 16:58:46 25.8 78.15 83.75 84.2 70.8 83.3 1.12 3.49 319.95
17:00:00 17:08:46 25.9 75.95 81.2 82.7 68.3 82.1 1.23 3.113 285.4
17:10:00 17:18:46 25.7 74.3 78.85 81.3 66.2 81 1.65 2.75 252.1
17:20:00 17:28:46 25.2 72.85 76.9 80 63.7 79.3 1.06 2.332 213.77
17:30:00 17:38:46 24.9 71.1 74.85 78.4 61.4 78 1.02 1.964 180.06
17:40:00 17:48:46 24.8 69.2 72.85 76.6 59.6 76.6 0.56 1.577 144.62
17:50:00 17:58:46 24.5 67.45 71.25 75.2 58.5 75.5 2.02 1.191 109.17
18:00:00 18:08:46 24.1 65.85 69.5 73.7 57.5 74.1 1.85 0.856 78.452
18:10:00 18:18:46 23.8 64.4 67.8 72.4 56.6 72.6 1.44 0.568 52.085
18:20:00 18:28:46 23.4 63.05 66.45 71.2 55.9 71.3 1.05 0.291 26.669
18:30:00 18:38:46 23 61.75 65.25 70 55.2 70.5 1.46 0.154 14.157
18:40:00 18:48:46 22.4 60.55 64.15 69 54.7 69.1 0.72 0.061 5.6069
18:50:00 18:58:46 22 59.45 63.05 68.1 54.2 68.4 0.98 0.018 1.6899
19:00:00 19:08:46 21.5 58.1 61.9 66.9 53.6 66.9 0.23 -0.001 -0.12311
19:10:00 19:18:46 21.2 56.9 60.65 65.6 53 65.5 1.11 -0.005 -0.48123
19:20:00 19:28:46 21 55.7 59.55 64.4 52.3 64.6 1.59 -0.008 -0.70506
19:30:00 19:38:46 20.7 54.8 58.75 63.6 52 63.8 1.38 -0.005 -0.48123
19:40:00 19:48:46 20.5 53.7 57.8 62.3 51.3 62.1 0.62 -0.007 -0.66029
19:50:00 19:58:46 20.3 52.7 56.8 61.2 50.6 61.2 1.56 -0.005 -0.43646
Average 24.7 78.7 86.9 77.9 75.6 82.6 1.2 7.6 695.7
Stdev 1.4 16.7 19.2 23.1 23.6 23.7 0.8 1.0 91.6
Table G-3: Raw data for solar cooker on 19 th Oct 2010 (Run # 3)
Shift: 14:39
2:00:00 14:14:39 25.1 98.35 107.15 101.2 107.3 103.3 0.55 8.443 774.08
Table G-4: Raw data for solar cooker on 23rd Nov 2010 (Run # 4)
Shift = 14.01
13.24 13:44:01 24.6 96.8 95.0 96.3 106.5 117.2 2.11 9.314 853.92
13.34 13:54:01 24.7 101.6 99.2 101.1 109.1 118.5 1.33 9.672 886.68
13.44 14:04:01 24.3 97.9 102.3 104.1 104.4 117.9 2.34 8.512 780.37
13.54 14:14:01 24.5 97.2 103.4 103.0 105.1 119.3 2.06 9.110 834.84
14.04 14:24:01 25.7 101.3 101.7 101.7 107.4 119.9 2.43 9.314 853.92
14.14 14:34:01 24.9 103.6 104.3 104.9 110.5 121.4 1.76 8.520 781.21
14.24 14:44:01 24.4 90.9 101.5 97.3 102.0 124 0.98 7.218 661.75
14.34 14:54:01 25.7 97.4 100.0 96.0 107.2 117.7 0.54 8.380 768.25
14.44 15:04:01 25.5 102.5 105.7 102.3 112.8 119.8 0.67 7.614 698.08
14.54 15:14:01 25.4 93.9 100.4 92.6 106.3 123.5 0.34 8.138 746.05
15.04 15:24:01 25.0 90.3 100.2 90.1 105.6 124.9 0.63 7.231 662.95
15.14 15:34:01 25.4 94.9 105.3 95.5 111.0 122.4 1.32 7.218 661.75
15.24 15:44:01 25.2 92.9 106.2 95.4 110.8 121.3 1.87 6.432 589.65
15.34 15:54:01 25.3 94.1 107.2 96.9 112.4 117.3 0.97 6.514 597.17
15.44 16:04:01 26.2 94.0 108.8 97.0 113.7 119.4 0.53 6.359 582.97
15.54 16:14:01 25.2 92.5 109.3 97.0 113.1 115.3 0.46 5.675 520.32
16.04 16:24:01 25.3 90.9 109.0 95.2 113.5 117.4 0.22 5.789 531.58
16.14 16:34:01 25.6 87.3 106.3 92.0 108.2 118.5 0.76 5.512 505.36
16.24 16:44:01 25.0 83.6 102.7 88.3 105.0 115.6 0.33 3.665 335.99
16.34 16:54:01 24.9 79.3 98.0 83.7 99.7 115 1.23 3.462 317.42
16.44 17:04:01 24.5 75.8 96.4 81.0 98.1 114.9 1.53 2.745 251.69
16.54 17:14:01 24.2 71.5 92.3 76.7 93.8 113.6 0.87 2.337 214.29
17.04 17:24:01 24.1 67.5 88.6 72.7 90.1 115.8 0.65 1.761 161.45
17.14 17:34:01 23.7 63.5 85.1 68.5 85.7 116.8 0.54 1.209 110.86
17.24 17:44:01 23.4 59.4 81.2 64.5 83.4 108.6 0.54 0.741 67.898
17.34 17:54:01 23.1 55.9 77.5 61.0 81.1 103.9 0.97 0.622 56.987
17.44 18:04:01 22.6 53.2 74.1 58.4 78.7 99.2 0.12 0.434 39.752
17.54 18:14:01 22.5 50.7 71.1 56.0 77.0 90.8 0.34 0.294 26.938
18.04 18:24:01 22.1 48.7 68.3 54.1 75.4 89.5 0.12 0.213 19.495
18.14 18:34:01 21.7 46.9 65.7 52.4 73.9 80.4 0.12 0.151 13.799
18.24 18:44:01 21.4 45.3 63.5 51.0 72.7 79.6 0.13 0.096 8.808
18.34 18:54:01 20.9 43.9 61.4 49.5 71.6 75.5 1.12 0.022 2.048
18.44 19:04:01 20.7 42.6 59.4 48.4 70.6 74.3 1.54 -0.001 -0.07834
18.54 19:14:01 20.1 41.3 57.5 47.2 69.5 73 0.87 -0.006 -0.57076
19.04 19:24:01 20.1 40.2 55.8 46.1 68.5 72.9 0.34 -0.012 -1.1079
19.14 19:34:01 19.8 39.4 54.4 45.5 67.7 70.5 0.56 -0.009 -0.83936
19.24 19:44:01 19.6 38.5 53.0 44.7 66.9 66 1.22 -0.007 -6.1553
19.34 19:54:01 19.4 37.8 51.7 43.9 66.1 65.4 1.78 -0.010 -0.88412
19.44 20:04:01 19.0 37.3 50.6 43.7 65.5 62.2 0.96 -0.008 -0.70506
19.54 20:14:01 18.8 36.8 49.5 43.2 64.8 60.3 0.27 -0.007 -0.61553
Average 24.1 93.4 89.9 94.9 101.3 112.6 1.1 8.2 750.3
stdev 1.2 5.9 15.5 6.0 9.1 10.2 0.7 1.5 139.5
Table G-5: Raw data for solar cooker on 24th Nov 2010 (Run # 5)
13.30 13:43:45 26.1 110.9 104.2 109.9 115.0 128.9 2.21 9.804 898.83
13.40 13:53:45 25.7 114.7 110.6 114.1 117.0 130.7 2.17 9.390 860.90
13.50 14:03:45 26.3 117.6 116.6 118..1 119.2 132.9 1.27 9.832 901.38
14.00 14:13:45 25.8 113.5 113.9 113.5 116.6 133.6 0.10 9.268 849.72
14.10 14:23:45 26.6 116.7 116.6 115.9 118.4 135.4 0.10 8.937 819.36
14.20 14:33:45 26.0 110.8 112.5 115.2 114.7 133.9 0.41 6.216 569.88
14.30 14:43:45 26.1 107.3 113.4 108.9 112.2 132.6 1.31 6.378 584.71
14.40 14:53:45 25.4 100.5 112.6 106.0 110.0 133.3 0.94 7.456 684.35
14.50 15:03:45 26.3 54.2 109.1 98.1 109.7 130.5 0.10 7.593 696.12
15.00 15:13:45 25.7 95.9 111.1 101.0 108.2 129.6 2.23 6.944 636.62
15.10 15:23:45 25.7 90.3 108.4 94.8 104.7 126.9 1.41 6.313 587.79
15.20 15:33:45 25.9 91.6 107.9 94.1 106.0 124 0.87 6.205 568.86
15.30 15:43:45 26.4 90.0 106.4 92.2 109.0 122.5 0.56 6.014 551.34
15.40 15:53:45 26.6 89.5 104.2 90.7 106.4 124.9 1.30 5.675 520.32
15.50 16:03:45 25.9 85.5 102.1 88.7 104.8 119.6 1.86 5.887 539.75
16.00 16:13:45 25.8 84.8 58.7 89.2 102.4 117.5 2.26 5.823 533.86
16.10 16:23:45 25.4 75.9 52.0 80.3 95.1 116.3 1.58 5.807 532.42
16.20 16:33:45 25.7 73.4 91.4 76.2 95.8 115.6 0.67 5.471 501.89
16.30 16:43:45 24.9 70.3 90.7 74.7 90.9 113.9 0.35 4.030 369.51
16.40 16:53:45 25.6 68.2 84.7 70.9 91.2 111.7 1.14 3.853 353.21
16.50 17:03:45 24.7 68.5 85.1 72.3 90.9 110.1 1.89 3.714 340.53
17.00 17:13:45 24.3 66.4 83.7 71.0 87.9 109.3 2.24 1.804 165.36
17.10 17:23:45 23.9 63.1 80.7 67.8 84.5 105.9 1.13 1.777 162.91
17.20 17:33:45 24.1 59.9 77.5 64.4 80.7 104.8 1.58 1.894 173.68
17.30 17:43:45 23.7 57.2 74.8 61.8 79.7 100.4 1.96 1.445 132.51
17.40 17:53:45 23.6 54.8 72.1 59.5 76.9 99.2 2.36 1.300 119.14
17.50 18:03:45 23.3 52.5 69.6 57.3 75.1 93.7 0.99 1.078 98.798
18.00 18:13:45 23.1 50.4 67.1 55.3 74.5 90.4 1.67 0.585 53.652
18.10 18:23:45 22.8 48.3 79.8 53.3 73.1 90 2.41 0.346 31.739
18.20 18:33:45 22.6 46.4 62.6 51.4 71.6 88.5 1.65 0.170 15.623
18.30 18:43:45 22.2 44.7 60.6 49.8 70.5 85.4 1.28 0.067 6.1441
18.40 18:53:45 21.8 43.2 58.8 48.4 69.7 84.3 1.64 0.060 5.4726
18.50 19:03:45 21.4 42.1 57.1 47.4 68.7 82.9 0.98 0.002 0.21264
19.00 19:13:45 21.2 40.7 55.4 46.1 67.9 70.3 0.36 -0.004 -0.34693
19.10 19:23:45 20.9 39.8 53.9 45.2 67.0 69.5 0.34 -0.004 -0.34693
19.20 19:33:45 20.8 38.7 52.3 44.1 66.0 62.2 1.22 -0.005 -0.43646
19.30 19:43:45 20.6 38.1 51.0 43.7 65.2 61.6 1.36 -0.005 -0.48123
19.40 19:53:45 20.4 37.4 49.9 43.1 64.7 60.4 1.92 -0.006 -0.52600
19.50 20:03:45 20.2 36.8 48.7 42.5 64.0 56.8 2.11 -0.005 -4.36460
Averages 24.8 94.3 90.0 96.0 101.5 115.1 1.1 8.5 781.4
Stdev 1.4 13.5 21.3 12.1 11.9 14.9 0.7 1.7 151.1
Table G-6: Raw data for solar cooker on 25th Nov 2010 (Run # 6)
Shift = 30:21
14:00:00 14:30:21 24.9 89.6 89.3 100.1 83.2 109.3 1.38 10.407 954.09
14:10:00 14:40:21 25.3 98.0 95.5 109.3 84.8 109.3 1.47 8.372 767.57
14:20:00 14:50:21 25.4 106.8 99.8 119.3 91.2 111.0 0.78 8.433 773.14
14:30:00 15:00:21 25.0 109.3 102.3 121.7 94.6 108.7 0.44 8.880 814.16
14:40:00 15:10:21 25.1 113.9 104.8 122.8 96.7 105.8 1.05 7.857 720.32
14:50:00 15:20:21 25.1 110.3 107.2 121.5 97.1 106.9 1.27 7.746 710.13
15:00:00 15:30:21 25.0 108.7 109.7 119.5 98.6 106.9 0.74 7.604 697.14
15:10:00 15:40:21 25.2 106.4 113.7 116.2 95.9 98.3 0.94 4.484 411.11
15:20:00 15:50:21 25.4 101.4 110.7 109.7 96.2 92.3 0.65 7.357 674.51
15:30:00 16:00:21 25.2 101.1 112.9 108.7 98.2 96.0 0.85 5.727 525.08
15:40:00 16:10:21 25.5 98.3 111.0 105.2 95.9 96.1 0.60 5.992 549.31
15:50:00 16:20:21 25.2 95.5 110.3 102.3 94.2 96.5 0.83 5.725 524.87
16:00:00 16:30:21 25.4 93.3 108.1 99.6 91.6 97.1 0.75 5.542 508.08
16:10:00 16:40:21 25.8 90.8 108.9 96.9 91.2 91.8 1.32 5.067 464.58
16:20:00 16:50:21 25.7 88.0 107.1 93.8 88.2 85.5 0.69 4.610 422.62
16:30:00 17:00:21 24.7 85.3 105.2 91.3 86.3 81.7 0.88 4.324 396.42
16:40:00 17:10:21 25.0 82.0 102.1 98.6 81.4 79.8 1.61 4.122 377.92
16:50:00 17:20:21 25.1 78.9 98.8 84.2 77.9 77.3 1.55 4.076 373.70
17:00:00 17:30:21 24.6 73.7 96.4 78.8 74.9 74.4 0.61 3.468 317.90
17:10:00 17:40:21 23.9 69.2 92.6 74.5 69.6 72.2 0.95 2.296 210.51
17:20:00 17:50:21 23.4 63.4 88.5 68.1 64.4 69.5 0.87 2.031 186.20
17:30:00 18:00:21 23.6 58.7 83.1 63.0 63.0 67.1 0.27 1.586 145.38
17:40:00 18:10:21 23.1 55.8 79.3 60.4 60.2 64.6 1.32 1.230 112.78
17:50:00 18:20:21 22.8 53.1 75.8 57.6 58.7 62.2 1.23 0.381 34.951
18:06:00 18:30:21 22.5 49.2 70.2 53.8 55.0 60.2 1.22 0.224 20.570
18:16:00 18:40:21 22.5 47.1 67.0 51.5 53.4 58.4 1.64 0.182 16.642
18:26:00 18:50:21 22.2 45.5 64.4 50.1 52.5 56.7 2.46 0.101 9.2553
18:36:00 19:00:21 21.9 44.0 62.0 48.6 51.3 55.1 1.76 0.030 2.7083
18:46:00 19:10:21 21.6 42.7 59.8 47.4 50.1 53.6 1.04 0.000 0.00000
18:56:00 19:20:21 21.3 41.4 57.8 46.2 48.9 52.3 1.81 -0.003 -0.25740
19:06:00 19:30:21 20.8 40.4 56.1 45.4 48.3 51.0 0.65 -0.002 -0.21264
19:16:00 19:40:21 20.7 39.6 54.6 44.7 47.4 49.8 1.62 -0.002 -0.21264
19:26:00 19:50:21 20.7 38.3 52.4 43.1 45.7 48.6 0.67 -0.008 -0.70506
19:36:00 20:00:21 20.3 37.8 51.4 42.5 45.4 47.6 0.34 0.000 0.00000
19:46:00 20:10:21 19.7 37.6 50.7 42.7 45.3 46.5 1.31 0.002 0.16787
19:56:00 20:20:21 19.7 36.9 49.2 41.8 44.2 45.8 1.01 -0.004 0.34693
avg 24.0 93.1 85.3 101.8 79.1 87.8 1.2 7.2 664.4
stdev 1.3 15.4 20.3 16.9 14.5 18.9 0.4 2.2 204.9
Table G-7: Raw data for solar cooker on 26th Nov 2010 (Run # 7)
Shift = 18:56
14:10:00 14:28:56 22.4 77.7 70.5 89.8 68.0 94.4 1.76 9.183 841.88
14:20:00 14:38:56 22.9 88.9 75.3 102.0 71.8 91.8 1.04 9.796 898.12
14:30:00 14:48:56 22.6 84.9 76.5 96.3 71.7 90.7 2.39 8.460 775.64
14:40:00 14:58:56 23.0 92.9 82.1 105.6 77.1 94.9 1.35 8.542 783.14
14:50:00 15:08:56 22.8 87.8 481.6 97.5 74.5 88.7 1.34 8.402 770.29
15:00:00 15:18:56 23.1 82.6 80.9 91.3 71.4 86.5 1.88 6.166 565.26
15:10:00 15:28:56 22.4 74.3 81.9 80.7 67.2 90.4 1.52 1.834 168.13
15:20:00 15:38:56 22.6 72.4 78.6 79.5 67.1 84.5 0.99 5.984 548.59
15:30:00 15:48:56 22.9 73.0 80.2 80.5 66.0 88.0 1.36 2.344 214.92
15:40:00 15:58:56 22.3 66.6 77.7 71.9 63.4 83.2 1.07 1.465 134.33
15:50:00 16:08:56 22.0 61.5 74.0 66.4 60.1 84.3 1.01 1.581 144.93
16:00:00 16:18:56 22.0 57.7 71.2 62.2 58.2 81.2 1.23 1.228 112.60
16:10:00 16:28:56 21.8 54.4 68.1 58.5 56.0 78.4 1.22 1.374 125.96
16:20:00 16:38:56 21.8 52.7 65.1 56.9 54.4 78.4 0.64 2.077 190.43
16:30:00 16:48:56 22.0 52.0 63.4 56.2 53.0 76.2 2.46 2.260 207.18
16:40:00 16:58:56 22.1 53.3 62.5 58.3 53.0 73.3 1.76 2.171 199.07
16:50:00 17:08:56 22.3 53.5 61.8 58.6 53.1 72.2 1.04 1.724 158.10
17:00:00 17:18:56 22.1 52.2 60.7 57.2 52.1 70.5 2.39 1.050 96.302
17:10:00 17:28:56 21.3 49.3 60.0 53.8 51.8 68.6 1.35 0.434 39.752
17:20:00 17:38:56 21.0 47.0 58.2 51.5 50.7 66.6 1.34 0.467 42.785
17:30:00 17:48:56 21.0 45.4 56.3 49.6 49.3 65.2 1.64 0.824 75.553
17:40:00 17:58:56 21.2 44.6 54.6 49.1 48.0 63.5 0.95 0.841 77.064
17:50:00 18:08:56 18.2 45.4 56.9 51.8 50.8 62.2 0.78 0.656 60.187
18:00:00 18:18:56 17.9 43.4 55.7 49.3 48.6 60.8 1.27 0.438 40.155
18:10:00 18:28:56 17.7 41.7 54.0 47.7 47.9 58.7 1.32 0.217 19.854
18:20:00 18:38:56 17.8 40.3 52.6 46.3 41.7 57.2 1.23 0.121 11.124
18:30:00 18:48:56 17.6 39.3 51.6 45.1 46.4 56.1 1.22 0.066 6.0098
18:40:00 18:58:56 17.3 38.2 50.5 44.2 45.8 55.0 1.64 0.022 2.0033
18:50:00 19:08:56 17.2 37.2 49.4 43.2 44.9 53.7 2.46 0.004 0.34693
19:00:00 19:18:56 17.2 36.3 48.3 42.4 44.2 52.1 1.76 0.001 0.12311
19:10:00 19:28:56 17.2 36.0 47.3 41.5 43.3 49.5 1.21 -0.002 -0.16787
19:20:00 19:38:56 17.0 34.9 46.4 41.0 42.7 47.8 1.83 -0.001 -0.07834
19:30:00 19:48:56 16.9 34.4 45.7 40.4 42.3 46.4 1.43 0.000 0.00000
19:40:00 19:58:56 16.9 33.9 45.1 39.8 42.0 46.1 0.77 0.005 0.43646
19:50:00 20:08:56 16.9 33.4 44.4 39.3 41.2 45.4 0.73 -0.008 -0.70506
avg 21.8 64.8 71.4 73.6 55.6 73.1 1.3 5.2 477.7
stdev 1.0 15.4 72.7 17.0 12.0 21.6 0.5 3.0 273.2
Table G-8: Raw data for solar cooker on 27th Nov 2010 (Run # 8)
Shift = 34:15
14:00:00 14:34:15 23.4 54.5 49.6 65.2 45.8 84.3 1.04 6.449 591.25
14:10:00 14:44:15 23.8 67.5 51.7 84.5 50.2 86.0 0.84 4.430 406.16
14:20:00 14:54:15 23.3 59.2 55.7 68.5 49.9 88.0 1.35 2.756 252.63
14:30:00 15:04:15 24.1 65.4 55.2 76.5 52.9 86.7 0.87 6.230 571.13
14:40:00 15:14:15 24.3 74.8 60.1 86.9 59.8 89.2 1.29 9.799 898.39
14:50:00 15:24:15 23.8 67.5 64.0 75.1 55.4 91.8 0.92 2.920 267.68
15:00:00 15:34:15 23.9 68.9 66.4 78.2 57.0 89.7 1.51 2.173 199.21
15:10:00 15:44:15 24.3 68.9 64.2 78.1 58.9 92.3 1.08 7.791 714.31
15:20:00 15:54:15 22.9 66.8 70.3 73.6 59.5 88.6 2.25 1.932 177.12
15:30:00 16:04:15 23.1 63.9 68.0 70.8 58.1 88.6 1.89 2.517 230.77
15:40:00 16:14:15 23.2 60.7 67.6 66.4 56.4 88.4 2.21 2.005 183.80
15:50:00 16:24:15 22.6 57.1 66.1 62.2 55.4 87.0 1.07 1.614 147.95
16:00:00 16:34:15 22.5 53.4 63.2 57.6 52.9 85.1 1.17 1.316 120.65
16:10:00 16:44:15 22.1 50.6 61.7 54.8 52.2 81.1 1.27 1.133 103.83
16:20:00 16:54:15 22.4 48.7 59.7 52.4 50.6 79.9 0.32 1.479 135.57
16:30:00 17:04:15 22.5 47.6 57.6 51.3 49.3 76.1 1.23 2.039 186.96
16:40:00 17:14:15 21.5 49.0 59.0 53.7 51.4 63.2 1.22 0.519 47.552
16:50:00 17:24:15 18.3 46.9 59.3 52.8 52.0 46.7 0.64 0.517 47.373
17:00:00 17:34:15 17.4 44.9 57.7 50.7 50.7 44.3 2.46 0.387 35.477
17:10:00 17:44:15 17.6 43.2 55.8 49.1 49.5 46.0 1.76 0.388 35.566
17:20:00 17:54:15 17.0 41.9 54.4 47.8 48.2 47.4 1.04 0.404 36.999
17:30:00 18:04:15 17.9 40.7 52.9 46.5 47.0 46.9 1.72 0.362 33.205
17:40:00 18:14:15 17.8 39.7 51.6 45.2 46.0 46.8 1.35 0.303 27.822
17:50:00 18:24:15 17.7 38.9 50.4 44.1 45.1 46.2 1.32 0.236 21.633
18:00:00 18:34:15 17.6 37.9 49.4 43.3 44.3 45.7 1.06 0.195 17.895
18:10:00 18:44:15 17.5 37.2 48.5 42.2 43.6 45.1 0.98 0.153 14.023
18:20:00 18:54:15 17.4 36.5 47.5 41.4 42.9 44.6 1.27 0.128 11.706
18:30:00 19:04:15 17.4 35.8 46.7 40.9 42.6 44.1 1.32 0.063 5.7412
18:40:00 19:14:15 17.2 35.1 46.0 40.4 42.2 43.6 1.23 0.018 1.6451
18:50:00 19:24:15 17.1 34.5 45.2 39.8 41.7 43.0 1.08 0.001 0.07834
19:00:00 19:34:15 17.1 34.0 44.5 39.3 41.5 42.2 1.64 -0.003 -0.30217
19:10:00 19:44:15 17.8 33.5 44.0 38.9 41.0 41.7 2.17 -0.002 -0.16787
19:20:00 19:54:15 17.9 33.1 43.4 38.5 40.7 41.4 1.76 -0.006 -0.52600
19:30:00 20:04:15 17.9 32.5 42.6 37.9 39.9 41.0 1.04 0.000 0.03357
19:40:00 20:14:15 17.7 32.0 42.0 37.7 39.6 40.6 1.98 -0.003 -0.25740
19:50:00 20:24:15 17.6 31.6 41.5 37.3 39.1 39.8 1.53 0.000 0.00000
avg 19.9 45.7 44.3 54.4 41.4 67.1 1.2 3.7 343.7
stdev 2.8 15.3 11.9 16.9 9.7 18.6 0.5 2.4 218.4
Table G9: Raw data for solar cooker on 28th Nov 2010 (Run # 9)
Shift = 31:42
14:10:00 14:41:42 24.2 107.7 96.9 121.3 89.7 108.6 1.04 8.566 784.93
14:20:00 14:51:42 25.1 108.9 96.8 121.6 88.8 104.2 1.89 8.499 779.15
14:30:00 15:01:42 25.3 108.5 95.5 120.4 88.3 97.9 1.21 8.966 822.01
14:40:00 15:11:42 25.3 107.9 98.9 119.6 90.2 91.5 0.91 8.482 777.63
14:50:00 15:21:42 25.1 107.0 100.4 118.5 90.3 96.8 0.67 7.859 720.50
15:00:00 15:31:42 25.2 104.9 101.8 116.1 90.0 91.5 1.10 6.400 586.75
15:10:00 15:41:42 25.5 100.8 100.4 110.0 87.9 96.1 1.35 7.453 683.32
15:20:00 15:51:42 25.5 99.8 100.6 108.2 88.4 95.3 0.66 7.760 711.47
15:30:00 16:01:42 24.8 94.0 101.7 102.7 86.1 91.2 1.32 4.697 430.61
15:40:00 16:11:42 25.4 91.9 98.4 98.4 85.0 85.0 0.84 6.167 565.38
15:50:00 16:21:42 24.9 89.3 100.9 95.6 83.3 83.8 1.59 1.575 144.39
16:00:00 16:31:42 25.3 86.0 97.0 92.3 79.6 83.5 1.35 1.401 128.41
16:10:00 16:41:42 24.3 77.9 91.2 81.8 76.3 80.7 0.87 3.831 351.22
16:20:00 16:51:42 25.0 78.1 88.6 82.9 74.0 78.9 1.29 5.089 466.54
16:30:00 17:01:42 24.7 77.1 87.2 82.3 72.2 76.5 0.92 2.891 265.01
16:40:00 17:11:42 24.6 73.0 83.9 77.1 68.7 73.3 1.51 3.966 363.64
16:50:00 17:21:42 24.8 71.0 81.8 75.2 66.8 70.4 1.08 3.666 336.12
17:00:00 17:31:42 24.2 69.1 80.7 78.0 66.3 67.9 1.25 2.866 262.80
17:10:00 17:41:42 23.5 65.1 78.5 68.5 66.4 65.3 1.89 0.731 67.048
17:20:00 17:51:42 23.9 61.9 74.9 64.9 61.3 63.2 1.21 2.199 201.65
17:30:00 18:01:42 23.7 59.4 72.6 62.6 62.0 61.2 1.07 1.689 154.86
17:40:00 18:11:42 23.4 57.7 70.3 61.1 60.4 59.2 2.17 1.373 125.91
17:50:00 18:21:42 23.0 56.2 68.6 59.8 59.5 57.5 2.27 0.812 74.400
18:00:00 18:31:42 22.5 54.5 67.0 58.4 58.5 56.0 2.32 0.461 42.292
18:10:00 18:41:42 22.1 52.9 65.4 56.9 57.6 54.2 1.23 0.268 24.532
18:20:00 18:51:42 21.8 51.6 63.9 55.8 56.7 52.9 1.22 0.167 15.355
18:30:00 19:01:42 21.4 50.1 62.4 54.5 55.8 51.7 0.64 0.062 5.6517
18:40:00 19:11:42 21.1 48.8 60.9 53.3 54.8 50.1 2.46 0.009 0.83936
18:50:00 19:21:42 20.6 47.8 59.8 52.5 54.1 49.2 1.76 0.001 0.07834
19:00:00 19:31:42 20.4 46.6 58.5 51.4 53.3 48.1 1.04 -0.003 -0.30217
19:10:00 19:41:42 20.1 225.6 57.3 50.6 52.4 47.9 2.39 -0.002 -0.21264
19:20:00 19:51:42 19.9 44.7 56.2 49.7 51.6 47.4 1.35 -0.005 -0.48123
19:30:00 20:01:42 19.7 43.9 55.1 48.9 50.8 46.3 1.34 -0.004 -0.39170
19:40:00 20:11:42 19.5 43.1 54.1 48.2 50.1 42.8 0.68 -0.005 -0.43646
19:50:00 20:21:42 19.4 42.3 53.1 47.4 49.2 41.8 0.52 -0.003 -0.25740
avg 23.7 85.1 73.0 96.2 70.1 88.3 1.2 7.7 708.9
stdev 1.4 20.8 23.4 22.7 18.1 17.0 0.4 2.4 223.5
Table G-10: Raw data for solar cooker on 29th Nov 2010 (Run # 10)
Shift = 28:36
14:10:00 14:28:36 24.3 88.2 84.3 97.4 73.0 108.6 1.27 1.890 173.29
14:20:00 14:38:36 25.1 92.1 83.6 103.2 74.1 104.2 1.32 3.318 304.15
14:30:00 14:48:36 24.8 92.0 87.4 101.4 75.5 97.9 1.23 2.021 185.26
14:40:00 14:58:36 24.9 90.8 84.3 101.9 76.5 91.5 1.22 7.351 673.98
14:50:00 15:08:36 25.2 92.7 85.9 103.7 77.7 96.8 0.64 7.258 665.45
15:00:00 15:18:36 25.0 92.4 88.6 103.0 79.5 91.5 2.46 7.195 659.64
15:10:00 15:28:36 25.5 88.4 86.3 96.9 76.2 96.1 1.76 6.891 631.81
15:20:00 15:38:36 25.5 88.3 88.9 97.1 78.5 95.3 1.04 6.750 618.82
15:30:00 15:48:36 25.0 82.4 87.3 89.4 75.5 91.2 2.39 4.661 427.37
15:40:00 15:58:36 24.8 80.6 86.9 87.1 75.0 85.0 1.35 5.289 484.93
15:50:00 16:08:36 24.7 79.4 86.2 86.1 74.2 83.8 1.34 5.139 471.11
16:00:00 16:18:36 25.0 77.8 85.3 84.4 71.8 83.5 0.64 3.730 341.95
16:10:00 16:28:36 24.9 76.2 83.4 82.5 70.8 80.7 2.46 4.983 456.84
16:20:00 16:38:36 24.8 71.3 81.5 75.8 69.1 78.9 1.76 4.301 394.32
16:30:00 16:48:36 24.5 70.6 80.6 76.2 66.3 76.5 1.04 1.571 144.00
16:40:00 16:58:36 24.0 65.7 78.4 69.5 66.1 73.3 2.39 1.105 101.29
16:50:00 17:08:36 23.9 52.1 69.6 36.1 34.3 70.4 1.35 2.780 254.91
17:00:00 17:18:36 23.7 33.4 55.9 31.1 29.9 67.9 1.34 1.337 122.58
17:10:00 17:28:36 24.0 38.9 50.3 32.1 31.7 65.3 1.64 2.428 222.57
17:20:00 17:38:36 23.5 41.2 49.6 34.4 38.0 63.2 0.95 0.958 87.797
17:30:00 17:48:36 23.1 35.5 49.4 39.2 41.7 61.2 0.78 0.686 62.907
17:40:00 17:58:36 23.1 36.9 48.3 40.4 42.2 59.2 0.66 0.760 69.633
17:50:00 18:08:36 22.8 38.1 47.7 42.1 48.9 57.5 1.45 0.713 65.358
18:00:00 18:18:36 22.6 38.4 47.3 42.4 42.5 56.0 0.93 0.559 51.290
18:10:00 18:28:36 22.3 38.3 46.8 42.5 42.2 54.2 0.75 0.241 22.125
18:20:00 18:38:36 22.0 37.8 46.1 42.0 41.8 52.9 1.34 0.101 9.3001
18:30:00 18:48:36 21.7 37.4 45.7 41.9 41.5 51.7 0.68 0.048 4.4430
18:40:00 18:58:36 21.3 37.0 45.2 41.8 41.2 50.1 0.82 0.012 1.1079
18:50:00 19:08:36 21.0 36.5 44.6 41.4 40.9 49.2 1.29 0.002 0.21264
19:00:00 19:18:36 20.8 35.9 44.0 40.9 40.4 48.1 0.92 -0.002 -0.21264
19:10:00 19:28:36 20.7 35.4 43.2 40.4 39.8 47.2 1.51 -0.003 -0.30217
19:20:00 19:38:36 20.5 35.2 42.6 40.1 39.6 46.9 1.08 0.000 0.03357
19:30:00 19:48:36 20.3 34.7 42.3 40.0 39.4 46.4 1.25 0.000 0.03357
19:40:00 19:58:36 20.0 34.4 41.9 39.8 39.1 45.8 1.89 -0.002 -0.21264
19:50:00 20:08:36 19.9 34.0 41.4 39.5 38.8 43.1 1.21 -0.003 -0.30217
avg 23.5 71.8 63.8 81.0 60.6 89.1 1.3 5.5 504.9
stdev 1.5 17.8 19.5 19.4 14.3 15.1 0.5 2.9 263.7
Table G-11: Raw data for solar cooker on 30th Nov 2010 (Run #11)
Shift = 46.50
14:00:00 14:46:50 25.9 100.4 91.6 103.5 86.1 105.4 0.95 8.870 813.17
14:10:00 14:56:50 24.6 95.2 97.4 102.3 81.3 106.8 0.78 3.139 287.81
14:20:00 15:06:50 25.3 101.7 98.3 109.9 84.7 108.0 1.66 2.795 256.28
14:30:00 15:16:50 25.8 98.8 94.4 102.9 87.4 107.3 1.45 8.816 808.23
14:40:00 15:26:50 24.5 91.4 98.4 98.4 79.4 105.7 0.93 1.854 170.00
14:50:00 15:36:50 25.6 89.3 94.4 94.4 81.6 105.1 0.75 7.247 664.37
15:00:00 15:46:50 25.2 92.4 94.5 95.9 86.5 102.9 0.48 8.287 759.77
15:10:00 15:56:50 25.4 94.1 98.9 99.2 88.9 99.4 0.71 7.161 656.52
15:20:00 16:06:50 25.2 94.6 100.1 98.7 89.8 97.9 0.59 6.635 608.26
15:30:00 16:16:50 25.2 86.8 98.0 90.8 84.6 92.0 1.25 6.903 632.89
15:40:00 16:26:50 24.9 87.1 97.2 91.8 86.0 90.6 1.21 6.395 586.31
15:50:00 16:36:50 26.0 86.2 96.8 91.1 85.6 87.9 0.76 6.387 585.60
16:00:00 16:46:50 24.8 82.0 97.2 87.8 80.9 85.2 1.55 3.352 307.27
16:10:00 16:56:50 24.7 76.6 92.4 81.6 78.1 76.1 0.81 5.014 459.68
16:20:00 17:06:50 24.8 76.2 91.9 81.1 77.6 76.9 0.75 4.145 379.97
16:30:00 17:16:50 25.3 73.8 89.1 78.5 75.6 76.0 1.29 4.097 375.65
16:40:00 17:26:50 24.8 72.2 89.1 77.7 72.4 71.4 0.92 1.194 109.49
16:50:00 17:36:50 24.1 66.4 85.4 71.2 66.3 69.5 0.51 1.132 103.74
17:00:00 17:46:50 24.3 62.4 81.1 66.9 64.4 66.9 1.08 1.618 148.35
17:09:00 17:56:50 23.8 59.6 78.2 63.9 62.0 62.2 1.25 2.391 219.19
17:19:00 18:06:50 23.6 57.1 75.5 61.6 59.7 59.2 1.89 1.105 101.34
17:29:00 18:16:50 23.2 54.2 64.6 58.6 57.0 56.5 1.21 0.530 48.615
17:39:00 18:26:50 23.1 51.3 63.9 55.5 54.7 54.7 1.07 0.400 36.283
17:49:00 18:36:50 22.9 48.9 61.2 53.1 52.9 52.7 1.17 0.280 25.684
17:59:00 18:46:50 22.6 47.0 58.8 51.1 51.4 50.7 1.27 0.151 13.844
18:09:00 18:56:50 22.4 45.1 56.6 49.3 49.9 48.8 1.32 0.114 10.408
18:19:00 19:06:50 22.3 43.7 54.8 48.0 48.8 47.1 1.23 0.130 11.885
18:29:00 19:16:50 22.0 42.7 57.6 47.2 48.0 45.5 1.22 0.058 5.2935
18:39:00 19:26:50 21.6 41.5 55.9 46.1 47.1 44.0 1.64 0.016 1.4213
18:49:00 19:36:50 21.4 40.5 54.3 45.1 46.1 42.7 2.46 0.001 0.07834
18:59:00 19:46:50 21.1 39.6 52.8 44.4 45.4 41.4 1.76 0.000 0.03357
19:09:00 19:56:50 21.0 38.8 51.4 43.7 44.7 400.3 1.04 -0.001 -0.12311
19:19:00 20:06:50 20.9 37.9 49.8 42.8 43.7 39.3 2.39 -0.001 -0.12311
19:29:00 20:16:50 20.8 37.3 48.5 42.2 42.9 38.4 1.35 -0.001 -0.12311
19:39:00 20:26:50 20.8 36.6 47.2 41.5 42.2 37.5 1.34 -0.002 -0.21264
19:49:00 20:36:50 20.9 36.0 46.0 40.7 41.4 36.6 0.76 -0.006 -0.52600
19:59:00 20:46:50 20.7 35.7 45.2 40.6 40.3 36.3 1.59 -0.001 -0.12311
avg 24.0 85.4 77.7 91.0 72.7 85.4 1.2 6.2 572.6
stdev 1.4 14.8 19.0 15.7 15.1 19.3 0.4 3.2 290.4
Table G-12: Raw data for solar cooker on 1st Dec 2010 (Run #12)
Shift: 11:33
14:00:00 14:11:33 25.8 115.2 105.8 121.8 114.9 108.6 0.07 9.114 835.56
14:10:00 14:21:33 26.1 115.9 105.8 120.0 114.3 109.0 0.09 9.082 832.66
14:20:00 14:31:33 26.0 113.5 109.0 120.1 116.1 109.6 0.86 5.786 530.47
14:30:00 14:41:33 25.6 106.8 108.2 113.9 120.3 107.3 0.68 4.784 438.58
14:40:00 14:51:33 26.6 101.7 104.0 105.8 120.5 105.1 0.90 8.808 807.56
14:50:00 15:01:33 26.0 100.3 105.8 105.7 121.5 101.0 1.15 8.411 771.09
15:00:00 15:11:33 25.1 94.1 107.8 100.5 122.6 98.0 1.28 2.589 237.31
15:10:00 15:21:33 24.8 84.0 101.3 89.3 123.8 94.5 0.21 2.186 200.45
15:20:00 15:31:33 24.7 76.6 95.1 80.3 123.6 91.2 1.05 3.925 359.81
15:30:00 15:41:33 25.5 80.9 93.8 84.3 126.6 86.7 0.08 6.943 636.58
15:40:00 15:51:33 24.7 79.6 96.5 85.1 126.2 85.9 0.54 1.675 153.52
15:50:00 16:01:33 25.6 81.1 94.0 86.3 126.7 85.2 0.06 6.023 552.20
16:00:00 16:11:33 24.9 81.6 96.6 87.2 125.0 82.9 0.04 1.993 182.73
16:10:00 16:21:33 24.5 75.9 93.6 81.4 122.8 78.2 2.42 1.563 143.28
16:20:00 16:31:33 24.3 68.9 88.4 73.5 120.2 76.7 0.01 1.114 102.09
16:30:00 16:41:33 24.3 64.8 83.4 69.4 117.9 73.1 0.02 4.091 375.08
16:40:00 16:51:33 24.8 65.2 81.8 70.0 114.0 72.0 0.42 3.565 326.86
16:50:00 17:01:33 24.6 63.7 80.4 68.6 111.4 68.9 0.81 2.457 225.25
17:00:00 17:11:33 24.7 61.0 77.6 65.3 107.9 66.7 0.01 2.685 246.13
17:10:00 17:21:33 24.1 58.5 75.6 63.0 104.8 66.1 0.86 1.759 161.22
17:20:00 17:31:33 23.5 55.3 73.0 59.8 101.4 64.0 0.54 0.746 68.435
17:30:00 17:41:33 23.2 52.4 70.2 57.0 98.2 61.8 0.28 0.977 89.531
17:40:00 17:51:33 23.0 50.1 67.5 54.6 95.6 61.0 0.50 0.849 77.870
17:50:00 18:01:33 22.8 48.2 65.1 52.9 91.4 59.5 0.42 0.415 38.017
18:00:00 18:11:33 22.6 46.3 62.8 51.0 87.7 58.2 0.67 0.265 24.308
18:10:00 18:21:33 22.2 44.7 60.8 49.5 84.4 56.9 0.85 0.192 17.626
18:20:00 18:31:33 21.8 43.3 59.0 48.4 81.7 55.9 0.64 0.116 10.677
18:30:00 18:41:33 21.5 42.0 57.2 47.1 77.5 54.7 0.87 0.050 4.6221
18:40:00 18:51:33 21.2 40.8 55.6 45.8 72.8 53.9 0.69 0.012 1.0632
18:50:00 19:01:33 20.8 39.9 54.2 45.2 46.4 53.0 1.62 -0.003 -0.30217
19:00:00 19:11:33 20.6 38.9 52.6 44.3 45.5 51.6 1.02 -0.005 -0.48123
19:10:00 19:21:33 20.5 38.2 51.4 43.7 44.9 50.6 0.23 -0.007 -0.61553
19:20:00 19:31:33 20.2 37.6 50.2 43.3 44.3 50.0 1.18 -0.008 -0.70506
19:30:00 19:41:33 20.1 36.9 48.9 42.4 43.4 49.0 0.41 -0.006 -0.52600
19:40:00 19:51:33 20.0 36.4 47.9 42.2 42.9 48.5 0.95 -0.007 -0.66029
19:50:00 20:01:33 19.8 35.9 47.0 41.6 42.4 44.2 0.67 -0.004 -0.39170
Averages 24.6 92.0 85.3 96.9 99.4 92.1 0.5 6.1 559.0
Stdev 1.3 15.1 19.8 16.1 22.7 19.2 0.4 2.8 254.7
Table G-13: Raw data for solar cooker on 2nd Dec 2010 (Run #13)
Shift = 11.11
10:00:00 10:11:11 22.1 81.1 50.0 82.8 73.3 82.7 1.76 6.207 569.04
10:10:00 10:21:11 22.3 84.8 54.2 86.9 77.8 87.8 1.04 6.515 597.38
10:20:00 10:31:11 23.1 88.5 57.3 89.8 80.3 90.5 2.39 6.876 630.38
10:30:00 10:41:11 23.4 88.1 60.3 89.2 83.3 96.1 1.35 7.031 644.61
10:40:00 10:51:11 23.3 91.1 64.9 94.0 86.9 91.4 1.34 7.277 667.13
10:50:00 11:01:11 23.2 93.7 67.3 95.4 88.3 93.9 1.64 7.764 711.76
11:00:00 11:11:11 24.2 93.8 69.7 97.1 90.0 98.9 0.95 8.048 737.84
11:10:00 11:21:11 24.2 96.1 73.9 99.7 92.6 102.4 1.35 8.084 741.14
11:20:00 11:31:11 24.2 99.3 78.2 102.9 96.2 102.2 0.87 7.996 733.06
11:30:00 11:41:11 24.6 101.3 81.7 105.0 99.7 107.9 1.29 8.195 751.28
11:40:00 11:51:11 24.2 102.8 84.1 106.4 101.4 106.8 0.92 8.369 767.28
11:50:00 12:01:11 24.7 104.1 87.2 107.8 103.5 107 1.51 8.489 778.26
12:00:00 12:11:11 24.7 105.7 90.3 110.8 105.2 107.2 1.08 8.803 807.02
12:10:00 12:21:11 25.0 106.2 91.3 111.8 106.5 107.5 1.25 8.597 788.21
12:20:00 12:31:11 24.8 108.1 94.8 113.5 108.7 108.2 1.89 8.635 791.67
12:30:00 12:41:11 24.9 108.5 96.0 113.8 110.4 108.9 2.21 8.778 804.80
12:40:00 12:51:11 24.5 109.6 98.6 114.5 110.9 110.7 1.07 8.769 803.96
12:50:00 13:01:11 25.7 110.6 102.1 117.4 113.6 111.2 1.17 8.788 805.73
13:00:00 13:11:11 25.2 111.2 103.2 117.6 113.4 114.9 1.27 8.825 809.12
13:10:00 13:21:11 25.2 112.3 104.6 118.7 115.8 114.3 1.32 8.742 801.44
13:20:00 13:31:11 25.4 110.6 105.4 117.4 117.5 116.1 1.23 8.566 785.35
13:30:00 13:41:11 25.4 113.0 106.5 119.4 119.6 120.3 1.12 8.551 783.96
13:40:00 13:51:11 25.3 114.6 108.7 122.5 120.5 120.5 1.64 8.648 792.81
13:50:00 14:01:11 25.8 115.1 108.7 122.0 119.5 121.5 1.37 8.414 771.38
14:00:00 14:11:11 26.0 116.1 106.3 122.7 119.8 122.6 1.76 8.139 746.20
14:10:00 14:21:11 26.3 116.5 105.7 122.0 120.4 123.8 1.04 7.969 730.62
14:20:00 14:31:11 26.3 117.1 106.8 122.8 119.6 123.6 2.15 8.071 739.96
14:30:00 14:41:11 25.3 115.6 110.0 122.8 119.3 126.6 1.35 7.885 722.88
14:40:00 14:51:11 25.3 113.4 112.0 120.7 121.2 126.2 0.86 3.769 345.51
14:50:00 15:01:11 25.9 110.5 109.1 114.9 119.4 126.7 0.74 7.432 681.37
15:00:00 15:11:11 25.8 104.9 108.2 108.9 118.5 125.0 0.88 7.133 653.95
15:10:00 15:21:11 25.2 86.0 104.6 24.4 24.5 122.8 1.32 4.702 431.05
15:20:00 15:31:11 25.1 83.1 102.0 24.8 25.7 120.2 0.68 4.181 383.32
15:30:00 15:41:11 25.3 79.7 99.2 25.8 28.4 117.9 2.18 3.866 354.42
15:40:00 15:51:11 25.2 75.9 95.9 27.1 30.5 114.0 1.76 3.424 313.91
15:50:00 16:01:11 25.1 72.7 93.2 28.4 39.6 111.4 1.04 3.234 296.49
16:00:00 16:11:11 24.7 69.3 90.2 29.9 46.9 107.9 2.39 2.812 257.84
16:10:00 16:21:11 24.3 65.0 86.5 33.6 58.5 104.8 1.35 1.988 182.29
16:20:00 16:31:11 23.9 60.7 82.7 39.4 62.2 101.4 1.69 0.841 77.109
16:30:00 16:41:11 23.8 56.8 78.7 43.8 77.3 98.2 1.64 1.472 134.99
16:40:00 16:51:11 23.6 53.9 75.1 48.5 79.4 88.2 0.93 1.131 103.70
16:50:00 17:01:11 23.3 51.5 72.0 51.9 82.1 84.3 0.78 0.725 66.466
17:00:00 17:11:11 23.0 49.4 69.0 52.5 86.5 77.5 0.66 0.578 52.980
17:10:00 17:21:11 22.8 47.5 66.4 51.3 88.5 72.8 0.75 0.326 29.870
17:20:00 17:31:11 22.4 46.0 64.1 50.0 88.9 68.0 0.95 0.193 17.671
17:30:00 17:41:11 22.0 44.4 62.0 48.6 89.5 64.2 0.64 0.068 6.1888
17:40:00 17:51:11 21.4 41.1 57.0 45.5 88.4 61.4 0.64 -0.012 -1.1079
17:50:00 18:01:11 21.0 40.2 55.3 44.9 87.9 58.7 1.12 -0.002 -0.21264
18:00:00 18:11:11 20.9 39.2 53.5 43.8 86.2 56.4 1.62 -0.001 -0.07834
18:10:00 18:21:11 20.5 38.4 52.1 43.1 85.7 54.8 1.23 -0.002 -0.16787
18:20:00 18:31:11 20.3 37.7 50.4 42.3 83.9 53.4 1.31 -0.002 -0.21264
18:30:00 18:41:11 20.3 36.9 48.8 41.4 79.6 52.1 1.33 -0.002 -0.16787
18:40:00 18:51:11 20.4 36.2 47.4 40.6 78.4 49.4 1.23 -0.001 -0.07834
Averages 24.8 95.2 89.9 89.7 91.1 108.9 1.4 6.5 597.5
Stdev 1.0 14.0 17.9 32.8 30.6 11.8 0.5 1.9 170.6
Table G-14: Raw data for solar cooker on 3rd Dec 2010 (Run #14)
Shift = 10:49
14:00:00 14:10:49 26.0 119.9 111.8 89.8 100.2 121.8 1.91 8.249 756.25
14:10:00 14:20:49 26.5 120.4 113.5 90.6 101.7 120.8 1.92 8.126 744.96
14:20:00 14:30:49 26.3 120.7 115.0 91.0 102.3 117.5 0.67 8.098 742.39
14:30:00 14:40:49 26.0 119.6 115.1 92.0 101.6 114.8 0.78 7.789 714.09
14:40:00 14:50:49 26.3 117.3 115.8 92.1 100.4 113.4 1.64 7.629 699.41
14:50:00 15:00:49 26.8 114.7 116.4 94.2 101.1 111.3 0.98 7.466 684.49
15:00:00 15:10:49 26.5 112.2 117.9 98.6 100.1 109.7 1.36 7.084 649.45
15:10:00 15:20:49 26.8 108.9 117.2 99.7 107.5 107.1 1.34 6.779 621.53
15:20:00 15:30:49 26.3 105.6 118.8 100.2 108.9 104.4 1.22 6.485 594.55
15:30:00 15:40:49 26.9 102.6 117.8 98.0 110.7 101.4 1.36 6.151 563.91
15:40:00 15:50:49 26.9 99.5 117.0 96.0 111.2 98.4 1.56 5.778 529.77
15:50:00 16:00:49 26.7 96.2 113.1 94.0 114.9 95.0 2.11 5.517 505.81
16:00:00 16:10:49 26.5 93.4 111.2 91.3 114.3 91.2 0.89 5.044 462.40
16:10:00 16:20:49 26.5 90.6 111.8 91.1 116.1 87.8 1.56 4.774 437.64
16:20:00 16:30:49 26.2 86.5 111.6 87.3 120.3 86.5 1.13 4.376 401.17
16:30:00 16:40:49 26.4 83.3 107.9 84.5 120.5 85.9 1.33 4.030 369.43
16:40:00 16:50:49 26.3 79.9 105.6 81.0 121.5 85.7 2.34 3.620 331.89
16:50:00 17:00:49 25.9 76.9 103.4 78.9 122.6 85.4 0.76 3.261 298.98
17:00:00 17:10:49 25.9 73.0 99.2 75.3 123.8 83.2 1.28 2.841 260.42
17:10:00 17:20:49 25.8 68.7 94.8 69.6 123.6 81.8 1.26 1.406 128.90
17:20:00 17:30:49 25.2 64.1 90.4 66.3 126.6 77.9 1.13 0.809 74.132
17:30:00 17:40:49 24.8 60.3 86.2 64.0 126.2 75.0 1.24 1.493 136.92
17:40:00 17:50:49 24.5 57.4 82.3 61.5 126.7 71.9 1.17 0.812 74.400
17:50:00 18:00:49 24.2 54.7 78.5 59.4 125.0 70.2 1.98 0.769 70.528
18:00:00 18:10:49 24.1 52.4 75.1 57.6 122.8 68.5 0.99 0.475 43.546
18:10:00 18:20:49 23.8 50.6 72.1 56.1 120.2 65.8 0.98 0.378 34.637
18:20:00 18:30:49 23.5 49.0 69.4 54.8 117.9 63.5 1.23 0.290 26.580
18:30:00 18:40:49 23.0 47.4 67.0 53.5 114.0 61.9 1.05 0.116 10.632
18:40:00 18:50:49 22.4 45.9 64.8 52.5 111.4 60.4 0.89 0.034 3.1560
18:50:00 19:00:49 22.0 44.6 62.8 51.4 107.9 58.8 1.04 0.009 0.79459
19:00:00 19:10:49 21.6 43.4 60.9 50.4 104.8 57.7 0.75 -0.004 -0.34693
19:10:00 19:20:49 21.4 42.1 58.6 49.1 101.4 55.5 1.05 -0.005 -0.48123
19:20:00 19:30:49 21.2 41.0 56.8 48.1 98.2 54.6 1.91 -0.007 -0.66029
19:30:00 19:40:49 21.0 40.1 55.1 47.3 88.9 53.6 1.16 -0.006 -0.57076
19:40:00 19:50:49 20.8 39.4 53.5 46.4 79.5 52.8 1.12 -0.002 -0.21264
19:50:00 20:00:49 20.6 38.8 52.1 45.6 66.9 51.6 1.02 -0.004 -0.39170
Averages 24.9 106.0 96.3 71.4 85.4 103.5 1.2 7.7 706.8
Stdev 1.8 10.9 21.0 24.6 25.5 14.2 0.4 1.0 93.6
Table G-15: Raw data for solar cooker on 4th Dec 2010 (Run #15)
Shift = 10:26
14:11:59 14:22:25 27.0 120.8 116.5 128.0 119.3 123.6 1.51 2.607 239.00
14:21:59 14:32:25 27.7 117.0 111.9 119.2 118.5 126.6 1.08 8.050 738.02
14:31:59 14:42:25 28.0 116.8 112.1 119.0 118.7 126.2 1.25 7.631 699.62
14:41:59 14:52:25 27.7 115.1 111.6 117.2 18.5 126.7 1.89 7.336 672.55
14:51:59 15:02:25 27.8 113.4 115.2 116.5 118.6 125.0 2.21 7.053 646.59
15:01:35 15:12:25 27.9 110.8 117.0 114.6 120.2 122.8 1.07 7.017 643.29
15:11:35 15:22:25 28.2 108.4 117.7 111.2 118.9 120.2 1.17 6.668 611.30
15:21:35 15:32:25 27.8 105.1 117.9 109.2 118.9 117.9 1.27 6.290 576.68
15:31:35 15:42:25 27.7 102.0 118.2 106.5 117.4 114.0 1.32 5.910 541.80
15:41:35 15:52:25 27.8 98.8 117.1 103.5 117.1 111.4 1.23 5.878 538.93
15:51:35 16:02:25 27.7 96.2 113.4 100.3 116.2 107.9 1.12 5.759 527.97
16:01:35 16:12:25 27.2 89.7 112.6 24.0 24.2 104.8 1.64 2.031 186.20
16:11:35 16:22:25 27.3 83.7 109.9 24.9 25.8 101.4 1.37 4.279 392.26
16:21:35 16:32:25 27.4 81.8 108.0 25.1 28.4 98.2 1.76 3.869 354.73
16:31:35 16:42:25 27.2 79.1 106.9 27.3 33.6 95.6 1.04 3.514 322.14
16:41:35 16:52:25 27.0 76.0 103.2 28.1 39.8 91.4 2.15 3.225 295.69
16:51:35 17:02:25 26.8 72.9 99.5 30.4 44.5 87.7 1.35 2.790 255.79
17:01:35 17:12:25 26.7 69.7 95.5 33.5 53.9 84.4 0.86 2.440 223.69
17:11:35 17:22:25 26.5 65.8 90.9 39.2 58.5 81.7 0.74 2.069 189.67
17:21:35 17:32:25 26.3 61.8 86.3 41.7 63.9 77.5 0.88 1.231 112.82
17:31:35 17:42:25 25.6 58.9 83.0 44.5 68.4 72.8 1.32 0.631 57.88
17:41:35 17:52:25 25.5 55.9 79.0 47.2 71.1 68.0 0.68 0.923 84.641
17:51:35 18:02:25 25.2 53.5 75.6 49.5 78.2 64.2 2.18 0.531 48.71
18:01:35 18:12:25 24.9 51.5 72.5 51.5 84.6 61.4 1.76 0.539 49.376
18:11:35 18:22:25 24.5 49.7 69.8 53.6 87.5 58.7 1.04 0.282 25.819
18:21:35 18:32:25 24.2 48.1 67.2 52.1 89.6 56.4 2.39 0.176 16.160
18:31:35 18:42:25 23.8 46.6 64.9 50.8 91.0 54.8 1.35 0.078 7.118
18:41:35 18:52:25 23.4 45.1 62.7 49.6 89.5 53.4 1.69 0.016 1.466
18:51:35 19:02:25 22.9 43.9 60.7 48.4 88.6 52.1 1.64 0.000 0.000
19:01:35 19:12:25 22.6 42.8 58.9 47.5 87.5 50.7 0.93 -0.005 -0.4812
19:11:35 19:22:25 22.2 41.8 57.2 46.6 87.2 49.8 0.78 -0.006 -0.52600
19:21:35 19:32:25 22.0 40.9 55.6 45.7 85.9 48.7 0.66 -0.006 -0.52600
19:31:35 19:42:25 21.7 40.1 54.0 45.0 82.7 47.2 0.75 -0.005 -0.43646
19:41:35 19:52:25 21.4 39.6 52.9 44.8 79.5 46.2 0.95 -0.002 -0.16787
19:51:35 20:02:25 21.1 39.1 51.7 44.3 79.1 45.2 0.64 -0.004 -0.34693
averages 26.5 108.4 98.8 109.1 104.0 110.4 1.3 7.4 682.1
Stds 1.5 8.6 18.3 17.2 23.8 12.8 0.4 1.6 142.9
Table G-16: Raw data for solar cooker on 5th Dec 2010 (Run #16)
Shift: 26:33
14:00:00 14:26:33 28.2 122.1 111.3 124.2 101.6 116.8 1.08 8.245 755.87
14:10:00 14:36:33 28.5 122.0 107.4 122.7 99.8 119.7 2.25 8.017 734.97
14:20:00 14:46:33 28.2 123.0 111.4 125.0 102.8 121.3 1.89 7.916 725.76
14:30:00 14:56:33 28.4 121.6 111.9 123.4 102.3 121.6 2.21 7.796 714.75
14:40:00 15:06:33 28.2 119.6 117.0 115.8 102.9 120.4 1.07 7.473 658.09
14:50:00 15:16:33 28.8 116.5 114.2 119.8 101.4 119.6 2.17 7.442 682.31
15:00:00 15:26:33 28.6 114.0 115.6 118.5 102.6 118.5 1.27 7.133 653.99
15:10:00 15:36:33 28.4 110.6 113.6 114.3 101.6 116.1 1.32 6.859 628.87
15:20:00 15:46:33 28.8 107.2 111.5 111.7 99.6 110.0 1.23 6.733 617.30
15:30:00 15:56:33 28.4 103.9 112.2 108.6 98.6 108.2 1.22 6.230 571.13
15:40:00 16:06:33 28.5 101.1 112.0 105.2 97.6 102.7 0.64 5.080 465.76
15:50:00 16:16:33 28.1 93.2 109.3 97.3 91.3 98.4 2.46 5.394 494.55
16:00:00 16:26:33 28.1 90.7 109.4 94.6 90.5 95.6 1.76 4.995 457.97
16:10:00 16:36:33 28.0 89.3 110.2 93.4 90.0 92.3 1.04 5.214 477.98
16:20:00 16:46:33 27.7 86.6 109.2 90.7 86.8 81.8 2.39 4.387 402.23
16:30:00 16:56:33 26.7 81.7 110.8 86.2 80.6 82.9 1.35 1.014 92.922
16:40:00 17:06:33 26.8 74.1 108.9 77.7 76.8 82.3 1.34 3.396 311.32
16:50:00 17:16:33 26.5 71.4 106.7 75.1 72.5 77.1 1.35 1.088 99.783
17:00:00 17:26:33 26.2 66.5 103.8 70.0 69.1 75.2 1.34 1.004 92.027
17:10:00 17:36:33 26.0 62.7 98.8 66.3 66.1 78.0 1.64 0.667 61.127
17:20:00 17:46:33 25.6 59.3 92.3 63.0 63.5 68.5 0.95 0.488 44.698
17:30:00 17:56:33 25.4 56.5 86.4 60.0 61.1 64.9 1.78 0.859 78.765
17:40:00 18:06:33 25.5 54.0 81.3 57.4 87.2 62.6 1.67 1.011 92.654
17:50:00 18:16:33 25.5 52.2 76.9 55.4 57.3 61.1 1.08 1.002 91.893
18:00:00 18:26:33 25.5 51.0 73.3 54.3 56.0 59.8 1.35 0.862 78.989
18:10:00 18:36:33 25.3 50.0 70.5 53.4 54.9 58.4 0.87 0.541 49.556
18:20:00 18:46:33 24.9 48.7 68.1 52.4 53.9 56.9 1.39 0.298 27.289
18:30:00 18:56:33 24.6 47.3 65.8 51.1 52.5 55.8 1.14 0.123 11.303
18:40:00 19:06:33 24.1 45.8 63.6 50.0 51.3 54.5 1.05 0.025 2.2607
18:50:00 19:16:33 23.8 44.4 61.4 48.6 50.2 52.3 1.26 0.003 0.03217
19:00:00 19:26:33 23.7 43.3 59.5 47.6 49.2 51.9 0.68 -0.001 -0.12311
19:10:00 19:36:33 23.1 42.4 57.9 47.1 48.6 50.6 0.71 0.000 0.03357
19:20:00 19:46:33 22.8 41.5 56.3 46.3 47.9 49.5 1.45 -0.001 -0.12311
19:30:00 19:56:33 22.8 40.6 54.6 45.1 46.9 47.4 0.93 -0.004 -0.34693
19:40:00 20:06:33 22.9 39.7 52.6 43.9 45.6 45.3 0.65 -0.003 -0.25740
19:50:00 20:16:33 22.9 39.0 51.1 43.2 44.8 44.2 0.71 -0.001 -0.12311
avg 26.6 109.6 95.5 112.2 89.1 101.9 1.1 7.7 707.2
stdev 1.9 9.9 19.2 10.2 14.2 16.5 0.6 0.9 82.9
Table G-17: Raw data for solar cooker on 6th Dec 2010 (Run #17)
Shift 40:11
14:00:00 14:40:11 28.1 96.6 98.4 98.2 86.0 110.6 0.94 7.887 723.08
14:10:00 14:50:11 26.8 87.3 100.9 92.3 77.6 108.8 1.26 1.216 111.44
14:20:00 15:00:11 23.5 78.5 97.7 83.9 74.2 106.8 0.68 1.017 93.280
14:30:00 15:10:11 23.4 71.1 92.9 76.2 70.1 104.7 0.71 1.509 138.34
14:40:00 15:20:11 23.0 66.8 88.8 72.1 67.9 102.2 1.45 2.046 187.58
14:45:52 15:30:11 23.3 64.6 86.4 69.9 66.1 99.6 0.93 1.927 176.67
14:55:52 15:40:11 22.9 61.6 82.1 66.7 64.2 97.2 1.05 2.588 237.22
15:05:52 15:50:11 23.7 63.3 79.1 68.8 66.8 95.0 1.07 4.107 376.51
15:15:52 16:00:11 24.6 66.8 78.5 72.9 67.1 92.8 1.67 3.044 279.08
15:25:52 16:10:11 24.8 64.7 75.7 69.8 64.6 90.5 1.08 2.576 236.16
15:35:52 16:20:11 24.2 66.8 76.0 72.1 67.5 86.8 1.35 2.710 248.45
15:45:52 16:30:11 22.6 66.5 77.7 72.9 68.9 83.6 0.87 4.048 371.12
15:55:52 16:40:11 22.2 69.7 79.4 76.4 73.0 81.9 1.29 3.369 308.83
16:05:52 16:50:11 20.1 65.2 79.6 72.2 66.0 78.3 0.92 0.753 69.051
16:15:52 17:00:11 20.3 59.4 76.6 66.1 61.8 72.3 2.51 0.539 49.376
16:25:52 17:10:11 20.7 54.7 72.6 60.8 58.0 70.3 1.08 0.609 55.789
16:35:52 17:20:11 21.4 51.1 68.6 56.3 55.1 70.0 2.25 0.789 72.352
16:45:52 17:30:11 21.8 48.9 64.9 53.8 53.3 67.3 1.89 1.005 92.116
16:55:52 17:40:11 21.7 48.0 63.0 53.0 52.4 51.9 2.21 0.706 64.731
17:05:52 17:50:11 22.0 46.3 60.9 51.1 51.0 37.2 1.07 0.541 49.600
17:15:52 18:00:11 22.1 45.1 59.0 49.9 49.9 33.6 1.17 0.468 42.874
17:25:52 18:10:11 22.1 44.1 57.1 48.8 49.1 39.0 1.27 0.625 57.300
17:35:52 18:20:11 22.4 43.5 56.1 48.4 48.2 40.9 1.32 0.541 49.556
17:45:52 18:30:11 22.4 42.5 54.5 46.9 47.1 41.3 1.23 0.281 25.774
17:55:52 18:40:11 22.3 41.4 53.1 45.8 46.1 41.2 1.22 0.174 15.981
18:05:52 18:50:11 22.2 40.3 51.8 44.5 45.2 40.7 0.64 0.099 9.0315
18:15:52 19:00:11 22.2 39.2 50.5 43.5 44.3 40.1 2.46 0.066 6.0098
18:25:52 19:10:11 22.2 38.3 49.4 42.6 43.6 39.4 1.76 0.040 3.6932
18:35:52 19:20:11 22.2 37.5 48.3 41.8 42.9 38.8 1.04 0.009 0.79459
18:45:52 19:30:11 22.0 36.9 47.3 45.9 42.4 38.1 2.39 0.000 0.03357
18:55:52 19:40:11 22.0 36.3 46.5 40.9 41.9 37.5 1.35 -0.003 -0.25740
19:05:52 19:50:11 21.5 36.1 46.0 41.1 41.9 37.0 1.34 -0.003 -0.25740
19:15:52 20:00:11 21.5 35.7 45.3 40.7 41.4 36.4 0.90 -0.003 -0.25740
19:25:52 20:10:11 21.4 35.1 44.5 40.1 40.8 35.9 1.34 -0.001 -0.07834
19:35:52 20:20:11 21.5 34.8 43.8 39.8 40.3 35.3 1.12 -0.001 -0.07834
19:45:52 20:30:11 21.3 34.3 43.1 39.2 40.1 34.8 0.71 -0.003 -0.25740
19:55:52 20:40:11 21.2 34.0 42.5 39.1 39.6 34.1 0.68 -0.003 -0.25740
Avg 25.7 95.3 86.9 98.4 78.7 98.3 1.1 5.9 544.2
Stdev 1.8 16.8 15.5 16.1 11.8 11.9 0.4 2.6 237.8
Table G-18: Raw data for solar cooker on 7th Dec 2010 (Run #18)
Shift = 47:15
14:01:58 14:47:15 25.3 79.0 84.5 84.3 68.1 98.0 0.57 1.705 156.29
14:11:58 14:57:15 23.2 71.1 81.6 76.6 64.3 101.6 1.48 0.937 85.928
14:21:58 15:07:15 22.4 65.5 78.5 70.8 62.5 105.4 1.45 0.919 84.238
14:40:57 15:17:15 21.5 58.5 73.6 63.7 59.5 105.9 0.73 1.356 124.35
14:50:57 15:27:15 21.5 55.6 70.4 60.5 57.7 109.3 1.47 1.261 115.63
15:00:57 15:37:15 21.6 54.2 67.4 59.1 56.8 109.3 0.61 2.050 187.98
15:10:57 15:47:15 22.0 56.0 66.1 63.0 57.7 111.0 0.44 2.661 244.00
15:20:57 15:57:15 22.3 55.0 63.6 59.8 56.3 108.7 0.63 2.318 212.56
15:30:57 16:07:15 22.8 55.3 61.7 61.2 57.9 105.8 2.45 4.995 457.90
15:40:57 16:17:15 23.7 59.0 60.7 64.9 60.5 106.9 0.91 6.660 610.63
15:50:57 16:27:15 22.8 61.6 66.0 68.1 59.8 106.9 0.87 1.592 145.99
16:00:57 16:37:15 18.5 59.4 70.0 67.3 60.7 98.3 2.29 0.791 72.532
16:10:57 16:47:15 18.7 55.0 67.5 62.3 57.6 92.3 0.92 0.795 72.923
16:20:57 16:57:15 19.5 51.5 64.3 58.8 54.7 96.0 0.67 1.133 103.91
16:30:57 17:07:15 19.9 49.3 62.1 55.5 52.6 96.1 1.08 0.943 86.465
16:40:57 17:17:15 21.0 47.7 60.5 53.6 51.3 96.5 2.25 0.927 84.954
16:50:57 17:27:15 20.8 46.1 58.6 51.3 49.8 97.1 1.89 0.843 77.243
17:00:57 17:37:15 21.1 44.7 56.7 49.6 48.0 91.8 1.42 0.736 67.495
17:10:57 17:47:15 21.1 43.3 55.0 48.4 47.1 85.5 1.07 0.635 58.184
17:20:57 17:57:15 20.9 42.0 53.4 47.3 46.3 81.7 2.17 0.512 46.926
17:30:57 18:07:15 20.7 41.2 52.1 46.5 45.7 79.8 1.27 0.389 35.656
17:40:57 18:17:15 20.7 40.3 50.9 45.6 45.0 77.3 2.32 0.293 26.893
17:50:57 18:27:15 20.8 39.3 49.6 44.4 44.2 74.4 1.62 0.130 11.930
18:00:57 18:37:15 20.5 38.4 48.5 43.5 43.2 72.2 1.22 0.900 8.2816
18:10:57 18:47:15 20.5 38.3 48.6 43.9 43.6 69.5 0.94 0.112 10.240
18:20:29 18:57:15 20.0 37.4 47.6 42.9 42.7 67.1 1.46 6.625 6.6253
18:30:29 19:07:15 19.9 36.5 46.8 41.8 42.1 64.6 1.76 4.219 4.2192
18:40:29 19:17:15 19.7 35.6 45.7 41.0 41.4 62.2 1.04 -0.078 1.3318
18:50:29 19:27:15 19.8 34.9 44.7 40.3 40.7 60.2 1.59 -0.001 -0.07834
19:00:29 19:37:15 19.9 34.1 43.7 39.4 40.4 58.4 1.03 -0.009 -0.79459
19:10:29 19:47:15 18.1 34.4 44.4 40.7 41.1 56.7 1.34 0.022 2.0033
19:20:29 19:57:15 16.8 34.4 45.3 41.6 41.8 55.1 0.87 0.047 4.2639
19:30:29 20:07:15 16.8 34.2 44.7 43.6 40.1 53.6 1.21 0.002 0.21264
19:40:29 20:17:15 16.3 33.7 43.7 42.4 37.7 52.3 2.22 0.018 1.6451
19:50:29 20:27:15 15.6 32.7 42.3 40.1 37.0 51.0 2.54 0.014 1.2870
Avg 23.8 95.8 69.7 85.5 63.9 80.4 1.4 5.8 533.5
Stdev 1.7 83.8 16.0 17.4 13.5 22.0 0.6 3.3 298.6
Table G-19: Raw data for solar cooker on 8th Dec 2010 (Run #19)
Shift = 24:07
14:00:00 14:24:07 24.9 74.4 78.2 78.7 66.3 81.9 1.12 3.361 308.16
14:10:00 14:34:07 24.6 73.7 77.8 78.9 66.1 77.9 0.84 3.562 326.54
14:20:00 14:44:07 24.4 69.2 74.7 73.3 64.0 74.9 1.15 31.390 287.76
14:30:00 14:54:07 25.2 83.5 74.1 87.6 71.0 70.2 1.21 9.458 867.09
14:40:00 15:04:07 24.8 50.2 67.6 20.8 35.7 67.5 0.95 5.260 482.25
14:50:00 15:14:07 25.6 44.5 59.2 38.4 38.1 65.3 0.66 7.002 641.96
15:00:00 15:24:07 24.7 42.1 54.3 36.1 32.7 65.6 1.43 4.776 437.82
15:10:00 15:34:07 25.6 43.6 50.4 42.5 40.1 63.1 0.93 7.831 717.98
15:20:00 15:44:07 25.1 43.6 50.2 39.6 38.2 62.8 1.35 7.041 645.49
15:30:00 15:54:07 25.7 43.5 50.1 23.8 40.0 64.3 0.87 6.491 595.14
15:40:00 16:04:07 25.0 51.0 52.3 23.0 57.9 67.7 1.29 6.022 552.06
15:50:00 16:14:07 25.2 55.9 54.3 23.8 61.1 69.1 0.92 6.226 570.83
16:00:00 16:24:07 24.7 57.3 58.6 31.6 63.3 65.9 1.51 5.750 527.13
16:10:00 16:34:07 25.3 59.8 59.2 32.8 64.6 62.5 1.08 5.666 519.49
16:20:00 16:44:07 24.8 60.7 61.5 36.7 64.6 60.1 1.25 5.021 460.35
16:30:00 16:54:07 25.1 59.8 60.5 38.9 62.7 58.5 1.89 4.465 409.36
16:40:00 17:04:07 25.0 58.2 61.2 43.3 61.1 56.6 1.21 3.878 355.53
16:50:00 17:14:07 25.2 57.0 61.0 44.6 59.5 54.8 1.07 4.108 376.64
17:00:00 17:24:07 24.3 55.1 61.6 48.2 58.9 53.1 1.17 1.024 93.851
17:10:00 17:34:07 23.8 52.6 60.7 49.8 56.8 51.6 1.27 0.943 86.465
17:20:00 17:44:07 24.2 49.4 58.5 49.4 52.1 50.5 1.32 2.265 207.67
17:30:00 17:54:07 24.0 47.6 57.3 50.1 50.9 49.4 1.23 1.868 171.28
17:40:00 18:04:07 24.0 46.1 55.9 50.1 49.2 48.1 1.22 1.466 134.38
17:50:00 18:14:07 23.5 45.1 55.0 50.5 48.3 46.9 1.64 1.064 97.589
18:00:00 18:24:07 23.2 44.3 54.1 50.7 47.4 46.9 2.46 0.669 64.116
18:10:00 18:34:07 23.0 43.4 53.2 50.5 46.6 46.0 1.76 0.330 30.228
18:20:00 18:44:07 22.6 42.7 52.3 50.5 46.0 45.3 2.04 0.157 14.426
18:30:00 18:54:07 22.2 42.0 51.7 50.3 45.3 44.4 2.39 0.077 6.5358
18:40:00 19:04:07 21.2 41.6 51.3 50.5 45.2 43.4 1.35 0.035 3.2455
18:50:00 19:14:07 20.5 41.2 51.1 50.8 45.3 42.5 1.34 0.005 0.48812
19:00:00 19:24:07 20.2 40.8 50.7 50.7 45.1 43.1 1.66 -0.006 -0.52600
19:10:00 19:34:07 19.6 40.2 49.9 50.2 44.6 44.3 1.45 -0.008 -0.70506
19:20:00 19:44:07 19.5 39.8 49.3 49.8 44.2 43.6 0.93 -0.005 -0.48123
19:30:00 19:54:07 19.4 39.2 48.8 49.3 43.7 42.4 1.01 -0.007 -0.66029
19:40:00 20:04:07 19.3 38.5 48.1 48.6 42.3 41.0 1.43 -0.008 -0.70506
19:50:00 20:14:07 18.8 38.1 47.6 48.0 42.8 40.6 1.16 -0.007 -0.61553
20:00:00 20:24:07 19.0 37.5 46.4 47.1 42.0 40.1 1.02 -0.008 -0.74982
Avg 24.1 71.5 64.7 72.4 57.2 73.1 1.3 7.5 612.8
Stdev 1.2 16.4 12.6 22.7 13.1 13.1 0.5 4.8 228.0
Table G-20: Raw data for solar cooker on 10th Dec 2010 (Run #20)
Shit = 36:16
14:00:00 14:36:16 24.9 105.7 91.7 78.6 97.2 88.0 0.92 8.551 783.96
14:10:00 14:46:16 25.0 106.4 94.3 81.1 98.1 87.4 1.51 8.218 753.44
14:20:00 14:56:16 24.8 106.1 96.0 82.5 97.6 86.3 1.08 8.042 737.30
14:30:00 15:06:16 24.9 106.3 98.6 85.7 98.7 81.9 1.25 7.957 729.50
14:40:00 15:16:16 24.5 104.3 97.5 87.2 97.1 77.9 1.89 7.673 703.50
14:50:00 15:26:16 24.7 101.9 99.2 89.9 96.4 74.9 2.21 7.471 684.93
15:00:00 15:36:16 24.2 97.7 103.2 90.2 93.9 70.2 1.07 5.584 511.91
15:10:00 15:46:16 24.7 94.9 98.9 94.6 90.2 67.5 1.17 7.390 677.54
15:20:00 15:56:16 25.1 91.8 96.4 93.4 86.5 65.3 1.27 6.879 630.66
15:30:00 16:06:16 25.0 88.9 95.2 89.1 85.7 65.6 1.32 6.924 634.75
15:40:00 16:16:16 24.3 84.2 96.7 86.4 80.9 63.1 1.23 1.622 148.67
15:50:00 16:26:16 24.4 83.3 92.1 82.2 79.7 62.8 1.12 6.175 566.14
16:00:00 16:36:16 24.8 82.8 90.9 81.3 79.4 64.3 1.64 5.710 523.46
16:10:00 16:46:16 24.1 80.1 92.1 83.9 78.6 67.7 1.37 3.099 284.16
16:20:00 16:56:16 24.6 76.1 86.6 81.2 73.3 69.1 1.76 4.774 437.64
16:30:00 17:06:16 23.9 73.8 87.3 81.9 72.4 65.9 1.04 1.228 112.55
16:40:00 17:16:16 24.5 70.9 83.2 78.7 68.3 62.5 2.15 4.464 409.28
16:50:00 17:26:16 23.8 69.0 82.2 78.7 68.6 60.1 1.35 0.947 86.823
17:00:00 17:36:16 24.0 66.2 79.4 76.2 64.3 58.5 0.86 1.964 180.10
17:10:00 17:46:16 24.4 64.4 76.3 73.6 62.2 56.6 0.75 2.556 234.34
17:20:00 17:56:16 23.2 62.5 75.8 73.8 62.2 54.8 0.88 0.860 78.888
17:30:00 18:06:16 23.3 60.2 73.5 72.0 59.7 53.1 1.32 0.762 69.857
17:40:00 18:16:16 23.4 58.2 70.8 69.3 57.5 51.6 0.64 1.186 108.77
17:50:00 18:26:16 22.6 56.8 69.5 68.7 56.6 50.5 2.18 0.297 27.240
18:00:00 18:36:16 22.3 55.0 67.9 67.3 55.3 49.4 1.76 0.256 23.457
18:10:00 18:46:16 22.0 53.6 66.0 65.8 54.1 48.1 1.04 0.240 22.036
18:20:00 18:56:16 21.9 52.2 64.1 64.3 52.8 46.9 2.39 0.113 10.374
18:30:00 19:06:16 21.5 50.9 62.8 63.1 52.1 46.9 1.35 0.068 6.2672
18:40:00 19:16:16 21.2 49.7 61.3 61.7 51.2 46.0 1.69 0.023 2.1264
18:50:00 19:26:16 21.0 48.6 59.9 60.6 50.6 45.3 1.64 0.004 0.34693
19:00:00 19:36:16 20.7 47.7 58.6 59.5 49.9 44.4 0.95 -0.002 -0.16787
19:10:00 19:46:16 20.8 46.5 56.7 57.7 48.7 43.4 0.78 -0.002 -0.16787
19:20:00 19:56:16 20.8 45.5 55.3 56.3 47.9 42.5 0.66 -0.002 -0.21264
19:30:00 20:06:16 20.8 44.8 54.3 55.5 47.3 43.1 0.74 0.000 -0.03357
19:40:00 20:16:16 20.7 44.0 53.3 54.3 46.7 44.3 0.93 -0.001 -0.12311
19:50:00 20:26:16 20.7 43.4 52.2 53.3 46.1 43.6 0.68 -0.003 -0.30217
avg 23.4 77.3 68.2 62.2 70.2 71.1 1.3 6.8 619.6
stdev 1.5 26.6 25.5 21.3 25.8 16.3 0.4 2.5 229.4
Table G-21: Raw data for solar cooker on 11th Dec 2010 (Run #21)
Shift = 28:44
14:00:00 14:28:44 25.0 99.1 82.7 73.6 86.1 90.3 0.95 9.584 878.67
14:10:00 14:38:44 23.9 94.3 89.3 85.0 82.2 93.8 1.78 1.689 154.86
14:20:00 14:48:44 22.0 82.4 86.1 86.5 77.1 94.3 1.66 1.961 179.75
14:30:00 14:58:44 21.3 77.2 84.4 86.5 73.6 92.9 1.45 1.441 132.15
14:40:00 15:08:44 21.4 72.8 81.2 83.7 69.8 94.8 0.93 1.957 179.43
14:50:00 15:18:44 21.8 69.7 77.6 80.5 67.0 94.4 2.12 2.246 205.93
15:00:00 15:28:44 23.1 71.3 75.1 75.8 65.6 90.0 1.75 2.771 254.06
15:10:00 15:38:44 23.8 68.0 72.1 73.6 63.8 89.9 1.10 3.482 319.25
15:20:00 15:48:44 24.4 68.8 66.9 66.8 64.2 84.4 1.09 9.289 851.59
15:30:00 15:58:44 23.4 68.4 72.7 74.5 64.7 82.2 1.67 1.695 155.44
15:40:00 16:08:44 23.1 64.7 70.8 72.8 62.2 80.8 2.30 2.576 239.21
15:50:00 16:18:44 23.9 64.6 68.7 70.3 61.5 79.0 1.34 3.294 301.97
16:00:00 16:28:44 23.8 64.7 67.1 68.8 61.3 77.4 1.13 3.992 365.99
16:10:00 16:38:44 24.2 63.5 64.1 66.1 58.3 73.1 1.06 4.916 450.72
16:20:00 16:48:44 24.4 64.4 63.6 66.0 58.1 72.3 1.04 6.030 552.83
avg 22.8 71.7 63.6 59.8 63.7 72.8 1.4 5.9 538.5
stdev 1.3 16.7 16.2 16.2 14.5 17.9 0.4 3.6 326.5
Table G-22: Raw data for solar cooker on 16th Dec 2010 (Run #22)
Shift = 5:09
10:00:00 10:05:09 20.8 65.8 43.1 35.4 46.8 62.7 1.23 6.121 561.20
10:10:00 10:15:09 20.5 69.7 44.8 38.1 48.1 67.3 0.76 6.473 593.44
10:20:00 10:25:09 21.0 73.7 48.6 42.9 49.0 74.9 1.33 6.850 627.98
10:30:00 10:35:09 21.0 77.1 51.3 44.8 51.7 66.3 1.36 7.033 644.79
10:40:00 10:45:09 21.4 80.0 52.9 47.2 56.0 66.4 1.35 7.226 662.48
10:50:00 10:55:09 21.3 83.5 57.7 51.9 59.0 61.5 2.34 7.481 685.84
11:00:00 11:05:09 21.7 85.6 61.6 56.4 59.5 69.2 0.95 7.596 696.42
11:10:00 11:15:09 22.0 87.8 63.9 59.2 61.3 85.3 1.26 7.931 727.12
11:20:00 11:25:09 22.0 90.4 67.2 61.0 66.4 85.3 1.24 8.178 749.77
11:30:00 11:35:09 22.3 92.2 69.7 61.6 69.9 82.7 1.13 8.275 758.67
11:40:00 11:45:09 22.2 94.9 74.4 67.1 77.3 92.2 1.28 8.477 777.15
11:50:00 11:55:09 22.4 96.9 76.3 69.6 77.4 99.5 1.45 8.500 779.26
12:00:00 12:05:09 22.6 99.4 77.8 69.9 82.2 96.6 1.16 8.743 801.55
12:10:00 12:15:09 23.5 100.6 79.4 71.4 84.9 102.6 0.99 8.773 804.35
12:20:00 12:25:09 23.2 102.7 82.4 73.2 87.8 105.6 0.98 8.847 811.12
12:30:00 12:35:09 23.5 104.2 84.2 75.5 89.3 108.7 1.17 8.917 817.49
12:40:00 12:45:09 23.7 106.2 86.8 77.0 96.5 112.2 1.05 8.920 817.79
12:50:00 12:55:09 23.9 107.4 88.3 77.7 96.3 103.7 0.89 9.051 829.82
13:00:00 13:05:09 24.2 108.3 92.5 78.3 100.8 96.0 1.02 8.894 815.39
13:10:00 13:15:09 24.0 110.4 94.0 83.2 108.9 98.2 0.75 8.895 815.48
13:20:00 13:25:09 24.4 111.2 95.3 82.5 104.2 90.0 1.05 8.900 815.97
13:30:00 13:35:09 24.3 112.0 96.0 83.0 106.9 105.1 1.04 8.709 798.45
13:40:00 13:45:09 24.8 112.4 95.6 81.6 107.1 103.8 0.98 8.551 783.92
13:50:00 13:55:09 24.8 112.5 98.0 84.9 108.2 103.5 1.12 8.626 790.85
14:00:00 14:05:09 24.7 113.3 100.0 86.9 108.7 102.3 1.91 8.540 782.98
14:10:00 14:15:09 24.6 113.0 100.4 85.0 111.3 109.9 1.56 8.386 768.83
14:20:00 14:25:09 24.7 111.7 103.8 87.4 113.2 102.9 0.67 8.190 750.83
14:30:00 14:35:09 24.6 109.7 102.5 85.1 115.4 98.4 0.78 8.057 738.68
14:40:00 14:45:09 25.1 107.5 102.0 84.4 115.5 94.4 1.64 7.892 723.50
14:50:00 14:55:09 24.8 104.8 102.5 84.5 116.7 95.9 0.98 7.661 702.34
15:00:00 15:05:09 24.7 102.1 102.3 84.5 117.3 99.2 1.36 7.299 669.18
15:10:00 15:15:09 24.6 100.4 102.8 87.4 119.8 98.7 1.34 7.150 655.00
15:20:00 15:25:09 25.0 97.6 100.8 86.7 118.9 90.8 1.22 6.684 612.76
15:30:00 15:35:09 24.8 95.6 100.4 87.4 121.3 91.8 1.36 6.296 577.20
15:40:00 15:45:09 25.1 93.3 97.2 86.4 120.9 91.1 1.92 6.184 566.95
15:50:00 15:55:09 24.6 89.4 97.1 86.1 120.9 87.8 2.11 5.327 488.40
16:00:00 16:05:09 24.5 86.2 95.0 85.0 114.9 81.6 0.89 5.306 486.75
16:10:00 16:15:09 24.9 84.3 93.3 83.4 113.0 81.1 1.28 5.001 458.48
16:20:00 16:25:09 24.1 80.9 93.6 83.4 114.9 78.5 1.13 1.318 120.83
16:30:00 16:35:09 24.0 74.7 89.3 81.6 114.1 77.7 1.33 4.273 391.73
16:40:00 16:45:09 24.8 72.0 84.9 77.6 112.6 71.2 2.34 4.365 400.19
16:50:00 16:55:09 24.7 71.9 82.8 76.6 111.5 66.9 0.76 3.720 341.01
17:00:00 17:05:09 24.0 69.7 81.7 76.6 110.3 63.9 1.56 2.277 208.78
17:10:00 17:15:09 24.2 62.1 69.6 68.2 105.7 61.6 1.05 3.028 277.61
17:20:00 17:25:09 24.0 49.9 60.6 50.3 101.2 58.6 1.13 1.743 159.84
17:30:00 17:35:09 23.7 36.2 55.9 52.5 96.1 55.5 1.24 1.893 173.51
17:40:00 17:45:09 23.7 41.5 56.3 50.9 91.2 53.1 1.23 1.575 144.390
17:50:00 17:55:09 23.3 43.8 55.7 50.6 86.9 51.1 1.16 1.203 110.320
18:00:00 18:05:09 23.1 44.6 54.9 50.4 82.8 49.3 0.99 0.855 78.407
18:10:00 18:15:09 22.8 44.9 54.5 50.6 78.9 48.0 0.98 0.402 36.864
18:20:00 18:25:09 22.4 44.8 54.0 50.7 75.8 47.2 1.91 0.271 24.800
18:30:00 18:35:09 22.4 44.3 53.4 50.6 72.9 46.1 1.05 0.153 14.068
18:40:00 18:45:09 21.9 44.1 53.0 51.0 70.3 45.1 0.89 0.059 5.4278
18:50:00 18:55:09 21.5 43.5 52.6 50.7 67.8 44.4 1.02 0.016 1.42130
19:00:00 19:05:09 20.9 43.3 52.4 51.1 65.6 43.7 0.75 0.001 0.12311
19:10:00 19:15:09 20.6 42.9 52.0 50.8 63.5 42.8 1.26 -0.005 -0.43646
19:20:00 19:25:09 20.3 42.5 51.5 50.6 60.9 42.2 1.04 -0.006 -0.56000
19:30:00 19:35:09 20.0 42.0 51.0 50.3 58.9 41.5 1.98 -0.004 -0.39170
19:40:00 19:45:09 19.7 41.7 50.7 50.3 57.0 40.7 1.12 -0.003 -0.30217
19:50:00 19:55:09 19.7 40.9 49.9 49.3 55.4 40.6 1.17 -0.005 -0.48123
Averages 23.4 97.5 83.4 72.7 92.2 91.5 1.2 7.8 715.9
stdev 1.5 13.1 19.2 15.8 25.2 14.2 0.4 1.1 97.6
Table G-23: Raw data for solar cooker on 17th Dec 2010 (Run #23)
Shift = 4:40
14:00:00 14:04:40 25.1 98.4 107.2 91.1 102.3 97.6 1.23 8.443 774.08
14:10:00 14:14:40 25.8 97.9 106.3 91.5 102.3 102.8 1.22 8.315 762.36
14:20:00 14:24:40 25.3 98.5 107.7 94.4 106.9 105.1 0.64 8.086 741.35
14:30:00 14:34:40 25.2 98.0 107.3 94.8 107.7 107.6 2.46 8.088 741.17
14:40:00 14:44:40 25.6 97.5 106.4 94.7 102.1 110.6 1.76 7.876 722.11
14:50:00 14:54:40 25.5 97.0 106.3 95.7 104.6 112.9 1.04 7.637 700.12
15:00:00 15:04:40 25.2 96.5 105.8 96.5 108.6 114.8 2.39 7.354 674.25
15:10:00 15:14:40 25.6 95.2 104.6 95.9 104.2 112.6 1.35 6.859 628.83
15:20:00 15:24:40 25.4 93.5 102.3 94.7 97.9 115.8 1.34 6.706 614.80
15:30:00 15:34:40 25.4 92.5 102.7 94.8 91.5 114.0 1.64 6.353 582.46
15:40:00 15:44:40 25.6 91.2 101.6 94.4 96.8 112.3 0.95 6.122 561.24
15:50:00 15:54:40 25.8 89.7 99.3 93.0 91.5 110.1 0.78 5.668 519.65
16:00:00 16:04:40 25.6 88.3 97.2 92.4 96.1 109.5 1.27 5.498 504.03
16:10:00 16:14:40 25.6 87.0 95.0 91.4 95.3 107.7 1.32 5.100 467.57
16:20:00 16:24:40 25.4 85.3 93.7 90.4 91.2 103.4 1.23 4.775 437.77
16:30:00 16:34:40 25.1 83.9 91.0 90.1 85.0 98.6 1.22 4.401 403.44
16:40:00 16:44:40 25.3 81.3 86.6 87.9 83.8 94.7 1.64 4.010 367.59
16:50:00 16:54:40 25.2 58.3 74.4 41.5 83.5 91.1 2.46 3.664 335.94
Averages 24.6 80.9 86.6 71.6 82.8 94.0 1.4 7.4 681.3
stdev 1.2 16.0 21.4 24.4 21.5 17.6 0.5 1.0 95.5
Table G-24: Raw data for solar cooker on 18th Dec 2010 (Run #24)
Shift = 4:11
12:40:00 12:44:11 24.4 82.5 90.4 92.1 93.2 75.2 1.1 8.7 793.97
12:50:00 12:54:11 25.1 85.1 93.6 92.8 93.7 77.4 1.5 8.8 804.18
13:00:00 13:04:11 25.1 88.1 96.5 93.3 93.6 81.0 1.8 8.7 801.14
13:10:00 13:14:11 25.3 89.7 98.7 92.9 95.9 81.3 0.6 8.7 800.57
13:20:00 13:24:11 25.8 90.5 99.1 93.4 97.1 81.9 0.1 8.6 790.59
13:30:00 13:34:11 25.5 93.0 101.4 93.7 99.3 85.2 1.8 8.5 779.46
13:40:00 13:44:11 25.3 94.2 103.2 94.8 101.6 87.1 1.9 8.5 776.66
13:50:00 13:54:11 25.6 94.6 103.3 96.1 102.7 88.1 1.1 8.2 751.72
14:00:00 14:04:11 25.5 94.7 103.6 98.4 104.7 86.9 1.2 8.1 745
14:10:00 14:14:11 25.9 94.0 104.0 99.7 99.7 87.6 2.3 8.0 730.21
14:20:00 14:24:11 25.7 95.3 105.1 99.1 98.5 89.1 1.7 8.0 734.45
14:30:00 14:34:11 26.1 94.7 106.0 96.8 91.3 90.2 0.7 7.8 716.89
14:40:00 14:44:11 25.8 94.2 106.2 95.9 92.2 90.6 1.4 7.6 700.25
14:50:00 14:54:11 26.0 93.5 105.2 96.2 90.0 87.9 0.8 7.4 681.15
15:00:00 15:04:11 26.4 92.4 104.5 94.4 89.1 89.1 1.1 7.1 655.37
15:10:00 15:14:11 26.4 92.0 104.2 92.8 89.4 90.4 1.5 6.9 632.44
15:20:00 15:24:11 26.0 91.3 103.1 92.2 88.8 89.6 1.3 6.6 604.17
15:30:00 15:34:11 26.4 89.4 101.2 91.0 86.4 88.8 0.6 6.3 579.54
15:40:00 15:44:11 26.3 88.8 99.1 90.4 85.4 88.2 2.1 6.0 548.01
15:50:00 15:54:11 26.5 87.0 97.2 89.7 84.2 87.7 0.3 5.7 523.43
16:00:00 16:04:11 26.2 85.4 94.8 88.9 82.9 87.0 1.3 5.3 482.08
16:10:00 16:14:11 26.1 85.0 92.7 88.2 81.9 86.3 1.0 4.9 449.53
16:20:00 16:24:11 26.2 82.9 91.1 87.3 79.7 86.0 2.4 4.6 417.15
16:30:00 16:34:11 26.3 80.9 87.9 85.9 76.8 84.6 1.4 4.2 388.48
16:40:00 16:44:11 25.9 79.7 85.8 85.3 73.7 84.3 0.8 3.9 353.53
16:50:00 16:54:11 25.8 78.2 83.8 84.2 70.8 83.3 0.4 3.5 319.95
17:00:00 17:04:11 25.9 76.0 81.2 82.7 68.3 82.1 1.2 3.1 285.4
17:10:00 17:14:11 25.7 74.3 78.9 81.3 66.2 81.0 1.7 2.8 252.1
17:20:00 17:24:11 25.2 72.9 76.9 80.0 63.7 79.3 0.7 2.3 213.77
17:30:00 17:34:11 24.8 69.2 72.9 76.6 59.6 76.6 0.6 1.6 144.62
17:40:00 17:44:11 24.5 67.5 71.3 75.2 58.5 75.5 2.0 1.2 109.17
17:50:00 17:54:11 24.1 65.9 69.5 73.7 57.5 74.1 1.9 0.9 78.452
18:00:00 18:04:11 23.8 64.4 67.8 72.4 56.6 72.6 1.1 0.6 52.085
18:10:00 18:14:11 23.4 63.1 66.5 71.2 55.9 71.3 1.1 0.3 26.669
18:20:00 18:24:11 23.0 61.8 65.3 70.0 55.2 70.5 1.5 0.2 14.157
18:30:00 18:34:11 22.4 60.6 64.2 69.0 54.7 69.1 1.1 0.1 5.6069
18:40:00 18:44:11 22.0 59.5 63.1 68.1 54.2 68.4 0.8 0.0 1.6899
18:50:00 18:54:11 21.5 58.1 61.9 66.9 53.6 66.9 0.2 0.0 -0.12311
19:00:00 19:04:11 21.2 56.9 60.7 65.6 53.0 65.5 1.1 0.0 -0.48123
19:10:00 19:14:11 21.0 55.7 59.6 64.4 52.3 64.6 1.6 0.0 -0.70506
19:20:00 19:24:11 20.7 54.8 58.8 63.6 52.0 63.8 1.4 0.0 -0.48123
19:30:00 19:34:11 20.5 53.7 57.8 62.3 51.3 62.1 0.6 0.0 -0.66029
19:40:00 19:44:11 20.3 52.7 56.8 61.2 50.6 61.2 0.6 0.0 -0.43646
Avg 24.7 78.9 87.0 77.2 78.3 73.8 1.2 7.5 689.2
Stdev 1.4 16.5 19.0 24.8 24.1 16.7 0.7 1.1 98.8
Table G-25: Raw data for solar cooker on 6th Jan 2011 (Run #25)
Shift = -5:57
13.20 13:14:03 26.2 109.0 106.5 116.4 110.5 112.7 0.89 8.664 792.46
13.30 13:24:03 26.5 110.3 107.9 118.7 112.8 114.6 0.44 8.708 798.33
13.40 13:34:03 26.6 111.6 108.7 120.5 114.4 115.5 0.36 8.754 802.57
13.50 13:44:03 26.2 111.4 114.8 121.9 114.5 116.3 0.86 8.500 779.25
14.00 13:54:03 26.8 110.3 108.2 120.2 112.5 114.4 1.33 8.245 755.91
14.10 14:04:03 26.8 112.5 110.3 120.8 116.2 115.4 0.03 8.134 745.69
14.20 14:14:03 26.7 110.6 109.7 120.2 114.7 115.8 1.52 8.005 733.87
14.30 14:24:03 26.6 110.8 110.5 119.9 117.6 116.1 0.03 7.871 721.62
14.40 14:34:03 27.1 108.1 109.6 117.5 114.5 114.1 0.97 7.675 703.65
14.50 14:44:03 26.9 107.9 110.1 115.8 114.8 113.5 0.04 7.357 674.52
15.00 14:54:03 26.9 106.2 109.9 113.4 114.1 112.4 0.98 7.173 657.64
15.10 15:04:03 27.9 104.7 109.0 110.2 114.0 110.0 0.06 6.986 640.50
15.20 15:14:03 26.7 102.6 108.3 107.9 112.7 108.9 1.41 6.607 605.76
15.30 15:24:03 26.6 100.7 107.2 105.0 112.1 107.3 0.72 6.388 585.65
15.40 15:34:03 27.9 97.9 104.4 100.8 109.8 104.2 1.22 6.132 562.18
15.50 15:44:03 26.9 94.9 102.6 97.7 108.8 100.6 1.01 5.817 533.33
16.00 15:54:03 26.7 93.5 100.5 95.7 108.5 100.0 0.81 5.501 504.33
16.10 16:04:03 26.8 91.6 98.1 93.3 106.9 98.4 0.76 5.096 467.16
16.20 16:14:03 26.5 88.1 94.9 88.9 100.2 94.7 0.54 2.972 272.49
16.30 16:24:03 25.8 85.3 93.0 85.9 96.8 92.5 1.12 1.132 103.82
16.40 16:34:03 26.2 81.0 89.2 81.5 95.9 88.5 0.75 4.093 375.26
16.50 16:44:03 26.3 78.6 86.2 78.8 93.2 85.5 0.78 3.672 336.65
17.00 16:54:03 25.7 76.7 84.3 77.2 91.2 83.8 0.79 3.284 301.08
17.10 17:04:03 26.1 74.0 81.5 74.2 88.4 80.9 1.23 2.945 270.00
17.20 17:14:03 25.7 71.9 79.3 72.2 86.2 78.6 2.12 2.549 233.67
17.30 17:24:03 25.4 69.2 77.0 69.5 84.4 75.7 0.67 2.165 198.45
17.40 17:34:03 25.3 65.9 395.9 65.9 81.6 72.1 0.32 1.724 158.10
17.50 17:44:03 25.1 63.0 72.1 63.3 79.7 69.3 1.14 1.434 131.48
18.00 17:54:03 24.6 60.9 70.1 61.5 78.4 67.4 0.45 1.108 101.61
18.10 18:04:03 24.4 58.9 67.9 59.7 77.1 65.1 0.95 0.800 73.371
18.20 18:14:03 24.0 57.2 66.3 58.4 76.2 63.6 0.35 0.391 35.835
18.30 18:24:03 23.6 55.4 64.4 57.1 75.2 61.6 0.36 0.264 24.218
18.40 18:34:03 23.3 53.8 62.8 55.8 74.3 60.3 1.58 0.129 11.841
18.50 18:44:03 22.8 52.3 61.5 54.9 73.6 58.9 1.96 0.040 3.6932
19.00 18:54:03 22.6 50.9 60.1 53.7 73.0 57.6 2.36 0.010 0.8841
19.10 19:04:03 22.5 49.7 58.7 52.7 72.2 56.3 0.99 -0.004 -0.3971
19.20 19:14:03 22.0 48.7 57.6 52.1 71.8 55.4 1.67 -0.003 -0.2574
19.30 19:24:03 21.9 47.6 56.4 51.1 70.9 53.5 2.41 -0.006 -0.5260
19.40 19:34:03 22.0 46.5 55.2 50.2 69.9 53.2 1.65 -0.010 -0.8841
19.50 19:44:03 21.6 45.8 54.4 49.9 69.6 52.3 1.28 -0.004 -0.3461
Averages 25.79 96.03 92.91 103.26 101.81 98.68 0.84 7.61 697.74
stdev 1.3 16.5 19.8 17.3 16.5 18.7 0.5 1.0 93.6
Table G-26: Raw data for solar cooker on 7th Jan 2011 (Run #26)
Shift = -5:57
13.10 13:04:03 26.9 111.2 106.6 118.8 111.9 114.9 1.76 8.724 799.86
13.20 13:14:03 26.2 109.0 106.5 116.4 110.5 112.7 0.89 8.664 792.46
13.30 13:24:03 26.5 110.3 107.9 118.7 112.8 114.6 0.44 8.708 798.33
13.40 13:34:03 26.6 111.6 108.7 120.5 114.4 115.5 0.36 8.754 802.57
13.50 13:44:03 26.2 111.4 114.8 121.9 114.5 116.3 0.86 8.500 779.25
14.00 13:54:03 26.8 110.3 108.2 120.2 112.5 114.4 1.33 8.245 755.91
14.10 14:04:03 26.8 112.5 110.3 120.8 116.2 115.4 0.03 8.134 745.69
14.20 14:14:03 26.7 110.6 109.7 120.2 114.7 115.8 1.52 8.005 733.87
14.30 14:24:03 26.6 110.8 110.5 119.9 117.6 116.1 0.03 7.871 721.62
14.40 14:34:03 27.1 108.1 109.6 117.5 114.5 114.1 0.97 7.675 703.65
14.50 14:44:03 26.9 107.9 110.1 115.8 114.8 113.5 0.04 7.357 674.52
15.00 14:54:03 26.9 106.2 109.9 113.4 114.1 112.4 0.98 7.173 657.64
15.10 15:04:03 27.9 104.7 109.0 110.2 114.0 110.0 0.06 6.986 640.50
15.20 15:14:03 26.7 102.6 108.3 107.9 112.7 108.9 1.41 6.607 605.76
15.30 15:24:03 26.6 100.7 107.2 105.0 112.1 107.3 0.72 6.388 585.65
15.40 15:34:03 27.9 97.9 104.4 100.8 109.8 104.2 1.22 6.132 562.18
15.50 15:44:03 26.9 94.9 102.6 97.7 108.8 100.6 1.01 5.817 533.33
16.00 15:54:03 26.7 93.5 100.5 95.7 108.5 100.0 0.81 5.501 504.33
16.10 16:04:03 26.8 91.6 98.1 93.3 106.9 98.4 0.76 5.096 467.16
16.20 16:14:03 26.5 88.1 94.9 88.9 100.2 94.7 0.54 2.972 272.49
16.30 16:24:03 25.8 85.3 93.0 85.9 96.8 92.5 1.12 1.132 103.82
16.40 16:34:03 26.2 81.0 89.2 81.5 95.9 88.5 0.75 4.093 375.26
16.50 16:44:03 26.3 78.6 86.2 78.8 93.2 85.5 0.78 3.672 336.65
17.00 16:54:03 25.7 76.7 84.3 77.2 91.2 83.8 0.79 3.284 301.08
17.10 17:04:03 26.1 74.0 81.5 74.2 88.4 80.9 1.23 2.945 270.00
17.20 17:14:03 25.7 71.9 79.3 72.2 86.2 78.6 2.12 2.549 233.67
17.30 17:24:03 25.4 69.2 77.0 69.5 84.4 75.7 0.67 2.165 198.45
17.40 17:34:03 25.3 65.9 395.9 65.9 81.6 72.1 0.32 1.724 158.10
17.50 17:44:03 25.1 63.0 72.1 63.3 79.7 69.3 1.14 1.434 131.48
18.00 17:54:03 24.6 60.9 70.1 61.5 78.4 67.4 0.45 1.108 101.61
18.10 18:04:03 24.4 58.9 67.9 59.7 77.1 65.1 0.95 0.800 73.371
18.20 18:14:03 24.0 57.2 66.3 58.4 76.2 63.6 0.35 0.391 35.835
18.30 18:24:03 23.6 55.4 64.4 57.1 75.2 61.6 0.36 0.264 24.218
18.40 18:34:03 23.3 53.8 62.8 55.8 74.3 60.3 1.58 0.129 11.841
18.50 18:44:03 22.8 52.3 61.5 54.9 73.6 58.9 1.96 0.040 3.6932
19.00 18:54:03 22.6 50.9 60.1 53.7 73.0 57.6 2.36 0.010 0.8841
19.10 19:04:03 22.5 49.7 58.7 52.7 72.2 56.3 0.99 -0.004 -0.3971
19.20 19:14:03 22.0 48.7 57.6 52.1 71.8 55.4 1.67 -0.003 -0.2574
19.30 19:24:03 21.9 47.6 56.4 51.1 70.9 53.5 2.41 -0.006 -0.5260
19.40 19:34:03 22.0 46.5 55.2 50.2 69.9 53.2 1.65 -0.010 -0.8841
19.50 19:44:03 21.6 45.8 54.4 49.9 69.6 52.3 1.28 -0.004 -0.3461
Averages 25.79 96.03 92.91 103.26 101.81 98.68 0.84 7.61 697.74
Stdev 1.3 16.5 19.8 17.3 16.5 18.7 0.5 1.0 93.6
Table G-27: Raw data for solar cooker on 8th Jan 2011 (Run #27)
Shift = -6:23
13.20 13:13:27 26.0 111.8 104.7 118.9 110.5 13.6 1.05 8.967 822.12
13.30 13:23:27 25.9 112.9 107.8 121.0 113.7 114.9 1.04 8.725 799.94
13.40 13:33:27 26.0 111.8 106.3 121.9 110.4 115.9 0.98 8.671 794.99
13.50 13:43:27 27.7 112.2 107.5 121.6 93.0 115.6 1.12 8.538 782.77
14.00 13:53:27 27.3 111.7 107.5 121.3 113.0 115.2 1.91 8.469 776.39
14.10 14:03:27 27.3 112.8 109.8 121.8 115.7 116.2 1.56 8.303 761.25
14.20 14:13:27 26.0 112.0 109.8 120.8 114.5 116.6 0.67 7.227 662.56
14.30 14:23:27 26.6 110.1 114.2 117.5 114.6 114.2 0.78 6.741 617.98
14.40 14:33:27 27.0 107.5 108.3 114.8 112.6 112.4 1.64 7.670 703.19
14.50 14:43:27 27.7 106.6 108.3 113.4 112.8 111.5 0.98 7.688 704.86
15.00 14:53:27 28.3 105.4 107.9 111.3 112.5 110.0 1.36 7.377 676.34
15.10 15:03:27 27.7 104.3 107.8 109.7 112.2 109.3 1.34 7.115 652.30
15.20 15:13:27 27.9 102.9 107.1 107.1 112.5 107.9 1.22 6.744 618.33
15.30 15:23:27 27.2 100.9 106.0 104.4 110.9 106.1 1.36 6.573 602.60
15.40 15:33:27 27.3 98.9 104.5 101.4 109.6 104.3 1.92 6.289 576.56
15.50 15:43:27 27.3 96.3 102.6 98.4 108.6 101.9 2.11 5.987 548.90
16.00 15:53:27 26.9 93.9 99.8 95.0 106.7 99.5 0.89 5.574 511.01
16.10 16:03:27 27.5 90.5 96.7 91.2 104.2 96.4 1.56 5.138 471.04
16.20 16:13:27 26.6 87.8 94.0 87.8 101.4 93.1 1.13 4.538 416.09
16.30 16:23:27 26.3 85.6 91.8 85.5 98.4 91.6 1.33 3.640 333.92
16.40 16:33:27 26.8 87.3 89.3 81.8 94.7 88.5 2.34 3.579 328.10
16.50 16:43:27 26.5 83.9 86.1 77.9 90.7 85.2 0.76 2.880 264.07
17.00 16:53:27 26.1 75.8 83.4 75.0 88.3 82.5 1.28 2.745 251.69
17.10 17:03:27 26.6 73.0 80.4 71.9 88.2 89.4 1.26 2.717 249.08
17.20 17:13:27 26.2 71.1 78.2 70.2 87.7 77.5 1.13 2.833 259.75
17.30 17:23:27 25.8 69.1 76.1 68.5 83.3 75.3 1.24 2.282 209.22
17.40 17:33:27 25.8 66.4 73.9 65.8 81.0 72.1 1.23 2.254 206.64
17.50 17:43:27 25.4 63.8 71.8 63.5 79.3 69.7 1.16 1.831 167.90
18.00 17:53:27 25.0 61.8 69.9 61.9 78.0 67.5 0.99 1.288 118.08
18.10 18:03:27 24.4 59.7 68.3 60.4 76.9 65.7 0.98 0.681 62.414
18.20 18:13:27 23.8 57.6 66.6 58.8 75.5 63.8 1.17 0.390 35.745
18.30 18:23:27 23.4 55.8 64.7 57.7 74.9 61.8 1.05 0.215 19.719
18.40 18:33:27 23.2 54.0 62.9 55.5 73.8 60.1 0.89 0.130 11.885
18.50 18:43:27 22.8 52.6 61.4 54.6 73.6 58.6 1.02 0.047 2.2639
19.00 18:53:27 22.4 51.2 60.0 53.6 73.3 57.4 0.75 0.011 1.0184
19.10 19:03:27 21.9 50.1 58.8 52.8 72.4 56.4 1.05 -0.001 -0.07834
19.20 19:13:27 22.0 48.7 57.4 51.6 71.3 55.0 1.04 -0.012 -1.06320
19.30 19:23:27 21.7 47.7 56.2 50.9 70.8 53.9 1.98 -0.008 -0.74982
19.40 19:33:27 21.3 46.9 55.1 50.4 70.3 52.9 1.12 -0.005 -0.48123
19.50 19:43:27 21.0 46.2 54.2 50.0 69.9 52.5 1.91 -0.006 -0.57076
Average 25.5 95.0 90.5 102.8 97.7 94.9 1.2 7.5 683.4
Stdev 1.8 17.2 20.6 15.5 17.1 23.2 0.4 1.0 95.4
Table G-28: Raw data for solar cooker on 9th Jan 2011 (Run #28)
Shift = -6.49
13.10 13:03:11 26.4 87.5 83.8 91.1 93.3 87.4 0.96 8.279 759.02
13.20 13:13:11 27.5 89.7 85.3 93.6 94.0 91.1 0.27 6.112 560.39
13.30 13:23:11 26.3 88.1 85.9 93.1 93.4 90.6 1.58 7.400 678.43
13.40 13:33:11 26.5 90.1 86.8 95.7 95.7 92.5 1.96 7.277 667.13
13.50 13:43:11 26.4 89.3 87.1 94.2 94.3 91.1 2.36 4.355 399.31
14.00 13:53:11 26.7 86.9 85.8 91.0 92.2 89.4 0.99 4.781 438.36
14.10 14:03:11 26.2 85.7 85.7 89.2 91.9 88.6 1.67 3.994 366.17
14.20 14:13:11 26.5 81.2 82.9 83.2 87.2 84.7 2.41 3.209 294.22
14.30 14:23:11 25.9 77.7 81.3 79.1 85.4 82.3 1.65 3.030 277.75
14.40 14:33:11 26.1 74.1 78.7 75.1 83.6 79.1 1.28 4.624 423.89
14.50 14:43:11 26.9 75.9 79.3 79.4 89.9 80.6 1.64 8.198 751.64
15.00 14:53:11 27.3 82.1 82.7 88.1 97.1 86.0 0.98 8.165 748.60
15.10 15:03:11 27.3 85.8 85.4 92.3 100.4 87.9 0.36 7.447 682.75
15.20 15:13:11 27.3 86.8 87.1 94.5 101.3 89.7 0.34 7.098 650.77
15.30 15:23:11 28.0 87.4 87.8 93.7 101.2 89.7 1.22 6.703 614.49
15.40 15:33:11 27.8 87.6 88.1 92.6 101.5 89.7 1.36 6.359 583.01
15.50 15:43:11 27.5 86.6 88.7 91.5 101.4 89.4 1.92 6.073 556.77
16.00 15:53:11 27.1 85.8 87.6 81.6 101.4 88.8 2.11 5.712 523.69
16.10 16:03:11 26.9 84.1 86.8 86.3 101.0 86.4 0.89 5.339 489.47
16.20 16:13:11 27.1 82.4 85.2 84.7 99.1 85.7 1.05 4.943 453.13
16.30 16:23:11 27.0 79.4 82.7 81.4 95.5 82.7 1.12 4.618 423.35
16.40 16:33:11 27.3 78.6 81.7 80.1 92.9 82.7 1.65 4.260 390.58
16.50 16:43:11 26.9 75.8 78.9 76.6 89.2 79.3 0.64 3.883 356.03
17.00 16:53:11 27.5 73.5 77.1 73.6 86.0 76.7 0.45 3.520 322.67
17.10 17:03:11 27.2 72.4 76.3 72.4 84.8 76.7 0.79 3.127 286.66
17.20 17:13:11 27.2 69.6 74.1 69.2 82.2 73.9 0.42 2.762 253.21
17.30 17:23:11 27.1 67.2 72.0 66.6 81.3 71.4 0.17 2.374 217.68
17.40 17:33:11 26.5 64.1 70.4 63.3 78.3 68.7 2.40 2.002 183.53
17.50 17:43:11 26.3 61.0 68.2 60.2 76.2 65.8 1.65 1.597 146.44
18.00 17:53:11 26.0 58.7 66.1 58.0 74.7 63.5 0.75 1.259 115.41
18.10 18:03:11 25.8 56.6 64.2 56.3 73.5 61.4 0.53 0.893 81.876
18.20 18:13:11 25.2 54.8 62.6 55.0 72.7 59.8 0.42 0.615 56.360
18.30 18:23:11 24.9 53.1 61.0 53.6 71.8 58.2 1.01 0.271 24.890
18.40 18:33:11 24.4 51.6 59.6 52.6 71.1 57.0 1.23 0.164 14.996
18.50 18:43:11 23.9 50.2 58.4 51.6 70.6 55.6 1.93 0.064 5.8755
19.00 18:53:11 23.4 49.2 57.3 51.1 70.5 64.9 2.43 0.014 1.2870
19.10 19:03:11 23.1 47.8 56.1 50.0 69.9 53.5 1.72 -0.006 -0.52600
19.20 19:13:11 22.5 47.0 55.1 49.7 69.6 52.8 1.91 -0.005 -0.43646
19.30 19:23:11 22.2 46.1 54.0 49.2 69.3 51.9 0.93 -0.005 -0.48123
19.40 19:33:11 21.9 45.2 53.1 48.6 69.2 51.0 1.12 -0.007 -0.61553
19.50 19:43:11 21.5 44.6 52.3 48.3 68.4 50.3 2.21 -0.003 -0.30217
Averages 25.7 80.1 76.4 85.4 88.0 81.4 1.2 6.3 578.3
Stdev 1.6 10.0 12.3 8.7 11.2 10.7 0.7 1.7 154.3
Table G-29: Raw data for solar cooker on 10th Jan 2011 (Run #29)
Shift = -8:46
13.20 13:12:46 28.2 109.7 104.3 115.7 109.0 111.9 1.01 8.660 793.97
13.30 13:22:46 27.8 113.2 106.7 117.1 112.0 112.5 1.23 8.519 781.00
13.40 13:32:46 28.5 111.9 106.2 119.8 110.7 114.6 1.93 8.764 801.81
13.50 13:42:46 26.9 105.4 105.0 111.9 105.2 108.9 2.43 8.295 760.48
14.00 13:52:46 27.5 107.1 104.9 113.7 89.0 108.0 1.72 8.589 787.39
14.10 14:02:46 28.2 109.6 107.1 117.2 109.0 113.4 1.91 8.315 762.33
14.20 14:12:46 28.6 109.9 105.9 116.0 112.4 110.6 0.93 8.174 749.43
14.30 14:22:46 29.1 109.3 106.1 115.8 112.7 111.5 1.12 8.218 753.38
14.40 14:32:46 29.4 105.5 104.5 112.2 115.7 108.8 2.21 7.807 715.79
14.50 14:42:46 28.9 107.2 105.7 110.0 110.8 106.9 2.17 7.505 688.08
15.00 14:52:46 28.7 105.9 107.1 112.1 112.5 110.3 1.27 7.406 678.97
15.10 15:02:46 29.2 104.0 106.8 109.9 111.6 108.5 0.10 9.982 640.10
15.20 15:12:46 29.0 102.4 106.0 106.7 110.9 106.1 0.10 6.797 623.13
15.30 15:22:46 28.5 100.7 105.1 104.2 110.2 105.7 0.41 6.584 603.66
15.40 15:32:46 28.6 98.7 103.5 100.6 109.9 102.5 1.31 6.309 578.43
15.50 15:42:46 28.5 96.8 102.1 98.6 110.0 101.4 0.94 5.789 531.58
16.00 15:52:46 28.6 92.8 99.0 94.5 107.0 97.3 0.10 5.403 495.35
16.10 16:02:46 28.4 92.0 97.6 93.2 106.5 97.4 2.23 5.225 478.99
16.20 16:12:46 28.6 89.8 94.9 90.1 104.2 94.7 1.41 4.821 441.96
16.30 16:22:46 28.5 87.8 92.9 88.1 101.4 93.3 0.87 4.385 402.05
16.40 16:32:46 28.4 84.6 90.5 84.8 97.6 90.0 1.58 4.128 378.42
16.50 16:42:46 28.2 82.7 88.1 82.3 95.2 87.9 0.67 3.594 329.53
17.00 16:52:46 28.2 78.8 85.4 78.5 91.4 84.6 0.35 3.214 294.70
17.10 17:02:46 27.9 76.2 82.6 75.4 89.0 81.7 0.04 2.969 272.19
17.20 17:12:46 27.8 73.9 80.2 73.0 86.6 78.9 0.03 1.674 153.48
17.30 17:22:46 27.0 71.1 78.4 70.3 85.5 76.6 0.56 0.752 68.96
17.40 17:32:46 26.8 67.5 75.6 66.7 82.2 66.7 1.30 0.728 66.779
17.50 17:42:46 27.0 64.4 72.7 63.2 79.9 69.6 1.86 1.215 111.350
18.00 17:52:46 26.4 62.3 70.8 61.9 78.9 67.6 2.26 1.041 95.463
18.10 18:02:46 26.4 60.2 68.4 60.0 77.4 65.4 0.79 0.839 76.930
18.20 18:12:46 26.1 58.3 66.7 58.6 76.4 63.7 0.42 0.275 25.237
18.30 18:22:46 25.4 56.6 65.1 57.3 75.5 62.2 0.17 0.143 13.083
18.40 18:32:46 25.2 55.1 63.5 56.2 74.8 62.2 2.40 0.094 8.628
18.50 18:42:46 24.9 53.4 61.7 54.8 73.8 60.8 1.65 0.043 3.917
19.00 18:52:46 24.4 52.2 60.5 54.1 73.4 59.0 0.75 0.014 1.287
19.10 19:02:46 23.9 51.1 59.4 53.4 72.9 58.0 0.53 -0.001 -0.783
19.20 19:12:46 23.7 50.1 58.0 52.6 72.3 56.9 0.42 -0.003 -0.3022
19.30 19:22:46 23.5 49.0 56.9 51.8 71.4 55.8 1.01 -0.002 -0.1679
19.40 19:32:46 23.2 48.2 55.7 51.2 70.9 54.7 1.23 -0.001 -0.1231
19.50 19:42:46 23.1 47.2 54.7 50.4 70.2 53.6 1.93 -0.004 -0.3917
Averages 26.8 95.5 90.5 102.3 98.1 97.1 1.4 7.5 678.9
Stdev 1.9 15.8 19.1 14.2 15.3 17.2 0.7 1.2 102.6
Table G-30: Raw data for solar cooker on 11th Jan 2011 (Run #30)
Shift = -7:38
13.10 13:02:22 27.7 110.9 104.8 116.6 109.1 113.7 0.08 8.624 790.64
13.20 13:12:22 28.2 111.7 106.4 118.0 111.4 114.0 1.70 8.705 798.10
13.30 13:22:22 28.1 110.6 106.1 118.5 108.4 114.4 1.09 8.431 772.96
13.40 13:32:22 28.0 113.8 107.9 120.2 112.9 115.2 0.06 8.365 766.91
13.50 13:42:22 28.2 112.7 107.7 121.3 112.2 115.8 0.79 8.382 768.50
14.00 13:52:22 28.2 113.3 109.7 122.0 115.5 116.2 0.42 8.387 768.91
14.10 14:02:22 28.2 113.3 110.1 122.0 116.0 116.7 0.17 8.319 762.67
14.20 14:12:22 28.2 111.1 108.6 120.8 112.4 115.5 2.40 8.147 746.88
14.30 14:22:22 28.3 111.9 110.1 120.6 116.5 116.2 1.65 8.055 738.50
14.40 14:32:22 28.4 110.9 110.1 118.8 115.8 115.1 0.75 7.899 724.21
14.50 14:42:22 28.6 109.2 109.7 116.8 114.2 113.6 0.53 7.670 703.19
15.00 14:52:22 28.4 108.6 110.0 114.7 114.3 112.7 0.42 4.883 447.66
15.10 15:02:22 28.4 103.8 108.3 109.2 111.4 109.0 1.01 7.420 680.27
15.20 15:12:22 28.4 103.9 108.0 108.0 112.3 109.1 1.23 7.516 689.11
15.30 15:22:22 28.7 97.1 104.5 100.0 106.4 103.3 1.93 6.859 628.11
15.40 15:32:22 29.0 96.3 103.0 97.6 108.3 101.7 2.43 6.631 607.95
15.50 15:42:22 28.3 95.4 101.8 96.6 108.9 101.0 1.72 6.141 562.97
16.00 15:52:22 28.1 94.4 99.6 95.1 105.3 99.5 1.91 1.383 126.75
16.10 16:02:22 28.3 89.8 96.6 90.8 104.9 96.2 0.93 5.396 494.66
16.20 16:12:22 27.9 87.0 93.9 87.9 101.6 93.6 1.12 5.152 472.33
16.30 16:22:22 28.6 83.9 91.0 84.4 99.8 89.8 2.02 4.699 430.81
16.40 16:32:22 28.2 83.2 89.0 83.2 97.4 88.6 0.79 4.190 384.12
16.50 16:42:22 28.2 80.7 86.7 80.8 94.6 86.1 0.42 3.948 361.94
17.00 16:52:22 28.0 78.3 84.2 78.3 91.6 83.8 0.17 3.604 330.42
17.10 17:02:22 27.6 76.4 82.0 76.1 89.5 81.6 2.40 3.321 304.50
17.20 17:12:22 27.5 73.6 79.5 73.4 87.5 79.0 1.65 2.876 263.67
17.30 17:22:22 27.4 71.1 77.1 70.7 84.7 76.2 0.75 2.450 224.58
17.40 17:32:22 27.4 67.8 74.7 66.9 82.3 72.7 1.72 2.045 187.44
17.50 17:42:22 26.8 64.7 72.6 64.3 80.3 70.1 1.91 1.686 154.59
18.00 17:52:22 26.4 62.3 70.5 62.2 78.7 67.5 0.93 1.307 119.82
18.10 18:02:22 26.2 60.2 68.5 60.4 77.4 65.5 1.12 0.922 64.5060
18.20 18:12:22 25.8 58.3 66.7 58.9 76.3 63.6 1.93 0.525 48.1680
18.30 18:22:22 25.5 56.5 65.0 57.5 75.4 62.0 2.43 0.281 25.7774
18.40 18:32:22 25.2 54.9 63.3 56.2 74.4 60.4 1.72 0.141 12.9040
18.50 18:42:22 24.7 53.5 61.9 55.3 74.1 59.3 1.91 0.055 4.6221
19.00 18:52:22 24.6 51.9 60.4 54.0 73.2 57.9 0.93 0.011 1.0184
19.10 19:02:22 24.1 50.8 59.3 53.4 72.8 56.9 1.12 -0.001 -0.0783
19.20 19:12:22 24.0 49.7 57.9 52.5 72.0 55.6 1.07 -0.006 -0.5708
19.30 19:22:22 23.8 48.7 56.8 51.8 71.3 54.7 0.76 -0.008 -0.7051
19.40 19:32:22 23.3 48.0 56.0 51.5 71.2 54.0 0.56 -0.002 -0.2126
19.50 19:42:22 23.0 47.3 55.1 51.1 70.7 53.3 0.76 -0.002 -0.2126
Averages 26.9 96.1 91.2 102.7 100.0 98.2 1.2 7.4 676.2
Stdev 1.8 17.7 20.7 17.3 16.1 19.4 0.8 1.4 131.6
Table G-31: Raw data for solar cooker on 12th Jan 2011 (Run #31)
Shift = -8.02
Time LST °C °C °C °C °C °C m/s mV SQ
10.00 9:51:58 23.0 35.0 35.5 39.5 54.6 39.1 1.51 6.465 592.67
10.10 10:01:58 23.5 43.9 39.9 50.1 59.4 45.5 0.84 6.355 582.62
10.20 10:11:58 24.1 50.2 42.8 58.6 61.7 50.0 1.34 7.536 690.95
10.30 10:21:58 23.7 57.5 48.8 67.2 67.7 56.5 0.16 7.395 677.94
10.40 10:31:58 23.6 59.0 52.0 69.1 68.4 57.8 1.41 2.059 188.79
10.50 10:41:58 23.3 57.8 53.8 65.8 70.9 59.3 1.09 6.708 615.01
11.00 10:51:58 23.9 57.2 54.2 63.7 69.8 59.5 1.32 7.334 672.38
11.10 11:01:58 23.7 59.4 56.5 66.0 73.0 62.0 0.61 7.813 716.31
11.20 11:11:58 23.3 61.1 58.5 68.7 72.1 62.6 0.79 2.265 207.67
11.30 11:21:58 24.3 63.4 59.9 69.6 75.6 64.8 1.42 7.697 705.64
11.40 11:31:58 24.1 60.2 59.2 65.5 72.4 62.9 1.17 4.750 435.50
11.50 11:41:58 25.8 68.9 62.5 73.7 81.6 69.8 2.4 9.226 845.85
12.00 11:51:58 26.2 76.9 67.4 81.7 86.7 77.7 1.65 9.567 877.07
12.10 12:01:58 26.4 82.6 72.4 88.1 90.3 82.2 0.75 9.565 876.89
12.20 12:11:58 26.9 87.4 76.6 93.6 93.2 87.8 1.53 9.801 898.58
12.30 12:21:58 25.8 86.0 79.2 92..3 92.0 87.0 1.42 9.938 911.08
12.40 12:31:58 25.0 81.7 79.7 88.7 86.5 83.7 1.01 1.903 174.45
12.50 12:41:58 24.9 74.6 76.4 79.0 82.0 78.8 1.23 3.449 316.18
13.00 12:51:58 26.5 82.1 79.3 85.4 92.5 85.2 1.93 9.568 877.19
13.10 13:01:58 26.2 90.8 84.8 96.0 99.4 92.5 2.43 9.506 871.50
13.20 13:11:58 27.1 95.5 87.2 102.1 100.0 97.4 1.01 8.844 810.82
13.30 13:21:58 26.1 93.9 89.1 101.9 100.0 96.0 1.23 9.025 827.37
13.40 13:31:58 27.0 97.4 90.1 105.9 98.5 99.5 1.93 9.625 882.43
13.50 13:41:58 26.4 100.3 94.7 108.6 101.5 101.1 2.43 3.176 291.14
14.00 13:51:58 25.8 93.3 92.9 100.0 96.8 96.1 1.72 1.862 170.75
14.10 14:01:58 26.8 95.7 90.1 97.4 96.6 95.1 1.91 8.869 813.09
14.20 14:11:58 27.4 93.1 91.5 101.7 102.3 97.6 0.93 9.311 853.67
14.30 14:21:58 27.0 93.0 92.5 99.2 100.8 96.4 1.12 8.883 814.40
14.40 14:31:58 27.4 96.9 95.2 103.1 104.3 99.8 0.87 2.755 252.55
14.50 14:41:58 26.4 91.0 93.1 96.5 97.5 95.5 0.56 4.622 423.77
15.00 14:51:58 26.2 90.2 92.9 94.7 98.3 95.1 1.3 2.901 265.94
15.10 15:01:58 27.5 88.4 92.0 93.2 101.3 93.8 1.86 8.342 764.83
15.20 15:11:58 27.0 89.3 92.3 93.3 100.1 93.7 2.26 3.598 329.89
15.30 15:21:58 27.1 83.7 89.4 97.3 97.4 89.2 1.58 7.310 670.15
15.40 15:31:58 27.4 84.8 88.9 86.9 97.5 89.3 0.67 2.140 196.19
15.50 15:41:58 26.2 79.4 85.6 81.1 89.0 85.7 1.35 1.672 153.26
16.00 15:51:58 27.3 76.6 84.1 76.9 94.5 81.9 1.05 6.743 618.16
16.10 16:01:58 26.1 77.7 83.2 79.3 90.3 83.8 0.78 1.358 124.53
16.20 16:11:58 26.8 72.9 80.0 73.9 90.4 79.0 1.03 5.623 515.51
16.30 16:21:58 26.9 73.1 78.7 74.3 90.9 78.6 1.31 5.115 468.940
16.40 16:31:58 26.6 73.6 77.2 74.7 87.4 78.2 0.94 1.924 176.370
16.50 16:41:58 25.8 69.9 75.9 71.5 83.2 76.0 1.1 1.045 95.765
17.00 16:51:58 25.9 66.0 73.3 67.0 81.4 72.0 2.23 3.757 344.400
17.10 17:01:58 26.8 64.8 70.9 65.5 80.5 70.2 1.41 3.058 280.370
17.20 17:11:58 25.9 64.6 70.1 65.7 80.3 70.0 0.87 1.963 179.970
17.30 17:21:58 25.2 62.2 69.1 63.6 78.6 68.0 0.56 0.759 69.588
17.40 17:31:58 25.8 59.0 66.2 59.6 75.8 64.4 1.3 2.220 203.520
17.50 17:41:58 25.5 57.4 64.6 58.3 74.6 63.3 1.86 1.160 106.320
18.00 17:51:58 24.9 55.4 63.4 56.8 73.7 61.3 2.26 0.522 47.854
18.10 18:01:58 24.8 53.6 61.6 55.0 72.4 59.3 1.58 0.709 65.000
18.20 18:11:58 24.6 52.0 60.0 53.5 71.6 67.6 0.67 0.325 29.825
18.30 18:21:58 24.3 50.4 58.5 52.2 70.7 56.3 1.35 0.251 23.010
18.40 18:31:58 24.1 49.0 57.2 51.0 69.7 55.1 0.79 0.144 13.217
18.50 18:41:58 23.8 47.9 56.1 50.2 69.1 53.9 1.42 0.043 3.917
19.00 18:51:58 23.4 46.8 55.2 49.6 68.9 53.1 1.17 0.016 1.4213
19.10 19:01:58 23.3 45.7 54.0 48.6 68.2 52.0 2.4 -0.002 -0.1679
19.20 19:11:58 22.9 44.9 53.2 48.3 68.0 51.3 1.65 -0.001 -0.1231
19.30 19:21:58 22.7 44.1 52.4 47.7 67.5 50.5 1.75 -0.004 -0.3469
19.40 19:31:58 22.5 43.3 51.5 47.1 67.0 49.7 1.53 -0.006 -0.5260
19.50 19:41:58 22.3 42.7 50.7 46.7 66.6 49.1 1.42 -0.005 -0.4365
Averages 25.7 77.8 75.1 83.6 87.2 80.2 1.3 6.4 591.2
Stdev 1.5 17.0 18.0 17.2 14.2 17.6 0.5 2.9 266.0
Table G-32: Raw data for solar cooker on 13th Jan 2011 (Run #32)
Shift = -8.25
13.53 13:44:35 27.5 106.3 101.7 115.2 109.2 107.9 1.78 9.021 827.07
14.03 13:54:35 28.0 106.2 102.1 114.7 108.6 108.6 1.08 8.597 788.19
14.13 14:04:35 27.1 108.8 105.0 117.5 113.6 111.1 0.97 8.750 802.22
14.23 14:14:35 27.6 109.2 105.4 118.3 113.8 112.4 1.66 8.478 777.30
14.33 14:24:35 27.8 108.4 105.3 117.3 112.2 111.7 1.18 7.938 727.72
14.43 14:34:35 28.7 107.2 105.5 115.1 112.7 110.8 1.11 8.116 744.04
14.53 14:44:35 27.9 104.8 105.5 112.2 111.0 109.0 0.78 7.692 705.19
15.03 14:54:35 28.2 104.8 106.5 111.3 113.6 108.8 1.06 7.509 688.38
15.13 15:04:35 27.2 102.2 105.9 107.9 110.9 107.3 1.04 7.502 687.75
15.23 15:14:35 27.2 101.8 106.2 106.6 113.4 106.7 1.29 6.687 613.08
15.33 15:24:35 28.0 97.6 103.3 100.9 109.7 102.9 1.47 7.118 652.59
15.43 15:34:35 26.5 98.3 102.7 100.8 108.2 103.4 1.16 1.439 131.92
15.53 15:44:35 26.8 95.1 100.5 96.4 107.2 99.9 1.25 6.203 568.69
16.03 15:54:35 27.3 89.5 96.6 90.4 104.2 95.5 1.47 6.220 570.28
16.13 16:04:35 27.7 87.4 93.9 87.9 102.8 92.9 1.06 5.656 518.54
16.23 16:14:35 26.9 85.0 91.9 85.5 99.8 91.5 1.03 5.169 473.91
16.33 16:24:35 26.4 84.4 90.1 84.7 96.2 90.3 1.09 1.088 92.39
16.43 16:34:35 26.3 79.7 87.3 80.3 94.5 86.3 0.97 4.492 411.81
16.53 16:44:35 26.5 78.3 85.1 78.8 92.7 84.6 1.56 4.030 369.43
17.03 16:54:35 26.4 75.3 82.4 75.7 89.1 81.7 2.17 3.658 335.35
17.13 17:04:35 25.9 73.3 80.4 73.8 87.5 79.8 1.27 3.232 296.31
17.23 17:14:35 26.1 70.4 77.8 70.6 84.6 76.8 1.1 3.105 284.65
17.33 17:24:35 24.7 68.5 76.9 69.2 83.7 75.0 1.1 0.515 47.24
17.43 17:34:35 24.4 64.7 74.3 65.4 81.1 71.4 1.41 0.577 52.94
17.53 17:44:35 24.7 61.6 71.3 62.2 78.7 68.2 1.31 1.444 132.42
18.03 17:54:35 24.5 59.7 69.2 60.6 77.6 66.0 0.94 1.160 106.33
18.13 18:04:35 24.3 57.8 67.2 59.0 76.4 64.0 1.1 0.761 69.77
18.23 18:14:35 23.8 56.0 65.5 57.7 75.5 62.5 2.23 0.346 31.74
18.33 18:24:35 23.5 54.3 64.0 56.2 74.5 61.0 1.41 0.137 12.59
18.43 18:34:35 23.1 52.7 62.1 55.0 73.7 59.4 0.87 0.075 6.85
18.53 18:44:35 22.9 51.2 60.7 53.7 73.3 58.2 0.56 0.028 5.57
19.03 18:54:35 22.6 49.9 59.3 52.8 72.2 56.9 1.3 0.007 0.66
19.13 19:04:35 22.5 48.7 57.9 51.8 71.4 55.5 1.86 -0.005 -0.48
19.23 19:14:35 22.3 47.5 56.7 51.0 70.1 54.5 2.26 -0.008 -0.7051
19.33 19:24:35 22.0 46.8 55.8 50.5 70.3 53.6 1.58 -0.006 -0.5708
19.43 19:34:35 21.8 45.9 54.7 59.7 69.5 52.7 0.67 -0.008 -0.7051
19.53 19:44:35 21.5 45.1 53.8 49.4 69.1 52.0 1.35 -0.004 -0.3917
Averages 26.1 91.3 87.4 97.6 97.2 93.5 1.3 7.1 650.1
Stdev 1.6 18.6 20.8 19.2 16.3 20.1 0.4 2.3 213.5
Table G33: Raw data for solar cooker on 14th Jan 2011 (Run #33)
Shift = -8.48
13.10 13:01:12 25.4 105.5 98.5 110.9 106.2 107.6 1.94 8.786 805.55
13.20 13:11:12 25.1 106.7 100.2 114.1 106.9 110.6 0.84 8.646 792.66
13.30 13:21:12 25.5 108.5 103.5 116.3 110.3 110.8 0.88 8.868 812.99
13.40 13:31:12 25.5 107.3 102.8 116.0 108.5 110.2 1.05 8.626 790.80
13.50 13:41:12 26.9 108.1 103.2 116.2 89.6 109.9 1.3 8.592 787.70
14.00 13:51:12 26.3 109.2 105.2 118.1 109.3 112.0 1.08 8.588 787.38
14.10 14:01:12 26.5 109.4 105.2 119.1 110.2 112.6 1.15 8.324 763.12
14.20 14:11:12 26.5 109.7 105.1 117.9 111.9 112.1 0.93 8.234 754.93
14.30 14:21:12 27.0 106.5 104.7 115.2 110.1 110.6 0.76 8.097 752.33
14.40 14:31:12 26.5 107.7 107.1 115.3 113.9 111.5 0.79 7.890 723.31
14.50 14:41:12 26.5 107.5 107.9 115.3 114.7 111.8 0.97 7.638 700.29
15.00 14:51:12 27.4 106.0 107.3 113.2 113.6 110.8 1.63 7.480 685.78
15.10 15:01:12 26.4 105.0 107.8 111.5 114.2 109.8 1.04 7.259 665.54
15.20 15:11:12 26.4 103.1 107.3 109.0 113.8 108.5 0.92 7.009 642.59
15.30 15:21:12 26.3 101.4 106.4 106.6 113.2 107.6 0.83 6.784 621.92
15.40 15:31:12 26.2 99.8 105.2 103.1 112.2 104.9 1.83 6.279 575.63
15:50:00 15:41:12 26.8 90.0 95.7 90.7 113.9 95.5 1.65 5.190 475.85
16:00:00 15:51:12 26.6 87.5 93.5 88.1 101.9 93.2 1.03 4.880 447.44
16:10:00 16:01:12 26.9 85.1 90.8 85.2 98.7 90.7 1.01 4.574 419.39
16:20:00 16:11:12 26.0 82.8 88.5 82.9 95.5 88.1 0.91 4.131 378.73
16:30:00 16:21:12 25.9 80.0 86.3 79.7 92.6 85.2 0.86 3.871 354.87
16:40:00 16:31:12 25.9 77.4 83.4 76.7 89.6 82.2 1.31 3.505 321.29
Averages 24.8 88.3 84.5 95.2 95.2 90.8 1.1 7.5 684.7
stdev 1.9 21.6 23.1 21.6 18.6 22.9 0.5 2.0 184.8
Table G-34: Raw data for solar cooker on 26th Jan 2011 (Run #34)
Shift. -12.26
14:00:00 13:47:34 27.5 115.6 108.5 106.1 97.2 115.6 1.9 9.0 823.24
14:10:00 13:57:34 27.7 116.6 109.4 109.6 97.9 116.7 1.0 8.7 799.81
14:20:00 14:07:34 27.6 116.4 109.9 112.7 97.8 117.3 1.6 8.7 798.07
14:30:00 14:17:34 27.3 115.6 110.3 114.6 96.9 116.9 1.0 8.5 777.68
14:40:00 14:27:34 27.6 114.4 110.1 116.9 96.9 116.1 1.1 8.2 755.44
14:50:00 14:37:34 27.8 112.7 109.9 119.0 96.5 115.6 1.1 7.9 724.91
15:00:00 14:47:34 27.4 111.4 109.8 116.7 96.3 114.5 1.1 7.6 698.6
15:10:00 14:57:34 28.0 109.3 110.3 113.8 96.2 113.2 2.1 7.2 658.78
15:20:00 15:07:34 27.7 107.2 110.1 110.8 94.5 112.2 1.6 7.0 642.63
15:30:00 15:17:34 28.3 104.3 108.7 106.4 93.6 109.9 1.8 6.7 613.61
15:40:00 15:27:34 27.7 102.3 107.5 102.8 92.4 108.0 1.8 6.3 576.2
15:50:00 15:37:34 28.0 99.1 105.1 98.4 89.9 104.8 2.1 5.9 543.52
16:00:00 15:47:34 27.5 96.5 103.4 95.5 88.2 102.4 2.1 5.5 501.8
16:10:00 15:57:34 27.6 94.3 101.1 92.8 85.9 100.2 1.8 5.1 466.58
16:20:00 16:07:34 27.9 90.4 97.7 88.9 82.3 96.5 1.5 4.9 444.99
16:30:00 16:17:34 28.1 87.6 94.9 86.1 79.1 93.7 2.0 4.4 402.42
16:40:00 16:27:34 27.5 85.5 92.2 83.7 75.9 91.6 1.2 4.1 375.04
16:50:00 16:37:34 27.1 82.3 89.6 80.6 73.6 88.5 0.8 3.7 335.94
17:00:00 16:47:34 27.0 79.2 86.6 77.2 70.3 88.5 1.9 3.3 303.84
17:10:00 16:57:34 26.9 76.4 83.8 74.3 70.5 82.5 1.0 2.9 266.75
17:20:00 17:07:34 26.7 73.3 81.1 71.4 65.5 79.5 0.2 2.6 234.86
17:30:00 17:17:34 26.1 70.7 78.7 69.0 63.8 77.0 1.0 2.1 188.78
17:40:00 17:27:34 25.9 67.7 76.3 66.0 61.8 73.8 1.3 1.5 138.61
17:50:00 17:37:34 25.6 64.7 74.1 63.1 59.9 70.7 1.0 1.2 114.38
18:00:00 17:47:34 25.3 62.2 72.1 61.1 58.4 68.5 1.2 1.0 95.194
18:10:00 17:57:34 24.8 60.2 69.2 59.5 57.2 66.5 2.1 0.7 61.127
18:20:00 18:07:34 24.4 58.2 67.8 58.0 56.2 64.4 0.9 0.4 4.0781
18:30:00 18:17:34 23.9 56.4 81.1 56.8 55.3 62.8 0.7 0.2 22.528
18:40:00 18:27:34 25.3 54.7 79.3 55.5 54.3 61.1 1.9 0.1 9.7925
18:50:00 18:37:34 23.0 53.1 62.7 54.3 53.6 59.5 1.0 0.0 1.6451
19:00:00 18:47:34 22.7 51.6 61.3 53.4 53.2 58.3 0.6 0.0 1.1079
19:10:00 18:57:34 22.3 50.4 60.0 52.7 52.6 57.2 1.0 0.0 -0.526
19:20:00 19:07:34 21.9 49.3 58.6 51.9 51.7 56.1 1.7 0.0 -0.48123
19:30:00 19:17:34 21.9 48.2 57.3 51.1 51.1 54.9 0.8 0.0 -0.79459
19:40:00 19:27:34 21.4 47.4 56.4 54.2 50.9 54.2 1.1 0.0 -0.74982
Avg 25.8 96.7 89.5 83.7 78.8 96.7 1.5 8.3 756.9
Stdev 2.0 19.1 22.4 29.5 24.1 21.2 0.5 1.1 101.5