Energy Renewable Energy
Energy Renewable Energy
Energy Renewable Energy
REGISTRATION NO : - 021-1221-0098-14
SESSION : - 2018-2019
1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………….3
4. RENEWABLE RESOURCES…………………………........5
8. CONCLUSION………………………………………………14
9. REFRENCE………………………………………………….15
10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT………………………………16
A resource is anything we can use to help us live and work Oil, coal,
gas, trees, soil, wind, waves, sun, people, the countryside, water, rocks etc
Conflict over ownership, depletion, pollution
Types of Resources
Renewable Energy resource
Non Renewable Energy Resources
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is energy which is generated from natural
sources i.e. sun, wind, rain, tides and can be generated again and again as
and when required.
They are available in plenty and by far most the cleanest
sources of energy available on this planet. For e.g.: Energy that we receive
from the sun can be used to generate electricity. Similarly, energy from
wind, geothermal, biomass from plants, tides can be wind, geothermal,
biomass from plants, tides can be used this form of energy to another form.
Non-Renewable Energy
Non-Renewable energy is energy which is taken from the
sources that are available on the earth in limited quantity and will vanish
fifty-sixty years from now.
Non-renewable sources are not environmental friendly and can
have serious affect on our health.
They are called non-renewable because they cannot be re-
generated within a short span of time. Nonrenewable sources exist in the
form of fossil fuels, natural gas, oil and coal.
Advantages of Natural Resources
Renewable Non renewable
It can be used again and again It cannot be used again and again but
throughout its life. one day it will be exhausted.
These are the energy resources which They are the energy resources which
cannot be exhausted. can be exhausted one day.
It has low carbon emission and It has high carbon emission and hence
hence environment friendly not environment friendly.
It is present in unlimited quantity. It is present in limited quantity and
vanishes one day
Cost is low. Cost is high.
It has high maintenance cost. It has low maintenance cost as
compared with the renewable energy
Large land area is required for the Less land area is required for its power
installation of its power plant. plant installation.
Solar energy, wind energy, tidal Coal, petroleum, natural gases are the
energy etc is the examples of examples of non-renewable resources
renewable resources.
Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished in a
short period of time.
Non-Conventional Energy Sources
The sources of energy which are being produced continuously in nature
and are in exhaustible are called renewable sources of energy (or) non-
conventional energy.
Solar energy
Solar energy which comprises of radiant heat and light from the sun
can be harnessed with some modern technology like photo-voltaic,
solar heating, artificial photosynthesis, solar architecture and solar
thermal electricity.
The earth gets 174 Pet watts of incoming solar radiation in the upper
atmosphere. About 30% is reflected back to space and the rest is
absorbed by oceans, clouds and land masses.
Wind energy
Tidal Energy
A nonrenewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be re-
made or re-grown at a scale comparable to its consumption.
The sun, wind, geothermal, ocean energy are available in the abundant
quantity and free to use.
The non-renewable sources of energy that we are using are limited and
are bound to expire one day.
Renewable sources have low carbon emissions, therefore they are
considered as green and therefore they are considered as green and
environment friendly.
Conventional energy sources are:
It is a dark colored, viscous and foul smelling crude oil.
The petroleum means rock oil. It is normally found under the crust of
earth trapped in rocks. The crude oil is a complex mixture of several
solid liquid gaseous hydrocarbons mixed with solid water, salt and
earth particles. It is a natural water, salt and earth particles. It is a
natural product obtained from oil wells.
The products obtained from crude petroleum as follows:
Natural gas
It consists about 95% Methane and rest ethane and propane.
It occurs deep under the crust of the earth either alone or a long with
oil above the petroleum deposits. It is a product of petroleum mining.
(b) Hydraulic Energy
(c) Nuclear energy
This analysis of the differences between renewable and non-renewable
resources has highlighted some key facts. For example, it has demonstrated
that renewable resources are much more preferable to non-renewable
resources, for many reasons. Renewable resources are better for the
environment and better for future generations as well. These points all derive
from the definition of renewable and non-renewable resources. It is precisely
because renewable resources can be renewed that they are preferable to non-
renewable resources. Another thing that it is important to take into account is
the fact that some renewable resources are in danger of becoming non-
renewable if we do not use them in a sustainable fashion. It is important for
all of us to take good care of our planet – and one central way of doing so is
being careful about the type and amount of resources that we use.
1. file:///C:/Users/M%20I%20MALLIK/Downloads/renewableandnon-
2. file:///C:/Users/M%20I%20MALLIK/Downloads/renewableandnon-
3. file:///C:/Users/M%20I%20MALLIK/Downloads/renewableandnon-
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude of the Principal
of our College for providing the excellent infrastructure for completion of
this project work in our organization. My sincere thanks to DR.SWARADIPI
GHOSH who have provided support directly to do this project on the topic of
Renewable & Non-Renewable Energy Resources.
I would also like to thank my parent and friends who helped me a lot in
finishing this project within the limited time. I would also express my
gratitude to the companies for using their names as well as their statistical
data. I am making this report not only for marks but also to increase my
Yours Faithfully