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Jimmy Kenya Power Report

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This attachment report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the academic requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the Faculty of
Engineering and Technology


I declare that this attachment report is my own work. Where collaboration with other people has
taken place, or material generated by other researchers is included, the parties and/or materials
are indicated in the acknowledgements or are explicitly stated with references as appropriate.

This work is being submitted for the Bachelor of Science (Diploma or Certificate) in Electrical
and Electronic Engineering at the Technical University of Mombasa. It has not been submitted to
any other university for any other degree or examination. Signature

To my parents, my siblings and the chief engineer technical services James Onsare, my
supervisors, Eng. Lulu, Fedric Omondi, Samuel Theuri, Thimothy muiya, Geofrey Chai .

This report summarizes all the experiences and knowledge gain during my industrial training. I
conducted my training in Kenya power and lighting company. This report contains the
experienced gained during the 12 weeks period focusing on the areas I studied.

My attachment was a success and I would like to thank the Almighty God for taking me through
the whole attachment period. I would like to give my special thanks to all my lecturers for
providing me with learning experiences that were critical in giving me the base of coming up
with the report.

I would also appreciate the managing director Kenya Power Engineer for giving me time to
work within the company`s Department throughout the attachment period. I would also like to
acknowledge the various attachment supervisors in the various departments who encouraged and
supported me, by providing learning experiences. These were necessary to improve my
knowledge and skills in not only electrical and electronics system of the machines, but also in
other engineering fields, hence contributing to the success of this report. I would also include my
beloved family for their support and during the entire period.


TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................................................................6
LIST OF FIGURES.....................................................................................................................................7
1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................10
1.1 introduction.....................................................................................................................................10
1.2. Objectives of the Attachment..........................................................................................................10
1.3. Company profile.............................................................................................................................10
1.3.1 Company history.......................................................................................................................10
1.3.2 Company mission.....................................................................................................................11
1.3.3 Company Vision.......................................................................................................................11
1.3.4 Core Values..............................................................................................................................11
1.3.5 Quality Policy...........................................................................................................................11
1.3.6 Department...............................................................................................................................12
1.4 Organization structure................................................................................................................13
2. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT DURING THE ATTACHMENT PERIOD..........................................14
2.1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................14
2.2. Electric power flow........................................................................................................................15
2.4.0 ELECTRICAL PLANT................................................................................................................22
2.5.1 TRANSFORMERS...................................................................................................................25
2.6.0 TRANSMISSION LINE...............................................................................................................32
2.7.0 SYSTEM CONTROL...................................................................................................................36 Regional control center..............................................................................................................36

3.0 CHALLENGES, RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION.....................................................38
3.1. Challenges encountered during the attachment period....................................................................38
3.2 Recommendations for the Challenges Encountered.........................................................................38

Figure 1 Power flow from generation........................................................................................................16
Figure 2 Shows sample of power flow and bus burs.................................................................................17
Figure 3 show a relay connection.............................................................................................................18
Figure 4 Battery maintenance...................................................................................................................23
Figure 5 Step up transformer.....................................................................................................................25
Figure 6 Step down transformer................................................................................................................26
Figure 7 Power transformer.......................................................................................................................26
Figure 8 Distribution Transformer.............................................................................................................27
Figure 9 Voltage and current voltage symbols..........................................................................................28
Figure 10 Repairing and maintenance of distribution transformers..........................................................29
Figure 11 Types of isolators......................................................................................................................33
Figure 12 SCADA system layouts.............................................................................................................36
Figure 13 Mesh bus bar arrangement.......................................................................................................37


Table 1 Structural organization of Kenya power.......................................................................................13

1.1 introduction
As an engineering student attachment is a very important undertaking. During attachment a
student is supposed to connect the theoretical work with the real situation on the ground. As a
person I have really realized the working experience since I worked with the staff and I was able
to link the school work to the real situations on the ground. After attachment one is able to
handle school work with lots of seriousness since the student knows exactly what is on the

1.2. Objectives of the Attachment

1. Exposing students to industrial/business work culture through the actual involvement in real
work environment.

2. Providing opportunities for students to apply skill required through formal instructions in real
work situation.

3. Exposing students to technologies which are not available to them in the institutions.

4. Build confidence in the students in technical operations and problem solving by working with
professionals in the world of work.

1.3. Company profile

1.3.1 Company history

Kenya power owns and operate most of the electricity transmission and distribution system in the
country. The mandate is to plan for sufficient electricity generation and transmission capacity to
meet demand building and maintaining power distribution and transmission network and
retailing electricity to its customers.1875: Seyyied Bargash, the Sultan of Zanzibar, acquires a
generator to light his palace and nearby streets. 1908: Harrali Esmailjee Jeevanjee, a wealthy
merchant in Mombasa, acquires the generator and transfers it to the Mombasa Electric Power
and Lighting Company.1908: Around the same time, an engineer, Mr. Clement Hertzel, is
granted the exclusive right to supply electricity to the then district and town of Nairobi. This
leads to the formation of the Nairobi Power and Lighting Syndicate.1922: The two utilities in
Nairobi and Mombasa are merged under a new company incorporated as the East African Power
and Lighting Company (EAP&L).1932: EAP&L acquires a controlling interest in the
Tanganyika Electricity Supply Company Limited (TANESCO).1936: EAP&L obtains
generating and distribution licenses for Uganda, thereby entrenching its presence in the East
African region.1948: The Uganda Electricity Board (UEB) is established by the Ugandan
Government to take over distribution of electricity in the country.1954: The Kenya Power
Company (KPC) is created - to be managed by EAP&L - for the purpose of transmitting power
from Uganda through the Tororo-Juja line.1964: EAP&L sells its majority stockholding in
TANESCO to the Government of Tanzania. 1983: With its operations confined only to Kenya,

EAP&L is renamed The Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited (KPLC).1997: The
functions of generation are split from transmission and distribution. The Kenya Power Company,
which has been under the management of KPLC since 1954, becomes a separate entity
responsible for public-funded power generation projects.1998: The Kenya Power Company is
re-launched as the Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen).2004: The Energy Sector
Recovery Project (ESRP) is started to rehabilitate and reinforce the transmission and distribution
network in order to improve the quality and reliability of supply, reduce system losses and
increase access to electricity.2007: Rural Electrification Authority (REA) is established to speed
up the implementation pace of the rural electrification programme.2008: Kenya Electricity
Transmission Company (KETRACO) is incorporated by the government to accelerate
transmission infrastructure development.2008: The government incorporates the Geothermal
Development Company tasked with developing steam fields to reduce upstream power
development risks so as to promote rapid development of geothermal electric power. 2011: The
Kenya Power and Lighting Company rebrands to Kenya Power.

1.3.2 Company mission

Powering people for better lives.

1.3.3 Company Vision

To provide world-class power that delights our customers

1.3.4 Core Values

 Customer First
 One Team
 Passion
 Integrity
 Excellence

1.3.5 Quality Policy

We are committed to providing high quality customer service by efficiently transmitting and
distributing high quality electricity that is safe, adequate and reliable at cost effective tariffs. The
Board, Management and staff of Kenya Power are committed to effective implementation and
continual improvement of the Quality Management System that complies with the requirements
of ISO 9001:2008 in order to consistently meet its customers and other stakeholder's
requirements and expectations.

1.3.6 Department
This is one of the departments working in this company.

The various sections that are available in this department included;

o System protection
o System control
o workshop
o Electrical plant
o Transmission lines

1.4 Organization structure





Table 1 Structural organization of Kenya power

2.1. Introduction
During the attachment, I was able to interact with the employees and I acquired skills and
knowledge in different electrical fields, the purpose electrical power system is to generate and
supply electrical energy to consumers. The system should be designed an managed to deliver this
energy to the utilization point with both reliability and economy the same way this whole
system needs protected and maintained well for longer use. Protection is done through using of
relays which are supplied by batteries

2.2. Electric power flow
The figure below shows a sample of power flow; the power getting into the substation is 220kv
from generation like Suswa, Kiambere and Embakasi. Then it is stepped down to132kv, 33kv
then to 11kv given to consumers. From the generation 11kv is generated or15kv which is stepped
down to 220kv 132kv by a270mva transfomer which is then supplied to different substation
transmission is done in high voltage because increase in voltage lowers the current

Step up transformer

270mva olkaria Transmission line 250mw

Generation 11/15kv

kengen 400ACSR



Voi step down tx Rabai


132kv /66/33kv

Sub/Transission Rabai power 90mva





Busbar 11kv kimathi


Tononoka Makande Digo road

150/300mm2 23mva 200kva



23mva Steel makers

Figure 1 Power flow from generation

Figure 2 Shows sample of power flow and bus burs

2.3.1 Principles of protection

The fundamental principle of protection is to disconnect and isolate the faulty part of the system
so that the fault is not sustained and aggravated by a continuing flow of power into it, and the
rest of the system is not damaged and can revert to its normal state.

Generally speaking this means automatically detecting the fault condition by means of a suitable
device and disconnecting the faulty section by means of a circuit-breaker or other interrupter. For
some purposes the two functions are combined in one item of switchgear, as in a moulded-case
circuit-breaker. In many cases protection is provided by fuses, in which the functions are

The occurrence of a fault is indicated by various quantities, usually excess currents, depending
upon the nature of the fault. The way in which the protection devices respond to faults, in terms
both of magnitude and of time, is very important for several reasons:

- The affected part of the system should be disconnected quickly, before any avoidable damage is

- The protection should not operate unnecessarily. Transient disturbances are liable to occur on
most systems for many reasons connected with operation, and most electrical plant is capable of
operating safely with moderate over- loads for short periods.
- If the amount of .equipment disconnected is to be kept to the minimum necessary to clear the
fault, the sensitivities of the various protection devices which respond to the fault must, as far as
possible, be so graded and related that only that device needed to clear the fault actually operates.
This device that has the working principle is known as ‘relay’,.

Figure 3 show a relay connection
2.3.2 Disconnection devices

The means of detecting a fault and the means disconnecting it are equally important. There are
three categories of devices used to disconnect faulty circuits:

 Circuit-breakers.
These are generally capable of interrupting the maximum fault currents that can flow in
the circuits which they feed. Since under some fault conditions the current may rise to ten
or more times the normal full-load current, the design and selection of circuit-breakers is
of great importance. Several types of circuit-breaker are in use with different
arrangements for arc suppression - air-break, oil-break, sulphur hexafluoride (SF,) and
 Contactors.
Contactors are rated to close onto the most severe’ faults but have limited breaking
capacity; in most cases this is less than the maximum possible fault current in the circuit
which they feed. Therefore they have usually to be supplemented by fuses. Contactors
may be air-break or vacuum-break; .
 Fuses.
A fuse constitutes an intentional ‘weak--link’ in an electrical circuit and, suitably rated,
is particularly apt for the quick interruption of short-circuit currents.

2.3.3 Protection and system design

No system of protection can be designed without knowing the conditions in the network which it
has to protect. This means that the level of fault currents at various points of the network must be

known in advance so that the right type of switchgear may be installed and a proper system of
protection worked, out.

The first tasks therefore is to calculate the ‘fault levels’ at all those points in the, network where
switching is to take place. Fortunately this is not a difficult calculation. An electrical network
normally operates within its designed rating. Generators, transformers, cables, transmission lines,
switchboards, bus bars and connected apparatus are each designed to carry a certain maximum
current. Most can carry a moderate overload for a short time without undue overheating.

However, if a fault should develop somewhere in the system, that is to say a phase-to-phase
short-circuit or a phase-to-earth breakdown, then all connected generators will at first feed
extremely high currents into that fault, which will be limited only by the impedance of the
complete circuit from generator to fault. Fault currents can be ten or more times the normal full-
load current. Such currents will quickly cause intense overheating of conductors and windings,
leading to almost certain breakdown unless they are quickly disconnected. They will also give
rise to severe mechanical forces between the current-carrying conductors or windings. All such
apparatus must be manufactured to withstand these forces. A fault current of 5000A (rms)
flowing in two bus bars 3 inches apart will produce between them a peak mechanical force of
nearly half a ton-force per foot run of bars.

The purpose of automatic protection is to remove the fault from the system and so break the fault
current as quickly as possible. Before this can be achieved, however, the fault current will have
flowed for a finite, if small, time, and much heat energy will have been released. Also the severe
mechanical forces referred to above will already have occurred and will have subjected all
conductors to intense mechanical stress.

2.3.4 Fault level calculation

In order to design electrical equipment to withstand the expected thermal and mechanical
stresses, and to engineer the protective system to operate decisively and quickly, it must be
possible to calculate the maximum ~fault current to be expected anywhere in the system under
the worst possible conditions.

Phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth faults may be nietal-to-metal, but more probably they will be
arcing faults where the arc itself has some resistance which will reduce the flow of fault current.
However, for calculation purposes the worst condition is considered, and short- circuits are
assumed to be ‘bolted’ - that is, it is assumed that all three conductors are firmly bolted together
and that the fault itself has zero impedance

2.3.5 Earthling and Equipment protection

We were also able to deal with earthling and protection of the equipment. The Protection
systems comprised of five components:

i. Current and voltage transformers to step down the high voltages and currents of the
electrical power system to convenient levels for the relays to deal with
ii. Protective relays to sense the fault and initiate a trip, or disconnection, order;
iii. Circuit breakers to open/close the system based on relay and autorecloser commands;
iv. Batteries to provide power in case of power disconnection in the system.
v. Communication channels to allow analysis of current and voltage at remote terminals of a
line and to allow remote tripping of equipment.
For parts of a distribution system, fuses are capable of both sensing and disconnecting faults.
Failures may occur in each part, such as insulation failure, fallen or broken transmission lines,
incorrect operation of circuit breakers, short circuits and open circuits. Protection devices are
installed with the aims of protection of assets, and ensure continued supply of energy.

Also the switch gears play a major role in protection .Switchgear is a combination of electrical
disconnects switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical
equipment. Switches are safe to open under normal load current, while protective devices are
safe to open under fault current.

Protective relays control the tripping of the circuit breakers surrounding the faulted part of the

Automatic operation, such as auto-re-closing or system restart

Monitoring equipment which collects data on the system for post event analysis

While the operating quality of these devices, and especially of protective relays, is always
critical, different strategies are considered for protecting the different parts of the system. Very
important equipment may have completely redundant and independent protective systems, while
a minor branch distribution line may have very simple low-cost protection.

2.3.6 Underground cable, design and construction

In the underground common services, we were able to learn of the different cables used in the
company with their diverse applications the types of cables that we majorly used included;
component electrical cables coaxial cables ribbon cables twisted pair cables and shielded cables

When dealing with high voltage cables, from the transformers, they are usually shielded and
insulated with pvc polymers. The purpose of the shield is to protect the cable from external radio
and power frequency interference also it prevents the rusting of the cables.

Factors that determine the types of cables included; the use whether overhead or underground,
indoor or outdoor voltage to be transmitted current of the power and the type of connectors to be
used at the terminals

2.3.7 Underground cable laying and termination

When supplying building with voltage usually 11kv it is more appropriate to use underground
cables the advantages of using underground cables over overhead cables include;

Underground cables are less subject to damage from severe weather conditions, reduced
electromagnetic field, less subjected to theft and vandalism

The disadvantages of using them include; they are more expensive and difficult to locate fault

Procedure for installing underground cables

i. We dug and excavated the soil on the intended location of circuit for underground cable
ii. Placed ducts while ensuring they are continuous before covering them then the final step
involved inserting underground cables through the ducts from the terminal to the
distribution board
iii. After the installation of the underground transformers, when raising the high voltage
cables up the poles, the phases have to be tested together with the overhead cables. We
used a phase tester by coinciding the conductors when they are in alignment, the value
obtained on the scale is always zero but for different phases a value is obtained the
purpose for the test is to avoid phase rotation the activity is referred to as phasing out

2.4.1 Battery Charging and Maintenance

We learnt how to charge batteries using portable chargers. The charger we used was meant to
charge a maximum of 24Volts and therefore we learnt to connect batteries in series to attain

We learnt to connect the charger to the power supply on the socket outlets and also to connect its
positive and negative terminals to the batteries.

Series connection of batteries was done such that a negative terminal of a first battery was linked
to a positive terminal of a second battery while the charger’s positive terminal was connected to
the positive of the first battery and the chargers negative terminal connected to the negative
terminal of the second battery in the case of 12Volts batteries.

We used to pour hot water on the battery terminals to remove welded layers and we would apply
Vaseline on batteries terminal for maintenance also sand papers could be used as an alternative
to clean the terminals.

2.4.2 Charging equipment

The charging process may be controlled by one of several different types of equipment. The
charging process may also be performed by a mains-powered battery charger.

Not all charging equipment performs the full three-stage process. The very simplest and cheapest
equipment doesn’t control the charging process at all, and relies on the user to switch it off
before the battery is overcharged.

Better equipment produces a regulated charging voltage (the absorption voltage) and stops the
charging process when it is fully charged, without a float stage. More sophisticated equipment,
such as a good quality battery charger will perform the complete three-stage charging process.

2.4.3 Charging process

The process of charging the storage battery bank is designed to maximize efficiency, and to
maximize the life of the storage battery bank. In normal circumstances the charging process
starts when the charge in the storage battery bank is reduced to 65% of its full capacity. The

storage battery bank can be discharged more than this if necessary; however it is best to avoid
this to maximize its life.

Charging storage batteries is a three-stage process.

i. Bulk stage
The charging process starts at the highest amperage available, without exceeding
the recommendation of the storage battery manufacturer. As the charge in the
storage battery increases the charging voltage increases to maintain the amperage.
This stage of the charging process is called the bulk stage; it will charge the
battery to 80 – 85% of its capacity.
ii. Absorption stage
As the charging process continues the charging voltage will eventually rise to a
value that is called the absorption voltage. The absorption voltage is the highest
voltage that the storage battery may be charged at. The charging voltage is
maintained at this value, and the amperage progressively falls as the battery
charges. it will charge the battery to nearly 100% of its capacity.
iii. Float stage
As the battery continues to charge at the absorption voltage the amperage will
progressively fall. When the amperage falls to a specified value the charging
voltage is reduced to a value that is called the float voltage, which keeps the
battery fully charged. This stage of the charging process is called the float stage.

Figure 4 Battery maintenance

The battery needs to be tested frequently and the tests involved are;
Visual inspection which involves the location of cracks leaks and corrosion

Voltage testing; a low float voltage shows that the cell is not fully charged and cant supply full
capacity which may be an indication of overcharging, which may lead to premature grid
corrosion and higher temperatures may to valve regulated lead acid batteries

Float current; it is the current delivered by the charger when the battery is fully charged state
high float current could be a precursor to thermal runway it is an indication to a short circuit or
ground fault or a sign of high float voltage

Battery test work by applying an ac voltage to the battery and measuring the resultant current


2.5.1 TRANSFORMERS Types of Transformers

There are several transformer types used in the electrical power system for different purposes,
like in power generation, distribution and transmission and utilization of electrical power. The
transformers are classified based on voltage levels, Core medium used, winding arrangements,
use and installation place. We learnt of the different transformer types and some of their
applications. Transformers Based on Voltage Levels

These are the most commonly used transformer types for all the applications. Depends upon the
voltage ratios from primary to secondary windings, the transformers are classified as step-up and
step-down transformers.

a) Step-Up Transformer
As the name states that, the secondary voltage is stepped up with a ratio compared to primary
voltage. This can be achieved by increasing the number of windings in the secondary than the
primary windings as shown in the figure. In power plant, this transformer is used as connecting
transformer of the generator to the grid.

Figure 5 Step up transformer

b) Step-Down Transformer
It used to step down the voltage level from lower to higher level at secondary side. The winding
turns more on the primary side than the secondary side. In distribution networks, the step-down
transformer is commonly used to convert the high grid voltage to low voltage that can be used
for home appliances.

Figure 6 Step down transformer Transformers Based on Usage

According to the necessity, these are classified as the power transformer, distribution transformer
measuring transformer, and protection transformer.

a) Power Transformer
The power transformers are big in size. They are suitable for high voltage (greater than 33KV)
power transfer applications. It used in power generation stations and Transmission substation. It

has high insulation level

Figure 7 Power transformer

b) Distribution Transformer
In order to distribute the power generated from the power generation plant to remote locations,
these transformers are used. Basically, it is used for the distribution of electrical energy at low
voltage is less than 33KV in industrial purpose and 440v-220v in domestic purpose. The main
reason for using these transformers are; works at low efficiency, small size, easy to install, low
magnetic losses and It is not always fully loaded.

Figure 8 Distribution Transformer

c) Measurement Transformer
Used to measure the electrical quantity like voltage, current, power, etc. These are classified as
potential transformers and current transformers. They are commonly found in the substations.

d) Protection transformers
They are used in component protection purpose. The major difference between measuring
transformers and protection transformers is the accuracy that means that the protection
transformers should be accurate as compared to measuring transformers.

Figure 9 Voltage and current voltage symbols

2.5.2 Installation of the ground mounted transformers

We were able to install a transformer in a company that required one inside the company.
Ground mounted transformers are distribution transformers that are used when underground
cables are intended to supply to a consumer they are installed on ground levels on concrete slabs.

In the case of 11kv and 415 volts transformers underground cables are preinstalled before the
transformer is installed

Procedure for installation

i. Placing the underground cables that should enable the balanced support of all the cables
including; high voltage low voltage neutral terminals and earth terminals
ii. Pouring of concrete on all the ducts to ensure that when the transformer is installed it can
be supported by the ground
iii. Installing the transformer and connecting all the wires to their respective terminals of the
iv. Powering the transformer and checking the voltage at the consumer units that is 415v for
three phase voltages

Figure 10 Repairing and maintenance of distribution transformers

We were able to test the transformers and repair the transformers that were faulty and perform
their maintenance over a period of time the tests that we carried out involved;

i. Visual tests; it involved checking for carbon deposits that form due to decomposition of
hydrocarbon oil also we checked for any sludge and damage of observable section of the
ii. Continuity test it mainly involved using a multimeter to test the continuity of the coils
between the high voltage windings and low voltage windings(check for open circuits and
short circuits)
iii. If the problem is in the limb of one of the three limbs for a three phase transformer, the
damaged limb is removed and replaced with a functional one. Rewinding is then carried
out on the HV winding the lv winding is not rewound when damaged but instead replaced
iv. Replacing the core of the transformer and isolate for further testing
v. Placing the transformer in an oven to remove moisture and water to avoid damage of the
transformer due to short circuit
vi. Filtering and regenerating the brown impure oil to restore its purity

Final testing process

After we removed the transformer from the oven, final tests are required to confirm that the
transformer is in good condition the tests that we carried out included;

i. Insulation tests; it involved measuring of the resistance between the hv and lv windings,
hv and earth and lv and earth the approximate value should be over 18giga ohms
ii. Transformer turns ratio; this involved testing the ratio between the hv windings to the
voltages on the lv windings
iii. Winding resistance tests several tests were carried out to determine the resistance of the
hv and lv windings at specific temperatures for hv delta line resistance is determined for
lv star, phase voltages resistance are determined
iv. Separate source tests; applied voltage is carried out
v. Induced over voltage ;this involves checking for short circuit between the windings of the
hv and lv side if the test failed it means there is a short circuit in the windings of a single
or multiple limb of the transformer
vi. No load and loss current ;we were able to measure the voltage drop between the hv and lv
windings when there is no load applied at the secondary side of the transformer
vii. After the completion of these tests the transformer is in good condition or if not it is taken
to the workshop for disassembly
Transformer tanking and untanking process

The activities that we did, involved removing the tank and the core and draining its oil by
elevation the ceramic insulators are removed from the terminal rods in order to remove the tank
casing then we checked the primary and secondary winding configuration and transformer parts
which includes; Oil; for cooling the transformer and to provide insulation to the windings of the

a) Core; it contains sheet of laminations to reduce iron losses (hysteresis and eddy losses)
b) Relays; they are a protective mechanisms to protect the transformer during fault and
c) High and low voltage windings; they provide terminals for the transformer to operate as a
step down or step up transformer depending on application requirements
d) Pressure valve it is used to regulate the pressure of the oil I the transformer during
changes in temperatures.
2.5.3 Oil regeneration process

When oil is take into the workshop it is usually brown in color due to decomposition which is
mainly caused when the transformer operates beyond its breakdown voltage. The damaged oil is
poured into a collection point called a sump

The process is completely automated using an ENERVAC PLC system imported from Canada

The oil is passed through a strainer which removes sludge and soil sediments present due to
contamination of the oil. The oil is the stored in a tank to allow water to settle at the bottom. It is
passed through a heating chamber thereafter the oil is poured through the first filtration tank to
remove smaller impurities and stored in a storage tank B the oil is then passed through the
second filtration tank to remove fine impurity particles

The last step is passing the oil through vacuum chamber or degasser this reduces the saturation of
the oil by reducing the chamber pressure by 3 mill bars. It also removes gaseous components of
the oil. It is then stored for use in transformers. The breakdown voltage test is carried out to test
the quality of the oil and its insulation properties involves passing a voltage of 80kv at max as
long it is above 40kv the oil is suitable for transformers.

2.6.1 Repairing, Maintenance and replacement of faulty air break switches and isolators

a) Air break switch

An "air break switch' is a switching device that uses air as the dielectric. Air Break Switches
(ABS) are widely installed throughout distribution networks for use as both isolation and
switching points.

They are usually employed in outdoor installations. Special Arcing Horns are provided to quench
the arc which occurs when the current is interrupted. These switches are usually operated by a
handle which is located at the ground level. Their operation can also be mechanized.

Use of Air Break Switch

Air Break Switch are a vital part of any overhead line network, providing crucial points of
isolation. Most overhead line networks are designed so that when a fault occurs or maintenance
work needs to be carried out it is relatively simple, by means of a systematic series of switching
operations, to isolate a certain section of overhead line. When this switching process is carried
out it is absolutely imperative that the Air Break Switch disconnector is reliable and effective.

Air break switches can be of two types

 Single pole Air break switch used for opening only one conductor
 Gang operated Air break switch used for opening of more than one conductors
It can be operated manually using either a handle/ratchet mechanism or an insulated 'hook stick'
made either of wood or fiberglass. Air break switches are designed for switching under load, but
there is often a noticeable arc associated with switching. Air Break Switches are installed in
either horizontal or vertical (Pole Top or Mid Pole) configurations. They can be found either in
substations or out on the distribution system - either pole top or in pad-mounted metal


Isolator is a mechanical switch which isolates a part of circuit from system as when required.
Electrical isolators separate a part of the system from rest for safe maintenance works.

Isolators are manually operated mechanical switch which separates a part of the electrical
power. They are used to open a circuit under no load. Its main purpose is to isolate one portion of

the circuit from the other and is not intended to be opened while current is flowing in the line.
Isolators are generally used on both ends of the breaker in order that repair or replacement of
circuit breaker can be done without any danger.

Figure 11 Types of isolators

Earthling and Equipment protection

We were also able to deal with earthling and protection of the equipment. The Protection
systems comprised of five components:

vi. Current and voltage transformers to step down the high voltages and currents of the
electrical power system to convenient levels for the relays to deal with
vii. Protective relays to sense the fault and initiate a trip, or disconnection, order;
viii. Circuit breakers to open/close the system based on relay and autorecloser commands;
ix. Batteries to provide power in case of power disconnection in the system.
x. Communication channels to allow analysis of current and voltage at remote terminals of a
line and to allow remote tripping of equipment.
For parts of a distribution system, fuses are capable of both sensing and disconnecting faults.
Failures may occur in each part, such as insulation failure, fallen or broken transmission lines,
incorrect operation of circuit breakers, short circuits and open circuits. Protection devices are
installed with the aims of protection of assets, and ensure continued supply of energy.

Also the switch gears play a major role in protection .Switchgear is a combination of electrical
disconnects switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical

equipment. Switches are safe to open under normal load current, while protective devices are
safe to open under fault current.

Protective relays control the tripping of the circuit breakers surrounding the faulted part of the

Automatic operation, such as auto-re-closing or system restart

Monitoring equipment which collects data on the system for post event analysis

While the operating quality of these devices, and especially of protective relays, is always
critical, different strategies are considered for protecting the different parts of the system. Very
important equipment may have completely redundant and independent protective systems, while
a minor branch distribution line may have very simple low-cost protection.

After the installation of the underground transformers, when raising the high voltage cables up
the poles, the phases have to be tested together with the overhead cables. We used a phase tester
by coinciding the conductors when they are in alignment, the value obtained on the scale is
always zero but for different phases a value is obtained the purpose for the test is to avoid phase
rotation the activity is referred to as phasing out

2.6.2 Electrical joints

The tools that we used for making the joints include wire cutters pliers and striping knife

On day to day basis the common service department dealt with the broken and damages cables
whose major causes were;

i. Overvoltage when voltage surges through a conductor the high temperatures that results
causes the melting the conductor hence cutting the cable
ii. High tension this occurs when the cable is exposed to high tension forces that causes the
rupture for purely aluminum conductors
iii. Rusting and chemical decomposition when the insulation sheath is broken down water is
able to flow into the conductor causing rust to occur on the steel reinforcement due to the
water chemical decomposition results which causes the rupturing of the cables
In case of broken cables married joints were used or line taps were connected at the point of

There are different types of cable joints that are connected under different circumstances they
include; straight through joint, T or Y branch joint and indoor or outdoor or ends joints

The conditions that determine the type of joints are usually determined by voltage, structure,
cores and insulation. For joints we tested for continuity of the cables, stripped and removed the

damaged sections, installed the joint and used pliers or spanners to ensure that the joint was fit
enough, lastly we insulated the joint using sufficient insulation tape of the same color as the type
of cable used (phase or line configuration) red, yellow blue and black which is neutral

2.7.0 SYSTEM CONTROL Regional control center

In the control department, we were able to use the SCADA system in most operations

We coordinated the switching on and off of the switches in case of shutdowns, outages and
maintenance of high voltages. Were able to learn how to control the units being dispatched by
the generating stations and reserving them on standby just in case the power consumptions

The demand of power supply increases in the morning as when most companies start operating
and during the evening when most people are returning to their homes.

A substation in the industrial area was using only a single incomer and therefore it experienced
an over load since it was connected to two feeders therefore we were able to do load shedding

Load shedding involves relieving the transformer by channeling other users to alternative feeders
or back feeding them hence to solve the frequent tripping of the incomer due to controlled load

The SCADA contains the layout of the different stations the components in the layout includes;

Figure 12 SCADA system layouts

The small white squared shapes represents; isolators

Big squares represent circuit breakers.

The components in the SCADA systems are; Bus bars, circuit breakers, transformers, isolators
and related equipment.

An electrical bus bar is defined as a conductor or a group of conductor used for collecting
electric power from the incoming feeders and distributes them to the outgoing feeders .It is a
type of electrical junction in which all the incoming and outgoing electrical current meets. Thus,
the electrical bus bar collects the electric power at one location. The bus bar system consists the
isolator and the circuit breaker. On the occurrence of a fault, the circuit breaker is tripped off and
the faulty section of the bus bar is easily disconnected from the circuit. Arrangement, the circuit
breakers are installed in the mesh formed by the buses. The circuit is tapped from the node point
of the mesh. Such type of bus arrangement is controlled by four circuit breakers.
When a fault occurs on any section, two circuit breakers have to open, resulting in the opening of
the mesh. Such type of arrangement provides security against bus-bar fault but lacks switching
facility. It is preferred for substations having a large number of circuits.

Figure 13 Mesh bus bar arrangement

3.1. Challenges encountered during the attachment period.
1. The attachment period is too short to gain the necessary skills in the area of
2. Lack of safety gears like the overalls and safety boots for attaches.

3.2 Recommendations for the Challenges Encountered.

1. If possible the attaches should be provided with safety gears i.e. overalls and other gears
as a way of motivating them.
2. The period of attachment should be increased to at least 4 months


1. Bowbrow, Leonards. (1996). Fundamentals of electrical engineering. Oxford university
2. Krawczyk, Andrzej; wiak, s.(1 January 2002). Electromagnetic fields in electrical
3. Srinivas, kn (1 January 2007). Basic electrical engineering. i.k. international pvt limited


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