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bg7 Clean Energy Technologies

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Other Clean Energy Technologies energy! Page 1 of 3

Clean Energy Sources

ind, solar, biomass, and water are not
the only sources of clean, environmentally
friendly energy. Other energy sources can
also provide heat, light, and electricity without pol-
luting the air or disturbing large areas of land or
water. This backgrounder covers a few of these new
technologies, some of which are likely to become
mainstream sources of energy in the approaching
Geothermal heat comes from pressure and nuclear reac-
Geothermal Heat tions at the Earth’s core.
People have known Photo courtesy of the Geothermal Education Office
since ancient times
that the Earth’s inte- volcanically heated rocks. In Iceland for instance,
rior is very hot. The wells are drilled into volcanic rocks to extract hot
temperature of the water and steam. The hot water or steam is carried
Earth’s core is esti- to communities in insulated pipes and used to heat
mated to be between homes and businesses. In some cases, the water is
3000 and 5000o C (sci- superheated (heated under pressure to temperatures
entists are still not greater than 100o C). Superheated water quickly turns
sure what the exact to high-pressure steam, which can turn high-speed
temperature is). This turbines that drive electrical generators.
heat is generated by
the slow breakdown of Ground Source Heat Pumps
radioactive elements, The temperature of the soil below about 2 metres
Heat from the Earth’s interior
and by the immense remains constant regardless of the weather or season.
is known as geothermal heat.
gravitational pressures Photo courtesy of United States In most places throughout southern Canada, soil tem-
acting on the rocks and Geological Survey peratures at this depth hover between 5 and 10o C.
minerals of the Earth’s
interior. Temperatures in excess of 500o C can be
found in the Earth’s crust just a few thousand metres
below the surface, but geothermal heat right at the
surface of the land is barely detectable.

Geothermal heat has been used to heat homes and

businesses on a commercial scale since the 1920s.
In most cases, communities take advantage of natu-
rally occurring geysers, hot springs, and steam vents
(called fumaroles) to gather hot water and steam for
heating. Geysers and fumaroles occur when ground
water seeps through cracks and comes in contact with A geothermal heat utility. Photo courtesy of DOE/NREL

A Renewable Energy Project Kit Another internet tool by: The Pembina Institute
Other Clean Energy Technologies energy! Page 2 of 3

A view of a ground source heat pump used for heating

Geothermal steam can be used to make pollution-free and cooling a home. Photo courtesy of NRCAN
electricity. Photo courtesy of DOE/NREL
compressor. In an efficient, well-insulated home, this
The difference between air and deep soil tempera- electricity could be easily supplied by a rooftop solar
tures can be used for heating and cooling in a very panel.
efficient manner, with a ground source heat pump,
also called a geothermal heat pump. Hydrogen Fuel Cells
One of the main problems with fossil fuels is that
A ground source heat pump works the same way they release large quantities of carbon dioxide when
your refrigerator does. Like your fridge, a heat pump they are burned. But what if there was a fuel you
uses a compressor, lengths of sealed tubing for gath- could burn that produced no carbon dioxide at all?
ering and dispersing heat (heat exchangers), and a In fact, there is such a
gas called the refrigerant. An essential part of the fuel, namely hydrogen.
heat pump is the network of tubes buried deep in the Hydrogen is a flamma-
soil near the home. The compressor motor, located ble gas, which, when
inside the house, circulates refrigerant around this burned with oxygen,
network. Heat from the surrounding soil warms the produces harmless
liquid refrigerant in the buried tubes, changing it to a water vapour. Combin-
gas. The refrigerant gas enters the compressor, which ing oxygen with hydro-
squeezes it, raising its pressure and temperature. The gen is a clean, efficient
hot refrigerant circulates through radiators inside the way to make huge
house, releasing the heat collected from the soil to amounts of both heat
the inside of the house. This process changes the and electricity!
refrigerant back into a liquid and the process starts
again. Instead of burning the Hydrogen fuel cells are used
hydrogen in the pres- to make electricity for Ameri-
can Space Shuttle’s comput-
By reversing the flow of the refrigerant, the heat ence of oxygen, fuel ers and electrical systems.
pump system can cool the house in summertime. cells allow the two Hydrogen is also the fuel used
Heat collected from inside the house can be released gases to pass near each by the Shuttle’s main engines
back into the cool soil, resulting in a highly efficient other on opposite sides on lift-off.
Photo courtesy of NASA
air conditioning system for the home. A ground of a thin membrane.
source heat pump requires some electricity to run the The chemical interaction of oxygen and hydrogen

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Other Clean Energy Technologies energy! Page 3 of 3
across this membrane produces an electric charge,
similar to that produced by a regular alkaline battery.
But unlike the battery, which goes dead after the
chemicals inside it are used up, the fuel cell contin-
ues to produce electricity as long as it receives fresh
supplies of air and hydrogen. The only by-product
of the process is water, which the fuel cell releases
as steam.

The biggest difficulty faced by engineers designing

fuel cells is figuring out how to store and handle
the hydrogen gas safely. Hydrogen is composed A fuel cell car designed by Daimler-Chrysler.
Photo courtesy of the Methanol Institute
of extremely tiny molecules that can squeeze out
of most materials normally used to contain gases. from ordinary water at solar-powered production
Hydrogen is also highly explosive and flammable. facilities. The only by-product of this process would
For efficient storage, it must be compressed and be oxygen, a gas with many practical uses that is
cooled to minus 253o C to form a liquid. Liquid already present in the atmosphere in large amounts.
hydrogen must be stored in specialized containers
and pumped through high-tech valves and tubes, all Hydrogen fuel cells are now being used to produce
of which make hydrogen expensive and tricky to electricity in remote settings such as in Canada’s
handle. Arctic, and at mountaintop communications installa-
tions. They are also being tested for use in city buses
Another technical problem is in making the hydro- and cars, and may soon be used to power everything
gen gas. Currently, hydrogen is made by “stripping” from wristwatches to golf carts.
methane or natural gas-a fossil fuel. This process pro-
duces carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases Questions
associated with climate change. In the future, hydro- 1. Why would geothermal heat be considered
gen gas may be manufactured in large quantities a form of renewable energy?

2. What are some possible environmental

problems that could occur with ground source
heat pumps?

3. Can you think of places or communities

in Canada where ground source heat pumps
would not be workable and why?

4. Currently, the hydrogen used in fuel cells

comes from natural gas. What are the environ-
mental problems connected with using natural
gas as a source for hydrogen? What is an
Fuel cells require complex systems for cooling, and for environmentally friendly alternative?
containing hydrogen gas, which leaks freely from most
ordinary containers. Contact us at:

A Renewable Energy Project Kit Another internet tool by: The Pembina Institute

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