Base Isolation
Base Isolation
Base Isolation
1.1 General
Earthquake in the simplest terms can be defined as Shaking and vibration at the
surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane. The
vibrations produced by the earthquakes are due to seismic waves. Seismic waves are the
most disastrous one. However, modern high-rise buildings and tall structures cannot
conveniently be geared up with these techniques. The safety and serviceability of any
structure is thus endangered with the increasing elevation. As per the standard codes, a
structure that can resist the highest earthquake that could possibly occur in that particular
area can be called as an earthquake resistant structure.
However, the most efficient way of designing earthquake resistant structure would
be to minimize the deaths as well as minimize the destruction of functionality of the
structural element. The most disastrous thing about earthquake is its unpredictability of
time and place of occurrence. These possess a great challenge to the economy and safety
of structure. From the past and few present records, the world has experienced number of
destroying earthquakes, causing in number of increase the loss of human being due to
structural collapse and severe damages to structure. Because of such type of structural
damages, during seismic (earthquake) hazards clearly explains that the buildings /
structures like residential buildings, public life-line structures, historical structures and
industrial structures should be designed to seismic force design and very carefully to
overcome from the earthquake hazards. The approach in structural design using seismic
response control device is now widely accepted for structure and frequently used in civil
engineering field. Structural control concept into a workable technology and such devices
are installed in structures.
2.1 General
There have been so many studies and researches done on these base isolation
systems and friction dampers which are used in minimising the damaging effects of
earthquake on the structures. Some of the literatures about these devices are as follows,
In this paper, the G+14 storied frame structure is taken to compare the seismic
effect of fixed base structure with respect to isolated structure. The (G+14) storied frame
structure is designed with base isolation by using the ETAB software. High Damping
Rubber Bearing is used as an isolator having efficient results for frame structure over the
fixed base structure than any other isolation system. The report concluded that the very
less values come for lateral loads by using High Damping Rubber Bearing. It has high
flexibility and energy absorbing capacity, so that during an earthquake, when the ground
vibrates strongly only moderate motions are induced within the structure itself.
The study is performed to compare the effectiveness of base isolation over the
fixed based building and fixed based building with shear wall. For this study, 10 storied
R.C frame building is considered and Time History analysis is carried out for Bhuj
earthquake using ETABS 2015 software. The Lead Rubber Bearing is designed as per
UBC 97 code and the same was used for analysis of base isolation system. The results
obtained from the analysis were time period, deflection and base shear. The models
selected for analysis were fixed based building, fixed based building with shear wall and
base isolated building.
The installation of isolator in building at base level significantly increases the time
period of the structure, which means it reduces the possibility of resonance of the
structure giving rise to better seismic performance of the building.
This paper gives idea about base isolation system which can be used in multi-story
building to reduce seismic response of the structure. This paper represents the initialize
study of dynamic parameter like effective damping for four earthquake time history. In
this paper the optimum effective damping has been found out under the effect of Loma
Prieta earthquake time history. The parametric study has been conducted to evaluate the
effect on maximum displacement, maximum acceleration, maximum base shear in bare
frame and frame with isolator
From the results of the present study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1. It is observed that the Lead Rubber Bearing isolator is quite effective in reducing
the acceleration of building.
2. There exists the optimum value of damping of isolator.
3. The isolator is found to be effective in reducing the base shear of building.
This study investigates the increase in time period and decrease in base shear due
to earthquake ground excitation, applied to superstructure of the building by installing
base isolated devices at the foundation level and then to compare the different concepts
From the literature study it is concluded that they include different types of
dampers like metallic dampers, viscous dampers, viscoelastic dampers, friction dampers
etc. however there have been few investigations for the combinations of dampers, its
advantages are discussed and a detailed review is carried out. By using the mechanical
dissipating devices, it has been found effective and their application form focus of the
1. The use of base isolation systems have well reduced the response parameters of
the structure, such as time period, base shear and storey drifts.
2. Lead rubber bearing (LRB) is the most commonly used and is the best isolation
system in order to make the structure more earthquake resistant.
3. Building with dampers well reduced seismic quantities more as compared to
building with bracing.
4. Structures with friction dampers increase the stiffness and hence reduce the
response parameters such a as storey displacement, storey drift and there is
increase in base shear in buildings with friction dampers.
5. The damper placement influences significantly the structural response and also,
the above study investigates that use of larger number of dampers do not always
lead to the best benefit.
Base isolation, also known as seismic base isolation or base isolation system is
one of the most popular means of protecting a structure against earthquake forces. It is a
collection of structural elements which should substantially decouple a superstructure
from its substructure resting on a shaking ground thus protecting a building or non-
building structure's integrity.
Base isolation system is the frequently adopted earthquake resistance system. It
reduces the effect of ground motion and thus leads to nullify the effect of earthquake to
on the structure.
Base isolation has become popular in last couple of decades in its implementations
in buildings and bridges. Base isolation has become a traditional concept for structural
design of buildings and bridges in high risk areas. The isolation system decouples the
structure from the horizontal components of the ground motion and reduces the
possibility of resonance as shown in Figure 3.1. This decoupling is achieved by
increasing the flexibility of the system, together with appropriate damping by providing
isolator at the basement level of the structure.
Turkey, another very seismically active country, is also firmly committed to base
isolation methodology. One notable project there is an integrated Health Campus in
Istambul which contains almost 2000 isolators.
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Seismic Vibration Control of Building using Base Isolation Technique with Friction Dampers
Other countries pushing base isolation include China, New Zealand, Chile, Peru,
Columbia and Ecuador.
In India, the first building incorporated with Base Isolation system is Bhuj
hospital building, Figure 3.5, in the state of Gujarat having 300 bed facilities. This base
isolated building sits on 280 lead-rubber bearings constructed in the year 2001. The
following figure shows that building.
Figure 3.5: Bhuj Hospital Building incorporated with Lead Rubber Bearing
Figure 3.11: Saint Joseph Hospital, Patient Towers, Seattle, 40’ Soft Story,
Retrofitted with X-Brace PFDs.
Figure 3.12: Boeing Development Center near Figure 3.13: Canadian Space
Seattle,WA. Agency Headquarters.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter explains the methodology used in the study. It describes the software
package used in the modelling and describes some of the important area in the modelling
and analysis using ETABS in brief.
Dynamic method includes response spectrum method and time history method. Response
spectrum is a plot of steady state response (displacement, velocity) with natural
frequency. This analysis method is used in assessing the response of linear systems with
multiple modes of vibration, although they are only accurate for low levels of damping.
Modal analysis is carried out to identify the modes, and the response in that mode can be
picked from the response spectrum. These peak responses are combined to estimate the
total response. Combination methods include Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC)
and Square Root of Sum of Squares (SRSS).
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Seismic Vibration Control of Building using Base Isolation Technique with Friction Dampers
As per IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016 clause 7.7.1 dynamic analysis to be performed to all
buildings other than buildings of height less than 15 m located in Zone II. Dynamic
analysis may be performed by Response Spectrum Method. The base shear from dynamic
analysis shall not be less than the base shear calculated as per clause 7.6.2 of IS 1893:
In this study, equivalent static analysis and response spectrum analysis are done and
base shear is matched as mentioned in code by providing suitable scale factor. Results of
dynamic and static analysis are compared in terms of Storey drift, maximum Storey
displacement. Limits of the Storey displacement and Storey drift are checked as per IS
1893: 2016. Top Storey displacement should not exceed H/250 and Storey drift should
not exceed more than 0.004 h for earthquake load cases.
( )( )
( )
Z = Zone factor as per Table 3 of IS 1893(Part 1): 2016.
R = Response reduction factor as per Table 9 of IS 1893(Part 1): 2016.
I = Importance factor as per clause 6.4.2 of IS 1893(Part 1): 2016.
Sa/g depends on the fundamental time period (T) of structure and soil type.
( )( )
( )
Provided that for any structure with T ≤ 0.1 s, the value of Ah will not be taken less than
Z/2 whatever be the value of I/R.
Z = Zone factor is for the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) and service life of
structure in a zone. The factor 2 in the denominator of Z is used so as to reduce the
Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) zone factor to the factor for Design Basis
Earthquake (DBE).
I = Importance factor, depending upon the functional use of the structures, characterized
by hazardous consequences of its failure, post- earthquake functional needs, historical
value, or economic importance.
1+15T; 0.00T0.10
Sa/g 2.50 0.10T0.40
1.00/T 0.40T4.00
0.25 T > 4.00 s
1+15T; 0.00T0.10
Sa/g 2.50 0.10T0.55
1.36/T 0.55T4.00
0.34 T > 4.00 s
Figure 4.2: Spectra curve for different soil strata (as per IS 1893 – 2016)
ETAB is advanced, easy to handle specially developed for design and analysis of
building system. It has inbuilt graphical interface with ultimate modelling and design
procedures integrated using common database. The method for using program is very
easy. The user one should establish the gridlines, defines the material properties, place the
objects to the grid.
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Seismic Vibration Control of Building using Base Isolation Technique with Friction Dampers
The above Figure 4.3 shows the plan of the building having 40m*20m as the
dimension, 5 and 5 bays along X and Y respectively. Figure 4.4 is about sequence of
methodology steps.
Particulars Codes Values
1 Zone Factor Z IS 1893:2016( part 1) 0.24
2 Importance Factor I IS 1893:2016( part 1) 1.5
3 Soil Type II Sa/g IS 1893:2016 (part 1) 2.5
4 Reduction Factor R IS 1893:2016 (part 1) 5
𝐭𝐫=𝐃/𝛄𝐦𝐚𝐱………………………. (1)
6. Lead core design: Determine the cross-sectional area Ap and diameter dp of the
lead core based on the short-term yield force Qd and yield strength fpy:
𝐀𝐩=𝐐𝐝/𝐟𝐩𝐲………………………... (2)
𝛔𝐜=𝐏𝐃𝐋+𝐋𝐋/𝐀0≤𝟖𝟎𝐤𝐠𝐟/𝐜𝐦𝟐=𝟕.𝟖𝟒𝐌𝐍/𝐦𝟐……………………... (4)
c. Determine the effective cross-sectional area A1 of the bearing from the shear
strain due to the vertical load P (DL+LL):
𝐊𝐝=(𝟏+𝟏𝟐𝐀𝐩/𝐀0)……………………………….. (6)
e. Obtain the minimum cross-sectional area Asf for shear failure of the bearing:
𝐀𝐬𝐟=𝐊𝐫.𝐭𝐫/𝐆………………………………………….... (8)
Use Asf to determine the dimensions of the bearing. Then compute the effective
cross-sectional area A2 as the reduced area is given below:
f. The design cross-sectional area A of the bearing is the maximum among the
three values
g. Select proper dimensions for the rubber layer based on the design area A.
a. Determine the thickness of individual rubber layer, t, from the shape factor S
and dimensions of the rubber layer:
𝐭𝐬≥𝟐(𝐭𝐢+𝐭𝐢+𝟏)𝐏𝐃𝐋+𝐋𝐋/𝐀𝐫𝐞.𝐅𝐬≥𝟐𝐦𝐦……………………… (10)
10. The shear strain and stability conditions are given in the section to follow. If the
dimensions determined for the bearing cannot satisfy the shear strain and stability
requirements, then repeat steps 2 to 9 for an improved design.
1. In the design of rubber layers, the following shear strain condition for the normal
load case should be satisfied:
2. Stability condition: To prevent the bearing from becoming unstable, the average
compression stress ζc of the bearing should fulfill the following condition:
𝛔𝐜=𝐏/𝐀<𝛔𝐜𝐫=𝐆.𝐒.𝐋/𝟐.𝟓𝐭𝐫………………………………… (12)
3. Lead core size: The lead core provides the initial stiffness and energy dissipation
capability to the bearing, whose dimensions should meet the following condition
1.25≤𝑯𝒑/𝒅𝒑≤𝟓.𝟎………………………………….… (13)
𝛄𝐬𝐜+𝛄𝐞𝐪+𝛄𝐬𝐫≤𝟎.𝟕𝟓𝛆𝐛…………………………. (14)
5. To protect the bearing from the occurrence of rollout, the displacement D of the
bearing under the earthquake load should fulfill the following condition:
𝐃≤𝛅𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥−𝐨𝐮𝐭=𝐏𝐃𝐋+𝐋𝐋+𝐄𝐐.𝐋/𝐏𝐃𝐋+𝐋𝐋+𝐄𝐐+𝐊𝐝.𝐡………………………... (15)
Formulas for calculating the link property are given in design Example 1
A regular G+7 building with fixed support is analysed and max column load at
base is considered for a load combination of (DL+LL+FF).
𝐷𝐷=(𝑔/4𝜋2)/(𝑆𝐷×𝑇𝐷/𝐵𝐷) DD = 0.2m
𝑄𝑑=𝑊𝐷/4𝐷𝐷=(𝜋/2)𝐾𝑒𝑓𝑓𝜉𝑒𝑓𝑓𝐷𝐷 Qd = 203.02kN
𝐾𝑑 = 𝐾𝑒𝑓𝑓−(𝑄𝑑/𝐷𝐷) Kd = 2216.12kN/m
𝐴𝑝=𝑄𝑑/𝑓𝑝𝑦 Ap = 0.02301869m2
Ap = 0.01431388 m2
𝑡 𝑟= 𝐷𝐷/𝛾𝑚𝑎𝑥 tr = 0.4m
Use tr = 0.35m
Use, S = 20
𝜎𝑐 = PDL+LL/A0 𝜎𝑐 ≤ 7.84MN/m2
A0 > 0.38148469m2
c. Determine the effective area A1 for the bearing from the shear strain condition under
the vertical load case PDL+LL:
𝐾𝑑=(1+12(𝐴𝑝/𝐴0)) Kr = 1528.084kN/m
d. Determine the effective area A of individual rubber layers based on shear failure
𝐴2=((𝑑^2)/4)(β−sinβ) d = 0.62m
β = 2.48468342
A2 = 0.18009247m2
𝐴 = (𝐴0,1,𝐴2) A = 0.381m2
𝐴𝑟𝑒≤((𝑑^2)/4)(β−sinβ) β=2cos−1(𝐷𝐷/𝑑)
Diameter d = 0.7m
Area A = 0.385m2
β = 2.56208925
𝑆=𝑑/4𝑡 t = 0.009m
Use t = 0.02m
Use N = 18
ts≥(2(ti+t1+i).PDL+LL)/ Are.Fs≥2mm
F s= 0.6Fy Fs = 0.65fy
ts ≥ 0.0058891m
Use ts = 6mm
Assume both the top and bottom cover plates are 2.5 mm thick.
≤ 𝜀𝑏/3 = 1.333
Stability check: ζc = 𝑃/𝐴 ζc = 7768.41558kN/m2
≤ζc=𝐺.𝑆.𝐿/2.5𝑡𝑟 = 16960kN/m2
P(DL+LL+EQ) = 2.9MN
𝜃 = (12𝐷𝐷×𝑒)/𝑏2+𝑙2 θ = 0.002
𝛾𝑠𝑐+𝛾𝑒𝑞+𝛾𝑠𝑟 = 1.33486048
<0.75𝜀𝑏 = 3
δroll-out = 0.21318512 m
δroll-out > DD
Required formulae for the calculation of the analysis properties of a base isolator for
ETABS input data are as follow.
KV = Ec.A/tr Kv = 2237015kN/m
KP = G.A/tr Kp = 1166kN/m
Dy = Qd/9KD Dy = 0.01017921m
FY=(π/2)(Keffξeff(DD)2/(DD−Dy) ) Fy = 213.912114kN
Non-Linear Property
After the designing process is completed, the values from the design are use to
model LRB in ETABS by the following steps,
The Figure 4.10 is about the LRB definition in Etabs modeled as the Rubber
isolator in the link property option. Figure 4.11 is of the picture of the structure after the
incorporation LRB to it. At the support reactions region we can see those LRBs installed
instead of fixed supports.
Figure 4 .11: Building after the incorporation of LRBs at the base of it.
Mass of damper = 80 kg
Weight = 0.784 kN
Figure 4.12 represent the definition of friction damper in the modeling software
Etabs as the damper link property. Figure 4.13 shows the actual model after the
incorporation of damper.
There is no extra work required for modelling the building with the inclusion of
both LRB and Friction damper. It is just applying the above mentioned steps in the
individual cases here as a dual system. The same design values are used here also. After
modelling the building looks as in Figure 4.14 below,
Figure 4.14: Building with the inclusion of LRB and Friction Dampers.
4.9 Analysis
The analysis procedure chosen for the study is linear dynamic analysis which is
Response Spectrum Analysis.
After the analysis, the response parameters such as Time period, Base shear,
Storey displacements and Storey drift values are looked for, tabulated, plotted and
RCC Model
Mode RCC Model RCC Model+FD RCC Model+LRB
(sec) (sec) (sec)
1 1.93 1.252 2.798 2.398
2 1.777 1.201 2.622 2.33
3 1.695 1.029 2.608 2.168
4 0.634 0.407 0.82 0.588
5 0.583 0.393 0.76 0.564
6 0.553 0.336 0.735 0.499
7 0.37 0.234 0.441 0.285
8 0.34 0.225 0.408 0.275
9 0.319 0.192 0.388 0.238
10 0.258 0.181 0.297 0.228
11 0.237 0.168 0.275 0.205
12 0.219 0.16 0.257 0.199
1.5 1.252
M1 M2 M3 M4
Figure 5. 1: Time periods of all the models considering only the first mode.
Table 5.2: Percentage variation in Time Periods calculated with respect to the
Time period of conventional model considering 1st Mode results only.
The Figure 5.1 shows the comparison of time period of different models in
seconds. With the incorporation of LRB at base of the building, has increased time period
to an extent of 44% that is from 1.93 seconds to 2.798 seconds, with only FDs reduced
time period to 35% that is from 1.93 seconds to 1.252 seconds and upon the inclusion of
both LRB and FDs, have resulted in increase of time period to 24% that is from 1.93
seconds to 2.398 seconds, on comparing with time period of first mode of conventional
model which is fixed base and without dampers.
Base shear is the total estimate of the lateral force that would act at the base of the
building.The base shear values have been taken for the Load combinations 1.5DL+1.5
RSX and 1.5DL +1.5 RSY and the results are plotted for the same.
2000 Base shear X
Base shear Y
M1 M2 M3 M4
Table 5.4: Percentage variation in Base Shear calculated with respect to the Base
Shear of conventional model.
When LRBs are introduced at the base of building, it has reduced the base shear
values to 35% in X and 31% in Y directions. With the inclusion of only FDs in the model,
base shear values have increased to an extent of 41% in X and 54% in Y direction. But in
the combined control strategy , that is LRB with FD, the base shear values decrease to
27.25% in X and 19.51% in Y direction as compared with conventional model which is
clearly depicted in the Figure 5.2.
The storey displacement values have been taken for the 1.5DL+1.5RSX and
1.5DL+1.5RSY Load combinations and plotted for the same.
30 Storey Displacement
Building Height(m) 20
0 20 40 60 80
Storey Displacement (mm)
Storey Displacement
Building Height(m)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Storey Displacement(mm)
Figure from 5.3 and 5.4 shows the variation of lateral displacement of the building
at each story in both X and Y direction. For all models the lateral displacement is
maximum at top and minimum at the bottom.
Story drift can be defined as the lateral displacement of one level relative to the
level above or below it. As per clause no 7.11.1 of IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016, the storey drift
in any storey due to specified lateral force with partial load factor of 1.0, shall not exceed
0.004 times the storey height. The storey drift values have been taken for the
1.5DL+1.5RSX and 1.5DL+1.5RSY Load combinations and plotted for the same.
Base 0 0 0 0 0
Storey Drift
Building Height(m) 20
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004
Storey Drift
30 Storey Drift
Building Height(m) 20
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
Storey Drift
Table 5.10: Percentage variation in Storey Drifts calculated with respect to the
Maximum Storey Drift of conventional model.
It is very clear from the results and Figures 5.5 and 5.6 that for both the individual
models equipped with LRB singally, with Friction Dampers alone and with both of them
as a dual system has reduced the storey drift values which is a major parameter to look for
in seismic analysis. The following points depict the actual decrease in storey drift values
in percentages,
The seismic control methods that are used, base isolation (LRB) and Friction Dampers
(FD) have effectively reduced the response parameters caused due to earthquake.
With the incorporation of LRB at base of the building, has increased time period to an
extent of 44.50%, with only FDs reduced time period to 35.12% and upon the inclusion
of both LRB and FDs, have resulted in increase of time period to 24.24% on comparing
with time period of first mode of conventional model which is fixed base and without
When LRBs are introduced at the base of building, it has reduced the base shear values
of 35.43% in X and 31.09% in Y directions. With the inclusion of only FDs in the
model, base shear values have increased to an extent of 41.35% in X and 54.44% in Y
direction. But in the combined control strategy, that is LRB with FD, the base shear
values decrease to 27.25% in X and 19.51% in Y direction as compared with
conventional model.
The maximum storey displacement values decrease to an extent of 16.68% in X and
25.56% in Y direction for the model with FDs. For the model with LRB, the maximum
storey displacements increase to an extent of 23.47% in X and 20.42% in Y directions.
For the model with both LRB and FDs there is increase of 8.95% in X and 2.27% in Y
directions as compared with conventional case.
In the model with LRB and in the model with both LRB and FDs, shows some little
displacement at base level to an extent of 25 mm in X and 34 mm in Y, which is
zero in case of fixed base building.
The storey drift values significantly decrease in all the models with LRB, with FDs and
even in the dual system that is with both LRB and FDs as compared with conventional
The storey drift values have reduced to an extent of 25% in X and 37% in Y directions
for model with FDs. Those drift values have decreased to 35% and 32% in both X and
Y directions for model with LRB and to 64% in the case of model with both LRB and
FDs in both X and Y directions as compared with conventional case.
This combined control strategy, the use of both seismic isolators and seismic
dampers in a structure as seismic resistant method, can be extended to study its
effect by changing the type of isolators and dampers and researched for a
better combination of both.
This can be extended to study its effect in mass asymmetric buildings.
This analytical study can be extended to test its efficacy in practical
application by subjecting it to Quake table tests.