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79 Everest 444 LC

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warranty expiry date _


Text by: The following are trademarks of Bom-

bardier Limited.
Technical Information Centre BOMBARDIER EVEREST MOTO-SKI
After Sales Service Department SKI-DOO MIRAGE FUTURA
Suggested Retail Price: $2.75 ELAN T'NT
(First copy free with unit purchased) ELITE
CONGRATULATIONS ... You are now This manuel emphasizes particular in~·
the owner of a new 1979 snow- formation denoted by the wording and
vehicle is the result of in- symbols:
comnaraote teamwork between Born-
.....'""r .. i ..~r'A .. and tech- .A. WARNING: Identifies an instruc-
~ tion which, if not followed, could

nicians. this vehicle is cause personal injury.

designed and c>nr'lnt:H::::.rc~r1 with
handfing, and quietness . , CAUTION: Denotes an instruc-
mind. " tion which, if not followed, could
severely damage vehicle components.
The Information has been prepared to
acquaint the owner /
new snowmobile with
of a
various ve-
owner-related mainte-
O NOTE: Indicates supplementary
information needed to fully com-
an instruction.
nance. and operating instructions. Although the mere reading of such in··
This accomplished via 'The Snow- formation does not eliminate the haz-
rnobile Safety Handbook Booklet' and ard, your understanding of the infor-
the 'Operator Manual'. Each is insepa- mation will promote its correct use.
rable toward proper use of the product,
Ride safe and have fun,
and should be kept with the vehicle at
aH times. Recreational Products Group
Bombardier Limited,
Should you have any questions per-
Valcourt, Canada
to the warranty and its applica-
consult the "Often Asked
section of this or


Observe the following precautions: @! Only perform procedures as detailed
@! Throttle mechanism should be in this manual. Unless otherwise
checked for free movement before specified, engine should be turned
starting engine. OFF for all lubrication and mainte-
nance procedures.
@! Engine should be running only when
pulley guard is secured in place. • Installation of other than "stock"
@! Never run engine without drive belt equipment, including ski-spreaders,
installed. Running an unloaded en- bumpers, pack racks, etc., could
gine can prove to be dangerous. severely affect the stability and
safety of your vehicle. Avoid ad-
@! Never run the engine when the track ding on" accessories that alter the
of the vehicle is raised off the basic vehicle configuration.
• The snowmobile engine can be
@! It can be dangerous to run engine stopped by activating the emergen-
with the cab open. cy cut-out or tether switches, or
@! Since engine cooling is mainly in turning off the key.
effect when the vehicle is in motion,
it is recommended that you do not • When removing coolant tank cap,
allow the engine to idle for more first place a cloth over cap then turn
cap to its first step to release pres-
than brief periods. Prolonged idling
may cause engine damage.

• Gasoline is flammable and explosive Please read and understand all other
under certain conditions. Always warnings contained elsewhere.
perform procedures in a well ventila-
ted area. Do not smoke or allow
open flames or sparks in the vicinity.
If gasoline fumes are noticed while
driving, the cause should be deter-
mined and corrected without delay.
• Your snowmobile is not designed to
be operated on public streets, road
or highways. In most States and
Provinces, it IS considered an ille-
gal operation.
• Maintain your vehicle in top mecha-
nical condition at all times.
• Your snowmobile is not designed to
be driven or operated on black top,
bare earth, or other abrasive surfa-
ces. On such surfaces abnormal and
excessive wear of critical parts is

Throttle control lever, brake control lever. ignition switch, light switch, emergency
cut-out switch, headlamp dimmer switch, rewind starter, primer, tachometer,
speedometer, temperature gauge, tether cut-out switch, lighter, handle heat
switch, mirror, cab opening, tool box, fuel gauge, fuse holder .4

Inspection, inspection check list. .1

Recommended gasoline, recommended oil, fuel mixture ratio, fuel mixing pro-
cedure 9

Check points ... · .10
Emergency starting · .11

Pulley guard removal, drive belt removal, steering mechanism, chaincase oil level,
suspension, rotary valve system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Spark plugs, battery, suspension condition, track, suspension adjustment, track
tension and alignment, carburetor adjustment, drive belt, steering mechanism,
brake, steering, engine head nuts, engine mount nuts, exhaust system, cooling
system, general inspection, headlamp beam aiming, bulb replacement 14

Cooling system, track, suspension, ski assembly, fuel tank, carburetor, cylinder
lubrication, drive pulley, chaincase, controls, battery, chassis, general inspec-
tion . .. .......... . 21
Pre-season preparation chart. . 24
TOOLS. . . . 21
SPECifiCATIONS ..... 21
THE 1919 "UMITED WARRANTY" ... . .. 30

AJ Throttle Control Lever I) Tachometer
BJ Brake Control Lever JJ Speedometer
CJ Ignition Switch KJ Temperature Gauge
DJ Light Switch LJ Tether Cut-Out Switch
EJ Emergencv Cut-Out Switch M) Lighter
FJ Headlamp Dimmer Switch NJ f-Iandle Heat Switch
GJ Rewind Starter Handle OJ Mirror
HJ Primer

Located on right side of handlebar.

When compressed, it controls the en- OFF
gine speed and the engagement of the
transmission. When released, engine .... ON
speed returns automatically to idle.
Located on the left side of handlebar.
When compressed, the brake is ap-
plied. When released, it automatically
returns to its original position. Braking Key operated, 3 position switch. To
effect is proportionate to the pressure start engine, turn key fully clockwise to
applied on the lever. START position and hold. Return key
to ON position immediately engine has
starter. To stop engine, turn key coun-
ter clockwise to OFF position.

of magneto. Direct-reading dial indi-
cates the number of revolutions per
A push pull switch type, to illuminate minute (RPM) of the engine.
headlamp and taillight, pull switch CAUTION: The tachometer is
knob. (Ignition switch must be turned protected by a fuse, iftachometer
to ON position). stops operating check fuse condition
and if necessary replace. The fuse is
0.1 amp. Do not use a higher rated
A push button switch located on right fuse as this can cause severe damage
side of handlebar. To stop the engine to the tachometer.
in an emergency, press button down
into lower position.
Before re-starting engine always de- The speedometer is linked directly to
press button into released upper posi- the drive axle. Direct-reading dial indi-
tion. The driver of this vehicle should cates the speed of the vehicle. Odom-
familiarize himself with the function of eter records the total distance travelled.
this device by using it several times on
first outing. Thereby being mentally
prepared for emergency situations re-
quiring its use. The gauge indicates engine coolant
temperature. Normal operating tem-
WARNING: If the button has
perature is 50°C (120°F). However,
•. . been used in an emergency situa-
tion the source of malfunction should coolant temperature can vary depen-
be determined and corrected before ding on driving condition. If coolant
restarting engine. temperature exceeds 95° C 1200 0 F)
reduce speed and run vehicle in loose
snow or stop engine immediately.
The dimmer switch, located on left si- WARNING: To remove co t
de of handlebar, allows correct selec- • tank cap, place a cloth oval'
tion of headlamp beam. To obtain high cap and unscrew it to the first step to
or low beam simply depress switch. release the pressure. If this notice is
disregarded loss of fluid and possible
severe bums could occur.
Auto rewind type located on right hand
side of vehicle. To engage mechanism,
pull handle. A pull switch located on the right side
of cab. Attach tether cord to wrist or
A push-pull button located alongside other convenient location then snap
manual starter handle. Pull and push tether cut-out cap over receptacle be-
button (2-3 times) to activate primer. fore starting engine.
The primer should always be used for If emergency engine "shut off" is re-
cold engine starts. After engine is quiTed cornplet~ly pull cap from safety
warm however, it is not necessary to SWitch and engme power will be auto-
use primer when starting. matically shut "off".

The tachometer registers the impulses

NOTE: The cap must be installed
on the safety switch at all times
in order to operate the vehicle. To check fuel level unscrew fuel
tank cap and withdraw orpsucx.
. . . WARNING: If the switch is used
.... in an emergency situation the
source of malfunction should be de-
termined and corrected before restart-
ing engine. Located in the at
the right hand
Push in to lighter pops up au-
·1'£",............. 1·.,..,.. \11\, when lite.

ON ..O FF switch located between the

and the light switch. Place switch
ON and handlebar grips will

the mirror so you can just see

the rear side of your seat in the in-board
of the mirror .
. . . WARNING: This mirror is of the
.... convex type {identified by Its
curved surface} to provide wider vision.
Note that the vehicles or seen
in such a mirror will appear smaller and Located on the ,.. . . o;,-t,,..,,,-, switch
farther away than they really are. harness.

To open lift both handle to disen-

gage latches. Always lift up cab gently
up until stopped by restraining device .
. . . WARNING: It is dangerous to run
.... engine with cab open. Personal
injury could result.

Located under the cab. To access

titt .cab. Ideal location for rope,
etc. Spare plugs can be screwed
on the provided in the box.

With Bombardier-Rotax snowmobile
engines, a break-in period is required
before running the vehicle at full
throttle. Engine's manufacturer recom-
mendation is 10 to 15 operating hours.
During this period, a richer mixture is
needed (i,e. 40 parts of gas for 1 part of
50/1 Bombardier oil). Maximum
throttle should not exced %, however,
brief full acceleration and speed varia-
tions contribute to a good break-in.
Continued wide open throttle accelera-
tions, prolonged cruising speeds, and
lugging are detrimental during the
break-in period.

As with any precision piece of mechan-

ical equipment, we suggest that after
the first 10 hours of operation or 30
days after the purchase, whichever
cernes first, that your vehicle be
checked by your dealer. This inspec-
tion will give you the opportunity to
discuss the unanswered questions you
may have encountered during the first
hours of operation. Remember that it
is easier to remedy at this time than to
allow the snowmobile to operate until
a possible failure occurs.

The 10 hours inspection is at the ex-

pense of the vehicle owner.

'ii,!';;;" &;;; if'l i! Ii :IS; n,,;; '",,' ',; ,s 'b' ,; 'ii 'L,n',;;

<s" ,',h';',,'
Engine timing

Spark plug(s) condition

Carburetor adjustment

Engine head nuts

Engine mount nuts

Muffler attachment

Chain case oil level

Coolant level
rolyte level

Brake operation and lining condition

Skis alignment (runners condition)

Pulley alignment and drive belt condition

Track condition, tension and alignment

Lubricate (steering suspension)

Electrical wiring (loose connections, stripped wires, damaged insulation), tighten all loose
bolts, nuts and linkage

Operation of lighting system (HI / LO beam, brake light, etc.). test operation of emergency
cut-out switch and tether cut-out switch

We recommend thai: you have your dealer sign this inspectiQn.

Date of 10 hour inspection Dealer

WARNING: Never use a lite U.S. Measure
• match or open flame to check 1 can 12 oz oil to 5 U.S. gals::: 50/1
fuel level.
Oil must be added to the gasoline in
pre-measured amounts then both oil
O NOTE: To facilitate fuel mixing
oil should be kept at room tem-
and gasoline should be thoroughly
mixed together before fueling the tank.
To mix the gasoline and oil always use
a separate clean container. Never mix
The correct gasoline is regular gasoline directly in your snowmobile tank. For
(not less than 92 octane), available best results, acquire two containers, ei-
from all service stations. ther plastic or metal. Draw from one
, . CAUTION: Never experiment until empty then use the second one.
... with different fuel or fuel ratios. WARNING: Gasoline is flamma-
Never use low lead or non leaded gaso- • ble and explosive under certain
line, naphtha, methanol or similar conditions. Always perform procedures
products. in a well ventilated area. Do not smoke
or allow open flames or sparks in the
vicinity. If gasoline fumes are noticed
Use concentrated Bombardier snow- while driving, the cause should be de-
mobile oil available from your dealer. termined and corrected without delay.
This type of oil has specially formulated Never add fuel while engine is running.
oil bases to meet the lubrication re- Avoid skin contact with fuel at below
quirements of the Bombardier-Rotax freezing temperatures.
engine. 1. Pour approximately one gallon of
If Bombardier snowmobile oil is un- gasoline into a clean container.
available substitute with a high-quality
2 cycle snowmobile oil. The oil/gas
mix must meet the vehicle requie-
ments. See oil manufacturer recom-
mendations on container.
, . CAUTION: Never use outboard
... or straight mineral oils.

The importance of using the correct

fuel mixture cannot be overstressed.
An incorrect fuel ratio results in serious
engine damage. Recommended fuel
ratio is 50 / 1.
S.L Measure
400 mL oil to 20 liters 50/1
Imperial Measure
1 can 16 oz oil to 5 imp. gals 50 /1

2. Add the full amount of oil.
• Activate the throttle control lever
several tirnes to check that it oper-
ates The throttle
control lever must return to idle
tion when released.
• Check that skis and the track
not frozen to the or snow
surface and that oper-
• Activate the brake control
rnake the brake
fore the control
the handlebar
NOTE: To facilitate fuel
oil should be kept at room tern- (I Check coolant level.
be ern (1 J') below
additional r,'·"'·,lr' .....+
3. Replace container cap and shake
the container thoroughly. wavs t)O 50 (50
water for 50
solution. VVhen
be a solution of
of anti-freeze for 2 parts of water.
See system in stc)ral:J8 .
. . WARNING: Before removing the
. . . cap place a cloth over the coolant
tank and release the cap to the first
step to release the pressure. Loss of
fluid and possibility of severe burns
could occur! if this notice is disre..
garded .
• Check fuel
the remainder of the . . . "',,,,-,.1 ...........
(I that the ahead the
again thoroughly agitate the hide is clear of and
container. Then using a funnel with obstacles.
a fine rnesh screen to prevent the
of water and 'foreign particles, . . WARNING: Only start your
. . . snowmobile once aU "......,..............""'..... n ......'m-,.,
transfer mixture from container into
the snowmobile tank. are checked and functioning nrooertv

a NOTE: When using pre-mixed

fuel, always shake the container
thoroughly as the oil has a to
settle .
. . WARNING: Never 'top up' gas
. . . tan k before placing vehicle in a
warm area" At certain temperatures,
gasoline will expand and overflow.

Upper position I.ower position
before starting to stop engine.
engine. Should the rewind starter rope fray and
break, the engine can be started with
an emergency starter rope.
Remove pulley guard from vehicle and
wind the emergency rop tight around
the drive pulley between the sliding
half and the roller guard. Start engine
as per usual manual starting.
1, Insert key in ignition switch.
WARNING: Do not start the vehi-
2. Test throttle control lever. • cle by the drive pulley unless it is
3, Activate primer (2 or 3 times). Primer a true emergency situation, have the
is not necessary if engine is warm. vehicle repaired as soon as possible.
4. Make sure the tether cut-out cap is
in position and that the cord is at-
tached to your body. Check that the
emergency Gut-out button is in the
released upper position.
5. Turn ignition key clockwise until
starter engages. Release key imme-
diately engine has started. If engine
does not start on first try, key must
be turned fully back to OFF each
WARNING: Do not apply throttle
while starting.
tJ, Check operation of the emergency
cut-out switch, and tether switch.
Restart enoihe. WARNING: When starting the
WARNING: If engine does not vehicle in an emergency situation
shut-off when applying the emer- by the drive pulley, do not make a knot
gency cut-out switch and or when at the end of the emergency rope and
pulling the tether cut-out cap, stop the do not reinstall the pulley guard.
engine by turning off the ignition key.
Do not operate the vehicle further, see
your dealer.
7. Allow the engine to warm before
operating at full throttle.
CAUTION: Since engine cooling
is in effect only when the vehicle
IS In motion, it is recommended that
you do not allow the engine to idle for
more than brief periods. Prolonged
idling may cause engine damage.

O NOTE: If for some reasons, the

vehicle cannot be started elec-
trically, place ignition key to ON posi-
tion and start engine manually.

2. Disengage guard from rear and mid-
dle brackets then
from front bracket. Remove comp-
lete assembly.

Routine maintenance is necessary for . . . WARNING: Never start or fun en-

aU mechanized products, and the . . . gina without drive belt installed.
snowmobile is no exception. A weekly Running an unloaded engine is dan-
vehicle inspection contributes to the gerous.
life span of the snowmobile as well as
retain safe and dependable operation. 1. Tilt cab and remove pulley
it is recommended that the steering Unlock and raise driven pulley sup-
sv~aHrn and suspension, be lubricated port.
monthly or every 40 hours of opera-
tion. If the vehicle is operated in wet
snow or in severe conditions these
items should be lubricated more fre-
A WARNING: Only perform such
. . . procedures as detailed in this
manual. It is recommended that dealer
assistance be periodically obtained on
other components I systems not cov- 2. Open the driven pulley
ered in this manual. Unless otherwise
and pushing the sliding Hold in
specified, engine should be turned OFF
for all lubrication and maintenance fully open position.

A WARNING: Engine should be

. . . running only when pulley guard
is secured in place.

s Tilt cab, unscrew wing nut (A) and

pullout clips (B & C).

3. Slip slackened belt over the top WARNING: Do not lubricate
edge of the sliding half. • throttle and / or brake cable and

Using the spark plug socket, remove

the filler cap then using a rigid wire as
a "dipstick" check oil level. The oil
level on the "dipstick" should be 7.5
to 8.5 cm (3" to 31,h "). Replenish as
necessary. The chaincase oil capacity
is approximately 256 ml (9 oz).

4. Slip the belt out from the drive pul-

ley and remove completely from ve-
hicle. To install drive belt, reverse

Using a low pressure grease gun, lu-

bricate the five (5) idler wheels, with
low temperature grease. Pump 3 to 4
times through the grease fitting lo-
cated on each cap of idler wheel. Wipe
Lubricate ski legs at grease fittings un-
off excess.
til new grease appears at joints. Oil
spring coupler bolts.

The following Maintenance Chart indi-
cates regular schedules to be
Check reservoir oil level frequently.
If replenish oil level using performed you or your
"Castro: OW' or equivalent, dealer. If these services are I"\n:rtnrrnnrt
available from your as suggested, your C'T ...' .....'1l1tY'fl"'lhllfo
ve you many of 1C1V1J-Ci')Sr

) .~~~RotarY
."". procedures as
perform such
in this
manual. It is recommended that dealer
assistance be periodically obtained on
other components / systems not cov-
ered in this manual. Unless otherwise
specified, engine should be turned OFF
for all lubrication and maintenance

Code Weekly
W1 Spark Plugs 14
VJ2 15
Vv3 Condition 15
W4 Track 16
W5 16
W6 Carburetor Adjustment 17
\tV7 Drive Belt 18
W8 Steering Mechanism 18

Code Monthly
Ml 18
M2 19
M3 19
M4 19
M6 Cooling System
M7 Vehicle Inspection 19
Headlamp Adjustment 20

If necessary add distilled water. Battery
connections must also be free of corro-
1. Disconnect spark plug wires and re-
sion. If cleaning is necessary remove
move spark plugs. corrosion using a stiff brush then clean
2. Check condition of plugs. with a solution of baking soda and
lIII A brownish tip reflects ideal condi- water. Rinse and dry well.
tions (correct carburetor adjust- CAUTION: Do not allow cleaning
ment. spark plug heat range, etc.). solution to enter battery. It will
@ A black insulator tip indicates fou- destroy the chemical properties
ling caused by: carburetor idle speed of the electrolyte.
mixture and / or high speed mixture After reconnecting battery coat bat-
too rich, incorrect fuel mixing ratio, tery terminals and connectors with pe-
wrong type of spark plug (heat
troleum jelly to prevent corrosion.
range), or excessive idling.
Check that battery is well secured and
@ A light grey insulator tip indicates a
that battery overflow tube is not bloc-
lean mixture caused by: carburetor ked or kinked.
high speed mixture adjusted too
lean, wrong spark plug heat range, WARNING: Overflow tube must
incorrect fuel mixture ratio, or a be free and open. A kinked 01'
leaking seal or gasket. bent tube will restrict ventilation
Overheated Fouled
and create gas accumulation that
(light grey) (black) could result in an explosion.
Avoid skin contact with electro-
CAUTION: Prior to charging the
battery, always remove it from
the vehicle to prevent electrolyte spill-

CAUTION: If spark plug condi- Visually inspect suspension springs.

tion is not ideal, contact your Replace any weak or broken spring.
dealer. Inspect shoe condition and replace as
3. Reinstali plugs and connect wires.

Check electrolyte level. Electrolyte le-

O NOTE: During normal driving,
snow will act as a lubricant and
coolant for the slider shoes. Extensive
vel must be at upper level line on bat- riding on ice or sanded snow, (not to
tery casing. mention dirt, asphalt, etc. never re-
commended) will create excessive heat
build-up and cause premature slider
shoe wear.

Lift rear of vehicle and support it off
the ground With engine off, rotate
track by hand, and inspect condition. If
worn, cut or the track fiber is exposed
or missing or defective inserts or guides 13 mrn (112")
are noted, contact your dealer.
WARNING: Do not operate a CAUTION: Too much tension
snowmobile with a cut, torn or will result in power loss and ex-
damage trade cessive stresses on suspension com-
If necessary to adjust, loosen ortighten
adjuster bolts located on inner side of
The suspension is adjustable, the front rear idler wheels. If correct tension is
adjustment for surface condition, the
unobtainable, contact your dealer.
rear for driver's weight.
NOTE: Track tension and align-
When the front adjuster blocks are at
ment are inter-related. Do not ad
the lowest elevation more weight is
just one without the other.
distributed on skis. At the highest posi-
tion the weight is transferred from the Start the engine and accelerate slightly
skis to the track. The rear adjuster so that track turns slowly. Check that
blocks should be adjusted to suit the track is well centered I. E. equal distan-
driver's preference. ce on both sides between edges of
track guides and slider shoes.

CAUTiON: Always turn left side

adjuster blocks in a clockwise di-
rection, the right side blocks in a coun-
ter-clockwise direction. Left and right
adjuster blocks of each adjustment
must always be set at the same

Lift rear of vehicle and support with a

mechanical stand. Allow slide to ex-
tend normally. A gap of 13 mm (1/2
inch) should exist between slider shoe
and bottom inside of track.
If track tension is too loose, the track
will have a tendency to thump.

WARNING: Before checking track
alignment, ensure that the track
is free of all particles which could be
thrown out while track is rotating. Keep
hands, tools, feet and clothing dear of
track. Ensure no-one is standing in
close proximity to the vehicle.
To correct, stop engine loosen the rear
idler wheels retaining screws then
loosen the lock nuts and tighten the
adjuster bolt on side where the slider
shoe is the furthest to the track insert
Tighten lock nuts and recheck align- Completely close the air screw (until a
ment. Ensure to retighten the idler slight reseating resistance is felt! then
wheel retaining screws. back off screw: 1 1/2 turn + 1/4 - O.

WARNING: Ensure the engine is

turned Off, prior to the throttle
slide adjustment.
With the throttle cable adjuster jam nut
unlocked, pressthe throttle leveragainst
the handle grip. Unscrew the cable ad-
juster by hand to obtain maximum car-
buretor slide opening. (With the air si-
lencer removed, check with your finger
if the carburetor slide is well seated
against the carburetor top portion).
Then, screw the cable adjuster in two
CAUTION: Never operate your turns in order to nullify any possible
snowmobile with the air intake tension on the throttle cable and tight-
silencer disconnected. Serious engine en the cable adjuster jam nut.
damage will occur if this notice is dis-
The carburetor adjustments are:
Al Air Screw
B) Throttle Slide Adjustment adjuster
C) Idle Speed

WARNING: It is important that
the throttle slide adjustment be
performed to ensure proper functioning Inspect belt for cracks, fraying or ab..
of the throttle mechanism. normal wear (uneven wear, wear on
one side, etc.l. If abnormal wear is
noted, probable cause is pulley mis-
alignment. Contact your dealer. Check
Turn idle speed screw clockwise until it drive belt width, the drive belt width
contacts the throttle slide then conti- should not belessthan30mm (13/16"),
nue turning two (2) additional turns. Wide.
This will provide a preliminary idle
speed setting. Start engine and allow it
to warm then adjust idle speed to 1500 O NOTE: When installing a new
drive belt, a break-in period of 15
25 km (10-15 miles) is strongly recorn-
1800 H.PM. by turning idle speed screw
clockwise or counter-clockwise. mended.
CAUTION: Do not attempt to set
the iddle speed by using the air
screw. Severe engine damage can oc- Inspect steering mechanism for tight-
cur. if iddls speed is unobtainable con- ness of components (steering arms, tie
tact your authorized dealer. rods, ball joints, spring coupler bolts,
etc.l. If necessary, replace orretighten.
Check condition of skis and ski runners.
Replace if worn.
At cold temperature and/or when the
vehicle is operated in powdered snow,
the air intake silencer elbow must be
turned toward the rear of the vehicle. The brake mechanism is self-adjusting,
The elbow may be turned to the front therefore, periodic adjustment is not
of the vehicle only when the vehicle is required. However, check operation of
operated at warm temperature. brake mechanism by depressing brake
control lever. Brake should apply fully
Front of vehicle when lever is 13 mm (1/2 in.) approx.
from handlebar grip. If not, do not
tamper with the brake, contact your
servicing dealer.
WARNING: Brake linings less
than 3 mm (1/8") must be replac-
ed. Replacement must be performed
by an authorized dealer.

temperature Warm
and/or temperature
powdered snow

CAUTION: Never operate your

snowmobile with the air silencer
box disconnected. Serious engine
damage will occur if this notice is dis-

Skis should have a toe out of 3 rnrn (1/8 After the first 5 hours of operation,
in.). To check, measure distance be- check that engine head nuts are tight
tween each ski at front and rear of leaf and equally torqued 39 N"m {28 ft-Ibsl
springs. The front distance should be 3 when engine is cold.
mm (1/8 in.) more than the rear when
the handlebar is horizontal.
IMPORTANT: Close front of skis ma- Check engine mount nuts for tightness.
nually to take all slack from steering Retighten if necessary.

The engine/muffler attaching parts are

vital toward efficient muffler function.
Check all attachments. Replacesprings
and/ or tighten if necessary.
3 mm {1!B in.I
CAUTION: Do not operate vehicle
with muffler disconnected other
wise serious engine damage will OCCur.

Place a cloth over the coolant tank cap

11 adjustment is required: and release it to the first step to check
Unscrew the nuts locking the tie rods that the cap pressurizes the system. If
in place. Turn one or both tie rods until not, install a new 13 Ib cap. Do not ex-
skis are parallel to each other. Then, ceed the 13 lb. pressure. Using an hy-
measuring at front of leaf springs, add drometer check that the antifreeze so-
an additional 1.6 mm (1/16 in.) on each lution is strong enough for the temper-
side by rotating turnbuckles. Tighten ature in which the vehicle is operated.
the nuts firmly against the tie rod.
Check tightness of the steering arm
locking bolts, ball joints wear, etc. Check electrical wiring and compo-
WARNING: The ball joint socket nents, retighten loose connections.
must run parallel with the steering Check for stripped wires or damaged
arm. The socket must be restrained insulation. Thorouqhlv inspect the ve·
when tightening the tie rod end lock hicle and tighten loose bolts, nuts and
nuts. Ensure at least half of the ball linkage. Inspect skis and ski runners for
joint threads are inserted into the tie wear.
rod. CAUTION: When replacing bolts,
nuts, wires, etc., use only genu
ine Bombardier parts or equivalent be-
ing the same type and having the same
construction and resistance.

The angle of the headlamp beam has
been pre-adjusted prior to delivery.
Should you wish re--adjustment, place
vehicle on a flat surface 7.6 m (25')
from a wall or screen.

Storage of the snowmobile during long

periods of inactivity consists of check-
Headlamp horizontal
ing and replacing missing, broken or
center line worn parts proper Iubrication and treat ..
merits to insure that parts do not be-
_ ~_.......::...-" tL..__~ come rusted; cleaning items such as car-
C;~ 1.6m (25ft) buretor of oil mixtures, to prevent gum
varnish formation within the carburet-
~ or, and in general, preparing the vehicle
so that when the time comes to use the
With the suspension correctly adjusted, snowmobile again it will start and be in
the rider seated on the vehicle and the top condition.
high beam ON. Check that the center WARNING: Only perform such
of high intensity zone of high beam is procedures as detailed in this
50 mm (2") below horizontal line of manual. It is recommended that dealer
headlarnp height. assistance be periodically obtained on
other components/systems not cover-
Headlamp ed in this manual. Unless otherwise
horizontal specified. engine should be turned
center line OFF for all lubrication and maintenance
-'-------,(I.,J..,£.,,4J.,L.,4-Ar--------...- L

Center line
intensity lone
To drain the cooling system, remove
To adjust, remove headlamp chrome the coolant tank cap and disconnect
ring, turn upper or lower adjusting the by-pass hose from the engine head
screws to obtain desired beam position. fitting. Keep the fitting blocked and the
by-pass hose as low as possible to drain
the system.
If headlamp is burnt, tilt cab. Unplug
connector from headlamp. Remove
rubber boot and unfasten bulb retainer
clips. Detach bulb and replace. If tail-
light bulb is burnt, expose bulb by re-
moving red plastic lens. To remove,
unscrew the two (2) Phillips head
screws. Verify all lights after replace-
hose fitting

However, to completely drain the sys-
tem, it is necessary to blow into the
tank through the vent tube, while
blocking the filler neck with one hand
to prevent air leak.

Reconnect by-pass hose and continue

to pour the liquid in the coolant tank
until the coolant level reaches 25 mm
(1") below filler neck.

Reinstall tank cap and start engine; let

engine run untlt it reaches its operating
temperature and thermostat opens. AI
lowit to run a few minutes more. Stop
engine and check coolant level; refill as
necessary .
WARNiNG: Before removing the
CAUTION: To prevent rust for- • cap place a cloth over the coolant
mation in the cooling system, al- tank and release the cap to the first
ways. replenish the system with the step to release the pressure. Loss of
recommended solution (60% anti- fluid and possibility of severe burns
freeze 40% water). could occur, if this notice is dlsre-
To refill the cooling system, disconnect
by~pass hose and keep it near fitting on
cylinder head; refill tank and blow into Inspect track for cuts, missing track in"
It through the vent tube while main- serts and/or guides and broken rods.
taining the hand over the filler neck un- Make any necessary replacement. Lift
til the liquid comes out at the by-pass rear of vehicle until track is clear of
hose and the fittinq on cylinder head. ground then support with brace or
trestle. The snowmobile should be
O NOTE: Ensure to maintain a cer-
tain coolant level in the tank while
performing this procedure.
stored in such a way that track does
not stay in contact with cement floor
or bare ground.

O NOTE: The track should be rota-
ted periodically, (every 40 days).
Do not release track tension.
CAUTION: To prevent track dam-
age, temperature in the storage
area must not exceed 38°C (100°F).

Remove any dirt or rust. Grease idler

wheels at grease fittings. Wipe off sur-
plus. Replace worn slider shoes.
Reinstall plug and connect fuel line.

Wash or brush all dirt or rust accumu-

lation from skis and springs. Grease ski Engine internal parts must be lubricated
legs at grease fittings. Check condition to protect cylinder walls from possible
of skis, ski runners and leaf springs. rust formation during the storage
Replace if worn or weak. period.

O NOTE: This operation should be

repeated every 40 days during
Remove spark plugs. Operate rewind
starter to bring piston at top position.
Pour the equivalent of one spoonful of
oil into spark plug hole.
Apply metal protector on ski assembly.
If unavailable, wipe the entire ski with
cloth soaked in oil to prevent rust for-

Hernove cap then using a syphon, re-

move gasoline from tank.
WARNING: Gasoline is flamma-
ble and explosive under certain
conditions. Always perform proce-
dures in a well ventilated area. Do not
smoke or allow open flames or sparks
in the vicinity. Slowly crank engine several times using
manual starter. Repeat above steps for
other cylinder. Install spark plugs.
The carburetor must be dried out com- CAUTION: To prevent ignition
pletely to prevent gum formation during system damage, make sure that
the storage period. the cut-out button is in the lower posi-
Assure that carburetor inlet fuel line is tion.
disconnected. Remove plug of the float
chamber. Drain carburetor.

Coat battery terminals with petroleum
jelly and store unit in a cool, dry place.
Inspection and cleaning must be per-
formed by the dealer at the end of each IMPORTANT: Lack of preventive main-
season. tenance could void battery warranty.

Drain the chaincase completely and re- Clean the vehicle thoroughly, removing
fill to proper level using fresh chaincase all dirt and grease accumulation.
oil. To drain, remove chaincase cover. _ CAUTION: Plastic alloy cornpo-
" nents such as throttle and brake
control handles, windshield, etc., can
Lubricate steering mechanism. Inspect be cleaned using mild detergents or
components for tightness, (spring isopropyl alcohol. Do not use strong
coupler bolts, steering arm locking soaps, degreasing solvents, abrasive
bolts, tie rods, ball joints, etc.l. Tighten cleaners, paint thinners, gasoline, etc.
if necessary. Oil moving joints of brake Inspect cab and repair damage. Clean
mechanism. frame with "Aluminum cleaner" and
WARNING: Do not lubricate follow instructions on container.
• throttle and/or brake cables hous Touch up all metal spots where paint
ings. Avoid getting oil on brake linings. has been scratched off. Spray all bare
Coat electrical connections and metal parts of vehicle with metal pro-
switches with a greaseless metal pro- tector. Wax the cab for better protec-
tector. If unavailable, use petroleum tion.
a NOTE: Apply wax on glossy fin-
ish of cab only. Protect the vehi
cle with a clean cover to prevent dust
Remove battery from vehicle and clean accumulation during storage.
outside surface of battery with solution _ CAUTION: If for some reason the
of baking soda and water. Remove all " snowmobile has to be stored out
deposits from posts then rinse with side it is necessary to cover it with an
clear tap water. opaque tarpaulin. This caution will pre-
_ CAUTION: Do not allow cleaning vent the sun rays affecting the plastic
" solution to enter battery interior components and the vehicle finish.
since it will destroy the electrolyte.
Check electrolyte level. Refill if neces-
sary with distilled water. Fully charge Check electrical wiring and compo-
battery. (A stored battery should be re-- nents, retighten loose connections.
charged at least every 40 days). Check for stripped wires or damage in-
_ CAUTION: Prior to charging the sulation.
" battery, always remove itfrom the Thoroughly inspect the vehicle and
vehicle to prevent electrolyte spillage. tighten loose bolts, nuts and linkage .
WARNING: Gases given off by a
• battery being charged are highly
explosive. Always charge in a well ven-
tilated area. Keep battery away from
cigarettes or open flames. Avoid skin
contact with electrolyte.

Snow is falling and you are now antici-
pating the next snowmobile safari. If
you have observed and adhered to the To be performed by dealer •
storage procedures outlined in this ma- To be performed by owner 0
nual, your vehicle preparation become Change spark plugs 0
a relatively easy task.
Check chaincase oil level 0
To simplify the pre-season preparation Check drive pulley condition
we have drawn up a small chart. The and clean
chart indicates servicing points to be Check ski alignment I ski runners
performed by you and your servicing
Replace fuel filter 0
dealer. If these services are performed
as suggested, your vehicle will give you
Connect fuel lines and check at-
many hours of fun and low cost use. taching points ._._____ 0
Check track condition, tension
IMPORTANT: Observe all Warnings and alignment
and Cautions mentioned throughout Lubricate suspension 0
this manual which are pertinent to the Inspect drive belt and install 0
item being checked. When component Check throttle cable for damage and

conditions seem less than satisfactory, free operation 0
replace with genuine Bombardier parts Inspect brake condition and operation 0
or approved equivalents.
Inspect oil seals for possible cuts or
Test battery, clean and install
Set engine timing, if necessary, repla-
ce breaker points •
Check coolant level and condition •
Check electrical wiring (broken wire,
damaged insulation) 0
Inspect condition of starting rope 0
Check tightness of all bolts, nuts and

Adjust carburetor
Check oil level rotary valve


Engine lacks accelera- 1. Fouled or defective spark plug Check item 2 of "Engine turns OVllr but tails
tion or power tostart orstarts with difficulty".

2. Clogged fuel line (water or Check tuel line condition. ISee Item 5 of"En-
dirt) gine turns over but tails tostert orstarts with

3. Carburetor Readjust the carburetor. (See Mainteoonca

ssctionl If trouble persists, contact yoordaaler.

4. Faulty ignition first check item 2and 3 at"Engine turns aver

but teils to start or starts with difficulty". If
the ignition system still seems faulty, contllet
your dealer.

5. Engine Ifunable tolocate specific syOlptoms,

your dealer.

Enginecontinually 1. Faultyspark plug Check item 2 of"Engine turos over but

backfires start orsterts with difficulty".

2. Overheated Cerburetor settoo lean. Contact your dealer.

Replenish coolant level. Check for restricted
or leeking hose lor gasketl, replace as re-
quired. Air incooling system, bleed the system.
Engine coolant pump inoperative, see your

3. Enginetiming incorrectly set Contact your dealer.

Snowmobile cannot 1. Drivebelt Cheel< for damaged orworn drive belt Replace
reach fullspeed illlllCOOS6lY.

2. Incorrect track adjustment Check track tension end alignment Readjust to


3. Faultyengine Check item 1 to 5of "Engine lacks eee

or power",

4. Pulleymisaligned Contacl your dealec


Engine turns over but 1. No fuel to the engine Check the tank level and fill up with correct
fails to start or starts gas·oil mixture. Check lor possible clogging of
with difficulty fuel, item 5.

2. Spark plug Check for fouled or defective spark plug. [)is-

connect spark plug wire, unscrew plug end
remove from cylinder head. Reconnect wire
and ground exposed plug on engine, being
careful to hold away from spark plug hole.
Follow engine starting procedure and check for
spark. if no sparks appear, replace spark plug,
If trouble persists, check item 3.

3. Faulty ignition Disconnect spark plug wire from plug, unscrew

the spark plug cap then hold wire about
3 mm I Ys"! from the cylinder head. Follow en-
gine starting procedure and if no sparks
appear, it means a faulty ignition system. 00
not attempt to repair. Contact your deaier.

4, Rooded engine Remove wet spark piugs, rum ignitioo to OrF

and crank engioe several times. Install clean
dry spark piugs. Start engine following usual
starting procedure. If engine continues to flood,
see your dealer.

5. Clogged fuel line (water or Change dilter cartridge. Check condition and
dirt) connections of fuel lines. Check the cleanliness
offuel tank.

6. Faulty carburetor First make primery adjustments on earburs-

tors. (See Maintenence Section!. If carbure-
tors are still faulty, contact your dealer for

7. Too much oil in fuel Drain the fuel tank and refill with the correct
gas!oil mixture.

8. Engine timing Engine timing may be dofective or out of

adjustment. Contact your dealer.

9. Poor engine compression Running with a lean fuel mixture may produce
excessive engine wear resulting inpoor engine
compression. If this occurs, contact your dealer

Engine will not turn 1. Seized engine In the case of seized engine contact your
manually dealer. Seizure isa direct result ofpoor lubiee·
tion or use of mpropsr type of oil. incorrect
fuel!oil ratio.

As standard equipment each new
snowmobile is supplied with a basic
tool kit such as screwdriver, wrenches,
emergency starter rope, etc ...

:::::== ===~ 0

A. Screwdriver E. Starter rope

B. Socket 10/ 13 rnm F. Socket 17 / 21 mrn
C. Open end wrench 10/ 13 mm G. Suspension adjustment key
D. Socket wrench handle

No. of cylinders 2
Bore 69.5 mm (2:736 in.)
Stroke 57.5 mm (2.264 in.)
Displacement 436.3 em-' (26.6 In. 3 )
Compression ratio (corrected) 6.7
Carburetor type Mikuni VM 34-150
Carburetor adjustment:
- air screw 1 112 turn out+ 1/4 - 0
- idle speed 1500-1800 A.P.M.
Engine head nuts (torque) 39 N.m (28 ft-lbs)
Cooling system - S.I.* 4.26 liters
capacity -- Imp. 150 ounces
- U.S. 144 ounces
Thermostat 110°F
Radiator pressure cap 131bs
Overall length 268.6 cm (105314 in.)
Overall width 92.1 cm (36 1/4 in.)
Overall height 104.1 cm (41 in.)
Ski stance (center to center) 71.2 ern (28 ln.)
Ski alignment (toe out) 3 mm (118")
Weight 215.5 kg (475 tbs]
Bearing area 8710 cm 2 11350 in. 2 )
Ground pressure 2.456 kPa (.352 Ib-in. 2 )
Track dimensions 41.9 cm (16 112") x 314.9 em \124")
Track tension 13 mm (112") gap that should exist between slide shoe and
bottom inside of track
Track alignment Equal distance between edges of track guides and slider
Std. gear ratio 20/34
Chaincase oil capacity 256 mL (9 oz.)
Drive belt (minimum width) 3 cm (1 3116")

Lighting system (output) 12 volts, 140 watts
Headlamp bulb 45/45 W
Tail/stop light 5/21 W
Spark plug (Bosch) (normal use) W-260-MZ-2
(severe use) W-280-MZ-2
Spark plug (gap) 0.50 mm L020")
Breaker points (gap) 0.35-0.45 mm (,014-.018 in.)
Advanced ignition timing (B.T.D.C.) 2.25-2.45 mm (0.088-0.096")
Tank - 5.1.* 27.3 liters
capacity -Imp. 6 gals
- U.S. 7.2 gals
Gasoline Regular
Gas/oil ratio 50/1
Brake type Disc, self-adjusting
Brake adjustment (control lever) 13 mm (112") minimum distance from handlebar grip when
fully applied
Brake lining (minimum thickness) 3 mm (118")
"International System
Bombardier [knited reserves the right to make changes in design and specifications and/or to make additions [0, orimprovemllllts in its
moduc: withollt imposing any obligation lipan itselftoinslall them on itsproduct previollsly msnuteasre:

The main components of your snow-
mobile (engine, track and frame) are
identified by different serial numbers.
It may sometimes become necessary
to locate these numbers for warranty
purposes or to trace your snowmobile
in the event of theft.




O NOTE: We strongly recommend that you take note of all the serial numbers
on your vehicle and supply them to your insurance company. It will surely help
in the event a snowmobile is stolen.

BOMBARDIER Limited as manufacturer, warrants FROM THE DATE OF FIRST
CONSUMER SALE, every 1979 Ski-Doo 1\) snowmobile, sold as NEW AND UN-
USED, by an authorized SKI-DOO dealer, subject to the following limitations and
conditions, for a period of:
~ two (2) seasons maximum for models:
Elan®, Olvmpique", Citation", Everest» Elitee.
~ Warranty STARTS on the date of sale to the first consumer and ENDS the
SECOND APRIL 30TH following the date warranty coverage started.
~ Ninety (90) consecutive days for the following models:
Blizzarde 5500-7500-9500 and Alpinee subiect to the following:
1. When a sale is made after MARCH 31ST of a given year but before THE 1ST
DAY OF DECEMBER of the same year, the warranty will start on DECEMBER
1ST following the date of sale.
2. When a sale is made on / or after JANUARY 2ND of a given year, the unused
portion of the 90 days warranty as of MARCH 31 ST, of that year will be carried
over to the next season, beginning the 1ST DAY OF DECEMBER.
Any 1919 model not listed above is not warranted.

BOMBARDIER will repair and / or replace, at its option, components defective in

material and / or workmanship (under normal use and service.) with a genuino
BOM BAR 01ER component without charge for parts or labour at any authorized
SKI·DOO dealer during said warranty period.

ntems and components:

Any of the following expendable items and / or components that are damaged or
worn due to normal use: variable speed drive belt, windshield, filters, ignition
breaker points, condensers, spark plugs, light bulbs, protective lenses, brake lin-
ings, ski runner shoes, slider shoes on suspension and variable speed pulleys,
labels, soft trim, appearance items, lubricants and paints and all tune-ups and ad-
justments required, seized, melted or holed piston.
Also excludad are:
~ Damage resulting from installation of parts other than genuine BOMBARDIER
• Damage caused by failure to provide proper maintenance as detailed in the
Operator Manual supplied with each SKI-DOO snowmobile. The labour, parts
and lubricants cost of all maintenance services, including tune-ups and adjust-
ments will be charged to the owner.
• Damage resulting from improper servicing or adjustment of the drive pulley as-
sembly. The drive pulley assembly is factory sealed, and can only be serviced by
an authorized SKI-DOO dealer.
• Vehicles used for racing purposes.
~ Vehicles used for rental or other business purposes.
• All optional accessories installed on the vehicle.
(The normal warranty policy for parts and accessories if any, applies).

a Damage resulting from operation of the snowmobile on surfaces other than
a Damage resulting from accident, fire or other casualty, misuse, abuse or
a Damage resulting from modification to the snowmobile not approved in writing
a Losses incurred by the snowmobile owner other than parts and labour, such as,
but not limited to, transportation, towing, telephone calls, taxis, or any other in-
cidental or consequential damages.
Some states or provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply.

Present, to the servicing dealer, the hard copy of the SKI-DOO Customer Regis-
tration card given by the selling dealer at time of purchase.

This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other legal rights
which may vary from state to state, or province to province.
Where applicable this warranty is expressly in lieu of ali other expressed or im-
plied warranties of BOMBARDIER, its distributors and the selling dealer, including
any warranty of merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose; otherwise the
implied warranty is limited to the duration of this warranty. However, some states
or provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the
above limitation may not apply.
Neither the distributor, the selling dealer, nor any other person has been authorized
to make any affirmation, representation or warranty other than those contained in
this warranty, and if made, such affirmation, representation or warranty shall not
be enforceable against BOMBARDIER or any other person.

If 8 servicing problem or other difficulty occurs, we suggest the following:

1. Try to resolve the problem at the dealership with the Service Manager or Owner.
2. If this fails, contact your area distributor listed in the operator manual.
3. Then if your grievance still remains unsolved, you may write to us:
Bombardier limited
Customer Relations Dept.
Recreational Product Group
Valcourt, Quebec, Canada, JOEZLO
Bombardier limited reHrves the right to modify its warranty policy at any
time, being understood that such modification win not alter the warranty
oonditions applicable to vehicles sold while the above warranty is in effect.
Valcourt, Ouebec, Canada, JOE2LO
"Trademark of Bombardier limited
Registered Trademark of Bombardier Limited

Q: Why must my snowmobile be registered? After alii do have my original
invoice as proof of when I purchased my snowmobile.

A: The information provided by the Customer Warranty Registration card is

computerized, and all warranty claims thereafter, are processed by the computer.
Without this valuable information on the Warranty Registration Card, we cannot
acknowledge warranty or notify owners ofa possible recall.

Q: How do I know my vehicle has been registered at the factory?

A. When you bought your snowmobile the dealer should have completed, signed
and forwarded us the manufacturer's copy of the Customer Warranty Regis-
tration. The hard copy of the card is your proof that the snowmobile is registered


Model No.lNQ du Mod~/e Sem~j No.lND dJ1s€ne Engine Ser , No./No Sb. du MO(mJf Track Ser. No.lNo set. Chen.
Dealer's Name
[ =:1" [,
OISlnhutOf CO(h~,
I =:J "I
Dearer Code!

Date of Sale!
: : :J
Nom au Cancesssonneire au
Code distritnu, COdlf du conCf:$5. Date de lit venu

I{ ...J.-.l 1! ,_"--'--'- t I !I0 I! I I!. I , 1=:1


Q: If I sell my snowmobile within the warranty period, will the new owner qualify
for the balance of the warranty?

A: Yes, provided the unit has already been registered with the manufacturer.

0: I bought my snowmobile in O'King County but I snowmobile in Washington
County. Can the dealer in Washington County accept to perform warranty
work on my snowmobile?

A: Yes, any authorized dealer in North America can perform warranty repairs,
providing the customer werrentv reqistretion card is presented

Q: Manufacturer does not accept warranty work on seized, scored or melted

pistons, why?

A: From testing and experience, we know that such piston failures can only be
caused by detonation orpre-ignition, which are directly related to the fol/owing
lac tors and therefore, are beyond the manufacturer's control.
Lean carburetor settings.
Use of no-lead or low-lead gasoline or use of regular gasoline when premium
is recommended.
Incorrect oil / gas mixture (too little or too much oil).
Poor quality, outboard or straight mineral otis.
Removal of intake silencer.
Retarded or advanced ignition timing.
Hot spark plug(s) (improper heat rangeJ.

0: Where can I find information on the lubrication and maintenance of my


A: In the Operator Manual provided with the vehicle at the time of first sale.

Q: As I read through the warranty, I find that expendable items are not covered.
What are some examples of expendable items?

A: Expendable items are those subject to wear and tear through normal use. To
list a few, light bulbs, spark plugs, brake linings, belts, suspension and ski runner
shoes, etc ...

our product you will receive:
SERVICE - from the product itself
SERVICE - from the dealer who sells the product
If, however, the service or product is unsatisfactory,

Return to your dealer's service department and discuss the details

of the problem with the manager. He is in a position to help you with
all maintenance and service needs. If the matter cannot be resolved,
he may want to bring the sales manager or the general manager into

If the dealer cannot solve the situation.

Write to your nearest area distributor.

• Vehicle identification number.
• Date of purchase.
@ Name and address of your selling dealer.
@ Your name, address and phone number.
@ The specific problem.

The matter will receive immediate attention from the distributor's service de-

If at this point your grievance still remains unresolved, contact

Bombardier limited,
Valcourt, P.O. JOE 210
AU'n Customer relations
Provide all necessary details (including names of persons previously
contacted), Your problem will be reviewed and instructions will be
provided to the persons responsible for product service in your area
or we may contact you directly.

3206 -- 28th Street 1048 Whitnev Road
PO. Box 159 P.O Box 3338 .
VArnon, British Columbia Anchorage, Alaska 99501
V1T6M2 19071274·9513·14·15
16041545·1314 Alaska
British Columbia
Eastern Canada Distribution DIvision Malone, New York
Atlantic Branch 1518) 483·4411
P.O. Box 670 Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey.
Shediec. New Brunswick, EOA3GO New York. Pennsylvania, Rhoda Island, District of Columbia
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. Prince Edward Island,
10 North Main Street
BOMBARDIER LIMITED Lancaster, New Hampshire 03584
Eastern Canada Distribution Division 1603) 188·4738
Quebec Brandl Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont
Valcourt, Quebec, JOE2LO
Quebec, Eastern Ontario 4505 West Superior Street
P.O. Box 6106
BOMB,~RDIER LIMITED Duluth, Minnesota 55806
Eastern Canada Distribution Division 121B! 628-2881
Ontario Branch North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa,
28 Currie Street Illinois. Missouri, Michigan, Indiana. Ohio, Tennessee,
Barrie, Ontario, L4M 452 Kentucky, West Virginia
17051 728·8600
Ontario, IeM Eastern of Ontario BOMBARDIER WEST INC
609 West Broadway
BROOKS EOUIPMENT ldaho Foils, Idaho 83401
1616 Kmg Edwaid Street (2OBI523·6870
P.O. Box 985 Ca~fomja, Nevada, MQ~tana;1dahf:., Wyoming, Utah, Colorado,
V'Jinnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 2V8 New Mexico, Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, Washington, Oregon
Manitoba. Saskatchewan


165 Hvrnus Boulevard
Pcinte-CtaaeOuebec. M4W lAS
Ih14! 597·6600
North-West: Territories, Franklin District & Keewatin BOMBARDIER·ROTAX GrnhH
Vienna Branch, P.O. Box 86
JW. RANDALL LTD Donautetoersrrasse 73~ 79
P.O. Box 757 1210 Vienna
West Street Austria
Corner Brook, Newfoundland, t\2H 6G7
17001634·3533 COl.BJOBNSEN & CO. A I S
Newfoundland, Labrador P.O. Box 80, 1341 Bekksstua
14325, 114th Avenue KY LAATUVAUNU
Edmonton, Alberta, T5f\A 2Y8 ltalahdenkatu 25
1403J 4h2·9910 SF·0021OHelsinki 21
Alberta, Diet. McKenzie, Yukon, N.W,T. Finland

BOX 191
S901 - 10, Umea

. _ - - - - - - - - - - - -..._ ------_._---


._---_._-_...., ,------


-----.._ - - - - - - - - - -

. _ - - - - . ------
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ..._ - - -


Any change in address or ownership should be brought to the attention of the
manufacturer by completing and sending out the card supplied below. This
will help us to maintain our files up-to-date.

: -----_.

I !\tAME

I The ownership of this vehicle is transferred
I FROM: . , _
I TO: , ,





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